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Report Formulas Cheat Sheets

by Crystal Reports Online Training

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String Parsing Functions

String Functions Function Description
String Analysis Functions Name
Function Name Description Trim(str) Trim the spaces from both sides of a
AscW(str) Returns theASCII value of a string.
character. LTrim(str) Trim the spaces from the left side of
ChrW(val) Returns the character a string.
equivalent of an ASCII value. RTrim(str) Trim the spaces from the right side
Len(str) Gets the number of characters of a string.
in the string. Mid(str, start, Return a given number of characters
IsNumeric(str) Tells if the string can be length) starting at a specified position. The
start and length arguments are
properly converted to a
number. optional.

InStr(start,str1, str2, Determines if str2 is a sub- Left(str,length) Return a given number of characters
compare) string of str1. The start and starting with the leftmost character.
compare arguments are both Right(str, Return a given number of characters
optional. length) starting with the rightmost character.
InStrRev(start,str1, Same as InStr() except that it
str2, compare) starts at the end of the string The Trim() function deletes all extraneous
and searches towards the spaces from either side of the string, depending
beginning. on which function you call. The Mid(), Left(),
StrCmp(str1, str2, Compares two strings to each and Right() functions return a partial string
compare) other.The compare argument where the number of characters returned is
is optional. based on the length argument. If you don’t
pass a length argument to the Mid() function, it
Val(str) Returns the numeric returns all characters starting with the first one
equivalent of the string. you specified.

The StrCmp() function returns a value based

upon how the two strings compare to each
other. Just like the Instr() functions, you can
pass a compare argument to set case
StrCmp(str1, str2) Return Values
Return Value Description
-1 str1 < str2
0 str1 = str2
1 str1 > str2

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to use the ChrW(39) function. This returns the

String Manipulation Functions quote literal and it is much easier to read.
It is common for a string to be modified before // Display "Ben Hur"
it is displayed on a report. This can consist of Chrw(34) & "Ben Hur" & Chrw(34)
reformatting the string or even joining the
The Filter() function searches an array of
different elements of an array into a single
strings for a matching sub-string. It returns an
array of all the strings that have that sub-string
String Manipulation Functions in them. The first argument is the string array
Function Name Description and the second argument is the sub-string to
search for. The Filter() function has an optional
&, + Concatenate(combine) two include argument that tells the function to
strings into a single string. return an array of strings that don’t match the
sub-string. Essentially, this would be the same
Filter(str,find, include, Search an array of strings
as saying that it returns all strings where the
compare) for a sub-string and return
InStr() function returns a zero.
an array matching the
criteria. The Replace() function searches for a sub-
string within another string, and if it finds it,
Replace(str,find, Find a string and replace it
then it replaces it with the new string. It uses
replace,start, with another string. The
an additional optional argument called count.
count, compare) arguments start, count and
The count argument lets you limit how many
compare are all optional.
string replacements are done. If you pass a
StrReverse(str) Reverse the order of all number for this argument, then the number of
characters in the string. replacements done cannot exceed that value. If
you don’t pass a value for this argument, then
ReplicateString(str, Returns multiple copies of a
all the sub-strings are replaced.
copies) string.
The Split() and Join() functions work together
Space(val) Returns the specified
nicely. The Split() function takes a string and
number of spaces as a single splits it into a string array. The string is
separated based upon a character you pass to
Join(list, delimiter) Join an array of strings into the function. This is typically a comma, but it
one string and separatethem can be anything you need it to be. Splitting the
with the specified delimiter. string apart makes it is easy to work on the
individual strings. After you are done making
Split(str, delimiter, Split a single string into an any necessary changes to the individual
count, compare) array of strings based upon strings, you can combine them back into one
the specified delimiter.The string using the Join() function. How
arguments count and convenient!
compare are optional.
Picture(str,template) Formats the characters in a
string onto a template.

