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Morris Lam

Law that prevents propaganda of non- traditional

sexual relations in Russia(anti-gay law)

Possible elements of my issue I could study (you may add more):

1. LGBT before 2. LGBT rights taken away now in Russia
Issue element # 1
What do I already know?
Gays arent allow to marry or will result being put in
Age of consent: 16
Decriminalized in 1917 recriminalized in 1933
Since 1993-1999, it was regarded as a mental illness.
People use to be gay in medieval times.

Issue element # 2
What do I already know?
You get put in jail for being gay in Russia
On 21 May 2015, the city rejected an application to
hold a gay pride parade.
Religion has something to do about LGBT rights
What do I need to find out?

What do I need to find out?

I need to find out more about the history of LGBT
rights in Russia.
I need to find out the causes of this. (People
governing at that time)
The reason of taking gay right away form gay people
Who is affected?
What search terms should I use?
Gay rights history
Causes of gay rights taken Youtube

Need to find out the current situation of LGBT rights

that the gays and lesbians have in Russia.
I need to find out the reason of discrimination towards
LGBT people and examples to back up my points.
Reason why gays still dont have their rights.
What search terms should I use?
Gay rights taken away
Gay rights now
Gay rights


(add more rows if needed)

SOURCES of Information: Dont just say Library, Books or Google. For example, Library Database eg
Time Magazine, Biography in Context, Issues: Understanding Controversy & Society etc
Fill this table in BEFORE and DURING your research.
What information do I need
to find?

What SOURCES could I use to

get this information? (be

I need to know about how people Internet, books, videos about this
will react to people coming out
I need to know the current
situation of LGBT rights

Internet, books, videos about this


How useful was this source?

This source was quite useful as it

made it easier for me to research
about this topic
This source was useful

I need to find out who is affected Internet, youtube videos

by the anti gay laws

This source was useful

Real life examples of anti gay

laws which affected people in

These sources helped me to

research about real life examples
of anti gay laws

Articles, youtube

Methods or tools I will use to COLLECT & RECORD my information are: (give some detail be
clear about HOW you will collect & record)
eg Tools: easybib, diigo, word, evernote, scoopit etc.
eg Methods: Notetaking, summarising, paraphrasing, mindmapping, brainstorming, cutting & pasting relevant
notes etc
Fill in BEFORE you start your research

Fill in AFTER you finish


What TOOLS or METHODS will I

use to collect & record
information? (incl detail)

Why will I use them/do this?

(justify why you chose this/these

What did I actually do?

I can use word to collect

information about anti gay laws
in Russia. The method I will use
will be notetaking.

The reason of the chosen tools and

method is because by taking notes,
information will be easily collected

I use word to collect information

about anti gay laws in Russia;
therefore I did what I was supposed
to do.

I can use word to collect my

The reason for choosing these
information of real life examples methods is because I believe that it
of anti gay discrimination cases will be easier for me to take notes.
in Russia. The method that I will
be using will be quoting and

I used word to collect information

on real life examples but I didnt
paraphrase it.

I can word to record my

information and cutting and
pasting relevant notes

The reason for choosing this

method and tool is because it
makes it easier and more efficient
for me to collect information for
my website.

I used word to record my

information and I did copy and
paste relevant notes.

Pages needed to complete my website: What information and links will I need
Fill this table in BEFORE and DURING your website creation.
What information do I need
to convey?

What Pages could I use to get

this information across to the
audience? (be specific)

I need to tell people what is the


I can make a page specifically on

who is involved and who is causing
this problem.
I need to convey to people on
I can make a page on how the
how they can help the LGBT
people who look at the website on
how they can help.
I need to make a page that allows I can use the page that explains
me show real life examples of
what is it like to be gay in Russia to
LGBT rights taken away in
put the information in.
I need to make a page to give the I can make a page just for this.
audience a understanding of how
LGBT community in Russia feel.


How can I link the pages


I can link the pages together by

putting relevant information
I can like the page together by
trying to connect the topics
I can link the information together
because the other information is
also about LGBT rights in Russia.
I can link the other pages as they
are also about LGBT.

(add more rows if needed)


Steps in the Process: Briefly outline (list) the ed

steps you will work through to complete this
assessment. You should include planning
BEFORE researching, WHEN you will research,
then WHEN you will put together the final
product. Fill in the Actual Dates as you go.



(If the dates are the same, you do

not need to fill this in)

Break the steps down to be clear and specific.

You need a minimum of SIX steps.

Complete action plan and start researching about 29 th

this topic and start finding relevant pictures and Februa
videos on this topic

If dates differ briefly explain


29 th

Start making my website by writing the home

page and making a page that states who is
Complete individual products and put together
final product.

2 nd

3 nd

4 th

8 th

The reason that I completed this later is

because I needed to find more
information about the topic so I needed
more time to complete this task.
I took longer than I expected because I
had to finish the bibliography and some
of the action plan. Also, I had to
complete some parts of the website


Creating &
action plan
Collecting and


Things that went well

Things that need


Ways of improving

The things that went

well was that I followed
most of my time frame
of my action plan

I need to improve on
writing my sources of

Writing more detailed things


The things that worked

well was that I collected
the information needed
to make my website

I need to improve on
finding relavent

I can improve on by planning

more precisely and more by
planning more of the
research before I actually do
my website.

The things that I did

well was that I followed
most of the task.

Spacing my time and

finishing my website

I can improve by creating a

better plan to make my
website and following that

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