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1 Apr 10 - 31 Mar 11


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√à«¡°—∫√“¬°“√ Asia Miles ·≈– Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer 摇»…
 Ì“À√—∫ºŸâ∂◊Õ∫—µ√‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’ æ√’‡¡’¬√å  – ¡‰¡≈å ‰¥â‡√Á«¢÷Èπ‡ªìπ 2 ‡∑à“ ¥â«¬
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‡¡◊ËÕ·≈°∫—µ√°Ì“π—≈ King Power Duty Free Shop „π√“¬°“√·≈° 2 ™ÿ¥
®à“¬ 1 ™ÿ¥ À√◊Õ·≈°∫—µ√°”π—≈®“°√“¬°“√·≈° 3 ø√’ 1 ∑’Ë®–¡Õ∫∫—µ√
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‡¡◊ËÕ·≈°§–·ππ – ¡°—∫√“¬°“√ Redeem More, Get More √“¬°“√´÷Ëß
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Dear HSBC cardholders,

HSBC Rewards 2010 is delighted to offer you yet More Ways

to experience an even More Rewarding life.

More Destinations to Fly to,

More Choices of Carriers to Cross the Sky
Fly with any airline to the destination of your dreams, with no
restrictions. Simply redeem 2,500 HSBC Reward points for a
THB 500 travel voucher and use it to buy tickets from a carrier
of your choice. Alternatively, convert your HSBC Reward points
to air miles with Asia Miles or Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer. And
it gets better: HSBC Premier Customers can fly twice as fast
using an exclusive conversion rate of 1 point = 1 mile.

More Gift Selections,

More Everyday practical Uses
Choose from an even wider range of gifts tailored to fit your
lifestyle, from shopping vouchers to movie tickets, petrol
vouchers, express way coupons, BTS or MRT passes and much
more. Should you prefer, simply turn your HSBC Reward points
into cash and spend it more exactly the way you wish.

More Points Earned, More Value Returned

Enjoy two sets of King Power vouchers for the price of one, or
redeem three sets of popular vouchers and receive another set

More Surprises, More Delights

Every quarter you can expect some delightful surprises with
offers from Redeem More, Get More scheme offering you a
selection of special-priced and limited edition merchandise.

The More you swipe your HSBC Credit Card, the More
rewarding life you will experience. We invite you to use your
HSBC Credit Card, More, from today.


Salinla Seehaphan
Head of Marketing and Communications
HSBC in Thailand

11 21

25 29

6 ‡ß‘π‡§√¥‘µ§◊π‡¢â“∫—≠™’
Cash credit
7 §à“∏√√¡‡π’¬¡√“¬ªï
Annual fee waiver
8 √“¬°“√ More & More
More & More rewards
11 Rewards ‡ªìπ‡æ◊ËÕπ‡¥‘π∑“ß
Travelling rewards
17 Rewards „Àâ§ÿ≥Õ‘Ë¡Õ√àÕ¬
Dining rewards
21 Rewards „Àâ§ÿ≥™âÕª πÿ°
Shopping rewards

25 Rewards „Àâ§ÿ≥æ—°ºàÕπ¬“¡«à“ß
Relaxing rewards
29 Rewards ‡æ◊ËÕ°“√°ÿ»≈
Charity rewards
32 ™àÕß∑“ß„π°“√·≈°¢Õß√“ß«—≈
Redemption channels
35 ¢âÕ°”Àπ¥·≈–‡ß◊ËÕπ‰¢
Terms and conditions
39 ·∫∫øÕ√å¡°“√·≈°√—∫¢Õß°”π—≈
Redemption form
·≈°§–·ππ – ¡
„πÕ—µ√“ ÿ¥æ‘‡»…°—∫¢Õß°”π—≈
∑’˧—¥ √√¡“‡©æ“–§ÿ≥∑ÿ°‰µ√¡“ 
Redeem your reward points at a very special rate
for a selected gift quarterly.

µ‘¥µ“¡¢Õß°”π—≈„π√“¬°“√ Redeem More, Get More ∑ÿ°‰µ√¡“  ‰¥â®“° HSBCûs

Highlight Newsletter À√◊Õ∑’‡Ë «Á∫‰´µå
For more information on Redeem More, Get More, please see HSBC’s Highlight
Newsletter or visit

‡æ◊ÕË „Àâ∑“à π‡≈◊Õ°„™â®“à ¬‰¥âµ“¡∑’Ë„®µâÕß°“√
Get cash credited to your credit card account and spend it the way you like.

