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TAG Tape 333-01/T-151
Time: 333:00:00 to 333:01:30
I-_ Page 1 of 3/793


333 00 17 46 CC Skylah, this is Houston through Hawaii for

7-1/2 minutes. SPT, private comm in progress.

CDR Roger_ Bruce. Hey, Bruce, in the remarks of my

Flight Plan, I've got an ascending node of 03. point-
correction 035.9 west at a GMT of 23:41. Could
you verify that? It doesn't work out?

333 00 19 ii CC Okay, we copy, and we'll check it.

333 00 20 37 CDR I'll bet it's 53.9, Bruce.

CC CDR, this is Houston. Change that to 35.9 east.


CDR Okay, 35.9 east.

333 O0 2h 36 CC Skylab, this is Houston. I minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 25 minutes through the Van-
F guardat O0:h9. Out.

CDR Roger, Bruce.

CC And CDR, private phone call through the Vanguard

at 00:49.

CDR Thank you.

CC And we're also showing the evening status re-

port at Ascension. That's 01:0h, which is the
station after it, and a nu Z update at about that
same time. Oh, we canceled that one, I guess.

PLT Bruce, can we get that status report at a later

pass? I don't think we're going to have it by

CC Okay. Bow about Ascension, the rev after? That

would be 02:39?

PLT That'd be perfect, Bruce. Thank you very much.

333 00 25 36 CC We'll do that.

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333 000 49 17 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Vanguard for

i0 minutes. CDR, private comm; and that should be
the RIGHT ANTENNA all the way for him. Over.

SPT Roger, Bruce. He's up there and got it. Thank


CC Slylab, this is Houston. Is the commander reading

COMM TECH on the VHF uplink? Over.

CDR Houston, this is the C. I'm reading him loud

and clear. He's not reading me.

CC Okay. Thank you.

333 00 50 52 CC And Skylab, this is Houston. Yf you're in the

process of doing TV-3 at the present time, the
switch up in the MDA needs to be in the portable
position instead of the ATM MONITOR position, or
you're not recording. Over.

PLT Roger. Thank you.

CDR Bruce, tell the COMM TECH that we're still break-
ing up.

CC Okay. Your receive signal is breaking up?

CC PLT, this is Houston. We show approximately

15 minutes of VTR tape consumption. If, in fact,
all of that was with the TV switch in the ATM M0N
position, we suggest you let us rewind the VTR and
take it from zero again. Over.

PLT Sounds like a good move, Bruce. You hit it right

on the head, and go ahead. Run with it.

CC Okay. We'll do it, and we'll call you back.

PLT Thank you.

333 00 57 23 CC PLT, this is Houston. We're through with the

rewind. VTR's yours. Over.

PLT Thank you, Bruce.

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CC And the TV switch is still in ATM i.

PLT Roger. I'm down in the wardroom. That'll he


333 00 58 23 CC SPT, this is Houston. Prior to your next ATM

pass, you're going to have to reselect your
GRATING REFERENCE. We've got it out of con-
figuration here, and we don't have enough time
to get it back in shape before LOS, which is
30 seconds away. Next station contact is in about
6-1/2 minutes through Ascension at 01:05. Over.

333 01 06 43 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Ascension for

4-1/2 minutes; data/voice tape recorder dump.

SPT Right, Bruce.

333 01 09 39 CC Skylab, this is Houston; a minute and half until

LOS. Next station contact in 1 hour and 17 minutes
through the Vanguard at 02:27. PLT, private comm,
start out on VHF, RIGHT ANTENNA, and probably
have to shift to LEFT near the tail end of the
pass. Over.

SPT Okay, Bruce.

CC And you pass that RIGHT to LEFT on to Bill,


SOT He heard it, Bruce.

333 01 i0 17 CC Okay.

TAG Tape 333-02/T-152
Time: 333:01:30 to 333:03:00
f_ Page i of 7/797


333 02 27 21 CC Skylah, this is Houston; Houston through the Van-

guard for 10-1/2 minutes. And we should have the
PLT private comm in progress, starting out on the
right antenna, switching to left near the end of
the pass. Over.

CDR Roger, Houston.

CDR Okay, Bruce, I got about two-thirds of the evening

status report for you. I'm going to hold off the
photo report until after we finish 233. I'll catch
it the pass after the medical conference.

CC Okay. You're saying you want to go ahead w_th the

evening status report now?

CDR Yes, I'll go ahead and get all but the photo part

CC Okay;fireaway.

333 02 28 41 CDR Okay. Mission day 13. Sleep: CDE, 6.5 - 6 heavy,
half light; SPT, 6.5 - 6 heavy, half light; PLT_
6.0 - all heavy. Volume: CDR, 1200; SPT, 1300;
PLT, 1500. Water gun: CDR, 6811; SPT, 1545; PLT,
7590. Body mass: CDR - 6.299, 6.298, 6.300; SPT -
6.373, 6.378, 6.380; PLT - 6.234, 6.233, 6.230.
Exercise: CDR, Alfa, leg, 35 minutes, h400 watt-
minutes. Bri - Me - Method Bravo, Alfa, and
Foxtrot - i0 each - Alfa being the lift to the
waist, Foxtrot being a lift to the waist then on
to the head. Those are i0 each of those. Echo, 30
each. Exercise method Charlie, Charlie, Delta,
and Foxtrot - i0 each. Exercise Echo, the Hordinsky
special, I0 each. Exercise method Foxtrot, the
Thornton revenge, 8 minutes. SPT, exercise method
Bravo, curls, C-u-r-l-s, 15 minutes, i00. PLT,
method Alfa, leg, 35 minutes, 5000 watt-minutes.
Method Bravo; Alfa, Bravo, Delta, Echo; 08; 50 -
that's 50 each. Method Charlie; Bravo, Charlie,
Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, and Hotel; 07 minutes;
15 each. Method Foxtrot, 07 minutes.
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333 02 30 59 CDR Medication, none. Garment usage: CDR, one pair

of shorts discarded today. Food log: CDR, 6.0
salt; deviations, minus one coffee with sugar,
minus peas, plus mints. Rehydratab - rehydration
water deviations, zero. SPT, salt, zero; devia-
tions, zero; water, plus 8-1/2 ounces. PLT, salt,
1.5; deviations, minus coffee - minus one coffee,
plus one peanuts. There are no Flight Plan devia-
tions other than the CDR moved his PT effort for-
' ward into the place where the 487-2 was located.
And I'ii be doing my 487-2 after this report.

333 02 32 02 CC Okay, Jerry; break, break. How about - -

CDR Go ahead.

CC How about PLT rehydratable water deviations?

CDR Zero.

CC Roger.

CDR Okay, shopping list accomplishments, none; inoper-

able equipment, none; unscheduled stowage, none.
And I'ii get you the photo report later.

CC Okay, we copy all that.

SPT Hey, Bruce, could you give me a number, please?

CC Yes, 75; what do you want it for?

333 02 32 36 SPT l'd like the number of steps in the 55 grating,

because I do not have a sunlight to give me the
optical pulse, and I believe it's 54.9 something.
I need to know what that something is.

CC Okay, that's in work.

SPT l'm steadying the 55 GRATING to ZERO, but without

the optical - without the Sun for the pulse. I
won't get a - a zero pulse, but I can step it up
to the right number if I know what it is.

CC SPT, this is Houston. We can do it unattended;

just close it out in the present position. Over.
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333 02 33 24 SPT Okay.

333 02 35 06 CC Go ahead.

SPT Bruce, are you ready for the frames remaining?

CC Say again about frames remaining.

SPT Are you ready for the readoffl of the FRAMES

R_MAINING on the ATM instruments?

CC Negative, negative.

333 02 36 00 CC SPT, Houston. We'd like to get HIGH VOLTAGE 1 and

2 switches to the OFF position on S055, and then
we're ready for your frames remaining.

SFT Sequentially from the top: 15,114; 0562; 00174;

01575; 076h9; 05451.

333 02 36 40 CC Roger, we got them. 1 minute to LOS; next station

contact in 3 minutes through Ascension at 02:40.
Evening questions. Out.

333 02 40 02 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Ascension for

10-1/2 minutes. Over.

CC Skylab, this is Houston through Ascension for

l0 minutes. SPT. Over.

SPT Go ahead.

CC Roger. We show 55 in a LINE and we need

the MODE switch to STOP, please.

333 02 41 i0 CC Roger; thank you. And if you're ready for the

evening questions, l've got a couple of quick ones
here. I guess the first one's for you, Ed. Yester-
day you used the digital thermometer for the rate
gyro six-pack temperatures. We still have the
original batteries installed in the digital thermom-
eter, and we're trying to get some sort of a
handle on how much lifetime they have left. Do
you recall what the response time was on this digi-
tal thermometer? Over.
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333 02 42 03 CC And also, Ed, we show the MPC and MPC, ROLL,
switches still ENABLEd.

CC Did you copy the digital thermometer question, Ed?

CC Skylab, this is Houston; break, break. We're get-

ting no modulation; we are getting a key. Have you
got the private comm reconfigured, or was - would
you reconfirm the configuration in the command

CC PLT, PLT, this is Houston. Do you read?

333 02 43 32 CC Skylab, this is Houston. We're showing good signal

strength both ways. No modulation coming down.

CC Skylab, Skylab, this is Houston. How do you read?

CDR Houston, Skylab; loud and clear. How do you read


CC Okay. We read you now. Did you have to recon-

figure? Over.

333 02 44 46 CDR I don't think so. I don't know what's the problem
up forward. Ed's up at the ATM.

CC Okay, we got a couple of quick questions. We

started out - SP - -

CDR Fire away, Bruce.

CC SPT, this is Houston. How do you read? Okay - -

CDR We can read you loud and clear.

333 02 h5 ii CC Jerry, we are not reading Ed. We are getting a -

a hum in the background which indicates to me that
the transmitter in the command module is being
keyed; that is, we can hear him actually keying,
but we're getting no modulation out of him. Over.

CDR Okay.

CC Well, what's he using?

PLT Skylab, PLT. How do you read?

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CC Loud and clear, PLT. What's the SPT using?

CC PLT or CDR, what's the SPT using for his attempt

to co_unicate with us?

PLT 131, SIA 131.

333 02 45 51 CC Okay, we copy. Let us go ahead with some of the

questions here. For the CDR, have you all been
adjusting the MDA fan diffuser between day 327 and
day 3217 The reason we ask this is that the rate
gyro six-pack temperatures reported on 329 showed
a 5-degree increase, but were back to nominal on
321. If you set it on the NARROW position, this
lets the packages heat up by about 5 degrees. So
we'd like to, if it doesn't interfere with your
comfort too much, verify that the fan diffuser
setting is, in fact, in the WIDE position and keep
it in WIDE in the future, if you can - if you can
manage that. Over.

CDR Okay, we'll do it, Bruce. I'ii go check it and

set it in WIDE, and it'll stay there.

CC Okay. Were you - can you recall - were you actually

adjusting it between these days, just for ground

CDR Stand by and we'll poll the troops.

333 02 _6 56 SPT Bruce, it is at bottom WIDE, and as far as I kno_,

it's always been in WIDE.

CC Okay - -

SPT Bill is in making some observations in the command

module, so we'll have to ask him afterwards.

333 02 47 07 CC Okay; and we're reading you loud and clear now,
Ed. And could you repeat your response on that
digital thermometer question?

SPT The rise time up to the final temperature was

approximately 30 seconds, and it was an exponential
rise and it asymptotically came out to that final
temperature which I read down. It got up to, oh,
about the final temperature in 15 seconds and essen-
tially stabilized at 30.
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333 02 47 35 CC Okay, that's very good. We do have one question

for the PLT here. Can he hear us from the command

CDR Bruce, he's doing 233. We better not bug him.

CC Okay.

CDR I'll take the question and relay it to him.

CC Okay, did he have - on $232 - did he have any prob-

lem spotting the explosive injection of the
barium? If the - -

CDR That's negative, Bruce. He saw it immediately,

right after they said explosion.

CC Okay. If the explosive injection had occurred

below the horizon, does he think he would have
been able to easily spot the barium streak?

CDR Okay, we'll have to ask him that one.

333 02 48 17 CC And if the sunlight had not relfected off the -

discone antenna at sunrise, does he think you'd
be - he would have been able to follow the jet
after sunrise, and if so, for about how long?
You'll probably have to ask him - -

CDR I was with him when the Sun started hitting the
discone, and it went right in the window, and you
can see a halo buildup immediately on the window.
And I don't think any of the photographs taken
once that the scattered light hit the window were
any good at all.

CC Okay, but the question was, if that had not

happened, do you think you would have been able
to visually follow the jet after sunrise, and if
so, for about how long?

333 02 48 57 CDR The answer is affirmative. I think you could

have. And for how long, I would estimate, oh
maybe i or 2 more minutes because you could see
it was still dark outside, but we just had a
white haze on the window caused by scattered light.

CC Okay.
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333 02 49 36 CC Skylab, this is Houston; i minute to LOS.

34 minutes until next station contact at Guam at
03:24, which is your evening medical conference.
And the next station contact after that is the
Vanguard at - in 1 hour and 14 minutes, at 04:04;
And if you all think you'll still be awake at
that time, why, we'll go ahead and get the photo
report from you then, and we can read you up the
summary of the evening news. Over.

CDR Okay, that'll be fine, Bruce. We'll be awake, and

I'll have the photo report for you then.

CC Mighty fine; talk to you over the Vanguard.

333 02 50 16 CDR Okay.

TAG Tape 333-03/T-153
I-- Time: 333:03:00 to 333:04:30
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333 04 03 5h CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

lO minutes. Over.

PLT Roger, Houston; Skylab here. And I have a question

on one of the EHEP site - the number of an EREP site
for tomorrow.

CC Fire away.

PLT I don't list the 267 site in either book.

CC Okay, let us get you an answer on that. In the

meantime, can you answer a question or two for us?
During the last pass that we had with you, which
was about an hour and half ago, we had a problem
with the SPT on comm. When the SPT was attempting
to transmit through SIA 131, could you all hear him
on the intercom? Over.

_- PLT Negative.

CC Okay, at the end of the pass, when comm was re-

established with the SPT, what changes did he make
to SIA, or what did he change in his - to 131, or
what did he change in his technique to get through
to us?

333 04 04 52 SPT The only thing I did different, Bruce, was I used
the headset, which I had hooked up to the side,
rather than the speaker box. I unplugged it from
channel A and went over to channel B.

CC Okay, but previously you'd been trying to speak

through the microphone in the spes/_er box itself,

SPT That's affirm, Bruce. If I get a chance on one

of these passes, I'll go on up and try it again.

333 04 05 16 CC Okay. Suspect we may have a bad mike or something

on it, but we'll work on that down here. Now, a
couple of comments on the CMG management situation.
The simulator results at Marshal and here at
Houston are comparing more and more favorably with
respect to the two-CMG control laws and we think
we got a real good handle on it now. The SLS has
TAG Tape 333-03/T-153
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duplicated the $232 maneuver and its anomaly. The

gimbal and the trac - the gimbal angle tracers
match the flight vehicle within a degree or so.
And in view of that, you will notice in your Flight
Plan for tommorow, although you're scheduled for
a solar inertial EREP pass, we do have inhibit
momentum dumps in there for S183, BMMD, and other
purposes. Evaluation is under way at Marshall and
here and we anticipate no problems with these.

333 04 06 06 The EREP Z-LV pass is in the Flight Pl_n for mission
day 15. We have no evaluations in yet, but they'll
be done tomorrow. And we're looking at ways to have
simulators flag to us the sensitive momentum states
that caused the two-CMG control law to behave in
a nonoptimal fashion, so that we can plan our maneu-
vers to positively avoid them. Also, we're looking
at crew aids in recognizing when one of these condi-
tions has happened and corrective action you can take
in realtime to at least minimize the TACS cost, in
addition to planning our moves so that we stay out
of these regions. So I guess in summary you could
say that we'll have a positive confirmation for you
by the time it comes up if the mission day 15 EREP
does not encounter any nonoptimal behavior before
we start the maneuver. And we will have some moni-
toring techniques and corrective action procedures
up to you at the same time. Over.

SPT Okay, Bruce, that's good news.

333 04 07 08 CDR Bruce, that's good. What we would appreciate is

getting some of those monitoring techniques and other
procedures up here about as soon as you can, so that
we can have a chance to think them over and make sure
that we understand them before we have to put them
into use.

CC They will be on their way up as soon as they are

completely finalized. So you can probably look for
them sometime tomorrow.

CDR Okay, that's good, Bruce. You got any more questions?

CC We got wake up scheduled for 12:08 Zulu over Hawaii

for you tomorrow morning. We are standing by for
your evening photo status report. And if we have
any more time, l've got some news items I can read
up to you.
TAG Tape 333-03/T-153
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333 0h 07 48 CDR Okay, the photo status report is pretty simple.

NA on the 16-millimeter. NA, no change, on the
drawer A configuration. No change in EREP, No
change in ETC. And the only film usage was 35 and
70, so here it comes. 35-millimeter, Nikon 01,
Bravo Victor 47, 18; Nikon 02, India Romeo 08,2_;
Nikon 3, Charlie India ii0, 22; Nikon 4, Charlie
X-ray 19, 51; Nikon 5, Bravo Hotel 03, 29. 70-milli-
meter, we used two frames today. On the report
yesterday I showed a frame count of a 170. I guess
I should have showed 000. And now today's frame
count will be 002.

CC Okay, we copy all that. Would you like some new


CDR Fire away.

333 04 09 00 CC Okay. House Republican leader Gerald Ford was

confirmed for the Vice Presidency by a Senate vote
of 92 to 3. The House is expected to confirm his
nomination a week from tomorrow. President Nixon
will make public complete data on his personal
F finances including his tax payments according to
one report. The information is expected to be
released this week. In the energy situation, an
Arab summit meeting in Algiers reportedly agreed to
continue the use of oil as a weapon against
pro-Israeli nations. The conference decided to
stop tightening the oil squeeze on Japan and the
Philippines for i month. This action was in re-
cognition of their recent pro-Arab stands. The
Arabs already had suspended their additional cutback
for the European Common Market eountries_ except
the Netherlands, which is under a total embargo
for its alleged pro-Isreali bias. No progress has
has been made in mid-East peace talks.

333 04 i0 04 CC And a major peace conference there might not be

attended by Egypt according to an official announce-
ment from the Egyptain goverment. In the U.S.,
service stations on thy New York State Thruway and
Pennsylvania and Maine Turnpikes will stop selling
gasoline on Sundays in response to Presidents Nixon's
request. For those who are stranded, they will be
given enough gas to get them to the next exit and
will be charged for an emergency call. The president
of the American Association of State Highway and
TAG Tape 333-03/T-153
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Transportation Officals says his group does not

like any speed limit plan that would allow trucks
and buses to go faster than automobiles. State
Highways Director of Washington said top highway
officals across the country were opposed to President
Nixon's suggestions of maximum limit of 55 miles
per hour for trucks and buses and 50 miles per
hour for autos. He said a poll of highway adminis-
trators in all states indicated virtually unanimous
' opposition to the two-vehicle limitation and support
for a single speed limit for all vehicles.
Incidentally, in connection with the mileage of
automobiles and things of this sort, we did a
little calculating this evening. We found out that
the workshop, now in its 2867 rev, is getting
something like 285 miles per gallon.

CDR Per gallon of what, Bruce?

333 04 ii 16 CC Per gallon of RP-I and LH2 that were used for

CC The U.S. Post - -

CDR We thought you meant something else.

CC (Laughter) No, we're keeping it straight here. The

U.S. posted a large trade surplus last month. Ex-
ports exceeded imports by $527 million, down from
$873 million in September, but a big improvement
from the $421 million deficit in October of last
year. The half-billion-dollar surplus disappointed
the currencey dealers, and the U.S. dollar dropped
in world markets. The dollar had been unusally
strong since the oil boycott began threatening the
economies of Europe and Japan. Student demonstrations
in Greece during recent weeks apparently brought
about a new military coup. The new government has
freed several hundred persons jailed by the deposed
regime of George Papadopoulos. After reaching a
two-year low yesterday, the Dow Jones Industrial
average rebounded, rising 22 points today, closing
at 839. In 4 weeks the average had dropped nearly
170 points as fears of increased unemployment and
a possible recession produced by the energy shortage
sent investors scurrying for shelter.
TAG Tape 333-03/T-153
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333 04 12 26 CC Governor Ronald Reagan refused Tuesday to say

whether he will enter the 1976 presidential race,
observing that candidates on center stage this
early tend to be replaced. Asked at a news con-
ference in Sydney, Australia, whether he would seek
the Republican nomination, the California governor
said, "Ask me that question again in mid-1975."
News on the VTS sites, change 267 to 268. Delete
325, 330, 307, 702, and 703. Substitute site 565
for volcano. PLT, copy. Over.

PLT Roger. Copy.

333 04 13 06 CC Okay. And from here in Houston, Ronald Sherwood,

a Navy electronics technician from Houston, reported
back to duty Monday at Miramar Naval Air Station
wearing a turban. During the Thanksgiving holiday,
he told officers, he had converted to Sikhism and
that the followers of the 17th century Hindu cult
must wear a white turban at all times. The commander
of the 22 year-old Sherwood's fighter squadron order-
ed a for hearing for Tuesday on charges he was out
of uniform. At that time the hearing officer dis-
- qualifiedhimself and passed it on to the air group
commander. Meantime, he's been assigned to temporary
duty in the chaplain's office where he wears civil-
ian clothes. 40 seconds to LOS. We'll talk to
you in the morning over Hawaii at 12:08. News item:
Pioneer lO - everything is going beautifully for
Pioneer lO, closing fast on the planet Jupiter.
All of the Pioneer's scientific instruments and
systems are working well, with imagery being re-
turned that shows increasing details. Signals
from the spacecraft take 45 minutes to arrive at
Earth. Pioneer is now half billion miles from us,
that's 109 miles, but just a few million miles from

333 04 14 05 CC Ames Research Center says that the giant red spot
on Jupiter has been seen several times, and Jupiter's
distinct bands are becoming clearer with each image.
Shadows from the inner moons of Jupiter have been
seen on the planet and the moon Io have been
observed on one image. Pioneer crossed the magneto-
pause last evening, earlier than expected, and is
now in the magnetic field. The crossing was ex-
pected this morning at the earliest. The closest
TAG Tape 333-03/T-153
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approach is expected on Monday, December 3, mission

day 18, day of year 337, at about 81,000 miles.
And back to Bill. Did you copy those VTS sites
or do you want me to repeat them again?

PLT Okay, I got instead of 267; delete, 325, 330, 307,

702, 703, and add 565 instead of volcano.

i CC Boy, you really were paying attention. That's

beautiful, Bill.

333 04 14 53 PLT *** Bruce.

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f_ Time: 333:04:30 to 333:05:04
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TAG Tape 333:05/T-155
_- Time: 333:11:30 to 333:13:00
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333 12 14 48 CC Good morning, Skylab. Got you through Goldstone

for 9 minutes.

CDR Morning, Story.

CC Morning.

333 12 23 36 CC Skylah, we're a minute to LOS and 5 minute to

Ber - to Bermuda.

333 12 28 00 CC Skylab, we're hack with you through Bermuda for

5 minutes.

333 12 32 58 CC Skylah, we're a minute to LOS and 5 minutes to

Canaries; he dumping the data/voice at Canaries.

333 12 37 37 CC Skylah, AOS Canaries 9 minutes. Be dumping the

data/voice here.


PRESSURE tank high ever since last night. Looks
like we may have a froze-up dump nozzle.

CC Copy, Jer.

333 12 41 27 CC Skylab, we need the DAS for dump inhihit. And we

can read that pressure down here, Jer, and we're
seeing 0.003. And the DAS is yours.

CC Jer, Houston.

CDR Go ahead, Story.

CC On that panel 800, the water dump pressure, that's

been pegged high all along, and we're wondering if
we've got a discrepancy between your onhoard read-
what we're seeing down here.

333 12 44 ii CDR Story, that hasn't been pegged high, it's been down
around 0.06 or 0.07 for quite some time. And last
night is when it pegged out just as I was doing a
squeezer dump.

CC Okay. Well, we're showing about 0.003 down here.

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CDR Okay, that's real good. We'll go ahead and do all

of our urine dumps and I'ii finish the squeezer
dump this morning.

333 12 46 19 CC Skylah, we're a minute from LOS. The next station

we expect to pick you up is Honeysuckle at 13:22.
You'll be passing over Tananarive but they have a
site problem. That'll be coming up in about
, 12 minutes;we don't expect to reach you there.

CDR Okay, Story. We'll see you there.

333 12 46 40 CC Yes, sir.

TAG Tape 333-06/T-156
Time: 333:13:00 to 333:14:36
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333 13 22 29 CC Skylab, AOS through Honeysuckle for 9 minutes.

CDR Roger, Story; and what does our WASTE PRESSURE -


CC Standy by i; and we're sure the WASTE PROCESSOR

VACUUM VENT valve on 818 is OPEN, isn't it?

333 13 23 03 CC And, Jer, while I got - -

CDR That's affirmative.

CC Okay. And, Jet, while I got a hold of you, that

$232 experiment that you got coming up at 15:12
has been canceled due to a launching problem.

CDR Okay, Story; thank you.

333 12 23 25 CC And the pressure you're looking for is 0.011.

CDR Okay. We're looking at 0.060 in - on our meter


CC Okay. Is that the meter on panel $00?

CDR That's affirmative.

333 13 25 ii CC Bill, Houston

PLT Hello.

CC Bill, when you're ready to copy, I've got a

procedure to try to unlock the filter on S054.

PLT Stand by just a minute.

CC Okay.

SPT Story, l'm up here now. If you'd like to go ahead

and give to to me, I could try it right now.

333 13 25 42 CC Okay, Ed; here we go. Key 40075, then 40037.

That's the DAS command for FILTER 3. Then cycle
the FILTER select switch between reset and the
neutral position, which is between RESET/I and
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STORAGE, at about one per second for about 30 sec-

onds. Any time you see the FILTER talkback move,
stop cycling and set the switch to STORAGE.

333 13 26 25 SPT Okay, Story; understand. Key 40075, 40037. RESET

switch, cycle between - or the FILTER select is
recyc - cycled between RESET/I to neutral. RESET/I
around one cycle per second, 30 times. As soon
as we see a change in the flags from barber pole
to gray, go to STORAGE.

CC That's correct, Ed.

333 13 27 03 SPT Okay, Story; I'ii give it a go now.

CC Okay.

333 13 29 19 SPT Story, I still have a barber pole up here. Is

there anything else we'd like to try with it?

CC That's it for now, Ed; thanks.

SPT Thank you; keep trying.

333 13 30 38 CC Skylab, we're a minute from LOS and about ii minutes

to Hawaii at 13:41. And, Jer, no need to acknowl-
edge, but we have seen a bias between our telemetry
readings and the readings on the meter of about 0.05.
So it looks like we're back in good shape again.

333 13 42 12 CC Skylab, A0S through Hawaii for 9 minutes.

PLT Roger, Story. l've got a question for the photo


CC Go ahead.

PLT In reference to magazine, Bravo Victor 47, I was

told to shoot that up. I now wonder if they wanted
to do that in spite of the fact that 232 was

CC That's a good question. We'll get you an answer.

333 13 44 28 CC Bill, that's a good call on the film. We'd like

to save that film. And we need the DAS here for
dump enable.
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PLT Okay.

333 13 44 48 CC DAS is yours.

PLT Thank you.

333 13 51 02 CC Skylab, a minute to LOS. See you over Goldstone

in 3 minutes.

333 13 53 h4 CC Skylab, A0S through Golstone; 7 minutes.

333 13 57 25 CC Jet, Houston.

CDR Go ahead, Story.

CC l've got a couple of popup handheld opportunities

for you, if you're ready to copy.

CDR Okay, fire away.

333 13 57 46 CC Okay. These come very close to your T053 laser

operations, but don't let them interfere with that.
The first one comes up at about 15:40. It's a
"- handheld 107, SA22 stereo sweep preferred, and
they're squales on the south shore of Lake Ontario.
Be a little bit north of track and on Lake Erie,
south of track.

333 13 58 24 CDR Okay, I copied at 15:40, HHI07, SA22, stereo if

possible. And squalls on the south shore of
Ontario and Lake Erie.

333 13 58 37 CC Okay. And we couldn't get a really good time on

that. That - that is an estimate, and l've got one
other here. At 15:43, handheld 105 -

Mcc o5

CC Correction, make that 05_ SA29, stereo sweep

preferred. It's cold air convection over warm
Gulf Stream. And it's south of track.

333 13 59 16 CDR Okay, copy at 15:43, HH05, SA29, stereo, cold air
convection over the Gulf Stream south of track.

CC That's correct. And got a correction on the first

one, too. It's handheld 07.
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CDR Okay, copy 07.

333 14 00 06 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS, and 5 rain- minutes

to Bermuda. Bill Lenoire will be discussing ATM
at the next pass.

SPT Okay, Story. Hey, that first handheld one couldn't

be anywhere near the old hometown of Buffalo,
could it?

CC It sure could.

SPT I don't ever remember any snow up there, Story.

333 14 O0 45 CC If you don't, I do.

333 14 05 17 MCC Good morning, solar scientists, from the ground


333 14 05 30 MCC Okay, Ed. If you're up at the ATM, we'll press

on here with our A_ conference.

PLT I think he's on his way, Bill. Go ahead.

MCC Okay, good enough. I'ii - -

SPT Go ahead, Bill. You caught me with my hands full.

Go ahead.

333 14 05 45 CC Okay. Sorry about that. Looks like the old

hometown may be getting some snow today. The solar
update over and above the one we sent up this
morning - it probably not very significant. It
looks like there's some bright points in the
91 region. Active region 87 is still far and away
the best, we feel, for prefla_e activities, like
our flare wait today. We believe there - we
could see field connection between 87 and 91 and
93. And, in particular, on our H-alpha, if you
look at the 87 area, it looks like the center of
a wheel with the field lines running out. And you
can very clearly see connections to 93; and if you
want to, you ean see connections to 91.

333 14 06 34 SPT Oh, over to 91. Yes, I haven't been able to see
that. I saw the 93, but not 91.

MCC Okay. And was wondering here how well you can see
the neutral lines on 87, in particular on H-alpha i.
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SPT If you get the contrast in brightness down, you

can see it. l'm not sure we could follow every
little wiggle in it but maybe we can tell its general

333 14 06 56 MCC Okay. And we haven't had too much flare activity,
but we're looking for more flares because we feel
that it's beginning to get a little bit hotter and
look a little more like it might blow off here.
At least we hope so. Just out of interest, you
might find that it looks like there's a new
emerging flux region between region 87 and 93,
slightly south of the line between them, a little
bit more toward 93 than 87. We don't have any
information as to whether that's going to develop
into anything. You might find it interesting to
watch it.

333 14 07 31 SPT Okay. We will.

MCC Okay. Today we've got one full orbit, essentially,

of flare wait. And what we'd like to do is to
p get as many comments from you as we possibly
can regarding use of the XUV MON, integration times
and so on. S055 DETECTOR 3 fluctuations, how
things look on H-alpha 1 with respect to XL[V MON,
and, essentially just what you're thinking and doing
and give us some insight as to how things are going
and what we can expect to be able to find.

333 14 08 01 SPT Okay. I certainly will. I think you really have

to devote that time to it. Working with it so
far, I found that XUV monitor, to use it properly,
requires almost your full time because you have to
use a persistent image scope and have your eye glued
to it a good part of the time.

333 14 08 16 CC Okay, that's a good point, and we'll remember that.

If you got any other comments that you've picked
up so far in 3 days, we'd be happy to do anything
with them that is appropriate. And you just
finished trying a sequence on 54 that apparently
did not work. Let me just summarize where we
think we are on S054 here. We're not sure whether
we're in FILTER l; in other words, the RESET did
work and the indications aren't. We might be in
or near FILTER 5, in or near FILTER 6; we might
TAG Tape 333-O6/T-156
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be in between. And the way that filter wheel is

constructed, there is a hole in the middle so
that it might be effectively like FILTER 3. Or
the worst cases would be, we'd be in between such
that we're looking at filter wheel structure.
We're not at all sure which of these, if any, is
the case. The pertinent fact is that if we're in
FILTER 5, the 256-second exposures are our only
good exposures except for flares, where we could
' go down to about 16 seconds for being useful. And
that's the main reason that we'll be - you'll be
seeing changes to include the long exposure dura-
tions, where we used to looking for 64's and so
on. To handle the data properly, assuming we will
be getting data, requires adding exposures. So
rather than dropping out of many things, you'll
find that a lot of S054-type frames will be taken
here. I may have said 56 earlier, and I meant 54.

333 14 09 55 SPT Okay. How much time do we have left, Bill?

MCC Four minutes.

SPT Okay. When you're through, I'd like to run through _

a few things.

333 14 i0 02 CC Okay. Well, go ahead.

333 14 i0 04 SPT Okay. First of all, I think it's going to take a

fair amount of time for me to learn how to use the
55 detector properly. There's an awful lot of good
things we could do with it in the way of locating
specific objects at the bright - the brightest
spots in active regions, filament channels, coronal
holes, and so forth, and getting spectra from speci-
fic locations, That's going to take a little
time up here to learn, and !'d appreciate whatever
time I could have available for that. Second one
is the - the 56 LONG exposures. How will have the
SL-3 results come out? In other words, which ones
have proved to be the best, and what are we learning
from it? Secondly, when does the shutter really
close? Is it when you turn the power camera back
on or when the frames decrement?

333 14 I0 49 MCC I believe it's when you turn the power on, but I'ii
get the answer to both of those for you.
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SPT Okay. On the XUV monitor, I've been trying to

get some very short time integrations, as short as
you possibly can with the switches, so that it can
really highlight the - the brightest points in the
active regions. And I'm wondering how those have
come out. When I talked with Neil Sheely one time,
he implied that that might be useful and I'm
wondering how it's working.

MCC Okay. Let me find out and get with you tomorrow.

333 14 ll 12 SPT Okay. On the solar activity pad, filament 35, I'm
wondering how they expect to see eruptions on - I'm
sorry, filament 37, why we expect to see eruptions
there? I didn't quite understand the reasoning
behind it. Also, on filament 35, how do we detect
structural changes? In other words, what's the
best clue we have up here? Most likely, things are
going to happen so slow that we won't have any -
any real-time inkling of it unless we Just happen to
be watching it continuously.

MCC Okay. I believe what you're saying there is correct.

And as I recall, SL-2 and 3 did indicate that on
H-alpha_ they could see structural changes on
things such as filaments in fairly short time frames
like 5 minutes or so.

333 14 12 05 SPT Okay. l've been - well also, on filament _0, did
I have the right coordinates for that? I would
suspect that that is really north of the equator,
in which - solar equator - in which case it ought
to be somewhere around 350 and 17, but l'd like a
verification on that later. Lastly, in looking at
the XUV monitor pictures, it looks as though that
coronal hole - I took an earlier one this morning,
l'm comparing with yesterday's - the coronal hole
on the limb the west limb - l'm sorry the east limb,
appears to have filled in a little bit. At least -
unless my integration times have been greatly dif-
ferent in the two pictures. And also the filament
channel is not quite as pronounced. I see no
coronal hole at all on the south pole and one
up at the north pole; and also we can see that new
active region - or l'm sorry, the old active
region 76 coming around the corner again. We'll
send that information down to you. And certainly
87 does appear to be the brightest spot ont the
-- disk. The-
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333 14 13 14 MCC Okay. One comment here is we had also seen some
filling of that coronal hole, although we weren't
sure it was real. And on the filament 40, you may
be confusing filament 40 and filament 39.
Filament 40 is very close to active region 89, which
is south of the equator.

SPT Okay, I probably had the - the labeling of those two

a little off. Okay, I'll go through and sort
filament 40 and 37 and 39 out again.

CC Okay. And we're 15 seconds from LOS. We'll see

you at Canaries at 15.

333 14 13 53 SPT Okay. And thanks for the extra information which
was sent up on the 56. I had requested that on
tape, but how you beat me to it.

CC Okay, good enough. And we'll try to keep doing

that whenever we can write it down. Instead of
talking about it, we'll send it up.

SPT That's a good way to do it. These passes are

relatively short, Bill, and I think there's a lot
of discussion, useful discussion we could get in
here. It's just a question of getting it all
lined up properly and done efficiently.

MCC Okay_ good enough. We'll see you tomorrow.

333 14 14 22 SPT Keep the information coming. Thank you.

333 14 15 12 CC Skylab, Houston through Canaries and Ascencion for

16-1/2 minutes.

SPT Good morning, Hank.

CC Good morning. And for info, we'll be dumping the

voice/data recorder at Ascension, whcih will be
coming up about 7 minutes from now.

SPT Okay. Hey, Story - or I mean, Hank, would you

stand by for a moment and let me try to use speaker
box 131. I - l'm using the headset off of that
right now, and I suspect that we've had problems
with the make in 131. Stand by and I'ii give
you a short comm.
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333 14 15 55 CC Okay, wait a minute. We just happen to have a

mission note ready to talk about that, if you
like. What we'd like for you to do is turn most
of the A and B CCU switched off and go to channel B
and try an intercom check with someone else
and see if that works.

SPT Okay. Will do.

333 14 16 52 CDR Houston, CDR.

CC Go ahead.

CDR Good morning, Hank.

CC Good morning.

CDR Hey, Hank, I just did the $009 timing check, and
it's running 8 seconds late.

333 14 17 05 CC Roger. We copy; 8 seconds late.

333 14 17 50 SPT Okay, Hank, we just tried that and - with no

J- success. We suspectwe have a problemwith 131.
I also tried right after that to give you folks
a call, and maybe you heard me key but with no

CC Roger. I did hear a key and no modulation. Now,

you cannot transmit on the box. Can you receive
on the box - from another crewman?

333 14 18 13 SPT Stand by.

333 14 19 04 SPT Hank, it works out pretty well. The - we can

receive on 131 intercom. And l'm also sear - hearing
you air-to-ground.

CC Okay, what we're suspecting is we got a problem

with the - the downlink circuit in there, the mike
side of the thing. We'd - wonder if you'd mind
repeating the test on channel A? You'd have to
get someone else to monitor channel A. And do an
intercom check and try to call us if - What we're
trying to do is determine the extent of the failure
in the thing.

333 14 19 38 SPT Okay, we'll run an intercom check on channel A and

also try to give you a call on channel A.
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333 14 59 42 CC Stand there. You won't be able to call us on

channel A; we're not configured for it. But
Just do an intercom check.

