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Disusun oleh : Agus Suwarno

• Pressure vessels are used in many
industries (e.g., hydrocarbon processing,
chemical, power, pharmaceutical, food
and beverage).
• The mechanical design of most pressure
vessels is done in accordance with the
requirements contained in the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section
Main Pressure Vessel
- Shell
- Head
- Nozzle
- Support
• The shell is the primary component that
contains the pressure. Pressure vessel
shells are welded together to form a
structure that has a common rotational
axis. Most pressure vessel shells are
either cylindrical, spherical, or conical in
• Head is part/component to close at both
end of shell.
• Heads are typically curved rather than flat.
• Curved configurations are stronger and
allow the heads to be thinner, lighter, and
less expensive than flat heads. Heads can
also be used inside a vessel.
• A nozzle is a cylindrical component that
penetrates the shell or heads of a
pressure vessel. The nozzle ends are
usually flanged to allow for the necessary
connections and to permit easy
disassembly for maintenance or access.
• Nozzles are used for the following
– Attach piping for flow into or out of the vessel.
– Attach instrument connections, (e.g., level
gauges, thermowells,or pressure gauges)
– Provide access to the vessel interior at
– Provide for direct attachment of other
equipment items, (e.g., aheat exchanger or
• The type of support that is used depends
primarily on the size and orientation of the
pressure vessel. In all cases, the pressure
vessel support must be adequate for the applied
weight, wind, and earthquake loads.
• The design pressure of the vessel is not a
consideration in the design of the support since
the support is not pressurized.
• Temperature may be a consideration in support
design from the standpoint of material selection
and provision for differential thermal expansion.
Material Selection Factors

• The main factors that influence material

selection are:
• Strength
• Corrosion Resistance
• Resistance to Hydrogen Attack
• Fracture Toughness
• Fabricability

• Strength is a material's ability to withstand

an imposed force or stress. Strength is a
significant factor in the material selection
for a particular application.
• Strength determines how thick a
component must be to withstand the
imposed loads
Corrosion Resistance

• Corrosion is the deterioration of metals by

chemical action. A material's resistance to
corrosion is probably the most important factor
that influences its selection for a specific
• The most common method that is used to
address corrosion in pressure vessels is to
specify a corrosion allowance. A corrosion
allowance is supplemental metal thickness that
is added to the minimum thickness that is
required to resist the applied loads.
Resistance to Hydrogen Attack

• If this hydrogen diffusion continues, pressure can build to

high levels within the steel, and the steel can crack.
• At elevated temperatures, over approximately 600°F
(315,5C), monatomic hydrogen not only causes cracks
to form but also attacks the steel. Hydrogen attack differs
from corrosion in that damage occurs throughout the
thickness of the component, rather than just at its
surface, and occurs without any metal loss.
• In addition, once hydrogen attack has occurred, the
metal cannot be repaired and must be replaced.
• Instead, materials are selected such that they are
resistant to hydrogen attack at the specified design
Fracture Toughness

• Fracture toughness refers to the ability of a

material to withstand conditions that could cause
a brittle fracture. The fracture toughness of a
material can be determined by the magnitude of
the impact energy that is required to fracture a
specimen using Charpy V-notch test.
• Generally , the fracture toughness of a material
decreases as the temperature decreases. The
fracture toughness at a given temperature varies
with different steels and with different
manufacturing and fabrication processes.

• Fabricability refers to the ease of

construction and to any special fabrication
practices that are required to use the
• Pressure vessels commonly use welded
construction. The materials used must be
weldable so that individual components
can be assembled into the completed
• Design Conditions and Loadings
• All pressure vessels must be designed for the
most severe conditions of coincident pressure
and temperature that are expected during
normal service. Normal service includes
conditions that are associated with:
– Start up.
– Normal operation.
– Deviations from normal operation that can be
anticipated (e.g., catalyst regeneration or process
– Shutdown.
• Generally, design pressure is the maximum internal
pressure, that is used in the mechanical design of a
pressure vessel.
• For full or partial vacuum conditions, the design pressure
is applied externally and is the maximum pressure
difference that can occur between the atmosphere and
the inside of the pressure vessel.
• Some pressure vessels may experience both internal
and external pressure conditions at different times during
their operation.
• The mechanical design of the pressure vessel in this
case is based on which of these is the more severe
design condition. (see UG-21)
Operating Pressure

