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Decree for the Establishment of the Association of the

Jews in Belgium - November 25, 1941

On the basis of the authority vested in me by the Supreme Commander of the
Army, I order the following for Belgium:

Par. 1
(1) The Jews shall be incorporated into an association.
(2) The association shall have the status of Corporations under Public Law. It
shall be called The Association of the Jews in Belgium, and its seat shall be
in Brussels.

Par. 2
(1) All those who are Jews in the sense of Par. 1 of the Jewish Decree of
28.10.1940 (Decree Bulletin of the Military Commander, issue 20, no. 1) and
whose domicile or usual place of residence is in Belgium, shall be members of
the Association.
(2) In the case of a mixed marriage, the following applies to the Jewish
a. The Jewish husband shall be a member only if there are no offspring or if
there are offspring that are considered Jews.
The Jewish wife shall be a member only if there are offspring who are
considered Jews.

Par. 3
(1) The purpose of the Association of the Jews in Belgium is to promote the
emigration of Jews. It shall be responsible for the schooling system and the
welfare of the Jews, in accordance with future execution orders. Additional
tasks may be accorded to it.
(2) The association will levy dues on its members for the execution of its

Shoah Resource Center, The International School for Holocaust Studies

(3) If the funds of the Association do not suffice for the execution of its tasks,
the Belgian State will provide the additional funds.

Par. 4
(1) The Association shall come under the supervision of the Ministry of the
Interior and the Ministry of Public Health.
(2) Its statute, as well as all principal decisions regarding its activity, requires
the approval of the Military Administration Chief or of the service appointed by

Par. 5
The existing Jewish associations, institutions, funds and establishments may
be incorporated, in accordance with future orders of the Military Administration
Chief or of the appointed service, into the Association of the Jews in Belgium,
or they may be dissolved and their assets transferred, in whole or in part, to
the Association.

Par. 6
Orders for executing or supplementing this decree will be given, if they are of
principal significance, by the Military Administration Chief, and in other cases,
by the Ministry of the Interior and Public Health or by other relevant Ministries.

Par. 7
Any person who violates, whether deliberately of through negligence, this
decree or the orders and regulations issued for executing this decree, will be
fined or imprisoned or both. In addition to the penalty, his assets may also be

Par. 8
This decree will go into effect upon its pronouncement.

The Military Commander

Shoah Resource Center, The International School for Holocaust Studies

in Belgium and Northern France

Shoah Resource Center, The International School for Holocaust Studies

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