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Tamer RE Wana = ANT oo TEN Tei aoe Q@ AIRBUS [i2°6n0 go, 2015 — * ON AIC 103-149, 302-302, 351-399 "A. User Access Levels ‘AI DMU functions, which can be manually activated by the user through the MCDU are protected by a user ‘2c control mechanism based on a password-mechariem. Two User Access Levele are defined 26 follows: ! Security Access User Identification t [No password entry Is requlred to enable the access tothe “Secury User No.1 (ANYBODY) protected AIDS. fusctions. For the Securty User No. 2 (LINCNTCE) protected AIDS function, the Gecusty User Code. (Pasewors) may have a maximum of 8 dts. Individual Securty Access Conte is provided for ach MCDU Menu * Each AIDS Report Each SAR Channel ‘The contents ofthe Secunty MCDU Access Marx represents the Al Standard Setup ofthe elvered DU sofware, 1 ° Ineaees: ser toad Status Vavsooy @) i i 1 1 1 : Belected Reporte on HOU corse 1 : 12 Deine Satarrad Renart i 1 = Send selected Report (via ACARS) ! ! i 1 1 i 1 List of Stored Reports ¥ aovsoor (1) “List Selected Reporte on MEDU screen t i = Peli selected Report 1 = Send eel : ted Report (via ACARE) List of Previous Reports ! aoveoor @) ! SAR/OAR ! aaveooy 1) Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 Page Tow (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, ane RET Wana = ANT cont Tonia Q@AIRBUS [le Sees nwvsoor (1)! List of SAR stored Request V aveoor (1) Assignment of Print sutton aaveooy (1)! Progranning| aureoor (1)! Report Inhibit 5 Report Limite = Report Ol] Table Its possible to refine the Sacurty Aras User assignment cn the GSE by the use ofthe reconfiguration sofware. fa user has insuficient access pvilges fora menu, he is abl to call Up the menu but not ona any functions orto mofy any daa All generated reports and SAR fs are displayed in the respective menus. Ifa user has Insuffeientacooss privileges for specif repons ot SAR fle onl tho asterisks for niation of report output is removed. “ aramotar Call Up Mans “Toe pavamte allan functions are apart of he DMU aparatonalsaltware. The operation of te alpina abn hen dina on a may ct noc te sd eel EU we, Parameter Label Callup © (pe. Fo Parana abel Cal SHEET 1) Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 Page 21H (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 oooo00 ooooo0 cqgogg ee ae ee) ee, SPR, Egsguggo oxnans BET gooooo go0000 oooooo0 gdgg0g ** ON AIG 14-149, 902-902. 951-200 Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 Page Sot (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 Tamer RE Wana = ANT Each parameter transmitted on ane of the up to 64 ARINC 429 connected data buses are selectable for dsplay on the MCDU screen, The selection are made using EQ, source syste, label and SOL ‘Adiionaly the number of data bis tobe used for decimal representation are seleciable, The pats ofthe parameter number ae Isoiated witha slash ‘The number ofthe data bits canbe emited, The defel values 10, The dilayed parameters are Uodated once par second. Upto 2 parameters are dieslayed on one page 8 pages canbe eelocted ‘a slew unis down button, whic lads oa maximum numberof 16 parameters taba montored Simultaneously Example: Parameter Calo with EQ and System Number 56101 EQISYSILABISD! = 1421 4 ‘The procedure to eeloct the Parameter Label CaltUp Menu as follows: ‘Set'AIDS' on the MCOU Manu, ‘Sat PARAM on the AIDS Main Menu ‘Sat PARAM LABEL CALL-UP" on the AIDS Param Call: Up Menu. Enter the parameter e.g. 1C/1/3440112) on the sratchpad Satthe TL key 2 Menu Defeitons: To TRING 425 aquipaeat TdenelFication® L { two-digit hexadecimal character e.g. 18 (for SPCC) Pane Y ARENG 129 Label 1 threaedigit acral Source Destination Identifier: valid entries 00, 01, 10, 11 and xX (OX represents = case in Which the Ey samples the paranster without looking at SOT field) Identifies vhich ARING £29 bite to extvact fvem tha label call-up paraneter and show as decimal value (valid entries Tro 20) of the requested paranet 1" yaraueles lds UL beet UaisniL Led