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Many societies and countries in this world have become

multicultural. A multicultural society (multiculturalism) is defined

as Where a variety of many different cultural/ethnic groups live
together within the same society. Multiculturalism is a
controversial issue in America. Some people think that
multiculturalism is negative, whereas some others think that
multiculturalism is positive. In my opinion, I agree with the
second view, that multiculturalism is positive. People living in
multicultural societies interact with each other and they learn
from each other. They get to know each others cultures,
traditions, beliefs, languages, ideas and lifestyles. This can
happen at schools as well since students of different cultures
may attend the same school. By doing this, they understand
each other and accept each other. Plus the country has benefits
from it economically in many ways. What is more, living in such
a society makes people more tolerant of each other, even if they
are from very different backgrounds. Moreover, in a multicultural
society, individuals are able to practice any religion they choose.
They can wear what they want, eat what they like and can be
able to practice their customs.
In conclusion, there will always be those who claim that
multiculturalism has taken away a particular national identity. To
my mind, national identity is never fixed and everyone has their
own integration of what belongs to their nations. And
globalization means that it is clearly better for individuals to be
familiar with different cultures.

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