√À—  ‘π§â“ √“¬°“√ §–·ππ – ¡ ¡Ÿ≈§à“

Product code Product description Points required Value

HSBCD ‡ß‘π‡§√¥‘µ§◊π‡¢â“∫—≠™’ 1,000 100 ∫“∑ / Baht

Cash credit

«‘∏’°“√·≈°§–·ππ – ¡ºà“π∑“ß SMS
Simple steps to redeem your point via SMS

æ‘¡æå√À— ¢Õß°”π—≈* («√√§) ®”π«π§–·ππ – ¡

∑’˵âÕß°“√·≈° («√√§) À¡“¬‡≈¢∫—µ√‡§√¥‘µ (16 À≈—°)
 àß¡“∑’Ë 4268888
Õ—µ√“§à“∫√‘°“√: §à“ àß SMS 3 ∫“∑/§√—ßÈ
* À“°µâÕß°“√¢âÕ§«“¡µÕ∫°≈—∫‡ªìπ¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ… °√ÿ≥“æ‘¡æå E
À≈—ß√À— ¢Õß°”π—≈ ‡™àπ HSBCDE
Type the product code* (space), amount of points
redeemed (space), credit card number (16 digits).
Send SMS to 4268888.
Service charge: 3 Baht/SMS
* For English reply message, please type”E” after product code
i.e., HSBCDE.

µ—«Õ¬à“ß / Example
A √À— ¢Õß°”π—≈ / Product code:
HSBCD = ‡ß‘π‡§√¥‘µ§◊π‡¢â“∫—≠™’ 100 ∫“∑ / Cash credit 100 Baht
B ®Ì“π«π§–·ππ – ¡∑’˵âÕß°“√·≈° / Reward points to redeem
C À¡“¬‡≈¢∫—µ√‡§√¥‘µ 16 À≈—° / 16-digit HSBC credit card number

À¡“¬‡Àµÿ: ë ∏𓧓√¢Õ ß«π ‘∑∏‘°Ï “√·≈°§–·ππ – ¡‡ªπì ‡ßπ‘ ‡§√¥‘µ§◊π‡¢“â ∫—≠™’ ßŸ  ÿ¥ 99,000 §–·ππ/ºŸ∂â Õ◊ ∫—µ√/
«—π ë °√≥’∑¡’Ë °’ “√ àߢâÕ§«“¡ SMS ‡À¡◊Õπ°—π¡“°°«à“ 1 §√—ßÈ µàÕ 1 «—π ∏𓧓√¢Õ ß«π ‘∑∏‘Ï„π°“√∑Ì“°“√·≈°
§–·ππ – ¡‡æ¬’ ß 1 §√—ßÈ / 1 «—π‡∑“à π—πÈ ë ∏𓧓√®–‰¡à§π◊ §–·ππ – ¡ À≈—ß®“°∑’∏Ë π“§“√·®â߬◊π¬—π°“√À—°§–·ππ
 – ¡ºà“π∑“ß¡◊Õ∂◊Õ¢Õߧÿ≥‡√¬’ ∫√âÕ¬·≈â«
Remark: • Limited redemption for cash rebate 99,000 points/cardholder/day only. • If the same
content of SMS is used for one HSBC card number on the same day, HSBC will consider the latest
received SMS as your only request for redemption. • HSBC will not return HSBC Reward points if
HSBC issues SMS to confirm the cash redemption.


·≈°§–·ππ – ¡‡ªìπ§à“∏√√¡‡π’¬¡√“¬ªï*
Redeem your reward points for an annual fee waiver of
Gold card and Classic card

∫—µ√‡§√¥‘µ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´«’ ´’ “à ∑Õß
·≈–¡“ ‡µÕ√å°“√å¥∑Õß
HSBC Visa Gold and MasterCard Gold

ª√–‡¿∑∫—µ√ √À—  ‘π§â“ §–·ππ – ¡

Card type Product code Points required
∫—µ√À≈—° 1641 5,000
Primary card

∫—µ√‡ √‘¡ 1661 2,000

Supplementary card

∫—µ√‡§√¥‘µ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´«’ ´’ “à §≈“  ‘°
·≈–¡“ ‡µÕ√å°“√奠·µπ¥“√å¥
HSBC Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard

ª√–‡¿∑∫—µ√ √À—  ‘π§â“ §–·ππ – ¡

Card type Product code Points required
∫—µ√À≈—° 1681 2,000
Primary card

∫—µ√‡ √‘¡ 1701 1,000

Supplementary card

* °“√·≈°§–·ππ – ¡‡ªìπ§à“∏√√¡‡π’¬¡√“¬ªï  “¡“√∂∑”√“¬°“√∑“ß‚∑√»—æ∑å∑’Ë
»Ÿπ¬å∫√‘°“√ ¡“™‘°∫—µ√‡§√¥‘µ ‚∑√. 1590 «—π®—π∑√å - »ÿ°√å ‡«≈“ 8.00 - 20.00 π. ‡∑à“π—πÈ
* Redemption of annual fee waiver can be made by contacting HSBC Credit Card Call
Centre at 1590 from Monday to Friday, 8.00 - 20.00 hrs.

