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Vianca Paez

Opinion piece
University of Texas of El paso
Spring 2016

Same sex marriage and religion has been an ongoing controversy and living in a
generation were our society is more open minded and accepting towards the LGBT
community it is to no surprise why the church and todays society whom support same
sex marriage are in such conflict. Both communities may not ever meet eye to eye for
religious reasons but in my opinion what any one chooses to support it is important to
respect ones right to be whom ever they chose to be, and with that not put anyone in a
situation where they have to do something that goes against their beliefs or rights.
With out being hassled by people or the government.
Growing up Catholic myself I am not for nor against same sex marriage,
because although the church opposes same sex marriage I am no one to say what is
right or wrong. Although I do think its contradicting for a gay couple to marry through
the church for their preference I do believe they have the right to marry if they wish
through the court, a place that wouldnt go against their believes. If I could change a
policy to better this controversy I dont think I would, I am for people having rights
even though it might go against my beliefs but what I would change is to try to change
the way people think in todays society. It is understood that you cant please everyone
by trying to please everyone because at the end of the day everyone is different,
different mind set, beliefs, and ethics. When a child is young they are taught that if
they have nothing nice to say to someone dont say nothing at all. If this was instilled
in us as we grew up as well I believe that yes this controversy would still have a role in
our society but the aggression and lack of politeness would not be a big factor between
both social groups. It is such a disappointing and angering feeling to see a country
show such disrespect towards one another for the simple fact that they have different

views from each other. I believe that the best way to handle a situation like this one is
to just change the mind of those who are stuck in one view to open their minds and
just be willing to accept our differences without crossing each others rights or having
the put the other community against what they chose to believe.
My views comes from a point where this controversy is tangled and I am
well aware of it but the best one can do is show some courtesy for our differences. The
reason I believe it is important to have mutual respect is because in a professional
environment as in a job, education, or business relations ones differences should not
interfere just because we can not respect each other and our differences.

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