333 14 19 47 SPT Okay.

333 14 20 38 SPT Hank, the situation is the same on channel A; he

can hear me key, but we get no modulation. And
, I canhearhim.

CC Okay, then that box is bad, and I tell you what

we're going to do, Ed. We're - we've - we've got
it in the Flight Plan tomorrow to change that $1A
out. But l'm telling you now, if - if you get a
chance during the day and want to get ahead of the
game, you can go _ead and change it out at your
convenience; otherwise, it'll be on the Flight Plan

333 14 21 05 SPT Okay, Where's the one you'd like us to put in there
stowed right now?

CC That's in Delta 430.

SPT Delta 430. Thank you, Hank.

CC Okay. And, Ed, there's a red - there's also a bad

one stowed in there, but it should be marked with
red tape.

SPT Okay.

333 14 21 56 CC Skylab, we're handing over to Ascension; we may

drop out for about a minute.

333 14 24 15 CC Skylab, Houston; we're back with you now through

Ascension, and we'll be dumping the recorder.
And for the SPT, the procedure for doing that
replacement is on page 3-10 of the Systems Check-
list, SWS system.

CDR Okay, Hank; we'll try and get to it. But leave it
on the Flight Plan for tomorrow just in case we
don't get to it.

333 14 24 39 CC Okay. Will do.

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333 lh 30 57 CC Skylab, Houston; we're i minute from LOS. We'll

be coming up on Honeysuckle at 02.

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333 15 02 33 CC Skylab, Houston through Honeysuckle for 3 minutes.

333 15 04 55 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. Hawaii

at 21.

333 15 21 25 CC Skylab, Houston through Hawaii for 4-1/2 minutes.

SPT Howdy, Hank.

CC SPT, Houston. Are you up at the ATM now?

SPT I'm on n_ way.

CC Oh, I wasn't trying to rush you up there, but I

thought if you was there, at about 1 minute from
now, we think that the S009 should start closing
its door, and we are just wanting to verify opera-

SPT Okay, Hank, on r_ mark. It's going to close now,

and I'll give you the - a hack on when it stops,
so at cycle time you'll know when it started.

333 15 23 30 SPT MARK. That was at 33.

CC 0kay, thank you.

333 15 24 51 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about i minute from LOS.

Goldstone will be coming up at 33.

333 15 35 07 CC Skylab, Houston through Goldstone for about 3

minutes. For the SPT.

PLT He's recording right now, Hank.

SPT Go ahead, Hank.

CC Okay, Ed, two things. When you get a break we'd

like to verify the - we - we can't get any com-
mand - first, we can't get any command capability
through Goldstone right now, and we need to get
the VTH rewound. If you could reach over and
start a rewind, we'd appreciate it.

SPT It's rewinding now.

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CC Thank you. And the other thing is we'd like to

verify the S054 filter configuration for STORAGE,
we'd like to - to go to RESET/1 on the FILTER
switch, and then back to STORAGE.

SPT Okay, I'ii do that. Right now I got it taped, at

STORAGE and I - give me a few - about 30 seconds
and I'll do it.

' CC At your earliest convenience.

SPT Okay, that 's done, Hank, and it 's taped back in

CC Okay, thank you.

333 15 37 36 CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS. There'll

be a short dropout and back up with Texas at _0.

333 15 40 26 CC Skylab, Houston through Texas, MILA, and Bermuda

for 12-1/2 minutes.

SPT Hello, Hank. I'd like to respond to a question

which came up on the ATM conference notes this

CC Okay.

SPT On the S056 operating in AUTO, LONG mode during

JOP 3B in the wait period before a flare. And
that appears to be no problem at all. If you
want to send up the appropriate changes for J0P
Summary Sheets and cue cards we'll go ahead and
make them. I don't think it will slow us down
at all because all it involves is throwing the
switch to SHORT and a START - a STOP and a START,
and that's nothing at all. Glad to do it.

CC Okay, we'll put it in the mill, Ed.

SPT On the 24 - which is building block 2_, which is

coming up for me right now, I'll go ahead and
operate in that mode.

CC We copy.

CC CDR, Houston. For info, they are tracking you

now with the laser.
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333 15 43 35 CDR Roger. I just finished the handheld 07 photos.

SPT Hey, Hank, I'm looking at the coronagraph display

right now, and the streamers which were very
pronounced yesterday at 2 and 4 o'clock are still
there but greatly weakened in the material in
between them. That at around 3 is pretty much
gone, too. There is an increase in the streamer
activity on the other limb, however, especially
out around 8:30 or so. There is a fairly long
streamer and fairly wide at the base, and another
very faint one up there at 9: 30. I suspect that's
the old active region coming around the corner

CC We copy.

SPT By far the brightest streamer is the one at 8:30.

It's fairly wide at the base and bright.

333 15 45 16 CC Skylab, Houston, no response required. We're

trying to get a handle on how we're going to have
F to vent that wardroomwindow. So frem time to
time, if you would watch it and just give us a
clue when the ice starts to come back, it would
help us in our planning.

CC SPT, Houston. The - for info, the VTR should be

rewound in about another minute and ready for your
use. And also we'd like to know if you tried to
operate 54 during this rev.

SPT No, Hank. I did not. I overlooked the operation

54. I'll get it next time. If they'd like me to
give them a 256 exposure at the beginning of this
flare wait, I'll be glad to do it.

CC Okay, Ed. We'd like for you to do that for us,

if you would.

SPT Okay. When I get the pointing stabilized here,

I will. I'm using magnesium X right now to see
where I can find a hot spot.

CC 0kay.
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CC Okay.

333 15 51 54 CC Skylab, Houston. 1 minute to LOS. Ascension

at 01.

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333 16 01 56 CC Skylab, Houston through Ascension for 7 minutes.

SPT Hello, hank. S054 has got their 256 exposure

and now l'm sitting in their flare wait mode of
l PICTURE RATE, HIGH, and EXPOSURE, 64. I believe
that's what they're after.

CC Okay. We copy.

SPT Hank the 56 is running into - running an

EXPOSURE, LONG,. And I think l've got some
good pointing parallel to the neutral line and
on a magnesium position, giving around 1200.

CC CDR, Houston. If it's convenient, did you get

the other handheld - the 05?

333 16 03 36 CDR That's affirmative. Got it little late, so I

don't think they're very good stereo, but I got
f some good oblique,three good oblique shots from
the north on down to south; covered quite a
bit of miles. I did not see the laser at all.
I couldn't find it, so I Just look two 300-milli-
meter desperation shots of the general area,
hoping that it'll show up on film.

CC Okay. We copy. And you mibht be thinking about

it - Do you use SIA 131 in the EREP?

CDR Say again, Hank?

CC I say, if you use that SIA number 131 there,

the speaker box, during the EREP, you might
consider using a lightweight headset with it
since the mike in the boxes are giving us problems.

CDR Oh, okay, Hank. We sure will

333 16 04 32 SPT Hank, I think they'll be using 102.

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CC Roger. 102's right up there for the guy on

the C&D, but what does the VTS operator use?

SPT I think he probably use a headset hooked up to


CC Okay. Then we ought to be all right, then.

SPT Right.

333 16 04 48 SPT Hank, some people wanted some information on

how the wait period was working in building
block 24 for a flare. And I think the persistent
image scope, as long as you keep your eye on it,
will work real well. l'm able to see four or
five different bright points in the active regions
of 87, 80, 89, and 93 or may be even an emerging
flux region. And they're all pretty much of a
uniform intensity. I can turn the intensity on
the MONITOR i down to where the points are
just showing. And they all come up pretty much
to the same uniform level. And l'm sure if one
of them started to break, l'd be able to pick
it off quite easily. So I think it's a good
scheme as long as we can afford to tell you to
wait here with an eyeball glued to the pointing -
to the persistent image scope.

CC Okay. We copy.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're coming up on a keyhole;

we'll probably drop comm for about a minute.

SPT Okay. I'ii try and put some more details on

this on the tape, Hank,

CC Okay.

333 16 08 ii CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 40 seconds from

LOS. We'll be coming up on Carnarvon at 32.
And We're scheduled to dump the voice and data

333 16 31 58 CC Skylab, Houston through Carnarvon for i0 minutes.

And as a reminder, we'll be dumping the voice/
data recorder here.
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CDR Okay, Hank.

SPT Say, Hank_ in general, building block 24 went

real well. l'm encouraged by the use of the
persistent image scope for the flare detection,
also I can see what appear to be brightness
interconnections between the active regions in
the XUV monitor. So if we want to explore
that further, also, once we got some coalignment
between the XUV monitor and the other instruments,
I think we can do that, also.

CC Okay. We copy and we'll look into it.

333 16 33 45 CC CDR, Houston. Whenever it's convenience, Just

to give us a warm feeling down here. We'd
like to verify that EREP paneling box is connected
to the blue dot; that's J-4.

CDR That's affirmative.

CC Good show. Thank you.

" SPT Okay, Hank SI09 is doing its thing again.

I'ii give you a mark when it ends, if you like.

CC Okay.

333 16 37 34 SPT Mark.

CC Looks like S009 is doing its thing right on


333 16 41 30 CC Skylab, Houston; I minute from LOS. GUAM at 45.

333 16 45 39 CC Skylab, Houston through Guam for 9-1/2 minutes.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS. We'll

be coming up on Goldstone at ii.

333 16 54 22 CDR Roger, Hank.

333 17 i0 38 CC Skylab, Houston, through Goldstone, Texas, and

MILA for 17 minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank.

SPT Houston, Skylab.

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CC Go ahead.

SPT Hank, earlier today Bill Lenoir mentioned

a emerging flux region between a couple of
the active regions, and I'm wondering if you
wouldn't mind having the folks in the back
room state that again, please. Between what two
active regions are they? And does it still

CC Okay. I'll get it for you.

CC SPT, Houston. This morning on our solar

activity pad wesent up to you, the update
there, we mentioned a new active region 93
at i00 degrees 0.7. That's in between 84 and 87.
And I wonder if that's what you're talking about?

333 17 23 59 SPT Okay, Hank. I wasn't sure that what Bill

mentioned this morning was the same as what was
on the pad. Thank you.

CC SPT, Houston. What may be a little bit confusing

there, I think, earlier this morning we talked
about it. There was an emgerging region. However,
now it's very bright and is no longer in that
emerging state that you might expect from the
way it was described.

SPT Okay. Thank you, Hank.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're about i minute from LOS.

We'll be coming up on Carnarvon at ii. And as
a reminder ther's a nu Z update coming up at 42.

333 17 27 08 SPT Okay, Hank, we'll get it. Thank you.

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333 18 ii 08 CC Skylab, Houston through Carnarvon for 5-1/2 minutes.

SPT Hello, Hank.

333 18 ii 37 SPT Say, Hank, in case the folks down on the ground
were looking at active region 87 while I was work-
ing on it, I saw a point brightening in H-alpha.
I did pick that up on the oxygen VI, also. And I
was looking at it in the STOP mode in oxygen VI
before I did a GRATING, AUTO SCAN after the thing
had peaked out in oxygen VI.

CC Okay. Was the point brightening in active

region 87?

SPT That's right. It showed up in H-alpha and also

fairly rapid time rates of change on it in oxygen
VI; it got up around 50,000 or so.

F CC Roger.We copy.

333 18 15 48 CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS. We'll

be coming up on Guam at 25. And at Guam, we're
going to redesignate the recorders, and we'll be
making recorder number i the data/voice so you'll -
don't be surprised if you see the little winking
light again.

333 18 25 54 CC Skylab, Houston through Guam for 4 minutes. And,

PLT, if you're available, Don Lind's got some words
for you about the VTS ops.

PLT Roger. Go ahead, Don.

333 18 26 15 MCC Okay, Bill, this is your trusty backup, l've been
running the - your VTS pass, and there are a couple
of effects that you should be aware of - not signi-
ficant, but you - we don't want you to be surprised
by them because of being in SI. The first thing
is that - well, they all hinge on the fact that
the IMC doesn't know you're in SI; it thinks you're
pointing in nadir. And so the angles that it's
going to be using early in each pass are going to
be much too small. In other words, it's going to
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be tracking at half a degree per second when it

really wants to go at i degree per second. And
if you were in LOW RATE, you do not have enough
authority to track properly. So early in a pass -
that is, when the mirror is still well forward -
you're going to have to be in HIGH RATE. And this
effect is going to decrease, so as the mirror angle
comes down toward zero, you're probably going to
be able to go to LOW RATE at some time for low
tracking, but you're just going to have to experi-
ment with that - LOW RATE for smooth tracking.
The second effect, and I'm sure you've already
anticipated this, is that the crosstrack correc-
tions are going to be bigger than normal because
you've got an effective roll angle of about
35 degrees. And the third effect is that because
of the prisms that we use in the IMAGE MOTION COM-
PENSATION, early in a pass, again when the mirror
angle is well forward, when you put in a control
with your stick, it's going to go in on an angle.
In other words, if you make a co - a correction
straight aft, it's going to - it might be off by
as much as 22 degrees. And this effect is also
going to go to zero as the mirror angle comes down -
to zero.

PLT Okay, Don. I copied that.

MCC Okay. The message is stay in HIGH RATE as long as

you need to and stand by for some funny effects
although - although they're going to rather sms]l.

PLT Okay.

MCC And good luck.

PLT Thank you very much for the good words.

333 18 28 47 CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS. We'll

see you at Goldstone at 47.

333 18 28 57 SPT Okay, Hank. In setting up the ETC, when I hooked

up the vacuum hose, l've got what is a buzzing
noise which I imagine is probably a seal somewhere
oscillating back and forth and some little leaks
across it. Could the folks down on the ground on
the ground give me a little idea of what to be
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looking for, and how I might eliminate it? I'ii

take the vacuum hose off now so we don't end up
with a large ...

333 18 29 22 CC Okay, I'ii look into it.

333 18 46 50 CDR EREP, START, in 3 minutes.

PLT Looks like we're still out over the water.

CDR Okay.

PLT I think we *** San Francisco.

33B 18 47 20 CC Skylab, Houston. We're reading you now through

stateside for about 15 minutes.

CDR Okay, Hank. Read you loud and clear.

333 18 47 35 CC And Skylab, for SPT. They had a similar problem

with the ETC on SL-3, and it was a little buzzing
noise. And I'm sure that's what you have there,
and we would like to have the vacuum hose hooked
F up for properoperation.

CDR EREP, START in 2 minutes.

SPT Okay, Hank. It's hooked up now.

CDR On my mark it'll be 18:48 even.

333 18 48 00 CDR MARK. 193 S to STANDBY. Diagnostic downlink unit

going to position 5. TV okay, Hank?

PLT Gosh. We haven't even coasted in yet.

SPT I've got to do a nadir align, Bill. We'll do that

over the water, I guess.

PLT Yes, that's right. Or do we even get a nadir align

out of this thing?

CDR Well. I got 193 A in the NADIR ALIGN mode.

PLT Okay. I would think with this peculiar attitude

you'd have it all - -

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333 18 48 52 CDR EREP, START in 1 minute.

PLT Sure is a good view out of here.

CDR Okay. At lO seconds after I start EREP, Bill, you

want your VTS to AUTO CAL.

PLT You just say when.

' CDR I'ii tell you when. We'll go EREP, START at 49:50
and at 50 even we'll AUTO CAL.

PLT Okay. Ah, there's the coast. No. Ah, picking

up a lot of clouds, though.

CDR i0 seconds, to EREP, START.

333 18 49 50 CDR MARK. EREP, START at 49:50.

PLT Stand by for AUTO CAL. 5, 4, 3, *** i -

333 18 50 00 PLT/CDR MARK. AUTO CAL.


next mark will be at 51:20.

CDR Houston, Skylab. You still reading us?

333 18 50 39 CC Roger.

333 18 50 40 CDR Okay.

PLT Are you reading me, Hank?

CC That' s affirmative.

PLT Okay. I wasn't sure if I had this all set up right

or not.

CC One question when you get a chance to answer. Did

you get all the doors closed on the - and - and
are you in solar inertial?

SPT I hope they're all open.

CDR Do you mean the ATM doors?

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PLT Which doors are you talking about, Hank?

CC Stand by. We're checking.

333 18 51 20 CDR On my mark, 51:20.

CDR MARK. S193 S, ON; S193 R ON. Coming up on 51:40.

b 333 18 51 40 CDR MARK. 51:40. Alfa 9 is reading 2; Bravo 9 is

reading 4 - 59; Charlie 9 is jumping between 45
and 93.

PLT When am I supposed to get a READY light on 191?

CDR You should get it at 52:40.

PLT Okay.

CDR 40 seconds.

CC Skylab, for info, we're comnanding SI.

SPT Okay.

PLT Okay. Clouds are starting to break up. Not much

time either. 53:09. Be close.

CDR Stand by for 52:40; l0 seconds.

333 18 52 40 CDR READY on at 52:40. REF, gone to 6.

PLT Colorado River.

CDR Delta 9 is 86. That was a m_imum Delta 9,

86 percent. The minimum Delta 9 is ii. On
mark it'll be 53:30. Stand by for 53:30.


S193 S, ON, now. 193 R, ON, now. Those were at
53:50 *** Those were at 53:50.

333 18 54 03 CDR MARK at 54:03; S190, MODE to AUTO.

333 18 54 i0 CDR MARK. 54:10. ETC should go to AUTO, Ed. Got it.
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333 18 54 21 CDR MARK at 21; POLARIZATION on S193 to 4, Delta 9,

maximum was 60; minimum was 40. I did not have
a READY light on the SCATTEROMETER. Coming up on
55 even, 55:00.


333 18 55 03 CDR MARK; RADIOMETER to STANDBY at 03. 55:10 Ed, we're


333 18 55 lO SPT MARK, on at 55:10.

CDR Next mark will be at 55:16.

333 18 55 16 CDR MARK. INTERVAL on S190 going to 20.

PLT 45 - -

CDR S193, MODE, going to XTNC/R. 55:30 ETC to AUTO, Ed.

SPT Got it.

333 18 55 32 CDR 193, POLARIZATION, to 5; SCATTEROMETER, ON.

333 18 55 37 CDR MARK. RADIOMETER, ON.

333 18 55 38 CDR MARK. Delta 9, minimum 50, maximum 86.

CC CDR, Houston. While you got a moment here, could

you verify that TV input station 133 is on. We're
not getting any downlink.

CDR That's verified. It's on. I checked it, and we've

got the rotary switch in TV.

CC Roger. We copy.

CDR Downlink unit is in 5.

333 18 56 42 CDR I just went back and reverified it, Ed. 133 is on.

CC Roger. Thank you.

CDR Delta 9, the minimum - maximum is 86. 57:10. On

my mark.
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333 18 57 i0 CDR MARK. S190, INTERVAL, going to i0.

CDR Waiting for an S190, READY, out.

CDR Got a good READY light on the SCATTEROMETER now.

No MALFUNCTION lights. D-9 is going from 50 to 86.

333 18 57 56 CDH MARK. The S190 READY light went out at 56. ETC

333 18 58 02 CDR MARK. S190, MODE, going to STANDBY now.

CDR *** Going, Bill?

PLT I got them all except one there in the valley. I

got partly to the Four Corners area, and I also
got White Sands.

CDR Good show.

PLT And I'm going for the volcan - I Just - I - I got

screwed up on my crosstrack tracking to get that
last site there in the valley. Okay, h5, 2, LEFT.

PLT Okay, Houston. I got the first - first site as

advertised, 268. I also squeezed in 320. I got
some - I got plenty of track on 268, plenty of
track on 320. I got two sites in the White Sands.
385 - I got 383 to 5, I didn't get the last one
of that field. I got all screwed up on the orien-
tation. I'm going for the volcano now.

CC Roger. Copy.

333 18 59 50 PLT And, also, I forgot to turn the DAC on on the

valley sites. You won't have documentation on that,
but I did get real good tracking on Delta Lake and
that little vineyard there close by. I mean grove.
45, 2, LEFT - 0.2.

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_ Time: 333:19:00 to 333:20:30
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333 19 00 32 CDR 1 minute to my next mark.


as expected. All the other systems have their
READY lights on with the exception of 192 and 190.
Delta 9 is moving between being 50 and 86 percent,
50 and 86 percent. On my mark, it'll be 19:01:30.
Stand by.

333 ]9 01 30 CDR MARK. S190, MODE to SINGLE.

CC Skylab, we're about 45 seconds from LOS. We'll

be coming up on Vanguard at 12. And if you get
a chance, you might check, the circuit breaker on -
TV TELEVISION, POWER circuit breaker on 202. That's
the only thing we can come up with.

333 19 01 49 CDR Okay. We sure will, Hank.

F CDR On my mark, it'll be 02:15, 02:15. Stand by.

333 19 02 15 CDR MARK. S190 MODE, SINGLE.

333 19 ii 35 CDR At 40, VTS to AUTO CAL, Bill.

PLT VTS to AUTO CAL at 40.

CDR Stand by.

333 19 ii 40 CDR/PLT MARK.


PLT Roger. Got it.

CDR Taking 19 - 190 data here. We must be out over

Brazil somewhere.

PLT Yes, we're right over the jungle.

CDR Rivers.

PLT Good oxbows down there, meanders.

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333 19 12 09 CC Skylab, we're marking you again through Vanguard

for about i0 minutes.

CDR Here's a big Roger, Hank.

PLT Boy, this VTS is really a nice view.

CDR Man, we got a river going along and it crosses

some sort of a linear geological feature in the
distance. It's awfully fuzzy but it sure looked
like it could have been a fault.

PLT It probably was.

PLT Got all fuzzy all of a sudden. What'd you do,


CDR I don't know.

PLT (Laughter)

CDR I guess it's hazy out there.

PLT It sure is.

333 19 13 0h PLT We must be out over the water now.

PLT Is 190 - is 190 still clicking away?

CDR Yes, it's still grinding.

PLT Golly.

CDR We - be finished in another minute and 15 seconds.

PLT Yes. We - we're way the beck and gone out over
the water now.


PLT No, I take that hack. That's not right. We are

over land. It was Just a real thick haze layers.

CDR It's 13:30 now, 19:13:30.

PLT Now you're picking up some good stuff.

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CDR Okay. At 14:20, the VTS AUTO CAL should be

complete. I should get a READY light.

333 19 13 58 PLT You're getting some real good stuff now, Jer.
It's just wide open down here.

CDR Is it Jungle?

PLT Yes. I don't know whether it's Jungle or not.

PLT No. I see some rectangular patterns so we must

be coming over some agricultural areas.

CDR Okay. Stand by; coming up on 20.

333 19 14 20 CDR MARK. At 20, the READY light for S191 came on.

PLT Say, what the devil is that?

CDR MARK. The READY light for S190 went out at 29.


SPT Gotit.

333 19 14 37 CDR S190, MODE, going to STANDBY. 194, MODE, going

to MANUAL. Waiting for 15:30.

PLT This is real neat. You could just paint the

coastline with this thing.

CDR Let's look at your EREP slides and see where it

is we came out over the water.

PLT Got to take a look in here, if you can see us,


CDR Yes I - No, I don't have time. Yes, I do.

PLT l've got a little bay there sort of centered.

Just painted up and down the coastline. It's
real nice.

CDR Oh, yes.

CDR Okay, in i0 seconds, there'll be a mark. Stand

by -
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333 19 15 35 CDR MARK at 15:35, 19:15:35.

CDR Okay, let's start coasting this rascal.

PLT Yes. Let me check one thing real quick. I just

' thought I'd see where it is we are coasting out.

PLT Very good....

PLT Blast. It's wrong.

CC Skylab, Houston. Did you ever get a chance to

check that TELEVISION POWER circuit breaker?

PLT Yes, we sure did, Hank. It's IN. Everything

looks good up here.

CC We copy.

PLT Nicesandybeachdownthere.

CDR Figure out where we were?

333 19 16 37 PLT I thought it was Porto Alegro [sic], hut l'm not

CDR Uh-huh. Looked to me like we were kind of going

along the coast instead of perpendicular to it.

PLT Yes. As it was - We're turned up at an odd angle.

You see?

CDR I see.

PLT Because we're doing this solar inertial.

PLT I don't know. I wouldn't put any money on it.

333 19 17 01 CDR Is this our pass here?

PLT Yes. Well, it's close. It's been shifted.

CDR Yes....
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CDR Well, that rectangular pattern you saw must have

been the wheatfields we were looking at yesterday
right here on Ascension.

PLT Could have been Ascension.

CDR So we got some S190 data on that same stuff we

took handheld photos of yesterday.

PLT Very likely.

PLT Okay, - -

CDR Hank, will you m_ke a note of that?

CC Say again.

333 19 17 38 CDR If our groundtrack is correct, part of our S190

data was the Argentinianwheatfields as part of
the wheat study. And I think the PI for the wheat
handheld photos, Earth observations, will be
interested in the data.

CC Roger. We copy.

CDR Okay *** are in our posts.

PLT EREP cal ... okay, we don't have -

333 19 18 35 PLT ... if I'd known I was going to have to run this
camera, I'd have taken some pictures.

PLT Well, I'll know next time.

PLT They were real interesting.

PLT It's amazing how good that simulator's been.

CDR Yes.

333 19 19 12 PLT Give them an up on that. Boy, they did a good

CDR Sure did.

CDR That's a good piece of gear for training.

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PLT Okay. I'm going to wait on that S009 because I'd

get right in your way. But would you help me
remember that?

CDR Yes.

PLT Okay.

, 333 19 20 06 CDR Houston, Skylab.

CC Go ahead.

CDR Okay, Hank. When I was doing a thermal align on

S192, I wasn't able to improve very much on what
Bill had. In fact, I wasn't able to improve on
it at all. Are the people down there concerned
that S190 could be better aligned thermally? If
they are, I would request that they give us an
hour some day, and I would be happy to go back
and twiddle with it some more and see if I can't
get us better than hl percent. But it's going to
take time. I spent about 30 minutes at it during
the prep for this EREP pass. And I a]most scared
myself, really, because I was getting so - getting
behind, and I was afraid I wasn't going to get
things aligned back up where they were in time
for the run. I'd like a good hour sometime to
sit down and fool with that thing if they think
we can improve the alignment any more.

CC Okay, we'll put that in the mill. And do you

have your visual reading?

CDR Yes, I sure do. Hang on; let me - let me get

them out here. Did I give you the thermal

CC Roger. You said 41 percent.

CDR Okay.

333 19 21 33 CDR Okay, the visual readings are 86 percent and

6h percent. 86 on the left and 40 - correction,
6h on the right.

CC Roger. We copy. And we're about h0 seconds

from LOS. We've got a long LOS here, an
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hour and 5 minutes. And we'll be at Goldstone at

27, 20:27. And while you're sitting down there,
if you get a break, the only thing we can figure
now is to reverify the connections on that downlink

CDR Okay, we'll sure do it. We'll check all the way

CC And one more item. During the nightside pass,

we'd like for someone to select EXPERIMENT
POINTING. If you don't get it during the nightside,
the H-alpha operation won't do - be automatic,
and you'll have to start it yourself during ops.

CDR Okay.

333 19 22 37 CDR Okay.

333 20 27 48 CC Skylab, Houston through Goldstone for 4-1/2 minutes.

SPT Hello, Houston.

F CC Skylab, I've got a little Flight Plan thing for

tomorrow I'd like to discuss with you, if it's
convenient at this time.

CDR Okay, Hank. Go ahead.

333 20 28 16 CC Okay. Let me briefly tell you what we got sched-

uled for tomorrow, Jer. We got - Late in
your postsleep tomorrow, we've got you - stowing
the S183 out of the SAL, and Ed's got an ATM pass
first off, followed by ETC prep and ETC ops during
the EREP. We got that EREP starting early in the
morning. And our problem is that as a result of
our two-CMG operations, we're going to want Ed to
monitor our maneuver to Z-LV and our maneuver at -
from Z-LV back to solar inertial. Well, the
Flight Plan was written - was, you know, not
knowing about this requirement. Tomorrow the
weather's supposed to be excellent over the
southeast U.S., and we've got seven madatory sites
there and five of them require ETC coverage. And
where we're getting in the bind is getting the
amount of time for the ETC prep out of the Flight
Plan and not - not go into the operation time.

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The problem is is that 20 minutes maneuver time

you have to monitor going in. Now it looks to
us like there's three options. One is for the
SPT to do the prep and the presleep tonight, and
that's going to really eat into the time there,
and do the film load - correction on that; make
that the postsleep in the morning, and do the
flim load earlier than it calls for in the Flight
Plan. And that way he could get the film load
' out of the way prior to monitoring the maneuvers.
So as soon as the maneuver's over, he can go down
and do his ops. The other option or second is -
and this is the one that I'm not so sure he -
how familiar the CDR is, - is for the CDR to
stow the 183 tonight, in addition to the film

333 20 30 22 CC Now that's going to eat into the presleep.

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r Time: 333:20:30 to 333:22:00
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333 20 30 25 CC And let the CDR do the ETC prep, which is putting
it into the SAL for the SPT tomorrow morning during
the time that would normally he used for the 183
stow. And, of course, the last option is delete
, the ETC operation altogether, and we're a little
reluctant to do that. We wondered how you feel
about it?

333 20 30 43 CDR We're reluctant to do that, too. I think probably

our - our best course of action is for me to _o
ahead and pull the S183 out tonight and do the
setup for him tomorrow morning.

333 20 30 55 CC Okay. I don't know how much time you've done on

that, Jet. That was a big question mark we had.
The mechanical - is rather simple, although there
are so_e thin_s I _uess you have to watch for,
pip Dins and the like on - on it that - -

SPT Yes, Hank, I've done that twice in the past 2 days,
and I can whistle through that part pretty quickly.
So I think I ought to be able to handle that fairly
quickly in the morning. No problem there.

333 20 31 19 CC Okay. Then what we will assume then is that - that

Jerry will try to squeeze in the 183 stow tonight,
and he will either do or held you set up in the
morning. And you'll try to get all that done early
enough that you can do the monitoring. Is that -
is that the way you want to do that?

CDR Yes, I think that's the smart way to _o. And I'll -
I'll work with him tomorrow mornin_ and see how
I'_ doinF and get all the pointers from him, so
that if we run across this - across this kind of
a bind a_ain, I'll _o ahead and do it.

333 20 31 50 CC Okay. Now the problem is, in the mornin_ he's _ot
an AT_ DaSS he's _ot to he runnin_ that - he might
be able to break through the postsleep there and
help you - help do that stow, though. And we're
about 30 seconds from LOS now. We'll be covin_ up
on VanKuard at hq, and we're scheduled for a voice
data dump there.
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CDR Okay, Hank. And any ideas on why we didn't get

that downlink goin£?

CC We're still scratching our head. Are - you all -

you didn't turn un anythin_ on the connections,
did you?

333 20 32 21 CDR Everything looks fine.

CC Okay. We're wonderin_ about that input station
now, and we're tryin_ to look back and see if we've
used it lately.

CDR Yes, you have. You used it for watchin_ Ed do

that S054 film load. 'Fnat was it? Yesterday?
And he's also done some AT}4 do_nlinks through it.

CC Okay. We'll keep looking at it, Jerry, and tell

you what we come up with.

333 20 32 58 SPT It's not time crit_csl, Hank, but I'n_ goin_ to have
to do a ... down and - or a couple ....

333 20 h8 44 CC Skylab, Houston through Vanm/ard for Ii minutes.

CDR Hello, Hank.

CC And SPT, for information, we noticed two subfaint

flares in active re_ion 87 from 20:00 to 20:15.

SPT Thank you, Hank.

333 2051 28 CC SPT, Houston. We saw only one sequence there on

the S05 h in the building block 28. Did you try.
two of them?

SPT That's negative, Hank. I'll try and net them

another one now.

333 20 51 50 CC Okay. Appreciate it, Ed. Sun center.

333 20 58 56 CC Sk_lab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS. We'll

be comin_ uD on Hawaii 5 ° minutes from now st 21:5_.

333 21 58 lh CC Skylab, Houston through Hawaii for 7-1/2 minutes.

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333 22 05 07 CC Skylah, Houston; i minute to LOS. We'll be coming

up on Vanguard at 27. And, Skylah, Vanguard is
scheduled for data recorder dump.

333 22 27 33 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

9-1/2 minutes. Out.

333 22 36 32 CC Skylah, this is Houston; i minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 58 minutes through Hawaii at
23:34. Out.

CDR Houston, Skylab.

CC Go ahead, Skylab.

CDR Roger. Is the nu Z of 1.2 still good for my 1837

That's what we're showing up here in ORBITAL

_- CC NuZ is 2.2; 2.2,Jerry.

CDR Okay, I'ii stick with 2.2.

333 22 37 50 CC Skylab, this is Houston in the blind. 1.14 for

nUZ; 1.14 for nu Z. This is Houston. Out.

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333 23 34 lh CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for

9-1/2 minutes. And for your information, we're
going to ENABLE MOMENTUM DUMP at this time.

CDR Roger, Bruce.

CDR Bruce, you might mention to the S183 people that

I think we were kind of victimized by flight
planning on that one. We only got the first
exposure going and had to truncate it probably
just a few seconds before it was complete. And
I had a funny on there that I don't really under-
stand. And that is that we started with PLATE i
and only one exposure, which was 1260, and some-
where through the exposure, the machine decided
to go to PLATE 2. And when I terminated the
exposure, we're now setting at PLATE 3. So l'm
not sure just exactly what happened there. All
r the details,by the way, are on the tape, Bruce.

CC Okay, do you have any estimate of how many seconds

before the 1260 was up, the thing termi - You
had to terminate due to sunrise?

333 23 35 40 CDR That's affirmative, and I don't think there was

more than 20 to 30 seconds left on the exposure
to be done; and that was a 1260-second exposure.

CC Okay, we'll look for the details on the tape.

Have you got a second, or are you busy powering
up the ATM now?

CDR No; go ahead. I'm in observing time here. I'm

busy watching this filament number 37, praying
for some sort of an eruption or something like

CC Okay, with respect to your comment on A channel

about deleting the experiment record switch,
repositioning to Echo and Hotel positions on the
171 observer cue card, we would prefer to stick
with this procedure because my understanding is
TAG Tape 333-13/T-163
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that doing that puts a ground on the line. And

if you leave it in B and B, then there's a pair
of opened 320-samples-per-second channels that
are hooked into the TM system. And we're con-
cerned that we'd get some noise in them and this
might be misinterpreted and delay the data trans-
mission from the sites back to the Mission
Control Center. Over.

' 333 23 36 h8 CDR Okay, Bruce, if there's a good reason for it,
we'll leave it the way it is. I'll tell you
it's a trap, though.

CC Roger. We copy you, but I think there probably

is a good reason for doing that. And if you've
got a pencil and paper around, we've got a little
procedure we'd like to add into your command
module 2 housekeeping this evening, with respect
to RCS QUAD Bravo. We've observed that the QUAD
Bravo FUEL MANIFOLD PRESSURE has been track -
during the trim burn. We'd like you to cycle
the QUAD Bravo PROPELLENT VALVE as follows: On
panel 2, of course, verify first off that the
_{ RCS QUAD PROPELLENT talkbacks, eight of them,
are in barber pole. And are you with me?

CDR Yes; go ahead.


the talkbacks, two, go to gray. QUAD PRIMARY
PROPELLENT Bravo CLOSED and hold it in a CLOSED
position for 5 seconds and verify that you get
two barber poles on the talkbacks for QUAD Bravo.

CDR Okay, understand. This is a QUAD Bravo. First of

all. we'll verify we got eight talkbacks barber
pole. Then PRImaRY Bravo OPEN, observe two grays
and then CLOSE and hold CLOSED for 5 seconds and
observe that it goes back to barber pole.

CC Roger. You got it.

333 23 38 23 CDR Now. Bruce, tell me again just why we are doing
this. You went over that a little fast.
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CC Okay, during the trim burn we were watching the

QUAD Bravo FUEL MANIFOLD PRESSURE, and we observed
that it behaved in exactly the same way as the
PSM FUEL MANIFOLD PRESSURE, suggesting that the
interconnect valve there was open. And what we
want to do is make sure that it's closed.

CDR Okay. How much longer we got left on our fuel

, cells?

CC Standby, and we'll check.

CDR Okay.

CC Approximately another 6 days, Jerry.

CDR Hey, that's great. Very good.

333 23 40 ]8 CC And another bit of information you might like to

know, Jerry, is that we've completed a teleprinter
message on the monitoring techniques for two CMG
maneuvers. This will be coming up to you this
evening, and we'll plan on tlaking to you about
F the content of the message after the med conference
this evening but before you turn in and after
you've got the - the paper work in your hand and
have had a chance to look it over for a minute or
so. Over.

CDR Okay, fine, Bruce. Thank you.

CC And one more item. During the rerun of TV-3 yes-

terday, there was no voice recorded on the VTR.
We could see Ed speaking very deliberately into
the comm carrier maicrophone. But when it's con-
venient, we'd like one of you all to check on
speaker intercom box 116 and verify that the VTR
audio cable is connected to channel A and that the
channel A selector is in the PTT position. Over.

333 23 hl 18 CDR Okay, we'll do that.

CC Roger. Out.

333 23 43 05 CC Skylab, this is Houston; i minute to LOS. Next

contact through the Vanguard at sea in 23 minutes
at 00:06 with a data/voice tape recorder dump.
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CDR Roger, Bruce. We got an intermittent ACS MALF

light. I haven't had time to look it up yet.

CC Roger. It's one mib firing for momentum relief

because we Just came out of momentum inhibit.

CDR Okay, thank you.

333 23 43 46 CC No problem.

334 00 05 54 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

9-1/2 minutes. Dumping your data/voice tape
recorder. Over.

CDR Roger, Bruce. And I hear the woodpecker pookey -

pecking away.

CC Which woodpecker is that? The S009 woodpecker?

CDR No, the teleprinter woodpecker.

CC Okay.

CDR No, the S009 sounds like a dump truck.

CC After all, it's got to unload going through the

South Atlantic anomally, I guess.

CDR That's right; it dumps its gravel every 90 minutes.

334 O0 13 57 CC Skylab, this is Houston; l-l/2 minutes to LOS.

Next station contact in 8-1/2 minutes through
Ascension at 00:23. It's a 3-minutes pass, low
elevation, but we'll talk to you there. In the
meantime, for the CDR, if he has a minute, we'd
like you to go back down by S183 and determine
the actual exposure settings that are set in on
the three sets of knobs down there so that we can
check a little further on the situation that you
described to us. Over.

