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you a Republican or Democrat?

Before taking this survey please in your own words define the following
terms: After taking the survey, scroll down to the bottom to figure out
what you are.
Political Party: Group of people who came together to contest elections
and hold power in the government.
Democracy: This is a system of government in which power is bestowed
in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected
Republican: A form of government belonging to the republic or nation
Democrat: A supporter of the democracy.

1. A strong military is very important.






schools, social security, etc.



4. A woman should be allowed to have an abortion.



5. Gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry.



government, even if I have to help pay for it.



7. Environmental protection is very important.



8. The war in Iraq was the right decision.



9. Fighting terrorism is more important than fighting





11. The government should have greater control over

economic issues (ie taxes, business, employment, workers



2. Healthcare for everyone is important, even if I have to

help pay for it.
3. High taxes are okay because they help pay for roads,

6. People without jobs should receive money from the

10. Marijuana should be legal.


Kahale Sardinha-Viloria


Friday, May 20, 2016 9:47:49 AM Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time


12. The government should have greater control over


moral issues (ie abortion, religion, sexuality, drugs).



13. The government gives too much money to poor people.








16. The death penalty is an acceptable form of


14. My country is more important than other countries in

the EU.
15. Immigrants should be allowed to live and work in my



Kahale Sardinha-Viloria

Friday, May 20, 2016 9:47:49 AM Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time


Are you a Republican or Democrat?

1. A strong military is very important

1.Yes: 1, No: 0

2. Healthcare for everyone is important, even if I have to help

2.Yes: 0, No: 1

pay for it.

3. High taxes are okay because they help pay for roads, schools,

3.Yes: 0, No: 1

social security, etc. (steuern)

4. A woman should be allowed to have an abortion.

4.Yes: 0, No: 1


5.Yes: 0, No: 1

5. Gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry.

6.Yes: 0, No: 1

6. People without jobs should receive money from the

government, even if I have to help pay for it.

7.Yes: 0, No: 1

7. Environmental protection is very important.

8.Yes: 1, No: 0

8. The war in Iraq was the right decision.

9.Yes: 1, No: 0

9. Fighting terrorism is more important than fighting cancer.

10.Yes: 0, No: 1


11.Yes: 0, No: 1

10. Marijuana should be legal.

11. The government should have greater control over economic 12.Yes: 1, No: 0
issues (ie taxes, business, employment, workers rights).

12. The government should have greater control over moral

13.Yes: 1, No: 0

issues (ie abortion, religion, sexuality, drugs).

14Yes: 1, No: 0

13. The government gives too much money to poor people

15.Yes: 0, No: 1


14. My country is more important than other countries in the

16.Yes: 1, No: 0

15. Immigrants should be allowed to live and work in my
country. (Einwanderer)
16. The death penalty is an acceptable form of punishment.

Kahale Sardinha-Viloria

Friday, May 20, 2016 9:47:49 AM Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time



SCORING: 0 6 Democrat, 7 9 Undecided, 10 16 Republican
Finallay, please find a political cartoon that makes the political party you are not
look and drag it on to this document and then explain what you think the cartoonist
is saying about the party.

The cartoonist is trying to explain that republicans really hate Obama and are
basically against any saying he has.

Kahale Sardinha-Viloria

Friday, May 20, 2016 9:47:49 AM Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time


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