The & or + is used between two string

variables (or fields) to combine them into a
single string. An example is:
{Customer.LastName} & ", " & {Customer.FirstName};
Although you can use + to concatenatestrings,
it is recommended that you use & because it is
most commonly recognized as the standard
operator for concatenating strings. Using + can
be confused with arithmetic functions.
An easy way to insert the quote into a string is

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True and zero is converted to False. When it is

Converting Data Types displayed on a report, it prints the words
“True” or “False”.
Even though the data types in Crystal syntax
are fairly simple, you still have to make sure The CCur() function takes a number or string
that they are compatible. Fortunately, this and converts it to the Currency data type.
shouldn’t cause problems because there are When converting a string, it can have
functions to convert between the different data formatting characters in it (“$”, “,”, etc.) and it
types. will still be converted properly.
Data Conversion Functions The CDbl() and ToNumber() functions are
Conversion Function Description equivalent. Pass each a value and it gets
converted to a number.
CBool(number), Convert to Boolean.
The CDate(), CTime() and CDateTime() are all
similar. Pass them a string and it gets
CCur(number), Convert to Currency. converted to the proper data type. The string
CCur(string) parser for this function is very sophisticated. It
lets you pass strings as diverse as “Jan 19,
CDbl(currency), Convert to Number.
1991”, “5/26/1998” and “2002, Feb 04”. You
CDbl(string), Equivalent to
can also pass numbers as individual arguments
CDbl(boolean) ToNumber(). See the
for representing the different parts of a date
section “Formatting
and time. See Table 6-5 for the various
Values for Output”.
argument options.
CStr() Convert to String. When converting a string to a date or number,
Equivalent to ToText(). you run the risk of raising an error if the string
CDate(string), CDate(year, Convert to Date. isn’t in the expected format.You can avoid this
month, day), by testing the strings validity before converting
CDate(DateTime) it. The IsDate() and IsNumber() functions do
this for you. They return True if the string can
CTime(string), CTime(hour, Convert to Time. be properly converted.If not, they return False.
min, sec), CDate(DateTime) For example, here is a function that converts a
CDateTime(string), Convert to DateTime. string to a date,but only if it is a valid date.
CDateTime(date), If IsDate({Invoice.ExpirationDate}) Then
CDateTime(date,time), CDate({Invoice.ExpirationDate});
CDateTime(year,month, The ToWords() function takes a number and
day) converts it to its equivalent in words. This is
CDateTime(year,month, Convert to DateTime. similar to writing a dollar amount on a check
day, hour, and then spelling out the full amount in words.
It prints the decimal portion as “##/100”. You
min, sec) can set the number of decimals it displays by
ToNumber(string), Convert to a Number. passing a number to the second argument,
ToNumber(Boolean) which is optional. Notice in the second
example how it only displays one decimal
ToText() Convert to String. Same place and it rounds it up to the next higher
as CStr(). number.
IsDate(string), IsTIme(), Test a string for being a //Demonstrate the ToWords() formula
IsDateTime() valid date/time.
ToWords(123.45); //Result is "one hundred twenty-
ToWords(number), Convert a number to its three 45 / 100"
ToWords(number,decimals) word equivalent. ToWords(123.45,1); //Result is "one hundred twenty-
three and 5 / 100"

The CBool() function takes a number or

currency value and converts it to Boolean True
or False. Any non-zero value is converted to
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Formatting Values for Output

CStr() Example Output
The CStr() function is passed the value to
format as the first argument and a formatting # CStr() Output
string as the second argument. 1 CStr(1234, 2) 1,234.00
CStr() Formatting Characters
2 CStr(1234.567, 2) 1,234.57
Format Description
3 CStr(1234.567, “#”) 1234
# Use with formatting numbers. Each 4 CStr(1234.567, “0”) 1234
instance of it allocates space for a
single digit. If the number isn’t very 5 CStr(1234, “0.##”) 1234.00
large, the remaining part is filled with
6 CStr(1234, “0.00”) 1234.00
spaces. If the number is too large, the
integer part is still fully displayed. 7 CStr(1234.567, “#.##”) 1234.57
Unused digits after the decimal are
8 CStr(1234.567, “0.00”) 1234.57
zero filled.
9 CStr(1234.567, “#####”) 1234
0 Use with formatting numbers. If the
number isn’t large enough, it is 10 CStr(1234.567, “00000”) 01234
padded with zeros. If the number is
11 CStr(#1/2/2003 04:05:06 2/1/03 4: 5: 6 A
too large, the integer part will still be
fully displayed. Unused digits after
the decimal are zero filled. “d/M/yy H/m/st”)

