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Second Great awakening

Johnathan Edwards-sinners in the hands of an angry god

George Whitefield- 10,000 ppl crowds, understand bible w/o leader
Second great awakening-started at Yale by Tim Dwight
Wanted to end slavery, womens rights, treatment for insane, public schools
People encouraged in faith Charles Finley radical revivalism, all can be saved
Millennialism- second coming on its way, became seventh day Adventists
Mormos- thought NA were lost tribe of Israel, nobody likes them
Shakers- communal, hard work, no sex
New harmony- secular commune
Oneidashared all, no wives all raised kids, sold silver ware
Fourier phalanxes socialist, did not work
Dorethea dix- aware of condition of mentally ill, wanted ot change, made mental
Made school for blind/deaf
Auburn NY good prison system
Free public schools- Horace Mann

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