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Ste~lllmg hbHsJ,lDg CO., 'N 'C'W .~ @I.


imroouctioll P.a;PeF rorQJfgam~

Th~ if@fl C,qmm~Ildments d Ori~ar1f!if

B13:SIlC Form I Hen:

DUiLk S:i~d Parr:ot Leaf

IIa;site Form II S;air!loot



Basil' Foan [I[ Fly


B{azscic Form W Salt.."an:d~Pepp« Dish Spaiiish So):


Basic :Fllml V

Bar'liI Eagh~

B:Mi.c FOtlh 'VI tS:losrom

Car)re'rVlUfY B.€!~~S'

Clplit€:rleaF Pansy S,nail


D,asiLc Form VB Hm~




Bei,e. Form. VDI Chick




Shapes ~ade Did' :01 DIR,ej,ent BasJ!c FOlmJi CmwQyHait





Letrer J-Ioider Fo!ded Le"t:ter Baby 8ird H~~OJl Sn~rj~~es M~i·glilf;rj[€.

1'5 "1'6 JI7 18

S:S 56 5$ 60 62

20 20 21


Ti'a.tlsiilt.f':di by eliza~ J!eJnffiJ'm:'l101 ~t1i~edl WCir'ol fiJllmliilF

WJ~.r,iI!'}: ~ ('~n!ii!'II!!H Cillt-alili!l~i'ig.~n;f'y:b!~gn>C!lF! ,l),liiaJ

Ay!:!1r~·~I~ ZO~I.

ThE' great'! oook

Tl";ilI"I~I;;ltll;"n of: N£tjt:!z.:M.)ooit'lance OriWlrnl ~eenl

11Fi(1iJJ;1~5 ff1a&:,.

1. Ocigclfr1L i. T'ae:.

na71JA9813 i~~' 73U\981 Iri'r~0062

iSJIN .0--0069,-,6600-9

ISBN o,~6~O·g ~plJ:!q

E~!flim !r.mrtatioo. COP:r.'r.lg'ilt ~ !9a7 .Oy' 5rerlr!1§l Pi,.i..b-lj~g Co" l!~e.

3a7 ~rt~ue Sou~i: Ne-~ ':.'QIk N.Y. iOOI-6

OrigiMI e<]i.tiGn jJtID11<5~00- under Iih~ ti~l~· -:NelJle ~beJlh~#¢ ~~I'i11 rdeerl"' ail 1986 by .F~f'I..\Ier,lag ~bH, D~72 Nr.roerF\h.8JlJWnFr5 .• 'iM.~ Ge.lmarw 001t.iIC!LJ~i!ld in Galwa t:rt ~ing f\!~ish.i1l9

% C:ID'liEl~lan M.HlilaGroop f,'O, Ekl~ 920..· ·Sta!h]l], U

Tq iCI 1'1.1.'0', Oi1l~, ~fN!dCl. MaZ SF9 C11~~rib\Jl~,j ~fl'GIr@: liirit.air'l aiid tUNlfJe nr C#~S~II i1.(

Mlie~ H9us~. ArJill e 1)" ~~ lOOOOfl S'W'liP lJIT; iEhgJ21nd

Dlsmbuted' I!Il ~5trali8 t1y Qp;fCN6'I Lro .. ,ro. Box 665. i..ane C',QIti'. r.iSW 20QQ" Pl!1il'1l:E1d_i1~ IkJu I"!d in ~1~11i'h~

;W ll'g,Ili!li r~~~'d

In- d ~

:", ',',"" ',' "I, ,," ".'

, troc uction

:Etiewl' atrer bu ndred,'5 of y6afi'S Origamt,- tne ~~l of paperloldirlg.,'-as ~m:aii1ed an impotrJ:n'l too~ In the J.~-pafl€Pe ed'ucatioml~ PfGiLe's:sall'lcJ it· ~."!I<rlJ~ct1r'i1g r:J~ f(re:n~!S amOlng' }'Dung a n:f1i oki iJl"l m~fly pJ!tJrltries i;l-H over tile worJd.

Cil"l!e' reasen migrlE tll~ iMr Dngami as an an

lfeq(ll!les. on 1)1 a -\;~fy fnO:r:iB$[ inveStment-.;l: ~~e~ or ~pe1, E\.oreryo~..,e who ~f'ts IIlVO,lv.ed c~~'i orl;~l!e '~~iQi11 and 'beautjfLlI tJgUf'S:!: ana shapes, These

. $Tm~lj works dl a~t delrght' me eyes, IJ:u I they C~'llii

, pi slClrcal, eit:J1@fas roy:r OJ lJrffli$~!~,

Th~" oook oil Or~gaml is tlit'ended to 'rlspi~,e and to. ~!,imu'.att!.

fight Wde :forms eni3Jble you "10 o~aie '40 dJfrererll ~t9ures. A p~ece -of paper ls aJI t~at is required a'M', '0IiJ -oooo$ion,J paIr ot scissors, or paJnl f(l{ d@(,d1!.3ill'OJl.

With scm e J)ar~eil1cearld rcli['e ~,;ap;er ;;q~Fe.s; C,al!"l ,b,e fOI'ClE'd into pe1ifect t,igure& It is; a cr'e,a[J\te' ~rild joyfl"J' :<l!Uriw!¥ltJai: ;i:5 relaxing iilild ~'ives ~ feeUiri9 pf ,achievement

Ob§'~fVai1i €ipetrrllenh;:ls wiI'l-wrth .a I i:U:Je e~pre~-, elVlI:e.-sOOll tJe:ab!!;"[O itr..cen! Hgure.s of (,heir own,

I WM yow joy with .origami r

Pap cerfor ~Orig> ... ami

. I,;" 0, ~

Sjn~ :P~JleI is~ ~4f (lIllY IT!_atelia! rlee~e-Afl'loJ ()f~~;tImL. chG~~flg' the p.1lper is "p?lttiwtlrly itiiperra(ltArw .pa~ef that Will witn~taD'id Fepe~red fc!;JP1~g Mttll':J!..Jl'ls~roflj~g ~l~Jl fI"$ tjlf~Ud~ .paP!;[i' \i\\rit.rlJg'WP~l o~ papef FftIm '~~r:Je; i§ ~C[~.~~."1Ibl~.

Iix"erJmer;rr. (lr:,III:ltf':Q@ ril1~'lt COOlce ~lIi tJe fearFlE'r;I, 'fMe· onlt{ req!'J[em6'f!l$,2I1r~ tl1m the f@per ~I'il l)e ~~ano/ ~etded gn(j (fe~sed W"it:llO!!.:l[ ;[.Mfing Gnippin.g, ~rl~ ·1tJ,jt ii g!'jQ(~rld !ii[111.E pwtec[ Jl~hf angl~s"d't m~ GUJ~rs<.;So·(tJlt p,;J~ {afetl,.Jl~Y' t'lf'lri, ~~I~Fca~J~

Gm:VtraD9~11J~' is ·e~sjly i:1I~amilt:ll~~ IM'i. ~H'©reeIr~ J,?oole!1:'l, and ·Glften ih~~rt:f1 ~~ lifIe lfgl1~ fJal'Jl:;:l" ;S~tJs~ ml;ie: ~jnnlrl~ of t~l~ ft:jF! or (ll,C ~reai¥e' Rr:O[~S;;_

AJrllClSt all ONtle: flglJfeS in tt-I~:S ,bqGfrtare'l'ikld~ U~m ~r1VVr:ap p@~t~ '~lllhim~S pa~etS,Qf'!fJj;[(Gl~e~ycolO1' ~ patOOnl tla.'\I:fi t;feen ~I~ rogetM~f i;)21€,l(.!.w·b.eGf( .se. 'llUQ ,d~h:I~ (IfJreresn r~ em~[S, .

Of cuuJ,w ~P)~gdmi pa~'f C~f'I lfe>,p!Jrc~asetj in ~1'I~6rs~y. stmre'S p~~t ~f!tG SQU.'3f1;€S, AI11i~lJ.Irce.5.. h~r, w~11 ~m ~t Just a~ well i~ &.;~ !1Ft" rnac1e W'irtl gtf~ll~

. ., ,


'The I~:n Commandments

-:-' ' r~_ _ .

10.;·.··,£··; 0' <no, J. g'._'" b rrn ,"

. . .. '-. lu;l.;d.._u.

. - I~: .~~ ., --

L thoo:ie:'S<U~labr~·pa~@Oin{lGblt· ta're~lJiife~ ~brtn BiI"Itr .S'J'~

- - I

2:. ~old ~a~B'n\e'~flly amI ca~rtlJIJ'. et;peciaHy .at the :lin~~1

_ ~G[r1e cif torne~_

3_ 1.l1toi'~ ol"l afla:r:(J 5_lJrfa!;~. W-~Il.jt .jIF [olds and riea:se:s L-a1'1 tle ~.@>ruirl:t1 ~~ ~e[JltbS'S'_

4. ExtlCl1'I~S-:ls oalchteved.1;W movJllg, rh!!¥1'i'JiJ~$ha'rP.~ ,a'lqng ~I'I ~'ds af'ld eJ€9$E~~ All wbS:@iiLJ®1I<ire_p!iJ:.5Ir~ t~n ,made, easler,

$, n1~;grt'ater th'~ oe);-~;(trieSfi'!1f 91 [~M, t~)11me bfra,utiful !Me rll1fs~ii1 wQrik.

. .~ ..

11\.. FDUtiw e.acl1"5lt'eP c~~ru'ry Itl ~hE' ~l~IJ,~Fl[;e 'gi_\I\I?P:

~, G)'Q N~ e!'minait~ 0J :;;;kilJt~'-stel2l' WhUe ifOJOIihg it ~.s.

I.ji; efy I ro~merrJ[ge~ tl;le 'lilEi:t wmp~e~ Step, al')ij ~ifl&( (Jhe;atl [~the @'FI~ ctf1\lnJpJ~OW.!i,

8. p~,~lr~llt(o:n, ({:ha',i(jll~tl\:.!lt;tiDr:I!t Le, {fiJ,edloi'l of f'OJEjrng, f~;t ~fm is ~ l;(e. fOiGit%:J ·ro~~.r~er. it it rs'~ I'otd or (fea~e to tr~ o.p~f:Je~ 4f? again.. ~rc"

!Jl. I r Origami i:s: !'lew 10,ye?i£I. get e;:llDefi,frlCe !Yy pr~tic,~ the tN!'510ffYj111S;. It i;S1·wn·tO d~Qverr ti~w {'fm~ d~ff€reni: f.igli~'@S are'c;:reare.iil )fJ~.JI.Qf 2l 5.~(lflt iIlas,ic um:

W" Te,gein tJ=r,e m~L!~J~\loyriilerii from :)ID!JF .eiffm,t FQI_Jew an we~Grro~. ·ant:1' liims._e~qly-~nQ ~ktyQLJ1r fl@lfd~ ;:,ritj' 6rea!ilstt.a,f£·flJ,ltv '~'h~ ,~ea!lJ~


r .