, Use with formatting numbers to 12 CStr(#1/2/2003 04:05:06 01/02/2003 16:05:06

designate the thousand separators. pm#, AM
“dd/MM/yyyy HH/mm/ss
. Use with formatting numbers to
designate the decimal separator.
13 CStr(#1/2/2003 04:05:06 01/02/2003 04:05:06
D, M Day and month as a number (without
am#, AM
a leading zero).
“dd/MM/yyyy hh/mm/ss
dd, MM, yy Day, month and year as a two digit tt”)
number (with a leading zero when
necessary). 14 CStr(#3:20 PM#, 15:20
ddd, MM M Day and month as a three letter
dddd, MM M M, Day, month and year fully spelled
yyyy out.
H, m, s Time portions (12 hour) as a number
without a leading zero.
hh, mm, ss Time portions (12 hour) as a two
digit number (with a leading zero
when necessary).
H, HH Show hours using a 24 hour clock
(military time).
T Single character representation of
TT Two characterrepresentation of

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WeekdayName(weekday, Return the full week

Date and Time Functions abbreviate,firstdayofweek) name. Return the 3-
Crystal Reports gives you a plethora of date letter abbreviation if
and time related functions to utilize. You can the second argument is
also combine different functions together to True.
createvery powerful date calculations. Year(date) Return the year
Date and Time Functions component as a
Function Name Description
CurrentDate,CurrentTime, Returns the current Interval Strings for DateAdd(), DateDiff() and
CurrentDateTime, PrintDate, date and/or time. DatePart()
PrintTime String Description
DataDate, DataTime The date and time that yyyy Year
the report data was last
refreshed. Q Quarter
DateSerial(year, month, day), Returns a date or time. M Month (1 through 12)
DateTime(hour, minute, ww Week of the year (1 through 53)
W Day of the week (1 through 7)
DateAdd(interval, number, Increases the date by a
date) certain interval. Y Day of year (1 through 366)

DateDiff(interval, startdate, Find the difference D Day part of the date (1 through 31)
enddate,firstdayofweek) between two dates. H Hour
DatePart(interval, date, Return a number N Minute
firstdayofweek, representing the current
firstweekofyear) interval of a date. S Second

Day(date) Return the day

component as a Printing the Current Date and Time
There are five functions which return a report’s
Hour(time), Second(time), Return the time related date and time. The functions CurrentDateTime,
Minute(time) components. CurrentDate, CurrentTime, PrintDate, and
PrintTime all return the date or time that the
Month(date) Return the month
report was printed. Although the functions
component as a
Currentxxx and Printxxx have different names,
they are synonymous with each other.
MonthName(date, Return the full month
The functions DataDate and DataTime return
abbreviate) name. When the second
the date and time that the report data was last
argument is True, it
refreshed. If a report has the Save Data With
returns the 3-letter
Report option turned on, this will tell you how
current the data is.
Time(time),Time(hour, min, Return a Time data
sec), TimeValue(time) type given a string
("11:59:00 PM") or
numeric time().
Timer The number of seconds
since midnight.
DayOfWeek(date, Return a number
firstdayofweek) representing the day of
the week.

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Special Crystal Reports Training Invitation

The Crystal Reports Online Training program consists of over 1,500 online pages of in-depth
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Included with the three best-selling books are video tutorials. We know that some people
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need to build reports.

As a value added service, there is a members-only forum where you can post and answer
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Thank you and talk to you soon,

Brian Bischof

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