upaLad ‘Blank? paranoter hae been updated, Sign status matrix: is taken fron bits 31 to 29 of the parameter and shor ! binary form. Decimal value of (he pasgeeler calcalaled uyiay Uke *DRTABITS! ten ‘Specify the nusber of bite to vec ao data. The Benimal vali 12 nalonlated ansiming the avtrarted data bite a 2 whole represent a 2's conplenent value. for example SDATABITS' of 12 results in the decinal display of ARINC 429 {bits 28 to 17 . A ‘OATABITS' entry of 20 results in a decimal Gisplay of ARTIC 428 bits 28 to 09. Tf bit 29-0, then the decimal equivalent of Une lwo complement of Une’ ‘DREABET Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 Page Tol (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT Toe TF Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 L {binant sinary bate (bite 26 to 21) of the parapeter are shown on the ata abel “LATABLTS 26-11" 1 Message | Explanations ! wor aLuoweD |= Envalid use : ! | or = Invalid MCD Mode Key ! Equipment. identification (69) is sot a! valid ? character hex nunber ! or ~ System Munber (SYS) not within 1, 2 ! or = Label (LAB) is not a valid 3 character octal! number within 009. co 377 : wr 7 SDE cade is uot within "00", "01", "10", tte ree i or = Wunber of databita Ls not a valid 2 digit! decimal nusher within O1 te 20 : or = At least one of the mandatory parameter! umber parts £0, SYS, AB, SDI is missing! and has not been entered previously : or + hivalid delimever character (°/") or ~ Any further undefined charactore t | > ARINC-429 Equipment Identification (E9) is | not defined in'the OMU Setup Database | or ~ Entered systen Number (SYS) is not defined 1°" " Inthe Setup Database Tor related squipnent, Tent itieation (80) o aramater Alpha Callan (Ret Fig, Parameter Ai Cal-Up SHEET 1) Pint Date Api 27. 2076 Page Sot (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 oooo00 ooooo0 ooooo0 cea oon AE gooooo go0000 goooo0 go0000 Figura SEG SETCOET SEET TH Parameter APRS ** ON AIG 108-149, 902-302. 951-200 Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 Page of (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, [ FetaarR Wana = ANT Toe TF Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 “ = Fer all the parameters, which are isted in the alpha cal-up table. The selection is possible by their ‘alpha codes. parameters from two systems are avaible, both parameters are cisplayed onthe MCDU upon a single alpha callup code ensy, The splayed parameter values are refreshed once per second ‘Allnumerc type aloha cal-up parameters are displayed on the MCDU in engineering units. The ‘spay format i 2 floating point representation of max 6 charactors including the doeimal point Sand the sign f applicable. In cane of postive numbers what decimal pot a 6 characters are ‘aliable for digits. Display of loading zeros ae suppressed. The applicable units are shown below the alpha call-up code onthe MCU screen, ‘Alpha cap parameters, whieh consist ofa combination of several discrete bis or packed disretes ‘are dspiayed in hexadecimal representaton. In this case the Inleation of the appieable unis of he parameter are IDX. 4 ‘The procedure to selec! the Parameter Alpha Cal-Up Menu is as fllows: ‘Set'AIDS' on the MCOU Men ‘Set PARAM on the AIDS Main Menu ‘Set PARAM ALPHA CALL-UP’ on tha AIDS Parameter Call-Up Menu, Enter the Alpha Cal-Up Code onthe adjacant LSK Set the adjacentiine key SSat'CLEAR ALL’ alles are deleted 2 Display indloatons: Nana and system nuther af Pha source computar of subsystem Position identifier referenced to tha aircraft Nt unite) parancter hap been updated and containe valid ssw =") Yoraen) parameter has not been updated = ' 9999 i L 1 OUT OF Ra 1 Wegative number : E Geport TNT Count. only)! oe ~ 6 10 Munda : i 1 or = 18K 2R : Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 Lo Vout OF RANGE tunetion activated 1S Negative nunber = umber > 99999, ) ‘SAR Recording Menu (Re Fig. SAR Recording (Shoat 1/3) SHEET 1 oj000] gqgqggog goooo0 ooodgg0 Aiveerorevens: 2 gocoiod gocdigd docoij0 gocai10 ang heat TAY Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 (Ref. Fig. SAR Recording (Sheet 2)SHEET 1) ocogoc 03 TED FEDORES Ase ROE onsen | SY co sceittnys nor S -srvecsrevarsacr ala valor a vo 20S se en necouns ala Sutin ow fa BD |] oll “ears oe fo ala sure oe = |] oczomootwvaont2 3 | oll owe Jo a ‘ours ee a a oa 2 waves tse a a oa te wave ase o cm sonora ras ol ear oa wo mace a SI) scsscadiuntaserene eo 9 = meee a Oller o 0 renee AME OFHA O09 [Fs TSE OISEDOATSTEET TSR Rocwing Gera) ** ON AIC 108-149, 902-902. 