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Team Meetings

Individual teams meet each week to discuss matters involving individual classes, year levels, and
school wide issues. These discussions will include planning for individual classes, unit, or
activities. Teams discuss the work, the learning taking place and ways to further engage learning
and ensure rigour. Teams will moderate and discuss learner activities, work, assignments and
tests to ensure consistency across year levels, fair grading and standardisation of work and
expectations. These meetings also help to reflect upon areas that were successful and
unsuccessful in teaching and learning for present and future use. Often, individual learners are
discussed in order to brainstorm interventions. In addition to team meetings, teachers meet and
work with learning-support assistants to discuss interventions for students with learning needs.
Some examples of agenda items and notes from team meetings.
Milepost 1:
Year 1:Teachers plan to have students set age-appropriate goals
Agenda 20 Jan 2016
Goal setting:
Jackys parent comment sheet - smiley faces

The coordinator meets with year group teachers to discuss the teachers performance
management goals and progress.
Agenda 17 Feb 2016
1. PMS; set times for observations
Dorcas Wan - Tue Music 8:15-9:00am
Danae- Tue Library 1:15-2:00pm
Cat - Wed PE 1:15- 2pm
Year 2 Teachers give feedback on the last IPC unit and plan a session to moderate skills
Agenda 13 Jan 2016 planning for the unit and moderating assessments

Milepost 2:

Year 3: teachers review the planning requirements/training for an IPC Medium Term Plan as well as
daily plan requirements to make sure they have all the components needed to help teach rigorous
18 November 2015 Year 3 Meeting Minutes
2. Medium Term Planning
Expectations Review (Just the top part)
1. Start with the enduring knowledge, skills, understanding. What do we want the students to retain after they
have forgotten everything else?
Turn these into questions which your whole unit will hang on.
Display these in the classroom
Refer to them often as you go through the unit.
Put medium term plans in IPC Folder under IPC MEDIUM TERM PLANS on google docs
*Upload unit worksheets and link into Google Drive (Y3 2015-2016 Folder)
*Work on top part of medium term plans together
3. Planning Template (to be put into planbook): (Daily plans)
Personal Goal/LLL Focus:
Kind of Lesson (K,S,U):
Biblical Integration:
Guided Practice:
Independent Practice:
International Mindedness:

Year 4: Teachers review last years plans and experiences to improve the learning for the current

Milepost 3:
Senior Teachers (Year 5/6) regularly discuss students and how to motivate, improve learning
Minutes from

Students: Discussion of progress:, JoJo email parents to continue discussion seeing little
improvement and motivation have him sit by himself to try to help him focus better away from

IPC Planning for week of February 29, 2016

IPC Planning for week of

Finish geography task 1 - story of HK in maps
Finish art task - research on historical periods (research)
Present both of these a few at a time. (Joy to develop further)
Geography practise rotations as per advice on rubric - prep
Geo assessment (2 rubrics) (Larry to create one on land transport (timeline with dates and
space to write how it has changed over time.
Art: Work on personal art piece for historical era - Home Learning research done by
Wednesday and then planning and creating in class (individual) - use cave painting example of
model and then go over rubric
Exit point: March 18th 8:15-10:00

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