. ~

. . ---. . .. _ '.- ,-

" I,' I II ",11 ,I 1',Jj BASIC FORM I

''ltI:i'!g, s~pe: a SqlJa~e pl&e ofpap~r.

2. Creas~ di,a~I~~J}y or,'J d.aSheQ ·Iitre.

3, fold ooter,:Z C:prrl_Bl! so ttl ,r

. thf"Y m~el at 1iQi! 1lli£Jil1~e cre'a'se,



1, B~gfrl witf16a!)iC FOrm L Turn:

Elh e f6'rm ilJ'lJ'ef:

-4. . 0.. fb:lc:j' left ppJn O'f;ltt:tO .the~eft FoJd rGrm in 11r~lr at tJ~e mfddl@' crease slJ.tfiat the doS€'d ~ae Of ~apet- is. on [he o; k1€.

5', PUlII feU pgifJt apwiI!tIs"diOO pii\l(f'j '!oJeT4l':ease,

1. Fro!din~ ~th rrgh~ ~L1iIrld! O,OOFl fQrm .•

l3. ... pl.!i i le't p'oii(llt~~ on a;e-a,.!le 1.

f 2, ,PI'(!..ft!id ,O~ 'd~tttld I'~~~ 1 and z

l4 .. , , (old d~wtrUTl ·a~,sne(j 11.n~ I"

1'9. fl:!it'tetr'tl;mi:! ~1f1~ press ~fd wJrh tf'lt;lm,b;n~il,

'16. Open p,Qrnt . , ,

'17' •... .arm IIoldor'l rine'2 fme:S,tep r2,i [Q~~e fett

l8, Paint: -IDm~ .an,a ~~,jlk red'., 1-oor' ~n ~~ Ilin~~hf1ld,

1. M~~ 8acS1'c POfm~ j~~e 8).

Twm rron' ©Vel.

l Rl,lp le([~ poi0'rar fla~~~~d Ilfle' 'I ..•

1 ... to [Il~et lighr pqint an~ '[ q~ tl'~~:h~ Jlm~ :2 ...

'I:. . take rigbt"!40Jru a:nd fo'id ·t~F;j:s [lie left ,~ Illla~ it wHI me~f!~nmt Folej"Q-f Un~·~t2ll p~lnl ~rd jef~ lDolr:J.~ um~!:!r @tl i'I1~');L',~nd oUt ·.ttgla1insll line' :3.

5" ,~oM f.OIT!} in harr pll thee rnlrn;!le sci Ihmt rblCled left 'P0In~ ~'rJf! the Dll'rnfrle.

7 .... p.u IjeGI ~~rd'~. rlBttef'l' :f@m ."nd press fi'Jlds' ~1t1 iWlfd~r1lanl .

s. ~Q'rd ~Ii'\ 'p~1J i1ead ::>1 [gOllY up ~'O war bE'a~ ,is ni~l'lI!e.r~ntl. prB£r oiLl.

\1 Roid Ule Jc~ poi;lion OF! a.asn@ifl ,Hf:le (jp~w the 0uts~d~.

1'0. 'litepeat-rflis 51:ep ,DI"'lIO'Ir':ie{ nat It F¢i[d~(x{le.fll', m rJ"tte J(.)~j~e ,~ tI1e·fl.~floo Jlt)e' en oorf'il'~~'e~l



'BlEil . ...::1 IlrU

I, Wegil1 With S8',Sic; 1P(]~m ~ [MEte 8', 'all t}ja!\~ed tilfie . ,. -

,:f. ',' , fO~Qt lett ~oir}if ~k' ,'1I]''fj reid u~~e.( aI:l.;;l ~r: ffim~ to the ~~:ti't.. , -

l .. - - ]6~lha[ m~ {rtet?t:_rn ~J>Q11t 00 [\he 'miQ~ih@.. OrtOO~f1e:t;t Jine:!: _ ;~_

4. , , ,"Grlil'a:~~"sMr~~ and thefl !pniql:d,

5-;> HQ,)~'fe)fm elil ~irt It k$n~ 'if! g~'fl'4, cerlua~! Qpel1 form S!li~hlJly f~m left Siitk,

~, Ta~ I~r-t. LI,~~et :p)rn~r a~ fo!d T® rneet :point A FIa:IttFi ID.liiI'J,

7. Do 1i~e\!iAS"e' :'3II~~h lower C::@iln~r: .SrI c:J'<lis'ti~ ~m~s , , ,


HI. IJenibld' c::retiSt;-~n~ ~'ltJld €Jp'~rl~rs~SiijPlcj' to Rtie in$fde" ()n!Ja;;;f1ed Nne ~ , _

It ... rofd '~'i/rlll"l!~r 1i~rd~. illrltt(} fiN" ,th€_~.pppbslre.s~:·¥eur tjjra is f~rtis~@d".-=~21cl'J:w. tc)., IU~!

Par rro t,

1-.1 _ .. ~.,

~. - . ,~fbJ~ .Ihi ~,I?~r.,aroo~.~wt'f ~lJr~s !?rthf2;sm~l~ ~~ MirtlJ'le.s t~f6l\s mE"'fI\1J~.f:Re.

5.~R):ld tlrmtoti] 11I,r,fe:·rH~ M~~~ 'a 'sharp ,r.ea~~~ the ~a;5h~ I~ht::.

-n. t • wJ1ihll ptlm~ th;@ fight w~ FI'f;;'F l.IIpw,arf1;s. 'Flgt~n (rum i~rCld ~5!) ~(J;] JFt!.J:rnbrn.!:ilj!

S. 'Qrl (las.if1etr ~~ni'ej 1 dl"lG 2"Mliit>e' .sbarp. C~,#;. ~P€iIl etJe "~aJI~i a[!d 'fil7!l~ jt:)wel'~ OIl'

~;tI~~'I ...

~ ...• ttl~l1 p!!J11 tai~ LIP ~ntct'r.Qrtf 0ui'r.li1dM Gr:h(fe~1ie- :2' S!:i rt\~l it QS'WiS cr@:~ l,

1,8. All ~:mjlar~,nt fi~s. tt;J,dp r1~ ~ l~am hoW to [4JW

I, Eegifl vv:i'~h ~i(;; ~ff1 i ~R~Qe: ~t- fuld uppoer 3rJ!II ~~wei itgttt . ~'~~.s .......

J: .•.. ~rQs:JnQrJzfl.(ltal rn~'il1e. ~r~iJ~ the IJI~JJe[ a~ J~ CI:iJtr'tet.s;· 0fI ~stled lines,

3, open (re3Sr~ ~L1ni poiRt. inwa£o aoo'~i13s:s FQld ,d~:

'5. F61:d fJ;fNll if I tlaJj wHI1 Ibr{f~!j. imJtl@, Ai rrildMl':"le .al1d ar~ daS:~:d I il"l&5: ...

~~ ., Ue.;35Jlt in ~le marJf]@( mCt11wl"fn Men, 5H~P;S ·Ili~ ill ~pcige'5 '8 .1jjJ'tf 9) •

1. ~ O~fIi mj(jiine a,e,;]j!;e so J~a{' form j£: 0pe'J1d!£,iA 5~p ·4. ,~fI CI~Ii~fl1 I~r,e I rb~.Q to' J~1e Jrirt aM .011 ~if'le Z 101[1 I , !

a ., ·~t1i:e rtf~~, rre~ t9ids·. dGVl;j1 with mU':fTlbf:laJt Qq da~hffd 'Ijn~. , , ,

'~! ! ' .. told LIp:: 'IN~1l ~t:tere5J.:!lUl)g :woa~1 Itr~ng e d6wn ..

1 I. c;re..are l..ft1tffit ~hd 'Jo\flier cotrterE 6rrtiasH'ed [ine~~

t], Iljtfl fQlds r.a ~l~;IP"IS'ide. er~S5 d~I1,. if jf(;)1.'.1 [lJ"i1 [~~ fdrm ~r'Q[:iii{"J'G1J n~ ,8 f~a~,

I. ~a~@.. a :SG10~re pi~-re @f rmPir en ti~~ed Ur'ie:l.

~'. f~lg le.t[ BJ'ld' Wt:Jf'¢d~ ro ft~e~1: on ~*{al. mfCl:ltne. Whtre. .~id~ot;pa~er is ri"]'!lM~;

8 .. , . {f.!ease, by f:Ql:o'ing: left: OOi('.

Iler. rt~hl ~Flcf (~gbt ,C!l7)'frl@r'I~«,

Ii Uf~-I~r.(OOges arm puJ~ lip ~ an(.l OU'~, , ,

.r "


'~. ,

I ••• ~~ ~I

, .

f • ~!

I. .. .. --



" .


J .•• , and lb.!r;;! to, m~~({ ihorI2or'JI@1 n9dQli:ri'@,


I. Start \l'I,{Irh Bask Fatm II I~€'

15 ~ On ms~,~ .Ijrl~ "bid upp~r dgfif\'P0int up ac the' lopJ'!alt of th'e dla~m~J line. , ,

~" 1148,11 r(ght rDWef f,Joim roc ~r (rght.

J: '0'fI t:iast)eC!J ~Ine f~ltll morm togerf1er:,dfago.l1dll¥,tcldM side of (Qlm ro.tne o.u'tsjd.

J:, I •• ·~Ir:II!1 ICllNer I~ft' ~lm·cJo\il,'1:l ·at fh~ .bottOOl (:laiIF X)f the diag", Gna~ IlfI'il',

41. Foltll!p~r letr f:)®rnt up.~~'1d.

IpVi~r right prriir'it w Ih~ 'left.



_" - -

I ----- ...... -----


I, Be~I'f1i3g.~R 3: DrBa~~ F.brn'l U J~e .I'SJ On da~l1eyd ni"re-li,~'Old wp~r n.~p'Y' , .

'3, . - - ford lJf,Jpe-r len 12c;J_ge<t6 we t.fg11t ~~s ~e re~ltJl'1rg smarll tt'i81')9(e, ., ,

2, , • , ,uPl.BFliji IO'ihl€F lIi;ap'~j on {fatjtJecr lfil'e . ~ ":

5. F)e,pe.-ai ~tl (tlJ2rl:!rher~lib!~ coil" ners ·@F me fQffl"l'.

6. Fofd rormOCr~trf;jel' '1;lI!1 mict!rJ're',' €rea~ Cr;jrlf~'t$, {ij~f!91 ,o~s~~ lints.

7. Opm '~rm :!i1ig~I:Dt ~fld :fold [Qp re.f~ arid· ~Igh[ ~~riI!3. ,It"

a~ P'@)r'il~ or ~Iue _d~.a,na m.1;mjj~ Oft [0, 'injsfl ~~ ~TI1)~e.


