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Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200

SEISRES Ð a Visual C++ program for the sequential

inversion of seismic refraction and geoelectric datap
Sankar Kumar Nath*, Shamsuddin Shahid, Pawan Dewangan
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721 302, India
Received 20 November 1998; received in revised form 21 July 1999; accepted 21 July 1999


Refraction seismic and geoelectric methods are usually applied for the delineation of near surface structures in
environmental, engineering and hydrogeological investigations. When applied independently, these techniques yield
suciently accurate subsurface models. But the inversion of these data may also lead to incorrect parameter estimation
specially in complicated geological situations, namely, blind zone problems in seismics, suppression and equivalence
problems in geoelectrics. Stability and non-uniqueness can be reduced to a great extent by integrating physically di€erent
sets of data into a joint or sequential inversion scheme. In the present paper, we aim at introducing one such algorithm,
wherein the seismic refraction and DC resistivity inversion routines are amalgamated. Even though the seismic and
geoelectric methods may independently see di€erent interfaces due to completely di€erent physical responses, the joint or
sequential inversion needs a common parameter, the layer thickness being the one in this situation. The proposed scheme
is coded in Visual C++ on Microsoft Windows '95 environment using the concept of object-oriented programming.
The program SEISRES is exclusively menu driven and customised for running on personal computers. It has several
options, namely, seismic ray inversion for near-surface estimation, curve dissemination for generating a starting
model using seismic depth section, 1D resistivity inversion for Schlumberger and Wenner single electrode arrays
using evolutionary programming for global optimisation, 1D forward calculations, creation of resistivity data sets
from Wenner multi-electrode pseudo-section and construction of quasi-2D geoelectric section of the subsurface. The
software is tested on a variety of synthetic examples with complex litho-stratigraphic relationships. The present
paper deals with three such synthetic examples for the delineation of an aquifer in a three-layer setting in the ®rst
two examples and the detection of a thin conductive clay lens embedded in an aquifer in a four layered earth model
emulating an equivalence problem. The seismic-guided 1D Schlumberger and Wenner inversions and the quasi-2D
sections from pseudo-section interpretation led to subsurface information with better precision compared to the
direct 2D inversion. A detailed ®eld investigation was undertaken in Midnapur District for ground water
prospecting. The results of two test sites at Satkui and Tangasol are presented here for judging the performance of
the software package. Available borehole lithologs and geophysical logs validated the ®ndings from SEISRES. The
strength of the present scheme lies in its ability to model the subsurface seismically and geoelectrically, even in 2D
environment by 1D approximation on a laptop/personal computer at-site cost-e€ectively. 2000 Elsevier Science
Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: RINSE; Evolutionary programming; Pseudo-section; Quasi-2D section; Aquifer

Code available at
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-3222-83374; fax: +91-3222-55303.
E-mail address: (S.K. Nath).
0098-3004/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 9 8 - 3 0 0 4 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 8 6 - 2
178 S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200
1. Introduction late with the seismic interfaces within an accuracy of
0.5 m. They also observed an improved lithological in-
terpretation of the seismic model by the geoelectrically
Seismic and geoelectric methods often involve map-
derived model, wherein a coal seam with 24 times
ping of geological units of di€erent grain sizes, inter-
higher resistivity than that of the surrounding strata
faces between unconsolidated sediment and underlying
could be unambiguously recognised.
bedrock, gentle to con¯icting dips of the interfaces and
Many multi-sequential and joint inversion algor-
minor to large lateral variation in the physical property
ithms have been reported so far by Raiche et al.
of the subsurface. Inverting the recorded data sets sep-
(1985), Breitzke et al. (1987), Dobroka et al. (1991),
arately may lead to incorrect parameter estimation of
Sandberg (1993), Herring et al. (1995), Verma and
the underground model (Herring et al., 1995). For
Venkataramana (1995), Misiek et al. (1997) and others.
example, in an underground structure with a high-vel-
Lines et al. (1987) used surface seismic data, sonic log,
ocity layer overlying a low-velocity structure, neither
vertical seismic pro®ling (VSP) and gravity data to get
refraction nor re¯ection seismic alone is capable of
stable joint inversion results. Zeyen and Pous (1993)
resolving the parameter of the low-velocity layer. The
published results of a magnetic/gravimetric joint inver-
geoelectric surveys may also fail to determine the
sion. In mines, VSP and underground DC resistivity
lithounits with low resistivity contrast, comparatively
data were combined in an inversion procedure by
thin conductive/resistive layer enclosed between resis-
Dobroka et al. (1991). All the authors demonstrated
tive/conductive layers (problem of equivalence), a thin that the accuracy and reliability of the estimated
stratum with resistivity value intermediate between the model parameters are much better in joint/sequential
enclosing beds (problem of suppression) and a depth inversion than an independent one. The present paper
of an interface between a conductive layer and a resis- is aimed at combining seismic refraction and DC geo-
tive one because of the ambiguity of solutions based electric data (both Schlumberger and Wenner arrays)
on potential methods. Vertical Electrical Sounding in a sequential scheme.
(VES) curves are appropriate when geological units are There exist a number of refraction interpretation
gently dipping with large lateral extent having minor techniques like intercept time method, generalised reci-
variations in lithology (Sandberg, 1993). procal method, etc. In the present context we used the
Stability and non-uniqueness problems can be su- basic principle of ray inversion for near surface esti-
ciently reduced by integrating physically di€erent types mation (RINSE) (Jones and Jovanovich, 1985) and
of data into a single inversion procedure using joint or introduced downward continuation of the refracted
sequential inversion algorithms. In order to process rays by lowering the plane of observation with the
DC resistivity and magnetotelluric data, Vozo€ and stripping of the overlying layer (Nath et al., 1996). The
Jupp (1975) introduced such a joint inversion method. geoelectric forward (Ghosh, 1971; Johanssen, 1975;
They proved that some model parameters, which play O'Neill, 1975) and inverse (Johanssen, 1977; Koefoed,
insigni®cant roles in determining the solution of an in- 1979; Zhody, 1989; Chundru et al., 1995; Sen and
dividual inversion problem, can lead to important par- Sto€a, 1995) problems are well established for various
ameters in a joint inversion, resulting in well resolved arrays. Schlumberger and Wenner soundings are com-
models. Completely di€erent physical data can also be puted for the estimation of resistivity as a function of
integrated into a joint or sequential inversion if, at depth from the measured apparent resistivity values at
least, the measured data are in¯uenced by a subset of di€erent electrode separations using various inversion
the underground parameters. For example, when using techniques. Wenner multi-electrode survey emulates a
seismic and geoelectrical data representing physically 2D pro®ling which is also referred to as continuous
di€erent responses of the near surface structures, the vertical electrical sounding (CVES) (Dahlin and Loke,
layer thickness is the only parameter common to both. 1998). The forward program for the 1D inversion pro-
The boundary between two layers of di€erent resistiv- cedure in our routine is based on the linear digital ®lter
ities and seismic velocities may not coincide. Thus, it of Ghosh (1971) for both Schlumberger and Wenner
may occur that the number of layers derived by inde- arrays. Since generation of ®nal layer parameters from
pendent inversion of seismic and geoelectric data are a range of probable solutions is also aimed at, we
not identical. However, in order to be sure that geo- attempted global optimisation algorithm using evol-
electric and seismic data can be combined in a joint utionary programming (EP) (Fogel, 1991; Sen and
inversion scheme, it is assumed (Herring et al., 1995) Sto€a, 1995) in the 1D inversion of the geoelectric
that the layer-interfaces are the same for both geoelec- data. Although the data interpretation is done using
tric and seismic properties. Breitzke et al. (1987) tried horizontally layered earth model (1D) assumption in a
the parameter estimation and fault detection by 2D or 3D environment, it is always better to use inter-
sequential seismic and geoelectrical surveys in a coal pretational tools which assume 2D or 3D models.
mine and found that the geoelectrical interfaces corre- Even so, it becomes necessary at times to analyse data
S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200 179

