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Krisan Welch

March 8th, 2016

English 1020
Elizabeth Kent


Working Title: Moral Uprisings

A. I believe this title covers the main point of my paper; all rebellions are not in spite
of authority, but to fight for moral beliefs. I think this title could let readers relate to
the events in Harry Potter and the events through out our muggle history.


Working Introduction: In my paper I would like to begin with the events in Harry Potter

where Harry and his friends. I would use quotations from either the book or movie of Harry
Potter and the Order of the Phoenix because I feel like part 5 of the series has multiple
examples of rebellion for moral reasons. Though the quote would have to easily relate to an
event that has happened in history so the reader can quickly understand the reasoning of the
rebellious acts of the characters. I want the quote to immediately point out the purpose of my
paper so it would have to consist Harry directly saying he is going to disobey the rules.

Working Thesis: I would like to manifest the thought that rebellious acts of students and

citizens are not just in spite of authority but meant to fight for what is right.
A. I would like it to sound something like this: Throughout the series of Harry Potter and the
events of our world history, rebellions and revolutions have become important in the
making of individuals by teaching others to not have fear to fight for what they believe is
B. Yes this needs work but I would like help on making it sound more sophisticated.

Entry 1: Magazine Article

A. I would like to do a magazine article instead of a newspaper article because I think this
shows that the rebellious acts in Harry Potter were more based on a social status than a
news status and I think I could find more events that represent more socially than
B. I would also like to do the article to give more of a descriptive example of comparing the
events in Harry Potter and the real events that has happened in our history that clearly
show that the rebellion was important in order to make a necessary change.
C. When doing the magazine article, I would like to make it sound more as a gossip
magazine rather than a news magazine. For this as a source I would just use either the
book or movie of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
D. I can connect this entry to my paper by describing what would have been an important
and well know rebellious thing that Harry did as something that is not only not
acceptable by the social world because of its threat to authority, but how the event
could change society. I think having the magazine article seem as written by Rita
Skeeter for the Daily Prophet would really make it sound as if the whole wizarding world
is hearing about what Harry and his friends have done.
E. I think that doing this article could show that rebellious events do not just influence the
people within the situation but that it spreads and increases influences through social
media and magazines and any other form of communication. Communication is an
important factor when it comes to moral rebellions because the whole purpose of a
rebellion is to spread influence of a topic or problem and to show people reasons for the
needed change and I think a magazine article could really connect the purpose of moral
rebellions to my paper.

Entry 2: Word Poster

A. In my poster I would like to pick an event that ties both Harry Potter and history together.
The poster will just give a point on what the situation is fighting over as in Protect our

School, for your benefit and all others. I would like it to be a little bit more catchy so
the reader could find it more interesting and make them think about the event that the
poster represents.
B. One of the examples of poster styles that I would like to portray is a poster made by the
Guerrilla Girls in the 1980s. The poster is bold and straight to the point with a black and
white picture surrounded by a yellow border with statement black words around it. I
would like my poster to consist of just words but to stand out the way the Guerrilla Girls
poster did.
C. For my poster, for it to be able to connect to my paper it needs to have a slogan or
statement that can tie in Harry Potters rebellions and realistic rebellions. I do not want
to be specific in what the poster says, but still enough for someone to relate it to a
significant rebellion that made a change is society and history.
D. I think the poster could relate to my paper by representing the importance of the need for
moral rebellions. The poster could represent reasons on why moral rebellions are
needed or either encouraging to stand up for what you believe in. I think either way it
shows the importance of the rebellion which is one of the main factors of my entire
paper, on why they are so important and how people should not have fear to act upon
E. I do need help in coming up with a slogan that is specific enough to immediately relate it
to rebellions but general enough to relate to all rebellions, not just a specific one.


Entry 3: Picture Collage

A. In my collage I would like to have pictures the show the main events in Harry Potter
where him and his friends had to rebel against authority to fight for what they believed in
and on the other side have pictures of events in history that represent the same. I would
like most of the pictures to be in black and white and as both sides merge towards the

middle of the poster, the pictures gain color showing the one event from each side that is
almost the same situation.
B. I dont know if I need an actual explanation on the visual piece, but if so, I would explain
how both sides show those important rebellions and can closely relate to one another in
the way they have to fight against authority.
C. I could relate this to my paper by comparing and contrasting important moral rebellions
in Harry Potter and important moral events in society and history. By showing the
similarities and differences between the fictional and nonfictional events, I think it could
easily attract the attention of readers and let them see how each relates to one another.
D. The sources I would use for this picture collage would honestly be just pictures I google
on the internet for events. Now I do not know that if I get pictures from different websites
if I have to cite every single website that I get a picture from, if so this entry will definitely
take the longest! Though a lot of the scenes the pictures were created from would
obviously be from the movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The events I
would take pictures from may be events like from the Jesus Revolution that was lead by
multiple students within a community to make a difference among society in the 1970s1980s. Another event I could find pictures from is the rebellion in France that was lead
by people in the community fighting for rights and freedoms they believed in, or a similar
revolution in Germany that was acted upon by students in 1968.