'4. Fold rfghrt troht naJ!! lPJP,-FllJl.l UPf::ler' ri'ght ~int~tfffiNfl I • •


, j


'J .. ~e~e.a'E'QI1 ~pp~t@tr Sirt~. 1'1:JI~nl form -~ef ~ oo'repefl't ~rocedlJfe_, 6Fl.di3~hed rifle fQld il'1t1er l.eft\rt':llrne'i' do.w,,,, [0 meer ~'ttiL'alI' cl't'ase ~ifle.

R ~@pea't I'm iei( Ji'lner GOfr1er, . t: back ~wl'lJ be. me IfJg!ht-halld iilG:je; W~r'l n~~petl,,~4 At e1ii~heij ~f(J~ . ~ ,

1. B'egll1' 'wWi, BaSIL: Form ~I l~a9-e LSfaFter:S,,tr&!p ,'2:


" \

"2 fll'(i' QIDl III half at mldJine stP fD1d,s are m.Jl5ide, will\) f'OldUr;;J1f' at bGttem. On dsi5f1er;;! l'iflm, ...


,3 ,'f(}ft.:tfrcm l::Jp'per Jir:'lillc\Ne'!

pO,iat:s duo.ntl1 t6 meet 1Q\,!\;'f',F edge. ~r wJWr ~ad, cer'"'~fj 'f~Jdil"l~ m ·"'e 00 ~

I"" "!f~. :zd .IJ.II - ?:,I

9 .. , . il;; Jfght ,point to me lef~.

10, Rerum rig~lct p!JIinr to origfnar poi5itfiJrb -open (arm $Jigh~ly "Fr,'CllIT1 the rep, , ,

1 L , , , and fo~GI tJight "DInt in •. _

~], ~re:l:$ r~Jm rQg~±JlIer again. OrJ d?lstl~1:] I ifle , ..

J 4. , , , b!d pornt rn, ~~~ on 0~ef side'.

i 5. OpeJ1 form $rigrrto/ argaillial the' to~, Take th~l~rge. PQirl'r fOI'd'£ii:! rn a~ Step 11, , ,

ll:h .•. creaso@.;. fi0ld (Q the riglilt.

Qlld pull pilltfal1ly our 10 ereate a Ijnre [ail.

1 r. f'rt'~ fo.rm ~Qg~thI;F. Cre.a~@ en dashed .Ii!":le.

'I CJ •••• r.ak~ 1~1Ft pDirlt a!1ld fold tJP ih"l crease,

ZO, qpen ·Form sji~frJtiy 10 ,sliilfld I[ 1;JfJ,;


]6,1\51(: FO'WVI IU ",',IIII"i

r. B~n l.iIlJtJl ;;- :;~I)iilre p.ieEe of 'pdp€'(.

2. F~fd dllag~~~I~~ iVqffn~ ~d~' oJ' pap@r Jflsh1e~.

3. f'GlI'd lef!: aFlCf rign, '~oFflers . 'd~~~ cl9s~Gi flineS.

rn rJ.¥

1 ,Bergin wit!i Ba~ir fQmI' I!I~ ~I.i~ ~r1 ~tiOn [j-P, :G~' G:3stieri' IirJ~, ..

,2, , , • r®~itlIOOth 'tOj]p:Qrl~~<~fl.

Of] M~Il!Ed rin~ ...

l ... _LfOJd trom WFpqirJ~MllI!n i5linid ari d.asl'eq I ifle fhD}'~:~1 mlcJ~in~1 ...

4 .... 101{] ~@9ft:gg~jr;t. Q1'1 dd[!j~'M liii1e$ ...

6. ~ , .. :FQII;ij .~~ j9.qJ>Kl't l:ia~fll.i~fI' i::Jas~ee! ~rft~~':fd;ld'left 11l'r'tjj r[~ht,

!!Jpp.e~ rort(l!jR.l {o~ri::I" '


I <3tari[ wr~ s.aZ!(Fmm Iii !~!e 2.01, ~P"~t) ~tDt;tiQ[lI Ror(lJi~"J' - d~, Tlirn f6:rm: ~lIfe~,

j~ ., - - ~ ~nQ the 16IlWr~![~1 comer iJp.lJln da~nm ~il1~. . .

2J~ ~a5lhed II r:te~ r:Cild 'u~pe{ ~mmer i ! •

'~-.. •• r®lu lJPReJ' .cOfrrte'r l'i1P .algaln.

Turri 'fmfl"l4}\.i'e.r_

7. ©p~riI 1~f;r?$ide1jli~f1tly ~1"iI~ ~n!$ JernrT:iZYSt~Wn~J it],

S. ~pe-.\3~' s~$,.e· ':atilrJ '1 ory,6gWi:r ~l~~. GI u;e -OJ' pilj_g~eJp.[3J or1 wT[I""'S, l3'aim mead IJliKf(,

~~ .


I. ~ sq.uare·pr&'~(Jtpo.oer r~ .cre~~ed mi(j~~.,\Ir'JtiA~~ f'o!:.Jr ~CGlJIler~ . . _

f. , , ,,ar{'· ~olirloo towards 'Ib~ lTi~cfClI~ ..

4_ PG'M T9m, ,r~Sl@l!rrer ~ei lfiiIrrs;r-@ 's._tJ.:Ip2£,af€! ~rI irfli!~t:1e" ls,:quare sf1a~, ~r1 P.tlt~fd.tJ

I : "St2\fl W1ltf"1 :B.aslc Fort¥! i~] r.trmw~r.

.Si f?e~1;J tnoo r;tror;i:ete wim tool" vfii7J$le-l~~,a~Lt ~S!" fQI'fii" ~~~theF ,n the·m!ilarf. ..

2_ t@rd a·11 fcDl]F OOIr~~r~ 'tI1~r.!llifl to

~ee~ a~ 11"l-e mi'dd!e_ "

~.llJlm Il@rm'~~ Fill t.Mth·::;aJt dl1i\1 fJL';~~r

l11,e ~rm ~Il 1J~'snap~eO[i~"t!!1 CO-; d~,"(e!; o(tfle ~o vffi'io/1i S~i_

Yoo G2!JJ pl~ a ,giJ~ssjJibi ~~me

~'l!iltth ,.w.mmrne . . .

; .,fir' b1~~ lhe Form as': a Unger pup~. r~~e" [l~p,Qsfre a~jacefU ,OOJ:hE;r~"Qf1. ~h~ it!"$j~e, d~ ihQvifl'l 13(Jd .d(avv)~' ~C'e_QI"a,

'I .. Begirt wltrl Sl"@~ ·1 Qr tf1e~sa~[.. .anti.cpl!p~efJdr5,tL 1ium aveI. r:xlJki~' [jl~ "fGiLJF I]iangl~:s me.'el_1 ~ in me mid'dlti ..

{ •• __ 3lffCl · att&.tlIJ"GJ1 fa&ri;.


~: ~ , , J!f!4fo1d !h~ t)i..!~· ~1m1g rJWh~d nJl~1W. ~iWl' me~~ Ine o.UUi'i{l:e ..e~g~~- JiJrn "l9.1JTlI ~owr:

5~ P'i'e)"S' ~ll @glneif [og:e,m~I.DI1 [ll~ Bd9~;; tint) I fJ1~, il'Tsia@ ferms; a, sr:j!Ja[~,


,3-, Oea~ lt1e'fpur SqliB'~ on

oru\Shed lmes"il'). sti0~WI , , •

.4, ' , l.. ~o t,1lal (hey meet ~ t,tt,~ rrodlrn~, .Folcl ,l.l,~wer ~'tAoo5' ;atl reft cer:lr€ii" tQ rt~, rjg~:[ ~ ~~t rt fe~FFible$ pl'lOto aM r~lit. Fold SI'F1)9f,1 r/l3r~g"e§. t1'tOf! oill,i¥lsl'1eG:J iir~

7'. 6J; QBeJ'i IrJg, (.±!~rl'kaUIil'e: f'11tl:11ftili: ' , ,

'I, S'tlI[MNitti",fja;SjGof.t!lr;l'fj I\;C~p11lge 2}~ ForB all !iQklI _fQJVlet.'Ho, [~1e: 'n~k1e 'jllQflg ~~~lied If.s~fel

5. FDrd ttpter wiJ'ilg ~tf~lt';l~ the I~ft

iIll"> 'Ib, m-l~e-lmii:! ,l.IeI. i1ak'E,' ~, p~e'(e':fE)f ~~er ;:119(' ~~, a~pUO~rma'i'~Jy ~b ·op1!n rflt;~ l(J,S.crn ~ J,arger t'I'fUl !.t1~~fre used fOr 'H'le fu'erItorfl'

~ ~ . " ,

aii'h,.i []"I~,~fO!t~!lIi..J~.

? Each r~rner ~\lII~ now t'fJeet: I~e m,icl~~Fnt' of ~e< in::;.id~ ~~, T~[n ~rri1~O\fe~~

3. FoUdJer[,...arJ~ rjgh~ edges on q~_p~oo ,lir:le~




.~ .

..;; .....

I. Cre.!l:Se' ii ~:qLiare;~e€e.~f. pape'f ajQng[~' d~'\thoo fir1~e$~. . .

.2. !. ,iii .~ii!lef llfJ creare :th~ !'iif!L~ e<~Br:v H~~5..


3 .. FoJ'd pa~~'f rJ1',~~~t (~nf~ .:!i~G!e jn£itl@~.

4. W~rf.i toltd: at ~d~\p'~.I" ~~ Ifghr :liM·E'. .....

• <A

b. " .• pU'51'1 ~~own irlitt.!l;;:rni@-

dl~ .. -


=~U'-"l !_'_

I, !t{anN~tl1l ~~f~Fofflr v [p.qfll~ 2Bl: frnG !I;;~~ej;s 'tip -e'n dashi.i;OI

l'IFI~'i "

,,2,' .. _ '~ ~t L!PfJf:r "O~r'ter. 'l1'um fo,tr'l:'lc ,CM?f,

3. ~~e~fStep'$ I 3i;1d r;L1.;te--a~e, qlfil (jiasl1~!l 'J Lbe,

9, :O~ri',~;rj'~Fl;j HatOOfr, O';e~f~ .~ sq!J.aI@~sI:iHJk,

.6, ~~.aLs'r~ ,4 'iilhif,9; wrtft left tr:iai'!'SILJ~ar i?'ortiOf'j,lurf.11 :F¢f'l!J! 9Ji« _~~' rnp~at,.p~:ced,l<,!re" cr~i1IS'B 01'1 dasl'ilid Ilrle:i , ' ,

7 ........ -,J,r;id cre.,a~F1! or. t1~ ciMt:im, l'irre$-,

a;,0p~f1 ~~hl.f1.31I'F ll~ inpSf> c,enTle<r ~i1d ,WJIl '~6 ~~. F.r~~~ Whr'le '1U:llWrtTl1g bJlPper. 'plLJr:mltm 1'f:Krb,-a tt~~Je:

~: ~~peat prQ(:~LJ~~ an' fen :Sl9E:, Drr fl~h:@~ liFie ...

