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Paige Baldwin

Digital Storytelling/Video Creation Matrix

Colorado Academic

Standards for

Standards for
Students can work in
small groups to create
videos explaining
either the
commutative property
or associate property
of multiplication. Both
word and number
problems will be used
in examples as well as
array diagrams.

1. Number Sense,
Properties, and

Standard 2. Students
use digital media and
environments to
communicate and
work collaboratively,
including at a
distance, to support
individual learning and
contribute to the
learning of others. A.
Interact, collaborate,
and publish with
peers, experts, or
others employing a
variety of digital
environments and

2. Patterns, Functions,
and Algebraic

Teacher will create a

video to show
students how to use
the lattice method to
solve multiplication
problems. This way if
a student becomes
confused about the
lattice method they
can go to the
teachers website and
click on the video to
get a refresher on
how to do the lattice

Understand, Apply, and

Create Students will be
able to apply what they
learned about the
commutative and
associative properties of
multiplication to create
their own problems
using the properties. The
project is also a great
way to check to make
sure that the students
understand how to
correctly use the
properties of
multiplication as well.

Understand The video

will clarify how to use
the lattice method for
multiplication for
students so that they will
understand how the
method works and will
be able to use the
method on their own.




Standard 2. Teachers
design, develop, and
evaluate authentic
learning experiences
and assessments
contemporary tools
and resources to
maximize content
learning in context
and to develop the
knowledge, skills, and
attitudes identified in
the standards. A.
Design or adapt
relevant learning
experiences that
incorporate digital
tools and resources to
promote student
learning and

3. Analysis, Statistics,
and Probability
4. Shape, Dimension,
and Geometric
Reading, Writing, and Communicating
1. Oral Expression and
2. Reading for All

Students will get into

groups to make a
poem music video.
The video will consist
of the poem being
read in the
background with both
literal and symbolic
elements of video
being shown that
correlates to the
poem. This will show
understanding of
symbolism, poetic
devices, and
comprehension of the

Understand, Apply,
Evaluate, and Create
Students will understand
symbolism and other
poetic devices and will
be able to relate it to
creating a poem music
video. Students will
evaluate or determine
what the video will look
like based on how they
interpret the poem.

Standard 1. Students
demonstrate creative
thinking, construct
knowledge, and
develop innovative
products and
processes using
technology. B. Create
original works as a
means of personal or
group expression.

3. Writing and
4. Research and

Teacher will make a

video about the steps
of writing a research
paper starting with
finding sources for the
paper and ending
with writing the
bibliography. This way
students can go to
the video and skip
ahead to the part that
they are struggling
with or go back in the
video to have a step
in the research
process clarified
Standard 2. Teachers
design, develop, and
evaluate authentic
learning experiences
and assessments
contemporary tools
and resources to
maximize content
learning in context
and to develop the
knowledge, skills, and
attitudes identified in
the standards. C.
Customize and
personalize learning
activities to address
students diverse
learning styles
working strategies,
and abilities using

Remember and
Understand Students
will be able to recall the
different steps of the
research process when
working on their
research paper. Students
can also go back to the
video for clarification on
any questions they
might have about the
research paper.

digital tools and


Social Studies
1. History
2. Geography

Students will works

with a buddy from a
school in another
country using a pen
pal program to create
a short video
discussing a normal
school day for their
pen pal. The video
should include a short
segment about some
cultural differences
about life their verses
life here in the U.S.

Create Students will be

designing and creating a
video about the life of a
friend in another country
to learn about cultural

Standard 2. Students
use digital media and
environments to
communicate and
work collaboratively,
including at a
distance, to support
individual learning and
contribute to the
learning of others. C.
Develop cultural
understanding and
global awareness by
engaging with learners
of other cultures.

3. Economics
4. Civics

Teacher can create a

video explaining how
a law is created in
Congress. This way
students have a fun,
non-lecture way to
learn about the
creation of laws and
the passing of bills in
the United States
Congress. Clips from
the song Im Just a
Bill from
Schoolhouse Rock can
be incorporated into
the video.

Remember and
Understand Students
can recall and list the
steps a bill goes through
to become a law. If
students know what step
a bill is on, they will be
able to predict what step
comes next and how far
away a bill is from
becoming a law.

Standard 1. Teachers
use their knowledge
of subject matter,
teaching and learning,
and technology to
facilitate experiences
that advance student
learning, creativity,
and innovation in
both face-to-face and
virtual environments.
A. Promote, support,
and model creative
and innovative
thinking and

1. Physical Science
2. Life Science

Teacher will create a

video about the harm
humans have done to
the environment and
use examples of
ecosystems such as
swamps and forests in
the United States that
have been harmed by
the presence of
humans. After the
video is shown in
class students will be
able to get in groups
to discuss methods
they can take to help
preserve damaged
ecosystems and to
help the environment
as a whole. Solutions
could include
recycling, riding a
bike or taking a bus to
school instead of
having their parents
taking them, and
taking shorter
showers. By using
both a video and
discussion students
who prefer hands on
learning can get as
much assistance with

Remember and Apply

Students will be able to
recollect the information
they learned about the
negative human impact
to ecosystems to assist
them in using that
information to create
solutions to the problem.

understanding the
lesson as students
who are auditory or
visual learners.
Standard 4. Teachers
understand local and
global societal issues
and responsibilities in
an evolving digital
culture and exhibit
legal and ethical
behavior in their
professional practices.
B. Address the
diverse needs of all
learners by using
strategies providing
equitable access to
appropriate digital
tools and resources.

3. Earth Systems

Students can work in

teams to create short
videos to explain the
water cycle and the
formation of clouds.
Students can include
diagrams and models
in the video to help
them explain each
step in the cycle.

Apply and Create

Students are using what
they know about the
water cycle to create
videos that explain the
cycle to others.

Standard 1. Students
demonstrate creative
thinking, construct
knowledge, and
develop innovative
products and
processes using
technology. C. Use
models and
simulations to explore
complex systems and

Learning Disabilities EEOs

Teachers can work

with the students to
create the videos. The
teacher can hold a
session in class
explaining how to
create videos and

then give students

who are struggling
with the different
tools of video editing
advice to help them
create the video.
Students have the
option to make the
video as simple or
complex as they want
it to be.

Physical Disabilities
Gifted/ Talented

Students can be given

the option to create a
video on their own as
well as being allowed
to create a longer
video. The student can
then share their video
with the class.

Reflection: This matrix helps to show that videos and digital storytelling devices can be used across content matter and is not
limited just to certain subjects. Videos can be used across grade levels and can be used instead of lectures for certain lessons to
keep students engaged in learning. Videos are also helpful, because then they can be uploaded to the teachers website/webpage
for students to go back to again for reference or to help students catch up on what they missed in case they were absent from
school that day. Seeing that there are so many different options and tools for digital storytelling and video creation has helped me
to expand my technology area of my TPACK. This matrix helped me realize that videos should be used in classroom instruction,
because they are a simple and easy way to incorporate technology into the classroom.

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