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The Givers Society Vs.

Modern Day
How is the idea of a utopian society presented? Is it perfect? Without
flaws? Perfect and without flaws isnt the case for Lois Lowrys The Giver. As
the community thinks they live in a perfect world, it's a dystopia rather than
a utopia. In modern day society, this could also be the case. The Giver
presents many differences from modern day society, yet it presents
similarities as well.
The number of differences between The Giver and modern day society
is countless. One of those differences is the jobs. In The Ceremony of Twelve,
all kids are assigned a career. Our society however, its the opposite. We are
not assigned a career. We choose one for ourselves. This relates to the
freedoms of each community. In The Givers community, you cannot travel,
or own your own vehicle, you may only have two children, one boy, one girl,
and you may not touch another person, as it is considered extremely rude. In
our society, its much different. We ,may travel wherever wed like, the men
or women may have as many kids as theyd like, and we can touch one
another. Such as hugs or a celebratory pat on the back. Modern day
societies freedoms are certainly more lenient. Lastly, is the idea of love.
Your father means to say that you used a very generalized word, so
meaningless that its become almost obsolete. ( P. 159-160 ) This quote
happened when Jonas asked his parents if they loved him. It's explaining how
unimportant love is to The Givers community, while in modern day its one
of the most important things in the world. So to sum it all up, the society or
community in The Giver is much different than the world or community we
live in today.
Although there were many differences between The Giver and modern
day, there are many similarities as well. For instance, mealtime. Jonas and
everyone else of his community eat at certain times, just as we do. Not all of
us eat exactly at the same time, but we have guidelines. Such as when you
wake up, you eat breakfast, around noon you eat lunch, and around 6:00 you
eat dinner. I assume its much the same for The Givers community since
they talk about their day when they eat dinner. Another parallel is education.
Considering that Lily, and Jonas are both still in school and are different ages,
its likely that all kids go to school since they are very young to being a
grown up, just as we do. Finally, the jobs. Although the selection of
assignments or jobs is different from us, the jobs themselves are fairly
similar. My friend Yoshiko was surprised by her selection as Doctor, ( P. 21 )
This quote is pointing out only one of the jobs that are similar to ours. For

example, Caretakers. Teachers, and Secretaries, are jobs that are featured in
The Giver and in modern society. To wrap it all up, When you compare The
Giver and Modern day, they really aren't so different after all.
The Giver presents countless differences compared to modern day
society, yet it also presents multiple similarities as well. After comparing and
contrasting, is The Givers society perfect and flawless? Is modern day
perfect and flawless?


Introduction paragraph
Hook ____2____/ 2pts
Bridge (flows)____2____/ 2pts
Thesis___4_____/ 4 pts
Body Paragraph 1
Clear topic sentence about differences.
_____2_____/2 pts
Identified/stated first feature being discussed.
_____1_____/1 pt
The Givers society specifically presented/details from story .
_____3_____/3 pts
Our society specifically presented.
_____3_____/3 pts
The importance of the contrast between the two societies is CLEAR.
_____4______/4 pts
Identified/stated second feature being discussed.
_____1______/1 pt
The Givers society specifically presented/details from story .
_____3_____/3 pts
Our society specifically presented.
_____3_____/3 pts
The importance of the contrast between the two societies is
CLEAR.._____4_____/4 pts
Identified/stated third feature being discussed.
_____1______/1 pt
The Givers society specifically presented/details from story .
_____3_____/3 pts
Our society specifically presented.
_____2_____/3 pts
The importance of the contrast between the two societies is
CLEAR..______4____/4 pts
Clincher statement (last statement of paragraph)
_______3___/3 pts

Appropriate and varied transitions in paragraph .

_____2_____/2 pts
Body Paragraph 2
Clear topic sentence about similarities.
_____2_____/2 pts
Identified/stated first feature being discussed.
____1______/1 pt
The Givers society specifically presented/details from story .
_____2_____/3 pts
Our society specifically presented.
_____2_____/3 pts
The importance of the contrast between the two societies is CLEAR.
__4_________/4 pts
Identified/stated second feature being discussed.
____1_______/1 pt
The Givers society specifically presented/details from story .
____2______/3 pts
Our society specifically presented.
______2____/3 pts
The importance of the contrast between the two societies is
CLEAR.._____4_____/4 pts
Identified/stated third feature being discussed.
______1_____/1 pt
The Givers society specifically presented/details from story .
______3____/3 pts
Our society specifically presented.
_____3_____/3 pts
The importance of the contrast between the two societies is
CLEAR.._____4_____/4 pts
Clincher statement (last statement of paragraph)
_____3_____/3 pts
Appropriate and varied transitions in paragraph .
_______2___/2 pts
Re-stated the thesis using different words ..
____2_____/ 2 pts
Leaves reader with lasting thought about utopias/dystopias
____1_____/ 1 pts
3-5 sentences.
___1______/ 1 pts
MUGS (Mechanics, usage, grammar, spelling, format).
___7______/ 8 pts

Total __________94___________ /100 points

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