! ~~ __ . tt.Je .small,ID,<mghdn ~he :mldtil~.OiF t!t8 hpu~o)l;'l ,teIG~d: lip_ m15 iSyol!rb,~rTi.

1, .$:~r~·withl6a!lic fQrm V In,age ,25J, pedS'e on dashed iirte.

.3 ~n and f}att~n ford lnrp .~ .shape whns'€\ mic1line meeft the mjQUrl§"IJr!der~ll!'am.

4, T~rI':I rofntLC!' ~ird' ,:epejlit si~ps '1. ,liIfld 3. ootd bmh J[j~t oog~ of. '1M top 'f'Orm ·LlP SiS Ul'at rh~ m~t ,ar lNe m)(llIll~"





:.- - - - - . :::-~:.." ,

•. -. "1



,5, Gm~e da':stred !If'll!' qy. pt.JJr,iIlQ le~r ,~Gint 'Of ~gp fom1 up to the :r€lf~l. RQ,iflt '"' ,

6. , , .: l::Ir.ililj',dow(J .3_gain ;3r.:1d ~[1rol~r~p 5:,Open tt:J~$;fOm1 5Iowly. ....

"1, . , • ~ulll~'erpQJnH:lp,rQ rop '~!rt[ •..

tr. .... ", and fold Oom! comers i~rJ;m miti~IMe, Tum 'rorm ()'I.fei;

9 G'Ff dasil'red Jir!ie~ ·ror(J1le{l:/:3r1d righl' ~e af rop form .

I Ill. .: , , to ffie@'t af midlir'ile'. On

d~hed line .. '. '

11, ! , , ro~ij. u,p,pe~' p:o flt dawn to A' an~-pujl ,8 ~"d C . ,. _

~ z. , , , '~ng,elih€r' 01"1 mic::Ujne ,and - - ""r

11 __ 0 ff~tt:e(l fQI!lJS OPl IJPp~r ,~ge.

"14. Fold in tlall ftiJ!ds,tO (neJJlIE~ sit1e, c:rOO:$~e'or\'l d'~shed '!.rAe "~'t IL"

17: . _ ,. ope,n lleft :oht , .. , ,

18. Repe:dit:wJth 'cght ~uiFr:iCil't 0t1 dasrte.d Irrt~& , .•

H ..... "' Operi pDint d~ :sri9~t'lf ~!"Jd bend"~. Your eagle j~ take wing.

1. Crea~~ a .squa~.~lI'!Ge af ~a~ei on ~f1@d rii19~~ pr~Si~,~1ttJ rh!Jmtirtail dlloo~ ~a)c:i1' m~a~~· ~'!t:1etsJ;failn, cr.e:are:i! .

.. ~ ~A. 'P"' ",J

5: ~ _ ~ !lail.'WJl. dCiW[I 'm~d~'[Mo~d :ljh~.

~. FC)ld leff i?<'1I:W>c(f,.:[f'je-.rdi~. rT:lClf1l!;l

.e, _Piip~~f S:t~., s 3-" 'J~ti lerr .fl~ltar tril!'!:g!,e.

7. YO!.1 will have Four wJrrgs ~n

Blossom ea~M·s·de~o( U:}@ fC!ll'ffi.

I. 1l!t=g!f}.witl1 i8asi"( iFom1. Vl jpag.[? 30). o..~.erJ~amefs podm up, Qfl ·(1a.st1M liff~ ..

~ .... ri'f right' ""ng up ......

3.. j open and' tl,:l't[€'tr ...

4. . .. im'Q. ~ sl"l9~f.l Ofiaf1,gne.' wf:loze L~Ft ha~f , , .

6. ~pel1lr ai.i jl:ep.s: wht~ tf"lE letr wrl1{j'~ 'Turn (i0.(mi b;'l{er BJ"Id i'e'" ~at ail ~:tSps.

a. fo.ld form togetl:ter 01"'1 rnil"Jlil'le .~ll;d ber1d~.r Q[iI'~~rJe:d, ... 'in~. ~ Open !I~ !.Jwe.r ~r.t iiJ'f tft;Je ~brrn ~mcl'IlUri down·. . '.

, .. ~ .• an .rep ~ojl'1!:S. Press b!os<!lom. petalS ~TeltleJ in ttl@: mid(fI~'from tfle oI.tJUide'.

10 .. I;e t:iJo.s:;Qn1StQ·B t\!'IiJg or pr~f>!crfth~t has tf~1ir~!l!1"'I l'e~i, ~tQP 1m -ptJOloJ,


You (leed~' Ri~~'S'Gf f¥lD~i"fll eql:J41' ~'ze tl~t ~tFal~n~,iClrors:

Ii.. -i5Jnd .Et

I, ~l:l~d ~Prr attgJ¢ir1~,;t))j ~SriC iFerTfl "VI I~g~,3llj~~,o~n cor· il~ pel~.rtr~hg'l:JgI. 0"1 dr9sh~d lilIes: ...

2. , •• [t.:Jr'dleF( ,;tit{jJI' ri9N' :~ m~et ~m~t· po m·,

Canterbury Biens

3, -rum fCtJm @';f,@( ~~p,e,ffijt pFe@[~!;tI'11 ste~~oo unfol~ ~!r Mila,s,>

4 . .open Fi0Fm :sJi~~tI:y ai1~ rolt1 ~ril€~ liris!d&:1~n~ '~aatNl fonn.

s. ·~e~~t"S~~ 4 on ,the'l:'llst ~nhe OOI'r)el'S~

·til. ~ra f~M (@J) ~~hjo~ {@ ~r pl:1it1lt Creait1!'1l)r:t d:a.S'fl~ lifles."

~ ... aM fOld tOp' rJ~ir'1t idLlllfltm '¢~rij('.a~ ml'dlll:ie ,is Mmr~[iJtaIJ' ff'a'Uvila}i):!6\N,j1: J?feSS.

12'~~.:,:;. _utl1rn1l r¢'1 ~gf1! Wiffl9" to ·litJe left b~~~Dr:n ~ft 'il'0,~ .~11~er" f1e~~OCD' ihe '~i~ht ~pe~~£e,p.5 ~- Hl QJfl~r ~oJnt. on 005~~ ,lir:le_

13. 'Thl~~ m~' lourm' pari Ot'1Y-OJJf taru ~{t1Ur1 slit

I_ fDI,i:I,p,apet: ~ ~l~~~rA ~~).Q' ~rlGl ~l1c::1l:Jc:fjr"lg s~~_ '



<2:""plush ~FfJ1I e: \Ni;tfl ,opern !1Giir;1~' irtOCl'!brm A

g: ~e- rbu(~m~IJ ~~in1$>~rrorm-::Ai -oon;~s~ ~ ~QO~ 'Of term B:

1 ; ~~(I~~ POI{:l't ~ $m:p 3J)t ,FOJIi1I' A lE'arlt:tlJ,~I1,1Y Be1!sl, Pfild n~f;n .antG- tett iO\i!N'€(jg~', , ,

~. ,. Off!rbQ~ ~~rtrOO _I.'e- m~[ ~~'mJd'Jfn~ Tum ,rtlrm,~ a'hrii W~t 1~.~lJte, ~C:"tJt

.;, r~"":: ~.t~·~~~·· ~ .'

Oh'~.8:sM~ il~ t. e~-ea;se ®.r'!I

~~:ih,e~ liM J~.

4. i1C1C~' sl.'em",~~p, gree!'i'~rep.~'ld>~oh wt~,

~:"~~.;j;if)tj (!~,i!lS~ .~, pr]rttCIifl tZlRd JOM '1@~pJeg(J$ :ftFLlstred"




I , 'Eegir'1 1N'Itt1 Basic Form VfStep 7 of Blossom lpag~' J·I t On d~l1eij !fne •

3. ~old (rnrn rogettler aL.mitUi e.

Crea:s-e Dill d h:ea lIf,le.

4, Opell [tip p0rt~Qn 0f reirm rw mid []ole fE!r:m:Il fling [M"EY? U1- Jt:lgle'5 00 r. (lda!.:Ise tips OiJM:ard.

2. "fdld toP poln'i Of frrsl '\l'V~nff~ Inside.


'I, R:ild a sQuar€ plete Of p~r <arOn§l jfl1BS ." .

2., . , ' in aC(Of}1ron fMniolll. rqkl fOrm tog,e:rh@r In li'le m[d'lIle • . ,

3. ... tlolt1J ttlere, and, ~n bQth lij3I~.


me ~r useQ Fpr It! is ~!il,l:JJe shoujd ~ ~hihk\il~d the. ~:i of che :q~Fe ~alm,lI ~"6)ncM'S jlS cm~ Irrle~gtM __

I. ~~Gf.ii'l w;~.sre~~!. 1B:I~salm I~g·e :]:1 J

3. open tO$( p!;JjFl~ of ff~t ~~'"

q •.• , i3rld A!:I'I~"IQ~( pmint ~u~e ~3me< rltne P~g Jc:lf~ .aOO ~i~;t't;:O[[Iersro m~.t midlirte. f1~ttfm f:DI~.s.

z Fotd IJpper :srr~tf'd'gesr~6¥.nn~6!( Qill miiSIFn:e: Cre:~;;e .on Gi!lih~ rlne. <)per\~~!l.Hous (QidS ~al)I1,

ec ... "f~!d J~l!PFtt~!1 liP; Of! . @SH~ lil!ie • , •

1. I ~ {aJpame I9GJniPf1 do"f!l~ ~in. 'O~ d'ash¢ ji'1.e. ITJkI left aoo rlgn t ¢.g~ ., ~;a_ng e: •

Et , .. te mt~t ()ti mJeJlfne. Press srnal~' 'urang tI.iar .s..ttap~s ,doVVYt

1 n. , . . to "tf:'ilE. Ilf'ft ..... On 1r;j~<5.1M~ Hn~5" .. '

II. . . , mid rig~t upper ~dg~' ,Of 'IilLIP wll"lg ,three 'Ifcrrr~ OCIllhe" he~r . , .. ,

'12. ',~.' ~o.ItI'at lhe edge ~ated wm fT..iI~e.t ie~tly on thie mrsli~., fdd.,the.-smaN wing [hac ~~ ae'aitej ...

