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9.1.3 Governors for Hydraulic Turbines The basic function of a govemor is to control speed andor load. The genent principles of loadifrequency control will be described in Chapter 11. Here, we discuss the special requirements of governing hydraulic turbines, their physical realization ard modelling in system studies. The primary speed/load control function involves feeding back speed error 19 ‘control the gate position. In order to ensure satisfactory and stable parallel operation of mubiple units, the speed governor is provided with a droop characteristic. The purpose of the droop is to ensure equitable load sharing between generating units (see ‘Chapter 11, Section 11.1.1). Typically, the steady-state droop is set at about 5%, such that a speed deviation of 5% causes 100% change in gate pesition or power ourpus this corresponds to a gain of 20, For a hydro turbine, however, such a governor with a simple steady-state droop characteristic would be unsatisfactory. This is illustrated in the following examele. Requirement for a transient droop As discussed in Section 9.1.1, hydro turbines have a pectiiar response due iy water inertia: a change in gate position produces an inital turbine power change whey is opposite to that sought. For stable control performance, a large transient (temporay droop with a long resetting time is therefore required. This is accomplished by ihe provision of a rate feedback or transient gain reduction compensation e$ shove jy Figure 9.8. The rate feedback retards or limits the gate movement until the water flow and power output have time to catch up. The resuit is a govemor which exhibits a high droop (low gain) for fast speed deviations, and the normal low éroop (high asin) i the steady state. Example 9.3 illustrates the effect of the transient droop compensat on the stability characteristics of the governing system. Speed we Servomotor 8 R permanent droop temporary droop Compensation Tp = reset time te tr iss, Figure 9.8 Govemor with transient droop compensation Mechanical-hydraulic governor On older units the goveming function is realized using mechanical and hydraulic components. Figure 9.9 shows a simplified schematic of a mechanical- hydraulic governor. Speed sensing, permanent droop feedback, and computing functions are achieved through mechanical components; functions involving highet power are achieved through hydraulic components. A dashpot is used to provide transient droop compensation. A bypass arrangement is usually provided 10 diseble the dashpot if so desired The transfer function of the relay valve and gate servomotor is 8% (937) ‘The transfer function of the pilot valve and pilot servo is Ky (038) ransent drop adjuster ‘Neste valve —Relay valve Gute servomotor Figure 9.9 Schematic of a mechanical-hydraulic governor for a hydro turbine where K, is determined by the feedback lever ratio, and 7, by port areas of the pilot valve and K, [9]. Combining Equations 9.37 and 9.38 yields s. KiR | K (0.39) b s(l+st,) s(+sT,) wiere K, is the servo gein and Tp is the pilot valve/servomotor time constant. The sevo gain K, is determined by the pilot valve feedback lever ratio. “Assuming that the dashpo! fluid flow through the needle valve is proportional to the dashpot pressure, the dashpot transfer function is s1, a. ae (0.40) 2 +5 Tie temporary droop R; is determined by the lever ratio, and the reset or washout time Ty is determined by the needle valve setting Water is not a very compressible fluid: if the gate is closed too rapidly, the reuulting pressure could burst the penstock. Consequently. the gate movement is rate limited. Often, the rate of gate movement is limited even further in the buffer region ew full closure to provide cushioning. A block diagram representation of the governing system suitable for system Stbility studies is shown in Figure 9.10. This diagram together with the diagram of Max. gate peas TEINS — Ramen postion band servomotor £ = T La FTiestap | ma J Gate ew servomotor R Permanent droop Ti Rte TT +sT; <7 Transient droop Parameters: ‘Sample data T,, = pilot valve and 0.05 5 servomotor time constant K, = servo gain 5.0 T,, = main servo time constant 02s R, = permanent droop 0.04 R, = temporary droop oO Tr = reset time 5.05 Constraints: Maximum gate position limit = 10 Minimum gate position limit = 0 Racopn = Maximum gate opening rate 0.16 puis Racine ~ Maximum gate closing rate 0.16 pws Rnartuy ~ Maximum gate closing rate 0.04 pws in buffered region Buy = buffered region in pu of 0.08 pu ‘servametor stroke Figure 9.10 Model of governors for hydraulic turbines gue 9.7 provides a complete model of the hydraulic turbine and speed-governing ‘em _ 9 5e governor model shown in Figure 9.10 has provision for representing the effects of dead bands. However, it is usually difficult to get data that identify their itudes and locations. Consequently, dead-band effects are not usually modelled jn system studies,

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