951.209 Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 Pago 1601 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 (Ref Fig. SAR Recording (Sheet 3/3) SHEET 1) ocqgogg oogoj0 gqggdij0 gogo 30 gcogg 10 7S BRA REST ‘ontaser cooooo coggodg gmat 0A 90 preeT GORTSHEET 1S ig Srey ** ON AVC 108-149, 902-302. 951.200 Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 “The SAR stores data in 2 2MByte Sold State Mass Memory (SSMM). The data are compressed in the storage and organized in one SAR Fl, Three diferent modes are provide: “DATA Recording T storage of up four user predefined datasets (each up to 64 samples per second) between a stast event and stoy event + 25 etare/ecop evente are provided = Extended Troubleshooting + storage of up to four user predefined data start svent ia met + 25 events are provided + The data are collected for each trigger event for up to 10 ainutes Gayused Uf up lo 5 uiuules of history data plus up Lo 5 aluules uf sea) Ene data. = Event Recording s"Storage, when an event is detected, of a selectable paraneters) specific for each event + Up to 50 alfterent events are provided with pre event data when @ predefined dataset (15 4 ‘The procedure to select the GAR Menus is as fllows: Selact’AIDS' on the ICDU Menu. Select SAR’ on the AIDS Main Men The folowing previous menus are shown: “ Ewald Lak 1 | or = Invalid MEDO Mods Key ! | or = up, Down = Arrow Key L (Rol Fig. AIDS Software Loading SHEET 1 o | evar Cosy 1-300 ** ON AIC 103-149, 402-202, Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 “The SOFTWARE LOADING’ page displays the actual status of the software loading (TRANSFER IN PROGRESS or NO TRANSFER IN PROGRESS). Ifthe AIDS is avalabe, the LOAD STATUS'is aviomatcally displayed on the MCDU screen. 1 The procedure to eeloct the LOAD STATUS page ie as flows: Selact’AIDS' on the MCDU Menu. ‘Select LOAD STATUS’ on the AIDS Main Mens, ‘The MCDU screen displays the actual status. 2 Possible crate 1 Meseaye 1 Explanations L Lor = cb Mode Key ! 1 | or = Up, Down = Arrow Key ! Pega a/c tai 1 > the A/€ tail reag on HDIU bus 39 not among! : 1 Une one Uf the disceties (File ACOUIT.ME) at = The software reference munber written on! diskette (File ACQUIT.MEM) is not available ! t | wlth the resident software or the loading | Fie sutcleval date of Um disketie (Fie NOQUIT MEH) hae expized, Build a new | disk for data ret ¢ = This operation is flying. > During Ue OBPH Loading, Use gofLnaie las not found the file name on thie dickatte, | During os loading, an error has occurred 1 on processor 2 or 3'when file name has been ! opened. ! ai 1 buslny Uwe UeausCes, «Gish winur las 1 1” pecureed : ot 0 Database Loading Menu (Ret Fig, AIDS Database Loading SHEET 1) Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 ooooo0 gooooo ooooo0 | FAs 900000 gooooo go0000 oooooo0 gdgg0g SGOT SHEET TADS Daabaee LoSIAG ** ON AVC 108-149, 902-302. 951.200 Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 During the OBPM loading, the MCDU shows automatically the OBPM loading menu, f AIDS is set. t is impossible o select the retum key o get access to another menu [At the end of te loading process he message LOAD COMPLETED is displayed. If any error shows ‘during th oad process the message LOAD FAILED! Is shown, 1 ‘Tho procedure to got access lo the LOAD STATUS page is a¢ follows: ‘Set'AIDS' onthe MCOU Men ‘Sat LOAD STATUS’ on the AIDS main menu, The MCDU screen shows the actual status. 