More & More

§ÿâ¡§à“¡“°°«à“ ¥â«¬°“√·≈°§–·ππ°—∫
√“¬°“√ Redeem 3 Get 1 More
11,200 Points
Code: 3711 8,400 Points

∫—µ√°Ì“π—≈ Black Canyon ¡Ÿ≈§à“√«¡ 1,200 ∫“∑*

Black Canyon gift voucher 1,200 Baht*
(*∫—µ√°”π—≈™ÿ¥≈– 300 ∫“∑ ®”π«π 4 ™ÿ¥)
19,200 Points
Code: 3721 14,400 Points

∫—µ√°Ì“π—≈ ‡ÕÁ¡‡§ ¡Ÿ≈§à“√«¡ 2,000 ∫“∑*

MK gift voucher 2,000 Baht*
(*∫—µ√°”π—≈™ÿ¥≈– 500 ∫“∑ ®”π«π 4 ™ÿ¥)
19,200 Points
Code: 3731 14,400 Points

∫—µ√°Ì“π—≈ øŸ®‘ ¡Ÿ≈§à“√«¡ 2,000 ∫“∑*

Fuji gift voucher 2,000 Baht*
ë  “¡“√∂„™â ‰¥â 2 „∫/1 ‚µä– ë ‰¡à “¡“√∂ – ¡ Magic point ·≈– Magic zero ‰¥â
(*∫—µ√°”π—≈™ÿ¥≈– 500 ∫“∑ ®”π«π 4 ™ÿ¥)
11,200 Points
Code: 3741 8,400 Points

∫—µ√°Ì“π—≈ ∫“√å∫’§‘« æ≈“´à“ /

®ÿà¡·´∫Œ—∑ ¡Ÿ≈§à“√«¡ 1,200 ∫“∑*
Bar-B-Q Plaza / Joom Zap Hut gift voucher 1,200 Baht*
(*∫—µ√°”π—≈™ÿ¥≈– 300 ∫“∑ ®”π«π 4 ™ÿ¥)
19,200 Points
Code: 3751 14,400 Points

∫—µ√°Ì“π—≈ ‚ÕÕ‘™‘ °√ÿäª ¡Ÿ≈§à“√«¡ 2,000 ∫“∑*

Oishi Group gift voucher 2,000 Baht*
(*∫—µ√°”π—≈™ÿ¥≈– 500 ∫“∑ ®”π«π 4 ™ÿ¥)
17,200 Points
Code: 3771 12,900 Points

§ŸªÕß∑“ߥà«π ¡Ÿ≈§à“√«¡ 1,800 ∫“∑*

Express way coupons 1,800 Baht*
(*∫—µ√°”π—≈™ÿ¥≈– 450 ∫“∑ ®”π«π 4 ™ÿ¥)

§ÿâ¡§à“¡“°°«à“ ¥â«¬°“√·≈°§–·ππ°—∫
√“¬°“√ Redeem 1 Get 1 More

 ‘∑∏‘摇»…‡©æ“– ¡“™‘°∫—µ√æ√’‡¡’¬√å·≈–∫—µ√·æ≈∑‘π—¡
Exclusive offer for HSBC Premier cardholders & Platinum cardholders

80,000 Points
Code: 4461 40,000 Points

∫—µ√°Ì“π—≈ King Power Duty Free Shop

¡Ÿ≈§à“√«¡ 8,000 ∫“∑*
King Power Duty Free Shop gift voucher 8,000 Baht*
* √—∫∫—µ√°”π—≈ King Power Duty Free Shop 4,000 ∫“∑
®”π«π 2 ™ÿ¥ (√«¡¡Ÿ≈§à“ 8,000 ∫“∑)

ë ∫—µ√°Ì“π—≈„™â‡ªìπ§ŸªÕß·∑π‡ß‘π ¥ ≥ √â“π§â“∑’Ë√à«¡√“¬°“√µ“¡‡ß◊ËÕπ‰¢¢Õß King Power
‚ª√¥µ√«® Õ∫‡ß◊ËÕπ‰¢°“√„™â∫—µ√°”π—≈∑’Ë®ÿ¥¢“¬ À√◊Õ ‚∑√. 0-2677-8899
ë ∏𓧓√®–¥”‡π‘π°“√®—¥ àß∫—µ√°”π—≈ 2-4  —ª¥“Àåπ—∫®“°·≈°§–·ππ – ¡
Note: King Power terms and conditions apply.

