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Tantalizing: to make a person or an animal want sth that they cannot have or

a tantalizing glimpse of the future
Wallow: to think about your unhappy feelings all the time and seem to be
enjoying them.
Bounce back: to recover, get over.
Stalking: salir airoso
Outburst (noun): releasing strong emotions. an outburst of racism
Clingy: dependent
Shattered: very shocked and upset.
Detached:not influenced by other people or by your own feelings. Impartial.
Lust: very strong sexual desire, especially when love is not involve.
Their affair was driven by pure lust
Crave: to have a very strong desire for sth. /long for/
she has always craved excitement
Nurture: care, encouragement and support given to sb while he is growing
Hint: something that you sayo r do in an indirect way in order to show sb what
you are thinking. he gave a broad hint that he was thinking of retiring
Coping: deal successfully with sth difficult
Dumped: to end a romantic relationship with sb
do you hear hes dumped his girlfriend
Rebound: while you are sad and confused, especially after a relationship has
Settle down: to get into a comfortable position.
Fine-tune: to make very small changes to sth so that it is as good as it can
posible be.
In the throes: in the middle of and activity, especially a difficult one.
Hideous(adj): very ugly or unpleasant
Stuffed(verb): fill a space tightly with sth.
A rule of thumb: a practical method of doing, usually base don past
Pop(verb): go quickly to somewhere.
Scrap(noun): a small amount of sth
Sporting: to have or wear sth in a proud way
Stringy (adj): long and thin and looking as if it has not been washed.
Baggy (adj): fitting loosely. a baggy t-shirt
Slob out(adj): lazy
Look drop-dead: used before and adjective to emphazise that sb is attractive
in a very noticeable way. a drop-dead gorgeous Hollywood star
Confide: to tell sb, secrets and personal info. That you dont want other people
to know.
Curb: control especially sth bad. curb his temper
Ranting: to complain about sth in a loud or angry way.
Bond (noun): a connection between people.
Landed a job: to succeed in getting a job

Trait: a particular quality in your personality

Fit the bill: to be what is needed in a particular situation or for a particular
Out of the blue: unexpectedly; without warning. the decision came out of the
Get your own back on sb: to revenge
Hell hath no fury like a woma scorned: a woman who has reacted very
angrily to sth. Especially the fact that her husband has been unfaithful
Hindsight(noun): retrospective, with hindsight it is easy to say they should
not have released him
Stunning: a range of new clothes
Promptly: without delay
Stamp on: put your foot down with force on sth

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