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Folic acid, vitamin B12, and iron in food help treat the anemia which frequently

accompanies arthritis.
A British research study revealed that arthritic patients had a low pantothenic acid level
in their blood. This important B vitamin should be included in the diet.
Take 6-8 bromelain tablets a day or, better yet, eat part of a fresh pineapple each day.
This helps reduce or eliminate swelling and inflammation in the soft tissues and the joints
affected by rheumatoid arthritis.
Helpful herbs include black cohosh, parsley, slippery elm, alfalfa, peppermint, buckthorn
bark, ragwort, burdock root, and chaparral.
To summarize part of this nutritional data, treatment of arthritis should include calcium
(2000 mg per day; assuming no meat is eaten); vitamin C, to bowel tolerance; B6 (100 mg,
twice a day); B3 (450 mg, twice a day); vitamin E (1000 IU daily); copper (2mg per day);
selenium (300 mcg per day); and zinc (50 mg, three times a day).
DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is by-product of the wood industry. It can be applied to the
skin above the affected areato relieve pain, reduce swelling, and promote healing. Only
obtain it from a health food store.
Reduce the amount of fat in your diet. Avoid dairy products and fatty foods.
Do not eat meat. The purines and uric acid in it inflame arthritic conditions.
Avoid salt, caffeine, tobacco, paprika, and citrus fruits.
Do not eat anything with added sugar.
A high-protein diet induced arthritis in research on pigs. The first symptoms occurred
within a week.
Some arthritics are sensitive to foods in the nightshade (solanaceous) family. This
includes eggplant, white potato, bell pepper, tomato, and tobacco. They have solanine,
which interferes with muscle activity. In one research study, 85% of arthritics were
benefited when they stopped using those foods. These foods are sometimes included in
other foods as "natural ingredients."
Chocolate, tea, coffee, and cortisone injections may also cause problems.

Do not use iron supplements or vitamin/mineral supplements that contain iron. Get your
iron from food (blackstrap molasses, broccoli, etc.)
Take a free-form amino acid complex regularly, to help repair tissue damage.
Arthritic patients frequently have liver disorders. This can deter the conversion of
carotene into vitamin A. So additional carotene-rich foods should be eaten.
Kombucha tea has nutrients needed to strengthen connective tissue; so it tends to relieve
pain, increase energy, and improve mobility in arthritics.
Exercise is very important in both preventing and treating arthritis. Joints which are not
used tend to stiffen. Practice bending all your joints (not merely the affected ones) in
different positions, 5-10 times twice a day.
If you are unable to exercise your joints because the pain is too great, carry out an
exercise program in a tub of warm water (93o-98o F.).
Good posture is also important. Poor posture does not distribute weight evenly and can
intensify the problem.
Sleeping in a sleeping bag often reduces stiffness and pain in the morning. An electric
blanket may also help. Keeping the body evenly warm at night is important.
If the blood is too acidic, the cartilage in the joints can dissolve.
Place cold gel packs on inflamed joints, to relieve pain. Alternate with applications of
Charcoal poultices may be applied to affected joints.
Hot packs applied to stiff joints tend to decrease morning stiffness.
Hot tubs and baths also provide relief.
In the morning, take a hot shower, to help relieve morning stiffness.
Hot castor oil packs are very useful. Heat castor oil in a pan, but do not boil it. Dip white
cotton cloth into it, till saturated. Apply it to the affected area, and cover with a piece of
plastic which is larger than the cloth. Place a heating pad over the area and keep it warm
for 1 to 2 hours.

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