CDR Bruce, the actual exposure settings on the knobs

are 000, 000, and 1260.

CC Okay, thank you very much. And you can go ahead

and wind up the 183 ops with a - Cycle around
to 01 and power down in preparation for your stowage
later on. Over.
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334 00 14 59 CDR Okay, I'm going to go ahead and do that.

334 00 22 31 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Ascension for

3 minutes. And we show that you got an AUTO reset
during the dump initiation here - 55 pounds seconds,
II mibs -and we're looking at it on telemetry.

CDR Roger, Bruce. We heard it.

CC Skylab, this is Houston. Over. Skylab, this is

Houston. We do not have command capability through
Ascension this pass. We wonder if one of you
could select SOLAR INERTIAL for us while you're
closing out the panel. Over.

CDR Okay, Bruce.

334 00 24 52 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 1 hour and 19 minutes through
the Vanguard at 01:43, with a data/voice tape
recorder dump. We show you returning to SOLAR
INERTIAL after having aborted the attempted grav-
_- ity gradientdump, and we'll be lookingat the
ASAP data during the LOS. Talk to you over the
Vanguard. Over.

CDR Roger, Bruce. We'll see you then.

CC Roger. And your men - momentum state is fine for

the time being.

CDR Roger.

CC Did anybody check the SIA for that VTR hookup?

CDR That's affirmative. It was - channel A was in


CC Okay, INC0 breathes a sigh of relief.

CDR Okay, should be in PTT, right?

334 00 25 38 CC Roger.

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F Time: 33h:01:00 to 33h:02:30
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334 01 h3 29 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

10-1/2 minutes with a data/voice tape recorder dump
and the commentary on the handheld photos.

PLT Roger, Bruce.

MCC Hello, Bill. I'm ready to talk about the visual

observations pad here, if somebody's ready to talk
to me about it.

PLT Go ahead, Bill.

334 01 44 00 MCC Okay, thought I'd just start at the top and see
what your comments were. Mainly, we sent it up
as a trial balloon, so to speak, to see if you
thought that these were appropriate with your
experience and, in particular, on the scheduling
times. Do those numbers look right and reasonable
to you?

334 O1 h4 18 PLT Well, Bill, I had three in my pad, and two of them
I couldn't do because it conflicted with the EREP.
But my suggestion is to Just keep right on putting
them on there. We'll check our schedule, and if
we can't do them, we don't do them. But that one
snow cover was a beautiful call; I got two very
good Nikon pictures of the - I don't know whether
it was South Dakota or Nebraska or some place up

334 01 44 44 MCC Okay, very good. And incidentally, the times

we're talking about are only on scheduled ones,
which would appear on your pad as scheduled and
should not conflict with anything. The optionals
we put on Just to let you know that there's some-
thing good out the window, in case you get a minute.
And we don't allot any time to it.

CDR Right. I think those times look pretty good, Bill.

Let's go ahead and try them for awhile.

334 O1 45 07 MCC Okay. And then the other idea here was that in
many cases, like, for instance, I believe, today's
Sakurazim_ volcano, things of a weather nature,
TAG Tape 334-01/T-164
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snow cover, things of this nature, that we have

time-varying information to supplement the informa-
tion in the book, we'll have a new pad called visual
observations pad, and your details will refer you
to that. And that's the mechanism whereby we'll
update the book and give you supplementary informa-
tion, if that's agreeable with you.

334 01 45 40 CDR Yes, that's fine. In the - in the case of Sakura-

zima, we saw it smoking about 3 days ago and didn't
have the camera handy to take a picture. So I hope
we got a good one today.

334 01 45 50 MCC Okay, good. And the question we had on that, then,
is your preference. Would you prefer that we send
you one of these supplementary pads and have you
keep it with the book, or would one for each crew-
man be more convenient?

CDR I think if you Just sent one for the book and then
put the - the details in each of our pads, probably
would be plenty good enough.

334 Ol 46 15 MCC Okay, good. That's what I thought too, but I

wanted to check in case you each wanted one. The
debriefing guide we suggested really is an outgrowth
of having looked through some of the SL-3 pictures
and trying to correlate that with some data that
we had. I might add that the debriefings that
you've been recording have been very good and are
certainly giving us a lot of information. What I
propose here, though, is when we agree on what
ought to go in the debriefing guide, let us
reword it, put it in a list form that's a lot
easier to follow at a glance of the eye, and send
you another one, two, three, whatever you need.
And you can pin it either in a book or by the
speaker box, and use it in that fashion. Did you
have any comments on the content of step 4 there?

334 01 47 07 CDR Bill, I don't have any comments, mainly because

I haven't had enough time to really sit down
and - and think about it very much. But I've
read through it quickly, and it - it all - it
reads well right now. It sounds pretty good, and
I'm willing to go ahead and start out using it for
now, and - and we'll see what develops.
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354 Ol 47 24 MCC Okay, good. And one thing let me point out is
in the middle of it, we have some things like
f-stops, shutter speed, filters, time, and things
of this nature that wherever you've done it by
the number, so to speak - the book says do such
and such. Negative port - reporting is fine,
unless there's a change to the book, you don't
even need to mention it. The most important
part of all, which is the part that you've been
concentrating on in your debriefings, is really
the last part, which is the - well, I guess, the
first part, the observations and the descriptions,
remembering that the observations are equally as
important as the photographs themselves. We
don't - certainly don't want to cut short on
the observations. And we ought to award you
quite a few attaboys so far for the work you've

CDR Okay; thank you, Bill.

334 Ol 48 i0 MCC Okay. And do you have any other thoughts of any
way we can improve the progrsln based on the work
_ you'vedone so far?

334 01 h8 18 CDR Not so far. We've been real pleased to see all
these opportunities coming up. And most of them
have worked out real well; I think it's a pretty
good system we've got working here now. The big
thing with us has been the learning curve. We
haven't really started doing what I consider to
be a pretty good job on that stuff until Just
the last few days. For a long time there, we'd
just look out the window and we'd see stuff go
by and we'd say, "Oh golly, where the heck are we,
and what is it?" But now we're beginning to get
our bearings; we're beginning to recognize things.
And I think you'll see that we'll be doing an
even better Job as time goes on.

334 01 h8 52 MCC Okay, that's great. And whenever you are Just
looking out the window, even without a camera,
all the words you can give us are greatly appre-
ciated. And we're analyzing the words every bit
as much as we will analyze the photos.
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334 01 49 06 SPT Bill, I think one thing in the future as we get

along a little bit - hopefully the time line
won't be as crowded - is that. When we do look -
have this out-the-window time, I think you
probably will get a lot - back a lot more words.
I see things occasionally which I wish I only had
time to really work on, but I'm Just looking out
at a glance. A lot of cloud formations and - and
a couple of geological features, but I just flat
don't have the time. I'm running by the window
rather than spending a little - at least lO,
15 minutes looking out. I hope in the future, when
the time line lets up a little bit, you'll have time
to get some of these really significant ohserva-
tions in.

334 01 49 40 MCC Okay, that sounds great, and I'm sure we will.
And keep up the good work. And especially, your
target-of-opportunity photographs have been
about 95 percent of the program so far. And
they're really looking great. - -

SPT Okay, Bill.

MCC Okay, that's all I - -

SPT ...

MCC That's all I got - -

SPT Appreciate your help on them.

334 01 50 01 MCC Okay, fine. And that's all I got for now; we'll
see you later.

CDR Okay; thank you, Bill - -

SPT Good night, Bill.

CDR We'll talk to you later. Houston, this is

Skylab. We missed our S009 opportunity. Can
you give me another - another initiate time the
next time through?

33h 01 50 21 CC Okay, stand by on that.

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CDR By the way, Bruce, we also got a CMG RESET some

time ago, while you were over the hill. And
things have been a little bit busy as we dash
up there and check it out.

SPT Yes, what we got, Bruce, - -

334 01 50 39 CC Okay.

SPT - - was a caution and warning for a CMG SAT. I

don't think we went into a reset routine though.
We got up to the peak; it was around 20 minutes
remaining in day, and we just watched it. I don't
think we fired any TACS, and it - the external ...
structure that just came back down again.

334 01 50 57 CC Okay, we show you fired two mibs. And in the

teleprinter right now, we have permanent general
message 004 dealing with the two-CMG configura-
tion. We would like you to go up there as soon
as feasible and read that over, and we'll be
talking to you about it, probably about an hour
and a half from now at Vanguard at 03:20.

SPT Okay. Bruce, I was looking over the time line

for tomorrow, and I think it would be best, at
least for a few days here, that I knock off
everything after 03:00. So that means I'll have
to scrub that ATM pass, either that or - or push
Jerry out of it, but I don't want to do that.
I'd like to try to do that in the future, if I
could, for a - quite a few days here, and see if
I can't catch up a little bit.

334 01 51 47 CC Okay, stand by. Does that same comment apply

for all three crewmen, or is it just you, Ed?

SPT Well, they'll have to speak for themselves.

CC Okay. Well, I'm - I guess I'm asking them.

CDR You can - I think you can continue it on with

the CDR.

CC Is the PLT on board?

CDR Yes, the PLT is game for awhile too.

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CC Okay. We've got that, and we will scrub out

that last ATM pass for the SPT.

334 01 52 36 SPT Hate to give up, Bruce, but I think I better.

CC No, no, we're encouraging free dialog here. And

our object is to write up the Flight Plan and
arrange the details of it so as to facilitate
your operations up there. This is the sort of
info we need. And the next opportunity for
S009 is 02:41:00 Zulu, 02:41:00.

CDR Roger. Copy.

33h 01 53 lh CC Okay, 1 minute to LOS. Next station contact in

3-1/2 minutes through Ascension with the evening
status report at 01:56. Over.

334 01 53 26 PLT Roger, Bruce ; and the PLT here. At the end of
the EREP this morning, I reported a couple of
the platens that looked like they had streaks
on them. Not just the fine linear features, but
there was a sort of a gob of something on camera
platen number 1 and a less definite one on camera
platen number 3.

33h 01 53 h8 CC Okay. Does it look like this stuff would be

tractable to being cleaned off with the onboard
equipment, or do you want us to try and come up
with some other technique for cleaning it?

33h 01 54 03 PLT Well, instructions say to notify Houston, so that's

what I'm doing. Now, the one on camera i, there's
actually a gob of material that's been rubbed
off from a - a point on the platen in the field
of view of the camera and out to the edge of the
field of view, it looks like. It looks like a
piece of emulsion. The one on camera number 3
just looks like - -

33h Ol 5h 27 CC Okay, see you at Ascension.

33h 01 56 52 CC Skylah, this is Houston through Ascension for

10-1/2 minutes. Standing by for the evening
status report. Over.
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CC Skylab, this is Houston through Ascension for

i0 minutes. Standing by for the evening status
report. Over.

CDR Houston, Skylab. How do you read?

CC Reading you loud and clear, Jerry.

334 01 57 30 CDR Okay, here it comes again. Mission day lb.

CDR, 6.5 on the sleep - 6.0 heavy, 1/2 light;
SPT, 6.5 - 6.0 heavy, 0.5 light; PLT, 6.0 heavy.
I'll get the urine volume for you in a minute.
Drinking gun: CDR, 6854; SPT, 1583; PLT, 7671.
Body mass: CDR, 6.282, 6.286, 6.285; SPT, 6.387,
6.386, 6.389; PLT, 6.224, 6.226, 6.220. Volume:
CDR, 1800; SPT, 1600; PLT, 2800. Exercise: CDR,
method Alfa, leg, 35 minutes, 4400 watt-minutes.
Method Bravo, Alfa and Foxtrot, l0 each; Echo, 30.
The time taken was 5 minutes. Method Charlie;
position Charlie, Delta, and Foxtrot; 4 minutes;
l0 each. Method Echo, the Hordinsky special,
04 minutes, l0 each. Method Foxtrot, 08 minutes.
The SPT, method Alfa, leg, 40 minutes,
7000 watt-minutes. PLT, method Alfa, legs,
35 minutes, 5000 watt-minutes. Method Bravo;
Alfa, Beta, Delta, and Echo; 8 minutes;
50 repetitions each. Method Charlie ; Bravo,
Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, and Hotel ;
7 minutes ; 15 repetitions each; Foxtrot,
8 minutes.

334 02 00 21 CDR Medication: none. Garment discard: CDR, one

pair of socks; SPT, one pair of shorts, one
T-shirt. Food log: CDR, plus h.O salt, minus one
coffee with sugar, plus one apple Juice; rehad -
rehydrateable water deviations, plus one. SPT,
zero salt, 18 -plus pears, minus peaches, minus
eggs, plus biscuits; water deviations, 16 ounces
plus. PLT - PLT, zero salt, minus two coffees,
no water deviation. Two additions to the PLT
deviations, plus one hard candy, plus one mint.
Flight Plan deviations: nothing that you don't
already know about; I guess the only thing would
be the S1 - 183 stowage, which will go on tonight.
Shopping list accomplishments : nothing. Inoperable
equipment : none, other than the CMG problems.
Unscheduled stowage: none. Stand by for the
photo log.
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334 02 01 55 CC Roger. We're carrying SIA 131 as inoperable.


CDR Okay, that's right; I forgot that one.

CDR Bruce, we'll get you the photo pad a little bit
later, after the next pass.

CC Okay, next pass is the private reed conference at

G,,_m at 02:40. And then Vanguard at 03:20, we
plan on talking the two-CMG control situation.
So - have you used anything on 16-millimeter
that we ought to know about?

334 02 02 35 CDR Yes, we've used quite a bit. We've done some
MI51 with 183, and we did some EREPs, some
regular 183 ops, and some h87 ops. And we've
got to get all that tabulated.

CC Okay, we copy. During the Mh87-2A questionaire,

the SPT stated that he used the vent on the
large air mixing chamber as a work table. Specif-
ically what type of tasks or demonstrations
were you performing using that? Over.

SPT Bruce, it was mostly paperwork. At the time, I

was reconfiguring checklists and - and also
working with my teleprinter messages. It's a
good way to hold them all down. I Just happened
to be there at the time. Its a little awkwards
going up there and using it, but while I was
there for the particular time, it worked real

334 02 03 33 CC Okay, we copy. And over the past 2 days during

the building block i operations, the fourth S054
sequence has been frequently omitted or truncated.
With the S054 filter stuck, all four sequences
are needed for picture averaging to ensure opti-
mum return. And we'd like very much to get all
the scheduled operations in. Is there a problem
that you're running into in completing building
block 1 with no obv - with no indication to you
of the filter position - that is, the number of
sequences taken - or is there some other way
that we ought to be presenting this? Over.
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334 02 04 12 SPT No, that's - that's really up here, Bruce. The

problem arose when we were changing configuration
and using it and not using it, in any different
modes all the time. And we Just finally gor
around to the - to the point where we haven't
kept up with it. Now we know what the stable
configuration is, how they want to operate it,
and we'll get there.

CC Okay, mighty fine. That about takes care of the

evening questions and the evening status report.
Have you got anything for us?

SPT Yes, I'd - I'd like to ask you, what filter do

they want in the ETC for tomorrow?

334 02 Oh 52 CC Filter 5, Ed.

CDR Bruce, how much time we got? I can give you a

photo report.

CC You got 2 minutes and 15 seconds. You can make

it if you're speedy.

334 02 05 01 CDR Okay, if you can write fast, here it comes.

16-millimeter: EREP, 440-foot mag; CL09,
90 percent remaining. M151/S183, PR-1/Foxtrot
India; Charlie India 93, 05, Charlie India 122.
S183, 140-foot mag; Uniform Alfa 04, 95 percent
remaining. M487-4 Echo, transporter 07 ; Charlie
India 85, 00, Charlie India 58. Mh87-4 Alfa;
Charlie India 125, 17, Charlie India 12h. Nikon:
Nikons l, 2, and 3, no change since yesterday.
Nikon 4, Charlie X-ray 19, 63; Nikon 5, Bravo
Hotel 03, 35. 70-millimeter; no change since
yesterday. ETC: Bravo Whiskey 03, 051. EREP:
set Romeo, 9425, 1612, 9143, 8517, 0288, 9192.
A configuration: Alfa l; 07, no supplies;
takeup, CI85. Alfa 2; 05, Charlie India 93, 96,
Charlie India 122. Alfa 3; 06, Charlie India 125,
18, Charlie India 124. Alfa 4; 03, Charlie
India 71, 96, Charlie India 82. Back, 02; no
supplies ; takeup, Charlie India 56.

CC Beautiful, Jerry; 8 seconds remaining. Next

station contact is the private medical conference
through Guam at 02:h0, which is 33-1/2 minutes
TAG Tape 33h-01/T-16h
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from now. The docs will talk to you there.

Vanguard at 03:21, an hour and 13minutes from
now. Over.

CDR Okay, Brucel We'll see you there.

33_ 02 07 22 _ CC Roger. Out.

TAG Tape 334-02/T-165
Time: 334:02:30 to 334:04:00
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334 03 20 27 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Vanguard for

lO-1/2 minutes. Over.

CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

l0 minutes. Over.

SPT Roger; hello, Bruce. Bill's Just finishing up

on the ATM, and Jerry's got a debriefing going
on 183 on the tape recorder. We'll be all right
with you.

334 03 21 Ol CC Okay, for the PLT up on the ATM, we were watching

on telemetry during the med conference at _1.m.
We noticed you were having difficulty getting
S052 to operate properly. And the reason for
this is that after you set up Sun center and you
rolled with the MPC disabled, you rolled about
a line of sight and, with the offsets in there,
wound up greater than 20 arc-seconds away from
the center of the Sun. And consequentlythe
52 wouldn't come into the - the door wouldn't
open. Over.

334 03 21 15 PLT Roger. I became aware of that, but I didn't -

I held off on 52 until I finished my time expo-
sure on 56. I went ahead and got a standard in.
I waited until a couple of the experiments timed
out, then I repointed and I got a good standard
sequence in before I went on to J0P 2.

CC Roger, we copy; and that's a - a good plan of

attack there. For the SPT, if you're standing
by for Just a minute, I wonder if we could get
you to verify the drawer A 16-millimeter status.
When Jerry read down the evening status report,
in one place he read down transporter 5, which is
in position A-2, as having 96 percent remaining.
And another place he read it down as having
5 percent remaining. Over.

334 03 22 35 PLT Bruce, this is the PLT. I Just half heard that.
Was this a couple of days ago?

CC On the film?

PLT Yes.
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CC No, that was this evening. Our flight planning

indicated that you should have used up - or used
it down to 46 percent left. And we're trying to
keep track of the film utilization, andwe sus-
pect that 96 percent - or the 5 percent is correct
aud the 96-percent callout was probably a reading
on the takeup reel.

PLT I think that's probably right. He meant the one

that was used on 183. Would you check that real

33h 03 23 15 CC That is the one that was used on 183.

334 03 23 18 CDR This is the CDR. That's affirmative. The right

reading should be 5 percent. They had a frame
rate on 183/151 of 6 frames per second. And we
really burned it up.

CC Okay, we copy, Jerry; thank you. And back to

Bill again. With respect to the contsm_nation
on the S190A platens, stations 1 and 3, the
platens should be cleaned using the procedure
on EREP odds and ends cue card prior to installing
the magazines for tomorrow's pass. We only want
you to clean those platens which have particles
or globs, but not those which have streaks in the
direction of motion. So I guess that would be
1 and 3 for the time being. Over.

334 03 24 02 PLT Roger. Copied it, Bruce.

CC And for the - whoever is free, I guess it would

be the SPT again. We've got a couple of changes
to the urine drawer resupply and urine sampling
decal for you. Over.

CDR Stand by, Bruce; I'll get him.

334 03 24 58 SPT Fire away, Bruce.

CC Okay, what we want to do is to implement the pro-

cedures in the yellow pages, pages 19-12 and
19-13 of the SWS Systems Checklist. And I'll go
through them for you here. On the urine sampling
decal at the top it's panel 800, DUMP HEATERS
URINE switch to BUS 1. And the reason that we're
starting through this sequence of events is that,
TAG Tape 334-02/T-165
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as of tomorrow morning when you're reusing urine

bags, you'll now be use - having liquid in the
vacuum system rather than Just gas. We want to
use the urine dump heaters every day, even those
days when you're putting in new bags, since there
will still be some liquid trapped in the line and
you'll have a mixture of liquid and gas coming
out the system and down the probe. Then - go

334 03 25 52 SPT We already used that this morning, Bruce. That

is, we dumped urine this morning.

CC Okay, do you want me to read through the rest of

the decal changes, or you get it out of pages
19-12 and 13 of the systems checklist?

SPT Let us take a look at it, and if we have any

questions, we'll get back with you.

334 03 26 09 CC Okay, one item to be changed, though, on the de-

cal and in the checklist is that there is a cau-
tion note that you should maintain the pressure
_- less than or equal to 0.08 psia. Now on that
meter, the correct value should be less than or
equal to 0.13, taking into account the bias that
you have. That's less than or equal to 0.13 psia.

SPT We copy. Okay, Bruce, you want to talk about

two - CMG operation?

334 03 26 43 CC Okay, we'll be with you in Just a second on that.

And we want to make doubly certain that you do
get these decal changes in. And the intent, of
course, is for the first guy in in the morning
to turn on the URINE DUMP HEATER switch and the
last guy out to turn it off after he's through.

334 03 27 07 CC Over.

CDR Bruce, is this only on the days we're dumping

urine ?

CC Negative, it is every day. The rationale for

that, Jerry, is that even on those days when
you're Just evacuating new urine bags, there
may well be some liquid left trapped in the plumb-
r ing fromthe previous day.
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CDR Okay, Roger. Understand.

334 03 27 35 CC So that's why we want to make it a change to the

decal, and you'll Just go through it every time
you do the urine resupply or reurine bag reuse.

CDR Okay, we'll m_ke that change. Now, something

disturbs me here, Bruce. It sounds to me like
you folks think we're on a different mission day
than we think we're on, as far as this urine bag
usage is concerned.

334 03 27 57 CC Okay, that was my error in reading. We confirm

that you started this morning reusing urn - urine

CDR Oh, thank heavens.

CC For 7-11. Okay. (Laughter) And now, I'll turn

it over to Bob, who's standing by here with a few
thousand well-chosen words on two-CMG operation.
And 3 minutes until LOS.

334 03 28 24 MCC Thanks a lot. Evening, gents. Have you had a _

chance to pick up that pad that we sent you about
an hour and a half ago?

CDR Yes, Crip, I've looked it over. Hey, I thought

you were on vacation.

MCC So did I.

CDR Let me ask you a - a couple of questions, unless

you got some points you want to highlight?

334 03 28 42 MCC Well, I tell you what, if - if you don't mind, I -

won't you let me hit some - some of the highlights
and then - then have you hit the questions? I
think I'm - because I'm sure that is - had to
generate quite a few of them.

CDR Okay.

334 03 28 55 MCC Okay, first of all, what I'm going to do is to tell

you a little bit about what our situation is, and
then we can get into the specifics of that. As
is quite obvious by that reset you got into a
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while ago, and the other day on our 232 maneuver,

our capability to predict what's going to happen
to our momentum status deteriorated somewhat in
the two-CMG situation. And we are still planning
on doing maneuvers, and we're willing to extend
TACS to do so. We're talking about, you know,
like 500 pound-seconds in - in 1 day to do m_n-
euvers. For example, tomorrow for that EREP
maneuver, right now we're showing somewhere in
the neighborhood of 200 pound-seconds for it.
And we've got the TACS to do it, and it is our
plan to go ahead and extend it to make sure that
we go ahead and get the data.

334 03 29 41 PLT That sounds good, brother; that's what we're here
for; we're all - we agree with it.

334 03 29 h4 CC 0keydoke. For example, tomorrow - I might mention

it - we'll remind you tomorrow, but you are going
to get a system SAT situation Just as you arrive
at Z-LV, so you're going to get caution and
warning on that. And you can expect those kind
of things to be happening. And we're also chang-
ing some of our ground rules in - in planning
maneuvers. We're planning 20 minutes msx for
maneuvers now, and we're limiting the amount of
X-axis momentum that we're going to be able to get
into, and we're limiting the amount of time that
we can stay on an outer gimbal stop to about
2 minutes. We're also talking about more times
between maneuvers for not inhibiting dumps in
that sort of situation. We're about a minute
from LOS now, and let me verify - Okay, we've got
Ascension coming up in about 7-1/2 minutes at
03:38, and we'll go ahead and get into some of
the specifics of that - that message we sent you.

334 03 30 47 SPT Okay, I've got a 233 Just about that time. What's
your druthers on talking or shooting pictures?

MCC I'll - go ahead and stand by to shoot pictures,

and we'll - we'll talk about it. I think we got
a good long pass here; we can get - get it after
you get your pictures.

334 03 31 08 SPT Okay, Crip. One question, is the TACS attitude

error deadband larger than the maneuvering at-
titude deadband - error?
TAG Tape 3_4-02/T-165
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MCC It's a different kind of thing. It's really a

rate integral of - of attitude error, and it's
not really a deadband. And I'll tell you a little
bit more about it when we get there.

33_ 03 31 28 SPT Okay. And if you could also give us the numbers
on the meters to be looking for. We can look ...
I think ...

33_ 03 38 20 MCC Skylab, Houston; we're back with you through

Ascension. And we've got you for about 16 minutes
this time. Coming up shortly through Canary
we're going to be doing the data/voice recorder
dump. And wonder if there is any chance that we
could talk either Bill or the CDR into - to doing
this 233 and - because we're primarily going to
be depending on Ed to do the monitoring on these

334 03 38 4_ CDR Okay, we'll take care of it.

MCC Sounded good. Ed, are you standing by where you

can copy, - or are you up in the command module?

SPT I'm up in the command module right now, Bob. Why

don't you let me whistle on down to the wardroom,
and I'll change places with Jerry.

MCC Whistle away.

SPT I've whistled.

334 03 39 35 MCC Fairly good. Okay. Couple of items I'm going

to hit, and I think you're probably familiar with
them. Outer gimbal drive logic, the fact that
it's in - it's active during the first and last
minute of the maneuver. It's not in between.
And as I said on that pad, it usually takes care
of your problems. And the fact that most of our
maneuvers are essentially at a constant rate,
and when you see it start to deviate dur - from
a constant rate in the - in the middle of a man-
euver, then you can suspect something is going at
least slightly awry.

SPT Okay.
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334 03 40 l0 MCC Okay. Gimbals on a stop. Because of the two-CMG

situation, you are - you're going to see gimbals
tend to get on a stop more. Especi - -

SPT Go ahead, Bob.

MCC Can you hear me now? You still copying, Ed?

SPT I think you must have Just slipped into a keyhole.

Go ahead.

334 03 40 29 MCC Okay, could - could be we got a handover here.

The fact that we're on two CMG, you are going to
see gimbals getting on a stop, especially the
inner one. The inner one quite often ends up
brushing against a stop. The - and you're going
to see - when a gimbal gets on a stop, you're
going to see the rate tend to diverge. It - and
it can increase, or it can decrease. Normally
when it increases, it's going in the right direc-
tion, and - and that doesn't really cause us
problems. And - and the inner one getting on a
stop is usually not a problem. It only becomes
a problemwith the - with the outer gettingon a

334 03 41 08 SPT Okay.

MCC Okeydoke.

SPT And on our meter, what do those positions ve -

come down to?

334 03 41 13 MCC Okay, that - the - it's about the - the 90-percent
area. Around the 95-percent area is when you're
on the stop. And it - it's quite obvious when
it gets there. It Just moves down and stops

SPT All right.

334 03 41 28 MCC Okay. We, on our last flight, had a problem on

the meter with CMG 3's outer gimbal angle. It
quite often went off scale low intermittently,
and you might anticipate that. Okay, so that
one isn't - -
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SPT All right.

33h 03.41 44 MCC But, But the - but the big thing is - is - is
when the rates start to go, when the rates start
to decrease. And I'm going to get into that a
little bit more. The TACS-only situation, like
we got into the other day on the 232 maneuver, is
a function of three items, and I listed those on
that pad. That attitude error T - of the TACS
control is kind of an oddball thing, and it's
not like the - the other attitude error. What
it turns out to be is a - is a integral of the
rate error. And it - it - just - consequently,
it Just builds up. Now if the ATT error, like
I've got listed second there, as you're aware of,
when you initiate a maneuver, it becomes a large
value immediately, the value that's equal to the

334 03 42 32 SPT Okay, the first one is really not an attitude

error, but a rate error.

CC No, it's an integral. It's an integral of - of

rate, which becomes an attitude.

SPT Okay.

334 03 42 43 MCC Okay. And the third one, essentially meaning

when the - the rate changes sign, it means that
it's going in the wrong direction to solve the
rate error.

SPT Okay, that's clear.

MCC Okeydoke. Now, what we're primarily interested

in your monitoring is the rates. And we're going
to be putting those on your pads. And we're going
to carry them out to - to all three places past
the decimal, not the four that you've got displayed.
But that - those are just gouges as to about what
you can expect to see.

SPT Good idea.

334 03 43 17 MCC Okay, now don't let small rates confuse you, be-
cause if you got one where you don't have to -
it's not very large, it could tend to go back and
reverse sign a little bit. And that's not a sign
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of a big problem, it's one - really starts to

change significantly.

SPT You got to look at them in light of the attitude

error, I think.

334 03 4B 34 MCC That's correct. Okay, now the counter 2 or B I

mentioned. Are you f_m_liar with - you know,
counter 2 or 3 is displaying the - the fraction
portion of the - of the single memory location
that you're displaying. And I put counter 3 -
2 or 3, which will allow you some option to
continue looking at rates.

SPT Yes. Why don't you hit that a little bit though?
I've read what you said, and maybe I'm
misunderstanding it.

MCC Okay.

SPT Review it a little.

334 03 44 01 MCC Okay, that calling up the - the attitude error

f of the TACS control,all you can do it is though
the single memory location. And we - we gave
you the page that they're located in your ATM
System Checklist, and also we gave you the - the
actual commands that you can enter to call them
up. Now what you get on counter 1 is the whole
number portion of whatever value it is, and what
you get on counters 2 and B, and they're Just
repeated, counter 2 and 3 are exactly alike,
is the fraction portion of it. And it so happens
on this particular callup, the fraction portion
of it is the only thing that is significant.

334 03 44 40 SPT Okay.

MCC Okay, now like - like that 0900 I gave you as the
limit, that is in pi rods, and it's 0.09, and
that equates to approximately 16 degrees.

SPT Okay, we were scratching our heads trying to

figure that out a little while ago.

MCC I beg your pardon.

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SPT We were trying to convert from pi rods to get to

the number of degrees a little while ago.

BB4 0B 45 03 MCC Okay, 1 pi rod is equal to 180. Okay, now the

value where the thing actually switches is when
it gets to be a 0.1111, that's about 20 degrees.

SPT Okay.

MCC Okay- -

SPT Okay, Bob.

334 03 45 23 MCC Okeydoke. Now, the action that you should take,
and - and what you're going to see are the rates
significantly starting to change. Now that Just
tells you you should look at this - this attitude
error of the TACS control law. Okay, and - and
you can get a Va - an idea of Just how rapidly
things are diverging on you. And you have to
make some Judgment, and we gave you a value of
0900 as the one to go ahead and initiate action
on. And what we're going to have you do there
is to basically start a - or reinitiate a maneuver.
And you can do that by changing modes, like hit
STANDBY, making sure you're there, and then
hitting SOLAR INERTIAL. Okay?

SPT Yes, I understand that part of it.

334 03 46 06 MCC Okay, very good. And then we told you a bit
about - you can phase the Z-LV maneuver if you
think you can. One - one item I didn't know
whether you do or not, do you normally have your
vent time counting down to the end of the man-
euver? If not, that's a good idea, because it
gives you a - you can - a ready reference as to
what you need to enter.

334 03 46 2_ SPT No, I don't. I'm using the ... attitude error
Just to let me know where I am in the maneuver,
but that's a good idea. I'll - a I'll go ahead
and set that up.

334 03 46 32 MCC Okeydoke. That really, quick and dirty, sort of

runs over the - the significance of the thing.
I - I guess we - we've tried it in the simulator,
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but we've only been able to - to duplicate it -

like on that run that you did the other day on
232. We managed to get the same situation down
here on the second time - when we tried it again
after having the same - same condition on - on
the SLS. And the technique works there. But
again, we haven't been able to try it on a - on
a wide variety of things.

334 03 47 03 SPT Okay. Your reasons, though, for reselecting a

maneuver, then, is strictly based on what we're
looking at in terms of attitude errors, and not
on whether we got CMG SAT, although that may
eventually result in the error.

MCC No, what we're trying to do is to prevent you

from getting into an - switching to a TACS-only
control situation. And that's based on those
three items that we talked about. Okay?

334 03 47 29 SPT Okay. We - we go at 16 rather than wait for the


F MCC Well, what - what - if you wait for the 20 and

you - and - and you have let your sign of your
rate change, you're probably already too late,
and it's going to switch before you do it, see.
So to prevent that situation, I'm - we're trying
to give you some lead, and that's the 16 degrees.

SPT Yes, I understand that, Bob. Okay.

334 03 h7 59 MCC Okay. And tomorrow I guess it is our intent

right now that you should monitor the m_ueuver
in. And then, when you get there - get to Z-LV,
you can hustle on back and do your ETC and then
come back and monitor the maneuver out.

SPT Okay, I'll go ahead and do that. There was a

note here about monitoring, excluding the first
and last minute. Are you that confident we won't
have any problem there, even though we've got
the gimbal drive logic - -?

334 03 48 27 MCC Well, there's nothing - there's nothing you can

monitor there, because the things are really
going to - can - can squirrel around if the outer
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gimbal drive logic is - is active. So you really

can't tell too much there, and you should not get
into any kind of a problem when that's active.

SPT Okay, Bob; I've got it. Some questions may come
up later on, but right now I understand what
you've said.

334 OB 48 h9 MCC Okay.

334 03 h8 50 SPT ...

MCC Okeydoke, very good. We've got a handover coming

up here, and we've still got about 5 minutes in
this pass, so I'm going to go ahead and turn it
back to Bruce now. Thank you very much, and good
night, guys.

SPT Good night, Bob. And thanks a lot for your time.
Appreciate it.

334 03 49 03 MCC Appreciate yours.

CDR Hello,

CC Hello, Jerry.

CDR Got a few administrative goodies for you here.

CC Okay, administer away.

334 03 49 12 CDR Okay, I got changes today into the Flight Plan,
the checklist cue card, and the biomed checklist,
and they were change number 2, and I don't have
number 1. I wonder if you'd send those up again
for me, please?

CC Run the three of them by again, please.

CDR Flight Plan, the checklist cue card, change num-

ber l, and biomed checklist change number 1. I
don't seem to have them.

334 03 49 38 CC Okay, we'll do that for you.

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CDR Okay, and we Just finished up one roll of film

in Nikon 04 on our visual ops. I'd like to know
what film roll to tell Bill to load tomorrow
morning in threading.

CC We'll get that for you.

33h 03 49 56 CDR Okay, and another point on this handheld photo-

graphy. I have not been including that in my
evening status report as shopping list items be-
cause we're debriefing each one of those exer-
cises as soon as it's done_ and I don't thinkwe
really need to add that on to the evening report.
It Just makes more time.

33_ 03 50 14 CC We concur with that. The way you're doing it is

Just beautiful.

CDR Okay, that's it, Bruce. Thank you.

CC Okay, we'll get a roll of film.

334 03 51 14 CC Skylab, this is Houston. If it's convenient, we'd

F like to get a framesremainingcount off the
C&D panel this evening. We didn't copy that.

CDR Houston, Skylab.

CC Go ahead, Jerry.

CDR Okay, got another one, Bruce. I think the 183

folks - I think we've got problems with the
hardware. I Just finished, about 15 minutes
ago, complete recap of the whole day's operations
with one - S183, and I'd suggest they get that
tape Just as soon as possible and digest it and
send me up any other questions they might have.
When I took the carrousel out of the - out of
the SA, one of the doggone plates was still hang-
ing out, even after the carrousel had cycled
through all 33 plates and back to number 1 again.
So we got some sort of a sequencer problem, I'm
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334 03 52 h6 CC Okay, we copy that, Jerry. And we'll be waking

up tomorrow morning at 12:00 even over Canary.
And I got a couple items of news here in the
minute and a half we have remaining, if you'd
like me to read them.

CDR Fire away.

334 03 52 59 C Okay, kilometer i01 in Egypt. The Israeli -

Israelics and Egyptians broke off truce talks
after they were unable to agree on pulling troops
back from the Suez Canal front. No further
meetings were scheduled. Washington: The admin-
istration is moving toward rationing of gasoline,
although normal - no formal decision to take such
a step has so far been made. The planners said
Wednesday that rationing looked ec - increasingly
likely, despite President Nixon's strong dislike
for it, because senior administration officials
have concluded that Congress would not approve
a large increase in the federal tax on gasoline
to discourage driving. Job training bill, in-
cluding a program to help ease unemployment that
might result from the energy crunch, was approved
by the House and sent to the Senate.

334 03 53 43 CC President Nixon has indicated he will follow a

new Mideast Policy favoring Israeli concessions
to the Arabs in peace negotiations, several Dem-
ocratic congressmen said. The congressmen, who
were among 37 Democratic House members who met
with Nixon this week, said the President stressed
that Israel must recognize that its only friend
is the United States. His remarks were ex -
extremely encouraging to those who think that
American policy in the Middle East in the past
has been too pro-Israel - too pro-Israeli, and a
more evenhanded policy is needed.

334 03 5h 13 CC Buenos Aires: The illness of 78-year-old President

Juan D. Peron is forcing political leaders to
recognize the possibility of a woman president
of Argentina. When Peron's victory in the
presidential election last September swept his
h2-year-old wife, Isabel, into the presidency
[sic], few believed that she would ever succeed
him. But a week ago, Peron suffered what his
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doctors described as a recurrence of bronchitis

that has kept him away from his desk since then.
He now appears to be recovering and may resume
duties next week.

334 03 54 46 CDR Okay, Bruce; thanks a lot. Good night.

CC Roger. And we do not want to reload NK0h.

CDR You do not want to load it?

CDR That's affirmative. Do not load NK0h.

CDR Okay. What are we going to use for visual ops

photos ?

334 03 55 05 CC Do you have a number on that plate that fell out

of S1837


TAG Tape 33h-O3/T-166
. Time: 334:0h:00 to 33h:Oh:h9
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334 04 20 21 CDR Houston, Skylab.