• Operating pressure is is the pressure to

be used in operating condition.
• The operating pressure must be set based
on the maximum internal or external
pressure that the pressure vessel may
• The following factors must be considered:
– Ambient temperature effects.
– Normal operational variations.
– Pressure variations due to changes in the
vapor pressure of the contained fluid.
– Pump or compressor shut-off pressure.
– Static head due to the liquid level in the
– System pressure drop.
– Normal pre-startup activities or other
operating conditions that may occur (e.g.,
vacuum), that should be considered in the
Design Temperature

• The design temperature of a pressure vessel is

the maximum fluid temperature that occurs
under normal operating conditions, plus an
allowance for variations that occur during
• The maximum temperature used in design shall
be not less than the mean metal temperature
(through the thickness) expected under
operating conditions for the part considered (see
• The minimum metal temperature used in design
shall be the lowest expected in service.
Operating Temperature

• The Operating temperature is fluid

temperature that occurs under normal
operating conditions.
• The operating temperature must be set
based on the maximum and minimum
metal temperatures that the pressure
vessel may encounter.
Other Loadings

• The loadings that must be considered to

determine the minimum required thicknesses for
the various vessel components are as follows:
– Internal or external design pressure.
– Weight of the vessel and its normal contents
under operating or test conditions.
– Superimposed static reactions from the
weight of attached equipment (e.g., motors,
machinery, other vessels, piping, linings,
– Loads at attached of internal components or
vessel supports.
– Wind, snow, and seismic reactions.
– Cyclic and dynamic reactions that are caused
by pressure or thermal variations, or by
equipment that is mounted on a vessel, and
mechanical loadings.
– Test pressure combined with hydrostatic
– Impact reactions such as those that are
caused by fluid shock.
– Temperature gradients within a vessel
component and differential thermal expansion
between vessel components.
• The maximum allowable stress value is
the maximum unit stress permitted in a
given material used in a vessel
constructed under these rules.
• The maximum allowable tensile stress
values permitted for different materials are
given in Subpart 1 of Section II, Part
D.(see UG-23).
• The maximum allowable working pressure for a
vessel is the maximum pressure permissible at
the top of the vessel in its normal operating
position at the designated coincident
temperature specified for that pressure.
• It is the least of the values found for maximum
allowable working pressure for any of the
essential parts of the vessel and adjusted for
any difference in static head that may exist
between the part considered and the top of the
vessel.(see UG-98)
• The user or his designated agent shall specify
corrosion allowances other than those required
by the rules of this Division. Where corrosion
allowances are not provided, this fact shall be
indicated on the Data Report.
• Vessels or parts of vessels subject to thinning by
corrosion, erosion, or mechanical abrasion shall
have provision made for the desired life of the
vessel by a suitable increase in the thickness of
the material over that determined by the design
formulas, or by using some other suitable
method of protection. (see UG-25)
See UG-27
t = minimum required thickness
P = internal design pressure
R = inside radius of the shell course
under consideration, (pertimbangkan
OR S = maximum allowable stress value
(see UG-23 and the stress limitations
specified in UG-24)
E = joint efficiency for, or the efficiency of,
appropriate joint in cylindrical or
spherical shells, or the efficiency of
ligaments between openings, which
ever is less.

