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Appendix 1


Year Level:


60 mins Date: Term 4

Learning Area: Science, English

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum
Science Science understanding Biological sciences
The growth and survival of living things are affected by
physical conditions of their environment (ACSSU094)
Science Science inquiry skills Communicating
Communicate ideas, explanations and processes using
scientific representations in a variety of ways, including
multi-modal texts (ACSIS093)
English Literacy Interacting with others
Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations, selecting
appropriate content and multimodal elements for defined
audiences and purposes (ACELY1710)

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Critical and

Students Prior Knowledge:

Students are equipped with the prior knowledge they
have gained in the previous three lessons in the series.
They are aware that the animal world is threatened by
several man-made causes, but would not necessarily
have understanding of what every one of those
covered causes are. Each group would have
researched in depth one threat to animal diversity. As a
result of the above, they would have partially
progressed along ACSSU094 (see Strand/Topic on
All students were informed in the last lesson of the
important role scientists play in informing the public
and guiding community decisions (ACSHE100). They
know that their presentations must be understandable
to the target audience.
The students would not have had substantial
experience in creating and delivering presentations in
front of an entire class. This therefore will be an early
introduction into public speaking.

creative thinking


Personal and


Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Compose a multi-modal text (on Google Slides) in the style of a scientific report, incorporating a
range of graphical and linguistic elements
Deliver a jointly planned group presentation that conveys scientific information in a form accessible to
the target audience (here, the ordinary person)
Recall the basic definitions of all major threats to animal diversity, as well as the regions primarily

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:

Have a computer and projector/IWB on hand.
-The teacher would have composed a brief Kahoot
quiz to assess the students attention to the
presentations, and would have the link ready to
distribute. This requires the teacher to have earlier
signed up for the website. Details for the Kahoot are
found in the lesson steps below.

Provision for students at educational risk

Students with visual impairment can
be situated at the front of the classroom so they
can better see the presentations.
Slower students (and those with visual
impairment) can be given a printout of each of the
presentations, so they can extract information
without having the presentations skip past them.
This would require the groups to have submitted
their presentations to the teacher before the
Gifted students will be able to present
more involved, detailed presentations with more
graphical elements. In this way the task has room
for extension.

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:
[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)


Motivation and Introduction:

Note Italics represent scripted speech. Normal font indicates teacher
directions and reasoning.

Align these with the segment
where they will be

Okay class. Weve talked about how one key role of scientists is to gather
information and then present it to decision makers and the general
community. Today, youll be taking on that role when you present your
reports. Your audience will be the ordinary people in the community which
will be us today as if we know little about the threats to the animal world.
You will be teaching the rest of the class about one threat to animal diversity,
how serious it is, and what we can do to fight it.
Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):
At 2

At 6

At 48

At 52

Decide the order of the presentations (no particular method).

Verbally outline the structure of the lesson as follows:
Each group will be presenting for 8 minutes, rotating between
speakers. When one person is speaking, someone else will need to click
through the Google Slides. Google Slides can be accessed on
During each presentation the audience must be respectful
and silent
The students will have to listen carefully to each others
presentations and take notes on two key questions. a) the definition of the
problem, and b) some main regions affected by the problem. (The teacher
may swap out the regions question for another sub-topic, such as the
reasons why each threat exists). Ask the students to write this
requirement down.
At the end of the presentations, there will be an online quiz to
assess the students active listening and understanding.

Google Slides

Dim the lights so the class can easily see the projector. Hand the lesson over
to the first group to present.
During the lesson, observe the presentations and mark the groups according
to the supplementary rubric. Ensure the transitions between presentations are
smooth, and quieten down the class when the next presentation is about to

Presentation marking rubric

Once all the presentations have finished, tell them to remain quiet. You will
direct them to the Kahoot link and PIN, asking them to sign in using their first
name and the first initial of their last name. After a minute or two, ask if any
student has failed to log in to the Kahoot. Once all students are in, begin the


The quiz will cover 2 questions for each presentation topic (1 on the definition
of each problem, and 1 on the regions it affects). Each question will have 4
possible answers. Students have a limited time to answer (but not particularly
strict. Say 30 seconds) but can refer to their own notes. Set the quiz to a nopoints quiz so that the relative quickness of answering is not a factor. The

results for the teacher can still be downloaded at the end.

The following is an example set of two questions the teacher could ask (as a
guide for the creation of the remaining questions).

Deforestation means
a) The crowding out of grassland animals by the overgrowth of
b) The invasion of forest by non-native tree species
c) The permanent destruction of forests to make the land available
for other uses
d) The replacement of forests with tropical jungles


What countries are most affected by deforestation?

a) Indonesia, the Philippines and Nigeria
b) Iceland, Greenland and Alaska
c) Australia, Mexico and Egypt
d) Germany, Poland and France

These questions can serve as a guide when creating the respective questions
for the remaining project topics (overfishing, pollution etc).
At 57

Once the quiz is finished, select the option of downloading the results as an
XLS file. Tell the class that youll be marking their presentations and quizzes
and theyll receive their marks later on.
Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
Ask for quiet. Thank the students for their excellent presentations and hard
Tell them that these last four lessons would have given them a good
understanding of how fragile the animal world is. They would also have
learned about the causes of animal extinction, and the role of scientists in
informing the world of these problems. Lastly, the students would have
delivered a formal presentation in a way that requires groups to work together
and keep a target audience in mind.
Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

At 60

Ask the students to put away their computers and science notes. The
students are then ready for transition into the next lesson.
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
There are two formal assessment mechanisms within this lesson.

The first is the marking rubric completed during observation of each

presentation group (please see supplementary item labelled lesson plan 4
rubric). The criteria of that rubric directly assess objectives 1 and 2.
The second is the Kahoot quiz. This assesses objective 3. The results of this
quiz can be downloaded as an XLS file to be reviewed later. The relative
scores of students on the 10 questions can be translated onto a scale of:
Excellent (9 or 10 / 10), Highly satisfactory (7 or 8 / 10), Satisfactory (5 or 6 /
10), Not Demonstrated (4 and below).

Google inc. (2016). Google Slides (version not displayed) [Computer software]. Retrieved from

Kahoot. (2016). Kahoot (version not displayed) [Computer software] Retrieved from

School Curriculum and Standards Authority. (2016). Western Australian Curriculum English v8.1, Science v8.1.
Retrieved from

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