in 1D, either inadvertently or by choice. Beard and 2

alence. A 10% Gaussian noise is added to the syn-
Morgan (1991) made an assessment of 2D resistivity thetic data in order to simulate noisy ®eld conditions.
structures using 1D inversion. They indicated that 2D In all these cases, seismic refraction, Schlumberger and
subsurface geometry can be approximately delineated Wenner resistivity curves and Wenner multi-electrode
using contours based on apparent resistivity and 1D 2D pseudo-sections are sequentially interpreted and
inversion. In the present investigation, the seismic compared with the direct 2D pseudo-section inversion
inversion provides 2D control on the initial geoelectric using least square method (Loke and Barker, 1996;
parameterisation for a better solution with 1D inver- Dahlin and Loke, 1998), the software being down-
sion of Schlumberger and Wenner data. Compared to loaded from the public domain of Lund University,
direct 2D inversion without any extra control (Loke Sweden. The cross-sections evolved from the sequential
and Barker, 1996) the results of 1D resistivity inversion scheme in all the cases are replicative of the original
of 2D pseudo-sections with seismic control, are su- models. Seismic and geoelectric surveys were con-
perior. It should be noted that the synthetic pseudo- ducted in Midnapur District., West Bengal, India for
sections in our analyses are generated using ®nite the delineation of shallow aquifers in the soft rock of
di€erence approach of Dey and Morrison (1979). Kasai River basin. The results obtained by SEISRES
SEISRES, the proposed sequential algorithm inverts at two sites Satkui and Tangasol and the latter vali-
seismic refraction traveltime data for the delineation of dated by available borehole geophysical logs (point re-
subsurface velocity and interface depths in the ®rst sistance and SP) and the corresponding lithologs at
instant. Following the assumption of Herring et al. Tangasol site are presented here.
(1995), the seismic depth values are passed on to the
direct dissemination of resistivity sounding curves
(both Schlumberger and Wenner arrays) using Koe-
2. Basic theory and algorithm
foed's algorithm (Koefoed, 1979) for the initial geo-
electric parameterisation of the subsurface.
Subsequently, iterative evolutionary programming is 2.1. Ray inversion for near surface estimation from
invoked for the generation of ®nal layer parameters till seismic refraction data (RINSE)
a user de®ned criteria is ful®lled. For 2D multi-elec-
trode Wenner resistivity pseudo-sections, a number of RINSE uses head wave traveltimes from multi-fold
closely spaced vertical slices simulating 1D resistivity seismic refraction data and the average velocity in the
soundings, are considered for the generation of quasi- layer above the refractor to determine the shape of the
2D sections by stacking together the resistivity-depth boundary. The slopes of head wave traveltime curves
models evolved from 1D inversion. We prefer to call it are used to determine the direction of refracted waves
2D inversion by 1D approximation. arriving at the surface and leaving the source. Travel-
SEISRES is a graphical interactive and menu driven time computed along pairs of intersecting rays from
user friendly Visual C++ package developed in Micro- the source to receivers near the source are compared
soft Windows environment (95 or higher). The pro- with observed traveltime to reconstruct the shape of
gram allows the user to migrate from one module to the ®rst refractor boundary beneath the surface and
the other, export data from routine to routine and the variation in seismic velocity along the boundary.
major modules, retrieve information from stored input This theoretical information is used as a basis for
and output ASCII data bases by simply pressing re- further processing to calculate depth and velocity vari-
spective button on the toolbar. ations along the remaining refractors by downward
The paper is organised as follows. In the ®rst section continuation of the refracted rays. The basic theoreti-
we discuss the basic theory of RINSE, initial geoelec- cal aspects of RINSE for the delineation of weathered
tric parameterisation by curve dissemination and 1D layer is discussed in detail by Jones and Jovanovich
inversion by evolutionary programming. The major (1985). Nath et al. (1996) extended it further by incor-
modules of the program SEISRES are subsequently porating downward continuation along the refracted
outlined with their source codes provided on the ser- head wave traveltimes to develop a complete refraction
ver, The performance of this sequential interpretation package in HP-UX environment. The
inversion algorithm is tested using a variety of syn- present seismic inversion algorithm is the Visual C++
thetic and real ®eld examples, with some of the results version of this package. However, it should be noted
being presented in the Results and Discussion section. that the combinatorial optimisation option for the raw
The numerical examples are chosen to simulate a ®eld data is eliminated in order to facilitate generation
three-layer horizontal earth model with the intermedi- of more number of layers depending on channel to
ate layer resistivity varying laterally, a three-layer channel critical distance (Xc) variation. RINSE uses
model with a dipping intermediate layer and a litho- backward continuation to project head wave arrival
stratigraphic unit su€ering from the problem of equiv- times to near o€sets where they are not recorded as
180 S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200
®rst arrivals. This back projected arrival time is necess- 2.3. 1D inversion of geoelectric data by Evolutionary
ary for the computation of critical distances (Xc) from Programming (EP) technique
the source. Xc is the sole controlling parameter in
RINSE to determine the number of layers present in Genetic Algorithms (Goldberg, 1989; Sen and Sto€a,
the subsurface. Xc also helps in determining the point 1995) belongs to the group of random search tech-
of emergence of the ®rst refracted signal on an inter- niques such as Monte Carlo, Simulated Evolution,
face. Xc value remains constant for all the refracted Simulated Annealing (SA) and Very Fast Simulated
arrivals from the same interface, but is marked by an Annealing (VFSA) techniques (Chundru et al., 1995).
abrupt change when the arrivals come from a di€erent In Genetic Algorithm (GA) the search is random but
interface. The plotting of Xc values helps the in- is guided by the stochastic process which helps the sys-
terpreter select the channel numbers at which the arri- tem to learn the minimum path leading to the solution.
vals come from di€erent layers and in a way, to assess However, one of the diculties of GA as pointed out
the total number of layers also. Once the depth points by Fogel (1991) lies in the premature convergence, as
of the ®rst interface are determined, the observation after successive generation the entire population con-
plane is brought down to a level passing through the verges to a set of coding such that the crossover no
®rst interface by downward continuation. The travel- longer generates any new chromosomes. This may hap-
time curves are reduced accordingly to conform to the pen even before ®nding an optimal solution. Although
new observation plane. The new depth points are cal- mutation allows for diversity, the mutation rate is
culated and observation plane is lowered further till all usually low, so that practically no improvement can be
the data are exhausted. In this process subsurface achieved in the ®nal generation of the population. The
lithounits are delineated with their velocities derived problem can be solved by EP.
from the slopes. In D.C. resistivity sounding we are concerned with
the parameters like r1, r2, . . . , rn and h1, h2, . . . , hnÿ1.
For each parameter there is a pair of bounds. We
intend to ®nd the exact solution within the speci®ed
2.2. Dissemination of 1D Schlumberger and Wenner domains. EP does this by using three major steps
curves which are generation of population, computation of
®tness and mutation as de®ned below.
Seismic refraction inversion discussed in the previous 1. Generation of population. In the ®rst step n real
section imparts 2D control over the inversion of geo- coded individuals in the population are generated
electric data. Seismically derived layer thicknesses are randomly within the speci®ed bounds. Two import-
used in the dissemination of sounding curves for initial ant criteria for the generation of population are the
parameterisation and the subsequent geoelectric inver- population size and randomisation seed number,
sion. Koefoed's algorithm (Koefoed, 1979) is used for which depend on the computational eciency
the curve dissemination purpose. The method consists desired. The individuals of the population are ran-
of three steps, namely, (i) computation of sample domly created by considering n values between
values of the resistivity transform from the observed upper and lower limits of each parameter.
apparent resistivity values by using a linear ®lter, (ii) 2. Computation of ®tness. Fitness function of each
calculation of layer parameters of the top layer from newly generated individuals of the population is cal-
the early part of the resistivity transform curve and culated by using the concept of chi-square error
(iii) reduction of the resistivity transform curve to a from the computed apparent resistivity, rcom
a using
lower boundary plane. The ¯ow is iterative in nature Ghosh's (1971) linear digital ®lter and observed
and is carried out till the transform curve is completely apparent resistivity, robs
a values for N number of ob-
exhausted. servations. The chi-square error is de®ned as,
The resistivity of di€erent layers, ri from the
reduced resistivity transform data are determined by !2
using the following relation: e
ˆN rcom
a ÿ robs
: …2†
ri ˆ 14 A…Ti Ti0 † ‡ 4 A …Ti ÿ Ti † ‡ Ti Ti
1 2 0 2 0 …1† 3. Mutation: An equal number of individuals are gen-
erated by perturbing each member of the population
where, Ti and Ti0 is the resistivity transform of the ®rst by step function mutation. The mutation value is
and next sampling points respectively and assigned depending on the ®tness of the individual.
A ˆ cotanh‰…l ÿ l 0 †ti Š, such that l and l ' is the After several tests, the probability of mutation Pm is
abscissa of the ®rst and next sampling points respect- found to yield better convergence if a step like dis-
ively; ti is the prescribed seismic layer thickness. tribution is used as given below:
S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200 181

