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Generic Name: Potassium Citrate

Brand Name: Acalka

Classification: Anti-urolithic

Dosage: 1 TAB TID before meals

Mechanism of Action: The aim of the treatment is to restore the level of the
urinary citrate and to increase the pH of urine.

Drug Indication: It is indicated for our patient since he has renal

calculi on his right kidney.

Contraindication: This drug is contraindicated for patients with:

- Renal insufficiency
- Hyperpotassemia
- Active peptic ulcer
- Intestinal obstruction
- Patients submitted to anticholinergic therapy
- Patients with slow gastric emptying.
Side effects: Slight GI disorders if food is taken with meals or on
a full stomach.
Adverse effects: -rash
-difficulty breathing
Drug interaction: must not be administered to patients receiving
potassium-sparing diuretics (triamterene,
spironolactone or amiloride)

Nursing Responsibilities: - Always follow the ten rights of drug administration

- Inform patient that the drug must be taken on an

empty stomach, ideally 30mins before meals

- Inform patient that the drug must not be chewed

or crushed. It must be swallowed whole.

- Tell patient to immediately report any unusual


- Monitor patient closely.

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