CC Skylab, this is Houston. We're reconfiguring; can

you read us? Over.

CDR Yes, Bruce. Read you loud and clear. How me?

CC Okay, we got you; go ahead.

334 04 20 45 CDR Okay, got to thinking about this 16-millimet@r

transporter number 7 - correction, number 5, and
we went back and checked it again. And yea, _
verily; it is reading 96 percent. We went back
and checked out the camera that it was in, and
the transport's in good shape. The test camera
runs it through real fine, but camera number 08,
which is the one we had it in, will not pull film.
It clicks along merrily, the light flashes and
everything makes you think you're - you're burn-
f ing film, but you're not. So the correct - the
correct configuration now for Alfa 2 is supply CI93,
takeup CI122, and 96 percent. That means we got
no 151 photos for S183.

334 04 21 38 CC Okay, thank you very much for checking on that.

That clears up the whole situation for us. And if
you stand by Just a second here, I think we have
a Nikon story for you.

CDR Okay. We're - that Oh's the one we're using for
visual ops.

CC And, Jerry, can you give us the number that was

on the plate that fell out of the S183 carrousel?

CDR As far as I know, it's number 1 because I had re-

cycled it all the way - -

CC No, no - break, break - -

CDR - - around and ... back to number 1.

CC Break, break.

CDR Go ahead. Go ahead, Bruce.

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334 04 22 20 CC Okay, what we think has happened is that the

counter has Jumped ahead one and that the carrousel
is lagging, so that when you got back around to 36
or to l, plate number 35 was still in the aperature
instead of being a blank there. And if you'll
look at the plate, there is a number written,
printed, or painted on it somehow that you should
be able to read.

CDR Oh, man, I stuffed that plate in the hole real

quick and covered it up so as not to expose any
other film.

CC Okay, mighty fine.

334 04 24 21 CC CDR, this is Houston. The story on the Nikon sit-

uation is that NK04 is dedicated to bigger and
better things later on here in the mission, and
we would like to get NK01 configured for the hand-
held photos. So, the thread pad in the morning
will reiterate this. But what we want to do is
take Bravo Victor 47 which is currently in NK01
out carefully, not retracting the thing all the
way back into the cassette and stow it in Foxtrot 39,
that's F-39. And then load NK01 with CX20, - that's
CX20 - out of Hotel 31. Over.

33_ 02 25 02 CDR Okay. CX20 out of Hotel 31. And is the removal
of BV41 on the pad tomorrow?

CC It's Bravo Victor 47, and that's also on the pad.

And we've got about a minute and a half to LOS
here at Guam, and we would like you guys to get
turned in and get a good night's sleep. We'll
talk to you in the morning at 12:00 Z.

CDR Okay, Bruce, good night.

334 04 25 27 CC Through Canary, right. Time to say good night,

Dick. And the two checklist changes number 1 that
you asked for are on board in the teleprinter.

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Time: 33h:ii:30 to 334:13:00
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334 ii 58 13 CC Good morning, Skylab. We've got you through

Canaries for 5 minutes.

PLT Good morning, Dick.

CC Hey, it's Story down here this morning.

PLT Story? Didn't have the volume up loud enough.

334 ii 58 37 CC Okay, Bill, and we need some - we got something

for you to do right now. While shipping up your
pads for this day's aetivities_ we got a tele-
printer low message. And we'd like to verify
that, yes, we did get all the pads up to you. So,
So, if you could float on up there to the STS
and verify that the med status pad, that's 1505,
that that's the last pad in the teleprinter, and
check for the red lines down the margins of the
paper. If that's not the last pad, we need to
get the paper changed out so we can ship up the
rest of your pad.

PLT We'll be right up there.

CC Thank you.

PLT Looks like I'm ...

PLT Story, do you read?

CC We heard Just that last, oh, 2 or 3 seconds worth.

Prior to that you were way down in the mud, sounded
like intercom.

334 12 02 12 PLT I was trying to use that bad box. Our last mes-
sage was 1514, which is maneuver to SI attitude,
so I'll m_ke a changeout right away.

CC Okay, understand 1514 is complete?

PLT Affirmative.

CC Okay, and you'll find the chaugeout procedures

in the SWS Systems Checklist. That's house-
keeping 80B on page 3-7.
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PLT Thank you.

334 12 02 51 CC And we' re a minute frc_ LOS; and about l0 minutes

from Tananarive at 12:14. If we don't see you
there, it'll be Honeysuckle at 12:38.

334 12 15 44 CC Skylab, AOS Tananarive, 6 minutes.

PLT Roger, Story. Teleprinter's changed out, although

I don't think you have comm_ud over us at any
rate. Do you?

CC No, we don't, Bill. We'll be sending up the ATM

schedule pad over Honeysuckle, and someone's up
there and sees it coming out, they can check it
for us.

PLT Okay, Story.

CC Thanks.

CC Jer, Houston.

CDR Go ahead.

334 12 16 34 CC Jer, we weren't getting any EDDU modulation for

the EREP pass yesterday and we'd like to have that
for the pass today. So I got about a two step
procedure here to - to check out that.

334 12 20 07 CC Skylab, we're 2 minutes from LOS. The next sta-

tion is Honeysuckle in about 20 minutes at 12:39.

CDR Story, you cut out when you talked about that two
step EDDU procedure, and I'll call you a little
later and - when I have a pencil and paper handy
and get it.

334 12 20 34 CC Okay, it's only about three steps.

334 12 39 51 CC Skylab, AOS through Honeysuckle for 8 minutes.

SPT Good morning, Story.

CC Good morning.
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334 12 40 50 SPT Story, I got a part of the maneuver pad, which

was not printed out too well, about the last half
of it. That's 1514A, Z-LV maneuver pad 04.

CC Okay. You'd like that one again. And how about

the rest of the pads? How are they coming up?

SPT Okay. What's in the teleprinter that you've sent

up since Bill got it? I haven't had a chance to
look at. I haven't seen anything wrong with the
other stuff, though I haven't had a chance to look
at all of it. We'll give you a call if we need

CC Okay. And while I've got you, I got one chance

to your Flight Plan. That's to cancel the
S183 K maneuver, and fill that up with doing your
TV ll7. The PI would rather look at star fields
then Kohoutek today, so Just cancel that maneuver
on your Flight Plan.

334 12 41 l0 SPT Okay. Cancel the 183 maneuver.

F CC And you'll probably need that time for completing

TV 117,

SPT Yes, I've got that long message up here, Story,

but I haven't had a chance to really sort through
it and see what it involves. So I'll Just start
working on it then.

CC Okay.

334 12 44 22 SPT Story, I also see on my Flight Plan I've got the
ETC prep with M151. I knocked that off last night,
so I don't think we'll be able to get that. Have
them schedule Ml51 with the next ETC prep.

CC Okay. You did Just what we expected, Ed.

334 12 47 39 CC Skylab, we're a minute from LOS and about l0 min-

utes to Hawaii at 12:5B.

334 12 58 44 CC Skylab, A0S Hawaii for 9 minutes.

PLT Story, PLT here.

CC Go head, Bill.
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334 12 59 05 PLT Roger, I'm up here to do the 233. I looked all

over, but I couldn't find the pad; it probably got
lost in the shuffle. Could you give me the first
time and I can take it from there?

CC Stand by 1.

PLT ... photograph on 233.

CC Okay, Bill, it's probably in the teleprinter, but

I've got it here in front of me.

PLT Stand by. Let me check the teleprinter.

3h4 12 59 38 CC And no need to acknowledge, but You got about

4 minutes to the first photo.

TAG Tape 33h-05/T-168
Time: 33h:13:00 to 33h:lh:SO
Page 1 of.8/893


334 13 00 ii CC And if you have - any - trouble finding that pad,

we'll be AOS at Hawaii here for all three photos.
I can talk through all three of them.

PLT No sweat, Story; l've got the pad. And thank you
very much.

CC Okay.

334 13 07 27 CC Skylab, a minute from LOS; a couple of minutes

to Goldstone.

334 13 12 16 CC Skylab, A0S through Goldstone for 6 minutes.

CDR Hello, Story. I'm ready to copy that EDDU data.

CC Okay. Connect the portable TV camera to TVIS 133,

preferably the same cable used yesterday. If
you've got some different cable hooked up to it,
F use whichever cable you have. Turn the TV - turn
the VIDEO switch to TV position.

CDR Okay, understand. Con - connect the portable TV

to TVIS 133 and turn the TV switch to VIDEO.

CC Yes, sir. And when you're ready and we're over

a ground station, we'll have you turn the TVIS
station on for l0 to 15 seconds and see if we're
getting modulation.

CDR Okay, we'll do it.

33h 13 17 03 CC Skylab, we're a minute from LOS; 5 minutes to


33h 13 22 00 CC Skylab, AOS Bermuda, 8 minutes.

PLT Thank you, Story.

CC Who's that?

PLT Your friendly PLT.

CC Okay, Bill.
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PLT With a mouth full of crispy bar.

CC Okay. Have some for me.

PLT I wish I could. Boy, we're really hungry up here.

CC Bill, is everybody eating now?

33_ 13 2h 39 PLT Ed's on the ATM, and Jer and I are stuffing our
faces. Say, I got a question regarding the comet,
Story. I had trouble finding it last night and
this morning, but it was Just close to daylight;
so it could're been that - it was me and the light.
But is that comet petering out or what's the status
on it? Could you give us a sort of a status

CC Standby I.

PLT Night before last, it looked like it was growing

a little bit. I could see a little bit better
defined coma. But last night and this morning
again, I couldn't even see it.

33h 13 25 hi CC Bill, what I'm being told is that you could see
a plus 6 magnitude w_th the naked eye and Kohoutek
is now about a plus 5.

PLT My naked eye must have a few clothes on it.

CC Well, we've been out on the roof, especially dur-

ing this graveyard shift. Each night we go on out
and some of us can see it and s_ne of us can't.
But we've had pretty good luck with binoculars.

PLT Yes, that's what I've been using.

33h i3 26 18 CC While I've got you all there, I'd like to discuss
your next day off. That'll be mission 17 or the
day after tomorrow. Some of the possible activi-
ties we're looking at are an EREP pass, six ATM
passes, a couple of housekeepings, showers at
your option, an $233, couple of handheld photos
at your option, an S009 set, a couple of science
conferences, and a shopping list. And give you
some time to think that over and then give us your
inputs on that.
TAG Tape 33h-O5/T-168
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CDR What day did you call out, Story?

SPT That's the day off?

CREW Booo.

CC Say again.

SPT That's the day off?

CC That's up to you, sir. That's some of the

things - -

CREW Booo.

CC - - we're suggesting. And, Ed, we need the DAS.

We're commanding through the DAS.

33h 13 27 23 SPT You've got it, Story. I've got a question on

venting the SAL for the ETC. Do you have any
preferred time in the orbit that I do that?

f SPT Houston, Skylab.

CC Go ahead, Ed.

SPT Yes. Do you have any preferred time in the

orbit which I should vent the alrlock for the

CC Okay. We'll get you that. And, we're still

running unattended with the ATM. That's the
reason for needing the DAS, Ed.

SPT Oh, Okay. I Just powered up a few displays to

see what was happening there. I realized you were
on it.

CC And there's no preferred time for that ETC vent, Ed.

SPT Okay.

33h 13 28 23 CC And while I've got you there, the - the transcript
people have been saying that you're hard to read
on the - the dump voices and I've found you -
that's so a couple of times. It's probably that
TAG Tape 334-05/T-168

lightweight headset that's not coming through as

strong as - as the SIAs or the CCUs.

SPT Okay. I've switched to the CCU for the Snoopy

co_ carrier _around 3 days ago. I have to have
improved since then. I haven't used the light-
weight headset since then.

CC Okay. Thanks.

334 13 29 24 CC We're a minute from LOS and a couple minutes to

Canaries. Be dumping the data/voice at Canaries.

334 13 32 42 CC Skylab, A0S Canaries and Ascension for 16 minutes.

Be dumping the data/voice through Canaries.

334 13 47 19 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS and about half an

hour to your ATM science conference at Carnarvon
at 14:14.

CDR Roger, Story. See you later.

334 13 47 30 CC Yes, sir.

334 14 15 27 CC Skylab, Houston through Carnarvon for another

3 minutes here. And we're ready for the ATM

SPT Morning, Bill; go ahead.

MCC Okay. Between Carnarvon and Honeysuckle there'll

be a short time dropout, and I think we' re now -
we're only on Carnarvon; so we'll get right into
it. Got some thoughts from Owen yesterday on
some of your detector peaking comments. Basic -
ally his simple message is that there really
isn't any way to shortcut the experience, which
is what you knew anyway. Words that he passes
on - He's on vacation right now - are you'll
be seeing lots of fluctuations, which I'm sure
you know. The same number Just isn't going to
repeat ; it's Just the question of getting used
to what you see. He does recommend, if possible,
aligning the electronic crosshair on the XUV
monitor so that it's eoaligned with H-alpha 1
TAG Tape 334-05/T-168
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reticle. That way you can point to the same

thing and maybe get closer to the XUV hot spot
you're looking for and point a little more
accurately to begin with.

SPT Yes, that I've done. I did that last night, Bill.

MCC Okay, good. And on filament changes, he corrected

what I said. He says they're very subtle, slowly
varying, almost impossible to see unless you've
got photographs before and after on the Polaroid.
And you can very drastically change their appear-
ance just by changing the contrast and brightness
knobs. So on that one - on filament - -

SPT ...

MCC - - On the filament activity, when we predicted

filament activity, that was based on that partic-
ular filament 37 being elevated, quite dense and
fairly dynamic to us on H-alpha. This is still
possible today, but much less so. And let's see,
do you have any comments you need to pass to us
p or things we can help you out with here?

33h 14 iV 21 SPT On tape and also real time yesterday, I sent down
a lot of comments. And also yesterday morning, I
sent down a lot of questions when we talked with
you, and l'm wondering was there any response to
all of those.

MCC Yes, there is. I was saving those to pass on to

you now, and if I missed them I'd try to write
them up and pass them up. With respect to the
learning time that you requested, you'll notice
that both today and tomorrow you're not getting
much - ATM doe:_ not have much scheduled time
either today or tomorrow. And there's a signifi-
cant amount of horse trading that's going on Just
to salvage as much - as much of the minimum re-
quirements as we can. As soon as we get some
more time, we'll definitely try to give you the
time you need to play with 55 and things of that
nature. And on the XUV monitor quickies, Nail
Sheeley passes on these are good as long as
there's reasonably bright active regions on the
TAG Tape 33h-05/T-168
Pa_e 6 of 8/898

disk, because this is the only way wetve got of

resolving the very brightest kernel of the active
region, and it is good for that. If the disk is
nearly dead, like it probably will be another
h to 6 days, then they probably will not be of
much value. And right now, if 87 were not on
the disk, they wouldn't help much. But as long
as 87 is around or something of that nature, it
does help.

33h lh 19 12 M_C Okay, Ed, I'm through Honeysuckle now. And I

probably dropped out there. Where did you follow
me to?

SPT Yes. You were giving me the results of what Neil

told us. And I - I concur; it looks as though in
a couple of days we won't have very much. In
looking at the XUV monitor picture from this
morning, we do have a relatively small bright
spot coming around on the east limb. But other
than that, it appears all to be going off towards
the west. And 3 or h more days, that all ought
to be gone. We do have a coronal hole opening up
at the south, which I have not seen before; I Just -
saw a hint of it yesterday. And we have one up
at the north, and a small - relatively small
coronal hole on the equator slightly east of

MCC Okay, that concurs pretty much with what we've

seen here. One thing on the XUV M0N we've
noticed, on the long integrations, we've noticed
solarization, that's the film-reversal-type
process where the center of the very, very Bright
appears dark to us. And it's even this way on
pictures taken from the down-link. We wondered if
you have noticed this on board?

33h lh 20 33 SPT No, I always take my pictures in a way which will

preclude that. I'm wondering whether the real
long exposures, which have also given you - or
long integrations up to 8 seconds, whether those
have been useful or whether you Just as soon not
have them?
TAG Tape 33h-05/T-168
f Page ? of 8/899

MCC No, as a matter of fact, they have been very

useful for looking at the d/mmer areas. They
don't give us much on the bright parts, but they
are quite useful. And getting to 56 now, the
shutter closes - well, the mechanism to close the
shutter starts immediately when you turn the
power back on. It could be up to a second delay
for everything to actuate, but the shutter begins
to close when power comes on. The minimum times
given to you are, for the extra longs, are really
minimum. Ideally, scientificwise, we would like
them as long as possible, but we want to avoid
damaging the filters, which is the reason for the
maximum. The exact best for optimum is not
fully known yet because all of the data Just has
not had a chance to be looked at.

33h lh 21 35 SPT Okay, understand. We've got that posted right

up here right next to the instruments. So we
have those times well in hand.

MCC Okay. And one clarification here. I see that

a note which went up last night, but Just to
repeatit. S05h does want to operatewith the
FILTER in STORAGE unless they're specifically

SPT Yes, that I understand, Bill. And l_m sorry I

didn't get off some of the exposures they were
after yesterday. We've been in and out of the
op - the operate mode a couple of times now, and
it sometimes drops from m_ mindwhen I was oper-
ating that. But we've got it clear now, and
we'll give them all the photos they want.

MCC Okay, mighty fine. That's all I've got for now.
Have you got anything else for me?

33h lh 22 20 SPT Not right now on the science side of it. I'm
thinking about 54 and their filter. And I'm
wondering if there isn't a - where - where you
stand on that, and whether there is any pro-
cedures EVA, or whether you think that you may
also have a talkback problem, in that you'll
actually be going from one filter to the other
TAG Tape 33h-05/T-168
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without being able to trace it? And if so,

whether we ought to be - if that's a reasonable
possibility, we ought to be cycling through the
filters as specified rather than leaving it in

MCC Okay, we're still working on it. We are look-

ing at EVA procedures. As I understand it, if
it is a talkback and telemetry problem, cycling
the filters won't help because the only reason-
able failures you could postulate there would
also affect the drive motor. I really don't
have anything new to say because they are looking
at it. We're going LOS in 20 seconds. Next con-
tact is Hawaii in lh minutes

334 14 23 24 SI_ Okay. Just one general word, I'm pretty much
encouraged by the use of the XUV MONITOR and the
persistent _mage scope. That appears to be a
fairly good way of getting a good look at the
XUV MONITOR ... today ... as you can see con-
nections between active regions in XUV ...

TAG Tape 334-06/T-169
Time: 33_:14:30 to 334:16:00
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334 lh 37 49 CC Skylab, Houston through Hawaii for 7-1/2 minutes.

For the CDR.

CDR Go ahead.

CC Roger, Jer. If you're not busy here, I've got

a couple of quickies for you. One is, did you
get the QUAD B FUEL ISOLATION VALVE cycled last

CDR Yes, I did, Hank. I found that the - that when

I opened QUAD B, the PRIMARY talkback went gray;
the SECONDARY talkback remained barberpoled.

CC We copy. And another thing, Jerry, since we had

a problem with the down-link box yesterday on
the EREP, if - if you can find the time, we would
like for you to check out the TV input station
133 prior to our _REP pass. And - -

CDR Television's on right now, Hank.

CC Okay; sorry.

CC Okay, it looks good to us now.

33_ i_ _l _8 CC CDR, Houston. If one of you is free at about

15:00, the exact time is 15:00 or 15:03, they'll
have that laser on at Goddard again if - if you
could get down to wardroom window and take a look.
No photos are required. I thought maybe you might
see if you could observe it since you had trouble
with it the other day. It should appear at the
2 o'clock position out the window and move towards

CDR Okay, Hank; I'll be down there.

CC I'll give you another reminder approaching that

15:00 time Just - Just in case.

CDR Okay.

334 14 43 16 CC Skylab, Houston. We're coming up on a keyhole

here in about 15 seconds. And we'll be down for
f abouta minuteand then back with you.
TAG Tape 334-06/T-169
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CDR Okay, Hank.

334 14 44 29 CC Skylab, Houston; we're back with you now and

we're about 1 minute from LOS. Goldstone will
be coming up at 49.

CDR Roger, Hank. How does the TV look?

CC It looked good to us, Jer.

CDR Okay, now we'll reverify all the ED - EDDU


CC Okay. And we're going to be using another posi- l

tion today, too; so that ought to give us another
little input there to see if maybe that number 4
position is Just plain bad.

CDR Okay. Number 5 position was the one we were

using yesterday.

334 14 45 07 CC Okay, I stand corrected then.

33_ 14 49 31 CC Skylab, Houston through Goldstone for 5 minutes. _

SPT Hello, Hank.

CC SPT, do you have aminute to listen to a few words?

SPT Go ahead.

CC Okay. I Just want to go over again this monitoring

of the maneuvers coming up here in anhour or so.
Like to give you a reminder, which I'm sure you're
aware of, that the outer gimbal on CMG number 3
there has a bad readout, so Just be aware of that
and don't get alarmed. And, secondly, that our
MMP predicts that we will occasionally get on the
stops during the maneuvers. And that's not so
critical. The main thing you've got to do is
watch the rates as we outlined in the message, to
tell whether we're getting in trouble or not.

SPT Okay, Hank. I've been looking at the meter. And

on CMG 3, when I first turned it on, I got an off-
scale low. Now I'm reading about 47 percent. I
TAG Tape 334-06/T-169
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think when I left it on there all night it seems

to - It came back up sometime during that period.
And I can switch back and forth between 2 and 3,
and I think I still have a good reading.

334 14 50 50 CC Okay. I guess the point we're trying to make there

is that outer gimbal readout is im_eliable and -
and you have to use your head on looking at it.

SPT Okay. It was my understanding that we're either

going to be reliable or off-scale low.

CC SPT, was that a minus 47 percent?

334 14 51 55 SPT Minus 45 percent now.

CC Okay. And we did a little looking into it here.

And I guess we agree with you, that's it's either
off-scale low or you can rely on it.

SPT Okay.

' CC SPT, Houston. We see that DETECTOR 2 is off.

f We'd like you to get all the high voltagesoff
and then bring up the ones that are supposed to
be on.

CC Okay. Looks good to us now, Ed.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS; be

coming up on MILA at 57.

334 14 54 06 SPT So long, Hank.

334 14 57 38 CC Skylab, Houston through MILA and Bermuda for

ll-1/2 minutes.

CC Skylab, Houston. We Just hit a little keyhole

there. We're about 1 minute from AOS of the laser
at Goddard.

CC And Goddard reports they're tracking you now with

the laser.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 15 seconds to A0S

of the laser. Goddard reports they're tracking
TAG Tape 334-06/T-169
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CC Skylab, Houston. We had a little trouble _-ith

the site. You should be able to see the laser
now. Goddard is tracking.

334 15 01 08 CC SPT, Houston.

SPT Go ahead, Hank.

CC Okay. Did - did you copy my transmission on the


SPT Yes, Hank. I'm up at the ATM. There's no way I

can get over to - down to the wardroom.

CC Okay. It was for Jerry - Jerry or Bill, one, to

go down and take a look. And I got no response.
Didn'tknow whether we were getting up or not.
We were having a lot of trouble with the site.

SPT Yes. They heard you and I think they responded,


334 15 01 37 CC Okay. We didn't get any do_nlink.

CDR Still couldn't see it, Hank.

CC Okay, Jer. Thanks for trying. And Just a general

question, did Bill get the SIA changed out?

PLT Roger. That report 's on tape.

CC 0kay. Thanks, Bill.

334 15 08 b0 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. Ascen-

sion at 16.

334 15 15 58 CC Skylab, Houston through Ascension for l0 minutes.

SPT Hello, Hank. How do you read me? I'm using the
Snoopy headset.

CC Okay. Reading you loud and clear, Ed.

SPT Okay. Is there any difference now?

CC Yes, it's a little clearer over the speaker box

than it is with the - with the Snoopy. The Snoopy
TAG Tape 33h-06/T-169
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sounds a little bit muffled, like maybe you're

wearing a helmet.

SPT Okay, Hank. I'll try and use this speaker box
where possible, but sometimes it's mor convenient
to be using the headset.

CC Roger. And PLT, in regard to this laser thing,

we're a little puzzled. We had good, clear weather
and they were tracking you. It should've appeared
as a little green dot about halfway between
Washington and Baltimore. If it gets off the side -
from what we've heard from the last mission, it'll
appear like a little short green line if it's not
tracking you right directly on.

SPT Hank, We'll Just have to try it again. Next time

we'll try the binoculars. We've been trying you
know, Just with the naked eye the last two times.
We'll try the binocs next time and see if we can
locate it, and then come off the binoculars and
see if you can still see it.

f CC Okay. We copy.

33h 15 18 50 SPT Say, Hank, was there any reason for having me
power down the panel here for unattended ops with "s
2_ minutes remaining or can I Just press on up to

CC We'll check that, Ed.

SPT ETC is sitting there in the airlock and all set

for ops.

CC Okay, we're checking; and question for the CDR.

Just about LOS - about l0 minutes ago, we noticed
a drop in the C&D coolant loop pressure or flow
and at AOS, it's back up to normal again. We were
wondering if you Just had turned the EREP coolant
valve at that time or did you cycle it?

CDR Negative, Hank; nobody cycled it.

CC Roger. We copy.

CDR It was left on from yesterday and it hasn't been

TAG Tape 33M-O6/T-169
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CC Okay. We copy.

334 15 20 13 CC SPT, Houston; you may continue your ATM ops, since
you got the ETC all ready to go. And we'd like
to see the fourth sequence of the S054.

SPT Just coming up. I'll tell you one thing that is
making it a little bit harder, Hank, is that nor-
mally in the training, we cycle through the filters
and we can use that as the way of keeping track
of where we are. But we don't have that any more,
so we're Just going to have to do a little paper
work here.

CC Roger. We copy.

CC SPT, HOuston. Did you use the VTR for ATM?

SPT That's affirm.

CC Okay.

SPT It was called out for on the pad.

CC Okay, well, we - we see the VIDEO switch in TV

and we wonder if you had it in the right position
or - or need to go back and re-do that or rewind

SPT No, I had it in the right position. I went over

to ATM MON 1 and I put it back to TV.

CC Okay, we copy. Very good.

SPT Hank, we are trainable.

CC You're doing all right. It's us down here having

a little trouble keeping up.

SPT Got us outnumbered, though.

BB4 15 25 01 CC Skylab, Houston, we're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

be coming up on Carnarvon at 48 and we're scheduled
to dump the voice/data recorder there.

SPT Okay, Hank. Hey, one other thing that Just come
up on the XUV SPECT timer. About B days ago, our
READY light bulb burned out and I'll be changing
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it out when I can get around to it. It's no big

thing; we still have the OPERATE.

334 15 25 33 CC Roger. We copy.

334 15 48 _0 CC Skylab, Houston through Carnarvon for l0 minutes.

And as a reminder, we'll be dumping the data/voice
recorder here.

CDR Roger, Houston.

CC Skylab, Houston. I have a run-down on the weather

you might expect, if it's convenient to listen.

SPT Go ahead.

CC Okay, the first part of the pass is going to be

generally overcast with thin cirrus. Now - and
from our airplane studies, we've seen that we - if
it's - this thin cirrus really inhibit us from
taking pictures, then we'd be interested in your
comments on it. The cirrus extends down, on the
pass, Almost to the St. Louis-Springfield area
and then it startsto break up until the time you
reach Nashville. From there on, the rest of the
CONUS pass is essentially clear. As you approach
Puerto Rico, we cross a weak front across the
middle of Cuba and the Caribbean there. And Puerto
Rico itself should be cloud-covered, but there
should be some big holes around it and you may be
able to see the trench there, the area of interest.
As we approach South America, we pick up a cloud
cover again and all of the continent there is
pretty much cloud covered with strato-cu [mulus].

CDR Okay. Thank you, Hank.

SPT Hank, I was using that time which I had on the

ATM to look around at the - at various things,
and one thing I did notice, which wasn't called
out for on the pad this morning, was a prominence -
that might be old - prominence 37 over there at
around 07:00:80. And in my display, it's exception-
ally well defined. I can see it for about a -
in the order of an arc minute or so off the limb.
And the northward portion of it has a fairly
dense, nearly vertical structure to it. I think
TAG Tape 33h-06/T-169
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it's an exceptionally well defined one. Probably

the best one I've seen on these displays so far.

CC Roger. We copy.

334 15 51 47 SPT And, Hank, could you find out for me whether we're
getting into true sunset before we get dump com-
mence now?

CC Okay, I'll check that out.

SPT And the other thing I wanted to mention to the

ATM folks is that there's a - a structure in the
corona of the east limb is now very much more
pronounced than on the west limb, implying that
we do have something coming around the corner.
It's much more confined to a smaller variation in
latitude, or if you will, in angle. It goes more
between 08:30 and 09:30. The west limb is almost
twice that extent, but it's fairly dense. And
the one at 08:30 looks, as I mentioned yesterday,
has got a good base at it, may be a helmet streamer,
and it's gone quite far out.

CC I copy that, Ed. Thank You.

334 15 53 26 CC SPT, in answer to your question, sunset and dump

commence are essentially at the same time, at the
present time.

SPT Okay. I think I'll take a look at the white light

coronagraph display on that as we're going into
sunset, one of these orbits, when I get a chance.
And I'll put a commentary of that on tape.

CC And while we got you here, Ed, I'd like to give

you a little reminder on the JOP 6, step l, the
synoptics. The chip A there, requires a ROLL of
zero or 10,800 to clear the 82A axis of disper-
sion; and on chip B, we ROLL to plus or minus
5400 so that we can see what was behind the pylon
on S052 - there in building block A.

SPT Yes, I noted that. YOu'll find that - words on -

to that effect on tape.

CC Roger. We copy.
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334 15 55 32 PLT Hank, PLT. I've Just been looking over the map
here. Just a question to the EREP people, a
matter of general interest. This Blake Escarpment,
is that a submarine - below the surface feature
in the ocean?

CC Okay. I'll check it out.

CC SPT, Houston. If you're powering down for EREP,

we need to get the S055 detectors off.

334 15 57 44 SPT Roger, Hank.

CC And, PLT, that escarpment is under the surface

of the ocean. It's a cliff under water that
should - I hope they show up to you there. And
we're about a minute from LOS. We'll be coming
up on Guam at 02.

334 15 58 07 PLT Thank you, Hank.

TAG Tape 334-07/T-170
F Time: 334:16:00 to 334:17:30
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334 16 02 09 CC Skylab, Houston through Guam for 9-1/2 minutes.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're watching you through

Guam, and we'd like to see you load the m_euver

334 16 03 12 CC Skylab, Houston. Maneuver time looks good to us.

And while - while we're talking about the maneuver,
our studies show that we do expect to get a CAUTION
and WARNING on the CMG saturation right at the end
of the maneuver. And it's possible that it could
occur several times during the Z-LV tracking. It's
nothing to worry about. However, because it will
be bugging you during the pass, we recommend that
you inhibit the CMG SAT under ACS MALF on panel 207.
Then you won't have to worry about it.

SPT Okay, Hank. I'll go ahead and do that. And which

axis do you expect to be most critical? I'd like
f to be monitoringthe one which is most critical

334 16 04 35 CC X - the X-axis, Ed, is Just slightly more critical

than the Y-axis. They're both - both should be
watched very closely.

SPT Okay, Hank. I will do.

SPT It's Just initially which one I call up on the

DAS for display and it's useful to know which one
to expect to have problems. Thank you.

334 16 06 06 CC Ed, pursue this a little further. It's a little

difficult to tell you - to tell you which rate you
should monitor. You're going to have to monitor
all the rates to determine which one of these
things you need to call up to look at.

SPT Yes, I'm with you there, Hank. I'll be monitoring

all three rates, but which one I have dialed into
the DAS initially, through, is probably the one I
expect to have to use the first. But I understand
what you're saying.
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CC I guess there's Just no way we can tell you which

one is going to get you in trouble if it does.
We don't think any of them are going to get you
in trouble, but we - we can't predict.

SPT I think I've heard that before.

334 16 l0 52 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LO-LOS.

Everything looks good here to us at this point.
We'll see you over Goldstone at 27.

PLT Okay, Hank, we're m_neuvering and we got the TACS

firing on l, 3, and 6.

334 16 ll 22 CC Copy.

334 16 26 42 PLT ...

CDR Okay, Bill. I'm going to give you a mark at

16:27 even, to see if your clock is the same as

PLT Okay. Standing by.

CDR 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -

334 16 27 00 CDR MARK. 16:27.

CDR Okay. We're synched up.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're reading you through


CDR Roger, Hank. 20 seconds to EREP, START. On my

mRrk, it'll be 16:27 and 30 seconds with an EREP,

CDR Stand by.

334 16 27 30 CDR MARK. EREP, START.

PLT Standing by for CAL.

CDR At 27:40, it'll be a mark. Stand by.

334 16 27 40 CDR MARK. 27:40.

334 16 27 40 PLT MARK. EREP CAL.

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334 16 27 42 CDR MARK. EREP, CAL, S194 to MANUAL

CDR On my mark it'll be 29 even. Stand by. Negative,

it's coming up on 28; 1 minute to go.

CDR Getting any downlink this time, Hank?

CC It's too early for us to - to see it yet, Jerry.

CDR Okay. On my mark, it'll be 16:29:00. Stand by.

334 16 29 00 CDR MARK. 193 Alfa to STANDBY. Okay, in about

a minute and 15 seconds, we ought to get a READY
light on for your - the end of Mour AUTO CAL,

PLT Okay. You're right. There is a thin cirrus cloud


PLT Maneuver complete yet, Ed? Okay.

CDR Got about another minute to go.

F PLT Man! Some beautifulsceneryin here.

PLT Right across the mountains.

CDR Okay. On my mark, the S191 READY light will be


334 16 30 19 CDR MARK. READY light on at 18. At 20, going to

REF, 6 on 191. On my mark, it'll be 3 - 30:38.

334 16 30 38 CDR MARK. Downlink going to position 6. S193 R is ON.

PLT *** Contrails.

CDR Charlie 9 is 0; Delta 9 - okay, Charlie 9 is now

moving between 60 and about 85. Delta 9 is reading
between 20 and 32. Charlie 9 between 60 and 86;
Delta 9 between 15 and 35.

CC And, Jerry, win're getting the downlink.

CDR Hey, that's good. That's the same configuration

as yesterday.

CC Maybe we Just have a bad switch position.

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PLT There' s Pierre. Oahe Reservoir, that's another

one of the targets.

PLT ...

CDR On m_ mark, it'll be 32:47.

PLT Picking up more cloud cover now.

CDR Okay.

PLT 33 - -

CDR On m_ m-1_k, 32:47. Stand by.


33h 16 32 53 CDR MARK at 53, 190 to AUTO; ETC to AUTO, Ed. 193 R,
OFF. 33:05. Stand by.

334 16 33 05 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER is ON. 33:15 is next. Stand by.

33h 16 33 15 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER to STANDBY. MODE is going to i.

193 S going to STANDBY. The next mark will be at
33:30. Stand by.

334 16 33 30 CDR MARK. 192 MODE to READY. Next mark will be 33:30.
Stand by.

33h 16 33 40 CDR MARK. At 33:40 the ALTIMETER is ON. Charlie 1

is reading 53. Bravo 9 is reading 58. Delta 9
is reading 50 percent. Next mark will be at 36.

CDR Charlie 1 is 51 percent. Bravo 9 is 58 percent.

Delta 9 is steady at 50 percent.

CDR 1 minute to my next mark.

CDR On my mark, it'll be 16:36:00. Stand by.


CDR On my mark it 'll be 36:12. Stand by.


CDR On my mark it'll be 36:3h. Coming up on 36:3h;

stand by.
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334 16 36 3h CDR MARK. 192 to CHECK.

CDR Alfa 9 is reading the 05. Bravo 9 is reading 60.

Charlie 9 is reading between 60 and 92. At 37, S"_**

334 16 37 00 CDR MARK is going to POLARIZATION of 4. Delta 9 is

now reading between 35 and 17, 35 and 17.

CDR On my mark, it'll be 37:50, 37:50. Stand by.


33h 16 37 52 CDR MARK. RADIOMETER to STANDBY at 52. Coming up on


33h 16 37 59 CDR MARK. RADIOMETER, OFF; ALTIMETER, ON. Next mark

is 38:15. I'll be switching the down box to
position 7.

CDR Stand by.

334 16 38 16 CDR MARK. The downlink box is in position 7 now.

f CDR Nextmarkis at 38:30.

CDR Stand by.

334 16 38 30 CDR MARK. S192 MODE, READY.

CDR Next mark will be 38:h9.

CDR Stand by.

334 16 38 h9 CDE MARK. 38:49, SHUTTER SPEED, FAST on Sl90.

334 16 38 56 CDR MARK. At 55, Sl90 INTERVAL going to 20. ETC to


CDR At 39:10 -

334 16 39 i0 CDR MARK. The downlink box is going to position i.

CDR On my mark it'll be 39:25.

CDR Stand by.

334 16 39 26 CDR MARK. Downlink box going to position 3.

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CDR On my mark it will be 39:40.

334 16 39 40 CDR MARK. Downlink position going to 8.

CDR On my mark it'll be 39:55.

334 16 39 55 CDR MARK. Downlink position going to 5.

CDR At 40:01, S192 to MODE, CHECK. 193, Mode XTNC,


CDR On my mark the S190 READY light will be out.

334 16 40 41 CDR MARK. The 190 READY light is out at 40:40.

reset to i0.

CDR On my mark it 'Ii be 41:15.


Delta 9 is reading l0 percent.

PLT Both VTS passes successful; uniform site southeast

of Omaha, uniform site northeast of St. Louis.

PLT Nadir swath executed according to pad. Okay, he

is over Omaha and St. Louis.

CDR On my mark it 'll be 42:17 • Stand by.


334 16 42 20 CDR MARK. RADIOMETER to STANDBY. At 42:25.

334 16 42 25 CDR MARK. RADIOMETER, OFF. ALTIMETER will go on at

42 :35 •

CDR Stand by.

334 16 42 36 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER, ON.

CDR My next mark will be at 42:53.

CDR Stand by.

334 16 42 53 CDR MARK. At 53, 190 MODE to AUTO.

CDR Next mark will be 43:13.

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CDR Stand by.

334 16 43 14 CDR MARK. 192 to READY; ETC to AUTO, Ed.

334 16 43 28 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute to LOS. We'll

see you over Carnarvon at 27.

CDR Okay, Hank. How does the downlink look on 5?

CC It looks good.

CDR Okay. Good.

CDR On my mark it'll be 44:20, 44:20.

