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Tax calculations

14236.8 10 may advice 18-May actual tax

949.32 tax Gross income
13287.48 nett 82.92 82.92 20.73 103.65
1107.29 monthly 105.6 105.6 26.4 132
260.6 223.35 102.4 325.75
585 585 40 625
1034.12 may 10 is 1034.12 996.87 189.53 1186.4
1107.29 should be cap allowance
73.17 too much tax Therefore taxable income is

gives this figur

monthly tax is
nett income is

may 18 2010
taxman taking 149.60 per month
should be 79.11
difference is 70.49 too much
x calculations

oss income
Norwich union
x 12 = 14236.8 this is GROSS INCOME
cap allowance 9490
erefore taxable income is 4746.8 14236.8
at 20% tax 949.32
gives this figure 949.36 13287.48
/ 12 is 79.11 tax already being taken 18-May 1107.29
nett income is 26.4 NU 26.4
20.8 PRU 20.8
add 60 PRU new advice 102.4 1034.12
gives total tax now taken 107.2 149.6 1107.29
79.11 73.17
taxman is taking this too much. 28.09 per month

aviva 103.65
income Jun-10 Prudential 132
14236 Prudential 325.75
allowance 9490 state 587.2
taxable 4746 total 1148.6
yearly tax 949.2
monthly tax 79.1

may 10 is
should be
too much tax

nett tax taken

82.92 20.73
105.6 26.4
291.55 34.2
587.2 0
1067.27 81.33 close!
rsw figure

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