Entry 4: Diary Entry

A. In my diary entry, I would have two separate entries; one will be from Harry Potter
himself and the other would be from a student in an important event that shows
similarities to Harrys situation. Id like to contrast and also show similarities between
both of the characters and let them talk about how they would have actually personally
felt about rebelling out of good.

B. I think these diary entries can relate to my paper by not only just showing the importance
of rebellions, the confidence people have to act towards them, and also the
consequences of them, but showing the rebellious acts from an individual's perspective
instead of an overall review of a rebellion. This could show the readers all of the points
of my paper and could help let the reader easily relate to the situation.
C. For my sources to the first diary entry that would be written from the character of Harry
Potter, I would use the movie and book of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I
will use direct quotes from the book and movie, but make sure it doesnt sound as a
summary of one of the rebellions he is associated with but just as a diary entry of him
describing his experience personally.
D. For my sources to the second diary entry that would be written from the perspective of a
student in an important rebellion in our history, I would use journal sources about the
moral rebellion that I choose. Currently I do not know which event I would like to write
from but I would like it to have similarities to the rebellion in Harry Potter in order to
relate them to each other and both to my paper. I think I could relate it to the Jesus
Revolution from the 1980s because I could relate it from a students standpoint that is
fighting for what is right just as Harry does.

VIII. Entry 5: Timeline

A. In my timeline Id like to actually intertwine the events through the Harry Potter books
and movies (from around the time they started until the end) and pull in international
events that would have happened around the same time of the Harry Potter events. Id
like to leave this strictly informational but also make it appealing to the reader.
B. For the actual information within the time line, I dont know if I should have two separate
timelines: one for Harry Potter events and one for historical events, or to have one major
timeline and incorporate all of the events, intertwining dates and events together. I think

one of the events I could use is the revolution in France because students and citizens
protested and fought for multiple reasons as in womens right to wear pants to work,
homosexuality, and so much more; so because of this revolution women can wear pants
to work today and homosexualtiy it not a crime. Therefore, I think this timeline can really
enhance the importance of fighting for what you believe in because if that was never
done, who knows what it would be like today in France.
C. For each event, I would describe each event briefly that tells what the rebellion was
about (its importance) and its date. Not only will I include the actual event that
happened, but the results of the event happening as in new rules or laws changing;
pretty much just showing the significance of the rebellion and what its repercussions can
do within the society and overall change history forever.
D. As sources, obviously Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix book and movie, and
also journals and articles about important and significant events within our recent
history. These will be descriptive in the event and what happened because of it.
E. To relate this to my paper I think it could mainly show the consequences and results of
the moral rebellions and how they can change fictional and nonfictional history. This
could really let the reader see how important it is to fight for what you believe is right,
even if it comes with consequences.

Entry 6: Trivia Game

A. I would like to do a trivia game that incorporates both real events and fictional ones from
Harry Potter that were significantly important rebellions. In the trivia game I would have
cards that gave details about a specific event and the person would either have to guess
if it was fiction or nonfiction or either guess exactly what the event was/when.
B. Within the game the cards of events will be mixed so it would not be obvious if the event
was fictional or nonfictional. There would be levels of difficulty though, causing the cards
to be different colors, representing the easy, medium, and difficult levels. This will allow

to have a chance to earn various point scores and the person that earns the most points
will win the trivia game. To make the game a little bit more competitive, for every three
cards that a person guesses incorrectly, they have to subtract points from their overall
score; so it is possible to obtain negative points within the game. Though this does not
go unnoticed as it would in most games, for in this trivia game there are two titles that
are to be earned, the King of Worlds and the Jester of Worlds ( just to make the game
somewhat more interesting).
C. As sources for my trivia game I will again use the movie and book of Harry Potter and
the Order of the Phoenix and also researched journals and articles about historical
events that could easily be portrayed as either fictional or nonfictional. Now how should I
cite my sources for the game? Type them all up and just include them for the game


