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Name: _________________________________

SSPA 4 Study Guide

1. Primary Sources - ________________________________________________________________

a. Examples: ____________________________________________________________________
2. Secondary Sources - ______________________________________________________________
a. Examples: ____________________________________________________________________
3. Be able to identify the following amendments.
Determine the meaning of the following parts of the Preamble to the Constitution
a. Establish Justice - _________________________________________________________
Ex: __________________________________________________________________________
b. Insure Domestic Tranquility - ______________________________________________
Ex: __________________________________________________________________________
c. Provide for the Common Defense: ___________________________________________
Ex: __________________________________________________________________________
d. Promote the General Welfare: _______________________________________________
Ex: __________________________________________________________________________
e. Secure the Blessings of Liberty: _____________________________________________
Ex: __________________________________________________________________________

4. Identify laws in the United States. Explain how these laws establish and maintains
order. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. When the supply of a good decreases, the price will _______________________.
6. When the supply of a good increases, the price will _______________________.
7. If the price of gasoline goes up, a local bus company may _______________ the ticket cost
of a seat.
8. Profit - __________________________________________________________________________
9. Opportunity cost
Example: __________________________________________________________________
10. Wants and Needs: ________________________________________________________________
11. Scarcity: _________________________________________________________________________
12. When the economy is strong, there are more people with funds to purchase ____________
which fund factory jobs. When the economy is weak, like in the Great Depression, there
are less funds available to purchase __________________ and factory workers can lose
their _______.

13. People have adapted the environment to meet human needs by
14. French and Dutch settlers settled in America because they wanted to get their hand in
the (think high-fashion) __________________________________________________________.
15. _______________________________ was the Great Compromiser as he worked to fix
conflicts between the North and the South during the Civil War.
16. Identify changes in technology from the 1800s to today. Be able to explain how these
technological changes have changed our way of life from the 1800s to 2016. (T-charts
work great here!)
17. The ______________________ allowed products to be made more quickly and efficiently in
the 20th Century
18. In Brown vs. the Board of Education, the _________________________ (the
_______________ branch) ruled it was illegal to _________________________
19. People peacefully protested during the Civil Rights movement by

20. In Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s I Have A Dream speech, he reiterated from the
Declaration of Independence We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men
are created equal. Explain the meaning of this bolded quotation of Dr. Kings speech.
21. Many events lead the United States to becoming a world ________, these include WWI,
the Industrial Revolution, the American Revolution and the Spanish-American War.
22. WWII was fought on the battlefields as well as on the American home front. The
American Government encouraged Americans at home to (Think of the posters we
____________________________, ___________________________, _________________________,
________________________, and ____________________________________________________.
23. During the Great Depression, people left the Great Plains and migrated ______________
to find jobs in California and Washington.
24.There were many _____ and _______ factors that caused people to migrate to different
areas of the United States. In the 1900s, African Americans migrated _____________ for

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