2 Possible Scratchpad Messages: 1 Moseage 1 Explanatione 1S tnvalld Lsk | or = Invalid MCDO Node Key AIDS Previous Reports Menu » inet ig AIDS Provo Reps EET googjg ooog30 Figs TSE DESTIOOET SHEET TOS Pravious Ropare ** ON AIC 108-149, 902-902. 951.200 Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 ‘The PREVIOUS REPORT page shows the Report Number, Tigger Code, Date, UTC and the Fight Leg (O0=eurrent ight leg XX=previous leg). 1 ‘The procedure to get access tothe AIDS PREVIOUS REPORTS Is a flows: Set AIDS’ en the MCOU Menu ‘Sot LIST OF PREV REP’ on tho AIDS Main Menu. 2 Possible Scratchpad Me Message Explanations wor auuoweD 1 > Ewald Lak 1 | or = Invalid MEDU Mode Key ! | or = up, Down = Arraw Key oooooo cogogo gooooo cooooo oooooo cooo00 cogooo ooooo0 goojj0 coo3i0 goojj0 ooo3i0 TESST STE area Rapa ** ON AVC 108-149, 902-302. 951.200, Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT oo TEN Tei aoe Q@ AIRBUS [i2°6n0 go, 2015 — ‘The STORED REPORTS' page displays alist of all Al ports, uhich are generated and stored in the DMU report buffer. To display each report select the adjacent ne key. To printout them push the printne key. ‘All Stored Reports are deleted as soon as a new AC ent (AIG talrumber) i recognized by the Diu. 1 ‘Tha procedure to selc! the AIDS STORED REPORTS Is 25 follows Select’AIDS'on the MCDU Menu. ‘Select ‘STORED REPORTS’ onthe AIDS Main Menu 2 Possible Scratchpad Messages: 1 Moseage 1 Explanatione 1 Lo wor aLLoweD 1S tnvalld Lsk ! 1 | or = Invalid MCDO Node Key ! 0 Print Out Stored Reports are Gent to ACARS by Manual Request (Ref Fig AIDS - List of Stored Reports SHEET 1), gijoooo : i _piooao Joocoo 700000 Figure STE BOATEOOR SHEET 1 RIGS List Stared Ropar **ON AIG 198-149, 902-902. 951-200 Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, a) Toe, TFA Shleced away -AL QAIRBUS ecu ugo1.2015 “ = [AIDS reports which are sted inthe pint report buffer (maximal 10 reports). may be printed andlor transmit to ACARS by manual request via the MCDU, ‘The procedure i 8s follows selet'AIDS'on NCDU Menu. select Stored Rep SENDIMRINTS' onthe AIDS Min Menu the AIDS Stored Report Page comes on. ‘Ais fal stored AIDS reports is presented on the screen. Activating the Sol key will cause all 10 Toes tobe rotated, in the deecion indicated inorder to present the next 5 repors. Below each par some remarks can be displayed deseroed as follows: 'DNLKD' means thatthe report was successfuly downlnked by ACARS. "IN AGAR means thatthe report was sent rom /AIDS' tothe (CARS MU! but reception from the ‘ground station wae not yet confimed ‘LEG 6t'e.g. means that he report was generated during the previous fight lag. PRINTED ‘means that the por was aready printed the printer is avaiable and not busy. an asterisk appears besides each report cn org ce TACARS aval a ats apps bsdes each opot fon the lf sie, ‘Start the printout of the desired report by activating the appropriate LO key onthe Fight ee ofthe eoraen (blow PRINT?) Inte sanding a report tp ACARS by acvating the appropriate LS kay on the let of the screen (blow 'SEND). The astersk then disappear from the screen as long asthe printer or ACARS are occupied, (o) Manual Request Reports Menu (Rot Fig, Manual Request Reports SHEET 1) Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 Pago 26 013 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT Toe TF Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 oooooo ogggca coooog coggog coooog coggodg |-anr se.0sroF ree so] cooaog cogagg ocooaog cogaqog ** ON AIG 104-149, 902-902. 951.200) Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 ‘The MAN REQST REPRT page shows alist of al Al reports, which is generated, ifyou push the ‘adjacent ine key. The 1L key is used fo oll opions PRINT. SEND (ACARS) or STORE. ‘Anastetisk is cispayed a the begining of each report i only a single data stor formats ‘define forthe related report. If multiple formas or dat sts ae defined fra por, the! characteris displayed instead ofthe astersh. Ifthe report storage ffl and a generated report is stored inthe rept ir, the ade fre ‘deciaredrepatisdooted to enabie the storage on an actual report. In case thatthe report storage is ful with no free declared reports the oldest report is printed and deleted f sored capac is required ‘When a report is set and complete generated it is printed or sent via ACARS. 