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1. What is asexual reproduction?

2. What is sexual reproduction?

3. Cells that contain pairs of homologous chromosomes is known as what?

4. What is the difference between meiosis and mitosis?

5. Cells that contain just one homologous chromosomes of each pair is known
as _________________.

6. When haploid gametes (sperm & egg) fuse in fertilization, they create the
_______________ which is 2n or ________________________.

7. What two processes does meiosis divide into?

8. DNA is replicated ____________.

____________nuclear divisions occur.

_____________ daughter cells are produced.

The daughter cells are ________________.

The daughter cells are genetically different.

9. In Meiosis (define):

i) Prometaphase I is:
ii) Metaphase I is:

iii) Anaphase I is:

iv) Telophase I is:

10.Independent assortment plus crossing over ____________________ the genes.

11.Meiosis II is similar to mitosis except ______________________ does NOT occur.

The resulting cells are ____________.

In metaphase II the homologous chromosomes align on the ___________________


In anaphase II the ________________ ____________________ separate.

12.What is synapsis and crossing-over?

13.What does meiosis lead to?

14.Define independent assortment.

15.Input the missing information.

16.What two ways does the cell die? (define each)

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