I'~ .... [i7J tl1e (ef:t ;~otd~jg ~gf'lt wirl,g. _.

1"4. •. tq tile 'eft .a1:SAF@rct, the tqp' ·I~.ftcal'ltl '~~ '~. rJgt.1t ~'(Jge5, aiongmst1ea I iines". I •

1"5 .. , , three Urnes ~se.e s.r~p.· I I J. !'l.ieW ffiJ~ ~hiei<e~y crettteg'Vl)lil'l me~hJi1f'rljdr'lnt., The-top f.Olir wjng£ 0r 'rile letthalf. , .

16, - 1: . :@t€ ,00< t5~)arded tiq HJ~ r.lg,['

17 .. ~peat Stej;'s l'~ rSOft j~rf ha~f" G~ etfi'le"®:Ir.m, (eVe~,~ aiL! l[jfiec~ [JOM. n·h~!' 'Wings on !th@,rlgtlt ~I~e' _ .. -

ra, .. _ dfe -ro: be roJdf!d W.ithE Ie:rt' M. .!~. Oft't,jastHad Ipi1e~ c _ •

t'9". " , It)Jd rigtl~ptQ1n~ .left. ~r1d left poinr Fight Oh fle'W dasl:led Iroes ...

20.. . fard [:op fll9i[]t~el;' down.. :arid t.!F1.dr;(.'1eij!:th '!tJ~'"'feiir,~r:.·· ThJs is lt1~ "e,ad.of tt're;;sn~i~.

.21. fum form GVet:

:n: Cre~1e' s~Qng l1®lfz'OfoI!R!I1 J~na,

, ·fOId' tett ~f1~ ri~ht {orn~ps, baC1~' Pti r;d~'Sf1ed lirle5r

13. P-tJ5M'bulof:Tl pOlriEagafmr fr~~iz~mal (';ri?~se .ilriff r.a.refl1i~lj pull open all r.elm~ .. _

24 _.. ' . tflefeb.y IDurIDing our the SF@1r's ~1:tf.~I,



1. StiBrr 'lMri'I Bas.ic: form V~ (pa~ d~JI o~n PQrl!j()nporf1~tl'rliIJ down. 01"1' !'Ja)ihed Hlies I • ,

l. ... 'foM ffdgei t top pDftio~ one over thfjO ()i~1'.

3. these tbldif;,~g,~i~ 1iyt the left por~6fl"On:Mb lett wrri~. .

, '~,.

', -~~---.

9.' FOlitI€ 'I!ti~ the.:IJQ1I'l~ ct~ On, ,da;5l1e-d 1f,rlE'$'"lIJfltri It is. ~wi( ~g.e cr rhe fOrm ..

1:0. i:ut· '~~t1er pojl')f albJl9 diilShCi!d lIf1e I ~11d Fold ~~~ on dastl.eO: 11m! 2: .

5. Now'lirtghr pL!fliofl !LIp ar:J~ wJr~I!i@. ~i;J dashed Jjl1e I ~old' ...

6. ... jJ@int Qf .[rJ.9flfjle '~{C!wn and an ,i!!tIsl:led 'Iitl~ "2 raid IJnd,fiL

Y. Tum Jt)rfl'l over.ReP~ilIt·Steps 2-ii.

B A:lE·if:C· 'F'Oir,Jil 111 '\ rrr .t1.'b~:. I· .·'!L'\.Jb¥ll.\C.ll

i. ~~fn Viiim ~s~ Feh11r~'iil! of]

;}~~ • A

~§I~ :roo open comet~p.9limr~ down; Cn i::J~lStJed Iffte£ __ ,

¢. ! • " F®<I\?J r~h,[' ~fld 112ft lo~ t:tl9llf "a~' ~JD' wing. tQ1Namg' mitlr.lrie. (Dn ~lOJi;;100di!*"a~he:id ml'7l€ .. , ..

. ~" Q~en ,Lip ltGp 'Wifl~ li11 bt:ltrom ~Gl'r1[ __ "

Ii . , , ,mld pull upwa~;ds ~~t~'f d~ ~:'ia~r~,

7', rr@~Jer1[ Jiif'1d ,rlg~twOm'6'f so ,tita{tn~ ~dges m~t Gift ·the mjal" ~i'1tl ~t1irm .1)' Oii!lmo.rid ..

!l. rR:'S~ d'0INf] r:i!llfll, Tum (orm '~~1'i;' ~pe;1il1 ~l:e~S 'z-i.


I. S~JIt vvitMo Ba~.ic. Form; \nlj~~ OOl, wim lite "'spilt" 'side Wf.~ 'l\'i\~ s,ipJe-.,~~ict~



pGlmng liQVllli'l. ~'aBeo,~JY d8~,.eGl lifl~5.

it Open ~eft;po.rliojl er itJ!m arlO fOid ll~ an.d ln

3tR~peat Oft right ;sid~. J O~.!lS~ 01'1 :¢~~f;leCl line ~. UJriE)~'h tt)e. mill"' d~i; .::too on ,d~tied I~p.e 2,


4 •. Q~nfOn;h; at oeese I fQld 'qllll'm'ptig~ vp ~CI t!Tang~t' ts, halvM alJ~ rol~ in~ ~ e ~t:, ~1·eifl~e .2,

5 .. r?,,;peatqn rtg,ht giCJe, .Q.r1 .d~hed ~i{]~,~ a , •

~. , .. tIDfd f~flt tQP JJ'Oint dti't.Nn <N'V1J:e,

7;· Kild' f6~m'ri'i.h,;m;·se Wh'at tile jXl{1tronj~s[ IbiIde:d QGwn re~ rI1J~il'1S: roull!;·jiiJe.

tt ll!IS is'. the head ,@rth~hQrne: p~11 r-t u~ruds 2111c1f.Grease'lll p,iace, treJie 'gn .·d~~1ed rl'M~·. '

9 .... ~n top palm' and 'fald at ~e crease n5ltle to tfierl~hl iIUs fS the mane,

19. FdJd b.oth oom~(s Qfthe mtrne el'Qw,n;a_m:faJWaTd. an Si3~!ied Ui':l;e , , ,

~ 'I, .• " , ~n,J~ ~hc pml~m"l and rom ctswJ1'iNards ar>id Inw~Fd >GIn Ole;;\l~e-

~-:"''' ..





.. • 1,,'

~'- .-" ,


il av i-- Gperil th~IO:\,il%Mp~tiD'1 an.(ftGaCi tfQ'!;t;&m:iJ11 right 1~f1 !'1r~.a)J!,


l. FQjrJ ~4@ p!rere ~f Paper: !.Jp

-s, r

t~'St~R L.,offf®11t h:alf (;€'

(1[1' d.;J~nelf 1~1Ir]~_

4" Ope~ le'ft'-pc!-Ftjoll'aJXj' (old ~Q~ i?!fI i:r:e~~e .

. 1 ~~.~8[t 9fl rlgf:1i side. G~~M' on Qa~ed rit1~5i , 'tlnQ,:i.

,*" , . " f,?ld.f!JR ~iQJ1 illr

. ......"

fOrm' ,cjb\Vfl.

{:rrT,"c:Ja~~et! IjF!~ Of:! JJ~",~ J'9ltiOl1 d ~1Jl'I •• ,.

$, ~pe.;iti;Ji.F1 r~Qt:Jt iSlide:


• >

tDV€.F: irrd

mpea[!'-l!~ @etllt:m~" ,Qi1

• r. f


> "

rir::llf: i • I

'7», . " ~~Cl poidt ooct. If:'r¢aw .~f~ IE~~ ilnd 1i~l1tJegs1ol"l .datiiMd !I(I;B~

~;"~i!rn Ie«t ~f!r:~Gi:'7J, ;ahd ~dl'd up~td.~ Ip tl']'r:i!' liI?Jr~

9. ReReat 00 flghl: sf<ft. revers'A~ tfrSlfucrt(m~.

III Fald fi3,m11 in nal f Qf1 mi(J.lii"'l~ M~ r:tJm,as·:S~(9·rt. orr'daiSlhea line -.,

Q, fold 'J!)F1 daslied .lines,,,,'Dn dashed Ii~e '! ...

rL.:, ,. crea~ f)L!tet oog.~. open ~ s:h.Q:iNn al1td [@JItiI ,~r)erJS .it:1':;&itre,. llJrn form over, • ,

14, . , ,e~rld ~ep~at ~rC!eeGlll~.

Tum om over aqa n,

tS; ,Open ~.aflaf1d pUlL upw,gl"d~ on ;cre:ase 'l~of itefSj 1 '2-as;~l1owrl'.

16. fOrd 'form' tog:~lher~ Crease [a'ii ·011 d~_d lJile.

I: 7. Open crease :tJgarn and fold i!:iIOWFL

1 $1:. 1n.&eroE bi!le~t'lalf jiJ[fi frcrrr f:ia'l,f aP1Gi ·glue E09'@fht?J:


",- ,':_:' ..

, ~er

1. S\~~ wi~ B~'5.J~ Fqmtt'VIr f~&I~' 4(jl~ rlle "sp"t' stde ~ln~iilg ~~. Fold a~r' rJgriE jD$1r'@ Ij,jP)3'F mr,dlJRre r$ tfie' trOi1t~; rJreillJ:ie en ~iffiSl'l~rzI 11r.Je.

l'~ '~p~I'1'~rd @i' "~p PO!~QI1 aooc trenO rjg~t a:t,cr~~;

~ tJpe,l1,lh9i ,M!!'fi)!f 'a(:i,~ t!le'l~ tl1i. tP1~ d~~t[jil IfiiI~~,

p, Fbl~ ien pOJti~n MJ.p~r ~'as~ ~Ii'le~(id {med :ng~tUlp'~er m:Err:l~r~;Jk,~-

'8; R~p~~tSte~.z:'""":r V\tirrtr' &:tte J1gn~ p¢iuO/l, In ffl\!frl'1i'6.8'0rd OO\!.\i'h'ci~~t~~n,l~fl:i: \~~S rGl.tJed ~r 1M St~ '7. ~!J~ rror~u PCJJl"3l,".DOWn lhfe mJGU~n~ as ;\lbGl\.ikk

~ .. inlIJ1 ~m £i.'ifflf::;¥~M Florr:rt ~O'Wrl tGitRle"fr:l~C1:e; ~t'~$~~ 1~Fj1e l' ~kld' W~· tJ~ ~ga~~ idri;2~

W. -ilJp'eJ ~~jtJ:5't"*c.rmreo ~f>'f.;ln~jle·, T61t:f 1~Y,Gr;l d~' ~ Unl~.,~ncl "Ftall:'~l'iqr\~~ISes_

I l. ~*d'WJm1 rn hIJlJf,~t;t1ie.m1Cmne w;ah fOldS! fn!Sjtle_ ,Qf,j d).sl1ecl

'ii1e . i. ,

11 . , . ~rd t~l:llrjaXl~~~ down iltf~~~ 91l~[j~~rt~d 1~11'§." , ,

r~, ... BTl~ .• roJ? ~rin if] naif wJlh '(;.re)3'5e','al tGI'J.~I'l):e:as~ i3'FIlTI en dashe~ ~r\tie.

