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Appendix Contents


Lesson Plans
Completed Pre-Assessment
Answer Key to Pre- and Post- Assessment


Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans (6 Days)

Candidate Impact on Student Learning
Wednesday, April 13th

Pre-assessment was administered

Introduced the topics to the student that we will be reviewing over the next couple
of days

Thursday, April 14th

1. Given two single digit factors and a double digit product within a
number family, the student will compose 2 multiplication equations to
represent the fact family with 100 percent accuracy and no time limit.
2. Given two single digit factors and a double digit product within a
number family, the student will compose 2 division equations to
represent the fact family with 100 percent accuracy and no time limit.
1. SRA Lesson 76 (Exercise 1): This is the lesson in the students SRA
Math curriculum that provides the student with direct instruction on
the first two objectives. The SRA script is pasted at the bottom of the
lesson plan document.
2. Fact Family Triangles Work Sheet: This is a supplemental activity that
I found that will provide the student with extra practice with finding
different equations to number families. The student will use a
computer program to randomly roll two dice. The numbers rolled will
count as the small numbers. (Small numbers is a term used in the
students curriculum. The small numbers are the two factors.) The
students will use those numbers to determine the fact family and write
out the four equations.
1. I created an exit ticket for the student to complete. I will provide the
student with two small numbers, and he will have to fill in the four
equations independently, 2 multiplication problems and 2 division
problems. The lines of where numbers should be written out are drawn
on the paper, he just needs to determine the equations that belong.
2. The student will need to appropriately write all four equations to reach
100 percent mastery. If the student answers incorrectly, I will review
the worksheet with him the next day.

Friday, April 15th


1. Given a double-digit whole factor and a single-digit whole factor, the

student will multiply the numbers and determine the product utilizing
the appropriate techniques that were showed to him with 100 percent
accuracy and no time limit.
1. SRA Lesson 76 (Exercise 2): This is a lesson in the students SRA
Math curriculum that provides the student with direct instruction on
multiplying multi-digit numbers. The script is attached at the end in
the Lesson.
2. SRA Workbook Page: The student will then complete the curriculumbased workbook page for guided practice with multiplying multi-digit
numbers by a single-digit number.
1. The student will be handed an index card with two multiplication
problems written out for him to solve. The student will need to
independently solve the multiplication problems
2. I will analyze his work and see if there are areas that I need to
reinforce for the next day.
Monday, April 18th
1. Given a printed shaded bar graph, the students will identify the
appropriate number of units in a given a category related to the bar
graph with 100 percent accuracy and no time limit.
2. Given a printed shaded bar graph, the student will compare two
categories on the bar graph with 100 percent accuracy and no time
3. Given a single digit number, the student will count by that number
until the student reaches the numbers multiple of 10 (for example,
counting by 4s until reach 40), by writing in the 8 missing numbers,
with 100 percent accuracy and no time limit.
1. SRA Lesson 76 (Exercise 3): The script for this lesson is attached at
the bottom of this lesson. It focuses on reading and answering
questions based upon graphs.
2. Online SRA computer software Practice (Level D: Block 4): This
online program allows the students to receive guided practice on
reading graphs. The computer will read the problem aloud to him and
ask him questions related to a bar graph. A picture of the activity can
be found in the Appendix. This program is beneficial because it allows
me to see how many problems he answered correctly and the amount
of time it took him to complete the problems.
3. SRA Lesson 76 (Exercise 4): The script for this lesson is attached at
the bottom of this lesson.

1. For objective number 3, he will record everyones hair color in the

class. This acts as an authentic assessment because he gets to create his
own graph. I will ask him questions directly related to the graph such
as, How many people have orange hair? He will write his answers
on the back of the graph.
2. For objective number 4, I will provide him with an index card. The
number 3 will be written on the index card. He will need to finish
counting by 3rs and record the numbers on the blank lines until he
reaches 30. On the other side of the index card, he will need to count
by 5s until he reaches 50.
Tuesday, April 19th
1. Given four written factions, the student will use his knowledge of the
greater than sign, less than sign, and equal sign to write in the
appropriate symbol to compare the factions with 100 percent accuracy
and no time limit.
1. SRA Lesson 76 (Exercise 5): Direct Instruction Program
2. Fraction Card Game: This will serve as guided practice for the student
to complete. Create a template on a piece of paper by drawing two
cards on the left side of the page and two cards on the right side of the
page. Draw a line underneath the cards to represent the fraction bar.
The student will randomly draw cards and place them in the drawn-out
rectangles. He will have to compare the two fractions that he created
with the cards.
1. I will provide the student with a worksheet with four different sets of
fractions on it. This exit ticket directly ties to my objective created for
my student because it is having him compare two fractions using the
greater than, lesson than, and equals to symbol. The student will need
write in the appropriate symbol to compare the two fractions.
2. I will analyze the errors and reteach the following day if necessary.
Thursday, April 21st
Review any topics that needed to be re-taught based upon assessment analysis
Administer post-assessment to the student


Completed Pre-Assessment


Answer Key to Post-Assessment

Problem 1
A. 9 X 8 = 72
B. 8 X 9 = 72
C. 72/9 = 8
D. 72/8 = 9
Problem 2
A. 203
B. 192
C. 84
D. 129
Problem 3
A. 5
B. Alice
C. Rob and Alice
D. Tom
Problem 4
A. 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40
Problem 5
A. >
B. >
C. <
D. <

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