CDR Standby.

334 16 44 21 CDR MARK. S192 MODE to CHECK.

CDR Ed, on my mark the ETC should go to STANDBY.

Stand by -

334 16 44 30 CDR MARK. ETC to STANDBY.

CDR On my next mark the S190 READY light will have gone

334 16 44 41 CDR MARK. At 44:40, READY light out.

CDR MODE going to STANDBY on S190; FRAMES going to

14, downlink switch position going to OFF now.

CDR Did you See the trench?


334 16 45 25 PLT This is the VTS operator. I'm going to track back
and forth and do a raster across an open Benard
I have in sight here. May be able to get some
thermal data out of it. Starting at the left side
of the Benard cell, going up and down.

334 17 26 49 CC Skylab, Houston through Carnarvon for 6-1/2 minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank. We're Just cleaning up after this

EREP pass.

CC Roger. And by the way, that was an excellent

Job you guys did. Everything was right on time;
it looked good.
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CDR Thanks, Hank.

334 17 27 36 CC PLT, Houston.

PLT Go, Hank.

CC Roger. I don't know whether you're going to get

to that handheld 123 at 18:09 or not. If you do
break loose to do it, we would like for you to
use a Nikon 03 - or Nikon 02 instead of 03. We
have a chance to take advantage of a few frames
of IR prim - film that's there that otherwise we
won't get to use.

PLT Roger. Use Nikon 02. And that's with the

55-millimeter lens, right?

PLT And do I need the Wratten filter on it?

CC I'll get that info for you.

PLT Okay. Thank you, Hank.

334 17 28 32 SPT Hank, from the maneuvering standpoint, the Z-LV _

went realy well. All the rates were within plus
or minus 0.002 throughout both going to SL and to
Z-LV. They were easily monitored, and we were
able to follow the angles, the rates, attitude
errors and the time remaining quite well. So I
thin you gave us some good information. And we
got a good handle o it.

CC Roger. And I guess we're pretty well pleased

with the way it went, also.

SPT Fellows done their homework there because it

worked right on shcedule. The time line for me
got a little tight in there because the time after
the maneuver for it to damp out takes a little
bit. But I had around 15 or 20 seconds to spare.

334 17 29 hi SPT We had a little time left over after we got back
to SI and settled down, Hank. So I never missed
a chance. So I looked at - did a little ATM and
I was watching the 52 go into sunset. And this
time we did get a little bit - it was Just a
TAG Tape 33h-07/T-170
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general brightening in the lower right-hand corner,

and I got it off on time. It was not a very intense
brightening. About 3 seconds remaining I cut it
off at a period of around 6 seconds remaining,
and I got a description of it on tape. We also
got it powered down for unattended operations now,
which is a little bit different than the EREP

B3h 17 30 01 SPT And we also snuck in a few handheld photos while

we were - during periods which were not covered
by the ETC.

TAG Tape 334-08/T-171
r Time: 334:17:30 to 334:19:00
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334 17 30 i0 CC Roger; we copy.

CC PLT, Houston. In answer to your question on the

camera, you do need the filter and the 55-millimeter
lens. And if there're any further questions on
that, on 3.11-2 in the Photo Ops Book tells you
about that camera.

SPT He's down there wrestling with the film vault now,

CC Okay. And - -

CDR Say again the filter, Hank.

PLT Did you say a wratten filter, Hank?

CC It's a wratten filter, and you'll also need to

f defocusto the red R, since they'vegot the
IR f_Im that's on the barrel of the lens there.

PLT Yes. We know that. One other little problem

here. You said that instead of Nikon 01 - or
Nikon 03, we were going to use this one, the one
that came up on the film pad for the load for visual
ops was Nikon 01. And that's the one that's loaded
right now. We got CX film in that one.

334 17 31 51 CC The one we want to use is Nikon 02. It should

have IR film in it.

CDR Yes, that's right, Hank. But my point is that you

told us instead of 3 we were going to use 2. But
it's really instead of l, we're going to use 2.
It makes me think that you people down there think
that we have the color exterior film loaded in
Nikon 3, and we don't. It's in Nikon 1.

CC Okay. I guess we were a little confused down here.

We got it straightened out, Jer.
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CDR Okay.

CC We agree with you.

334 17 32 29 CC I think whoever built my notes here put the -

accidentally put the wrong number down.

CDR Okay. Good enough. I was afraid maybe we'd

loaded the wrong camera.

CC No. You're doing good work.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute from LOS.

We'll be coming up on Guam at 41. And for the
PLT, a quick question here. Did you run the DAC
over the trench?

PLT That 's affirmative.

334 17 33 ii CC Okay. We also noted there may be some confusion

for the CDR in the prep there where it calls out
the roll for the S193. The way it looks on the
pad, it could be misinterpreted. We wanted minus 30
and we saw plus 30. However, our data is good
and probably what we're going to go ahead and do
is leave a space between the roll - the R and
the minus 30. So there's no mistaking that minus
sign for a dash.

334 17 33 41 CDR Okay. That's what I took it to be, a dash.

334 17 41 01 CC Skylab, Houston through Guam for 5-1/2 minutes.

CC SPT, Houston. I have a couple of minor changes to

your TV ll7 procedure if it's convenient to copy
at this time.

SPT Stand by.

SPT Go ahead, Hank. I'm looking at the teleprinter which

we used, which came up 3 days ago.

CC Okay, Ed. On step 1 there, on line h, we gave you

a wrong stowage location. W-733 should be W-732.

SPT Okay.
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CC And over on step 4, lines 4, 5, and 6, where it

says, "Note: Voice record observations," et cetera,
delete everything but "voice record observations."
Now -

SPT Wait a minute, Hank. Is that step 4?

CC Ops i, step 4.

334 17 43 i0 SPT Okay. I was looking at the wrong step 4. Say

again the con_nents on that, please.

CC Okay. On lines 4, 5, and 6 of that step, delete

everything but "voice record observations." The
procedure was written to be run in conjunction with
the ATM, and we're not running it that way.

SPT Okay.

CC And that's it. And of course you know that we're

not doing the S183 maneuver this evening.

SPT Roger, Hank. I got that.


CC And also, Ed, tomorrow on your ETC prep, we're

going to ask you to change out the seal in the
ETC, and we're telling you now in case you wanted -
you know, you got 4 or 5 minutes to spare some
time, you can go ahead and do that today if you

SPT Okay Hank. I didn't get any of that vibration

today, and we're buzzing, and I attribute it to
the fact I was using a primary canister rather
than the spare.

CC We copy.

334 17 44 30 SPT Which filter will I be using tomorrow?

CC Okay, Ed. I guess what we really meant to say was

we're going to change the seal on the spare maga-
zine. You're right. That's the one that's giving
us the trouble. The prime is okay, and we checked
and we aren't going to use the spare again tomorrow.
We're going to use the prime again. So there's
really no rush on changing that seal on the spare
TAG Tape 33h-08/T-171
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SPT Okay. I'ii try to pick it up. And if you could

give me the filter we're going to use tomorrow, I
can go ahead and put that in there. And if there's
no objection, I can leave the ETC in the SAL with
the door closed.

CC Okay. We're checking for that now.

334 17 45 42 SPT Okay, Hank. That's not possible because we're

going to be running 183 this afternoon, but if
you could give me the filter -

CC Roger. We Just noticed that, too.

CC And, ED, we think that vacuum seal kit is in

F-510G. You might check when you get time to see
if it is there, and we're about 30 seconds from
LOS. We'll be coming up on Goldstone at 04, and
we're scheduled for a data recorder dump there.

SPT Okay, and do you know what filter we're going to

be using on ETC tomorrow?

CC Okay, and we won't have that filter until we

get the pass planned Ed, and that'll be later on

334 17 46 43 SPT Okay. Thank you, Hank.

334 18 04 12 CC Skylab, Houston. Stateside for 15-1/2 minutes.

SPT Roger, Hank.

CC SPT, Houston. No response required. When you do

your TV i17 setup later this evening, we're going
to want you to do a Nu Z update. And the window
for that - 20:05 to 20:24. We have a pass over
Vanguard at that time, so I'll give you a re-
minder at that time if it's okay.

SPT Okay, Hank.

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SPT Hey, Hank. That one at 17:00. Jer was busy on

EREP at the time, and in the ATM it was listed
under the no-EREP alternative. Did you want one
done there?

CC Let us check that.

CC Okay, Ed. That was the one we missed. That's the

reason we're scheduling another one. It was also
on the CDRs details, as well as on the no-EREP

33h 18 06 55 SPT Have we got a window in the next 15 minutes?

CC We have a window at 18:32 to 18:54.

CC 51, correction, 18:32 to 18:51.

SPT 32 to 51. Okay. We'll try to get it.

SPT Say, Hank, I think to facilitate the planning

for that in the future, I'd be at the panel there,
normally, at that time, monitoring the end of the
r maneuver. And it'd be Just as easy for me to do
it as opposed to Jerry, who's working the EREP C&D
quite heavily at that time.

CC We copy that. And we concur, Ed.

334 18 08 15 CC And, SPT, Just to clean up a couple more items

here and make sure all the Flight Plan changes
got up, I think you've already been told that we
deleted your ATM pass at 03:00. And also, in re-
gard to the problem we've had on the co-,,, we've
gone back and listened to those tapes, and you're
still hard to read, even with a Snoopy. And
suggestions we have are that perhaps now you're
too close to the mike. And we're getting sort of
spitting sound that's drowning things out, and we
also need a little more volume. And this is be-
cause of the background voice - background noise.
And the third thing that might help, is that you
have a naturally low voice, and if you could
remember to do it, if you could speak with a
higher pitch, I think it'd come through a little

SPT Okay, Hank Falsetto.

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SPT I make their evenings up here.

CC No comment.

334 18 09 32 CC And, Skylab, Houston. We are observing a caging

problem on the canister, and we're requesting no-
EPC mode until further notice. We want to take
a closer look at it.

CC Skylab, Houston. A little more on that canister

thing. It looks a little bit like the - at
this point, like the problem that we had earlier
during the unmanned phase. So, as I said earlier
we want to stay away from EPC until we can look at
it a little more closely.

SPT Okay, Hank. You mean stay away from the exper -

CC Skylab, Houston. We had a handover there and you

were cut out. The problem is with the canister to
caging and we want to stay out of EXPERIMENT
POINTING until we can analyze a little further.

SPT All right, Hank.

334 18 18 46 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute from LOS.

We'll see you in about l0 minutes at Vanguard
at 29.

334 18 29 02 CC Skylab, Houston through Vanguard for i0 minutes.

CC SPT, Houston. You can disregard the nuZ update

if you like. We've done - looked at it a little
more, and the nu z update schedule for the CDR
at 21:38 will be sufficient.

SPT Okay, Hank. We will do it.

CC Skylab, Houston. I have a question for the CDR,

if he's where he can answer, in regard to S183.
And that is was the 183 reset to 01 per the cue
card prior to removing the carrousel?

CDR That's affirmative, Hank.

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CC Okay, that's real good. And that - if it -

if you hadn't done that, then we had a procedure
we were going to up link to you to run through
before you put the film mag on.

334 18 37 28 CC CDR, Houston. I think this morning Story read you

up a shopping list of items that - for you to do
on your day off. We'd like to point out that
that really was a shopping list, and we - we
heartily recommend you take the full day off and
do only those things that have to be done. We
feel you've earned a break. However, if you do
decide you want to do some science, then we con-
sider the first priority to be the EREP. Now, if
it's okay with you, we'd like you to think about
this. And we'd like to talk to you about it at
Goldst0ne which is the next station coming up at
the - about an hour from now at 41; and that's
your eat period.

33h 18 38 l0 CDR Okay, Hank. I wonder if you might send it up - the

priority list, on a teleprinter. We agree with
you on the EREP, but we need to think a little bit
aboutsomeof the others.

CC You referring t O Just the required items or the

priority on the science items that we sent up
on the shopping list?

CDR Yes, the priority on the items that you - that

you suggested this morning which - Did you send -
you didn't send that up teleprinter, did you?

CC No, Story read that up to you. That was not a

required item. That was Just things you might
elect to do. We recommend you take it easy.

CDR I understand that, but I wonder if you'd Just sent

that priority list up to us on the teleprinter.
We'll give it some thought and get back with you.

CC Okay, we're going LOS; we'll do it.

334 18 38 58 CDR Thank you, Hank.

TAG Tape 334-09/T-172
F Time: 33h:19:00 to 33h:20:30
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334 19 41 36 CC Skylab, Houston through Goldstone and Texas for

11-1/2 minutes.

CC And Skylab, Houston. You're day-off shopping list

items should be printing out now.

CDR Okay. We hear it printing.

CDR Hank, we've had a little chance to talk about it

some and after we look at the shopping list, we
can get into a little more detail, but in general,
Ed would like some ATM passes on Sunday and Bill
and I Will - are quite willing to run an EREP on
that day because we realize EREP passes are kind of
at a premium, and we're all for that. But we
would like to look at the shopping list and go
in - you know - look at some of the other details
as what needs to be done. We were really Just
yanking your chain this morning. We didn't mean
f to square-waveanybody. We do understandthat this
is strictly a shopping list situation. And as soon
as we've a chance to look to sit down and look at
it, maybe we can come up with a few more details.

CC Okay. The message is complete now.

33h 19 44 22 CC CDR, Houston. While you're getting that list of

items there, I'd like to ask you a few questions -
Jog your memory a little bit about the quad B
thing. We were wondering where - were all the
PSM and QUAD talkbacks normal prior to your cycling
the valves?

CDR Yes, that's affirmative, Hank, the - they were all


CC Okay, and do you remember what the QUAD B HELIUM

PRIMARY and SECONDARY PROPE_ talkbaoks were -
what they indicated when you opened the QUAD B

CDE I think they were both barberpole, but I am not

TAG Tape 334-09/T-172
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CC And afterwards, what were they?

CDR They were still babrerpole. I'm going to go up

and do a command module housekeeping 7 in Just a
few minutes. I'll go up and we can go through
it again if you want to.

33_ 19 h5 3h CC Well, we - we've talked about that down here.

We've decided we don't want to cycle again.
However, when you get up there -we'll be over
Vanguard, I believe - and we may want to get the
present configuration of all the talkbacks.

CDR Okay, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary,

so it Just didn't impress me very much. I'm
reasonably sure that those talkbacks were all
barberpole like they should have been.

CC Okay, and for - our benefit would you say once

again what did occur when you opened the valve?

CDR Okay. When I open PRIMARY B, the upper barber -

upper barberpole went gray and the bottom one
stayed barberpole. And I looked at it for a couple
of seconds, and, well, actually it was more like a
minute. And then I went ahead and recycled it back
to off again, and held it the 5 seeonds that we -
that was specified, and they were both barberpole.
And I saw no movement whatsoever in the SECONDARY
QUAD talkback.

CC Roger, we copy.

33_ 19 h7 5h CDR Houston, Skylab.

CC Go ahead.

CDR Okay, looking at the off-duty list here. I guess

one thing we would want to delete would be
ED 63 ops. And number i0 - do we need to make
the selection of our TV choices now, or can we
hold off on that?

CC Okay, Jerry if - if you elect to do a TV, we

would need to know what it was before you go to
bed tonight, so we can do our planning.
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CDR Okay, we'll tell you later on that. But go ahead

and figure all the items - items are Go except 6,
and we owe you an answer on i0.

CC Okay, we copy.

33h 19 52 22 CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS.

Vanguard at 05 and we're scheduled for a voice
and data dump there.

334 19 52 32 CDR Roger, Hank.

334 19 53 30 CC CDR, as we're going over the hill, here, on that

crew day off, TV 81 is really the only one that
applies on day off.

334 20 05 50 CC Skylab, Houston through Vanguard for 10-1/2 minutes.

And as a reminder, we'll be dumping the recorder

CC Skylab, Houston. We'd like to verify that you

have reenabled the CMG SAT on panel 207.

SPT That'sverified,

CC Roger, Thank You, Ed.

CDR Hank, this CDR. I'm in the command module now.

CC Okay. You want to give us a rundo%nq on those

ts] kbacks ?

CDR Everything is as it should be. All the prime and

secondaries are barberpoled and the PSMs are

CC Roger. We copy.

CC How about the helium?

334 20 07 23 CDR The QUAD HELIUMS are barberpoled. The PSM

HELIUM and MANIFOLDS are also barberpoled.
TAG Tape 334-09/T-172
Page 4 of 5/932

CC Roger. We copy. Thanks a lot.

CC Skylab, Houston.. For anybody happens to be

around the wardroom or remember - how does the
window look now? We getting any frost there,

SPT It 's pretty clean, Hank. There 's a little

water mark there, I think, where the last - the
last ice was back on the SL-3 mission. I noticed
as our ice sublimed that it did not leave a water-
mark that I could tell. We haven't had any
recurrence of it at all.

CC Roger. We copy. Thank you.

334 20 09 07 CC And, CDR, no response required. That message

1543 we sent up this morning, that'd been
about one of the last ones up there for your
S183 prep at 23:00.

CDR Say again, Hank.

CC Okay. That message we sent up earlier this

morning, Just to make sure it's clear - that
1543 was the message number - was for your S183
prep at 23:00.

CDR Okay. That's S183 ops. Isn't that what you


CC Yes, That's correct.

CDR Okay. Let me check to make sure I have it.

CDR Yes, I've got it. It calls for carousel 1-1.

CC That' s correct.

334 20 14 44 CDR Houston, Skylab.

CC Go ahead.

CDR Is your telemetry showing anything peculiar

going on with the seconday glycol loop?

CC We'll take a look.

TAG Tape 33h-09/T-172
Page 5 of 5/933

CDR The reason why is I Just fired up the

secondary loop for a check, here, and I've noticed
some - oh, I don't know, you call it some clunkity,
clunking, I guess, if anything else. And the
whole spacecraft is vibrating. And it seems to
cut on, run for about l0 seconds, and then cut off
for about a minute or so, and then cut back in
again for l0 seconds. And it sounds like it's
outside, probably around the radiator area.

CC CDR, we'd like to shut it down.

CDR Okay. I'm doing it.

334 20 15 57 CC Okay. We don't - at first look, we don't see

anything abnormal in the telemetry, but we'll take
a further look at it and try to have some more
words for you at Tananarive. We're about
30 seconds from LOS. Tananarive will be coming
up at 31. In the event that we have poor comm
there, Hawaii will be next at 21:16.

CDR Okay. I don't have any indications on meters in

here that we've got a problem,but it's a rather
strange feeling.

CC We saw a MASTER ALARM. Do you have anything on

board there?

CDR No, that was Just caused when I shifted - switched

over to the other glycol pumps.

CC Okay.

CC The vibrations stop when you shut it down?

334 20 16 56 CDR I haven't shut ...

TAG Tape 334-I0/T-173
Time: 334:20:30 te 334-22:00
Page i of 4/935


334 20 31 55 CC Skylab, HouSton through Tananarive for 8 minutes.

SPT Hello, Hank. What's the progress of the canister

probl am?

CC Okay, we're letting the canister - the lock motors

there cool down now, Ed, and we're studying the
possibility of giving it a try again at Hawaii,
coming up here in about a hour.

SPT Okay. As I recall, the last time we had a canis-

ter caged close to zero and this time I'm showing
that it's pretty far from Sun center.

CDR Houston, CDR.

CC Go ahead.

CDR I've about convinced myself that our problem, the

noise I heard,is not commandmodule. It may be
the canister, I don't know. I've bad the loop
quieted down now - shut doom for about 12 minutes.
And we Just had another little series of the
vibrations. It's a - well it's a clnnkity - clunk -
clunkity - clunk and the clunks are the cycles per
second is about - oh, two cycles per second, or
something like that. And the whole spacecraft
vibrates gently at that frequency. And I Just don't
see anything at all on the command module panel
anywhere that indicates that it has anything to do
with this vehicle, and I'm wondering if maybe the
canister might be our problem.

CC We'll check it.

334 20 3h 48 CDR Houston, Skylab.

CC Go ahead.

CDR While we're waiting here, I've found a discrepancy

between the 7 day systems housekeeping cue card and
the checklist in the SWS - CSM Systems Checklist.
It concerns the circuit breaker SECONDARY COOLANT
HEATER CONTROL MAIN A. The cue card's got me
TAG Tape 334-I0/T-173
Page 2 of 4/936

closing it and then opening it again, but we're

not doing anything with the heater switch itself.
Should that be deleted out of the cue card or
should it be added to the checklist?

CC Okay, let us take a look at it, Jerry.

CDR Okay.

334 20 36 36 CDR Houston, this is CDR. I'd like to go ahead and

power up the secondary loop again and get on with
that test.

CC Okay, Jer. If you're sure it's not in the glycol

loop, press ahead.

CDR Yes, I think it was Just coincidental. It's

probably been going on for some time down here,
and I Just happened to be in here long enough to
notice it.

334 20 38 36 CC Skylab, Houston. It appears that we may be going

LOS here. Our next site is Hawaii at 21:16.

334 20 38 47 SPT Roger, Hank.

334 21 15 50 CC Skylab, Houston through Hawaii for 6 minutes.

CC Skylab, Houston. Are you still experiencing the

periodic vibrations?

CDR Say again, Bruce.

CC Roger. This is Hank. Are you still getting those

vibrations periodically?

CDR Negative. Haven't gotten any. I had to leave and

I've been checking back about every 5 or l0 minutes,
but I haven't felt any more.

CC We copy.

334 21 17 15 CDR Right now, Hank, Ed's going on up into the command
module and spend about i0 or 15 minutes on sort of
a vibration watch to see if it does it again. We're
going - each of us - try to spend a little time up
there and try to catch it again if we can. So far,
TAG Tape 33h-lO/T-173
Page 3 of 4/937

I don't think it's of any great consequence, but

it is rather peculiar.

CC Is the only place you can feel it is up forward in

the command module? Is that correct?

334 21 17 47 CDR That's affirmative, Hank. We've talked about it

Nobody else really knows - can really say they
felt any in the workshop or anything. We think
probably, the reason why you can feel it in the
command module, if it is the workshop that's doing
the shaking, is that the co_nand module is kind
of sticking out on the end of the pendulum there.

CC Roger. And we have seen it here on the data. But

so far we can't find anything in any of the systems
that would be causing it.

CDR Yes, neither can we.

SPT How does it show up on the data, Hank?

CC Roger. We could see it - a scatter in the rate

data on the plots that C&S has down here.

334 21 19 h3 CC And, Skylab, Houston. For info, we've decided

against trying the uncage on the canister this rev.

CDR Roger, Hank.

334 21 21 27 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute from LOS,

Vanguard at 44, and we're scheduled to do a voice
and then data recorder dump.

334 21 21 39 CDR Roger, Hank.

334 21 43 53 CC Skylab, Houston through Vanguard for i0 minutes.

CC And, Skylab, Houston. Did you pick up any vibra-

tions between stations?

334 21 47 08 CC CDR, Houston. As a r_nder, we have a nu Z update

scheduled along aboutnow; you're in the window

CDR Thank you, Hank, we were probably going to forget

TAG Tape 334-I0/T-173
Page 4 of 4/938

CC And, CDR, if you answered us a while ago, I didn't -

I didn't get any downlink. Do you - did yo U ex-
perience any more vibrations?

CDR Negative, Hank.

CC Okay, we copy.

334 21 48 42 CC CDR, Houston. The update looks good.

33h 21 52 47 CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS. We'll

have Tananarive at 08.

334 21 52 55 CC If we're un - unsuccessful there, our next station

is Hawaii at 22:50.

TAG Tape 334-11/T-174
Time: 334:22:00 to 33h:22:30
Page 1 of 6/939


334 22 ii 03 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Tananarive for

3 minutes. Out.

CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 38 minutes through Hawaii at
22:51. Out.

CDR Okay, Bruce. We'll see you.

334 22 13 19 CC Roger, Roger.

334 22 50 h2 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for i0 minutes.


CDR Roger, Bruce.

CC And a couple of items here. First, we are inhib-

iting the momentum dump at this time on uplink
through - per standard procedure for S183. Second,
off - also by uplink command, we're going to co_m_nd
uncage and - on the EPC, and see if we get it. We
will power downthe EPC prior to LOS if successful.
And you'll go ahead and run your synoptic observations
only as scheduled at about 01:30, if we're success-
ful. If not, we'll have some other words for you.

PLT Okay, Bruce, if you'll let us know when you're

going to do it, we'll put somebody in the command

CC We don't see any real need to do that. We can

handle it from down here. Why, were you thinking
about the vibration?

33h 22 51 53 PLT Yes. Want to see if it has anything to do with the


CC Well, okay. We're ready now, if you want to send

somebody up there. Give us a yell when you're

PLT Okay. Ed'll give you a call when he gets up there.

TAG Tape 33h-II/T-174
Page 2 of 6/9h0

CC Okay, and I have some commentary for you all on the

S183 ops if Jerry's listening.

PLT He's listening.

334 22 52 29 CC Okay, it looks to us like there really two problems,

one of which is a film - a malfunction in the hard-
ware and another of which is a procedural mixup
between the SL-2 and SL-4 handover, you might say.
During SL-2, the S183 film advance indicaton was
left at 04. And when you loaded the carrousel and
turned the power on, the indicator should have
shown up at 04, since this count is retained on a
logic device, that's not power sensitive. Our
suspicion is that you didn't notice this as being
unusual and went ahead and advanced the carrousel
to frame 01 and picked up operations per checklist
pad. This would have actually put you on plate 33
which would be the one that came out during film
stowage, although the indicator wouldn't indicate
that. Then during teleme - or the dump telemetry
shows that the reason the f_]m advanced during the
1260-second exposure, and it did in fact advance,
was that a 20-second exposure was made prior to
starting 1260-second sequence by hardware in the
SI8B. We currently don't know why that 20-second
first exposure occured, but we're still looking into
it. For today's operations we'd like you all to
monitor the exposures carefully to see if the
problem recurs. If it does, press on with the
normal operations, and we'll reassess after the
run. Over.

PLT Okay2 Bruce. We copied all of that. Thank-you.

BS4 22 54 14 SPT Okay, Bruce. I'm up in the comm_nd module. Go

ahead and send the signal.

CC Roger; will do.

CC And if somebody could check with the CDR, you might

ask him if he did, in fact, notice this 04 display
come up when the carrousel was loaded, or whether
maybe we're all wet on that one. Over.

PLT No, he-he confirms that.

CC Okay, beautiful.
TAG Tape 33h-ll/T-17)4
Page 3 of 6J941

CDR Bruce, in my tape debriefing, I confirmed that it

was at 04, and also the pad said to start with
plate l, so I advanced on through to plate 1.

CC Okay, mighty fine. Yes - No - that's - we're

not criticizing your approach, there. You did
exactly what was called for. I personally had not
listened to the tape.

CDR Okay.

CC Okay, Ed. Here we go with the uncage, stand by -

334 22 55 26 CC MARK.

SPT _*_ in the command module.

CC Okay. It's looking good to us, Ed. We've got an

uncage in motion. Are you getting anything
abnormal up there?

SPT That's negative, Bruce. It's quiet; no vibration

in the commsnd module.

CC Okay, that wraps it t;pEd; thank you.

334 22 56 57 CC Skylab, this is Houston. We're securing the ATM,

returning to SI mode, and it's all yours on the
next pass, ATM synoptic. Out.

CDR Okay, Bruce. Did you actually move the canister

at all?

CC Yes, indeed. We uncaged, pointed it to Sun center,

and verified that it was working.

CDR Okay, our FINE SUN SENSOR readouts up here remain

unchanged before you uncaged.

CC Okay, we're caged again, and correct my last. We

did not go to SUN C_TER. We went to the pre-loaded
FINE SUN SENSOR wedge position. So you shouldn't
see any change.

CDR Right. Okay, thank you.

CC But the canister did move.

TAG Tape 334-11/T-174
Page 4 of 6/942

334 22 59 52 CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 22-1/2 minutes through the
Vanguard at 23:22 with a data/voice tape recorder
dump. Out.

CDR Roger, Bruce. Did you dump the VTR yet?

CC Negative, Jerry.

CDR Okay. I put about 18 or 19 minutes on it of prep

for 183. Do you want some operations on it, too?

CC Okay, Jerry. We show you were scheduled to put

20 minutes on it. And we're showing 20.2 minutes,
so you're right on schedule, and you got a
10-minute block for the operational TV. Over.

334 23 O0 47 CDR Okay.

33_ 23 22 24 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

8 minutes with the data/voice tape recorder dump.

CDR Roger,

CC Okay, Jerry. Since you answered up, we've got one

question for you regarding the RCS quad Bravo fuel
isolation situation. And that is, in reconstructing
the sequence of talkbaek movements that you
mentioned to us, we're wondering if it's possible
that you inadvertently cycled the quad B HELIUM
switch instead of the PROPELLANT switch up there
on panel 2, because this would give you the upper
talkback, being the HELIUM talkback, going gray,
and the lower talkback, being the PROPELLANT
talkback, staying barberpole, since it wasn't
hooked up to that switch. And in any events, we'd
like to cycle the quad B valves over again in
accordance with the procedure we passed you last
night. 0ver.

CDR Okay, it's worth a try.

CC And in backing up our supposition here, we noticed

on telemetry the TANK PRESSURE rise and the
MANIFOLD PRESSURE rise during your switch cycling
last evening. Over.
TAG Tape 334-II/T-174
Page 5 of 6/943

334 23 23 47 CDR Okay, I'ii go up and do it right now. I've got "
a couple of minutes to spare.

CC Hey, mighty fine. We'll be watching here. And

for the SPT, l've got a quick medical input.

SPT Go ahead.

CC Roger. The Gypsy moth principal investigator is

concerned that his eggs might not be getting enough
oxygen. During the next moth observation period,
we'd like you to loosen both vial caps by one-half
to one turn. Two revolutions are required to take
the caps completely off, which is undesirable.
And of course we don't want you to take them out
of the bags. Over.

SPT Understand you want me to loosen the caps through

the back one-half - one and one-half turns.

CC Roger; and our understanding is one-half to one

turn, and our understanding is that the bag indeed
has holes in it also to allow air to flow through
f it.

334 23 24 53 SPT Okay. And you did say one and one-half turns or
one-half to one turn?

CC From 0.5 to 1.0 turn. Over.

SPT Got you, Bruce.

CC And I guess that's the PLT on the background on

the bike. Sometime later I've got a change to the
building block 1-A procedure that he's going to
be running at about 01:30.

PLT That 's right, Bruce.

SPT Bruce, I would also like you to - see if you could

round up another location for the charged particle
mobility demo. It is not in the food chiller.

CC Understand, you're looking for it and it's not in

the food chiller?

SPT That's affirm.

CC Okay, let us work on it.

TAG Tape 33h-ll/T-17h
Page 6 of 6/94_

33h 23 27 20 CDR Bruce, this is CDR. That must have been what
happened. It worked perfect, this time.

CC Okay, mighty fine. Thank you, very much, Jerry.

And well, we were watching down here and just
trying to psych things out and help you out.

CDR Thanks for the help, Bruce; I appreciate it. And

by the way, I Just put the primary loop back in.

CC Say again, please, on the primary loop?

CDR Yes, primary glycol loop. I Just got the secondary

off and the prim_y back on again.

CC Okay; thank you, very much.

CDR And I also sent down a question earlier about the

secondary coolant heater control main A circuit
breaker, whether or not that should be on the cue
card or in the checklist. I think Hank was on
duty when I called it in.

CC Right. Hank told me about that, and we'll get you

an answer in Just a second, here.

CC Jerry, this is Houston. The checklist is correct.

The circuit breakers should r_mRin in that CB
in or CLOSED all the time. And we will send you a
change to your cue card deleting the closing and
opening of that breaker. Over.

334 23 29 39 CDR Okay, fine. Thank you, Bruce.

TAG Tape 334-12/T-175
Time: 334:23:30 to 334:01:00
Page 1 of 1/945


334 23 31 31 CC Skylab, this is Houston. 20 seconds to LOS, next

station contact in 1 hour and 29 minutes through
the Vanguard at 01:00 Zulu. If the charged par-
ticle mobility demonstration is, indeed, not in
the chiller, it should, of course, have been trans-
ferred from the command module in the A-4 locker.
And if you can't locate it in that place, why, go
ahead and use the time to catch up on some of the
other things you might be wanting to do. Over.

SPT Okay, Bruce. We've looked through the transferred

list also, our old 4 transferred list, but the only
thing We've had coming from A_4 ...

334 23 32 16 CC Okay. You're breaking up. It was in A-h in the

command module.

TAG Tape 335-01/T-176
__ Time: 335:01:00 to 335:02:30
Page i of 8/ 9_7


335 01 00 06 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

10-1/2 minutes. Over.

PLT Roger, Bruce.

CC Okay, Bill. I've got a dele - deletion of an

omission for you here on building block 1-A.

PLT Okay, I didn't get the omissions yet.

CC Okay. If - When you're in a position to copy, I

can give it to you here. It has to do with your
synoptic pass coming up at 01:30.

PLT Ready to copy, Bruce.

CC Okay, in building block 1-Alfa, we have deleted

82A operations. And we would like to restore it.
The two operations are both time exposures. The
f first one is I minute 00 seconds, the second one
is 20 seconds. That's bttilding block 1-A. Over.

PLT Roger. Understaud. We will make the two exposures,

82A and 1-Alfa, first one, 1 minute; the second
one 20 seconds.

CC Roger. And then a quick one for the SPT if he's


PLT He's listening.

335 Ol 01 25 CC Okay, for the charged particle mobility demonstra-

tor, you should look for the unit in W-733, in
with the ED31 bacteria and spores equil_ment. It's
housed in a can that's blue in color, has it's name
on it. And if you find it, please stow it in the
food chiller, and let us know. Over.

SPT I found it Bruce. It was in A-8. We've been

looking through the legendary day 4 transfers and
didn't [sic] able to find it there. I was able
to, researching the COmmAnd module locate it. I've
got the experiment being set up now. Would you like
me to put it in the chiller and run it another time
.P or press on with it? I'm about halfway through it.
TAG Tape 335-01/T-175
z of 8/

CC 0 - That 's your call, Ed. We 're agreeable either

way. We don't want to keep you up late this eve-
nlng. Have you already pressed the little gage and
started the particles migrating?

335 01 02 28 SPT Negative, Bruce. I'm Just, with a lot of barnyard

engineering, setting up the whole piece of gear.
It - it's taking a little more time than called for.

CC Okay, your option then. Just let us know what you

decide to do with it. And as we went over the hill
there at Vanguard last rev, why, biomed was mention-
ing A-8, and I tried to get it up to you but I don't
think we made it through the static there.

' _ Yes, okay. I located it shortly after that. I -

I do have a question though, why it had to be chilled?
I 'm wondering whether that 's going to influence
results at all?

335 01 02 59 CC Yes, one of the samples there is hi-,an blood cells.

And it was intended to preserve it in the chiller.
And the transfer was not in the day 4 transfers. It
was in the Activation Checklist.

SPT No wonder we didn't find it there.

CC Ed, we'd like to delay it. Put it in the chiller

this evening, and we'll regroup here and reschedule
it for you. Over.

SPT Okay, I've got all that gear, spider caage, and tape,
the whole works all set up there in t_e MDA. So
I hope we don't delay it too long; it's taking up
a lot of area.

CC Roger, our main concern here is for you all to go

ahead and get your meal out of the way. And get
the presleep activities and stuff, and get a good
night 's sleep.

SPT That' s good, Bruce. Thank you.

CDR Houston, CDR.

TAG Tape BB5-OI/T-175
Page 3 of 8/ 949

CC Go ahead, Jerry.

335 01 0h 13 CDR Okay, quick update on S183. The sequencer worked

beautifully, Just exactly the way it's supposed to.
Everything sequenced through very nicely. That' s
the good news. Now the bad news. When I took the
carrousel out of the SA, the little slide door was
open, and a little piece of glass floated out with
some emulsion on it. I covered it up with my hand,
got it into the storage container as quickly as
possible and got it depressurized and back in the

CC Roger, we copy.

CDR Okay, and there's a full debriefing on tape.

SPT Bruce, for the stowage folks, ED31 is now in 732.

There was no room in 733 for it.

CC Okay, we'll track that.

335 01 05 39 CC And as long as y'all are sitting around eating

dinner,I've got one more for you here that we
were going to put in the evening questions. But
let me Just read it up, since this is general in-
formation on Kohoutek. So this is from comet
control, Houston. With reference to your question
on why the comet is difficult to see, it's currently
in an area where there's are a lot of stars of
similar magnitude. In addition, the total inte-
grated intensity of the comet is plus 5. This in-
tensity is spread over the area of the comet, and
it's the sort of thing that you'd see, I guess, if
it were defocused in a pair of binoculars. So
that its surface intensity is fairly dim and the
starlike nucleus of it is only a plus 8 to plus l0
magnitude. And down here on the surface of Earth,
a plus 6 is generally considered to be about the
dimmest star that you pick up with the naked eye.
Up there you'd probably get a plus 7 or so, so the
nucleus is right about your threshold of visibility.

335 01 06 h0 PLT Roger, Bruce, that's very interesting. And do you

also have any predicted performance on this thing?
Do they have any update on it ; what they think it's
going to do?
TAG Tape 335-01/T-175
Page 4 of 8/ 950

CC Oh, yes, we got lots of predicted performance.

Generally, of course, it's going to get brighter.
If you want specific numbers, we'll have to get
them for you.

PLT Yes, relative to what they had originally predicted.

Does it still look like a real boomer or is it going
to Just sort of bomb out?

CC No, it still looks like a real boomer. The con-

versation I've heard is that it may fall a few
percent less than the original predictions. But
it should definitely be the dominant feature in the
nighttime sky.

335 01 07 23 PLT Okay, that's what I wanted to know. Thanks a lot,

because I've - I've really been looking at that,
and I can't see it eXcept with binoculars. And
I've been sort of hitting myself on the side of
the head wondering why I can't see it because you
keep telling me I ought to be able to. (Laughter)

CC No, apparently it 's coming along pretty well as

predicted. I've heard some commentary that it
seems to be more of a dust-type comet than it does
an ice comet, but that's Just what I've seen in the

PLT Yes, I have - I've noticed the dust tail.

CC And we're passing your request on to comet control

here for a fuller briefing on the subject.

PLT Okay, thank you.

335 01 09 12 CC Skylab, this is Houston, l-l/2 minutes to LOS.

Next station contact in 4-1/2 minutes through As-
cension at 01:14. The following station is Guam
at 01:57 for the evening status report. Out.