1~,,~~gf1 ~FJrj~r ~QJJM(m to"Jhe e~~M.

J j, ru~1 ~ha,t.F0f:t.lbfl .a II[~~' Ee ~he tHr., 'rdllii Eip'OY~ng~iS l~rd-e.

1.&, TUln 'flJ,ifiT Ci'iie{ er:l~ repeal <I5t~~5 ~ l' ~ 1'5:. F~hil in\MJ-rctl.:l~ dasfl~ rlfl~,

1'8. ~8,:ioblr I'rQ'~F IJ1filM a' l1ai fPd~ 6ft arid leHUrn l'ijr)l:lnr M~s~ I1or1e..


Dr- a····s.'··.'o,.··n

_-, " .

. '.~ .. -:- - .: ~

t ~tan with al\l,it F,i!'Ji'ffl \til' ff$ge '4a~, "'j;~IJ[" ~:!l[tr~ pdinfihlJ to Ihe ~~hlL PC:i'1 [lll~' lell: pGv!firs , ••

,2. ,,,, . ~~.~ u~~1 . , ,

5 .... i . ,tt¢ge.lf:Je, In OO~ ffildlile utilll t'r~ caFe- Jying ',ia;!t Cif'l' ttae'ili'lffate _ _ _

.: _ On, 2J§r1eq IIj'n~ lqJ,rJ rop I~r in llaJf .•.

8, ',' • ,iF! half blti- mffl,' It:1g, IO~F PJl_ r'_,I~rJ ,1I(]deI a,oo ~~ SCf rq~ a~'e ,On the ~,l,j~(:j.~ .. tre.~re on ~~'lie.d, fil1e.

7 ..... fO!d' baUi ~pp~ ~r"i~ ~QVvef:Mge Ufi{j'et FqJc!

'Jbtrri , '. " . ' , ~

1 2,: "!tim 'ft)rm over ~Jld re~eat P.iQ1i!edlJtf, Ota~ on' ,-

Ilashed frtJe . . ,

$i. Open"'lerl, Pi}F~~Q:pI frirm <af1~ ra_l'er ,I\ilQrt)(t up !1i!~ itiSldiffi': on Cre-:aSlEl,

I~, Cr,elt!se:on i:;l~sbeQ Ilinesll; 2, ar;J(fl

1"61. Rlig ,(j@\A!'TI !DfI rlie3lEe 2' '@F1(j •••


~~ ,

1"~ __ .. can\1 fOle! r~ creaw i~]i(je ~fid- ~~per' t~~S~",tj1l.Jt ~g~Jin~

~. Folq~~mdl~ifrt ~Il fl2iltbn dti~~d I',ih~ ...

~ I. ',.;." l!ifid'd~.f!\. "TiU'.w!~rm ~ ~n!:l r~~ .. [re~,,~n da~tl€d hi~~ ~ ..

1.7. inrrl' ~C!in~~1ll up'per.;'uf'8$'1'll I~r.t "Ii, ,.

~6i. Tl1.i'IYI dr:ag~f1 {}1Jt'1' 'and repe~l ~1'G~dJJre.

Cow ·

: .

_ .V<.

\ J

\ J

~ J

, (.

\ J

, )

\ I

\ (.


f. Yoo V!IlIt need I\N,U pl~e~ of paper;. ~1jth :sqwre Iln·~~.hape; of1e- elf \(iffIit'Jl jMU Id C~ lA ~h~ S~t:l~ of thi]: ®-tt1ff.

3. "it1imFOffll' o,ve~ al'1tl crease' ~hatPlY 'on dastl~(j IIt1es.

2; FoJd me :Iarg~f of Itlt lVifo p-'i€te5a{;~QfGh,g '[0 instJru'I!=tions far ,sasfc' ~ VII' ~~e' ~Oll!~' to Step ;EL~J91lf fJ(l~tiOIl1 as shl[lwfI;

4, PLllj left ~p p.or~on u.~ , , :


6 .. IOease 'Qh .tl~sr;eid riMe i1rK1 J~ld ltI~'rl;~ifr';rn1 ~ett uil~er OO~~S ID'thar.,lhey !"I'ieet"Z!t :me' ye:rticaJ

mirjll..rle.. .

I. Uhffotd kt~l'fu)I'(f~ Qpefl iprm aCId Mh1 ~n ~~ QI.]" ttl~ c:r~u!i ei~'OI~~~·ed. $0 [~~ wlU meet;3l the· m~tmlJle.

.8. ~Id ~m~11 ~ari~e, tip, F(*~ 5!!llmr flg,h~ WJA~~ m ...

loSt TlLjrfi ~rn~iJ f]OI'l'lt Q!Jul, tile efeG1~e. ..•

I ~r FQld I'Jgtrl ~oin~ baek' aod un'd~rriealtl qr:l {}r~~e I i and en .2 ~lJta.'B '1 iilih 0}-fW~ troia. fl.g [d rtra~~s ,]$ shown.

"'<:li ' ,


1 '&- •.• ~ the. ·rwIm !~r'@I~~d t:(;l" ,~ethef ~~fni"

II]_ Tum: :rigl]t Inrddle~ po~m j~' -SWJIl 13l' ingjcr~a[ I:fr~ iIlr~$@.,

IS. F~l~Jl~~. O~ Qas!1@d Hf'le f, .. ~


13. f~r~ ~q~. ~~tie~ by ~~f~f~~ WieR I:Q'&I' PQmofl. Qf.1 mlti~! n~.

,zCt Torn form 'over:. and (epCl!ar· S·~: t'9-J'9.. ''4F~as~WlI (liast;wc;l If'~~$ I ~p~ .2>*>i1 'fne I. .


2l. flatten foldS. On~d~ftd nnes·,., ,

25 .. F6J~ :~rm tog~thef .. ·Cma:s~ on da~hed lines I ana 1.

Zh, ~ltJ:'ffClnt'leg on cr~3e 1 1n:1lQe ..• , •.

28. pires,· fci'£ qqWJ11 Q;!h 4as~'ll!d I~lie: : • _

30-TlJlTi tGfm ooefiilwK1 r@~~at

S~Ps !S~2~~ .












31. i8;il:d![g"5~ !J.~ rt;,e smalll p'!e~~· dr ~'p;ef.G:reas 'on lifameil 11r'i~ ..

£~. R~~e;3t fer IJflJper aM ~OliV€"1 :~~,

34.. Frail!! tJalf.:a~·itle·!fl.ia.gGr Ii,;!J Lille, with tm p[@vioos rtiild~ 'r(q~ fii~Jde.

f !{~i. 6!!;iIe t~is {drm arOtfr'lcl ooe 'bi!l"l;;k pl8~tiO[l idFJll'!t.·€a\lll;;,a:5 $!I~l.

.. ~ .

3h'""ctea"£e '0" d~OO j~ll~ L ~, a:nd;3.

~? JiZlpen rlSl.l'Jt lPoirrt Bfld faJd ~f;! (re:alfr: (to rtll~lcisr:QI@:

4'!1 IfJro ~~m Wi'ef arryd f~:at 1!l1iOc~u"e.:GIn ~a~.cI I ifle ..

4"1. . ~IA t"'i~d~~",'m;a:s- slo'l~h.

.... , " IV~' '1,'01,1,1 ...... "~TY • r'l .


"'1','111111 ..

BA'S']C" F@""~' "V1II.,

r ~ " I ' " . ~, < ',' ',' I

, .' ,r', . '," ","I .

"'11,"',11,1 "J

oZ, , _ " ~o Ltl;J~~ ttley ff'(e:et"',an~ ti'fI(IliF1~' ~:&'t'iHe ~ide 6~ ~.tte'r . Insr:d.el, On oo~tJ~tl H~} ...

3, , , ,fbld up.,p=:er edQ~sa l1'la~' ifi~y mer:!~ at ~n~ \;\er.~leal.'fflia.. 1~r),~J

~',_, F~),kH«m ~eltlW'~1 ,hl'le fJ~rlwr:J1ta~ mhjlin@.

0: "

5. Ui'l'FdJd ~~~5r;~"gritr 4! L1n: cQmer.#'I , .•

6 ... up .. ,

:11;:5. ~.

Chi" ick

. ~.. ,,"

.. :- r I·· •..

r~- ~r~m; I&fitl B;;9~ic .Ftffl\"[T VIIUl:l~ pOm1:8 Glf rifr~sITra'FI W~f1gS" j;lointlrlg w it~ right.

l - .. (i~a~~. 'ft1€1i ,Q)P€lrJ rdrm

f~ tJel@~ "



\ l\

2. ~d ~Girm in fialf; wltl'i OpNi ~.s DJI"I ~ ~R'i d~h@,et 11i.1~ , •.

4: MO'W ~pen lert pjilIftjon 11 Ji~.~ aod IbLd. I;:ip aind t(UMf rtgh:t F~'gI~{~11 ~tds.


\ '"",

6,,.b~en UPPleF flQint-aoo ,rol~ 1:0 tri~'"i~~," "

«7, 0e~se"orll o~he(Hin~;l] I 9[)d t.

I j



. ~ . 2

11. 'O-;ew~~ [1][1 das:h~d 1~1l~. 'I. 1, ,ahd:S, .

~ t: .... ,.arKfr,6!(j) .. G~~ I ~ tl¥e l;:fL ..

l4, - . -3 tBAt.~le.fJ1 ag.-a;ln. This, JiS tne;~D'r.

t. ~[;tffi!~ 'W~H:'J"~iC ~ vml [page ~!:i:~,;wim rJ)E;"pojnt Gf me jrl)':laU ~j:'Jg J1I¢ln~ICig tp di~ r>lghL

,'4i ~ltI fu1!JiTI ~oil'lf VvI~' rdie kl1~~ 9~1Sr4e." en da!S~ed li~, ,~,

3 ••.• , F01(lr fi9(:il ~i'iir lir~i'd;S, ~t· dl~ cm.a!Sf' ,

4. t:~ top-:,:ionroJ1 C1J~Jm"0tl sasrrJeOl1l(1es I, !, j~lfId~"

,6. ., j@ld smatl w.i99~ ,e~i, 'iea~& Gin .d.a::;·he!Q I nes I and 2.

