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Chapter 2: Applied Microbiology


Nguyen Van Thanh

Biotechnology R&D Institute (BiRDI)
Can Tho University (CTU)
•Aim of chapter:
1*General information about fermentation techniques:(2)
2* Microbial basis of processes (6)
3* Bio-products (14)
4* Type of culture (15)
5* Mode of culture operation (16) (19) (31)
6* Effect of application type on process:
. Substrates (32)
. Inoculum (33)
. Parameters (36)
. Growth patterns, growth kinetics, and modelling
of growth (47) or type of product (45)

• Propose results:
Supplying the basic knowledge on application of fermentation:
Research and development on fermentation (48…)
1. Definition of fermentation?

• In history, the knowledge of science is always

upgrade and fullfil during of time
Justus von Liebig (1803-1873)
• Fermentation is only a pure
chemical reaction (chemoreaction)
• Any information about him?
He is known as the "father of the fertilizer
industry" for his discovery of nitrogen as an
essential plant nutrient, and his formulation of the
Law of the Minimum which described the effect
of individual nutrients on crops. He also
developed a manufacturing process for beef
extract, and founded a company, Liebig Extract
of Meat Company, that later trademarked the
Oxo brand beef bouillon cube
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

• Fermentation is a processing,in
which the organic substrates
transform to products by
• What field did he explore and
become the famous people?

 proved existence of microorganisms (1864)

General definition

• Fermentation is the substrate transformation by

living beings (microorganisms) or part of them
with or without oxygen.

2. Microbial basis of processes

• Groups of microorganisms applied for

* bacteria (7)
* yeast (8)
* fillamentous fungi (9)
* actinomycetes (13)

lactic acid bacteria

• One kind of bacteria that

can produce lactic acid from
carbohydrates, especially
also on cooked starch
• Other functions?
Some examples:
•Lactococcus lactis (cheese)
•Lactobacillus casei (sour milk)
•Pediococcus halophilus (miso, soy-sauce)
•Lactobacillus plantarum (kimchi, sauerkart)
•Oenococcus oeni (vine)

• One kind of mold, that can

produce a carbon dioxide
for making bread from
wheat powder adding
• Other functions?

filamentous fungi

• Aspergillus oryzae, one
kind of fungi, that can use
for soy-sauce, miso or
“tuong” making
• Other functions?
Filamentous fungi

• Penicillium chrysogenum,
the fungus was used for
producing penicillin, the first
antibiotic discovered by
Alexander Fleming (11) on
other specie of fungus named
Penicillium notatum

Robert Koch (1843-1910)

Alexander Fleming memorial (12)

A random discovery of Fleming about penicillin in


• One kind of the actinomycetes,

that can produce antibiotics
• Other products?

3. Bio-products

• First metabolites: directly produced during or after

– enzymes, biomass, amino acids,
– vitamines for using or further fermentation.

• Secondary metabolites: indirectly produced after

– antibiotic.
4. Type of culture

• Solid-state fermentation (16)

• Liquid-state fermentation (18)

• Solid-state and liquid-state fermentation (17)

liquid–state fermentation

This is a diagram of a simple
fermenter. In industry, these
would be very large and would
have lots of different pipes and
tubes coming out of it for
various functions.
liquid-state fermentation

• Liquid Fermentation is a controlled process which consists of growing cells in a

liquid broth.
• In this tank also known as a bioreactor, as shown in the picture above, sterility of
the material can be maintained and control of temperature, pH, disolved oxygen,
and mixing, is possible.
• This will provide an optimal environment for the specific microorganism to grow
Both filamentous and non filamentous fungi (such as yeast) can grow in liquid
fermentation systems
solid-state fermentation
In contrast to Submerged (liquid state)
Fermentation, Solid State Fermentation
(SSF) is the
• cultivation of micro organisms under
controlled conditions in the absence of
free water.
• examples of products of Solid State Box fermentation
Fermentation include industrial
enzymes, fuels and nutrient
• enriched animal feeds. The application
of modern biotechnical knowledge and
process control

modern drum solid state fermenters

traditional solid-state fermentation of “tuong”
(mold fermentation) solid substrate cultivation?

traditional liquid-state fermentation of “tuong”

soy-sauce fermentation

Type of fermentation? >

bag fermentation

Type of fermentation?
mold fermentation in laboratory scale

Box fermentation: Type of fermentation?

Type of fermentation?
modern moisture-aerated solid state fermenter
modern drum solid state fermenter
traditional liquid state fermentation
stirro-aerated liquid state fermentation

simple fermenter
automatic liquid state fermenter (5 liters)
aerating by stirring motor

Larger fermenter (500 litters) What is type of culture? >

5. Mode of fermentation operation

1. Batch fermentation
2. Semi-continuous fermentation
3. Continuous fermentation
4. Aerobic fermentation: the liquid was stirred up or
aerated for supplying oxygen to microorganism
5. Anaerobic fermentation: put (put away) the oxygen
content out of the liquid medium?
• Local materials (carbon source: natural or industrial
carbohydrates (agriculture and industrial wastes ), nitrogen
source: … (nitrogen salts), minerals…other stimulated growth

• Looking for the method of preparation suitable substrates for

used microorganisms and type of fermentation

• Pay attention to use cheap materials and give high yield

• Preparation of inoculum: purify the microorganism
strains, fermentation process (34).

• Mode of inoculum: single or mixed inoculum,

immobilized microorganism (35).
Fermentation process

parameters (effecting factors)

• Kind and substrate containing (39)

• Kind of microorganism (38)
• Aeration (40), shaking (42)
• Moisture (41)
• pH
• Temperature (45)

Enzyme production depending on the duration
time and temperature
Research and development on fermentation

• Improving and optimizing the fermentation method

(traditional and modern fermentation)

• Improving and selection microorganism strain

• Production suitable inoculum forms for utilization
• Development fermentation process
Surface response diagram of dry biomass depending on (NH4)2SO4(X), succrose (Y) ratios at

Succrose = 11%
KH2PO4 = 0,25%
Dry biomass=0,85g


Contour diagram of dry biomass depending on (NH4)2SO4(X), succrose (Y) ratios at

0,25% KH2PO4
Industrializing solid state fermentation?

Making suitable form for solid state fermentation
Establishing fermenter and suitable fermentative method
Improving microorganism strain
Production suitable inoculum forms for utilization
Development fermentation process

Collection of waste and processing
Increasing application of waste products

• 1992. Solid substrate cultivation. Doelle H. W.; D.A.

Mitchell and C. E. Rolz eds. Elsevier Applied Science
• 1997. Biochemical engineering and biotechnology
handbook. Vo.1&2
Thank you for your attention !

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