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Sisteme de Scurgere din PVC

PVC Soil Systems

Pentru comenzi, utilizati codul din 15 cifre (XXXXXXX YYYYYY ZZ)
format ca in exemplul de mai jos
When ordering, use the 15 digit code (XXXXXXX YYYYYY ZZ)
composed as you can see below

Sisteme de Scurgere din PVC
PVC Soil Systems

MATERIA PRIMA: PVC (policlorura de vinil) RAW MATERIAL: PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
CULOARE: gri deschis COLOR: light grey
DIAMETRE: intre Ø 32 si Ø 125 mm DIAMETERS: between Ø 32 and Ø 125 mm
LUNGIME BARE: intre 0,5 si 6 m BAR LENGHT: between 0.5 and 6 m

• durata de viata ridicata (minim 50 de ani in • long life time (50 years minimum in normal
conditii normale de exploatare); working conditions);
• greutate specifica redusa; • reduced specific weight;
• montare rapida si usoara; • easy and quick assembling;
• etanseitate totala; • total air and water tightness;
• rezistenta la coroziune (conductele si inelele de • resistance to corrosion (the pipes and the sealing
etansare sunt rezistente la substantele chimice rings are resistant to the chemical substances
continute in mod normal in apele uzate menajere existing in waste and rain water);
si apele pluviale); • smooth interior wall (it does not allow the
• perete interior neted (nu permite formarea formation of deposits or the development of
depunerilor sau dezvoltarea coloniilor de alge). algae).

Conductele de scurgere din PVC sunt destinate PVC soil pipes are used for interior sewerage
realizarii retelelor interioare de evacuare a apelor networks for waste and rain water.
uzate, menajere sau pluviale.
Aceste conducte sunt utilizate in special in These pipes are used mainly for the soil networks
realizarea retelelor de scurgere in locuintele of domestic houses. They can also be used for waste
particulare. De asemenea pot fi utilizate si pentru water sewerage in industrial facilities, laboratories,
evacuarea apelor uzate menajere din unitati administrative offices, etc. Although, PVC pipes
industriale, laboratoare, sedii administrative, etc. cannot be used in restaurants and big laundries.
Conductele din PVC nu pot fi insa utilizate in
restaurante si spalatoriilor mari.
In proiectarea si executarea retelelor interioare de When designing and installing interior soil
scurgere trebuie luata in considerare temperatura networks, we must take into account the
apelor uzate canalizate. Aceasta nu trebuie sa temperature of the waste waters. It cannot be over
depaseasca 60°C timp indelungat. Peste aceasta 60°C for a long time. Over this temperature, the
temperatura conductele pot fi solicitate doar pe pipes can be used only for a short period of time
durate scurte de timp (2-3 minute), dar fara sa (2-3 minutes), but without surpassing 75°C.
depaseasca insa 75°C.

Sisteme de Scurgere din PVC
PVC Soil Systems

2011500 ID 40 L (mm)
Conducte cu mufa si D V
garniture / Pipes With (mm) (mm) 0.5M 1M 1.5M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M
Socket & Sealing Ring
032 1,8 180305 180310 180315 180320 180340
040 1,8 180405 180410 180415 180420
050 1,8 180505 180510 180515 180520 180540
063 1,8 180605 180610 180615 180620
075* 1,8 180705 180710 180715 180720
090* 1,8 180910 180920 180930 180950 180960
110 2,0 201105 201110 201120 201130 201140 201150 201160
125 2,3 231210 231220 231230 231250 231260
* doar la comanda / on order only

2011500 ID 50 D V
L (mm)
Conducte cu mufa de lipire (mm) (mm)
4M 6M
Pipes With Glued Socket
110 2,0 201140 201160

2021531 ID 41 D
Mufe culisante / ID
Sliding Sockets
050 000500
063 000600
110 001100


Ramificatii / Branches (mm) 32 40 50 63 110
2021524 ID 41 — 45° 032 000300
040 000400 000401
050 000500 000501 000502
063 000600
110 001100 001101 001102
2021529 ID 41 — 87° 110 001100 001101

2021520 ID 41 D
Ramificatii in colt / ID
Forked Branches

stanga / left 001100

dreapta / right 001101

Sisteme de Scurgere din PVC
PVC Soil Systems

2021529 ID 41 D
Ramificatii in dublu colt / ID
Double Forked Branches

110/110/2X050 001102

2021514 ID 41 D
Coturi la 45° / 45° Elbows (mm)
032 000300
040 000400
050 000500
063 000600
110 001100

2021519 ID 41 D
Coturi la 87° / 87° Elbows (mm)
032 000300
040 000400
050 000500
063 000600
110 001100

2021562 ID 01 D
Dop mufa / Socket Stopper (mm)

110 001100

2021550 ID 41 D ID
Reductii / Reducers (mm) 032 040 050 063
040 000400
050 000500 000501
063 000600
110 001100 001101

2021590 ID 01 D
Racord WC / ID
WC Junction Piece

110 001100

Sisteme de Scurgere din PVC
PVC Soil Systems

Sisteme de Scurgere din PVC
PVC Soil Systems

Sediu Central / Headquarters
Str. Ion Brezoianu, Nr. 27, Sector 1, 010137 Bucuresti
Tel: (004) 021 312 47 54, (004) 021 312 47 58
Fax: (004) 021 312 86 18
Fabrica / Plant
Str. Zorilor, Nr. 28-30, 530153 Miercurea-Ciuc HARGHITA
Tel: (004) 0266 371 330, (004) 0740 11 24 03
Fax: (004) 0266 371 330
Depozit Bucuresti / Bucharest Warehouse
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, Nr. 307D, 061101 Bucuresti
Tel: (004) 021 493 64 96, (004) 0740 11 24 16
Fax: (004) 021 493 64 96
Depozit Cluj-Napoca / Cluj-Napoca Warehouse
Str. Campina, Nr. 51, 400635 Cluj-Napoca CLUJ
Tel: (004) 0264 415 566, (004) 0264 415 499, (004) 0742 10 93 03
Fax: (004) 0264 415 566, (004) 0264 415 499

mai 2005

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