1 'I, Fold I [Ct ~ ,left, ~'j to the right 9gairc:i.

1'4, . , ".and rolrJ Ins!de 'on me crease,

rs, Oell.$<~ on da\Slfi~d' j nes 1 ..'lInd 2,

1'9 ..... tbJg eomer A ro. 1h"f:~le:f:r. '1tJ~i1 klim avero .aM-repeat piQ-= r:ooui"e.


.. _. ..:. -. - ... - .: I :.:. _. .;

D,o··.··,'g: .. ·.·,

- .~ . ,

& .'

'1. S~rt wJrh Sa~jt f<wrm '\ITlI .Ip. ~J. $rna~:lte~g!r~:PQ~[TI'.fl9_

J .gllt ~J~ left ,P.9thlbl~1tlOn ~t!(al !i!id'llr1e'(

~. ~cl sttta I~ ~lQf:·tC!~h~ Je;f~;"BI1 (~srteId.I ine:s"Gre~Si? ...


. 3~ ... bJ'I'QI~JI~~ [PIe [{.If) :rI~f1l

.poP.ff(1m~U'p a1ofl_~ rlj;fe i ....

4. " .. arlG ffllIwM-dlfjt(l"g.IIIj~ 2'. Llft rfgtI;r"lIDp;,f®lilm, s~~g,~~_ [J~ and tp10 it togj~f1eJ •..

s .... ~!") iif&.JiQr1zomar mf~llrre ;!J!ltiJ tt~m~ The' PQ'm,dftfl~ !br;e~~e. ,Flatten +ts ba-s.e" , ,

L ~ ~

ij; '"' " fi;l1(:J 00t~ 1!Jp'~J'~hCl;I.Q.~ right e~gesr SID :OOo'Br. tile$" meet iil~ ~e 1l~2;DrrWl' ffi'[.J!i1 ine .. Fr;)h;J ftjr(r~ ~tLe-.rklnih~ mldlufle, f~I~~;-,iliJ~~e·.

s. O~:fe dr{d~l~f1ed nAGS ! and :i!,

n. Cred~~~'"fm dash~(j lines '1"2.,, ari1_ 3 ..


'I~. OJ1eA'f~noo Irani [f'leoo~m ,aJld, GJ;SalS@o:6rJ'I1:11sh~' lines,

IIi F1JldL tJPrJi 'eft POjr"i~ doWn 0(11 ttle nre'~~~ Whi,tf ~r't'h~, Sjiini'e .time ~~ldlr:1~~)iIo.,m ~~~lft~ dljaj, •

1 '0'. Rairff:l al~ i!re.£e Oft da~tied IIlIe.

I Y. Fold rIgfi~ 'P.9Jllt i:fown ~rr~' 1Q, th'll11i[de,

I'~ c~'~'a~Sl'jed IFFteS land


19. ppel1 nigtlt pbrhon of fQJTT! ,~nd ~~r;J~p an trqai.~ I.

2fl. Ot'! 'ct~e :z foJt;I tf!~ tip Qf tlW fQreJ~1:, ~r1S.k;k· ..

240 ... ·· Skl€!s.

2. LI tt,:\l;Ipp'l:'r sffi~11 &r:i§ng!JI~a[ rorm up' a~ .~.~ lip,. -d"p"~F1 fI .. ..

4, ©.I1r ~a~nQd ir-r;);B 00 tlh'.e I!3Ft ~p' ...

5 ..... f®rf!.[ill ~~'~I<"int Re·F.&ITl .. ~'[

- "i; ) ~ ~'

$_ro~' c-4 wf;lrJJt,e'J~~r [("'"

aJl!fliuiaf'fmm. ~r~s~' on d:a\SM~ Jih~S' ln orr::itf ~:II1e,Pi,

6. Fold llI~"epi:lif1Cl ~Q~eClge{; @'F ~Q1ill1 sTol!ies Q:f !bin"! tQ"W~rtF~ ~ f;m~:W.nt)!ii rnJtJrfne..

S •. ~:S~ fiOffier;s: '~ogetlle1t'~aloofl ~~ ~.talJjjshe¢l ~,!e·~~~ ..

'7'_ ,r!blll' haMJ~s:"!.J~ ·ar'il~· :s,liCle[{]'em !n[() e~cl:] Qflje~.



"'1',1'1111"'-1 J1


'. ~

" I

lI, I

\ I

\ L

\ ,

1- F:@!d a ;squa~~feCE: uF [Xlf)ffr d(agotlally. 0.t1t1a~f.;r~d liRe-S fi~srfQldJt1,dert cornier ~O' tne rig~! ..

2, , , . lt1~f1 tMe'Ji:g_nt:tdmer lq'ttJe Jefras sllOWn. On ~Slhed

Ji~e ' , ,

".l I

3~ . , " ,foltl tbe'romer to ttie 11grfl.

. ~ ; . ~~

9n cl"aS'be:cr ~Ih'e fold tTJTdown

afoiEl tef rfIe lri5b::, Or' d.35Fi~a Ifn~ en :~I'i c!iae _ _ _ ~ ,

,I!'I~ , •• ctirarl'd o,l3lr;n'form slOVlA~ 1ns~ri fingers be~eil top .two ~riang~f~ , , ,

6. R1ld both ~~n~IS trp io StJape lJ~t

'1.~BJ3~fFI, !\iIfl llf:P"2 :Qf C~GY' Hal OR."GIa'ihe!1J lin€i L , •

T. Takt~a~ SqtlBf@' prere of·.pa-· r;J~' .. ,


3~ : ' . 'n~ld l~P ~O~ .{Orrwr up.

On d'&1s!'1ecJ !lite 1 , , ,

r4 .. ,. reJd fen; ~Dnl(!fl~lDf bm ~~.~ds'U'l~ rig~( ~g~ .. d.rl ~~hed til'CllE' 2... . ..

~. . . ,:{Q~d 't~atpB'rtl&JiI tI,cld~,.r~ ~~s,·~~t On 'dasf1~

r~,,",ei. , , .

6. , , . 'fold' rightt' ~Ff~rnJ fI'~ fqf11TI " tow~J,SS"' th~' tiTlt erJ@_e.,(:fn 'Cla!l'fiiet;l ~rl'le li .. , i

iJ~ , . . 'P!rj?'~:rtiQl'lcbElt:;~ t~ilF'tM tne right ~['J~'LI~~er P@lrii ,~.~rn M m:J1~ j~~r da~~d IJrli;' . ; ,

8. . , . :ar:icl LtfHlQ"ain on Iti~ tQ:p1 jifi!!!.

9 .. f'61~ IDirn~~~[J'le~ In 'tb~ ,mid· ciJ~!lfQ!q~. r'I1~~~. ~~'l~'fI~l~ h:q.ri· 5QJ'i;~j~~r@;ij~@' ®r,h!l:al;~~ij rlne,

1~. Open ~igbt.Wifl!iaI1Q; f0ki·jnSllo~ ®ri ~~clS~,

~ Z .. H!OI~pl~m bettfw~tM. J:re'~~ ciirid TOld (j'p'PW part ~®Wn a~ [rJe Clle~s1{lD. C1'"~tJl!'the ..JiJngs.


L ra~.a. ~1~~~r:J~ ~pef- Whf,tJ t~i .~ rrgtlit'-o'j:ngl~d tfi,an§L~ ~ rMll ~ Q~ aj'sJ:~tjilr~l. Ofl!d@sh€iD I in~:\ ..

2. , .. roTlIleft arid ,@ht (fbt1J; up ilQ' m~~[ .air t-lil~ ~"~m~, Qr~9fil ,r.a:9s~elll Ilr'I~, ....

-4. . .. ftl!d m'tl left 'Gi I<! ref f.Ki'-ni~n IrI"lJ~~<~~ th~ '~~~~e- FOYtr r:lew n:faflgle ~~~s.

t;';bn f'i9hf'sm~, Thes~ ~le' tFie··.jrm~. fCjI(jI~r'oorr1~t,u~'I, M stJOWfll,

ret cJe~~ti~;h1 :arm oo'frj~~ !irre"

II, Open -afm !3j"lc:J. bftfl~ up Qrct ~~R;e. F~'t ttttll stinufdet~ itl~~l'i.

I z~ OPerJUPP~f pOrtion ~nd foi:od •••

13, , , , !&®WW®!i ft~slied ~i~ FQI(lJ !IMis ~tf0n Uf':l 'Girt cla~e'id .lirre i I 'an~ ...

1~~., ,;d\ti!iNn,aaiiflWl ol"llrff~,2,

~ "'" ,

Pre~ lea ~'M>I'1'f1h:I1,"~~l'$


I, Ta~~ a pie,~ of,~per W~l'i'fh Js ~ rjgl'lt~rigled, Criealle~pri ~dasflec:l Ifhf!

L fa{O toP' point -d01:Ml on,·2,. ~nd foJd bGJCi:~m ~Clim up orr 3 so ~1dt tf1~ rneet a[ crea'st t,

2. FOfcl3t dased tin~ [QllAral~S the lett

COmers: OR ~he ·ght so ~~It' tliey meet ~t the

f-l~nUl' mrdlifle,

4. 0n 'd~~J1~ lfnes tQr~ uru:tet iilJl1d ,Io'llll'er- e~_ge;s • , ,

5, , , , so l~iI.a[ ~ttzy, wiJl meet-Qrr It'Je rev:e's:E'Sioe''3t the oorizoota~ mldlln~ ..

,-6. Fofd fOrm Trtha.l(all~f1S ttJe mii;'m~e. On das!:i'ed Ii(f~ ~ 'fold .rlgnt point imHJ.e. , ,

7 .• - "_ n4 Or! dashed I ilie 2' fold OIlJ!:sjd~'.

9:, Tum (Q[m~O\lf~1\. open up and fo!d 1M: IOlig' e99!3, or [J']~ .~ramGlii1d , , ,

"0. ~~d form ~gelher ~g'aif'. Next Oil oosf::aed ['jne ftlJd 'botli r&~r 'OmelY. __

-, :tt~:';yTI~j?sr

':--:: ', __ .i-

" .. '11'. .' " .., .'
..... Iff 1!1' •• .. w· i
If 'II Y '¥ .. ~ •
.... '" "'. ill • ..
» .. • ',Ii!'. -!lji I!!IJ '!!!I . II [$



2, fQ;J(;J r!J~f :~!:lg~' ru m~~ mldliPfe ~white~:Si'!j'e-'\~f.fWJ'aper~in~ ~4Qel, ·C_f!' ~as~ IfJl~ •..

~:t"Dp,efl I~ft wlngA!lnGjf{)ld L0mer irl~ de.


