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To the Limbaughs and Hannitys etc, I ask you to take ownership of this

now. You keep suggesting that Trump is the result of The GOP stepping out
of Conservative line and bringing this on themselves. While the GOP hasnt
been necessarily ultra-Conservative in the last few years, I think the party
still sees the big picture. The big picture is: fielding the worst possible
candidate, with more baggage than a supermodel, who flip-flops on every
issue, has an abrasive demeanor, a narcissism rivaling Obama, the
temperament of a four year-old, the debating ability of an advanced fourthgrader, not to mention his outright appearance, who cant win the general
election, and who has donated to his liberal Presidential opponent is not the
best way to strike back at The Establishment. While this goes beyond talk
radio, lets make no mistake, YOU have carried water for this buffoon for
months. Thus, the theme should not be the GOP brought this on, but
Trump supporters need to own this. YOU need to own this.
What are you owning, you may ask? Your short-sightedness assures a
Hillary Clinton Presidency. We all know the media is holding back and
cheering for a Trump nominationYOURE helping it happen. There will be
so much dirt piled on Trump, he will have ZERO chance at victory in
November. This is not to mention all of his obvious real negatives as a
candidate. YOUVE passed on real Conservatives or at least more
Conservative candidates to prop up this vapid charlatan, this huckster, this
New York liberal caricature of what a Republican is supposed to look and
sound like. Because of YOU The GOP loses The Senate with Trump at the top
of the ticket. Because of YOU, Conservatives lose control of The Supreme
Court for a generation, if not permanently. Because of YOU, The
Conservative Movement is set back decades.
Trump cannot win in November. For some reason you continue to think this
massive cross-over vote will happen and Trump will win with Democratic
support. So, if I have this correct, your plan is to nominate a New York
Liberal in the hopes that Democrats will vote for him because he has vowed
to work with the left in order to get back at the nebulous GOP
establishment for not being Conservative enough? Huh? Has it ever
occurred to you that Democrats may be voting for Trump in open primaries
because they know Hillary beats him in the general election? Democrats
already know Bernie has no chance of beating Hillary so they cross over to
vote for the most beatable Republican. Your idea of a political outsider is a
New York real estate developer who has donated to whichever politician he
thought would help his business venture? Your plan to take on corporate
cronyism is to nominate a fat-cat billionaire who epitomizes the problem?
Now your drunkenness leads you to believe nominating a boorish, liberal,
cartoonish, dolt in hopes Democrats will support him-because The GOP
hasnt been conservative enough? WHAT!? I think I just tied my brain in a
knot trying to formulate this thought.

I already hear the meme coming from you that we need to coalesce around
the eventual GOP nominee. Let it be known I have done it in the last two
elections and will do it again this time if I have to. This time really pains me
to do so because of the lost opportunity, because of YOU, the Trump
supporters. I know your next step is to blame all of the Republicans who
inevitably will not show up in November to vote for this spectacularly bad
candidate. YOU, Trumpkins, need to own this now! Why? Because the rest
of us pleaded with you not to support this guy. Why? Because we knew he
couldnt win, we knew he was a charlatan, we knew he wasnt a
Conservative, we knew he was toxic, and we recognized all the things we
were about to lose by YOU propping this guy up. We knew that no matter
what, there were millions of regularly Republican voters that would not kiss
this pigno matter how much lipstick you try to put on it in the months to
Lets take a look at two other scenarios with Trump. 1. By some miracle he
wins The White House. 2. He somehow loses The GOP nomination. If Trump
is to win The White House, can you imagine his State of The Union
Speech? Hey America, the state of our union is strong, its so strong that
its making your head spin, believe me, its never been stronger. The man
cant put a linear thought together to save his life! How will he address
serious concerns like a terrorist attack, foreign relations, or a stock market
drop? Oh yeah, theres also the whole Ill work with Harry Reid et al
thing. The stigma he places on the Conservative movement (even without
ever really being part of it) gives the left enough fodder for a likely
permanent majority. Quite frankly, hes a target rich environment for
demagoguery. What if Ted Cruz somehow surpasses Trump or (gasp) he
loses the nomination at a brokered convention? Ever notice how many
liberal talking points Trump uses and at whom he directs his angst most
often? The bomb-throwing vitriol and venom spewed by The Donald will be
epic. He will burn down the entire GOP on his way out. If either scenario
happens, remember YOU gave this to us, YOU enabled this.
Lets get another thing straight. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter
etc continue to insist this is not a tantrum. Stop it! This IS a tantrum. A twoyear old at the grocery store lying on the floor kicking his feet is not thinking
of the consequences. In this case, assume the two-year olds Dad is the
establishment. We hear it from you so called non-establishment Trump
supporters all the timeThat one guy did that one thing I didnt like that
one time so hes dead to me now and bring on the scorched-earth
candidate. Meanwhile, Trump has been on the wrong side of almost every
issue Conservatives hold deareither now or sometime in the past. Time to
carry water for a non-Conservative with no chance of winning the general? It
IS a tantrum and its making things worse like tantrums usually do. OWN this
tantrum now, YOURE bringing us whats coming. If you truly think Trump
can win the general, own THAT now so you can prove me wrong.