PLT Thank you, Bruce.

CC Oh, hey, and one other item as we go over the hill

here. I got a carry-forward that you were going
to come back to us with your answers on the TV
TAG Tape 335-01/T-175
Page 5 of 8/ 951

numbered items for your day-off Flight Plan.

Over. We can watch that later at Ascension or
evening status report.

335 01 l0 15 PLT Roger.

335 01 16 18 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Ascension for

7-1/2 minutes. Out.

335 01 22 51 CC Skylab, this is Houston, 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 35 minutes through Guam at
01:57, where we'll be stauding by for the evening
status report. Over.

CDR Roger, Houston.

335 01 23 05 CC And the one after that, at Vanguard at 02:37, will

be the med conference. Out.

335 01 57 58 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Guam for 9 minutes

and 16 seconds. Go with the evening status report.

CC We'll be dumping your data/voice tape recorder

also. Go ahead. Over.

CC And last for the day, but not least, a MOMENTUM


SPT Okay. It's - INHIBITED. Jer will be with you in

a minute. He's got a S009.

CC Okay. We were going to inhibit it by uplink.

SPT Okay. That's not the way it was phrased, Bruce,

but it's done.

CC Okay. No problem. Standing by for the evening

status report.

BB5 01 59 09 SPT Okay. Jerry will be with you in a minute. We're

giving you the TV downlink you asked for, Bruce.
And we're right on the prominence now and we're
giving you some XUV, and also some H-ALPHA. In
comparing M0N 1 and M0N 2, we find that we can't
even see the prominence on M0N 2, but M0N l, it
Just stands out clear as a bell. There certainly
TAG Tape 335-01/T-175
Page 6 of 8 / 952

is a difference between the two. Looks like MON i

is going to be exceptionally useful for relatively
low - low - brightness objects.

CDR Okay, Bruce, S009 is initiated and l'm ready with

the evening report.

cC Okay. Go ahead, Jerry.

CDR Okay - -

CC Stand by. Break- break! Break - break! Break!

CDR Go ahead.

CDR Go ahead, Bruce.

335 02 00 hl CC We're concerned about the ATM operations. Our

schedule shows that you should be doing synoptic
on the ATM at the present time. Over.

PLT Okay. This is the PLT. I have a callout on my

pad which says at 41, the TV downlink. I ques-
that at the time because at 41 I'm right - if you _
check your times - I'm right in the middle between
i Alfa and Bravo. Actually, I should have been
into i Bravo, but I looked at this and I figured
well, they must want some TV downlink on that
prominence. So I finished i Alfa, went over there,
and zeroed in on the prominence and I got it all
set up in time for the AOS. Now, I was somewhat
confused, l'm perfectly content to press on with
i Bravo.

CC Okay, Bill. The - what we'd like to do here is

go ahead with I-B and work in the TV downlink con-
currently with i Bravo, if you can do that. Just
XUV MON, which is not too dependent on pointing.

335 02 01 59 PLT Okay. I wasn't sure if you Just wanted XUV MON
or the full treatment. I'm pressing on with
1 Bravo, and I'll give you XUV MON.

CC Okay.
TAG Tape 335-01/T-175
/-- Page 7 of 8/ 953

SPT Bruce, in the future, could you have them put on

the pad the pointing for those, because that P-35
certainly was confusing to myself as well.

CC Okay. We copy.

CDR Now, coach?

CC Now. 0ver.

335 02 02 29 CDR Okay. Sleep: CDR, 7 - 6/heavy, 1/light; SPT,

7.4 - 6.9/light, 0.5/heavy; PLT, 7.0 - 7.0/heavy.
Volumes: CDR, 1300; SPT, 1700; PLT 1600. Water
gun: CDR, 6872; SPT, 1588; PLT, 7776. Body mass:
CDR, 6.302, 6.304, 6.303; SPY, 6.387, 6.391, 6.393;
PLT, 6.234, 6.235, 6.233. Exercise: CDE,
method Alfa, body, leg, 30 minutes, 4200 watt-minutes.
Method Bravo - Alfa, 20 repetitions ; Foxtrot,
i0 repetitions; total time for Bravo was 06 minutes.
Method Charlie - Charlie, Delta, and Foxtrot,
4 minutes, i0 repetitions each. Method Foxtrot,
08 minutes. Method X-ray, Hordinsky special, 04 min-
utes, i0 eac, method Alfa - leg, 35 minutes,
7337. Method Bravo - Foxtrot, i0 minutes, 40 repi-
titions. Method Foxtrot, run, 05 minutes. Method
Foxtrot, springs, 05 minutes, 300 repetitions. Meth-
od Foxtrot, toe rises, 5 minutes, 200 repetitions.
PLT, Alfa, leg, 32, 5000 watt-minutes. Method Bravo -
Alfa, Bravo, Delta, Echo, 08, 50 repetitions each.
Charlie - Bravo, Charlie, Delta - correction, meth-
od Charlie - position Bravo, Charlie, Delta, X-ray, -
Echo, Foxtrot, Gulf and Hotel, 07, 15 repetitions
each. Method foxtrot, i0 minutes. Medications :
None. Garments discarded: CDR, one pair of socks,
one T-shirt, one pair of shorts ; SPT, one Jacket,
one pair of pants, one shorts, one T-shirt, one
pair of socks; PLT, none. Food log - CDR: salt,
2.0; deviations, one coffee with sugar, one apple
drink, rehydration water, zero.

335 02 0h 53 CC Break. Break.

CDR Go ahead.

CC Added or subtracted a coffee with sugar and an

apple drink?

CDR Added, unless I say minus.

TAG Tape 335-01/T-175
Page 8 of 8/ 954 _.

CC Okay, we gotcha.

CDR Okay. The SPT: no salt; deviations, one butter

cooky, and plus l0 salt; rehydration water,
minus l-l/2 ounce. PLT, 4.0 salt, one mint,
one lemonade, one coffee; rehydration water, zero.
Photo log: 16-millimeter, EREP, 140 foot, Charlie
Lima 09, 80, N/A; S183 ops, 140 feet, Uncle -
Uniform Alfa 04, 94, N/A. 35-millimeter Nikon 01,
Charlie X-ray 20, 60; Nikon 02, India Romeo 08, 05;
Nikon 03, Charlie India ll0, 22; Nikon 04, Charlie
X-ray 19, 64; Nikon 05, Bravo Hotel 03, 41. 70-milli-
meter, Charlie X-ray 47, 005; ETC, Charlie Tango 100,
88. EREP, Set Kit - Set Kilo, 9500, 1687_ 9219,
8592, 0%3, 9267. Drawer A configuration: Alfa l,
07, Charlie India 72, 100percent, Charlie India 85.
Rest of the drawer, no change.

335 02 06 50 CC Okay. We copy all of that, Jerry. Th_n_ you very

much. 15 seconds to LOS. Next station contact in
30 minutes through the Vanguard; private medical
conference. Subsequent contact in 47minutes
through Ascension at 02:54. We'll talk to you over
Ascension. Out.

CDR Okay, Bruce. All the rest of the report's N/A.

CC Roger. We'll pick upwith the evening questions

and that stuff over Ascension.

CDR Okay.

CC Did you - -

335 02 07.27 CDR Go ahead.

TAG Tape 335-02/T-177
Time: 335:02:32 to 335:0_:00
Page 1 of 8/ 955


335 02 5_ 29 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Ascension, Canary,

and Madrid for 14-1/2 minutes. Over.

CDR Roger, Bruce.

CC Okay, we've got a couple of ATM-relateditems here

that l'd like to whip through rapidly. First off,
we want to apologize for messing Bill up on the
ATMTV downlink. Our check back through the ATM
schedule pad and its generation indicates that we
had really intended to put Sun centered on instead
of P-35, in which case, we think it would have been
all pretty clear and meshed together nicely. Over.

PLT Roger, Bruce. l've made a few mistakes of my own,

and they're on tape.

335 02 55 19 CC Okay, and also earlier this afternoon, we observed

an ATM operator pulsing the ATM ROLL switch in the
f HIGH RATE, TIMES i mode to line up on target. We'd
like to avoid pulsing in HIGH RATE, TI_ i as well
as any operation in HIGH RATE, TIMES 2, which of
course you are aware of, as it disturbs the rack
rate gyro outputs. And sometime during this
Ascension, Canary, Madrid pass, if we could, we
would like to get a frame count from the ATM
CAD console and also get S055 MODE switch put to
the STOP position. Over.

PLT Roger; the film count's on tape. 55 MODE switch

is to STOP.

CC Okay, mighty fine. And we're going to COmmAnd

vehicle attitude to SI here. This is a one-shot
deal. This evening. We'll keep you posted on our
philosophy of - with regard to SI versus experiment
pointing as it evolves. In looking over the photo
reports in the evening status report this evening,
we noticed no mention of ET - MI51 activities
covering ETC prep, and we surmise that this is
because you did ETC prep last night. Is that cor-
rect? Over.
TAG Tape 335-02/T-177
Page 2 of 8/ 956 _

335 02 56 45 CDR Yes, that's right. They asked Ed about that this
morning, and he said that he had already done it
last night. And they said, "Well, yes, we kind
of figured you had."

CC Okay. While we're talking to you, Jerry, during

the S019 operation on day lO, i.e., 6 days ago,
you indicated you could not see the reticle. Do
you recall if you had adjusted the RETICLE INTEN-
SITY to _]] brightness? The reticle is not unus-
ually bright at its best, and some dark adaptation
may be required to see it. Over.

CDR Are you sure that was me or was the Bill? Because
I was able to see the reticle.

CC Okay, We'll check on that. If Bill is handy, he

might Just answer it off of the top of his head.

PLT Was that S019?

CC Yes.

335 02 57 34 PLT I checked the reticle switch several times, and I -

don't know, maybe I was doing it wrong, but I never
did get a reticle. It wasn't a matter of brightness.
I Just didn't see anything.

CC Did you turn it up to full brightness? I think

there a rheostat on the thing as well as the switch.

PLT I don't recall doing that and that could be it -

the explanation.

CC 0keydoke, thank you. And we've got 30 seconds to

hand over here to Canary. And I'll come back at
you with some information from comet control cen-
ter here.

CDR Okay, Bruce.

335 02 58 48 CC And to amplify my remarks on the experiment point-

ing versus SI modes, out current feeling is that
the system is operating completely normally. We'll
be _mning a full day of manned ATM operations
tomorrow. And if we have - or as we generate
TAG Tape 335-02/T-177
Page 3 of 8/ 957

additional information on the situation, we'll

keep you posted on what we plan to do with the
unattended ops. And we're coming up on a keyhole
here, and I'll talk to you on the other side of

CC Are you all still reading me even though we're

carried in a keyhole here?

CC Skylab, this is Houston. How do you read?

CDR Loud and clear, Bruce.

335 03 00 08 CC Okay, the current ground of observations of the

Kohoutek comet are falling about 1/2 to 3/h of a
m_gnitude below the lower comet magnitude curve
in the ATM secion of the Flight Data File. On
November 29, the total magnitude was observed to
be 5.1, and the magnitude of the nucleus was 7.5.
But the current total magnitude is projected to
be _.9. Up until November 21 the comet was gen-
erally dusty, On that day the gas tail was first
observed. And the comet now has a dust tail to be
f reported i degree and 40 minutes long, and a gas
tail of about 3 to 6 degrees in length and a num-
ber of gas emission lines having been identified.
It has also been reported from the Smithsonlan
Astrophysical Observatory, ground visual sightings
from New Mexico show knots in the tail, considerable
tail structure, and IR observations have been made
in the 20-micron range.

335 03 O1 II CC We've got a question here regarding the OWS heat

exchanger fans. On telemetry yesterday, day 333,
we observed the OWS HEAT EXCHANGER FANS running.
The PCS temp select point had not been change_ If
the fans came on automatically, TM indicates that
they came on at a workshop temperature approximately
2 to 3 degrees lower than expected. And I guess
we're curious to find out if you all turned the
fans on manually, and, if so, if you turned them
on at panel 390 or panel 617. Over.

PLT I did that Bruce; I did it at panel 390. I vacuumed

those things again, and I turned them to ON.

CC Okay, understand you turned them ON when you

vacuumed them.

CDR Afterhe vacuumedthem.

] l
TAG Tape 335-02/T-177
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CC Okay, afterwards. Mighty fine. Thank you.

B35 03 02 i0 CDR Okay, Bruce, I owe you an answer on TV for day off.

CC Yes. I got some more words onthat for you. Over.

CDR Okay, go ahead.

CC Okay, the choice really comes down to TV-81 being

the only authorized television for your day off.
TV-102, S, h, 5, 6, or 117 ops 2 - delete ll7
ops 2 - You can dry run, if you like, to see how
it's going to work out, but you're not authorized
use of the television camera or the VTR, even as
a subset of TV-S1 to cover them. Over.

CDR Okay, that's kind of what we figured. We hadn't

plnnned on doing any one of those except 81.

CC Roger; you're right along with our thinking.

SB5 0S 02 59 CDR Okay, and then a little item for the Earth obser-
vations people. About an hour ago we flew over
central Japan and I got a look down at Sakurazima, -_
the volcano down in the southern island of Kyushu.
And it's reallysnorting and smoking up a storm.
I got some - what I think are rather poor pictures
with the BOO-millimeter lens, but I tried to give
them a oral description of what I saw, and it's
on tape.

CC Great, mighty fine. And if you have no other mission

traffic for us, we've got the evening news here.

CDR Okay, let her rip.

BB50B 03 43 CC Okay. The Soviet Union: Despite its recent series

of space mishaps, the Soviet Union is determined
to launch another of its own version of the Ameri-
can Skylab in less then 2 years, according to
Major General Vladimir Shatalov, Chief of Cosmo-
naut Training. The new effort to launch a Salyut
to be reached by a crew in a Soyuz craft will be
made before U.S. and Soviet crews are scheduled
to link up in space in July, 1975, he said. The
plan was described at the Soviet space training
center on the outskirts of Moscow, the occasion
TAG Tape 335-02/T-177
Page 5 of 8/959

being the end of a 2-week training session for

American and Russian crews preparing for the Joint
flight. Asked if there would be Soyuz and Salyut
tests before the Joint mission, Shatalov said: "Our
space program work concerning Soyuz and Salyut is
going to continue. I believe before 1975 we will
have both kinds of flights." Also Moscow: Ameri-
can astronauts preparing for the 1975 U.S./Soviet
Joint spaceflight see only one problem. The food
is so good at the Russian training camp that they
might need a bigger ship. The AmericAna wound up
their first familiarization session in the Soviet
Union Thursday and, despite quips about the food
and drink, predicted no difficulty in m_ing the
Soyuz-Apollo flight on schedule.

335 03 04 57 CC 'We've completed 2 weeks - 2 wonderful weeks of

work," astronaut crew leader Thomas P. Stafford
said at the cosmonaut training center 20 miles
east of Moscow. There's only one problem. With
all this hospitality and wonderful food, we may
need a bigger rocket for our side." Newsmen at
the conference got a chance to sample some of the
toothpaste-type tubes of cosmonaut space food,
including purged chicken and meat, borscht and
shchi, and gave their approval. Donald K. Slayton,
one of two civilians on the three-man American
crew, said there was more to the problem than food.
'_fter some of the toasting that's been going on,
we're all going to need liver transplants by the
time that we're ready to fly," he said. Middle
East: U.S. officials expect the Middle East peace
conference to go on as planned in Geneva in mid-
December despite the break in talks between Egyptian
and Israeli generals on the road to Suez. These
officials say any substantive agreement on a dis-
engagement of the opposing armies is unlikely before
then. However, Israeli sources also see the possi-
bility of a resumption of the Suez road meetings.

335 03 06 01 CC Washington: Oil executives summoned to help manage

federal petroleum controls wi - will remain on
their company payrolls, an Interior Department
lawyer says. The attorney said these executives
will be exempt from conflict-of-interest prosecu-
tion that might otherwise result from such an

TAG Tape 335-02/T-177
Page6 of 8_96o -.

arrangement. Interior Secretary Roger C. B. Morton

announced he will mobilize some 250 oil industry
officials into a standby executive reserve in
December to provide advice and technical assistance
in petroleum distribution planning, as the govern-
ment gears up fUel allocation and rationing sys-
tems. The corn - European Common Market Executive
Comm_ ssion announced Thursday it had worked out a
blueprint for European soliaA_ity to cope with the
energy crisis caused by reduced Arab oil supplies.
A comm_ ssion spokesman said the plan, together with
a package of anti-inflation measures, would be sub-
mitted to the Cnmmon Market's Council of Ministers
next weak.

CC Finance and foreign ministers of the community will

meet in Brussels December 3 and 4 to decide on how
to tackle energy problems on the fight against
inflation. The Jobs of 100,000 skilled workers in
a single industry will disappear virtually overnight
if the National Energy Emergency Act now in the
House of Representatives becomes law without amend-
ment. So said J. M. Mergen, President of the Piper
Aircraft Corp., in calling for major changes in
legislation now before Com_ress. Mergen said the
legislation, as it now stands, would cut fuel allo-
cations for general aviation by 40 percent for
business flying and by 50 percent for pleasure and
instructional flying. Translated into terms we can
all understand, he said that means the destruction
of the general aviation industry through the forcing
of industry-wide production cutbacks of 40 to 60 per-
cent and the elimnation o_ up to I00,000 Jobs.

335 03 07 44 CC New York: The stock market closed down 12.86 points
today, setting the Dow Jones average at 822-114.
About 15.h million shares changed hands. Brokers
feel that investors are still uneasy about the oil
shortage and the break of Mideast talks. Houston:
Astronaut Charles Pete Conrad has _nnounced his
retirement from NASA and the U.S. Navy effective
February l, 1974. Conrad will become Vice-president
of Operations and Chief Operating Officer of the
American. Television and Communications Corporation,
a cable TV firm based in Denver, Colorado. Conrad's
shift from spaceflight to private business, "was
TAG Tape 335-02/T-177
Page 7 of 8 /961

a tough decision," he said. "There will be no way

to match my last ii years in space exploration,
but cable television is a growing, exciting, new
field which uses satellites, computers, and a great
deal of space-developed technology." Well, that 's
it for the evening, guys. 30 seconds to LOS.

335 03 08 38 CC Next station contact is at Guam in 26-1/2 minutes,

at 03:35. Over.

335 03 35 19 CC Skylab, this is Hous - -

CC Skylab, this is Houston through GnAm for 7 minutes.


PLT Roger, Bruce. Houston, Skylab. Go.

CC And, Bill, we now show the OWS HEAT EXCHANGER

FANS, OFF. We'd like to confirm that you've got
them back under OWS control, so that if you are
too warm you can turn the thermostat down, and it
will operate them automatically. Over.

PLT Okay, that's where they are, Bruce. And sorry

about that previous configuration.

CC Oh, mighty fine. No problem. Keeps people looking

at their tubes down here and on their toes.

CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 7-1/2 minutes through Honey-
suckle Creek at 03:49. Last pass of the evening
coming up. Over.

335 03 42 07 PLT Roger, Bruce.

335 03 49 55 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Honeysuckle Creek

for 2 minutes, last pass of the evening. Wakeup
site will be Honeysuckle Creek at 12:00 Zulu. And
Just for our information, did you leave TV-117
paraphernalia set up or has that been stowed?

CC Skylab, this is Houston through Honeysuckle Creek.

1 minute to LOS, last pass of the evening. Wakeup,
Honeysuckle at 12: 00. Over.
TAG Tape 335-02/T-177
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CDR Okay, Bruce. We'll see you tomorrow. Good night.

CC Okay, and did you all stow or leave set up the

TV-II7 paraphernalia?

CDR Negative. A lot of it's still out. The only part

that was stowed was the part that needed to he

CC Okay, we're Just trying to track you configurations.

Have a good night's sleep. We'll see you in the

335 03 51 51 CDR Okay, Bruce. Good night.

TAG Tape 335-03/T-178
_ Time: 335:04:00 to 335:11:30
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TAG Tape 335-04/T-179
r TIME: 335:11:30 to 335:13:00
Page 1 of 2 /965


335 iI 59 54 CC Good morning, Skylab. Got you through Honeysuckle

for 5 minutes.

CDR Good morning, Story.

CC Good morning.

335 12 04 2h CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS; i0 minutes to


335 12 16 23 CC Skylab, A0S Hawaii for 8 minutes.

SPT Morning, Story.

CC Morning, Ed.

335 12 20 12 PLT Houston, Skylab.

CC Go ahead, Bill.

PLT Roger; reference the film thread pad.

CC Yes.

PLT I got a remark here, "Download Charlie X-ray 19

from Nikon 4 and stow," but it doesn't have me
loading Nikon 4 with anything. This is the third
download this week, and I Just wondered if we're
going to make this a regular practice.

CC Stand by 1.

335 12 22 lh PLT Houston, Skylab. I've checked here, and the

NIKON 4 has beenshot up; that's why they want
it downloaded.

CC Okay. Copy, Bill. And in the future, we're not

going to download a Nikon unless it has a use that
day with a different type f_]m.

335 12 24 28 CC Skylab, we're a minute until LOS; 3 minutes to

TAG Tape 335-04/T-179
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335 12 27 43 CC Skylab, we're back with you through Goldstone

for 7 minutes.

CDR Roger, Story. We're Just kind of milling around

here doing our morning chores.

CC Okay_ great. That's about what we're doing down

here. But unfortunately, we've been at it all

335 12 33 40 CC Skylab, we're 1 minute to LOS; 5 minutes to Bermuda.

335 12 39 26 CC Skylab, we're back with you through Bermuda for

7 minutes.

PLT Roger, Story.

CC And, Bill, anyone that's floating around near the

STS, we'd llke, on the atmospheric panel AM 225,

PLT Okay, I'll get it in about 5minutes.

CC No hurry.

335 12 41 25 PLT Story, the NITROGEN SOTRNOID VALVE to OFF.

CC Thanks, Bill.

335 12 45 17 CC Skylah, we're a minute to LOS; about 3 minutes

to Canaries. Be dumping the data/voice at

335 12 49 14 CC Skylab, we're back again through Canaries and

Ascension for 15 minutes. Be dumping the
data/voice here at Canaries.

335 12 h9 21 PLT Roger, Story.

TAG Tape 335-051T-160
Time: 335:13:00 to 335:1h:30
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335 13 02 50 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS and about 30 minutes

to Honeysuckle at 13:33.

335 13 33 29 CC Skylab, AOS through Honeysuckle for 7 minutes.

CC Jer, before you tackle that S183 this morning,

we've got some diagnostic questions for you.

CDR Roger. Go ahead, Story.

CC Regarding the flakes, that you saw around S183

during the carrousel installation, can you give
the approximate number and size?

CDR Oh, I'd say there were five or six of them and
they were about, oh, 2 millimeters, 3 millimeters
in size.

CC Okay. And were they a distinct white, or was there

a yellowish - cream color to them? If they're an
off - color white, they're most probably emulsion.

335 13 3h 32 CDR Yes, that was ... I didn't really look at them
that closely. I Just got ... out of the way and
went on with what I was doing. But my impression
was that they were kind of ... and they were very,
very thin like emulsion. They weren't little
pieces of glass.

CC Stand by i, Jer, while we get you reacquired.

CC Okay, we're back with you. You do feel that those

were emulsion, Jer?

CDR Yes, I'm pretty sure they were. They were very
thin, and I don't think they were glass at all.
They were much too thin to be the glass.

CC Okay. How about the glass? Did it have a

90-degree corner on it?

3B5 IB 35 B3 CDR Negative. It was an isosceles triangle, one

flat side, and then the two long sides were
obviously not edged. They were broken out of
the glass.

• f [•
TAG Tape 335-05/T-180
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CC Okay. Understand it was broken.

CC When you - -

CDR That 's affirmative.

CC When you - when you stow the S183, coming up next,

request you remove the blank film door and inspect
for any loose glass. If you find any glass, you
might vacuum it up.

CDR Okay. I thought that would be a good thing to do.

335 13 36 37 CC Okay, Jer. We - Could you give us again the

distinct color of the flakes that you saw?

CDR Well frankly, Story, I wasn't looking at them that

closely, but my impression was that they were
slightly - they were off-white. They really weren't
pure white.

CC Okay, and now one other thing. And you don't have
to do that when you run the stow on S183, but some-
time, if you could, get the spotmeter out of F-524
and take a light-level reading in the area where
the film plate was reinserted. And that'll tell
us whether that film plate was exposed or not -
that one.

CDR Okay. I will, Story.

CC And that 's it.

CC And, Jer, we had a good TV-23 of you yesterday,

working the S183. A good picture and good voice.
There was a little bit of noise in the background,
and we wondered if there was a come carrier that
was hot mike somewhere.

335 13 37 57 CDR That possibly could be. They're using a comm

carrier up at the ATM, and they - they keep that
on ICOM/PTT quite a bit, and that may be - been
the noise. Did it sound like MDA-type noise? A
rather, oh, medium-range whine?

CC Yes, there was a whine in the background, and I

was thinking it was the duct fans in the - in the
forward compartment, hut we really weren't sure.
But there was a whine in the backgound.
TAG Tape 335-05/T-180
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CDR Yes. I'ii bet it was the MDA.

CC Okay. Thanks.

CC Ed, Houston.

CDR He's listening. Go ahead.

CC Okay. Regarding his questions about the food

items he couldn't find yesterday - the eggs,
Rice Krispies, and peaches - we'd llke to know if
he is using the SWS Systems Checklist, right around
page 14-11, to find those items.

335 13 39 08 CDR Negative, but we've located it now. We found some

extra overage in a lot of the regular packages,
that we hadn't counted on, and so we're going to
sort that out and put that into the pantry as well.

CC Okay. On day 18 we're going to flight plan you

a - an inventory of the freezer overage. In about
a week or lO days from now, - we've got it down
later because it takes a lot of time - we're going
_- to flight plan an inventory of the ambient overage.
And the reason for all this is to get regrouped,
of course, for the longer mission. And we're
going to send you up soon a message of items that
may be consumed without tapping into planned
overage, since that overage is going to be used in
regular menu scheduling in a later period.

335 13 39 53 CDR Okay. You better allow us about a half a day to

get an inventory on the ambient overage.

CC Okay; copy.

CDR I got a question for you on the urine system,


335 13 40 07 CC Okay. About 40 seconds to LOS. Hawaii will be

coming up in 9 minutes, and go ahead.

CDR Okay. We're dumping these bags. You know yester-

day we used boric acid bags, and today we're dumping
them. And I noticed in my boric acid bag this morn-
ing that there's still a whole lot - lot of pellets
left in there that had not dissolved. I'm concerned
about what that 'll do to our dump lines if we spend
a lot - you know, if we do a lot of dumping of urine
with this boric acid solids in it.
TAG Tape 335-05/T-180
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335 13 20 37 CC Okay. Thanks, Jer.

335 13-52 15 CC Skylab, AOS Hawaii for 8 minutes.

CC Jer, Houston.

CDR Go ahead, Story.

CC Could you tell us if that - those boric acid

pellets which are not dissolving - Is this the
first bag you've noticed that that occurred, or
is that a continuing problem?

CDR No, this is the first one I've noticed.

CC Okay. And we've got good weather over Goddard

today, and the laser'll be green. It'll be flash-
ing today between 12:17 and 14:19. You'll pass
overhead, and we'll remind you about that over
Bermuda when you're there.

CDR Okay; fine. We'll be watching for it.

CC And it'll be the wardroom window.

CDR Roger.

335 12 01 25 CC Skylab, we're a minute from LOS. Hank will see

you over Goldstone in 2 minutes at lh:05.

CDR Roger, Story. We'll see you.

335 12 02 12 CC Okay.

335 12 06 03 CC Skylab, Houston. Good morning. We're through

Goldstone for 5 minutes.

CDR Good morning, Hank.

CC CDR, Houston. Just to get a little info - fUrther

info on this boric acid, could you tell us about
how large the lumps are? Are they pellet size or
powder form, or Just how big they are?

CDR All right. In my particular bag, I saw three com-

plete pellets.

CC Roger. We copy.
TAG Tape 335-05/T-180
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CDR At the end of the urine dump cycle though, Hank,

there was nothing left.

CC Do - Does that mean you've already dumped that bag?

CDR That 's affirmative.

335 14 09 56 CC CDR, Houston. One more question and we'll stop

bugging you about it. The - Your bag that had
the apparently undissolved pellets in it, was it
dumped first, second, or third?

CDR They were all going at the same time.

CC Roger ; understand.

CDR It looks like the system took it okay and - But

the question is, Do you want to continue doing that,
or do you want to do something different?

CC Okay, we're going to keep looking at it, Jer.

335 14 l0 31 CC What we suspect is, perhaps we Just had a - a

loose matrix left that looked like the pill, and
then when - as soon as you distrubed it, it Just
came apart and went on through.

335 14 15 29 CC Skylab, Houston through Bermuda for l0 minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank. What would you estimate - have them

estimate the Sun angle over Goddard?

CC Okay, we'll check it. And we're probably about

a minute or so - minute, I guess, from acquisition
by Goddard.

CDR Roger.

CC CDR, Houston. The Sun angle should be 16 degrees.

CDR Roger.

CC CDR, Houston. Goddard reports they're tracking

you now.

CDR Roger.
TAG Tape 335-05/T-180
Page 6 of 6/972 --

335 14 18 20 SPT Okay, Hank, we see it.

CDR Yes, yes.

SPT We see it flashing around 2 cycles a second. Looks

good; very clear.

cC Roger; very good. Can you see it with the naked


SPT Yes; that's affirm. We're - All three of us have

seen it, and it's very clear. We're - Now it's

CC That's affirmative.

SPT And we got two Nikon photos of it.

CC Outstanding.

SPT ... 55 lens.

SPT Let's turn it on again, Hank; I bet you we can

still see it from here.

SPT Still see it, Hank. It's on steady now, Hank.

We can still see it.

CC Does it appear Just as a little green spot?

SPT That's affirm, Hank.

CDR Hank, I don't know how we missed it the other

two times. It's really bright and clear.

335 14 24 51 CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS.

Ascension at 32. And, Ed, Bill's sure to talk to
you then about ATM.

335 14 25 02 S1°T Okay, Hank.

TAG Tape 335-06/T-181
Time: 335:1_:30 to 335:16:00
, Page i of 8 /973


335 14 31 57 CC Skylab, Houston. We're - we're through Ascension

for 10-1/2 minutes. And before Bill comes on, got
one quickie for the CDR. On your day off, we've
scheduled back-to-back EREPs and four ATM p_sses.
How does this sound to you?

CDR Yes, that sounds okay, Hank. How long a time

period do the back-to-back EREPs represent?

CC It covers about 4 hours. And after that, it's

essentially pretty much a day off; Just a few things
scattered in there, llke some required housekeeping
and showers.

CDR Okay. Good enough.

335 i_ 32 h5 MCC Okay, Ed, this is Bill here, and I'm ready to go
on the ATM conference if you are.

i SPT Go ahead, Bill.

335 i_ 32 51 MCC Okay, first for a little wor - bit of solar words
here. We're noticed that almost every flare out
of active region 87 has been associated with some
sort of radio burst in a 6-centimeter rangion -
region. It usually averages around lO solar flux
units; has been as high as 30. And I realize
that's right on the edge of detectability, on top
of a [sic] ambient of about 130 or so, but wanted
to pass that on to you Just to keep an eye on that.
We expect - -

SPT We'll turn the - we'll turn the threshold down to

where it's Just about turned to the ... We'll try
to keep an eye on it that way.

335 i_ 33 Bl MCC Okay; good. And we expect - and maybe the right
word would be hope - to get another M-flare from
87 before it passes the limb; so we're still
hoping on that. Presently, we see nothing very
interesting coming up on the east limb. You
probably have some of the best equipment to moni-
tor that with. If you do detect anything coming
across the east limb on XUV MON or the white light
coronagraph, do let us know, and we'll certainly
followup on it foryou.
TAG Tape 335-06/T-181
Page 2 of 8 /974

335 lh 3h 00 SPT Okay, Bill. Yesterday I did notice that in the

white light coronagraph we had a fairly large and
dense streamer structure over there; however, when
you look at the XUV monitor, all we can see is the
one active region 9h. I got a picture of it this
morning, and it doesn't look like too much. I
don't see anything on the limb other than active
region 9h on the XUV monitor. We do see the
coronal hole north and still one down there at
the south. I do not see any real major coronal
holes on the disk. There's one that - if you want
to call it a coronal hole; it's a little too wide
for a hole in a channel, but it's still not too
large. And it's Just southeast of active
region 87. And one very small one central on the
equator, maybe, oh, 0.2 to the east. Other than
that, it's a pretty uniform disk in H-alpha 1 -

335 lh 35 04 MCC Okay. We concur with not seeing too much coming
out of 9h. However, on our EUV and long X-rays we
see the coronal hole that you discussed at the
north and south really as being Joined by a narrower
corridor than exists north and south but a signi-
ficant corridor. And to us, it looks like one
large coronal hole. Perhaps we Just need to keep
an eye on that.

335 lh 35 30 SPT Okay. The picture I had this morning doesn't show
that as clearly. I imagine you could draw a line
there, but it surely is not a very well defined
coronal hole or filament channel.

335 lh 35 hi MCC Okay; good. Like to talk just a little bit about
the ATM schedule tomorrow. Right now you're sched-
uled for a total of four passes. You've got an
early one at about 15:00 and one around lunch at
19:30. Jerry's got one after lunch at around 21:00.
Bill has one late in the evening at 02:00. We dis-
cussed this in the planning conference yesterday,
and we're prepared to give you up to all four of
those passes as total time of your own observing
time, or we're prepared to schedule them all. It's
really your option. We would like to _ncourage
you to take a good portion of them at least, to get
used to the XUV monitor and to play around with the
S055 pe - detector peaking and things of this
TAG Tape 335-06/T-181
Page 3 of 8/9T5

SPT Okay. Hold on about i0 seconds here, Bill.

335 14 36 h2 CDR Houston. This is the CDR. Give all four of those
passes to the SPT.

MCC I don't think it will work, with respect I think

he's got some other things to do on some of those.

CDR Okay, give him as many as you can and try not to
schedule him anything else at that time if you can
avoid it.

SPT On the day off, it was my - -

MCC Okay. He can always look over your shoulder.

SPT - - feeling. Yes, on the day off, it was my feel-

ing if we weren't doing EREP, that I'd be able to
get a shot at the ATM. I've not had as many passes
as I'd like so far, and I certainly think on a day
off I ought to be able to.

MCC Okay. We'll certainly try to work that. Yes, it

_ looks like we can give you three of the four, Ed.

SPT All right.

MCC And how would you like those? Would you llke them
open ?

335 14 37 25 SPT Why don't you give us some of the things which
you'd like done but leave them relatively open.

MCC Okay. We'll do that. Okay, now a comment on the

5_ sequence bookkeeping. I noticed that you com-
mented on that on the downlink yesterday, and we've
discussed it now for several days. A couple of
thoughts that we've come up with that might make
the bookkeeping easier, although, of course, they
take a little more time. One is - of course, I'm
sure you figured both of them out - one is to count
the frames and go down on the decrements 2 of eight
there. The other is to use a pencil and check them
off on the JOP sheet itself and then erase it when
you're done.
TAG Tape 335-06/T-181
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335 14 38 02 SPT The latter one, I think, is the one we're going
to stick to. We still have the timer working for
us to tell us when we've completed a sequence, but
we don't have the filter talkback position to tell
us which one we're on. And if we get busy, some-
times we've lost track of it. But we're trainable;
we'll get it.

335 14 38 19 MCC Right. And I remember from training that was the
way it worked. Now On today, on a J0P 4 for you,
Ed, we've given you an approximate roll. And really
all we're dolngwith that approximate roll is re-
moving 180-degree ambiguity for S055. Go ahead and
peak it up the way you're supposed to for 82B.

SPT You're saying find the - you're saying find the


335 14 38 45 MCC Yes. You're supposed to select a roll to give 82B

uniform emission. We suggest an approximate roll
because you will be stepping 55's mirror. They
want to step in two steps, out two steps, and then
out four steps. And if you've got the 180-degree
roll, those would be reversed. That's all we want __
is to remove that ambiguity, But go ahead and roll
the peak 82B.

SPT Okay.

3B5 14 B9 ll MCC Okay. And over the next several days, active
region 87 and - actually starting today - prominence
B7 will be passing the west limb. We have plans for
the next 3, 4 days here that will be emphasizing
the limb passage of these events, and we will - you
wilJ notice that we will be looking at these. Being
discussed now in management is a postponement of
the 55 CALROC from mission day 19 - that's B days
away, when 87 under goes limb passage - to B or
4 days after that. And one - Okay, one last - -

SPT One thing we can do very - Go ahead.

M_C I'm sorry. Go ahead_ I'm listening.

TAG Tape B35-O6/T-181
_ Page 5 of 8/977

335 14 39 52 SPT One thing we can do very well up here, and that's
pick out prominences with monitor 1 - the one we've
brought up. Itshows up exceptionally well. Last -
Yesterday we were looking at 35, I believe, and it
Just really stood out. On monitor 2, it did not.
So I suspect that the difference in the monitors is
going to make a difference between previous missions
and this one in our ability to find prominences.

MCC Okay ; good. Thank you. That 's good - good infor-
mation for us to have here. I was - -

335 14 41 03 MCC Ed, are you still there?

SPT Yes, I am. You cut out for a little while, Bill.
Go ahead.

335 14 41 ll MCC Okay. On S055, I've got some pictures that I've
been looking at, although not in the depth I want
to yet. But they look fascinating. 0n DETECTORS 3,
GRATING zero, which is 0 VI, or 2h36, which is
silicon XII, you ought to be able to see the loop
structures on the limb. And you can get a fas-
cinatingpictureof the loop. Those that you see
crosswise, you can see the foreshortening on some
of the ones you can see edge on. And you might
find this an interesting exercise tomorrow on some
of your free time - to go out and map out the loop

SPT Okay. Could you give me that again? The loops

we have or the numbers that we have are for neon 8 -
a 780.

MCC Okay. Well, that's Just as good. The ones - the

only ones that I've looked at so far, both detec-
tors 3, were grating of zero and grating of 2h36.

SPT Is that both for oxygen VI?

MCC Negative. The second one is for silicon XII.

SPT 2h86 [sic]. Okay.

TAG Tape 335-06/T-181
Page 6 of 8 /978

335 lh 42 19 MCC Okay. And we're about 30 seconds from LOS. The
next one will be Carnarvon at 15:05, and thats in
about 23 minutes.