1== '\1- =:1





I l

I 1-




~. ~,;Jeilr~ bfcl ~~~. ~~~}L(e~ s'M ~'P'Jy Cl1 !jas~@ ~in~~.


!ill •. .. 'Ii
.~ • "'" ... ~
•• If .. .1iIl' " ..
'IIi: ~
iii' '" ..
.. :8:. ~~tJ~41i~.~[ln!iHb~ :t]rde~ Tum l!!P~ej' ffi i.d'ciie;f!cJg!io' oQr;~m~kelt;" •


~ .. - -~. - = =.=.=. - - ._. '2.

.. ." .. ., if,
11 ,
.wi' 'i.'. '. 'ljI
., .t>
... III .. 10, "F,oJrj I"JIP~f<fJQ~tJClrU)f frnrrI orr da-]tiOOlir'ile , . i ,

-4 " •• ,. "
. ~ "Wi . . ' "
11' .. ,
'" •• .. "
" 'Ii> - "
..... 18 fS"'
'if" !ii' • .. • .."
." • ''; .. " 'II.
'fill' • ",. '" • •• . .
.. ..,. .iIi' ' . .. "
iii' .. •• ·111 1M "* II, , , . 'b13t:lc " ,

Il . " .. ~I"I.d.tlil'i !jp-a'galrl~ 19m farm ~r\~iMtt ·t'@ld ~1fJ ~El~e:t iBn '~$hf;Q' ~iF!~ . , ,

13 .... .so I~E lfiey meet on ·tr1e l"Ien:J~1 midHi9E'.

. ''I' 'II' .,:

IjjII .

'" ..

- -

~ 4 .. fum, form~,miEr. -Ha~: 00 t!he w-a:l~ as ·a .mi:'s:~a~~~h(5tde~~



1tb.u ne~d:a recr.J:~L1I,3tJ' pi~8 ()f paI;Jf'r t~~ it '~Idfiifj' rn t~r; repre~ Se'llit'l: 4Vil&. e~ii:Jal.:iqltF.ame<y,

I, ,ffiild I~ef Irig~~·eJ:jge l,Jp ~19crrg 'tf:'l·e l€ift ~l\'lff,et'Jge.,,(jrel'w Qfl das:n.ed lirre ...


~,~ ~--~ ~~,~~



,.&.,. . ,. arl'lJII unif@ld ·~QiE!r, 1'f1~ liP-' fWr pmtiaF1l aCl~",tl4e ,da$~~d 1~l'le Fsl'af'}lf)!Jf, fi1DJe, Ir '[lT~ ~'C~~ too $I"fI~11 anI] 101!.i! lle'e:djnOft: r~m U5C;:,3 p~ce Gif WI~~r: tha[ P5 IOl'7lger d~ the: clla1i!ieq lIne,

31< Wt1en you <are r1l1r:S!l},t'<t1 witli ynJ~r ~emt'~fcTDle ~'3t,p8rl into ~:C0Td~e"h fOlds,

4t TIl!; t~r ,~~r~I~i,f1 r'ni,Jst tle a ~qlJ.iJire:, ~'0'Uf rtliS,PDCrJo[J-a!i iti~I'~: creaseen 'G!;:Ji£lJ"ie13l

Ilne~ < ., <

11. FQJ(:l, left art@' ngJt~ yp~~r,edgp:"S, of-1r'$c ,;;tt;1rfiOfl @01Nfl to m~t Jrm dniil'1~

~~2.t~~e form 1011 Oi3J:i:Jed Irrl~ itlm.i U.fTriGil_d.

10( , .. ~ulll~ ~~h. ~,~ rlle i9.~ fW~m{.,3Jld' tl"aflert

T S. FC!l!d i~~fr;lQjf'll"IJP en ct~she,j.


'1\8. ~U~~ ~ I,~ Wi~ W'e ri~~r' raal~ ~Qf l!Pi~ rm,m. FOI(!J reJ~ ¥i1rtg of di~ma)1d re th@ right.

~[.] ~Mt! W~e , , , ~,

;n. Fold u~~ej I~f~ ~rJd~rtt 'oo~ rL~rs, 'Oil ~f!1aslleG HrJ6.s; __ •

.2~_ J .• d.o~ r

~t(rJit. QrJlt!e lDo'rili mltl:it€,a

, . Y

");" put" at r[,I)OOn aTlokig.t}.,

Baby Bird

L YGtJ" jq'6~tI.a rgr:tan\lg~J~r~pJe~e of., ~ElPer yJFo:id~e 'haNes:,fij Uf.1 tie ~ 6t;jI.Jal ~weJe~, .[rea~~ ~l:l ·QasJ1e:d If~s! foQJrJ lip'OD

-, $;~~~'¢ f,

4. Fa~d' right ufiilngre PrJ d~s:b~!1 JI(e-_. ,

5~."c[O' the'l~fl

i$: ~tpe£lt Sl;~ps 2-5; re\.le:~,ffl:r. wftm rtrle

rr~'ht p13lYlipfl. On ~~fle[j Ji~.$, ..

~ .... fcrJ,~ r~g'i~ ~(Jj! rein [APRJ~r wm~.~f n;i~~l€ oqwn f~tflle I:rClr{-e'm mfR~r, f'ib!~ ,~r6:r:t'9" ru!Sf1i~ f~lle~,

Si \Vitti th~ me G:~r:l~e/' [DpliJ\l'tt down on t:~e ,midll[l~ ~JCl ~[lij ,fl'!.J$h the l'¥fO"op)JGsi:re tmrrerf tog~I~ri!" a<lQfl§lUile ver~GiI! mi[lril1~, th'isrt~he' birG:j<oe,ak.



.I F -'ft-



'r O. TIJITI fmm as t:~oVvf1. Q@ d~mea Ur1!5 ,._ •

J 1, , 'n-" fcil1 ppperi~l'Id io~r '~rl!le.s ~ me·~. on ij~3PiW Iln~ I. -,

102. _ ... !bItt ctJ~d';: ag~jfl, Ell"! !~

'l,_., .


'~ PolG ~r p~k~~~n'@r pal?~f ·Qi!1.lgJ en a Iiy,




FQ.r lne' Sill C,lNI{akc:?5' am ma~g Lro'rj(es: you tl~4. ~i~ct;~·;uf paPf2r in [h~ :s~~pe ,of a fcje.~gon. To create th~* yP.i) wtll f.100d thEr~lt~ng;

-:.3 sq~.3ife pteee of papef

,-a puj[facwr

-il pair o.f Sl;iJ;s>Of'S.

/~ ~: .

fF.I';I" -, r- I .I;

_i~. I. -.

2. , .. frtJRi right ha~r over to lne l~ft."ll')IpJefl~ toW. ~a'pn..

~, , • ,,and lett porNqrt EO thE fight:. ~I~tr:en fdJd'i"sl1ai'p~

9. ~pell all, foJ d $', Thl~ ,is y.o.lN "'~gon shape,

;i J;oSIt-ioti plPtJ::al;[(~r'9i1 ~eflter go~n~~nd ma'rk your re.qUt~' '(J;3sil@d 1rrij~at W~ 'an(j l~~ i1r1QI@s.

4, J~I1e:a~e 1:i'~l1Igr.e 00' daS~led IJn@s.

5 .. ~1:l a righE P~(~Of1 t9 the Jeft ...


4" ,Fold r~er Jl:~@e"Tw'r;lrr tfle f)Qrwm (j~~1e' ~p"l1Y 11;j,



9; f~tn~cI~~' "II f' ofi1·miCid~~ ~r:e~~~d I'ine r~e~ S~~ '311 s, ••

1,2. . , . ~l me SB.IM. [jM,e as y.~u pi1U ~ poi.nt ~F,''' ~Jq pu~m, to ;rri]~ ~ett.


U. ~pe.ijjlt:arolll~eJ term wJlh Jiema,illir:l~ ~gM..

'15 .••. so r(Ia~ the, cerlt~r.~L1lnES lO~ edge5 5 ,anp 6·. . .

"" 'I;.>


118. Yru~ bm "'OVI/ has' six ~Qfrm.

21. Rep-e~t ~tJvj ~mil"n1hg' 'Poli.\i~, ThiS' ~i;\! tie' fi'~E ,srlCwf:la'.ke.

22. 'rum fmm o'l!'£r. Ttl is i~' 1tI~ ~~CQl"lcl 5~N(la~-

IJne1L, "'

24 .... yQu r.tav6

• .he~ th'i f(j "snovvflau.

btl need tvItO' peeLE's".O'r JDap€r in J;~gan sb~pe:

~9Me white (Qfjtfje pe.ti1$ --=O:~ yetrovv fi?r Ule cen~l:

rITe wh.~te''.P~fJIe~ mui5t.·be eX!il!:~I.ll ttlree t!in~~ rf"ie- grl~ of the ~ IQW p~;pe-

I. ~Id Wfiiiei!!l~r Lip ro §t~p 9: sf'lftJe $~a*,-onJ!~e 1.'9,


lSaby Gird. 74 B~rn 2tl

8arsiG: '{F(:lfm II a Basic foml; II', 1$ 6~l~tC ,MNm l!.il, 20 a~sic Fol'ml'lV, 21 ~<:I(SiL Form v.,~S Baslc.fQrm VI,10 Ettsic ~'VI'r, 40 e~sk Fmm vmj .55 ,~~~J:.,·62

Z: (j~ase yeJ OW paper and' glue i~ rn tf'lE' 1:ei'i1ll!r· so' min aFI CFe$es iml€t).

3. N&.N fbkl LJ,p [0 Step 11 10ft P~iile' 7Jl

B4rll1. 12 BIOcio.~,. 31 Box, ''I

!=anfertO:.J~ B~.II~ '312 Cap, ss

Cl'IlGk. 56. ChO'ilerleat 3.3- ~,5Q

~)~\;;j~y Hac..63' Cu~r"·6g.

1Jfigt. "-(JO

D~n. 46

OU~~ 10

~g~. 28

Ffrig~f' P()ppe[, 13 FI~ 20

F.QldOO, letter,' 'U G.'af(te of (M~lj~e n Henl-El

IHf' ag e R. "l'l Hoo·e . .q;a HOIJ~~. J7' biqj ,66 ILEfGyl~~#J. 21 ~arF, 14

Le:tter HOlder. 70

Marguerire,. eo


Pat1:s.y; -3,~

PaIJQ~ 13-



Ride'{; 44-

Rooster, 58

Sa! iOJoat, 16 Sa.INIf1d~J-'epper·~Olstl, 12 ln~r!. ~5

Sn~ klJ'''?S

Sp.~niS.~ B6:x,f .29


.• 'U ~f~~

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