Thickness for Internal Pressure
• Inside Diameter - 10’ - 6”
• Design Pressure - 650 psig
• Design Temperature - 750°F
• Shell & Head Material - SA-516 Gr. 70
• Corrosion Allowance - 0.125 in.
• 2:1 Semi-Elliptical heads, seamless
• 100% radiography
• Vessel in vapor service
• The minimum thickness or maximum
allowable working pressure of cylindrical
shells shall be the greater thickness or
lesser pressure as given by formula
Circumferential Stress (Longitudinal
Joints) or Longitudinal Stress
(Circumferential Joints)
• A = factor determined from Fig. G in Subpart 3 of Section
II, Part D. Cylinders having Do /t values less than 10,
see UG-28(c)(2).
• B = p factor determined from the applicable material chart
or table in Subpart 3 of Section II, Part D for maximum
design metal temperature
• Do = outside diameter of cylindrical shell course or tube
• E = modulus of elasticity of material at design temperature.
Taken from the applicable chart in Subpart 3 of
Section II, Part D.
• L = total length, in. (mm), of a tube between tube sheets, or
design length of a vessel section between lines of
• P = external design pressure.
• Pa = calculated value of maximum allowable
external working pressure for the assumed
value of t
• Ro = outside radius of spherical shell.
• t = minimum required thickness of cylindrical
shell or tube, or spherical shell, in. (mm)
• ts = nominal thickness of cylindrical shell or
tube, in. (mm)
• Hitung nilai dari Do/t.
A. Bila nilai Do/t ≥ 10, ikuti step berikut:
– Step 1, Asumsikan nilai tebal t, dan hitung
rasio L/Do dan Do /t.
– Step 2, Lihat Fig. G pada Subpart 3 of
Section II, Part D. Pakai nilai L/Do sesuai
perhitungan yang didapat pada step 1:
• Bila nilai L/Do >50, maka L/Donya=50.
• Jika nilai L/Do < 0.05, maka L/Do nya = 0.05.
• Step 3, Tarik garis dari L/Do ke kurva Do/t
sehingga ada titik potongan. Dari titik
tersebut ditarik garis lagi ke area factor A
untuk memperoleh nilai factor A.
• Step 4, Cari nilai B, dengan memasukkan
nilai factor A yang diperoleh ke grafik/chart
tabular sesuai material yang dipakai, di
subpart 3 ASME II D.(contoh fig-CS1untuk
carbon steel and low alloy steel). Tentukan
kurva material/temperature disain yang
akan dipakai.
Contoh grafik untuk mencari nilai B
• Step 5, Tarik garis dari nilai A ke kurva
material/temperature yang dimaksud.
Pada perpotongan garis tsb, tarik garis ke
arah area B untuk memperoleh nilai B.
• Step 6, hitung maksimum allowable
external pressure (Pa) dengan
menggunakan nilai B yang didapat dari
step 5 dengan rumus:
• Step 7, Jika nilai A terletak pada sebelah kiri
kurva material/temperature, perhitungan Pa
menggunakan rumus:

• Step 8, Bandingkan nilai Pa yang didapat dari

perhitungan di step 6 dan 7 dengan design
pressure P. Jika Pa<P, lakukan penghitungan
kembali dengan menggunakan t yang lebih
tebal, sampai diperoleh Pa≥P
• Bila Do/t < 10.
• Step1, langkah kerja sama seperti step
1s/d 5 untuk Do/t≥10 untuk memperoleh
nilai B:
– Jika Do/t < 4, nilai factor A bisa dihitung
dengan rumusan:

untuk nilai A ketemu>0.10, ditetapkan A=0,10

• Step 2, Bila nilai B sudah didapat, hitung
maksimum allowable external pressure
(Pa1) dengan rumusan:

• Step 3, hitung Pa2 dengan rumusan:

• Step 4, Bandingkan nilai Pa1 dan Pa2,
yang lebih kecil diambil sebagai Pa.
Bandingkan Pa dengan P, jika Pa<P,
hitung kembali dengan menggunakan
material yang lebih tebal dengan langkah
yang sama sampai diperoleh Pa≥P
• Step 1, buat asumsi tebal material yang dipakai,
t, dan hitung nilai faktor A dengan rumusan:

• Step 2, Masukkan nilai A yang didapat ke chart

yang sesuai pada ASME II D. Tarik garis ke arah
kurva material/temperature hingga ketemu titik
perpotongan. Bila nilai A berada di sebelah kiri
kurva, perhitungan Pa mengikuti step 5.
• Step 3, cari nilai B dengan menarik
perpotongan ke area B.
• Step 4, hitung nilai Pa,dengan rumus:

