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rae201s Making Pretty Graphs » Loren on the At of MATLAB Making Pretty Graphs. ‘Today koto inroaice a quest blogger. dro Dake (npr mathworks.comimatabcentalleexcnangefoadAuthor do? bjectType=autorkobjecté=1084142) (oma Jo Doke (mail, who is an applicatons engineer herwat Tre MathWorks Ho used MATLABIn his ile pore The Matos, and one ofhisintrests is data visualization Contents ond Data ‘Adjust Line Properios (Functional) AdjustLine Properties (Esthetics) ‘Ade Lagond and Labels Adjust Font and Axos Proportos Export te EPS Postrocess bhi graduate work, used MATLAB extensively for doing analysis and vieulizaton. Oem Bmes, the plots that ronied were used fr my publications, was then when lated o explore te Next of Handle Graphs to cvlomiza MATLAB plo in oder ta ereatepublcalon-qualty ‘raphe, Umatly, twas able to use MATLAS almost exclusively for my po Letme walk you tough the step-by-step process of how Idi my using some fabricated ta, bul Be pot i very similar lo the ones generates ‘ormy research Load Data First you might download the data (nipstblogs matworks.comimagestoran/ Sida mat, toad data Create Basic Plot Figure(‘Units", ‘pixels', "position’, [180 109502 375])s hold on; nit = Line(xfit , yt 5 He = errorbar(xdata.m, ydate_m, ydata_s)s hosta = Line(wwdsta, yvdata ); hodel = Line(xmodel, ymodel }; hc1(a) = Line(xmodel, ymodelL) ; nCI(2) = Line(xmodel, ymodel¥) ; hpaologs matworks.coneren2007112" making praty-

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