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March 25, 2015

Chris P. Bacon
10 Awesome Avenue
Nowhere Else, SA
Dear Mr. Bacon,
It is my pleasure to provide a recommendation for Sandy Shore, who I respectfully
nominate as student of the year. I have been her instructor in two Organizational
Behavior courses as part of McIntires integrated curriculum (ICE). ICE requires
students to commit to a great deal of time, effort, and team-level learning. It is an
exceedingly rigorous set of courses and demands the highest standards of performance
which is reflected in the McIntire Schools #2 ranking in the nation. The courses I teach
require significant teamwork, personal initiative, and frequent interaction, so I feel very
well-qualified to comment on her scholarship and character.
In terms of scholarship, she is a top performer in my class. Being a top performer in ICE
is no small feat, and she does it with a smile, patience, and persistence. Given the level
of rigor and the concomitant demands the course places on students, she has impressed
me with her high standards for performance, her self-discipline, and her talent in
managing interpersonal dynamics. She is now working in her third distinct group this
year, and although each one has presented different challenges in terms of coordination,
effort, and communication, she has played an integral role in maintaining effective team
dynamics and performing at exemplary levels. She is the type of student who can
improve morale, foster strong personal connections, and be tirelessly tenacious in
meeting goals and objectives.
On an interpersonal level, she is highly reliable, honest, compassionate, and
understanding. Her military upbringing has provided her with the ability to establish
close relationships in a short period of time. She is a bridge-builder, finding
commonalities among our diverse students and forging stronger ties. There are very few
students I have encountered in my thirteen years teaching who have the ability to adapt to
changing circumstances while simultaneously reaching out and helping others do the
I give her my highest recommendation for this award. If I can provide additional
information, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Karen Jansen

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