Pm ˆ 0 999
: if e 0:03R centrally sliced VES curve is disseminated using seismic
layer thicknesses for the generation of starting geoelec-
Pm ˆ 0 98 if 0:03 < e 0:5 R tric model for the subsequent iterative 1D inversion of

the created resistivity data sets by EP. A 25% pertur-

Pm ˆ 0 97
: if 0:5 < e R1 0 :
bation is added to the initial geoelectric section to ®x
up the upper and lower bounds of the solution. This is
important as EP evolves the ®nal solution out of a ran-
Pm ˆ 0 96
: if 1:0 < e 1:5 R domly generated population within this preset ranges.
It also takes care of any appreciable di€erences arising
Pm ˆ 0 95
: R
if 1:5 < e 2:0
between the seismic and geoelectric boundaries. In case
the initial guess values are derived from noisy data, the
prescribed perturbation enhances the possibility of get-
Pm ˆ 0 94 if 2 0 R5 0
: : < e : ting closer to the correct solution.
The amalgamation of the above is our proposed
Pm ˆ 0 9 if 5 0R R10 0
: : e :
sequential inversion package `SEISRES' coded in
Visual C++ and implemented in Microsoft Win-
dows'95 environment. The supporting hardware is an
Pm ˆ 0 85 if 10 0 R25 0
: : < e : Intel Pentium II processor ranging from 266 to 333
MHz with 32 MB RAM and a full screen monitor res-
olution of 1024 2 768.
Pm ˆ 0 8 if 25 0 R50 0
: : < e :