SPT Okay. I 'm sorry that we were not scheduled when

the flare was scheduled yesterday. And also, I
hope they're still trying on 54. And don't feel
that we'd be put out at all to keep trying to do
any work we can up here on that one.

335 lh 42 45 MCC Okay. We certainly realize that, and we were sorry

you weren't up, too. But S054 was operating in -
in SI on that one and perhaps got some of the

SPT Okay. Any more thoughts on 54 and what could be

the problem or what might be able to be done?

335 14 43 01 MCC Nothing new yet. And sounds like we're going over
the hill; so I'll see you tomorrow.

335 15 05 12 CC Skylab, Houston through Carnarvon for l0 minutes.

And we're going to be dumping the voice and data
recorder here.

CDR Roger, Hank.

335 15 14 31 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. Guam

at 19.

CDR Houston, CDR. Stowage of S183 is complete, and

there is no sign of any glass in the SA.

335 15 15 16 CC Roger; we copy.

335 15 19 00 CC Skylab, Houston through Guam for 9 minutes. And,

SPT, Houston. There was an omission in your ETC
pad I'd like to get up to you.

SPT Okay. Stand by, Hank. Let me get down to where

it is. Be with you in about 1 minute.

CC At your convenience, sir.

335 15 21 45 SPT Okay, Hank. Go ahead.

TAG Tape 335-06/T-181
Page 7 of 8 /979

CC Okay, Ed. At 17:28:30 it calls for Stand by.

And right after that, we should have had, Change
the shutter speed to 140.

SPT Okay, I'll write that in - 140.

CC Thank you.

SPT Thank you.

335 15 22 h6 SPT Hey, Hank, we're giving the 151 data along with
the ETC prep. However, it is a little off nominal,
as Jerry is working on 183, or was at the same time
when I was preping the ETC. And the procedures
were pretty off nominal.

CC Okay. We copy, Ed.

SPT That's on the M151 DAC data.

CC Roger.

335 15 27 ll CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS;

_ Goldstone at 44.

335 15 44 ll CC Skylab, Houston. We're through Goldstone. And,

Skylab, Houston. We should have you about 18 min-
utes through this stateside station.

PLT Roger, Hank.

335 15 46 08 CC SPT, Houston. Are you going to run this ATM pass
this rev?

SPT That's affirm, Hank. I was Just finishing the

ETC prep that was called in kind of close because
183 was going on at the same time.

CC Okay; we understand.

335 15 50 13 CC SPT, Houston. We need to get a nav update in

sometime during this stateside pass. And it'll
take a couple of minutes with us having the DAS.
And whenever it's con - you've got a time span
like that in the next l0 minutes or so, would
you give us a call?
TAG Tape 335-06/T-181
Page 8 of 8 /980 -_

SPT Okay, Hank, I won't be on the DAS. Go ahead.

335 15 52 _ CC SPT, Houston. The update is complete; the DAS fs


335 15 52 53 SPT Thank you, Houston.

TAG Tape 335-07/T-182
Time: 335:16:00 to 335:17:30
Page 1 of 6 /981


335 16 02 07 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS.

Carnarvon at h3, and we're scheduled for voice and
data dump there.

335 16 02 18 CDR Roger, Houston.

335 16 _3 O0 CC Skylab, Houston through Carnarvon for i0 minutes.

CDR Houston, CDR.

CC Go ahead.

CDR Roger, Hank. For tomorrow, our day off, we'd like
to see about sc_e private calls. And I'd llke
you to consider, if you would, the possibillty
of two-pass private calls. Pick a couple of
passes, couple of stations close together and see
if we can't extend 5- or 7-minute calls to quite
a bit longer. Let us know if that's not feasible.

CC Okay. We'll look at it, Jerry.

CDR Okay. Thank you.

SPT Hank, some words on ATM ops.

335 16 hh 33 SPT Hank, I have two quick words on ATM operations.

CC Go ahead, Ed.

SPT Okay. One is, on the WLC I was able to see a star
or planet at roughly 265 degrees - make that
263 degrees - from solar north and 3.7 solar radii.
Showed up quite clearly. And had it been the
nucleus of a comet, I would've been able to pin-
point it fairly well. Secondly, I left the
pointing for the unattended operations so - done
on H-alpha 2; so the upper left-hand quadrant had
the filament and the remaining three quadrants had
some prominence activity around the limb. I
assumed from the pad that that is what they were

CC We copy.
TAG Tape 335-07/T-182
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335 16 h6 17 CC Skylab, Hosuton. Your maneuver time looks good.

SPT Roger.

SPT Hank, I've got a question on the way in which the

pad is worded. When the maneuver time is the same,
do you want that reloaded after the manuever
starts, or is that strictly the pad format which
always will give you that?

CC The - the pad format always does that, Ed.

SPT Okay.

CC And no - no reload is required.

SPT Thank you.

335 16 h7 29 CC CDR, Houston; and PLT. I've got a weather update

for you if you can listen up now.

CDR Roger. We're listening; go.

CC Okay, it appears that there's going to be some

cloudiness and a great deal of cirrus in the
northwest U.S. Coming down towards Colorado there,
eight-to-ten. And then across Colorado and
Kansas there, four-to-seven tenths. And north -
that would be predominantly cirrus. And there 'll
be a little neck of thicker cirrus hanging out
across your path up in the - toward the P_nbandle
region. Then you should break - break into some
scattered cirrus and then out - finally out into
the clear as you come across the rest of Texas
and out across the Gulf. As you come up on the
Yucatan Peninsula across the Gulf there, you will
pick up some more scattered cloudiness. And until
you reach the coast of South America near the -
Colombia and Panama there, it's pretty thick
cloud - cloudiness; however, there's a big hole
right over central Colombia and near the Bogota
area. Then in the Amazon Basin, a great deal of
cloudiness there'll probably block your view, and
you should start breaking out near S_o Paulo.
And the last hundred miles there to, the coast
ought to be pretty much clear.
TAG Tape 335-071T-182
_- Page 3 of 6 _983

PLT Thank you, Hank; we copy. Sounds like it's clear

there in Houston.

CC It was a beautiful morning.

CDR Maybe I can even get Eagle Lake.

335 16 50 13 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 20 seconds from a

keyhole that's about a minute long.

335 16 52 03 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute from LOS.

G11Am at 57.

335 16 57 09 CC Skylab, Houston through Guam for 7-1/2 minutes.

335 17 02 29 PLT Okay, PLT test - testing VOX sensitivity. Okay;


335 17 Oh 03 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute from LOS.

You're looking good going over the hill. We'll
be monitoring you stateside at 21.

335 17 20 lh PLT C_nera test, off. Okay, ... Benard cells over
P land, it looks like. Oh, and those are open
cells, by the way. You can see them.

335 17 20 31 CDR 2-1/2 minutes to EREP START.

335 17 20 5h CC Skylab, we're monitoring through Goldstone.

CDR Roger, Houston. No downlink this time, right_

CC That's affirmative.

SPT Okay, Hank. We've been pushing the maximum H we

can get out of it; we're bumping up around
65 percent. And Y is the only axis which is
showing a little decrement; it's been about
0.005 slow, which ought to give us about
h-l/2 degrees add error at the end of the maneuver

CC Roger. We copy, Ed.

CDR 1-1/2 minutes to ERE? START.

TAG Tape 335-07/T-182
Page h of 6/984 ._

335 17 22 01 CDR i minute to EREP START.

CDR 30 seconds. Bill, at i0 seconds after EREP, START

at 23:10, we need an AUTO CAL.

PLT Okay.

CDR 15 seconds. On my mark it'll be 17:23:00. Stand


335 17 23 00 CDR MARK. EREP, START.

PLT Standing by for AUTO CAL.

CDR On my mark it'll be 23:10 with a VYS AUTO CAL.

PLT Standingby.

CDR Okay; stand by -

335 17 23 i0 CDR/PLT MARK.


PLT That's weird. *** is.

CDR What's that?

PLT Toward the desert area out in the West. I guess

it's the Great Salt Lake. That's what it is.
Okay, Just so that you'll know. Might as well
get some free tracking on that thing. Okay.

335 17 24 33 PLT I'm at 24:33. l'm tracking what I think is the

Salt Lake, or it's an area close by it. A few
clouds over it.

CDR That's one of m_ EREP sites there - Bonneville

Flat s.

PLT Yes.

CDR Down there where the railroad track crosses it.

335 17 24 50 PLT 324:48 [sic]. 22 is the angle.

TAG Tape 335-07/T-182
- Page 5 of 6/985

SPT Okay. In about i0 seconds we'll have - that AUTO

CAL will be finished.

PLT Okay. That 's enough of that. Let 's see. I get -
mountain lake. This is a mountain lake, starting
at - snow around it - 25 - 25 minutes even, mud
I 'm tracking it. Mountain lake .... it looks
like it has ice all around it. Zoom in on that

CDR Okay.

PLT Yes, it does. It has ice in it. Okay. Snow all

around it. Okay. I'm right in the middle of it.
Now it's 25:24, and I'm aiming right in the water.
Nice little mountain lake there.

CDR Okay. On my next mark, the S191 READY light

will've come on.

PLT Got another little mountain lake here. Man, that's

nice, clear mountain air. This thing works
pretty ... - -

335 17 25 50 CDR MARK. S191 READY light on at 50; REFERENCE, 6.

PLT Okay, enough of that. 26:53; I'd better get set

up for my nadir.

CDR On my mark, it'll be 26:28. Stand by -


PLT Beautiful country.

CDR On my mark, it will be 26:41. Stand by -


CDR On my mark, it'll be 26:53.

335 17 26 54 CDR MARK. S190 MODE to AUTO. And on my mark, it'll

be 27.

335 17 27 01 CDR MARK. 192 MODE to READY; ETC to AUTO, Ed.

TAG Tape 335-07/T-182
Page 6 of 6 /986

SPT Got it.

CDR Okay.

CDR On m_ mark, it'll be 27:34.

335 17 27 34 CDR MARK. S190 INTERVAL going to 20. On my mark,

it'll be 27:45.

335 17 27 45 CDR MARK. S192 going to CHECK. MODE to CHECK.

CDR On my mark, it'll be 28:24. Stand by -

335 17 28 24 CDR MARK. POLARIZATION on, 193, going to 4.

335 17 28 30 CDR MARK. At 28:30, S190 INTERVAL going back to i0.

_fC to STANDBY, Ed.

SPT Got it.

CDR On my mark, it'll be 29:30. Stand by -

335 17 29 30 CDR MARK. S192 MODE to READY. On my mark,it'll be

29 :52, 12 seconds from now. Coming up on
29 :52. Stand by -


STANDBY at 54.

335 17 30 03 CDR MARK at 30. 193 RADIOMETER, OFF. 30:10 -

TAG Tape 335-08/T-183
- Time: 335:17:30 to 335:17:50
Page i of 2 /987


335 17 30 14 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER, ON. On my mark, it'll be

30:54. Stand by -

335 17 30 59 CDR MARK. S190 INTERVAL to 20. On my mark, it'll

be 31:20. Stand by -

335 17 31 25 CDR MARK. S192 MODE to CHECK. On my mark, Ed, we'll

put the ETC to STANDBY at 31:40. Stand by -

335 17 31 45 CDR MARK. ETC to STANDBY.

335 17 31 51 PLT PLT reporting successful acquisition of sites _20,

425; no Joy, 410 or 415.

CDR i minute to the next mark.

CDR On my mark_ it'll be 33:30. Stand by -

335 17 33 35 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER to STANDBY. On my mark, it'll

- be 33:45. Stand by -

335 17 33 50 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER is ON a_ain. We're looking for

an S190 READY out at 34:20.

335 17 34 26 CDR MARK. S190 READY light out at 34:21. MODE to


335 17 35 03 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute to LOS.

We'll be picking you up again at Vanguard at 46.

CDR Roger, Hank. On my mark, it'll be 35:15.

335 17 35 20 CDR MARK. S190 to SINGLE.

CDR Rechecking: INTERVAL, i0; FRAME is 14; SHUTTER

SPEED, FAST. On my mark, it'll be 37:05. 37:05
coming up. Stand by -


STANDBY. l0 seconds to EREP, STOP. On my mark,
it'll be 37:20. Stand by -
TAG Tape 335-08/T-183
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335 17 37 25

335 17 37 57

335 17 46 23

335 17 47 05






I have




Roger, Hank.

l 193, ANGLE to

at 41:25.


On my mark, it'll be 47:00.



for 9 minutes.

30 seconds to my next mark.

Stand by -

On my ma_k, it'll be 47:13. Stand by -

335 17 47 18 CDR MARK. S190 MODE to AUTO. On my ma_k, it'll be

47:20. Stand by -

335 17 47 25 CDR MARK. 192 MODE, READY. ETC to AUTO, Ed.

SPT ...

CDR On my ma_k, it'll be 48:00. Stand by "

335 17 48 05 CDR MARK. S194 MODE to MANUAL. Watching the S191

for a READY light on.

335 17 48 24 CDR MARK. READY on at 19 - 48:19. MY next ma_k will be

at 48:40. Cumlng up on 48:40. Stand by -

TAG Tape 335-09/T-18h
Time: 335:17:h8 to 335:19:00
Page1 of 2 /989


335 17 48 41 CDR MARK. 192 MODE to STANDBY. Watching for a READY

light out on S190 at 49 even.

335 17 49 02 CDR MARK. READY light out at 01. ETC to STANDBY, Ed.
My next mark will be at 49:12. Stand by -


BY. Okay, Ed, we start the SI maneuver in
30 seconds. 20 seconds, l0 seconds. On my mark,
it'll be 17:50 even. Stand by -

335 17 50 01 CDR MARK. Mode to SI.

335 17 50 24 CC SPT, while you're at the panel there, would you

get the S05 - 55 MODE switch to STOP for us, please?

335 17 50 39 CDR All right. Bravo 7 is reading 32 - 32 percent.

S192 DOOR, CLOSED. I'm going to close your door
here on 190. 90 door closed. Okay, got a tape
recorder depletion to do. TAPE RECORDER FAST
FORWARD going on now. FAST FORWARD tape light is
on. We have a TAPE MOTION intermittent, END OF
TAPE. Looks like we timed that tape Just about

SPT Getting pretty good management.

CDR Yes, darn close management.

CDR S191 AUTO CAL now. I got DOOR CLOSED light on S192.

CDR Yes. Any time.

335 17 53 18 CDR The S190 POWER is going OFF.

335 17 53 29 CC Skylab, Houston. Before we go LOS here, I'd like

to remind you that we would - should prefer at
least 2 hours between eating and M092. And, CDR,
that's applicable to you today.

CDR Okay, Hank.

335 17 59 20 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. Next

pass will be over Goldstone about an hour from
TAG Tape 335-09/T-184
Page 2 of 2/990

now at 18:58, and we've planned to dump the data

and voice recorder there. And for general infor-
mation, all three of your fam_ lies are in the
viewing room now, and they watched the playback
of the TV from yesterday.

335 17 54 47 SPT Very good, Hank. Say "Hello" to them.

CDR Hello, Carr fam_ly.

BB5 17 55 O0 PLT Hello, gang.

335 18 58 18 CC Skylab, Houston. We're through Goldstone and

Texas for 12-1/2 minutes, and as a reminder, we'll
be dumping the recorder here at Goldstone.

CDR Roger, Hank.

3B5 18 58 41 CC And, CDR, Houston. Going back to the boric acid

tablets, we did a little research here and found
out they did do some ground test on these and
indicate there's no problem with the tablets dis-
solving even in chilled water and with a minimum
quantity of urine. And with no fluid motion, the
tablets do tend to maintain shape, but slight -_
motion will break them up. And our thinking is
that the tablets should've broken up during mixing,
prior to sampling. Is this consistent with what
you saw?

CDR Okay. I think it probably was, Hank. We 'ii keep

a close eye on them, and anytime we can find any
large chunks that don't dissolve, we'll let you

CC Okay. Thank you, Jer.

335 18 59 hl CC And, CDR, we're not worried about this dump. The
volume - We checked. The volume of the dump lines
are so small compared to the amount of urine that
was dumped that there is no possibility at all of
it being stopped up in the lines there somewhere.

CDR 0kay. That 's good.

TAG Tape 335-I0/T-185
Time: 335:19:00 to 335:20:30
....... page i of 3 _991


335 19 03 08 SPT Houston, SPT.

CC Go ahead.

SPT Hank, could you try to &_t the f-stop and exposure
time for the handheld photo 146-4, which is coming
up at 19:247 We're supposed to use IR Nikon 02
with it, and we don't hav_ any information here
that I know of for out-thQ-window.

CC Okay. You want the f-stol_ and exposure. I'ii

try tO get that for you.

SPT Thank you.

335 19 l0 h4 CC Skylah, Houston. We're about 20 seconds from LOS.

We'll be coming up on Vanguard at 22. And for
the SPT, use settings for CX film on your cue card.

__ SPT Okay, Hank. Thank you. I wasn't sure that IR

film would respond in the same way. Thank you.

CC It's the same ASA, we think; so it should do the

same. "

335 19 ll l0 SPT Very good.

335 19 22 04 CC Skylab, Houston through Vanguard for ll minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank.

CC And, CDR, Houston. Just as a reminder, you're

scheduled for a nu z update here in the next 20
minutes or so.

CDR Okay. Thank you, Hank. We got a look at HH site

number 59. It's pretty well cloud covered but
the caldera was sticking up through the clouds,
and you could see it pretty clearly. Got a couple
of Hasselblad pictures.

CC Roger_ we copy.
TAG Tape 335-I0/T-185
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335 19 23 39 CC SPT, Houston. As a reminder, the IR film requires

a Wratten filter, if you haven't got it already.

SPT Yes, we got it.

335 19 26 29 CC CDR, Houston. Nu Z update looks good.

CDR Roger. I didn't even have to move the gimbal

angles. I Just put it on, and there it was.

CC And, Skylab, Houston. Like to give you congrats

on another beautiful EREP pass. It looked like
another sterling Job down here.

CDR Thank you.

CDR The green team is getting a little less green.

335 19 28 28 CC Skylab, Houston. We dropped out there. You went

right over the antenna, and they had to reacquire.

CDR Say again, Hank.

CC Roger. We dropped out of comm there for a minute. -.

You went right over the antenna, and they had to

335 19 32 08 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute from LOS.

We're scheduled for Tananarive at _9. In the
event we miss contact there, Hawaii will be coming
up at 20:32. And you might be interested to know
we fired 39 mihs during the EREP rum, which is
right in the ballpark of our prediction.

SPT Okay; very good, Hsmk. The only thing that

concerned me a little during that was, our maneuver
rate in Y was a little bit slow and I thought we
might not get on track earl_ enough. How'd it look
down there?

CC Okay, it pretty much matched what we had figured

it would do beforehand. In fact, in many cases
there, we tracked right along the prediction.
And it - it's pretty obvious - obvious to us now
that the 2-minute settling time that we - we put
in there, we're really going to need every time.
TAG Tape 335-10/T-185
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SPT Oh, okay. The nl,mbers which came up from E and Y,

though, were about 0.005 larger than what it
actually did, and we did have a significant attitude
error at the time we - that we did time out,
around the order of a couple of degrees.

CC Okay, that's what our settling time is set up to

take out, but there's always a little bit of error

335 19 33 31 CDR Oh, all right. If - When you give me the numbers,
if you could give me your actual predicted nnmhers,
that would be useful for helping me monitor it.
Otherwise, it looked real good.

335 19 50 13 CC Skylab, Houston through Tananarive for 6 minutes.

SPT Roger, Hank.

CC And, Skylab, Houston. You might be interested; at

half time it's Navy 37, Army zip.

SPT Thank you, Hank.

335 19 55 07 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about a minute from LOS.

CC $kylab, Houston. We're about to go LOS. Hawaii's

coming up at 32.

335 19 55 50 SPT Talk to you over Hawaii, Hank.

TAG Tape 335-11/T-186
Time: 335:20:30 to 335:22:00
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335 20 32 27 CC Skylab, Houston through Hawaii for 5-1/2 minutes.

CC SPT, Houston. Are you free to talk with us a


PLT Always free to talk.

SPT Go ahead, Hank.

CC Okay, we - we got a message on board now in regard

to the canister caging and uncaging. And essen-
tially what it tells you to do is to - if the
canister fails to uncage - is to select SOLAR
try it again. Go back to EXPERIMENT POINTING.
It it still fails to uncage, go hack to SOLAR
DOWN channel and try again. And after that, if
it still doesn't uncage, talk to us. Now this
P procedure is coming up, but I want you to take
a look at it, if you don't mind. And if you got
any co_ents, let us know. However, we would
like for every one of you, for your ATM passes,
as soon as the canister uncages, to verify it
with the MPC.

SPT Okay, Hank. We'll go ahead and do that. Do you

want us to write in something on the cue card?

CC We've got a cue card change in work now, to add

that to your Sun-side prep, that verifies the
canister uncage.

335 20 3h 19 SPT Okay, Hank. We'll remember until we get the cue
card change and then incorporate that. Let me
take a look at what we have in the teleprinter,
and I'll get back with you. Thank you.

CC Okay, and I think you have the next pass, Ed. And
we would like you to do this procedure or verify
the uncage at - at the next pass.

SPT Will do, Hank.

TAG Tape 335-II/T-186
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335 20 37 01 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. Vanguard

is the next site on the hour, and we're scheduled
to dump the recorder there.

SPT Okay, Hank. I've looked it over, and I see that

we're selecting EPEA PRIM in UP/DOWN but not
LEFY/RIGHT. What kind of mode will that leave us
in, in terms of the switch on the panel?

CC The switch stays in SECONDARY, Ed.

SPT Okay; so we'll be using both EPEAs and then - one

for UP/DOWN and one for LEFY/RIGHT?

335 20 38 29 CC That's affirm. And we're about to go LOS. We can

talk about it a little more at Vanguard.

335 21 O0 09 CC Skylab, Houston through Vanguard for l0 minutes.

SPT Hello, Hank.

335 21 03 19 SPT Hey, Hank. In looking over that schedule for

tomorrow, I'd like to take that ATM pass which is
from around Just before postsleep or the early
one in the beginning of postsleep.

CC ... one that's now scheduled for the PLT. You

want to take that one?

SPT Roger.

CC How does Bill feel about that?

SPT We arm wrestled, and I won.

SPT I traded him a can of butter cookies.

CC Okay; I guess that'll be all right.

SPT Hank, I did have a question on the procedures you

came up with. That is, why we are operating in
PATROL mode with one axis in PRIM and one in

335 21 05 04 CC Okay the - the logic behind that, Ed, is that we

want to minimize the number of relays we change
in getting ourselves out of trouble if the canister
doesn't uncage.
Tag Tape 335-II/T-186
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SPT Okay. Thank you, Hank.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS.

Tsnanarive at 24. If no success, Hawaii at 22:07.

335 21 09 15 SPT So long, Hank.

335 21 26 3& CC Skyl&b, Houston through Tananarive 5-1/2 minutes.

335 21 30 57 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. Hawaii

at O7.

335 21 31 04 PLT Hello, Hank.

TAG Tape 335-12/T-187
Time: 335:22:00 to 335:23:30
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335 22 07 08 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for

l0 minutes. Out.

335 22 17 05 CC Skylab, this is Houston. 30 seconds to LOS. Next

station contact in 22 minutes through the Vanguard
at 22:39 with data/volce tape recorder dump. Out.

335 22 38 45 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

8-1/2 minutes. And for the ATM operators, we have
a subnormal flare reported, active region 87/92
complex_ that peaked at 22:30 Zulu and no X-rays
reported yet. Over.

PLT Roger, Bruce.

335 22 47 17 CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact through Hawaii in 1 hour and 1 min-
ute at 23:48. Out.

CC Hey, by the way, the final score in the Army-Navy

football g_e was Navy 51, Army nothing.

PLT Can't win them all.

CDR Hook them, Horns.

335 22 48 l0 CC And the Auburn-Alabama game starts in about

l0 minutes.

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r. Time: 335:23:30 to 336:01:00
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335 23 45 57 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for

approximately 3 minutes. We're having trouble
with the power amplifier code system at Hawaii.
Next station contact will be through the Vanguard
in 31minutes at 22:39, with a data/voice tape
recorder dump. Over.

CDR Roger, Bruce.

335 23 46 48 CC Okay. And looks like we have Hawaii pretty

solidly now for about 4 minutes, if you have
anything for us.

CDR Not a thing, Bruce.

335 23 50 39 CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 26 minutes through the Vanguard
at 22:thir - at 23:38. Out.

.... 335 23 50 54 CC 00:16. Out.

336 00 16 53 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

l0 minutes. Over.

PLT Hello, Houston.

CC Roger. Would you believe Oklahoma, 45; Oklahoma

State, 187 Over.

CDR Sooners are tough!

CC Would you believe we've got some things for you

to do with the ATM C&D coolant loop?

CDR I believe that, too.

SPT Go ahead, Bruce.

336 O0 17 27 CC Okay, Ed. As you may be aware, off and on for the
past couple of weeks, we've been noticing what you
could call a cough on the ATM C&D coolant loop,
and that about once a day we've been getting a
drop in the flow rate through the loop. The
DELTA-P sensors across the PUMPS were disconnected
_ prelaunch,as the data from them was so noisy that
TAG Tape 3_5-13/T-188
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we couldn't get any useful information out of it.

So that the flow rate is really the only real
significant parameter we have for interpreting
the loop performance at the present time. Our
belief is that this cough anddrop in flow rate,
which then comes back up fairly rapidly, is due
to the PUMP B relief valve momentarily opening in
connection with a generally higher loop resistance.
To check this out, we're asking you to turn PUMP B
OFF and PUMP C ON and see how PUMP C functions
in the system. There are a couple of things that
this does for us. First off, in ground testing,
the PUMP C relief valve had a higher cracking
pressure than did the PUMP B valve. PUMP C itself
developed a lower flow rate and therefore a pre-
sumed lower DELTA-P across it so that the combina-
tion Of these two, we think, will eliminate the -
I don't want to call it a malfunction - let's say,
eliminate this idiosyncrasy. You may recall that
this loop is not required for C&D operations_ it's
only required to keep the touch temperature down
and to allow us to operate the EREP tape recorders
nominally. And if at any time we decide to come
back to PUMP B, we can go ahead and do that. So
unless you've got some questions on it, on
panel 203 we'd like to get ATM COOLANT PUMPs B
switched to OFF and C to ON. Over.

336 O0 19 23 SPT You've got it.

CC Thank you.

336 O0 25 30 CC Skylab, this is Houston. Aminute and a half to

LOS. Next station contact in 5 minutes through
Ascension Island at 00:30, with a data/voice tape
recorder dump. Out.

336 00 30 31 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Ascension for

9-1/2 minutes with a data/voice tape recorder
dump. Out.

SPT Hello, Bruce. The configuration of S055 is at

MECHANICAL REFERENCE 102, which is their desired
location of the grating; but it will read
102 MECHANICAL, the switch is in OPTICAL.

CC Okay; we copy that, Ed. Thank you.

TAG Tape 335-13/T-188
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CC And for your information, the coolant loop is

looking good; running on pump Charlie. Out.

SPT Hey, very good. Thank you, Bruce.

CC Any old time.

SPT Have you come up with a way of fixing S0547

CC Not yet, Ed. Our evolution where we left FILTER 3

selected for 6-1/2 or so hours didn't produce any
noticeable results ; so we're still considering
the options that may be available to us.

SPT Okay.

CC And I guess the - The front-running candidate now

that's being kicked around is some sort of a
manipulation by EVA.

SPT We 'll do what we can.

CC Better get out your blueprints and start studying.

SPT What kind of manipulation, Bruce; mostly mechanical?

CC Yes.

SPT What - Are they going to put it in RESET and have

us give it a little mechanical vibration?

336 00 32 46 CC We haven't really worked the procedure to that

level yet. I guess there are a couple of different
options that are being kicked around here, and
until we - we settle out on one, why there probably
isn't too much point in listing them.

SPT Okay. Whenever you come up with a couple of first -

the front runners though, I wouldn't mind hearing
what they are.

CC We'll keep you posted.

SPT Thank you.

CC And there is a contingent leaving for the Marshall

Space Center there in Huntsville Monday morning,
bright and early, and we ought to - we ought to
TAG Tape 335-13/T-188
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have things well sorted out prior to your next

EVA and the procedures up to you.

336 00 38 35 CC Skylab, this is Houston. A minute and a half to

LOS. Next station contact in38 minutes through
Guam at 01:16. Out.

TAG Tape 336-01/T-189
Time: 336:01:00 to 336:02:30
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336 01 16 20 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Guam for 7 minutes.


CDR Hello, Bruce.

CC Okay, next station contact, which is Vanguard,

will be evening status report and a data/voice
tape recorder dump. And I've got a little bit of
information for you here, if you're listening.

CDR Go ahead, Bruce.

CC Okay, beginning on day 337 or mission day 18,

which is really day after tomorrow, the NASA S-band
site at Santiago, Chile has been granted permission
t_ track the CSM on a noninterference basis for a
period of about l0 days as you come over. The
reason for this is that we're launching an Earth -
atmospheric explorer C satellite, and they've
been having difficulty getting the tracking system
to function. And you're the only S-band payload
in orbit at thepresent time. So what they are
going to be doing is locking on and tracking you
in range. And we don't expect any audible indi-
cation or any modulation to be coming up on it.
However, it's possible if you - if you do normally
hear little noises or static of some sort at AOS
and LOS with the rest of the S-band stations, you
may hear similar noises when they unlock to hand
over to Vanguard. They won't be infringing on
the Vanguard passes, but they'll take care of it
during the minute or two beforehand. Over.

CDR Very good, Bruce. I'm glad we're up here to help

them out.

CC Great, and I guess for my own information, can

you tell when you're being locked onto be a ground

336 01 18 30 SPT Yes, we sure can Bruce. You pick up a little

static as soon as you lock on, and - and that's -
that's why we can tell when you're up. And also
TAG Tape 336-01/T-189
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LOS is static when you start to fade out, and then

it all of a sudden drops off to silence when
you're gone.

CC Yes, that's sort of what we thought, and I guess

the gist of this is that for the next week or so
coming up on Vanguard, you'll probably get a -
I guess I could call it a false lock when Santiago
hits you. And we wouldn't want you to think that
we'd had some sort of comm,mications problems when
you couldn't raise anybody on voice.

CDR Oh, okay, Bruce. Glad we can do it.

336 01 19 15 CC Roger. Out.

336 Ol 22 25 CC Skylab, this is Houston; i minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 31 minutes through the Vanguard
at 01:54. And we'll be standing by for the evening
status report at AOS at the Vanguard. And Alabama
14, Auburn nothing at the half.

CDR Roger. Thanks, Bruce.

CC A late update - 35 to nothing in the fourth quarter.

336 01 23 03 PLT Roger, Bruce.

336 01 53 43 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

8-1/2 minutes. Standing by for the evening status
report. Over.

PLT Stand by, Bruce.

CDR Our evening status is fine. How's yours, Bruce?

CC Saturday night Mission Control silver team strikes

for a new record with 33 special pizzas ordered
from Vernon's.

CDR From Brennansa?

CC Vernon's. Victor, Echo, Romeo, November, Oscar,


CDR Okay, here comes the evening status report.

CC Okay, let her rip.

TAG Tape 336-01/T-189
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336 01 54 57 CDR CDR, 7.0 - 5/heavy, 2/light; SPT, 8.5 - 7.5/heavy,

1/light; PLT, 7-1/2 - 6-1/2/heavy, one/llght.
Volume: CDR, 1900; SPT, 2100; PLT, 85 - 1850 -
PLT, 1850. C - drinking gun - drinking water gun
reading: CDR, 6929; SPT, 1705; PLT, 7868. Body
mass: CDR, 6.295, ...; SPT, 6.399, 6.398, 6.397;
PLT, 6.29 - correction, 6.240, 6.236, 6.237. Ex-
ercise: CDR, method Alfa, leg, 35 minutes,
h400 watt-minutes. Method Bravo: Alfa, Delta,
Echo, and Foxtrot, l0 minutes, 20 each. Method
Charlie: Charlie, Delta, and Foxtrot, Oh minutes,
l0 repetitions each. Method Foxtrot: _slk,
9 minutes; run, 1 minute. SPT, method Alfa, leg,
35 minutes, 7337 watt-minutes. Method Bravo,
Foxtrot, l0 minutes, h0 repetitions. Method
Foxtrot, run, 5 minutes. Method Foxtrot, springs,
5 minutes, for 300 repetitions. Method Foxtrot,
toe rises, 5 minutes, 200 repetitions. PLT,
Method Alfa, legs, 32 minutes, 5000 watt-minutes.
Method Bravo: Alfa, Beta, Delta, Echo, 50 repeti-
tions each. Charlie -method Charlie: Bravo,
Charlie, Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot, and Gulf,
7 minutes, 15 repetitions each. Method Foxtrot,
- walk, 12 minutes. Method Foxtrot,toe rises,
1 minute, 100 repetitions. Medications: none.
Garments: the only one, PLT discarded one pair
of trousers. Stand by for the food log. Okay,
CDR: salt, zero; deviation, zero; water devia-
tions, plus 2.5. SPT: salt, 4.0 ; deviations,
zero; water, zero. PLT: salt, zero; deviation,
plus one mints; water deviation, zero.

CC Okay, we're with you so far.

336 01 57 40 CDR Okay, the photo log. 16-millimeter: ETC prep/M151.

Supplies: Charlie India 71, 93, Charlie India 82.
148-foot DAC for EREP, Charlie Lima 09, 89, N/A.
Nikon status, 01, Charlie X-ray, 20, hh; 02, India
Romeo 08, 00; 03, Charlie India ll - correction,
Charlie India ll0, 22; 04 is empty; 05, Bravo
Hotel 03, 52. 70-millimeter, Charlie X-ray h7,009.
ETC, Charlie Tango, 10, 058. EREP: 9559, 17h6,
9278, 8651, 0422, 93271 set Kilo. Drawer Alfa
configuration: Alfa l, 07, Charlie India 72, 100,
C185; Alfa 2, 05, Charlie India 93, 96 Charlie
India 122; Alfa 3, 06, Charlie India 125, 18,
Charlie India 12h; Alfa h, 03, Charlie India 71, 93,
Charlie India 821 Back, 02, no supply, Charlie
India 56.
TAG Tape 336-01/T-189
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CC We got all that, Jerry.

336 01 59 40 CDR Okay, ah -letrs see, Flight Plan deviations:

T003-6 not done today, we'll try to do it tomorrow.
Shipping list accomplishments : N/A. Inoperable
equipment: Just want to check and make sure that
the ground is showing DAC 08 is inoperable. And
no unscheduled stowage. End of report.

CC Roger, we are showing 08 is inoperable. And we

copied all that. If you've got a pencil and paper
there, we'll give you the times for your private
phone calls tomorrow. And it's TCU, 19 - SMU, 21;
Alabama, 35 -Auburn, nothing at the end. Both
final scores.

336 02 00 21 CDR Okay, thank you. How did USC to this weekend?

CC We'll get the score for you later on that one; we

haven't got it yet.

CDR Okay. I'm ready to copy.

CC Okay. PLT phone call: Vanguard at 23:33, Ascension

at 23:48. SPT: Vanguard, 01:i0; Ascension, 01:23.
CDR: Vanguard, 02:h8; Canary, 03:08; Madrid,
03:12. Over.

CDR Okay. PLT: Vanguard' 23:33; Ascension 23:_8.

SPT: Vanguard, 01:I0; Ascension, 01:23. CDR:
Vanguard, 02:h8; Canary, 03:08; Madrid, 03:12.

CC Roger. And we'll give you the antenna details and

the LOS times in the middle and stuff like that

CDR Okay, that's great, Bruce; thank you.

336 02 01 41 CC Okay, one evening question for you. Are you still
utilizing the wet towels to increase humidity
levels? If so, what are the locations and numbers
of towels utilized in each location? Over.

CDR We never did use the wet towels. We got used to

the dryness, and the temperature went down. It
was nowhere near as uncomfortable, so we Just
haven' t put any out.
TAG Tape 336-01/T-189
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CC Okay, we'll put you down for zero, zero. And

we got a couple of pages of quick news here, if
you're interested.

CDR Okay, stand by. Bruce, the only wet ones are in
the head, so I guess - Ed said he had passed the
word that there are some wet ones in the head.

CC Yes, well that's Just incidental to the normal

use of the towels, isn't it?

CDR Yes, that's what I would think.

CC Right. I mean you - you're not intentionally

stringing any wet ones over the fans or blowers.

CDR That 's negative.

336 02 02 33 CC Okay. 7-day forecast is in the teleprinter, and

you can review it at your convenience this evening.
Aud I'm ready for the news if you've got nothing

_ CDR No, go rightahead.

CC Okay, Israel's first premier, David Ben-Gurion,

died today at the age of 87 after suffering a
stroke November 18. Condolences poured into Israel
from around the world, and Premier Golda Meir
called a special mourning session of the cabinet
Saturday night. Ben-Gurion, whose name means
"Son of a Lion Cub," came to Palestine from Poland
in 1906. He retired in 1970 from public life and
had lived in a cottage on a kibbutz in the Negev
Desert. He will be buried nearby.

CC The commanding officer of the nuclear attack sub-

marine USS Plunger yesterday was swept overboard
and lost in heavy seas near the Golden Gate Bridge.
Commander Alvin L. Wilderman, 36, had been skipper
of the Plunger for two years, and the vessel had
departed Mare Island Naval Shipyard at ValleJo
for a shakedown cruise. Pioneer 10, your fellow
space traveler, has sent back pictures of the
planet Jupiter which surpass in quality any ever
made from Earth. The quality of these photos
hold great promise for future pictures as Pioneer
makes the closest - makes its closest approach to
TAG Tape 336-01/T-189
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Jupiter at 81,000 miles Monday evening. The new

Greek regime has announced that it does not plan
to prosecute deposed President George Papadopoulos.
The 5h-year-old former colonel who was overthrown
last Sunday is no longer under house arrest and
is free to move around.

cC Countries in western Europe are meeting part of

the energy crisis by burning household garbage
to generate steam for electric generators. Rotter-
dam has a plant that has operated for 60, that's
60 years, and Amsterdam gets 6 percent of its
electricity from steam generated from burning gar-
bage. Similar operations across France and Ger-
mauy have been in operation for many years. In
Washington, the Senate failed to ma_e any progress
in sorting out the tangled talk created by an
election financing amendment added to the federal
debt ceiling bill. The filibuster left the govern-
ment 63 - government's debt 63 billion over the
legal limit. After a 2-hour session, the Senate
voted Bh to 28 to adjourn until l0 a.m. Sunday
for the first Sunday session in ll2 years. The
last Sunday sessionwas in 1861. An Egyptian
Government spokesman said that resuming the sus-
pended Middle East cease-fire talks now would be
pointless. Ahmed Anis said that Israel was Just
using the talks to stall and refusing to honor its
commitment to the November h agreement worked out
by Secretary of State Kissinger.