• Step 5, Hitung nilai Pa dengan rumus

berikut, bila nilai A berada disebelah kiri
grafik seperti step 2:
• Step 6, bandingkan Pa terhadap P, bila:
Pa<P, pakai material yang lebih tebal dan
hitung kembali sampai diperoleh Pa≥P
• A = total cross-sectional area of reinforcement
required in the plane under consideration
(see Fig. UG-37.1) (includes consideration
of nozzle area through shell if Sn /Sv<1.0)
• A1 = area in excess thickness in the vessel wall
available for reinforcement (see
Fig. UG-37.1)includes consideration of
nozzle area through shell if Sn /Sv<1.0)
• A2 = area in excess thickness in the nozzle wall
available for reinforcement (see
• A3 = area available for reinforcement when the
nozzle extends inside the vessel wall (see
Fig. UG-37.1)
• A41, A42, A43 = cross-sectional area of various
welds available for reinforcement (see Fig.
• A5 = cross-sectional area of material added as
reinforcement (see Fig.UG-37.1)
• c = corrosion allowance
• D = inside shell diameter
• Dp =outside diameter of reinforcing element
(actual size of reinforcing element may
exceed the limits of reinforcement establish
ed by UG-40; however, credit cannot be
taken for any material outside these limits).
• d = finished diameter of circular opening or
finished dimension (chord length at mid
surface of thickness excluding excess thick
ness available for reinforcement) of non
radial opening in the plane under consider
ation, in.(mm) [see Figs. UG-37.1 and UG-40]
• E = 1 (see definitions for tr and trn)
• E1 = 1 when an opening is in the solid plate or in
Category B butt joint; or
= joint efficiency obtained from Table UW-12
when any part of the opening passes
through any other welded joint
• F = correction factor which compensates for the varia
tion in internal pressure stresses on different
planes with respect to the axis of a vessel.
A value of 1.00 shall be used for all configu
rations except that Fig. UG-37 may be used
for integrally reinforced openings in cylindrical
shells and cones. [See UW16(c)(1).]
• h = distance nozzle projects beyond the inner
surface of the vessel wall. (Extension of the
nozzle beyond the inside surface of the vessel
wall is not limited; however, for reinforcement
calculations, credit shall not be taken for
material outside the limits of reinforcement
established by UG-40.)
• K1 = spherical radius factor (see definition of tr
and Table UG-37).
• L = length of projection defining the thickened
portion of integral reinforcement of a nozzle
neck beyond the outside surface of the
vessel wall [see Fig. UG-40 sketch (e)]
• P = internal design pressure (see UG-21), psi
• R = inside radius of the shell course under
• Rn = inside radius of the nozzle under
• S = allowable stress value in tension (see UG-
23), psi (MPa)
Sn = allowable stress in nozzle, psi (MPa) (see S,
• Sv = allowable stress in vessel, psi (MPa) (see S,
• Sp = allowable stress in reinforcing element
(plate), psi (MPa) (see S, above).
• fr = strength reduction factor, not greater than1.0 [see
• UG-41(a)]
• fr1 = Sn /Sv for nozzle wall inserted through the
vessel wall.
• fr1 = 1.0 for nozzle wall abutting the vessel wall and
for nozzles shown in Fig. UG-40, sketch (j), (k),
(n) and (o).
• fr 2 = Sn /Sv
• fr3 = (lesser of Sn or Sp) /Sv
• fr4 = Sp /Sv
• t = specified vessel wall thickness,24 (not including forming
allowances). For pipe it is the nominal thickness less
manufacturing under tolerance allowed in the pipe
• te = thickness or height of reinforcing element (see Fig. UG-40)
• ti = nominal thickness of internal projection of nozzle wall
• tr = required thickness of a seamless shell based on the circum
ferential stress, or of a formed head, computed by the
rules of this Division for the designated pressure.
• tn = nozzle wall thickness.24 Except for pipe, this is the wall
thickness not including forming allowances. For pipe, use
the nominal thickness [see UG-16(d)].
• trn = required thickness of a seamless nozzle wall
• W = total load to be carried by attachment welds (see UG-41)
• Design for Internal Pressure.
• The total cross-sectional area of
reinforcement A required under internal
pressure shall be not less than
A = dtrF + 2tn trF(1 − fr1 )
• Design for External Pressure
The reinforcement required for openings in
single-walled vessels subject to external
pressure need be only 50% of that
required in formula above.

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