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Alana Pollard
Professionalism Research Project
SC 500
Summer 2016
University of West Alabama


Introduction to Professionalism and Ethical Behaviors

I feel that one of the most important areas of professionalism is showing professionalism
and ethical behavior. I feel that this area is the most important because as a professional, school
counselors should always strive to act in a professional manor and treat our students and
colleagues in a positive way that helps to improve the overall educational workplace. I believe
that professionalism is shown when someone carries out their roles and duties as a counselor. I
believe that as a professional, counselors should be punctual and dress appropriately.
Professionalism and ethical behavior as a school counselor is very important because students
and colleagues should feel that you are honesty and show fairness to everyone. A counselor is
someone who people turn to for leadership and support, so counselors should always strive to
demonstrate ethical behaviors in the school settings and also in the community.
Current Issues of Professionalism
In todays schools, many counselors find themselves lacking professionalism and ethical
behaviors. As a school counselor, there will be times all throughout the day that are faced with
ethical situations. One of the current issues that I feel have impaired professionalism with school
counselors is technology. While it has its many benefits, technology has not only made people
anti-social, it has also created a way for people to show a lack of professionalism when posting
things on social media. I believe that when school counselors and teachers start befriending
students on different social media sites that it causes a lack of professionalism. School counselors
need to be aware of the ethical codes for the profession and be aware of the standards for social


Professional Ideas and Opinions from Scholarly References

Professionalism is being addressed with school counselors by many different resources.
First, one main influence on professionalism in school counseling is graduate training, according
to (Akos, 2005). I agree that many counselors begin forming a professional identity during their
graduate studies and training. That is when many future counselors learn and grow in their
professional journey. It is important that school counselor educators demonstrate professionalism
in an effort to encourage their students to exhibit similar behavior, (Akos, 2005). I agree that
counselors are always looked as a role model for students and should demonstrate
professionalism at all times. I feel that with technology, especially social media, counselors
should keep a professional attitude when it comes to their social media. So many students and
parents are looking at counselors as professionals, and social media is no exception to that rule.
School Counselors should also maintain their professionalism by gaining new skills and
knowledge for the profession. According to the American School Counselor Association Ethical
Standards for School Counselors, it is a responsibility of the profession for counselors to conduct
themselves in such a manner as to advance individual ethical practice and the profession
(Association, 2014). Another professional issue that counselors need to be aware of is
technology. While it has its many advantages, social media can cause professional boundaries to
be inadvertently crossed. This centurys school counselors use technology as a resource for
accessing information, gaining professional development, and also communicating with parents
and students. Communication and information sharing through online technology are fast
becoming integral components of school counselors ethical practice, (Stone, 2016). I agree that
counselors should use technology to help communicate with their students and parents, but they
should always maintain a professional mindset when doing so.


Helping Colleagues with Professionalism and Ethical Behavior

As a counselor, I could help my colleagues with professionalism and ethical behavior by
first going over the code of ethics for educators. First, I would give each colleague a copy of the
ethics guidelines for educators. I then would conduct a discussion on topics other colleagues felt
were professional and topics that were unprofessional. We then would discuss ways to help keep
a high level of professionalism inside and outside of the classroom. Another way I could help my
colleagues with professionalism is setting up different professional developments opportunities
that focus on ethical practices and usages of technology in relation to school counseling and
In conclusion, professionalism and ethical behavior should be a major part of a school
counselors professional identity. Counselors should use technology as a way to communicate
with parents and students, but professional boundaries should be in place before communication
begins. I think that engaging in different professional developments will help school counselors
learn new ways of professionalism and technology as well as refreshing their ethical standards.



Association, A. C. (2014). 2014 ACA Code of Ethics . Retrieved from
Milsom, A., & Akos, P. (2005). CACREP's Relevance to Professionalism for School
Counselor Educators.
Counselor Education And Supervision, 45(2), 147-158.
Stone, C. (2016, January 1). Legal and Ethical Technology Imperatives. Retrieved
from ASCA School Counselor:


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