Pm ˆ 0 7 if 50 0 R100 0
: : < e : 2.5. The program

Pm ˆ 0 5 if 100 0 R200 0
: : < e :
The program SEISRES is developed by adopting the
concept of object oriented programming (OOP) con-
sisting of a group of related objects formed by using
Pm ˆ random value generated by using same seed class data type arranged hierarchically (Murray and
value used for population generation Pappas, 1995). The parent class CJointView is derived
if e > 200:0 …3† from the inbuilt Visual C++ platform (version 1.5)
CformView. By invoking AppWizard a project ®le
(`.MAK') is created which houses automatically gener-
The modi®ed n models after a particular iteration
ated `.CPP' ®les for overall control, documentation,
are mixed with those from the previous iteration. 2n
mainframe utility and the user coded processing mod-
models are arranged in the decreasing order of ®tness
ules (main and submodules). There is also a ®le `.RC'
value. The best n models are retained for the next iter-
generated by default which contains the information
ation. The process is repeated until the population con-
about the resources available in Visual C++ platform.
verges to a high ®tness value or a threshold iteration
Except for the processing ones, the user may or may
not modify the control, documentation, resources and
mainframe utility ®les containing the default infor-
2.4. Sequential inversion mation like `popup' menu, dialog boxes, mouse driven
graphic user interface, input/output modules, variables,
In our seismic-geoelectric sequential inversion keyboard, icons, bitmaps, cursors, etc. However, in the
method, the ®rst arrival traveltime picked from refrac- present program we incorporated the major changes in
tion seismograms and apparent resistivity values for mainframe `.CPP', `doc.CPP' and `.RC' ®les for custo-
various electrode separations using Schlumberger and mising our software to render maximum user inter-
Wenner arrays are required as input. Seismic inversion action and migration of ®les from module to module.
is the initial processing step, wherein the subsurface The message and dialog boxes are used in creating
litho-stratigraphic units with seismic velocities and data ®les and interpreting user response. The left and
thicknesses are delineated. Resistivity curve dissemina- right buttons of mouse are assigned for user interface,
tion follows if direct 1D geoelectric inversion is the the left to choose option in menu, the right to enter
next objective. For 2D pseudo-sections, a number of data from graphical display. Various types of ®les are
closely spaced vertical slices simulating continuous ver- used in ASCII mode, namely, `.SES' ®le to store seis-
tical electrical soundings are selected for a 1D approxi- mic ®rst arrival traveltime data, `.SCH' to store appar-
mation of the 2D inversion with seismic layer ent resistivity versus electrode spacing data for
information from RINSE. In this particular case the Schlumberger con®guration, `.WEN' to store Wenner
182 S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200
single electrode con®guration apparent resistivity data, slices of the pseudo-section for 2D geoelectric inversion
`.PSU' to store 2D Wenner multi-electrode apparent by 1D approximation, `.CMP' for computed apparent
resistivity data, `.SMT' to store smoothened seismic resistivity data and `.ERR' for % chi-square errors.
traveltime data, `.DPT' for velocity and depth values, The main module of the parent class for this pro-
`.INI' for initial model parameters, `.OUT' for ®nal gram is `JointView.CPP' which controls the child
layer parameters using EP for 1D inversion, `.CRS' for classes in the form of auxiliary processing modules as
depth versus true resistivity data for all the vertical per the coding done by the user. The auxiliary modules

Fig. 1. Processing ¯owchart of sequential inversion scheme.

S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200 183

Fig. 2. Typical graphic displays of SEISRES operation showing: (A) Xc parameterisation. (B) Composite time±depth plot and seis-
mic depth section. (C) Observed and estimated resistivity curves.
184 S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200
in this routine are RINSE, AutoDirInv and EvolPrg. 6. velo_fun:This subroutine when invoked computes
But in the implementation of SEISRES we include the velocities from slopes of T±D curve segments.
RINSE directly in `JointView.CPP' for adopting a sim- 7. depth_compute: This does the calculation of depth
pler architecture and graphic compatibility. All the values for each subsurface point from the knowl-
functions and subroutines in RINSE, therefore, point edge of break points determined from Xc values.
to the parent class CJointView. AutoDirInv and 8. layer_strip: This subroutine lowers the plane of ob-
EvolPrg are included in the `.MAK' project ®le and all servation by downward continuation at successive
the subroutines in these classes point to corresponding depth points and reduces the traveltime data accord-
parent classes. The project ®le is compiled to generate ingly to conform to the new observation plane.
the `.EXE' executable ®le for routine interpretation by 9. OnPlotsDepthplot: The ®nal velocity depth section is
the users. This ®le is transported to the Pentiums by displayed in 2D after the complete interpretation of
di€erent vendors and tested for versatility. It is found seismic pro®le by this subroutine. It also exports the
to be system independent, can run on Pentiums and layer parameters to the utility module for storing as
486DX2 under Windows platform. We now highlight an ASCII `.DPT' ®le. Fig. 2B depicts a typical com-
the major functions of the processing modules, the posite monitor display of T±D curves and depth
¯ow chart of which is depicted in a modular fashion in section.
Fig. 1. The source code of the RINSE module is available
from the server by anonymous ftp.
2.6. Seismic data processing modules (RINSE)
2.7. Curve dissemination module (AutoDirInv)
This module reads the traveltime data, number of
channels, number of shots, geophone spacing and near To execute the sequential inversion the user has to
o€set from `.SES' ®le. Through dialog box the user choose this option so that the depth values from
enters the seismic data ®le name and pro®le ID code. RINSE is exported to AutoDirInv. This module shows
This module performs the task of generating velocity± the dialog box to enter seismic pro®le ID, resistivity
depth section invoking the following subroutines in a data ®le name (.SCH/.WEN/.PSU) depending on
sequential manner shown in the ¯ow chart of Fig. 1. whether the data is acquired by Schlumberger or Wen-
1. time_info: This subroutine reads seismic headwave ner single or multi-electrode con®gurations. This mod-
®rst arrival traveltime data using a ®le pointer. ule also reads the number of data points in the
2. OnPlotsTdplot: This is a function to generate time± resistivity curve to be disseminated. For Wenner multi-
distance plot for each shot pair. User can optimise electrode arrangement, only the centrally sliced resis-
the T±D curve by clicking Optimisation in Option tivity curve out of a number of slices will be chosen
menu. All the T±D curves for each shot pair can be for the purpose. Using the subroutine Read the resis-
displayed sequentially by using the T±D PLOT but- tivity data for the curve in question is interpolated to
ton in the toolbar. The user needs to click the ®rst obtain a sample interval of one-eighth of a decade for
break points for both the direct and reverse shots to Schlumberger array. The subroutine read1 interpolates
proceed to the next step. This module shows the the Wenner data sets to one-sixth per decade. The sub-
break points selected by the user and allows the routine Calculate does the layer-wise reduction of resis-
entry of these values by clicking OK button. tivity transform as depicted in the ¯owchart of Fig. 1.
3. tr_extrapol: It generates the traveltime data by This also transfers the layer parameter to the utility
backward extrapolation to be passed on to the module for storage as .INI ®le. The source code of
xc_compute function. AutoDirInv is also available on the server.
4. xc_compute: This subroutine computes the Xc values
at each channel position using the ®rst break points 2.8. Evolutionary programming module (EvolPrg)
entered by the user.
5. OnPlotsXcPlot: When called in the main routine With the input `.INI', `.SCH', `.WEN', or `.PSU',
this function generates a plot of Xc values calculated ®les for Schlumberger, Wenner single or multi-elec-
by previous subroutine. If the user chooses the trode con®guration, this module invokes the following
Re®ne option in the OnPlotsTdplot module then a subroutines to perform global optimisation for the
regression analysis function is activated to perform evolution of geoelectric 1D or quasi-2D section. For
linear regression on the Xc plot which is transmitted Wenner pseudo-sections a number of vertical slices,
back to the T±D plot, thereby, optimising the dis- each representing a Wenner resistivity curve are con-
played T±D curves. Else the Xc plot switches to the sidered for the 1D inversion. For each resistivity curve
next subroutine velo_fun. A sample Xc plot dis- whether Schlumberger or Wenner the following func-
played on the monitor is shown in Fig. 2A. tions are used.
S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200 185