Entry 7: Descriptive Paragraph

A. Im not exactly sure what you are wanting out of a descriptive paragraph, as in if it can
be fiction or nonfiction; if nonfiction, I would like to write a paragraph almost reporting of
how the muggle world became known of the magical world due to the chaos of Lord
Voldemort and Harry Potter. The war between the two expanded into the muggle world
so know they have to come up with a way to peacefully and fairly merge life together.
B. If fiction I would like to pick an specific and just descriptively write a paragraph about it.
C. If I am able to report about the muggle world I would use the book and movie again as
my source but only for names of people and places that would be recognizable to the
reader. For the paragraph, it would be completely my work and only use trademarks
within Harry Potter to make it understandable. I would describe the rebellion, how and
why it happened, and what were the results and consequences of it.

D. If I am able to write about an event it would just to describe the event, explain why and
how it started, and talk about the results of the rebellion and how it changed history. I
would like this rebellion to be more recent so the reader could relate to it more and
understand its reasoning.
E. I think I could tie this in with my paper by showing the important factors of not being
afraid to fight, the importance of fighting, and knowing and accepting results and
consequences of the rebellion. The reader can point out how each rebellion could relate
to their own lives and the community and society that they already participate in.

Annotated Bibliography
Peggy Noonan. Trump, Sanders and the American Rebellion. The Wall Street Journal. 11
February 2016. Journal, Web.
In this journal, Peggy Noonan states and explains that Donald Trump and Bernie
Sanders are the authors and leaders of a rebellion that is making the American people forget
the respect that was meant for institutions as in church, school, professions, presidency, and the
Supreme Court. She states that the only respect people have the most for is our military. What
does this mean though? Noonan explains it as we see Trump and Sanders as almost weird
and outsiders of politics, which attracts people to them and against them at the same time. I
think I could use this in my essay to show that people can be persuaded into rebellions thinking
its for the good but when really it could cause more damage than anything.

Keith Mathison. Teenage Rebellion. Tabletalk Magazine. 1 October 2009. Article, Magazine.

In this article, Keith Mathison talks about what is expected out of a teenager. When
generally thinking of teenagers, parents, adults, and just any authority figure would mainly give
a negative feedback; saying that teenagers are just lazy, irresponsible, and think that they know
it all. Unfortunately, teenagers themselves know of this reputation that is put upon them from
about the ages of 13-19. Would this just naturally cause teenagers to act out and rebel? This
isnt necessarily true, yet though due to these overly known expectations, many teenagers live
down to these expectations, so this reputation that is forced on these ages may be the cause of
why they do it in the first place. I believe I could use this in my paper to show that rebellions can
even just come naturally, especially since teenagers are pretty much told that they will act out
and rebel anyways.

Ackroyd, Peter. Rebellion: The History of England from James I to the Glorious
Revolution. Thomas Dunne Books. 2014. Print.
In this book, Peter Ackroyd visits the time period of 17th Century of English history since
it was a marvelous time for highs and lows and era of amazing changes. Rebellions from
multiple causes are mentioned in this book, for example, some are the war through the
execution of Charles I, Cromwells Commonwealth, the Restoration of Charles II, and the
Glorious Revolution of 1688. I believe that I could use this book to contrast rebellions from past
to present but also show the similarities in multiples values and moral beliefs that were involved.
I can also show that rebellions for the good were not only acted upon by normal citizens, high
government officials and authority figures rebel for the good of the people, just as Harry Potter
does from his significant standpoint to help out the regular students in Hogwarts.

Manic Street Preachers. A Design for Life. Everything Must Go. 1996. Audio.
A Design for Life is a song by Manic Street Preachers that I chose due to the deep lyrics
that talk about the rut he is in for this life. The lyrics say that Libraries gave us power, then work

came and made us free, what price now for a shallow piece of dignity... I took this as saying
that there needs to be a change because he realizes that this lifestyle is a shallow piece of
dignity. I believe these are the type of thoughts used when a rebellion is on the verge of
starting, because if one person thinks that one lifestyle is not right, there is more than likely
multiple more. So I think I can use this thought process in this song to describe some of the
possibilities on how a rebellion can start.

