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University of California, Los Angeles Contract Appointment EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT For an EXEMPT Professional and Support Staff (PSS) Position Retain tis document for seven (7) years after separation ‘This agreement entered into cn 08/06/2015 by anc betwee The Regents ofthe Unversty of California "Univers cx management) and Kory Alford, Ths agreemert sets form the tr and conan of your employment inthe postion of ATHLETICS PROFESSIONAL 3, Ue cose 5173, ‘A. TERM OF APPOINTMENT This appointment sto have a sed term begining on 08/03/2035 ard terminating on 96/30/2016. Uress terminated earFerpursartto paragraph G your eapoiniment vl terminate automatically an te termination éato Unless the conot is extended prior tothe termination dete in wtng signed by beth partes. Ite contract © ‘tended, itl terminate aulomatealy upon the exration date unless terminated earler pursuant to paragraph B, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ‘Yur duties and responsbities sal be tose set rth in the attached jb desertion whichis incorporated nt this _2yeement. Adina duties may be assigned to you andthe job description maybe modified fom time to tine by ‘lanagement in ord to eccommovate changing cumstances and necds, Your dities and responses shal be ‘onshicied in accordance with the Unveriy’spalces, procedures, and rues as eslabished by mangement, You agree to perfor alte duties sat orth your job descrntion as wel as these assigned by management C. HOURS OF WORK “This appointments at 100 percent oul me, The workweek forts poston ks nermaly considered to be haves. As requred by the Unversty, you stall screeule nurs to accommodate cperatoral neecs. Asan exert employee, you wil ma receive cverime compensation or cmypersatry tine off or aetna compensation beyond the ‘etabsed Salary for Ue positon and you wl be expected fo work te amount of me necessary to perform the ‘assigned duties. Ths postion emphasizes delery of projec, rather Uan emphasis on hour work. D. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS 1. Salary “This poston Is esslgned to payrel tile of ATHLETICS PROFESSIONAL 3, and salary grade N/A (fapplcale). The solery for ths postion Is $3,466.67 per pay pevod, Any changes in your salary shel be (in accordance wth UC Persannel Paces fr Stat Members, Polley 30, Salary, OR only by writen amendment tots conract signed by both pares} 2. Benafite ‘You shall be elie for Uriversty heath and wellae and retrement beefs in accordance with the bene lity equverents ofthe Unversty of Caltfornia Employee Benet Program and Retremet System reguatons. ‘vest kstaddseresphad epee cetiephine SH Lense E. APPLICATION OF PERSONNEL POLICIES FOR STAFF MEMBERS 4. Policies Applicable to All Exempt Professional and Support Staff Contract Appointments “The Personnel Polis for Staff Members sted below are Incorporated int ths agreement. Poty 1 Pokey 3 Pokey 2 Pokey 2 Poy 30 Pokey a okey # Pokey 8 Pokey ” Pokey 50 obey aL Potey oa Potcy rs Potisy 2210 section MLA Section na section tLe Section Mo. Section Me secion TF Secton General Provions “Types of Appolniment Nondiscriminaton in Employment ‘Appotnmient (Sections E, F, and G oly) Salary Heurs oF wore Incentive Awards (ety criteria ace met) Protect Clthing,Eaugment, and Unfrms (applicable) Complaint Resolution (Discriminaton Complaints onty) ‘Stat Personnel Records Reasonable Accommodation (Sections A,B, and Cony) confit of iterest Death Payments (Ff eigility citer are met) Absence from Work ‘General Leave Prowsloné ‘Vocation Leave (i elgbity ceria are met) Sic Leave (faible criteria are met) Leaves Related to ie Events (except Supplemental Fant are Medial Leave; Exton Sick eave pursuant to Work-Related Injury a ness; and Pesonal Leave) itary Leave, Cv Duty ard Serves Leaves Admicistrative Leaves (except Professional Development Leave) eine tea snag iteredresteRepn ene HSE soms lesdrgcent LG Other Leaves Seaton Section setts (ity errs are met) “These policies may be changed by te Universty at ar time and those changes wll be aplcable to you. 2 No other prowsions ofthe Personnel oles for Sa Members shall pay. 43, In addin, current and/or amended Fresdental ples regarding Repetng ane Investigating Alegations of Suspected Improper Governmental Aces (Whisteolover Poly) ond Protectan of WhisUeblowers from Retalaion {end Gisselines for Rewewtng Retaliation Compaets (Whiseslower Protection Pali), the Polcy on Substance Abuse, ‘be Unwersiys Patent Poly and Becvanic Carmmunicatens Pole, as vell as ober plies of general application wich ‘he Unversity may promulgate from tne to Une, stall apply F, REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES INCURRED BY STAFF MEMBER ith prior Unversity apprval, you shal be ented to reimbursement of expenses (nduding travel expenses) Inutred by yeuon behatf of the University inte performance oF your duties, Reurserent shal b= in acordance vith ‘Unversity pleles on travel and expense reimbursement, Thasepaides may be amerde by the University a any Ume and thas changes wil be apalicalet You. G, TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT AND AT WILL STATUS ‘Your aepsntment may be terminated at any tme by yeu or the University, wth or without roti, and vith or without ‘cause, ina wing served on the of party. Although oer terms and conditions canbe change fom ie to time by ‘he partes, the at wl statis ofthis agteanenecanrat de changed, amended, or aad, “Termination isnot reviewable under St Poly 70, Complain Resolution, excep for complaints of dsciminaion, H, RENEWAL OR EXTENSION OF THE CONTRACT ‘Yu and the Urversky may agree to renew you appointment In are forthe renewal tobe effectve, you and the University must enter inn arew employment agreement which els fort he terms to the new agreement. Inthe ‘ternative, the duration ofthe exiting contact may be extended by mutual writen agreement. The writen exension must spac the new end date. Norrrenewal and non-stenson of your cotract are not revewable under Saf Poly 70, Complaint Resolton, excent ‘or complaints of discrimination, L. GENERAL PROVISIONS Ths contrac consttes the entre agreement betieen the partes and supersedes any other agreements writen of ‘ora. The terms of ths agraoment, except the atl status, may be modified aly by subecuentwrtienagreerest signed by both pate. tn te ever that any partof tis agreement is declared cr rendered imal by court decision or ‘Sate, the remarang provisions of the agreement shal reran in ful force and effac.Calforma law sal govern the Interpretabon and consructen of tis agreement J. OTHER CONDITIONS FOR EFFECTIVE CONTRACT “Tis employment contracts nt effective unt you have completed all Unversity payro/personnel processing necessary te became 2 Uriversty contract employes. pete antesepnecreacrigine HAO Employee: Name Prine Signature ‘peces: bate For the University: Name Printed Tie Department: 374SHINTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS en th dag Date; ch if [This employment contracts not effactve until the appaintes has completed al University required paperwork necessary to become a Unversity contract employee, including the State Oath of Allegiance, Patent Agreement, et] peated jner HSER tessa BENEFITS CHECKLIST FOR CONTRACT EMPLOYEES ‘Automatic Plans AUTOMATIC PLANS. Column 2 Limited? Calurm3 | Sotm4 at 2 core? | otners* ‘University of Caorla Retrament Plan (UCRE) Defined Contribution Pan (OCP)* andar 759 St bor pretncortrBtena Ne ‘OASD (Seca Security) Hondo sc 976 Medlcare (CORE Medica aos employee ony ues ores mec nse eta Dera coat employe ones opts era svat Vision Services Plan (VSP) trai empye ony on pa iy Basic ite insurance Emit nets aoualbae ming pt 50,00. maps shied Foportnart es tan {0% [CORE Ute tneurance Fausto $5200, [business Trav! Accent insurance Short Term Diaby Insurance 53 my ney pe 800 per mart Unemployment insurance workers! Compensation Insurance Tax Savings on Insurance (TI) Lew ue ane babe oan penis "Eawpoyecssppcntes to work at east 50% tne fr ene flea or mre, AND empyees who awe accwued 1000 ele hous wh an serine rep pne 17 heme, wth te cone chro UC reo = Empyen ace to wrk te 9 et rere bts ol yar, Wi trae regu a tne Sneek nt ‘gle Uc mambentoy ND eno pete toe st hos. Soha oe hia rm sib NOT pt rH ipembesnb. emis tpceted 3.5% te ote buts thn SO whan average regu pine fast 17S hos per wea *Emples sported es tar 2.79% tne, tha verge oar pa tne oles han 75 hous pr wed; 8 thee WED es ROT ‘ler ers fe-g Pe Dam). ber sae member sou conte Filey :86-8247787 er gcnne a tonearm ta estate a Bene tidal gitaten Rel ne BENEFITS CHECKLIST FOR CONTRACT EMPLOYEES optional Pans atu 1 | column 2 | cotumn 3 | S84 ‘orrronat.pLans | i career? || uimited? | core? | genre 403(0) Plan -Tax-deferred Retirement Savings Pan Erpoyes may elt mae freacartetns, | so 457(0) Plon- Taw deferred Retirement Savings Pin Epyeesay acto ma sdetoral pretax | sd Defines Cooaton Pan (DCP) Aner ecoure Eyes aco re teats eda Pan Enplyes hay doose Fam refered rawr ‘agurton 0) ps, Het renee Sxsruen iyo mers EE | TI || || | | ‘Dental Plan Enplaye ay chose oe tt deta tars pou benef presente rl ree sion Series Plan (VSP) Legal Man ‘Supplemental Disability Insurance Ssppkrerts hr Tam Dy pew 9 7 oF {tpt roti sary (61500 mesma beet ter iy pred er 9 mont Ras UCP teatnermazty er Supplemental lfe/Dependent ite Insurance EtpprertalLeusto bur tres aouaiay(o noun $1,000) ase beerden Mee 15,00, ond Spans epee 50% poe Erisrieno 250,00) oa $10,000 eae cs ‘ceidental Death and Dismemberment (AAD) insurance Foes pt $500,00 pete facet ath bs ama Dependent Care Fleble Spending Account (@excare FSA) owe eee py orci dependent re {stones ee iy ean Heath ewe Spang Aca (elh FSA) ‘ns engojeestsp r edealenerces et treaties en ele epson prety sey rite bcd marrage ARES rosie I N yes aporied waka" Wa SOR ee So ul yr ore, ARO anpuycs wo la Sve 10D SBE ar WE 38 perso repr padtene strech 9 coos sgh Uc era Ergo ppc ork 1 ne 3 arth mae bs ler na ular a or UR mbes: AN ens {sponte wr nat Shr oon Yor rere NE AT ego or UC ets, SErolvee rps 94.755 eae, bts aS ih 2 aero ogi pk te of as 17.5 hows pr week “Erpopes pont stan 43.75% tn, wha ahr requ patie oles an 75 hours pe weak es th es OT cht tens 9D). ac eta snetsapecgertsReine HEN

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