ÿ ‡¥‘π∑“߉ª∑—«Ë ‚≈°‰¥â
¥â«¬°“√∫‘πø√’À√◊Õ‡≈◊ÕË π™—πÈ ‚¥¬ “√
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‚ª√·°√¡ – ¡‰¡≈å¢Õß Asia Miles À√◊Õ
Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer

Travel around the world

for free or get an upgrade
Simply by converting your HSBC
Reward points to miles for mileage
programme partners Asia Miles or
Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer.

‡ß◊ËÕπ‰¢°“√·≈°‰¡≈å – ¡ / Mileage conversion

ª√–‡¿∑∫—µ√ √À—  ‘π§â“ ‰¡≈å
Card type Product code Mile

1 §–·ππ / Point 1

2 §–·ππ / Points 1

ë ºŸ∂â Õ◊ ∫—µ√À≈—°‡∑à“π—πÈ ®÷ß®–¡’ ∑‘ ∏‘·Ï ≈°§–·ππ – ¡·≈–‰¡à “¡“√∂‚Õπ ‘∑∏‘Ï „ÀâºÕŸâ π◊Ë ‰¥â

ë  ¡“™‘°∫—µ√‡§√¥‘µ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´®’ –µâÕß‚Õπ§–·ππ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’ √’«Õ√奠 Õ¬à“ßπâÕ¬ 1,000 §–·ππ
µàÕ°“√·≈°‰¡≈å – ¡·µà≈–§√—ßÈ
ë  ¡“™‘°∫—µ√‡§√¥‘µ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’®–µâÕß ¡—§√‡ªìπ ¡“™‘°‚ª√·°√¡ – ¡‰¡≈å°àÕπ‚¥¬ “¡“√∂
 ¡—§√∑“ßÕÕπ‰≈πå ‰¥â∑‡’Ë «Á∫‰´µå À√◊Õ
• The primary cardholder is the sole authorized person to redemption. The mileages are not
transferable to other persons.
• A minimum of 1,000 HSBC Reward points is required for each transaction.
• HSBC credit cardholders are required to apply for membership of mileage programmes prior
to mileage transfer. Application can be made online at or

Code: 1581
Asia Miles
√“¬°“√ – ¡‰¡≈å‡æ◊ËÕ°“√∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ«™—ÈππÌ“¢Õ߇Շ™’¬∑’Ë®–擧ÿ≥∫‘πø√’ Ÿà‚≈°°«â“ß
°«à“ 1,000 ®ÿ¥À¡“¬ª≈“¬∑“ß∑—Ë«‚≈° ºà“π 20 ‡§√◊Õ¢à“¬æ—π∏¡‘µ√°“√∫‘π™—ÈππÌ“
¢Õß‚≈° √«¡∂÷ß°“√√—∫ ‘∑∏‘Ï „π°“√‡≈◊ËÕπ™—Èπ‚¥¬ “√·≈–√—∫∫—µ√‚¥¬ “√ Ì“À√—∫‡∑’ˬ«∫‘π
„π‡§√◊Õ¢à“¬æ—π∏¡‘µ√°“√∫‘π™—πÈ πÌ“¢Õß‚≈° »÷°…“√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥‰¥â∑’Ë
Asia Miles™, Asia’s leading travel reward programme, offers miles redemption
for flight awards, upgrades, and companion tickets to over 1,000 destinations
worldwide through a global network of 20 world class airline partners. For more
information, please visit
 “¬°“√∫‘π‡§√◊Õ¢à“¬ / Airline partners include:
Aer Lingus Dragonair Malév Hungarian Airlines
Air China Finnair Mexicana Airlines
Alaska Airlines Gulf Air Qantas Airways
American Airlines® Iberia Royal Brunei Airlines
British Airways Japan Airlines Royal Jordanian Airlines
Cathay Pacific Airways Jet Airways Vietnam Airlines
China Eastern Airlines LAN

