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¥ 2 i COSMIC AWARENESS COMMUNICATIONS The Cosmic Newsletter P.O, Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 Helping People Become Aware sez (sue No. 506 $800 Tithing: Does God really want 10% of our earnings? Wy ~-The Spiritual Sex Channeler—He assists grieving widows to make love to their dead husbands INDEX IS ON PAGE 8 Cf Comic rman Conus aan Cha an Sk, eran perdi lone yD wh xs pemen (CAC General lgedng 124/95, Pau Shocey, rrprete) TITHING: DOES GOD REALLY WANT TEN PERCENT OF OUR EARNINGS? auesnox: A Question from A.O. Baker, who asks: "When the Bible says to tithe, isn’t this really meant that we should give ten percent of our time to God inthe form of prayer nd mediation, and nol fen percent of our earings a8 the organized religions would like for us to believe? Does God really want ten percent of our earnings? Wouldnt God prefer ten percent of our tme in coramu- nication with the Divine through prayes, or in the Divine through me ition?” Cieacxwinowes fas "This Avvareness indicates that jn Biblical times, rather than calling it a tax, it was called a tithe, to signify it va a Spinal gift it was eommen in those dys fr entities to give a sheep or even a first-born child in ‘acrifice to God in some ofthe more pagan religions. In the changes during certain Biblical periods, rather than asking for a fisst-born son or firsi-bom child, or for a goat or pig or cow, it was suggested that entities give ten percent of their eamings to God. This Awareness indicates that this was designed as a way of helping the priests to gather that which they needed to continue running the religion and funding the priest's needs, The Origin of Thing: Esraterrestil "Gods" Accepted its ‘This Awareness indicates that it was in fact, reference to physical wealth that was being sought, This Aware- nets indicates that you must understand how the concept of tithing evolved from the pagan religions of the time fnd prot tothe time; wherein an te earlier times i Was not uncommon for those so-called "gods" or extrater- ress to hay platforms oF pyramids tha ae fattened ga op whereby agit would e taken and placed upon the platform for the gods or extraterrestrial to take. ‘This Awareness indicates that this would be consid- ered the origin of the concept of tithing. This Awareness indicates that the tithing of the more pagan extraterres- thal ype of society gradually evolved over centuries to that Which, instead of sacrificial blood or sacrificial gifts of entities or of goods to the spacecraft, or extraterres tial gods, it became one wherein the priests of various groups of cults or cultures would ask for gifts and the gis thar ens were to bring, such as ain or rut or Gther gifts of Food, often would change and when a kind of money system evolved in a society, it was then that the concept of giving money to the priests was evolved into the religious system, Yogs: Yoking Oneseit wth Gos This Awareness indicates that in so far as praying and meditating, a spiritual being would consider this as being important, and something that is not a tequire- ‘ent, but asa Bft to oneself im being bonded or yoked with God. When one meditaes, astm the term Yopa, means becoming one with God. yoking oneself with God, and this is considered an honor and a benefit for the entity to yoke himself or herself with God, not as a duty or obligation. Thus, the Bible reference, wherein entities were ad- pont to he orgie eh percent of their Bounty for God, was speaking of their wealth rather than their ‘unification with God; that unification is understood as a Kind of unton that poes both ways, a kind of recone tion or marriage ‘To have it an obligation in which an entity pays God to be close to God would turn the union into something, less than sacred, but when an entity meditates and prays or gets unified with God because of his or her desire to be close to God, that is not to be thought of as an obligation or duty on the part of the entity, but more of an honor and privilege Wherein an entity loves another they do not have to be admonished to spend time with the other. They are simply expected to spend time with the other because they want to do so, not because they are directed to do so. This Awareness indicates that when a man and a woman love each other they spend time together, not out of admonishiment or duty. but out of love. ‘This Awareness suggests that if there is an agreement ora statement regarding the concept of paying & percentage of your earning to your mate, that reference isnot meant as a symbolic reference of being with the mate in terms of tén percent of the time; it means that you are to help support your mate, You are to help Support the work and the efforts of your mate. ‘This Awareness indicates that entities have no prob- lem payin anes oan illegally run government whesein the Constitution forbids a head tax, which is what the income tax is, but entities have some considerable problem about supporting ther church, They expect od to support the church, to provide the money to operate the church. Iisa strange situation that has developed over the past ten years or so, mostly because of certain IRS rulings about donations, and entities would rather pay taxes to the IRS which collects money from citizens and sends most of that money to the Federal Reserve, which sends the money overseas to Federal Reserve Banks in other countries, which in tum takes the wealth of ‘America ftom the couniry and deposits it into foreign banks for the intemational bankers to manipulate and to, use as they wish. ‘Cosmic Awareness Finds Tithing in America Very Strange This is not objectionable to most entities, but most entities do object to churches getting any money to further their Work, yet they want to be involved with the church and to get Whatever spiritual energy they can get, so long as they don't have to pay, or can pay the very minimum amount. This is very strange to this Aware- ness. It is time entities stopped being naive, and foolish in regard to this concept of tithing and giving to churches. How do you expect churches to survive, if churches, cannot be funded! cannot ask for assistance? If the minister for the church has to go out and work at a mundane job as most entities do, where is the minister ‘going to get any time to work for the church or do the spiritual duties he or she is expected to do? This Awareness indicates could you hold dowa your job and run a chureh ful time effectively? This Aware: ness indicates of eourse this is not possible, and anyone ‘who thinks this through will realize that churches must be supported by the members of the church, the ones who benefit from the churches messages and teachings and services. This Awareness indicates that if entities holding down nisi jobs wish ig not only support their chure, but also be close to God, to pray and meditate; that is also suggested as beneficial to the entities. This Awareness indicates that to