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Study Guide Chapters 7

SEC 7-1 Ion Formation p.206

1. What is a chemical bond?
The force that holds two atoms together
2. What is an ionic bond?
A bond produced by the exchange of electrons; meaning a positively charged ion is
attracted to a negatively charged ion.
3. How do ionic bonds form?
The outershell or valence electron of a metal ion is given/lent to a non-metal ion
which is eager to attract/receive/borrow electrons.
4. A compound that is composed of ions is called...
Ionic compound
5. ionic compounds form in specific patterns called?
Crystal lattice. The shape of the crystal is dependent on the ratio of electrons
transferred from the metal to the non-metal.
6. Ionic compounds have several properties
High melting points = strong bonds
Brittle because they shatter easily
If dissolved in water, ionic solutions become good conductors of electricity
If not in water they do not conduct electricity because the ions are held firmly.
7. Ionic compounds produce energy. When energy is given off the process is called?
Exothermic reaction
8. When energy is absorbed in ionic compounds the reaction produced is
9. What is lattice energy?
Energy required to separate a mole of the ions in an ionic bond
10. Lattice energy is directly related to the size of the ions and the charge of the ion.
11. The value of lattice energy is also affected by the charge of the ion. The larger the
positive or negative charges the greater the lattice energy.
12. Elements form the representative groups (1,2, 13 to 18) tend to __GAIN_ or
__LOSE__ electrons to reach the _NOBLE GAS CONFIGURATION.
13. Attempting to reach the noble gas configuration atoms tend to gain, lose, or share
electrons in order to acquire full shells. This statement is also known as the

14. Lewis dot diagrams are representation of the atoms _VALENCE_ electrons. When
drawing a dot diagram no more than 2 electrons are placed in any side of the
chemical symbol.
15. Draw the Lewis dot configuration for each of the top element of all the
representative groups.

16. Types of ions

If positive is called cation.
If negative is called anion.
17. Monoatomic ions (mono =1; atomic = atom; ion= element with charge) can be a
metal or non-metal. If metal, the monoatomic cation is written with a ____+____
sign and a superscript indicating the number of __electrons_ that the atoms can
lend or give away. If non-metal the monoatomic anion is written with a _(-) sign
and a superscript number indicating the number of __electrons__ the atom can
borrow or receive to complete its last shell.
18. To name a monoatomic anion replace the suffix of the element with the suffix -ide
19. Polyatomic ions (poly = many; ion = element with charge) consist of several non
metals attached to each other through covalent_bonds.
20. What is an oxyanion?
It is a polyatomic ion composed of an element usually a nonmetal bonded to one
or more oxygen ions.
21. Write the rules for naming ions from elements such as nitrogen, sulfur, and
chlorine. P.222
22. What is a binary compound?
Compound formed of only two elements
23. What do you use to tell the ratio of ions in a compound?
An empirical formula or chemical formula is a way to write ionic compounds. First,
write the metallic ion followed by the nonmetallic ion. Do not forget to write the
oxidation number as a superscript. Second, crisscross the subscripts. Third reduce to
the smallest whole number. Fourth, do not write the number one.
Mg+2 + O-2 =>
Mg2 O2 => MgO
24. Note: the chemical formula has to be simplified to the smallest whole-number
ratio of the ions.

25. Write the empirical formulas for : (Write the oxidation number, crisscross, write
the final formula).
Na +

Br =>


P =>

Al + O =>
26. Formation of positive ions
Atom + ionization energy => Positive ion + electron energy
Na + 498 kj/mol => Na+ + e27. Formation of negative ions
Atom + e- =. Negative ion + electron affinity
28. When an element loses electrons leaving the atom with full shells, like the noble
gases, the electron configuration arrangement is known as pseudo- noble gas
configuration which means almost noble gas configuration.
Metallic Bonds
29. What is a metallic bond?
Attraction of a metal cation for delocalized electrons
30. What is the sea of electrons model?
Proposes that all the metal atoms in a metallic solid contribute their valence electron
to form a sea of electrons.
31. Metallic atoms that are freely moving are known as delocalized electrons.
32. Properties of metals

High Melting and boiling points

Malleability, ductility, and durability
Thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity
Hardness and strength; the more delocalized electrons the harder the metal

33. What is an alloy?

Mixture of elements with metallic properties
34. Alloy properties can be the result of heating and cooling.
35. What is a substitutional alloy?

When some of the atoms in the original metallic solid are replaced by other
metals of similar atomic size
36. What is an interstitial alloy?
When small holes in a metallic crystal are filled with smaller atoms.

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