Code: 1591
Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer
KrisFlyer ‚ª√·°√¡ – ¡‰¡≈å¢Õß ‘ߧ‚ª√å·Õ√å ‰≈πå  ‡ πÕ„Àâ§≥ ÿ ‰¥â∫π‘ ø√’ À√◊Õ‡≈◊ÕË π
√–¥—∫™—πÈ ‚¥¬ “√ Ÿ®à ¥ÿ À¡“¬°«à“ 800 ·Ààß∑—«Ë ‚≈° ¥â«¬‡∑’¬Ë «∫‘π„π‡§√◊Õ¢à“¬¢Õß Star
Alliance ·≈– “¬°“√∫‘πæ—π∏¡‘µ√Õ◊πË Ê  Ì“À√—∫¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈‡æ‘¡Ë ‡µ‘¡§≈‘°
À√◊Õ‚∑√ 0-2353-6000 °¥ 3
KrisFlyer, Singapore Airlines award winning frequent flyer programme,
offers mileage redemption for free flights and flight upgrades to over 800
destinations around the global networks of Star Alliance and its other
partner airlines. For more information, please visit or
contact 0-2353-6000 #3.
 “¬°“√∫‘π‡§√◊Õ¢à“¬ / Airline partners include:
Adria Airways Continental Airlines Spanair
Air Canada Croatia Airlines South African Airways
Air China Delta* Swiss International Air Lines
Air India Egyptair TAP Portugal
Air New Zealand LOT Polish Airlines Thai Airways
All Nippon Airways Lufthansa Turkish Airlines
Asiana Airlines Mexicana United Airlines
Austrian Airlines SAS US Airways
BMI Shanghai Airlines Virgin Atlantic
Brussels Airlines SilkAir
* Frequent flyer partnership with Delta Air Lines will end on 15 May 2010.

°—∫Õ‘ √–„π°“√„™â§–·ππ – ¡‡√‘¡Ë µâπ‡æ’¬ß 2,500 §–·ππ ‡æ◊ÕË ·≈°∫—µ√°”π—≈
°“√‡¥‘π∑“ß¡Ÿ≈§à“ 500 ∫“∑ ‡æ◊ÕË „™â·≈°´◊ÕÈ ·æÁ§‡°®∑—«√å ÀâÕßæ—°‚√ß·√¡™—πÈ πÌ“
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2010 „Àâ∂◊Õ‡Õ“°“√µ—¥ ‘π¢Õß∏𓧓√ ‡ªìπ∑’Ë ‘Èπ ÿ¥
8. °√ÿ≥“µ√«® Õ∫¢âÕ°”Àπ¥·≈–‡ß◊ËÕπ‰¢¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ…∑’Ë  Õ∫∂“¡√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥‡æ‘Ë¡‡µ‘¡
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 Ì“À√—∫·æ≈∑‘π—¡ ‚∑√.0-2614-5555 /  Ì“À√—∫æ√’‡¡’¬√å ‚∑√.001-800-2614-4747 µ≈Õ¥ 24 ™—Ë«‚¡ß
For the terms and conditions in English, please visit
For more information, please contact 1590 Monday to Friday, 8.00 - 20.00 hrs.
For Platinum card, please contact 0-2614-5555, 24 hrs everyday.
For Premier card, please contact 001-800-2614-4747, 24 hrs everyday.

·∫∫øÕ√å¡·≈°√—∫¢Õß°”π—≈√“¬°“√‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’ √’«Õ√奠
HSBC Rewards redemption form

™◊ËÕºŸâ∂◊Õ∫—µ√ / HSBC cardholder’s name π“¡ °ÿ≈ / Last name

°√≥’µÕâ ß°“√À—°§–·ππ – ¡®“°∫—µ√¡“°°«à“ 1 „∫ °√ÿ≥“√–∫ÿÀ¡“¬‡≈¢∫—µ√·≈–§–·ππ – ¡∑’Ë

µâÕß°“√„ÀâÀ°— Õ¬à“ß™—¥‡®π
I would like my accumulated HSBC Rewards points to be deducted from credit card
account as below.

‡≈¢∑’∫Ë µ— √‡§√¥‘µ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’ / HSBC credit card number §–·ππ∑’ Ë„™â

HSBC Reward points used

 ∂“π∑’Ë àߢÕß°”π—≈ / Mailing address

√À— ‰ª√…≥’¬å / ID Card number ‚∑√»—æ∑å (∫â“π) / Home telephone

‚∑√»—æ∑å (∑’Ë∑”ß“π) / Office telephone ‚∑√»—æ∑å (¡◊Õ∂◊Õ) / Mobile phone

·≈°¥â«¬§–·ππ + ‡ß‘π
√À—  √“¬°“√¢Õß°”π—≈ ®”π«π ·≈°¥â«¬§–·ππ Points + Baht
Code Product description Quantity Points only
§–·ππ / Points ‡ß‘π / Baht

√«¡ / Total

¢â“懮⓵°≈ߺŸ°æ—π·≈–¬Õ¡√—∫µ“¡¢âÕ°Ì“Àπ¥·≈–‡ß◊ËÕπ‰¢¢Õß√“¬°“√·≈°§–·ππ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’
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·≈°√—∫¢Õß°Ì“π—≈ ∑’¢Ë “â 懮ⓠàß¡“π’È
I agree and accept to be bound to the terms and conditions of the HSBC Rewards 2010
programme under the HSBC Rewards Catalogue which also apply to this redemption order.