I am not part of the nebulous, ominous GOP establishment. I think we all

have an idea whom the establishment is. Trust me, I want Mitt Romney,
John McCain etc to go away and shut up too. With that being said,
nominating Donald Trump is not the answer and that doesnt make me some
card-carrying member of the establishment. Nearly every other GOP
candidate, while not perfect, was a far superior choice to Trump. So, I guess
in your mind if Trump is somehow anti-establishment then put me firmly in
the class of establishment, whatever that is. Trust me, Jeb Bush is not
brainwashing me to drop in line and conform. So, I do not consider myself a
lock-step establishment Conservative. But this further defines your
problem. Common sense, Conservatives like myself find it hard to fall in linewith the establishment but even more so with a non-Conservative snake oil
The whole scenario makes me sick, to be perfectly honest. Make America
Great Again of 2016 sounds eerily similar to Hope and Change of
2008. There is no plan, there is no substance, just glazed over eyes and
nefarious straw-man arguments. Quite often I hear Trump supporters go on
rants about everything under the sun, but in the end there is never any
substance as to how he can fix it, and more importantly, no thought about
his chances of winning in November. Just listen to when they call into a talk
radio program that is doing an anti-Trump segment. They ramble on and on
and listen to nothing. The left is champing at the bit for Trump to win the
nomination and Team Hillary (a spectacularly bad candidate herself) is
absolutely ecstatic about a Trump nomination. Think of his ego, his hubris,
his temperament, his narcissism, his skeletons, his demeanor, his personal
life, his business dealings, his speeches from 20 years ago, and on and
on. Every woman whose butt he did or did not grab in an elevator is about to
become famous. Trump recently mocked Mitt Romney about the undercover
47 percent comment that helped bring him downdo you Trump
supporters think there arent troves of Trump comments far worse than this
already on the docket for the mainstream media?
If Trump wins the nomination I will grudgingly vote for him. I say this
because I want to point out I dont think Trump supporters would reciprocate
that sentiment to many other GOP candidates. I will still think hes awful,
just not as awful as Hillary. But know this, Trump supporters, there are
millions of American Conservatives who will not ever vote for Trump. So,
YOU brought this on. YOU helped lose The Senate, YOU helped lose The
Supreme Court, YOU helped usher in the demise of The GOP, and YOU set
back The Conservative Movement. You need to own this, NOW! People like
me, Conservatives who arent part of the establishment warned you this
would happen. We pleaded with you not to do this. We pointed out who
Trump is, what hes done, why hes a bad candidate. We told you all his
negatives and why a vote for him in the primary leads to a Hillary win in
November. We tried. We tried hard. YOU would not listen. YOU brought this
on. YOU need to own it, now, and not point fingers in November.

A Trump nomination is a loss for The Conservative Movement. If he loses the

nomination, we lose. If he wins the nomination, we lose. This is a lose-lose
situation. Own it now, Trump supporters.
So, with all this being said, lets agree on this. If Trump wins The GOP
nomination I will vote for him, if he doesnt, please vote for whoever does,
Trump supporters OK? But, know this before you push him to the
nomination: we tried to warn you of all the issues coming our way with a
Trump nomination and we ask that you take ownership of that now knowing
what our concerns were.


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