The Hunger Games. Dir. Gary Ross. Perf. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam
Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, and Elizabeth Banks. Lions Gate Entertainment. 2012. Film.
The Hunger Games is a movie production that shows the bravery of a teenage girl,
Katniss Everdeen, throughout a series of events in a society that uses teenagers death as
entertainment. Katniss, played by Jennifer Lawrence, chooses to stand up against the horrors of
these traditions and starts a rebellion against the capitol to stop this act of cruel government
tactic. I believe I could use this film as a way to prove that a rebellion could also start with just
one person making a stand against what is obviously morally wrong and inhumane. The events
of Katniss standing up against the government could easily relate to rebellions that we see in
real life and I think if I can compare them well enough, it would also grab the attention of the
reader instead of just providing multiple facts about the importance of rebellion.

Roth, Veronica. Insurgent. Katherine Tegen Books. 1 May 2012. Print.

Insurgent is a book written by Veronica Roth as the second book of the Divergent trilogy
series. In this book it continues a story about a girl named Tris that is living in a postapocalyptic society that has divided their people among five different factions. According to
Triss personality test that is required to be assigned to a faction, she is a threat to society. As
she goes on a journey to help answer why she is divergent, war breaks through the factions.

During this she experiences sorrow, remission, identity confusion, devotion, diplomacy, and love
while also trying to maintain a stance in the war. I believe I could use this book to describe the
emotional, physical, and mental toll rebellion can have on a human being because even though
one may be fighting for a good cause or a moral reason, there are always still consequences
that everyone participating has to face.

Baron, Jonathan. Thinking About Consequences. Journal of Moral Education. May 1990.
Journal, Web.
In this journal entry by Jonathan Baron, he describes students as leaders, but also
reminds student of what could come of being a leader. Though being a leader can cause a
stance in a war or rebellion, you cant go in blind or clueless, you must be prepared and think
through actions and consequences. Baron talks about R. M. Hares two levels of moral thinking
and cautions against relying solely on critical thinking. I think I could use this article to also
support the point of consequences with rebellious actions and make my paper stronger on why
it is still important to have rebellion but knowing the risk of having one.

French, Warren; Allbright, David. Resolving a Moral Conflict Through Discourse. Journals of
Ethics- Springer Journals. 1 January 1998. Page 1. Journal. Web.
In this journal I was more drawn to French and Allbrights abstract of the paper. Even just
the first sentence: Plato claimed that morality exists to control conflict. Now how is this?
Because if morality just exists in general, wouldnt some of these immoral conflicts never
happen in the first place? These two author believe that to solve moral conflicts you have to use
ethics in order to understand the immorality of the conflict in order to resolve the problem. I think
I could use their argument as a counter-argument against a lot of moral conflicts that used
ethics and were never solved properly and ended in warfare or even worse.

Neil Levy. Consciousness and Moral Responsibility. Journals of Law and the Biosciences. 1
October 2015. Pages 771-774. Journal, Print.
In this journal by a philosopher named Neil Levy, that is well known is writing in the
ethics and neuroscience fields, talks about the consciousness and moral responsibility of
peoples actions when trying to make a response to a situation. He explains that we have to
have consciousness of our actions in order to have moral responsibility within ourselves. One
interesting fact that he stated that stood out to me; Our consciousness functions principally in
the integration of information. The utilization of integrated information is what generates
behavior that we make decisions, thereby, reflecting our agency and ultimately locating basis of
moral responsibility. I understood this as when we take in basic information of a situation, we
analyze it to try and create either an opinion or response or both to the information we were
provided. I think I could use this was weight on why we form moral opinions, because we
actually analyze the situation to be wrong, due to the information we have been given on what is
moral and what is immoral. So, if we were told in the beginning of our learning lives that what
was moral was actually immoral and vice-versa, would the rebellions that have happened in the
past ever in begin in the first place? (Hmmmmmmmmmm?) -debatable

Shirley Ogletree. Doing What is Right: Determinism, Moral Responsibility, and Agency.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 3. No. 13. July 2013. Pages 1-7.
Journal, Web.
Within this journal by Shirley Olgetree, she explains how many scholars debate on
whether the nature of a person making a choice is actually their free will or not. This is
determined on if the person didnt technically have to do the action, as in there was another

choice, or even ironically, the free willed decision can be determined by the number of possible
outcomes from the decision that was made. Another factor to this debate is the conflict between
determinism and moral responsibility. If a choice was made through determination it can affect
the motive of moral responsibility within the situation. I believe this journal could be extremely
useful in my paper to scientifically describe the debate the reasoning on making a decision
whether through free will or moral responsibility, and according to Olgetrees journal it is difficult
to have both involved in one choice.

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