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Class X

Chapter : Polynomials
Chapter Notes

Top Definitions

1. A polynomial p(x) in one variable x is an algebraic expression in x of the

p(x) = anxn + an−1xn−1 + an− 2 xn− 2 + ........ + a2 x 2 + a1x + a0 , where
(i) a0 , a1, are constants
(ii)x is a variable
(iii) a0 , a1, are respectively the coefficients of xi.
(iv) Each of anxn + an−1xn−1 , an− 2 xn− 2 ,........a2 x 2 , a1x, a0 , with an ≠ 0, is called a
term of a polynomial.

2. The highest exponent of the variable in a polynomial is called the degree

of the polynomial.

3. A polynomial of degree one is called a linear polynomial. It is of the

form ax + b. Examples: x-2, 4y+89, 3x-z.

4. A polynomial of degree two is called a quadratic polynomial. It is of the

form ax2 + bx + c. where a, b, c are real numbers and a≠ 0 Examples:
x2-2x+5, x2-3x etc.

5. A polynomial of degree 3 is called a cubic polynomial and has the

general form ax3 + bx2 + c x +d. For example: x 3 + 2 x 2 − 2 x + 5 etc.

6. A real number k is said to be the zero of the polynomial p(x) if p (k) = 0.

Top Concepts:

1. The graph of a polynomial p(x) of degree n can intersects or touch the x

axis at atmost n points.

2. A polynomial of degree n has at most n distinct real zeroes.

3. The zero of the polynomial p(x) satisfies the equation p(x) = 0.

4. For any linear polynomial ax+b, zero of the polynomial will be given by
the expression (-b/a).
5. The number of real zeros of the polynomial is the number of times its
graph touches or intersects x axis.

6. A polynomial p(x) of degree n will have atmost n real zeroes

7. A linear polynomial has atmost one real zero.

8. A quadratic polynomial has atmost two real zeroes.

9. A cubic polynomial has atmost three real zeroes.

10. Division algorithm can also be used to find the zeroes of a polynomial.
If ‘a’ and ‘b’ are two zeroes of a fourth degree polynomial f(x), then other
two zeroes can be found out by dividing f(x) by (x-a)(x-b)

11. If f(x) = q(x) g(x) + r(x), and r(x) = 0 then polynomial g(x) is a factor of
polynomial f(x).

12. Process of dividing a polynomial f(x) by another polynomial g(x) is as


Step1: To obtain the first term of the quotient, divide the highest degree
term of the dividend by the highest degree term of the divisor. Then carry
out the division process.

Step2: To obtain the second term of the quotient, divide the highest
degree term of the new dividend by the highest degree term of the
divisor. Then again carry out the division process

Step3: Continue the process till the degree of the new dividend is less
that the degree of the divisor. This will be called the remainder.

Top Formulae

1. Relationship between zeroes and coefficients of a linear


a) If k is a zero of the linear polynomial ax + b, then p (k) = ak+b = 0.

i.e., k= . Thus, the zero of the linear polynomial ax + b is
−b (co ns tan t term)
a Coefficient of x
b) For a quadratic polynomial ax2+bx+c, a ≠ 0,

−b (co efficient of x)
Sum of the zeroes = =−
a Coefficient of x 2
c co ns tan t term
Product of the zeroes = =
a coefficient of x 2
c) For a cubic polynomial ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0, a ≠ 0 then
−b (co efficient of x 2 )
Sum of zeroes = =− ,
a Coefficient of x 3

c Coefficient of x
Sum of the product of zeroes taken 2 at a time= = ,
a Coefficient of x 3

−d co ns tan t term
Product of zeroes = =
a Coefficient of x 3

2. The quadratic polynomial whose sum of the zeroes = (α+β) and product
of zeroes = (αβ) is given by:
k (x2 - (α+β) x + (αβ)), where k is real.

3. Division algorithm for polynomials: If f(x) and g(x) are any two
polynomials with g(x) ≠ 0, then we can always find polynomials q(x) and
r(x) such that
f(x) = q(x) g(x) + r(x), where r(x) = 0 or degree r(x) < degree g(x)
Top Diagrams

1. Linear Polynomial having no zero.

2. Linear Polynomial having 1 zero.

3. Quadratic Polynomial having no zeroes.
4. Quadratic Polynomial having 1 zero.

5. Quadratic Polynomial having 2 zeroes.

6. Cubic Polynomial having no zeroes.

7. Cubic Polynomial having 1 zero.

8. Cubic Polynomial having 2 zeroes.

9. Cubic Polynomial having 3 zeroes.

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