4 ‘The procedure to get access tothe MANUEL REQUEST REPORT is as fotows: SSat’AIDS' on the MCOU Menu, ‘Set MAN REQST REPORTS’ onthe AIDS Main Meru. 2 Possible Scratchpad Messages: 1 Message 1 Explanations ! - | or = Invalid MCDJ Node Key t Down Arrow Key iL 1 GENENATION IN PROGRESS 1 REPORT M07 = Selected report can not be currently Generated because, generation of this report ‘PRINTER BUSY |S erinter used by other system ==> OMI waits for print oxt (uEvED 70 PRINTER 1S Report Le in the printer queue se meady WW pelut out iL b Lo ' ane! > aeaRcum nok apern t 1 sts bownalnk sported b P RCARS BUSY [= RCARS-i ' bo SS pew 1 QuBUED 70 ACARE | Repost Le in the ACARE queue t ; 1” TSPheady ta he dowel fned ‘ b ) AIDS Disk Meru ‘The’AIDS DISK MENU’ shows the submenus DISK IDENT for the PCMCIA media status, ISK DIRECTORY for submenus othe PCMCIA dractory and DAR RECORD for submenus to the DAR ‘rule eta sll, Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 Pa (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tare Maa AWE Type TEN Seleted anol: ALL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 1 ‘The procedure to et access othe AIDS DISK MENU isa folows: Sat 'AIDS' onthe MCOU Menu, ‘Set PCMCIA on the AIDS Malh Menu a Possible Sratehpad Mescages: Invalid MCDO Mode Key ! AIDS Disk Ident Page Ref. Fig. AIDS Disk Kent Pace SHEET 1 Coooog cooggc uooooo uoooog [FREDO TOORT SHEET AISS OE ert Page ON AIC 103-149, 302-202. 351-39 Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT for Te Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 ‘The AIDS DISK IDENT page shows the status ofthe PCMCIA clk. The hardware information consist ofa part number, a serial umber and disk maintenance word. The addtonal disk space Information shows the fre and otal space in Kyles. 4 The procedure fo get access tothe AIDS DISK IDENT page isa flows: ‘Set'AIDS’ on the MCOU Menu. ‘Sat PCMCIA'on the AIDS Main Men ‘Sat'DISK IDENT on the AIDS DISK Menu L . Lor = cb Mode Key ! ! | or = Up, Down = Arrow Key 1 b 6 AIDS Disk Dreciory Menu (Ref. ig. AIDS Disk Directory Page SIICCT 4) ojoooc dioogc joooco Too0co ooocoo ON AIC 103-149, 302-202. 351-399 Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, oo TEN Tei aoe Q@ AIRBUS [i2°6n0 go, 2015 — Tamer RE Wana = ANT ‘The DISK DIRECTORY’ page has the function to open the next PCMCIA disk. ectry level. If ‘ne ofthe les i et bythe ey the next dractory is shown, The path is shoo onthe top. The ‘uncion key UP* decreases the creciory offset and DOWN" increases the dreciory offset, The key adjacent 0 “HEX (TEXT) swllcnes the dlspay mode fom hexadecimal 0 txt, r ‘Tho procedure to got access tothe AIDS DISK IDENT pag ica flows: ‘Set'AIDS' on the MCOU Menu, ‘Sat PCMCIA’on the AIDS Main Menus ‘Sat DISK DIRECTORY’ on the AIDS DISK mer a Possible Scratchpad Messages: 1 Moseage 1 Explanatione Lo wor aLLoweD 1S tnvalld Lsk 1 | or = Invalid MCDO Node Key b ADS Disk DAR Record Page Ref. Fig. AIDS Disk DAR Record Page SHEET 1) 3 5 [ae TSE OTTER SHEET TAOS ORE DAR Reco Page ON AIC 103-149, 302-202. 351-399 Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT, Tamer RE Wana = ANT Toe TF Shleced away -AL @ AIRBUS Foose uo01,2015 ‘The'AIDS DISK DAR RECORD’ page shows the emulated status of the DAR function by the PCMICIA disk. Record status, record fie name, record length and feefoal diskspace in Koytes ‘are displayed, 10 The procedure to access tothe AIDS DISK IDENT page isa follows: ‘Set'AIDS’ on the MCOU Menu. ‘Sat PCMCIA’on the AIDS Main Menu ‘Sat DAR RECORD on the AIDS Disk menu 1" 1 Meseaye 1 Explanations 1: wor aizomen |= tvalid Lsk : L | or = Invalid MCDO Node Key ! 1 | or = Up, Down = Arrow Key ! b Print Dato: Apr 27, 2076 (AIRBUS SAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY DOCUMENT,

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