gen_pop: This subroutine generates n number of in- added to both the seismic and geoelectric model re-
dividuals in the population randomly by calling ran sponses for simulating real ®eld conditions before
function after adding 25% perturbation to the in- being passed on to the sequential inversion algorithm.
itial model for the reason cited earlier in the theory Throughout this section the following graphical pre-
of sequential inversion. sentations are made for each model study:
appres and appresw: These are the forward model- 1. Original model section Ð con®guration and physi-
ling functions for the estimation of apparent resis- cal parameters;
tivity data from layer parameters for Schlumberger 2. Time±distance plot and depth-section derived from
and Wenner single/multi-electrode forward calcu- seismic ray inversion;
lations respectively. These routines are invoked as 3. Schlumberger 1D resistivity±depth section with the
per the choice given to the EP module at the begin- VES curves and corresponding chi-square error
ning by the user. They are used in each iteration for curves;
the entire population, since the evolution process is 4. Wenner 1D resistivity±depth section with Wenner
a reduction of a mis®t function de®ned by the chi- resistivity curves and the corresponding chi-square
square error in the present case. The chi_err per-
error curves (omitted for synthetic models II and III);
forms the task of calculating the mis®t function for 5. Multi-electrode Wenner pseudo-section;
both Schlumberger and Wenner data sets. 6. Geoelectric cross-section from direct 2D inversion
mutation: Mutation being the only genetic operator, without seismic depth control using least square
the subroutine mutation uses a step function mu- method of Loke and Barker (1996) and;
tation de®ned by step_func submodule to perturb 7. Quasi-2D Wenner geoelectric section generated
the n models for the generation of new n models. It from sequential inversion of the resistivity data sets
arranges the 2n models in a two dimensional array. created from the pseudo-section.
The sorting of the best n models out of the lot of 2n
is done by activating ®t_sort based on a Q-sort tech-
The ®nal result is graphically displayed by the main 3.1.1. Model I
module by using inversion subroutine for each resis- Fig. 3A is the pictorial representation of a three
tivity curve. Using the same `.INI' ®le all the resistivity layered earth model intended to simulate a shallow
curves identi®ed by pro®le code are interpreted serially. aquifer sandwiched between an upper unconsolidated
A sample estimated and calculated VES display on clay layer with P-wave velocity (Vp) of 500 m/s and
screen for Schlumberger array is given in Fig. 2C. For resistivity (r ) of 10 O m and a bottom semi-consoli-
2D pseudo-sections, after all the vertical slices are dated clay layer with P-wave velocity of 2000 m/s and
interpreted, the 1D resistivity±depth sections are resistivity of 15 O m. The aquifer is a saturated sand
stacked together by the module OnViewDraw, to simu- layer with Vp ˆ 1000 m/s and the resistivity varying
late a quasi-2D geoelectric section which is the ®nal between 65 and 80 O m in three distinct zones. Four
output for the 2D inversion by 1D approximation. The direct and four reverse shots are synthetically ®red for
quasi-2D section is stored as `.CRS' ®le. The source seismic ®rst arrival time generation. Fig. 3B shows one
code for EvolPrg is also available on the server. such shot pair with Gaussian noise added. The Xc
plots for both these shots are displayed in Fig. 3C. We
visualise two major changes in Xc values at channels 4
and 9 for the direct and channels 3 and 8 for the
3. Results and Discussion
reverse shots. Since there are only two drastic Xc
changes, it is expected that a three layered seismic
3.1. Numerical investigations model would exist. As presented in Fig. 3D, the ®nal
section turned out to be a three-layered one with the
In the numerical experiment we considered three velocities of 498, 991 and 1994 m/s in the layers. With
case studies of geological relevance with di€erent resis- this seismic depth section as input, three synthetically
tivity and velocity distributions. The model response of generated K-type Schlumberger VES curves at S1, S2
these synthetic examples are calculated for 1D Schlum- and S3 are inverted by EP, the resulting 1D geoelectric
berger and Wenner arrays by Ghosh's linear ®lter sections being given in Fig. 3E with the error curves in
method (Ghosh, 1971) with di€erent ®lter coecients Fig. 3F. Similarly, 1D Wenner apparent resistivity
and for Wenner pseudo-section by 2D ®nite di€erence curves at the same locations are inverted with the seis-
method (Dey and Morrison, 1979). Seismic traveltime mic depth control. The evolved geoelectric sections and
curves are simulated for 12 channel recordings at var- the error curves are presented in Figs. 4A and B re-
ious spreads using generalised multi-layer traveltime re- spectively. In both the cases the estimated layer par-
lations (Palmer, 1986). A 10% Gaussian noise is ameters are very close to the actual ones.
186 S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200

