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March, 1932

American Relief &

Lobby Association
Monthly Herald
2304 Reagan Ave

Dear Reader,
How are you? Has the winter treated you nicely? We hope the
blankets we administered last month helped if you had been
cold before. Here at the ARLA we have been pressing hard for
legislation to pass. Read the transcript of one of our members of
the Washington D.C. chapters speech to Congress. We hope
what were trying to pass will bring some relief to you. We also
have new tips and relief coming your way! Just find your local
ARLA chapter to receive it. Find out about it below.
Stay healthy,
American Relief and Lobby Association

Community Rooftop Gardens

Have you ever had a night without food? Have your children ever
had to gnaw on their hands because they went to bed hungry?
We know that many of you have encountered this. Alas, we have
a solution. If you would like to provide food for your family then this
is what you need to do. Build a rooftop garden on top of your
house or apartment. These rooftop gardens are a quick and free
way to provide food for your family, after you have built it. Roof
top gardens are very affordable, our association ARLA

American Relief and

Lobby Association

Upcoming Events
March 25
Colin F. delivers speech to
March 31
Planned relief for banks will
be administered by ARLA
Community garden supplies
begin to be administered

In The News
US bobsled team member
Eddie Eagan becomes only
athlete to win gold in both
Summer & Winter Olympics
(1920 boxing gold)

Japanese forces occupy
Harbin, Manchuria

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ARLA is giving out materials for 20 x 20 foot rooftop gardens.

Directions on How to Build a Rooftop garden
Materials needed/materials provided by ARLA : Plastic sheets,
Wooden boards or Bricks, seeds to plant in your garden, Rain
barrel, dirt, wheel barrow (if needed), hammer and nails, and
any other materials needed to use your garden.
Step 1: locate your space and choose how big you want your
garden to be
Step 2: Build a square with walls about 1-2 feet tall with plastic
lining under it.
Step 3: fill square with dirt
Step 4: Place Rain Barrel under gutter to fill with rain water
Step 5: Plant seeds in dirt and water with water from the rain
Step 6: collect produce from garden when ready.
Go to your local chapter headquarters to get your supplies

Money Usage:

As you doubtlessly know, our

organization, the American Relief and
Lobby Association was granted
200,000 dollars to go towards public
relief programs. It has been decided
to spend one quarter of the money to
go towards lobbying Congress.
Another 40,000 dollars is to go towards
the building of free rooftop
community gardens, to help provide
the poor in cities with free, selfsustainable food. The last half of the
money will be used to back up
savings accounts in banks that are still
in business during this economic
depression. The main bank that we
will be backing with this money is the
Bank of New York, in New York City.

[TRANSCRIPT] March 25, 1932. Speech to Congress

Mr. Vice-President
Mr. Speaker
Honorable Members of Congress
Dear Friends,
I am honored to be here today during this Joint Session of Congress.
As you all are aware, we are in a time of great despair. Many of our
brothers and sisters have been struck by the wicked cancers of
homelessness, starvation, and unemployment. In fact, I was talking to
a young child who told me that he couldnt eat today because it
was his sisters day to eat. How is it that these plagues have befallen
upon us? The answer lays in many different ideas, but the largest,
arguably, is that the banks have not been regulated responsibly. The
unsafe banking practices that are irresponsible have led us into this
drain that is this Great Depression. Now how were these practices
able to take root and grow and create this despair? No regulations!
No legislation has/was passed that would stop these irresponsible
practices. Essentially, Congressman, you could have prevented this.
Alas, that is all past and now is the present.

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I present to you this piece of legislation, the Glass-Steagall Act, which will cover and provides resolutions to
the problems that have stemmed from the banks.
1. A tighter regulation of national banks given to the Federal Reserve. This act outlines the regulations of
banks by the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve must be mindful of how many loans are being
administered and if undue use of bank credit for speculative carrying of commodities, real-estate, or
securities is being made. This will cover the issue of banks loaning too much, which led to this awful
umbra we face today.
2. This act prohibits the sale, purchase, or underwriting of securities. Banks can no longer buy securities
than sell them like they practiced beforehand. Also banks cannot underwrite securities. This takes away
another unsafe practice which has led to many bank failures and people without money to withdraw.
These two problems can be resolved with this act and cure the illness that had befallen on us
3. Insurance on loans. With this act comes the creation of a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Every
deposit will be insured up to 2,500 dollars. This gives confidence to the people to trust banks and deposit
in them and therefore revitalize banks who are dependent on deposits to function adequately. This will
save failing banks and bring health to our sickened economic situation.
Honorable Congressmen, I urge you to vote forth this legislation. Save our country. Save the men and
women who have put you this place. May I remind you that you, Congressmen, serve them; they install
you with your power. Relive the starving children, bring back the banks, invigorate our grand country pf
the land of the free and brave who have been oppressed enough by this awful event. Vote forth this
legislation, Congressmen, vote forth it!
Thank you.

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