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The countries of Spain, Belgium, Canada, Germany, the United

States, and the United Kingdom agree that the best course of action for all
countries being represented at this debate is to initiate policies allowing
individuals to determine own sexual identity without prosecution. Individuals
should have the right to engage in sexual activity with people of any gender
without government intervention. Individuals should also have the right to
legally marry people of any gender, no matter their own gender. The
countries Spain, Belgium, Canada, Germany, The United States, and The
United Kingdom strongly encourage their foreign neighbors to grant their
LGBT communities the previously mentioned rights, and enact penalties
against discrimination of an individuals sexual orientation.
The steps that the formerly mentioned countries propose their foreign
neighbors take are to:
Legalize same-sex marriage
Legalize same-sex sexual activity
Grant individuals the right to biologically modify their sex
Initiate laws against discrimination of an individual based in
their sexual orientation
The signatories of this resolution firmly believe that granting the formerly
mentioned rights to people of all sexualities will result in a more accepting,
positive world.

- It should go without saying that Spain, arguably THE MOST
gay-friendly country in the world, is most certainly FOR same-sex
marriage, and the country fully supports LGBT rights and freedoms.
Spain believes that all people, no matter what sexual orientation, are
created equal, and shouldnt be penalized for something that the
country sees as ones birth given identity.

- At this point, Spain is only attempting to make it perfectly clear

that it is in a position for same-sex marriage and rights. All Spain can
offer, at this point, is advice for its foreign neighbors, as Spain is
happy to help lead other nations to become more progressive and
- Spain strongly encourages other countries and nations to
legalize same-sex marriage, as well. Spain believes that all countries,
no matter what religion they primarily follow, should allow their
citizens to have their own sexual identity without penalty.
- In case it was unclear, Spain does have laws preventing
discrimination and violence against people as a result of their sexual
identity since 1996. Punishments vary with different offenses.

Delegates: Mazzen Awad & Karen Robles

Committee: Human Rights Council
Topic: Gay Rights
Country: Spain
10th Period

Gay Rights in Spain

In recent years, Spains LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender)
community, as well as the rights and laws regarding LGBT have changed
significantly. During the end of the 20th century (particularly in the early 1980s),
LGBT rights in Spain have received much more recognition and awareness. In
1979, same-sex sexual activity was made legal in Spain. Same-sex marriage and
same-sex adoption were both legalized, as well, in 2005.
All this goes to show that Spain is definitely on any list of more gay-friendly,
progressive countries, as the first country to legalize same-sex marriage was the
Netherlands, where same-sex marriage only became legal in April 2001.

Furthermore, Spain has come a much longer way than other countries in terms of
rapidness in the changing and adding of policies to accommodate the LGBT
community, as historically, the country has been fairly opposed to homosexuality
and individuals wanting to surgically modify their sex.
Spain is argued to be the most LGBT-friendly country in the world by many,
and there arent a lot of ways in which the country can improve its policies
regarding LGBT. Spain should serve as a model for less-progressive countries
toward gay rights issues, including Pakistan, the United States, etc. Spain is
happy to give aid and advice to any countries that think they may need
assistance in creating a better place for people of all sexualities.

Sources Cited

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