≈“¬¡◊Õ™◊ÕË ºŸ∂â Õ◊ ∫—µ√ / Cardholder’s signature

°√ÿ≥“ àß‚∑√ “√
«—π∑’ Ë ß—Ë ¢Õß°”π—≈ / Date ordered By Fax
·∫∫øÕ√å¡‚Õπ§–·ππ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’ √’«Õ√奠 ‡æ◊ÕË ·≈°√—∫‰¡≈å – ¡
HSBC Rewards mileage programme points transfer form

‚ª√¥‚Õπ§–·ππ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’ √’«Õ√奠¢Õߢâ“懮⓵“¡√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥µàÕ‰ªπ’È ‡æ◊ËÕ‡¢â“

∫—≠™’‰¡≈å – ¡µ“¡∑’Ë¢â“懮â“√–∫ÿ
Please transfer my HSBC Reward points to my frequent flyer programme
membership account
™◊ËÕºŸâ∂◊Õ∫—µ√ / HSBC cardholder’s name π“¡ °ÿ≈ / Last name

‡≈¢ª√®”µ—«ª√–™“™π / ID Card number ‡≈¢Àπ—ß ◊Õ‡¥‘π∑“ß / Passport number

‚∑√»—æ∑å (∫â“π) ‚∑√»—æ∑å (∑’Ë∑”ß“π) ‚∑√»—æ∑å (¡◊Õ∂◊Õ)

Home telephone Office telephone Mobile phone

Asia Miles™ Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer

‡≈¢∑’∫Ë ≠
— ™’‰¡≈å – ¡ ‡≈¢∑’∫Ë ≠
— ™’‰¡≈å – ¡
Membership account number Membership account number

‡≈¢∑’∫Ë µ— √‡§√¥‘µ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’ / HSBC credit card number §–·ππ∑’ Ë„™â

HSBC Reward points used

‡ß◊ËÕπ‰¢°“√·≈°‰¡≈å – ¡ / Mileage conversion

: 1 Point = 1 Mile : 2 Points = 1 Mile

• ºŸâ∂◊Õ∫—µ√®–µâÕß‚Õπ§–·ππ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’ √’«Õ√奠 ¢—ÈπµË” 1,000 §–·ππµàÕ§√—È߇æ◊ËÕ·≈°√—∫‰¡≈å – ¡

• ∏𓧓√®–‚Õπ§–·ππ – ¡‡ªìπ‰¡≈å¢Õß “¬°“√∫‘π¿“¬„π 2-3  —ª¥“Àå π—∫®“°‰¥â√—∫§” —Ëß·≈°
§–·ππ – ¡
• A minimum of 1,000 HSBC Reward points is required for each transfer.
• The transfer of HSBC Reward points to accumulated miles will take about 2-3 weeks
from the date of receipt of the request.

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In case where HSBC agrees to accept my HSBC Reward points transfer by fax or any
other form of telecommunication, I shall be bound to such transfer.

≈“¬¡◊Õ™◊ÕË ºŸ∂â Õ◊ ∫—µ√ / Cardholder’s signature

°√ÿ≥“ àß‚∑√ “√
«—π∑’ Ë ß—Ë ¢Õß°”π—≈ / Date ordered By Fax
·∫∫øÕ√å¡·≈°√—∫∫—µ√°”π—≈∑’æË °— Six Senses Resorts & Spas
Six Senses Resorts & Spas redemption form

¢â“懮ⓡ’§«“¡ª√– ß§å®–·≈°√—∫∫—µ√°”π—≈¥—ßµàÕ‰ªπ’È / I wish to redeem the following:

™◊ËÕºŸâ∂◊Õ∫—µ√ / HSBC cardholder’s name π“¡ °ÿ≈ / Last name

 ∂“π∑’Ë àߢÕß°”π—≈ / Mailing address

‚∑√»—æ∑å (∫â“π) ‚∑√»—æ∑å (∑’Ë∑”ß“π) ‚∑√»—æ∑å (¡◊Õ∂◊Õ)