slack off an refuse to support a church and use the excuse that the Bible does not mean sup- porting the church with monetary energy. but only in terms of prayers and meditations, the eniy is simply evading facts and trying 0 avoid helping fo keep the church functioning and assuming that others will do so inste ‘Those Who Give “All” of Thole Time to God This Awareness indicates that when entities all get that idea that they need not suppor thei church aid that they simply need to spend ten percent of their time being with God, it is a very litle shift further to say ae spend ten percent of my time with God? I'll spend all of my time with God! Everything Ido, whether its ing to a football game, watching television, going to the tavern; whatever I do, I dedicate it all to God! ‘Therefore, I am giving ali of my time to God!" This Awareness indicates that this way, the entity could carry on a total lifestyle without giving anyt to God, simply by dedicating whatever he or she does to God, regardless of whether it fits the concept of spiritu- ality or not, This Awareness indicates that itis « question of whether you want a church to survive, or whether you see any Value in spiritual energies and messages and influences in your life, If you da not care to help support or keep your church viable and active, you simply leave and take your energies elsewhere, but to siphon off. spintual energies and feel you aré not willing or able or jesirous of piving anything in retum to keep the structure of the church alive is being very dishonest Some Say all Sprtual Mossages Should be Free ‘You are taking, and giving nothing back. This Aware- ness indicates there have been many arguments of this, type. Many entities have written, saying that spiritual messages should all be free, and therefore, by their accounting, entities would have to go out and panhan- dle, to get enough money to survive so they could give these entities spiritual messages of no charge ‘They would have to buy the paper with their panhan- dling money, assuming that they got enough. They would have to buy the printing machines, or have the material printed up outside in some other printing press. They would have to pay transcribers out oftheir atin pockets. They would have to work somehow, panhandle enough to get the stamps for postage to mail these mailings out, etcetera, et cetera, et cetera Is this realistic, or is this not simply foolish thinking, ‘or shallow thinking, wherein things have not been thought through at all to expect e spiritual organization to provide free information? ‘This Awareness indicates there is only one organiza- tion that has been able to do this for any length of time. ‘This Awareness indicates that this was an organization that was funded from millions of dollars from an entity Yo Funded the money necessary to produce a magazine ‘hat was made available free of charge for quite a number of years. ‘This Awareness indicates It does not see the name of this magazine at the moment, but the magazine was made free to the recipients because one man pave millions of dollars to make the message available to the masses. This Awareness indicates It does not see this ‘magazine as still being available,” ‘Quzsrionen: Is that Herbert Armstrong's The plain Truth ? Cosnuc Awaneness: ‘This is in the affirmative. vesnionn: Itis still available. “in 1896 "iain Wuth stopped being @ free publication and is row salable by pad sobscnpaanonyy me am Cossc Awaneness: ‘This Awareness indicates that this is funded by one ‘man's contribution of millions of dollars, and it is made feceitful and free, but there is, in every issue, requests for donations or sale of objects or messages or information, which helps to supplement the income of this magazine. This Awareness indicates that without this kind spon- sorship from one or more people, any other organization will need support from many, and the many who would bbe most likely to help support such an organization ‘would be the members who benefit from the messages they seek ‘This Awareness indicates those entities who argue that the CAC messages should be made available free of charge are simply being unrealistic, unfair, and dishon- est in their own reasoning, for to receive something for nothing cheapens it, and also steals from others who need further information, because when one takes something for nothing, the organization loses its ability to reach still others. This Awareness indicates entities who appreciate information should make some kind of payment to that organization that produces the information in order to assure that the information continues to be available, This Awareness suggests to deny reciprocal return of energy is to vampire the spiritual source, sucking the life from it. This Awareness does wish to say however, that sim- ply tithing ten percent of your earnings to a church is, hot necessarily sufficient to have your soul growth at an optimum level, for you also need to be close to God. ‘ou also need to still surrender yourself to the Divine, not just your ten percent, ‘This Awareness suggests you give your total self to the Divine, and also ten percent if you appreciate the Source ofthe spiritual messages you receive. Ifyou have various sources for your spiritual messages you may wish to divide the ten percent among those Sources, according to how much you value each. ‘This Awareness indicates itis not something that is enforeeable. It is something that should be voluntary, according to your own appreciation. That appreciation needs to be more than the mere words, "Thank you for the free gift!” Rather, it should be an action that recipro- cates the energy you have received in a way that reflects your level of appreciation. This Awareness indicates also that entities who tithe sometimes choose to give more than ten percent, and entities who do tithe and give ten percent or more or whatever amount, will receive increased bounty and blessing in thei ives, Thoge wi seek to get something for nothing will find their lives devoid of blessings anc 004 luck, and may find themselves plagued with bad fuck after Some tirne has passed with such an attitude. HOW TO ASK FOR DIVINE HELP? ‘quisnox: Another question from this entity; "When calling for Divine or Angelic Force to come into our lives to help 1us, should we ask for solutions to specific problems or questions or should we ask for general guidance in our lives? ‘Cosqne AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that the entity is speaking of petitioning to God for some kind of solution to difficul- ties or problems and wants to know whether the petition should be precise and detailed, according to the prob- lem, or whether it should be generalized in a way that asks for help in solving the problem. The question is: Should God do it for you, or should God simply show you how to do it for yourself? This Awareness indicates that the more you take on the

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