Fig. 3. (A) Con®guration and physical parameters of three-layer earth model. (B) Representative direct and reverse time±distance
plot. (C) Xc plot for direct and reverse shot pairs. (D) Composite time±distance and velocity±depth section plot of the model. (E)
Schlumberger VES curves at three locations and evolved resistivity±depth sections from EP. (F) Chi-square error curves for VES
S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200 187

Fig. 4. (A) Wenner resistivity curves and interpreted layer parameters at three locations for Model I. (B) Chi-square error curves
for Wenner resistivity data interpretation. (C) Wenner multi-electrode synthetic pseudo-section over model of Fig. 3A. (D) 2D geo-
electric cross-section by direct least-square inversion. (E) Quasi-2D geoelectric section by sequential inversion of pseudo-section.
188 S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200
Subsequently, for 2D inversion, Wenner pseudo-sec- 3.1.3. Model III
tion is computed for the entire spread of 150 m, the This model study is intended to solve a typical
raster display of which is shown in Fig. 4C in grey equivalence problem of detecting a thin conductive
scale. The apparent resistivity is found to vary between clay lens embedded in an aquifer. The con®guration
10 and 50 O m in the pseudo-section. A 2D direct and physical parameters (resistivity and velocity) of
inversion of the pseudo-section without any extra con- this model is depicted in Fig. 6A. The time-distance
trol generated a model as depicted in Fig. 4D One can plot for four direct and four reverse shots and the
visualise the resistivity variations in the model where interpreted seismic velocity-depth section from RINSE
the high resistive zones in the aquifer are smeared. The are displayed in Fig. 6B. The thin clay layer can be
pseudo-section is then sliced into 42 apparent resis- identi®ed on the seismic section. Three Schlumberger
tivity curves to create sounding data sets for 1D Wen- VES curves at locations S1, S2 and S3 shown in Fig.
ner array leaving aside four slices to the left and four 6C reveal A-type envelopes. Conventional 1D inver-
slices to the right in order to avoid data extrapolation sion would have yielded a three-layer geoelectric
error. These resistivity curves are individually inverted model. But with seismic thicknesses through sequential
using perturbed seismic depth section and the centrally inversion we obtained a four layered geoelectric section
disseminated layer resistivities as starting model. Each given in Fig. 6C. The chi-square error curves for the
evolved resistivity-depth model is stacked side by side iterative interpretation of these VES curves are pre-
to generate the quasi-2D Wenner section whose raster sented in Fig. 6D. Fig. 6E is the raster display of the
image is displayed in Fig. 4E in grey scale. This cross- Wenner multi-electrode pseudo-section simulated over
section, a replica of the original geoelectric model (Fig. the entire model. 2D inversion of the pseudo-section
3A) is the 2D inverted output of the pseudo-section by without seismic information could not delineate the
1D approximation. The layer resistivities are also in thin conductive clay lens as observed in the Wenner
good agreement. It is to be noted that 24 m horizontal geoelectric section of Fig. 6F. The sequential inversion
spread, 12 m on either sides of the model remained of the pseudo-section by 1D approximation was, how-
unexplored due to the paucity of data. Eventhough a ever, capable in detecting the thin clay lens preserving
2D inversion with 2D seismic depth control would the resistivity variations in the litho-section. The result-
have been the best choice, the 1D approximation with ing quasi-2D geoelectric section is shown in Fig. 6G.
2D seismic control is highly comparable, as this The ®rst two synthetic examples (Figs. 3, 4 and 5)
example substantiates. In fact the 1D approximation established the eciency of the proposed sequential
yielded a better solution compared to the direct 2D inversion scheme and the third one (Fig. 6) illustrated
inversion. The aquifer is fully resolved in this case. the necessity and usefulness of the same algorithm in
solving complex geological problems, namely, the pro-
blem of equivalence and suppression. The application
3.1.2. Model II of the scheme is further extended to actual ®eld con-
Fig. 5A represents a dipping aquifer (dip less than ditions for ground water investigations in the softrock
158) sandwiched between the top unconsolidated and basin of Kasai River in Midnapur District, India. In
bottom semi-consolidated clay layers. The physical par- the following section we will take up detailed analysis
ameters of the clay layers are the same as that in the pre- at two test sites.
vious example. The saturated sandy aquifer picks up
resistivity value of 35 O m, 45 O m and 55 O m in three
distinct zones as shown in the diagram. The seismic P- 3.2. Field examples
wave velocity is 1000 m/s in the aquifer. The calculated
time-distance curves and the velocity-depth section from The study area in Midnapur District (Fig. 7) is situ-
RINSE are plotted in Fig. 5B. As in the previous case ated on a mild topographic high with an average
the K-type Schlumberger curves at S1, S2 and S3 are annual rainfall of 152 cm and temperature of 318C.
inverted by the sequential inversion, the results being The area is covered mainly by three types of lithology
displayed in Fig. 5C with the chi-square error curves in (Roy and Niyogi, 1961) viz. laterite, older alluvium
Fig. 5D. Fig. 5E is the raster display of the Wenner and newer alluvium. This area is chosen on the basis
multi-electrode pseudo-section. The direct 2D inverted of hydrogeological inputs, e.g., lithologs, drainage den-
Wenner geoelectric section without seismic control as sity, slope, soil composition etc., its proximity to the
depicted in Fig. 5F does not however indicate distinct river Kasai and the geological depositional sequence
layer variations specially in the aquifer. The quasi-2D favourable for shallow potential ground water bearing
resistivity-depth section (Fig. 5G) from the sequentially zone. Although the entire area is geophysically sur-
inverted 42 Wenner curves created from the pseudo-sec- veyed, in this paper we focussed our analysis on two
tion replicated the subsurface geoelectric model (Fig. test sites at Satkui and Tangasol (shown on the lo-
5A) with distinct resistivity variations. cation map of Fig. 7). At Satkui the surface geological
Fig. 5. (A) Three-layered earth model with intermediate dipping aquifer Ð con®guration and physical parameters. (B) Time±dis-
tance plot for four direct and four reverse shots and interpreted velocity±depth section. (C) K-type Schlumberger curves at three
locations and evolved layer parameters by sequential inversion. (D) Chi-square error curves showing convergence with iterations.
(E) Synthetic Wenner multi-electrode pseudo-section over model. (F) 2D inverted resistivity-depth cross-section from pseudo-sec-
tion. (G) Quasi-2D resistivity depth section by sequential inversion of pseudo-section.
Fig. 6. (A) Four-layered earth model representing problem of equivalence Ð con®guration and physical parameters. (B) Time±dis-
tance plot and velocity±depth section from RINSE. (C) Schlumberger resistivity curves and interpreted resistivity±depth sections at
three locations. (D) Error curves showing process of convergence. (E) Synthetic pseudo-section over model. (F) 2D geoelectric
cross-section from 2D inversion of pseudo-section. (G) Quasi-2D resistivity depth section by sequential inversion of pseudo-section.
S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200 191