Home telephone Office telephone Mobile phone

∫—µ√æ√’‡¡’¬√å·≈–∫—µ√·æ≈∑‘π¡— / Premier card and Platinum Card

∫—µ√°”π—≈∑’Ëæ—°/°“√‡¥‘π∑“ß §–·ππ – ¡ ®”π«π (∫“∑) ·≈°¥â«¬§–·ππ

Hotel/Travel voucher Points Amount (Baht) Points only
500 ∫“∑ / Baht 2,500

∫—µ√∑Õß·≈–∫—µ√§≈“  ‘° / Gold card and Classic Card

∫—µ√°”π—≈∑’Ëæ—°/°“√‡¥‘π∑“ß §–·ππ – ¡ ®”π«π (∫“∑) ·≈°¥â«¬§–·ππ

Hotel/Travel voucher Points Amount (Baht) Points only
500 ∫“∑ / Baht 5,000

«‘∏’°“√·≈°§–·ππ – ¡ / How to redeem points

1. ‚∑√®Õß‚√ß·√¡ 2. °√Õ°·∫∫øÕ√å¡·≈°√—∫ 3. √Õ®¥À¡“¬
∑’µË Õâ ß°“√·≈° ∫—µ√°”π—≈·≈–·ø°´å¡“¬—ß ¬◊π¬—π°≈—∫
§–·ππ – ¡ ∏𓧓√œ ®“°∏𓧓√œ
°√ÿ≥“‡≈◊Õ°‚√ß·√¡∑’µË Õâ ß°“√·≈°§–·ππ – ¡ / Please specify the resort you would like to redeem
Six Senses Resorts & Spas Six Senses Hideaway Samui Tel. 077-245-678 Six Senses Hideaway Hua Hin Tel. 032-632-111
Six Senses Hideaway Yao Noi Tel. 076-418-500
Six Senses Destination Spa Phuket Tel. 076-371-418
Evason Phuket & Six Senses Spa Tel. 076-381-010/7
Evason Hua Hin & Six Senses Spa Tel. 032-632-111

¢â“懮⓵°≈ߺŸ°æ—π·≈–¬Õ¡√—∫µ“¡¢âÕ°Ì“Àπ¥·≈–‡ß◊ËÕπ‰¢¢Õß√“¬°“√·≈°§–·ππ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’
√’«Õ√奠 2010 ∑ÿ°ª√–°“√´÷ßË ¡’º≈√«¡∂÷ß°“√·≈°§–·ππ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’ √’«Õ√奠 µ“¡·∫∫øÕ√å¡·≈°
√—∫∫—µ√°Ì“π—≈ ∑’¢Ë “â 懮ⓠàß¡“π’È
I agree and accept to be bound to the terms and conditions of the HSBC Rewards 2010
programme under the HSBC Rewards Catalogue which also apply to this redemption order.

≈“¬¡◊Õ™◊ÕË ºŸ∂â Õ◊ ∫—µ√ / Cardholder’s signature

°√ÿ≥“ àß‚∑√ “√
«—π∑’ Ë ß—Ë ¢Õß°”π—≈ / Date ordered By Fax
·∫∫øÕ√å¡·≈°√—∫∫—µ√°”π—≈∑’æË °— ·≈–∫—µ√°”π—≈°“√‡¥‘π∑“ß
Hotel and Travel Rewards redemption form

¢â“懮ⓡ’§«“¡ª√– ß§å®–·≈°√—∫∫—µ√°”π—≈¥—ßµàÕ‰ªπ’È / I wish to redeem the following:

™◊ËÕºŸâ∂◊Õ∫—µ√ / HSBC cardholder’s name π“¡ °ÿ≈ / Last name

‚∑√»—æ∑å (∫â“π) ‚∑√»—æ∑å (∑’Ë∑”ß“π) ‚∑√»—æ∑å (¡◊Õ∂◊Õ)

Home telephone Office telephone Mobile phone

∫—µ√æ√’‡¡’¬√å·≈–∫—µ√·æ≈∑‘π¡— / Premier card and Platinum Card

∫—µ√°”π—≈∑’Ëæ—°/°“√‡¥‘π∑“ß §–·ππ – ¡ ®”π«π (∫“∑) ·≈°¥â«¬§–·ππ

Hotel/Travel voucher Points Amount (Baht) Points only
500 ∫“∑ / Baht 2,500

∫—µ√∑Õß·≈–∫—µ√§≈“  ‘° / Gold card and Classic Card

∫—µ√°”π—≈∑’Ëæ—°/°“√‡¥‘π∑“ß §–·ππ – ¡ ®”π«π (∫“∑) ·≈°¥â«¬§–·ππ

Hotel/Travel voucher Points Amount (Baht) Points only
500 ∫“∑ / Baht 5,000

µ—«·∑π∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ« / Travel Agents
Tel. 0-2664-0861 Tel. 0-2650-5371
Fax. 0-2664-0866 Fax. 0-2650-5370

Bangkok Travel Club (BTC) Thai Sky Ntt

Tel. 0-2255-8966 • Hotline 1771 Ext.3 Tel. 0-2693-7888
Fax. 0-2617-4296 Fax. 0-2693-7575

