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LP1. To what standard(s) are your objectives aligned? (TESS 1a.1).


Partition a rectangle into rows and columns of same-size squares and count
to find the total number of them.

Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares, describe
the shares using the words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc., and describe
the whole as two halves, three thirds, four fourths. Recognize that equal
shares of identical wholes need not have the same shape.

LP2. How do the lesson concepts fit within the scope of the discipline/content
area? (TESS 1a.1)
The lesson is designed to accomplish the understanding and comprehension of
fractions of a shape and their proper names.

Academic Objective(s):
LP3. What are the academic objectives of your lesson? In other words, what do
you want students to know and be able to do as a result of this lesson? In
parenthesis after each objective, cite the Arkansas Curriculum Framework
Student Learning Expectation reference or Common Core State Standard
reference (TESS 1c.1, 1c.2, 1c.3)
Students will be able to reproduce the partitions of certain geometric figures and
correctly recognize those parts by their proper fractional names.
Students will be able to recognize partitions and fractions of figures and identify them by
their proper fractional names.
Affective [Social/Emotional] Objective(s):
Students will be able to work with their peers in a cooperative learning environment.
Students will be able to finish an assessment project on their own with little to no help
from the teacher or their peers.

LP4. What are the affective objectives of your lesson? In parenthesis after each
objective, cite an Arkansas Curriculum Framework Student Learning Expectation
reference or Common Core State Standard reference that can support the
inclusion of this objective (TESS 1a.1, 1c.1, 1c.2, 1c.3)

LP5. What prerequisite knowledge and skills do your students need to
accomplish these objectives?
Be sure to consider all objectives, both academic and affective, as you answer
this question (TESS 1a.2, 1c.1).
Students need to know the geometric shapes that we are working with. They should
also have some prior knowledge of dividing these shapes, but do not have to know the
mathematical terms for each division.
LP6. How are the objectives developmentally appropriate for the whole class,
including students with diverse learning needs? (TESS 1b.1, 1b.2, 1b.3, 1b.4, 1b5,
Each student will be able to reach the objectives by the redesign of content
presentation. The options of content presentation are paper, SmartBoard presentation,
or iPad presentation.
LP7. How do your lesson objectives connect to prior lessons? (Refer to recent
past, considering both academic and affective objectives.) (TESS 1a.2, 1c.1)
In previous lessons, students learned about the figures they will be using in this lesson.
Students have also worked with partners before, in order to improve social skills as well
as create academic challenge.
LP8. How do your lesson objectives connect to future learning expectations?
(Refer to near future, considering both academic and affective objectives.) (TESS
1a.2, 1c.1)
Students will be able to connect their knowledge from this lesson to others by providing
correct fractional names for shapes portions and other concepts like these.

LP9. Describe the various groupings of students throughout the lesson (TESS

Students will be put into small groups of two or three in order to reveal their background
knowledge of the lesson content. They will also work in these groups to do the first
round of geometric shape portions. Students will work by themselves on an assessment
after the class reaches the objectives of the standards.
Students will be put into groups in order to enhance learning. They will be able to feed
off of each other's ideas, give encouragement to one another, and pair their previous
knowledge together.
Students will work by themselves in order to properly assess their own understanding of
the topic.
LP10. How will you use these student groups to maximize student learning of the
objectives through active engagement? (Align your answer closely with the
objectives of this lesson AND what you know about the strengths and needs of
these students.) (TESS 1b.1, 1b.2, 1e.3)
Each student will be able to provide their own thoughts and realizations about the
lesson with their peers in their groups. This will maximize student learning by offering
multiple views of the lesson content at hand.
LP11. How will you use these student groups to differentiate instruction for
diverse learners? (Align your answer closely with the objectives of this lesson
AND what you know about the strengths and needs of these students.) (TESS
1b.3, 1b.4, 1b5, 1e.3)
Diverse learners will be paired with students that excel and show competency in this
subject. These competent students will provide supplemental instruction for their
partners. They will also work on their own abilities to explain the concepts to their full
LP12. What teaching methods and activities will you use throughout this lesson?
(TESS 1a.3, 1e.1)
Activity based learning, student led/generated learning, lecturing, and supplemental
instruction and help on a need-basis.
LP13. How will you use these methods and activities to maximize student
learning of the objectives through active engagement? (Align your answer
closely with the objectives of this lesson AND what you know about the strengths
and needs of these students.) (TESS 1a.3, 1b.1, 1b.2, 1e.1)

The students are actively participating in each part of the lesson, therefore they are
learning about the concept by participating themselves and exploring the topic
themselves. As the teacher, I will provide basic knowledge and skills for the students to
complete the first few activities. After initial lecturing, teacher help will be limited in order
for the students to grow as people.
LP14. How will you use these methods and activities to differentiate instruction
for diverse learners? (Align your answer closely with the objectives of this lesson
AND what you know about the strengths and needs of these students.) (TESS
1a.3, 1b.3, 1b.4, 1b5, 1e.1)
Students who are comfortable working with another student who struggles/is in need of
help will be partnered with those peers. Every group assigned, and every activity
assigned will be given multiple resources and ways of completing the activity. Those
resources include paper, SmartBoard, and iPad interactive learning activities.