formation is older alluvium while at Tangasol it is pre- for an electrode separation of 3 m for a maximum
dominantly laterite. spread ranging from 120 to 250 m. The seismic refrac-
tion data are acquired using OYO McSeis 160 signal-
3.2.1. Data Acquisition enhancement 12/24 channel seismograph and a weight
Schlumberger and Wenner data are collected with a dropper source. At both the sites geoelectric measure-
maximum spacing (AB/2) ranging from 150 to 250 m. ments are done at three locations parallel to the seis-
The multi-electrode Wenner measurements were done mic pro®les.

Fig. 7. Location of study area in and around Midnapur District with Satkui and Tangasol test sites highlighted.
192 S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200

Fig. 8. (A) Time±distance plot and interpreted velocity±depth section from seismic pro®le at Satkui. (B) K-type Schlumberger resis-
tivity curves at three locations S1, S2 and S3 at Satkui and interpreted layer parameters. (C) Chi-square error curves showing con-
vergence during evolution.
S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200 193

Fig. 9. (A) Wenner single electrode resistivity curves at Satkui and interpreted layer parameters. (B) Chi-square error curves show-
ing convergence during evolution. (C) Wenner multi-electrode pseudo-section at Satkui. (D) 2D inverted geoelectric section at Sat-
kui from Wenner pseudo-section. (E) Sequentially inverted quasi-2D geoelectric section at Satkui from pseudo-section.
194 S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200
3.2.2. Satkui ®eld case quasi-2D resistivity-depth section (Fig. 9E) with the
Fig. 8A presents the time-distance curves for four aquifer in the central region of the middle layer. The
direct and four reverse shots with a shot spacing of 20 results of both the 2D cross-section (Fig. 9D) and
m and channel spacing of 5 m. The interpreted vel- quasi-2D section (Fig. 9E) are highly comparable even
ocity-depth section by ray inversion technique is though the later is the output of a 1D approximated
plotted at the bottom of the diagram. It depicts a three pseudo-section inversion. The seismic and geoelectric
layered model with the velocities of 270, 738 and 1068 parameters at three positions S1, S2 and S3 under con-
m/s in the top, intermediate and bottom layers respect- sideration at Satkui are tabulated in Table 1 for a
ively. Three Schlumberger and Wenner soundings are comparative analysis. The layer parameters by all the
run at three positions S1, S2 and S3 parallel to the methods are comparable. Since all the methods point
seismic pro®le. The VES curves are of K-type in to the similar litho-stratigraphic information (both
nature. They are interpreted using the sequential inver- seismic and resistivity), the results are unambiguous.
sion, the resulting resistivity depth section together The vertical and lateral extent of the aquifer (high res-
with the curves being presented in Fig. 8B. The start- istivity) could be properly delineated by the pseudo-
ing model of the inversion was provided by RINSE section inversion.
and curve dissemination as discussed earlier with
2 25% perturbation in the parameters. The error
curves for the interpretation process are displayed in 3.2.3. Tangasol ®eld case
Fig. 8C. The Wenner resistivity curves are sub- At this site ®ve direct and ®ve reverse shots with a
sequently inverted following the same procedure to shot interval of 35 m and a channel interval of 7 m are
evolve geoelectric sections close to the Schlumberger considered. The time-distance curve and interpreted
ones as presented in Fig. 9A with the error curves in velocity-depth section are compositely presented in
Fig. 9B. The Wenner multi-electrode survey generated Fig. 10A. Geoelectric measurements are conducted at
a pseudo-section shown in Fig. 9C over a grid of 100 three positions T1, T2 and T3 for both Schlumberger
2 30 m2. The result of the direct 2D inversion without and Wenner electrode arrays. The Schlumberger data
extra control (Loke and Barker, 1996; Dahlin and are of QK-type. The sequentially inverted resistivity-
Loke, 1998) evolved a 2D geoelectric section given in depth sections for Schlumberger and Wenner arrays
Fig. 9D with the resistivity values distributed in four together with the curves are presented in Figs. 10B and
major zones in three layers. A high resistivity of the 11A respectively while the error curves are displayed in
order of 125 to 130 O m could be identi®ed in the Figs. 10C and 11B respectively. Both the error curves
background of 95 to 105 O m in the central layer. This highlight a faster convergence during the evolution of
is the probable shallow aquifer at this test site. The the model. Wenner multi-electrode array over a gird of
sequential inversion of the pseudo-section generated a 230 2 35 m2 generated a pseudo-section as displayed in

Table 1
Comparative seismic and geoelectric parameters at three positions at Satkui test site

Position Technique used r1 r2 r3 v1 v2 v3 h1 h2 h3

(Fig. 7) (O m) (O m) (O m) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m) (m) (m)

S1 RINSE ± ± ± 270 738 1668 1.8 5.9 A

1D Schlumberger Sequential inversion 41.1 99.2 8.9 ± ± ± 1.8 6.0 A
1D Wenner Sequential inversion 41.1 98.9 9.2 ± ± ± 1.8 5.9 A
2D direct inversion of pseudo-section (2D cross-section) 40±45 95±105 10±15 ± ± ± 2.0 5.8 A
Sequential inversion of pseudo-section (Quasi-2D section) 40±45 100±105 10±20 ± ± ± 1.9 5.9 A
S2 RINSE ± ± ± 270 738 1668 1.6 6.6 A
1D Schlumberger Sequential inversion 43.4 128.3 13.5 ± ± ± 1.6 6.4 A
1D Wenner Sequential inversion 42.3 130.0 14.2 ± ± ± 1.6 6.5 A
2D direct inversion of pseudo-section (2D cross-section) 40±45 125±130 10±15 ± ± ± 1.8 6.9 A
Sequential inversion of pseudo-section (Quasi-2D section) 40±45 125±130 10±20 ± ± ± 1.6 6.8 A
S3 RINSE ± ± ± 270 738 1668 1.8 5.8 A
1D Schlumberger Sequential inversion 41.1 100.4 10.4 ± ± ± 1.8 6.0 A
1D Wenner Sequential inversion 40.8 98.3 10.3 ± ± ± 1.8 5.9 A
2D direct inversion of pseudo-section (2D cross-section) 40±45 95±105 10±15 ± ± ± 2.2 6.0 A
Sequential inversion of pseudo-section (Quasi-2D section) 40±45 100±105 10±20 ± ± ± 1.8 6.0 A
S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200 195