«‘∏’°“√·≈°§–·ππ – ¡ / How to redeem points

1. ‚∑√®Õß‚√ß·√¡/ 2. °√Õ°·∫∫øÕ√å¡·≈°√—∫ 3. √Õ¬◊π¬—π°≈—∫®“°
·æÁ§‡°®∑—«√å/ ∫—µ√°”π—≈·≈–·ø°´å ‰ª∑’Ë µ—«·∑π∑àÕ߇∑’¬Ë «
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√’«Õ√奠 2010 ∑ÿ°ª√–°“√´÷ßË ¡’º≈√«¡∂÷ß°“√·≈°§–·ππ‡Õ™‡Õ ∫’´’ √’«Õ√奠 µ“¡·∫∫øÕ√å¡·≈°
√—∫∫—µ√°Ì“π—≈ ∑’¢Ë “â 懮ⓠàß¡“π’È
I agree and accept to be bound to the terms and conditions of the HSBC Rewards 2010
programme under the HSBC Rewards Catalogue which also apply to this redemption order.
≈“¬¡◊Õ™◊ÕË ºŸ∂â Õ◊ ∫—µ√ / Cardholder’s signature «—π∑’ Ë ß—Ë ¢Õß°”π—≈ / Date ordered


More & More

Code Product name Points Code Product name Points
3711 Black Canyon gift voucher 1,200 Baht 8,400 0831 1-2 Call prepaid card 300 Baht 2,800
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2681 Hotel Voucher 500 Baht ( 5,000 0221 Swensen’s gift vouher 300 Baht 2,800
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4701 Hotel Voucher 500 Baht (Six Senses) 5,000 4611 Ootoya gift voucher 400 Baht 3,800
1111 Express way ticket gift voucher 450 Baht 4,300
Mileage programme exclusively for Premier card only 0491 Big C gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
Code Product name Points 0501 Carrefour gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
1581 Asia Miles™ 1 0431 Central gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
1591 Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer 1 3701 Fuji gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
Mileage programme for Platinum card / Gold card / Classic card 0571 HomePro gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
Code Product name Points 4621 HomeWork gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
1581 Asia Miles™ 2 0591 Index Living Mall gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
1591 Singapore Airlines KrisFlyer 2 3691 MK gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
0311 Oishi Group gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
All HSBC credit cards
0451 Paragon gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
Code Product name Points
0511 Power Buy gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
3831 Ban Home Hug Foundation 999
0481 Robinson gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
1471 Care International Thailand 999
0531 Tesco Lotus gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
3821 CCF Foundation 999
0461 The Emporium gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
1481 Dramaraksa Foundation,
Wat Phrabatnampu Hospice Care in Thailand 999 0471 The Mall gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
1491 Home for Handicapped Animals Foundation 999 0541 Tops gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
4641 Seub Nakhasathien Foundation 999 0551 Verasu gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
4651 The Thai Red Cross Society Organ Donation Center 999 0441 Zen gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
1511 The Thai Red Cross Society 999 0331 ZEN Japanese Restaurant gift voucher 500 Baht 4,800
1521 United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 999 1351 Health Land – Aroma Therapy gift voucher 850 Baht 6,000
1531 World Vision Foundation of Thailand 999 4631 Home Care gift voucher 650 Baht 6,800
0151 Au Bon Pain gift voucher 200 Baht 1,800 0941 Caltex Prepaid Card 1,000 Baht 9,000
0981 BTS Sky Smart Pass 200 Baht 1,800 Cash credit
0861 Major Cineplex and EGV gift voucher 240 Baht 1,800 Code Product name Points
0991 MRT Adult card 200 Baht 1,800 HSBCD Cash credit 100 Baht 1,000
0241 Pizza Hut gift voucher 200 Baht 1,800
2591 SF Cinema City gift voucher 240 Baht 1,800 Annual fee waiver
0341 Sizzler gift voucher 200 Baht 1,800 Code Product name Points
0231 The Pizza Company gift voucher 200 Baht 1,800 1701 HSBC Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard
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0521 Supersports gift voucher 200 Baht 1,800 1661 HSBC Visa and MasterCard Gold Supplementary Card 2,000
3291 Siam Ocean World gift voucher for children 250 Baht 2,000
1341 Health Land – Thai Message gift voucher 350 Baht 2,500 1681 HSBC Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard
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0871 Paragon Cineplex gift voucher 280 Baht 2,500 1641 HSBC Visa and MasterCard Gold Primary Card 5,000


Issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

968 HSBC Building
Rama IV Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand

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