LP15. What teaching material, technology, media and other resources will you use
for planning and delivering the lesson? Why have you chosen these and how will
you use them meaningfully? (TESS 1d.1, 1d.2, 1e.2)
Paper, scissors, markers, iPad and/or SmartBoard, and presentation software (like
Google Slides or Google Draw.)
LP16. How will you use these materials and resources to maximize student
learning of the objectives through active engagement? (Align your answer closely
with the objectives of this lesson AND what you know about the strengths and
needs of these students.) (TESS 1d.1, 1e.2)
Students will first use the paper and scissors to create geometric shapes to form their
background knowledge of the content. Some groups will have the opportunity to work
on an iPad or the SmartBoard. Then, students will compare their made shapes with the
shapes on the presentation software. They will also use the technology to make their
own representation of the shapes and portions as their assessment.
This allows each student to learn the best way that they can. Interactive learning with
previously made visuals are better for some learners. Other students learn by doing.
LP17. How will you use these materials and resources to differentiate instruction
for students with diverse learning needs? (Align your answer closely with the
objectives of this lesson AND what you know about the strengths and needs of
these students.) (TESS 1b.3, 1b.4, 1b5, 1d.3, 1e.2)

Students who engage better with technology will be given that option at first. All
students will be able to interact with the iPad/SmartBoard, but those who show difficulty
comprehending the concepts will use paper at first. Each student must show
comprehension and composition of correct shapes and portions in order for the class to
move onto the next activity.
Behavior Set
Time: ___________


LP18. What behaviors will you need to encourage in order for the group to learn
effectively? Describe the behavioral set you will use as a concrete reminder of
what students are to do/remember throughout the lesson in order to be
successful (TESS 1e.4).
Positive behaviors and emotions such as determination, self-perception goal setting,
encouragement to peers, and a positive outlook. In the beginning of the lesson, I will
have each child set their own goal specifically for themselves. Then throughout the
lesson, I will tell students to encourage their partners who are struggling and show them
how to help those peers. Group collaboration in a positive manner will be highly

Est. Time: _________
LP19. How will you focus learning, state academic and affective objectives,
activate background experiences, and motivate the learners regarding the
content of this lesson? (TESS 1b.4)
Focus of learning the concepts at hand will happen at the beginning of class. I will write
the objectives of the lesson on the board in order for students to see the end goals that
we are working towards.
Providing Lesson Content
Est. Time: _________
LP20. Explain step-by-step what will follow the introduction. Complete the table
that outlines what the teacher will do/say/ask and one that outlines what the
students will do/likely say/answer. Be sure to describe each of the following:
Teaching/Modeling the Concept, Offering Guided Practice, and Independent
Practice (1e.4).

What the Teacher will


What students will

do/likely say/answer

(Explicit Instruction)

I will start the class by

giving specific
instruction for the
paper cutting/folding
activities. After
students finish their
initial thoughts of what
they believe the lesson
is about, I will lecture
about the specific
shapes and their

Students will show

their background
knowledge by making
a shape out of paper
and splitting it into
portions with scissors
or with a

Guided Practice

I will set up the iPads

and SmartBoard in
order for students to
compare their own
representations of the
shapes. Then I will
start the presentation
for starting the
practice on the
machines. I will guide
and help students
form their new
representations and
provide the correct
names for the
fractional parts.

Students will compare

their previously made
shapes and fractions
with the ones on the
machines. Students
will write create their
new shapes and
portion names, that are
correct but
Students will provide
multiple shapes to
express their thoughts
and process of

Independent Practice

I will provide
instructions for the
final project and
provide little to no
help for students.

Students will choose

some form of
presenting the
information that they
have learned. They will
have the options of
paper or google

presentation for the
class at the end of the
day. They will work on
these projects until the
end of the time allotted
for this lesson, and
then present their own

Est. Time: _________
LP21. Describe here how you will wrap up this learning session. How will you
bring it to closure in a cohesive way? Be sure to highlight what students
practiced, both affectively and academically, through this lesson (TESS 1e.4).
I will allow time for students to provide their representations of the content that they
have learned. After every student provides their example, I will go back over the
information that we learned, asking lots of questions about the information.
Extension Activities
LP22. How will you extend the learning of the lesson? What are some ways to
integrate this specific activity or skill into other content areas or lessons? (TESS
In future lessons, students will be able to apply their knowledge and competence of this
lesson. When adding and subtracting fractions in the future, students will be able to look
back and make their own interpretation of addition and subtraction with these models.

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