Fig. 11C. The 2D inverted cross-section and the 120 to 145 O m and 14 to 16 m respectively, being the
sequentially inverted quasi-2D section for the resistivity potential water bearing zone. This is further corrobo-
distribution are plotted as raster images in Fig. 11D rated from the available electrical (SP and point resist-
and E respectively. The seismic and geoelectric par- ance) and litho logs at a nearby borehole location B1
ameters obtained by di€erent techniques at T1, T2 and (Fig. 7). The shallow aquifer from litholog in Fig. 12A
T3 at Tangasol are compared in Table 2. All the is a morum sand and is situated between 10 and 26 m
results point to a four-layer lithologic model with the depth. The Schlumberger, Wenner single and multi-
third layer whose resistivity and thickness vary from electrode results also point to the same fact character-

Fig. 10. (A) The time-distance plot and interpreted velocity-depth section from seismic pro®le at Tangasol. (B) QK-type Schlumber-
ger resistivity curves at three locations T1, T2 and T3 at Tangasol and the interpreted layer parameters. (C) Chi-square error curves
showing convergence during evolution.
196 S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200

Fig. 11. (A) Wenner single electrode resistivity curves at Tangasol and interpreted layer parameters. (B) Chi-square error curves
showing convergence during evolution. (C) Wenner multi-electrode pseudo-section at Tangasol. (D) 2D inverted geoelectric cross-
section at Tangasol from pseudo-section. (E) Sequentially inverted quasi-2D geoelectric section at Tangasol from pseudo-section.

S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200

2.81 8.7 7.1 ± ± ± ± 51±01 021±011 05±54 512±502 )noitces D2-isauQ( noitces-oduesp fo noisrevni laitneuqeS
A 2.71 2.01 5.1 ± ± ± ± 52±51 021±011 05±54 002±091 )noitces-ssorc D2( noitces-oduesp fo noisrevni tcerid D2
A 0.81 2.8 0.2 ± ± ± ± 2.21 1.121 0.54 1.012 noisrevni laitneuqeS renneW D1
A 1.81 1.8 0.2 ± ± ± ± 0.31 9.811 8.94 7.802 noisrevni laitneuqeS regrebmulhcS D1
A 6.81 0.8 9.1 7452 7441 8401 605 ± ± ± ± ESNIR 3T
A 6.71 8.7 2.2 ± ± ± ± 51±01 541±531 05±54 512±502 )noitces D2-isauQ( noitces-oduesp fo noisrevni laitneuqeS
A 0.71 6.7 1.2 ± ± ± ± 52±51 041±031 05±54 002±091 )noitces-ssorc D2( noitces-oduesp fo noisrevni tcerid D2
A 5.81 6.7 1.2 ± ± ± ± 2.21 7.041 2.24 0.902 noisrevni laitneuqeS renneW D1
A 6.81 6.7 2.2 ± ± ± ± 1.31 7.041 4.54 8.502 noisrevni laitneuqeS regrebmulhcS D1
A 0.81 4.7 2.2 7452 7441 8401 605 ± ± ± ± ESNIR 2T
A 0.41 9.7 0.2 ± ± ± ± 51±01 541±531 05±54 512±502 )noitces D2-isauQ( noitces-oduesp fo noisrevni laitneuqeS
A 7.31 9.7 9.1 ± ± ± ± 52±51 041±031 05±54 002±091 )noitces-ssorc D2( noitces-oduesp fo noisrevni tcerid D2
A 5.41 3.8 0.2 ± ± ± ± 2.11 1.931 2.24 0.112 noisrevni laitneuqeS renneW D1
A 2.41 1.8 2.2 ± ± ± ± 8.21 4.431 6.64 2.802 noisrevni laitneuqeS regrebmulhcS D1
A 9.31 0.8 0.2 7452 7441 8401 605 ± ± ± ± ESNIR 1T
)m( )m( )m( )m( )s/m( )s/m( )s/m( )s/m( )m O( )m O( )m O( )m O( )7 .giF(
3 h
3 h
2 h
1 4v 3v 2v 1v 4r 3r 2r 1r desu euqinhceT noitisoP
etis tset losagnaT ta snoitisop eerht ta sretemarap cirtceleoeg dna cimsies evitarapmoC
2 elbaT
198 S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200
ised by moderate resistivity ranges between 120 and both 1D geoelectric inversion and 2D pseudo-section
145 O m. The point resistance log presented in Fig. inversion by 1D approximation with seismic thickness
12B shows a moderate resistance of the order of 100 O control. The results of the analyses can be either resis-
against this lithologic unit. The SP log (Fig. 12B) tivity-depth sections or quasi-2D sections derived by
shows a negative SP anomaly around 30 mV against stacking resistivity-depth sections as per necessity.
this layer. We, therefore, can con®dently say that the Eventhough the seismic and the resistivity depth sec-
morum sand is an aquifer whose thickness, resistivity tions may not coincide by independent inversion, for
and velocity are already determined by the sequential integration the layer thickness has to be considered
inversion. common as assumed in all joint or sequential inversion
schemes reported so far. However, in the present
sequential inversion, the initial seismic layer thickness
4. Conclusion is perturbed for the ®nal evolution during the iterative
inversion process. The essence of the present algorithm
In this paper we have presented a new sequential is felt for solving intricate geological problems, namely,
inversion scheme by amalgamating seismic refraction the problems of suppression and equivalence. The syn-
and DC resistivity surveys. The provisions are kept for thetic investigations wherein both the 1D and 2D

Fig. 12. (A) Lithologs at borehole location B1 at Tangasol. (B) SP and point resistance logs at B1 location at Tangasol.
S.K. Nath et al. / Computers & Geosciences 26 (2000) 177±200 199

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