336 02 05 00 CC Coming up on LOS. Next station contact in about

2-1/2 minutes; Ascension at 02:07. Also up in
Washington - no, I - I'll hit that at Ascension.
We're dropping out.

336 02 07 _h CC Okay, over in Austin, hotel cleaning maid Esther

Marie Bellard may receive more money than she makes
in 3 years. It seems she found $10,000.00 beneath
a mattress a month ago and turned the money over
to police. The money will be turned over to a
Judge Monday, and anyone who may have a legitimate
claim can make a case. Mrs. Bellard will be first
in line. Up in Washington, the administration
could be forced to ration gasoline if long lines
at service stations irritate too m_nymotorists,
say some officials. Gasoline production eventually
is to be cut back by 30 percent, and the lines at
TAG Tape 336-01/T-189
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service stations will serve as a form of rationing

on a first come, first served basis. But many of
the people working on a contingency rationing
plan cannot see how rationing can be avoided if
the shortage exceeds 20 percent. And that about
winds it up for this evening. Just for your in-
formation, the Monday evening closest-approach
point for Jupiter that we're talking about is day
after tomorrow, since tomorrow is Sunday. I'm
not sure whether you guys are keeping track of
the days of the week up there or not.

CDR Yes, we are and thank you.

CC Okay.

CDR Bruce, one question.

CC Fire away.

CC Go ahead, Jerry.

CDR Stand by.

336 02 09 02 CC And USC did not play this weekend. Their schedule
is over for the season. Over.

CDR Okay. Thanks.

CDR Hey, Bruce. When was the - have the Houston runoff
elections been held yet?

CC They're coming up on Tuesday, the hth. They have

not yet been held.

CDR Okay. We'd like to hear the results on that when

they get done.

CC Okay. We could either give you the - the forecast,

or we can wait until they come off and (laughter)
give it - give it to you afterwards.

CDR Go ahead, forecast, Bruce.

CC (Laughter) Negative, negative, negative.

CDR Chicken.
TAG Tape 336-01/T-189
Page 8 of 8/1012

336 02 i0 06 CC You're doggone right.

336 02 14 30 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in l-l/2 minutes through Canary
and Madrid. Out.

336 02 16 29 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Canary and Madrid

for 9 minutes. Out.

336 02 24 22 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1-1/2 minutes to LOS.

Next station contact in 27 minutes through Guam
at 02:52 with the private medical conference. Sub-
sequent station contact in 1 hour and 8 minutes
through the Vanguard at 03:32.

336 02 24 h3 CC Out.

TAG Tape 336-02/T-190
Time: 336:02:30 to 336:0h:00
Page 1 of h/lO13


336 03 31 h3 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

7-1/2 minutes over.

CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

7 minutes. Over.

PLT Roger, Houston; Skylab here.

CC Okay, for your information, we showed a flare class

Charlie 8 in active region 92. It started out at
02:00 Zulu, peaked at 02:06 and we've got a quest-
tion on the status of the film in Nikon 5, if you've
got a minute.

PLT Okay, I'm on the ATM panel right now but fire away.
I think I may be able to answer it.

CC Okay, the evening status report came down before

$233 was scheduled to be accomplished by Ed this
f evening,and therefore,if you were readingthe
counters, the frame count for NK05 should not have
reflected the 233 frames, but it looks like you
used six or seven frames more than we would expect
otherwise. And we were wondering if you anticipated
your usage and factored that in. Over.

PLT That's affirmative, Bruce. We've been doing that

every night so that we'd give the status report -
the report that we gave would reflect the status
at the end of day activity. If you don't want us
to do that, fine -we'll do that if you want it.

CC No, that's fine. Just as long as we understand

the - the ground rules.

PLT Okay, I'll continue to do that then. And we did,

though, include the six exposures which he was to
take tonight.

CC Right, we've got guys in the backroom keeping

track of the frames and they said: "Hey, this
came down before he did $233. Did they use extra
frames on something else?" And we just said we'd
ask the question.
TAG Tape 336-02/T-190
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PLT Okay, they're on their toes, but of course we've

been doing that for several evenings now, and that
is how we're handling it.

336 03 3_ l_ CC Okay, and I may have passed it up to you before

but we'll call you for a wake-up at 12:00 Zulu on
the nose over Bermuda in the morning. We've got
the rest of this pass across Canary and Madrid
before bedtime. So if you've got anything for us,
Just give a yell.

PLT What are those times again?

CC For wake-up?

PLT No, for the rest of those station passages this


CC Oh, we'll give you a call at Canary at 03:51 and

merges into Madrid, winding up at 0h:05.

PLT Okay, Bruce. Thank you.

CC Roger; out.

SPT Bruce, what was the time of that flare?

CC Okay, Ed; it was observed starting at 02:00 Zulu,

peaked out at 02:06.

336 03 35 07 SPT Okay. Yes, we were watching it. We saw it on the

PMEC, knew we were not in the South Atlantic anomaly.
We also saw a rise on the IMAGE INTENSITY COUNT.
It got up to around 15 or so, 15 or 27 at one point;
COUNT and this we use as criteria. We did see -
we did see a small amount of it in the X-ray tube.
We could not determine any single peak in the
XUV MONITOR, however. So we had chose to stay put
and did not make any move at that time to go into
a high data taking mode.

CC Roger, that's fine by us. Looking at your track,

it shows that this really occurred about 16 min-
utes after you went into darkness. We're Just
passing the word along for general background info.
TAG Tape 336-02/T-190
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SPT Oh, okay. Now wait a minute - Well, let's see.

At the beginning of the previous daylight pass is
what we were talking about where we did see a rise
in the PMEC, and we were not in the South Atlantic
anomaly. And we also saw an associated rise in
the IMAGE INTENSITY COUNT. So it must have been
a subflare going on at that time also. There was
no BERYLLIUM however.

CC Roger.

PLT Yes, and ours was about - our observing started

about 25 minutes after the peaks, that Bruce gave.

CC Yes, we show you on that rev, starting up around

02:37, and the guys in the backroom say it was
probably part of the fall period of this flare.

336 03 39 16 CC And, PLT, Houston; 1 minute to LOS here. Next

station contact in 12-1/2 minutes through Canary
Island at 03:51. And we'd like to confirm the
TV monitor is OFF, S056 AIRLOCK door to CLOSE, and
S055 MODE, STOP as you close out the panel this
- evening.

PLT Okay, Bruce I'm just going through it slowly.

CC Okay, and a frame count if you would. In fact

we've got 30 seconds now. If you could Just read
all the frame counts, in sequence, I'll write them

PLT Okay, stand by. It's on tape, but I'll give it

to you. Okay, H-ALPHA, 14373; 56, 5331; 82 Alfa,
0165; Bravo, 1545; 52 is 7255; 54 is 5028.

CC Okay, and thank you very much. And we would prefer

to get these real time because they go into the
planning conference every evening. And if you
put them on tape, it takes us several hours to
retrieve the information.

PLT I didn't know that. I will certainly do that in

the future.
TAG Tape 336-02/T-190
Page 4 of h/1016

336 03 40 34 CC Okay, no problem.

336 03 51 38 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Canary and Madrid

for 14 minutes. Out.

TAG Tape 336-03/T-191
__ Time: 336:04:00 to 336:11:30
Page 1 of 1/i017


336 04 04 21 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1-1.2 minutes until LOS.

We'll see you in the morning at 12:00 Zulu.
Good night.

336 04 04 37 CDR Good night, Bruce.

TAG Tape 336-04/T-192
Time: 336:11:30 to 336:13:00
Page 1 of 2/1019


336 ii 59 59 CC (Music: Misty by Julie London)

336 12 01 46 CC Good morning, Skylab. Going LOS. See you in

about 2-1/2 minutes over Canary.

CREW Good morning, trip.

CDR Good morning, Crip.

CC Good morning, Jer.

CDR I'm on a short vacation.

CC Roger that.

336 12 Oh 41 CC Good morning, gents. We're AOS through Canary

for 9-1/2 minutes, and we'll be doing a
data/voice recorder dump. We have the crimson
team back with you to help you start another
so-called dayoff- off.

336 12 13 04 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS.

We'll see you about 14-1/2 minutes over Tananarive
at 12:28, 12:28. And in case we have comm
problems trying to get you through there, we'll
see you at Honeysuckle at 12:50, 12:50; and that's
about 36 minutes away. If you haven't had a
chance to look at your teleprinter messages,
you will find that on the maneuver pad for
EREP 06, you've got it twice; our woodpecker burped.

336 12 28 28 CC Skylab, Houston, A0S Tananarive. We have you for

about 2 minutes. You guys didn't roll over and
go back to bed, did you?

CDR We sure thought about it, Crip.

CC Can't hardly blame you for that. We were think-

ing the same thing, about it - doing that our-
selves down here.

CDR Well, we're Just up and about, getting our morn-

ing chores out of the way.
TAG Tape 336-04/T-192
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CC Roger. We should have you for about another

1-1/2 minutes. I'ii go ahead and give you
Honeysuckle here in case we lose you early.
It's at 12 - at 12:50, 12:50. That's about
20 minutes away.

334 12 29 23 CDR Okay.

336 12 49 38 CC Skylab, Houston: A0S Honeysuckle for 8 minutes.

SPT Roger, Crip.

336 12 57 00 CC Skylab, Houston: We're 1 minute from LOS.

We'll see you again in 13 minutes over Hawaii at
13:10, 13:10.

SPT So long, Houston; we're just digesting the Sun-

day paper.

CC Roger; and the funnies. And to give you some-

thing else to read, your solar activity update
is now on board.

336 12 57 24 SPT Thank you.

TAG Tape 336-05/T-193
Time: 336:13:00 to 336:14:30
Page 1 of 9/1021


336 13 ii 03 CC Skylab, Houston. A0S Hawaii for 8 minutes.

CDR Roger, Crip.

336 13 16 41 CC Skylab, Houston. You guys interested in hearing

any football scores from yesterday?

CDR Yes, Crip. Bruce gave us the Alabama-Auburn,

game score and the Army-Navy score. And what else

CC Well, Tulane stunned LSU lh to nothing. And

University of Houston took Tulsa 35 to 16.

CDR Very good.

CC Oh, and to run down a few others; SMU over TCU,

21 to 19; Rice over Baylor, 27 to nothing;
Oklahoma over Oklahoma State, 45 to 18; Alabama
._ over Auburn, 35 to nothing;Tennesseeover
Vanderbilt, 20 to 17; Notre Dame over MiAmi, of
Florida, 44 to nothing; Georgia over Georgia
Tech, lO to 3; Grambling beat Delaware, 17 to 8;
and the Friendswood Mustangs won the regional,
31 to 17 - 13, correction. And we're going to be
going LOS in about 30 seconds. We'll have you
over Goldstone in 3 minutes at 13:22, 13:22.

336 13 18 26 PLT Roger. See you there, Crip. How did Ohio
State do?

CC I believe they've completed their season. Got a

frog in my throat.

PLT Okay. Thank you.

CC I don't know if you know it or not, but they were

voted into the Rose Bowl.

PLT Doesn't it seem like there was some kind of con-

troversy about that?

336 13 18 52 CC Roger that.

TAG Tape 336-05/T-193
Page 2 of 9/1022

336 13 22 h5 CC Skylab, Houston, AOS through Goldstone for

5 minutes

PLT Roger, Crip.

336 13 27 03 CC Skylab, Houston, 1 minute until LOS. We'll see

you at Bermuda in 5 minutes at 13:32, and we'll
be doing a data/voice recorder dump there.

336 13 32 26 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS through Bermuda for

9-1/2 minutes, and we'll be doing a data/voice
recorder dump here.

CDR Roger, Crip.

336 13 3h 13 CDR Hey, C_ip. Did we just go over Detroit?

CC Pretty close to it. Yes.

CDR Yes, a little bit to the east of us?

CC I would have estimated it'd been more to the south

of you. You should be coming up pretty much on
the Atlantic coastline right now.

CDR Right. It sure looks cold down there.

CC A little white?

CDR Yes, indeed.

CC Well, we happen to be pretty lucky down here today.

Last few days have been rather - a little crisp,
but rather enjoyable.

CDR Very good. Looks like we'll have ice on the

St. Lawrence pretty soon.

PLT Got a good look at the Houston area through the

VTS yesterday. And it looked like the whole area
was wide open and fairly clear.

CC Yes, we've been very lucky in that regard. We've

had fantastically clear weather around here the
past few days. The front cleared it out.

PLT Didn't see the usual haze and smog laying in there.
TAG Tape 336-05/T-193
w- Page 3 of 9/1023

336 13 35 34 CC That's good. You guys got another couple of

exciting EREP passes today.

CDR Yes, I noted; you didn't really load the VTS guy
up very much. I got two nadir swaths in one area.

CC Oh, well, didn't want to work you too hard

there, Jer.

CDR I appreciate you thinking of us on our day off.

CC I - l'm not really sure this looks very much

like a day off.

CDR No, actually we enjoy doing the EREP; that's a

lot of fun.

CC That's good. And I guess Ed likes to work on his

ATM there too.

CDR Yes. He manages to tolerate it.

CC This is going to be the first time you guys have

tried the shower, isn't it?

CDR Oh, no. Bill and I had one last Saturday.

CC Ah, so. Okay. Enjoy it?

336 13 36 32 CDR Sure did. It was really nice.

PLT Really get cold though before you get dried off
with this low humidity here.

CC Yes, makes you makes you - hurry up and get

drissed - dressed. Everybody keeps making fun of
the way I talk.

336 13 41 12 CC Skylab, Houston. We're I minute from LOS. We'll

see you again at Ascension in 7-1/2 minutes -
correction, I guess we're going to have you at
Canary. No, I lied again. We're going to have
you at Ascension, 7-1/2 minutes; that is if Hank
doesn't stea the Comm from me.

336 13 41 33 CDR Roger.

TAG Tape 336-05/T-193
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336 13 49 00 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS Ascension for 10-1/2 minutes.

SPT Hello, Crip. How's the run today worked out on

the computer, with a nominal reset in there?

CC Well, we needed the reset to _ke it work right.

We - On the computer runs were running into a
problem on the - on the second Z-LV pass without
it. And where the problem was tending to occur
was right when you were establishing orb rate.
In other words, after the time we had told you
when you had to monitor the - monitor the run.
Total TACS usage was somewhere on the order of
450 pounds-seconds for today. And the computer
runs show this is no problem; however, it was
sort of - seemed to be a little bit critical
about - about that nominal-cage. And we can't
figure out really why that seemed to improve the
situation. Consequently, the - the ground is
going to be watching it very careful while you
are in Z-LV, so you don't have to sweat it. You
can go ahead and do your ETC stuff.

SPT Okay. I usually try to stay up here until I see -

we're heading towards the Z-LV and we got enough
H left over in Y to get there.

CC That's a good idea.

336 13 50 30 SPT So far, Bob, they were all worked out real well.
And the schemes you got - you came up with for
monitoring it work out real well.

CC Okay. That's good to hear it. The only thing

we've been - felt a little bit weak about it was
that we didn't have enough different types of a
run to - to prove it against.

SPT Well, I imagine one of these times you're going

to have to slip into the - the contingency
maneuver or procedures. But we'll give it a go
when it happens. I think we understand what's
to be done.

CC Okay. Real good. Might mention one little thing

to you. You know with that procedure, that if you
have to do it going to Z-LV, you will not end up
TAG Tape 336"05_T-193
.... Page 5 of 9/I025

with any fine maneuver biases in that the Z-LV

call for. So you might end up having to put those
in a little bit later.

SPT Yes. That's a good point, Bob.

CC And, Ed, while we're talking to you - to you about

it, it is clear in your mind that we would be
using that same procedure for an AT HOLDmaneuver
for a Kohoutek-type think, isn't it?

SPT You mean the same monitoring and the same backup
procedures in case we go TACS, or - for approach
TACS only and everything's open?

CC That's correct.

336 13 52 18 SPT Hey, Crip. I do have a question for you. And

that is on the run yesterday going to Z-LV, I
noticed we were running behind in the Y-dot about -
well, let's see; it was 0.005 snow, and we ended
up with around 3 to - approximately 3 degrees
altitudeerror at the end there in Y. I'm
wondering, when does the TACS come into fire
in order to increase that rate up to the
specified value?

CC The TACS would only fire, Ed, if you were approach-

ing saturation. It - it does it initially based
on what it thinks the momentum is available to -
to establish the required rate. And from then
on, you have to get a saturation condition before -
before it would be firing. And it's not really
doing this specifically on - on the rate value
that you're reading.

336 13 53 20 SPT Well, that's what I thought, Bob. But yesterday

we also had with that condition a CMG SAT. We
were sitting there at 65 percent, which I took
to be saturation, and _ was taking most of it.
And yet it didn't try to increase the rate, and it
caused the SAT condition to cause the TACS to
fire, and I was wondering about that.

CC Are you talking about en route to Z-LV, Ed?

SPT That's affirm.

TAG Tape 336-05/T-193
Page 6 of 9/1026

SPT We were consistently 0.005 slow, and we were at

65 percent H - HT, most of it in Y.

336 13 54 03 CC Okay, Ed. I guess maybe we've misled you a little

bit when we were talking about rates. You can
normally expect to see some - some small rate
errors, and, you know, a thousanths - a few
thousandths is not anything to really become
concerned about.

SPT Okay. Computed over the maneuver time, though,

it came out to be something like 4.5 degrees
error, at the end. And in reality, it came out
to be something, approximately 3, and I thought
that the - when you specify a Z-LV that your
rates are such that you'll arrive there simul-
taneously in all three axes.

CC No.

SPT But that didn't appear to be the case.

CC No. It just tries to, but it usually doesn't,

and that's - that's the reason that we always
allow for a couple of minutes of settling time at
the end to catch up with that.

SPT Okay. You're just saying that's in the normal

deadband of performance in the system.

CC Roger.

336 13 55 h0 SPT Hey, Crip. If you get a chance, ask old reliable
AI Holt to come on up here and help me with some
of these J0P Summary Sheet changes.

CC Thought you'd appreciate those. You don't you

don't - really appreciate all these guys on the
ground down here that's doing it for you until
you get up there and having to do it yourself.

SPT Man, that's really the truth.

CC Before I lose you here, Ed, we still have another

about 3-1/2 minutes. Just want to remind you
about that nu Z update around 14:00.
TAG Tape 336-05/T-193
F- Page 7 of 9/1027

SPT Thank you.

CC Skylab, Houston; we're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

have you again in 23-1/2 minutes over Carnarvon
at 14:22. And the crimson team is going to
take the rest of the day off and turn it over
to the bronze team. Henry'll be talking to
you there.

CDR So long, crimson troops.

336 13 58 51 CC Roger. See you manana.

336 14 21 57 CC Skylab, Houston; good morning. We're through

Carnarvon for 8-1/2 minutes.

SPT Good morning to Hank and the bronze boys. How

are you this morning?

CC Oh, doing pretty good. Right off the bat here,

Crip's got a few more words in regard to the
maneuver for you.

CC Didn't want to run off and leave you, Ed, on

something that I will - allude to. And I'll tell
you a little bit more in detail about monitor-
ing the maneuver while we're in Z-LV; that is,
from the ground here. What I - what I was
talking about is that we did see, on a couple
of runs that had a little different maneuver
time than the one you're using, where if the
gimbals got into a problem right when they were
trying to wind up in Z-LV or establish orb
rate - And if that happens, and you start to
lose attitude, we're going to use 5 degrees
attitude error as a criteria. And if we reach
that, we're going to inhibit CMG control, which
puts you in a TACS only Z-LV. And then before
you go LOS, which is just about a minute and a
half before you would be starting the maneuver
back, we will enable CMG control such that you
should have a normal maneuver back. Now we do
not anticipate that happening; however, that is
our contingency plan if we should get into it.
But the ground is going to do it, and the only
reason we're talking about it is in case we got
TAG Tape 336-05/T-193
Page 8 of 9/1028

into a commanding problem and we needed to

holler at you for some reason.

336 14 23 31 SPT Okay, I imagine in several situations that'll

come up in the future, you will not be around
in that particular time period. So that's
something we'll have to keep an eye for. You're
going to use 5 degrees and that's called up on -
using a 5200h?

CC Well, you can - No - what you - All you need to

look at once you're in Z-LV, Ed, is attitude
error, which is your 52003, 50002 display.

SPT Okay, yes, that's not the TACS attitude error,

it's just the vehicle attitude error. Okay.

CC That's correct. Once you've established Z-LV,

it just uses that 20 degrees as the - as the
cutoff point. Yes, and you don't have to be
concerned about it today, because we got plenty
of - plenty of time to watch it. And the a little
bit I can tell you there - I think I mentioned
that you do have gimbal avoidance logic once _
you're in Z-LV. But it does not come into play
until after you've been in Z-LV for 5 minutes.
And we've been - we're showing the problem to
occur right when you were establishing the

336 14 24 40 SPT Which of the two CMGs outer gimbal should you
be watching during that time period? Which of
the CMGs gives you the Y-dot?

CC Well, we can't say, Ed. Both of them, we're

getting on the stop in our sims. One was going
one way, and one was going the other. And if
one got on a stop, you probably wouldn't be in
too bad a shape, we don't think.

SPT Okay. Thank you, Bob. Hank's going to talk us

through this double forward Z-LV then?

CC Roger; stand by just i.

Tag Tape 336-05/T-193
-- Page 9 of 9/i029

CC Okay, Ed, then one thing; I don't want to leave

you concerned there. The problems that we saw
were not on the maneuver profiles that we're
using today. On the maneuver profiles that
we're using, on none of the computer programs
did we see any problems.

SPT Okay.

CC Okay. We'll see you manana. Happy EREP.

SPT Okay. Thank you, Bob, for all your help. You
got some good words; I think we got a good -
reasonably good understanding of it up here.

336 14 25 50 CC Okeydoke.


TAG Tape 336-06/T-194
Time: 336:14:30 to 336:16:00
Page 1 of 7 /1031


336 14 30 38 CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS. Guam

is the next site, about 6-1/2 minutes at 37. And
Bill will be standing by there to talk about the

336 14 30 52 SPT Thank you, Hank. Look for you then.

336 14 37 07 MCC Skylab, Houston through Guam with the ATM confer-
ence, and we have about 7 minutes, Ed.

SPT Okay, Bill. Go ahead.

MCC Okay. First off, let me just hit you here with
a quick question regarding tomorrow - or I should
say starting tomorrow. We were wondering when we
can begin to schedule ATMs early and late for
you - well, I guess for anyone, but for you in
particular, thinking of tomorrow. And the
questions that we have regard the orbit beginning
at 12:45 Zulu; that's about 45 minutes after you
nominally get up, and another one at about
01:15 Zulu, about 2-3/4 hours before you go to bed.
And for tomorrow in particular, we're talking
about you; long range, we're ts]king about anybody.
And what we'd really like to do is to get an honest
answer here as to wheth - whether you think you
can accommodate that now, and if not, when?

336 14 38 01 SPT Okay. I can accommodate the one in the evening_

that's no problem at all. I'm afraid the one in
the morning though - We really do have 2 hours of
postsleep activity in order to get this whole
thing squared away. Some of it is up - for me,
is up here in the ATM panel, which I guess I could
move that kind of piecemeal into the rest of the
day. But I don't think 45 minutes will - will
do it right now in the morning. Why don't you
just let me think about that, and see if I can't
work the schedule around and try to get up a little
bit earlier maybe.

336 14 38 32 MCC Okay, Ed. One thing there, I didn't mean to imply
we were stealing from your presleep time. We're
talking about - postsleep, l'm sorry. We're talking
TAG Tape 336-06/T-194
Page 2 of 7/1032

about inserting an ATM pass in there and - after

you've been up about 40 minutes - and then contin-
uing with the rest of the postsleep after the pass.

SPT Oh, that's all right. That'd be fine. I'd be

happy to do that, if you're going to allot me
that time after the ATM. That's fine. Go ahead.

MCC Okay. Fine. We'll do that, and we'll start

working on that. Okay. The main thing I'd like
to talk about today here is the S055 detector work.
Before I do that, let me make two points here,
and then we can t_Ik the rest of the orbit on 55.
I've got an analysis here, an assessment, on the
S054 problem that is probably too detailed and
complicated to discuss. I though this afternoon,
later, I'll write it up and TWX it up to you this
afternoon, and you can look at it, and we can talk
about it as necessary.

SPT Okay, very good. I hope there's some possibilities.

Go ahead with - -

MCC Okay, the other - -

SPT -- 55.

336 14 39 30 MCC - - The other thing then is tomorrow Bob MacQueen

will be coming in, and the topic is going to be
coronal transients as S052 has seen them in
SLs-2 and 3. So the pass tomorrow will be devoted
entirely to Bob.

SPT Hey, very good. Be good to t_Ik to him. I know

he's got some useful data for us.

MCC Okay, now some thoughts that you might look at.
Today, on the 55 detector, you'll notice you've
got a lot of free time. The 55 people have given
me some images to look at here, some rasters, and
some words to go with them. The easiest four
settings to look at - Basically, we're talking
about detector 3 at various grating positions -
of course, there's oxygen VI at a grating of zero.
You might want to write these down and later on,
as soon as I can, I'll get a TWX up with these
numbers in it; but for now you may want to write
them down
TAG Tape 336-06/T-194
/-- Page 3 of 7/1033

SPT Have you seen the cue card which I had made up
before we left which has 55 major spectral lines
and temperature curve versus heights with all of
the features on, that we're looking for in the
associating grating positions?

336 14 40 33 MCC Yes, I saw a preliminary and I haven't seen the


SPT Okay, I'd like to work from that unless they

really plan to change it substantially.

336 14 40 40 MCC Okay. Unfortunately, I don't have it in front of

me right now.

SPT Okay. Fire away.

MCC okay. I assume it's got - I know it's got

oxygen VI, magnesium X on it. Does it have
neon VI silicone XII?

336 14 40 54 MCC Okay. Now I have it in front of me. It's got -

SPT I wrote in silicone XII for - -

MCC That ought to be it.

SPT - - for prominent loops above the limb the other


MCC Okay. Silicone - -

SPT I like that grating position that goes with it,

though I wasn't ...

336 14 41 ii MCC Yes. Okay, silicone Xll would be 2434. And also,
looking at your cue card, I notice you do not have
neon VII. Neon VII is at 2695.

SPT And what phenomenon is neon VII best for looking


MCC Say again; I didn't hear.

SPT What is neon VII best for looking at? What's the - -
TAG Tape 336-06/T-19_
Page 4 of 7/103h

336 14 hi hO MCC Okay. I was going to get into that here in a

minute. Basically, we're talking loop-type struc-
tures here. They're most easily seen, and by that
I mean it has the highest contrast, in oxygen VI
and neon VII. However, the total count is low.
And neon is the highest contrast, but also the
lowest total count. So it's harder to see overall,
but the biggest contrast. Looking at some rasters
of active region 87 as it transited the east limb,
I noticed that on the neon VII images, we can see
some loop structures that we cannot see in any
of the other three.

336 lh h2 22 SPT Are these loops as seen against the disk or are
they off the limb?

MCC No. COronal - they're off the - off the limb.

SPT Okay. I have found -

SPT Yes, I was looking at Lyman beta, and that seems

to work out real well.

336 lh h2 h5 MCC Okay. That ought to be a good bit lower than what
we're talking here as far as heights go. The -
Let's see; we've got a minute and a half here now.
Continuing the analysis here, the easiest - the
opposite, I should say, is true for magnesium X and
silicone XII. That is, they have a low contrast,
but they have high total counts. And one word
here that's appropriate is on magnesium XII - X
and silicone XII, it's easy to confuse the limb
brightening with coronal structures. So that's
sort of a warning. Now, I've got in front of me
four rasters for each of these grating positions,
each of these lines, with some typical numbers on
the disk, on the limb - limb brightening, loop struc-
ture on the disk and off the disk. What I propose
is, I will write these nl,mbers up right now and
TWX them up to you, probably in time for your
second ATM pass, but not for the one that you're
about to go do. Is that - -

336 lh h3 46 SPT Okay. That would be very useful. And put the
information you have in there about the limb
brightening versus the total counts and so forth.

MCC Okay.
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SPT ... we found Lymon beta exceptionally useful

because I thought we had that limb brightening.

MCC Okay. Sure will. That's what I was going to do.

Give you a quiet disk, active disk, limb bright-
ening, loop structure, and so on.

336 14 44 07 MCC Okay, and we're LOS in i0 seconds. We'll see you
next at Goldstone in about 17 minutes.

SPT Okay. And I'ii try the 52 looking at the horizon

again. I did it once already - or twice now, and
the second time I did see something, and that's
all on tape.

MCC Okay. And we're most interested there on when you

begin to see the Earth in the field of view.

SPT All I saw was a gradual brightening in the lower

right-hand corner of the display at a roll of
5_00. And I did not see any Earth. I cut the
display off when I saw the brightening. It began
around 6 seconds to go and I cut it off at 3,
I'ii take again- I'ii look again though.

MCC Okay, and we are definitely interested in when

the Earth comes in. We'll see you later.

336 14 44 49 SPT Thank you, Bill.

336 15 00 51 CC Skylab, Houston through Goldstone for 7 minutes.

SPT Hello, Hank.

336 15 06 17 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 30 seconds from a

short dropout to Texas. We'll be down about
30 seconds and right back with you for another
14 minutes.

336 15 07 34 CC Skylab, Houston. We're back with you for another

12 minutes.

336 15 15 47 CC SPT, Houston. It looks like some activity going

on in active region 92.

SPT I'm going into the FLARE MODE now, Hank, 2 minutes
into it.
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CC We copy.

336 15 18 51 SPT Okay, Hank. It didn't look like we got the early
flare rise on that one, so I've terminated 82A, 82B,
and 54. I've got 56 in an AUTO, SHORT and 55 in

336 15 19 06 CC Roger. We copy. And, Skylab, we're about 40 seconds

from LOS. We'll be coming up on Ascension at 28.

336 15 28 55 CC Skylab, Houston through Ascension for 5-1/2 minutes.

SPT Okay, Hank. We're Sun centered now. and we Rot

52 operating in CONTINUOUS and 56 in AUTO, SHORT,
and I'm occasionally putting some XUV MONITOR on
the TV recorder. I'll also give you some WHITE
LIGHT CORONAGRAPH when I get a chance.

CC Roger, we copy, Ed.

336 15 29 44 CC And, Ed, the boys in the backroom say you did a
real good job on that one.

SPT A little late on it, Hank, I was hoping to catch

the rise on one of these.

SPT Looks like we're getting a second peak here, Hank,

but l'm going to stick with what we got.

CC Say again, Ed.

SPT Looks like we got a second peak here, but I'm going
to stick with what we have.

CC Roger, we copy.

SPT Are we in the anomaly now?

CC That's affirmative.

336 15 31 39 CC SPT, Houston. We'd like to see some more S05_

in the - in the building block.

SPT Okay, Hank. They got specific instructions to be

excluded unless we get the flare rise. I'ii go
ahead and give them some long 256's if that's
what they want.
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CC Roger. What we really want, Ed, is to - is to

run according to the synoptic building block.

336 15 33 36 CC Skylab, Houston; we're about 40 seconds from LOS.

We'll be coming up on Carnarvon in about 25 minutes
at 59, and we're scheduled to dump the voice and
data recorder.

336 15 59 17 CC Skylab, Houston through Carnarvon for i0 minutes,

and we'll be dumping the recorder.

SPT Okay, Hank. Let me know when you got it back.

CC Say again, Ed. Oh, the recorder; I get it.

SPT Hank, let me know when we have the recorder back

again, please.

336 15 59 46 CC Okay, I follow you now; had me confused there for

a minute. Just to clarify a couple of things,
Ed, in regard to your building block 8 and 9 options
on step ii in both the JOPs 3A and 3B. It calls
for bumping the EREP for the ATM postflare if
F the rise of the M-I is observed. Until December15
our criteria is - is an M-5 flare, and so that's
the reason we're not doing that.

TAG Tape 336-07/T-195
Time : 336 :16 :00 to 336 :17 :30
"- Page i of 11/1039


336 16 00 13 SPT Yes, I understand. And also, we did not really

get the rise; we just got up there just before
it peaked.

SPT I'ii tell you, hank, we're going to have to set

the PMEC threshholds lower, which I'ii probably
do on my own, and also - at least for detecting
it - and also, just spend some more time with the
flare wait because once that thing goes off, you're
already past the rise.

CC We copy.

336 16 00 54 SPT I think we got some data - reasonable data - for

most of the experiments under the conditions.
And 52, I think, is - probably got the best, al-
though I was not able to observe any coronal
transients in looking at it with the TV monitor.
I did get some XUV MONITOR and WLC TV downlink in
five different instances.

CC Roger, we copy.

336 16 03 05 CC Skylab, Houston. I have some weather updates for

you for your EREP, if it's convenient now.

CDR Okay; go ahead, Hank.

CC Okay, weather is good for both passes. You're GO

for both as far as weather goes. For the first
track here coming up, essentially it's broken to
overcast, until you approach the Denver area, which
is about where we'll be starting the datatake any-
how. And we start breaking out very rapidly and
into the clear. It's essentially clear until you
get to the eastern Texas - Louisiana area. And
we had some fog in there this morning that probably
won't be all burned off. There may be some scat-
tered stratus in there, until about the coast of
the Gulf, and then it'll be clear. Right in the
middle of the Gulf there is a patchy, overcast area
breaking out again toward the coast of South America.
Of course, South America you'll be picking up all
clouds again. The second track, off the coast of
California there, is essentially clear all the way.
TAG Tape 336-07/T-195
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336 16 04 17 CDR Roger, Hank. I think as I move into the East

Texas sites I'm going to keep an eye out for the
Oklahoma City sites. Seems to me we missed a
chance to get 350 some time ago.

CC Okay, and I might point out that the - the cirrus

patterns that we were looking for today, the jet
stream cirrus, and the other fe -weather features
we were looking for Just are probably not going to
be there. They didn't materialize like we thought
they would.

CDR Roger.

336 16 07 41 CC SPT, Houston; the recorder's yours.

SPT Thank you, Hank.

336 16 08 26 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute to LOS.

We'll be coming up on Guam in about 4 minutes at

336 16 13 53 CC Skylab, Houston through Guam for 8 minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank.

CC And, Ed, I'd like to talk to you a little bit about

that flare threshold you mentioned just before
going LOS before. The present on-console flare
threshold is 608, which is approximately a Charlie 2;
while off-console is 736, which is an M-I. Do you
want a lower on-console threshold?

336 16 14 48 CDR He's tape recording right now, Hank. He'll he right
with you.

CC Okay.

336 16 15 22 CDR Houston, CDR.

CC Go ahead.

CDR Question on S009 ; is it absolutely required that

we turn that rascal off during the EREP pass? It
doesn't bother us. I don't see any reason to turn
it off and stow it if it's not in our way.

CC We'll check it.

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336 16 17 16 CC CDR, Houston. Where did you - where do you see the
reference to turning the S009 off?

CDR On the EREP VTS prep checklist at T minus 55.

CC Okay.

336 16 17 37 CDR It says record the S009 Beta angle and then set it
at zero.

CDR Actually, that's not turning it off, but - do you

want to - do you want to set it to zero because
we're going into the Z-LV?

CC We're checking that now. Let us take a look at it

a minut e.

CDR Okay. It's Just occurring to me now that probably

why we're setting it to zero is because we're in

336 16 18 48 CC CDR, Houston. Let's follow the checklist today and

go ahead and do it. And you've brought up a good
question here. We're going to take a look at this
in the meantime and validate the requirement.

CDR Okay.

336 16 21 19 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

be coming up on Goldstone at 38. Everything looks
good to us at this point. You're GO for the EREP
and the maneuver time does look good to us.

336 16 21 35 CDR Okay, Hank.

336 16 36 56 PLT Preoperate configuration.

CDR Okay. We're breaking into sunrise.

PLT Okay. Got about 2 minutes. And I will need an

AUTO CAL at 39:20; I'ii call it.

CDR Okay.

336 16 37 23 CC Skylab, Houston. We're monitoring you now stateside.

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PLT Roger, Hank.

SPT Looks good up here, Hank. Z's a little bit slow,

but, it's a small maneuver; Y and X look real good.

CC Roger; we copy.

336 16 38 lO CDR Anybody got a pocket buzzer jingling?

PLT That was to remind me that we were about to pounce

upon the EREP?

N_ (Laughter)

PLT It's sort of an innocuous sound, but it's very

distracting. Okay, about 30 seconds before EREP,
START. Stand by. 39:10 on my mark.

336 16 39 lO PLT MARK. EREP, START. And stand by; give you a count-
down for AUTO CAL.

CDR Okay.

PLT 5,h,3,2,i -

336 16 39 20 PLT MARK. AUTO CAL.

CDR Okay. It's in.

PLT Thank you.

CDR Still a lot of clouds. No ground.

PLT Should be breaking out in the clear in about

3-1/2 minutes, just about the time we hit Denver.
Probably - -

CDR Yes.

PLT - - on the east side of the Rockies.

CDR Yes. We are starting north of Denver, right up in

very northern part of Colorado.

CDR They're beginning to thin out now.

CDR Very large river Just went by; we're breaking into
the clear.
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PLT Beaut iful.

CDR Snow-covered peaks.

PLT Coming up on h0:40 on my mark.


CDR That was the Snake River we crossed.

PLT Coming down through Wyoming, huh?

CDIT Yes, lots of skiing up there, I bet.

PLT Beautiful country up there too.

CDR No, doesn't look like that's very good skiing

slopes. Pretty - pretty rugged.

PLT You Just crossed the Grand Tetons there, if you

saw the Snake River, probably.

CDR Yes. Yes; that's what it is. Coming up on the

American Falls Reservoir.

336 16 41 38 SPT TACS number 4 sure had to fire in order to give us

plus Y, Hank.

CDR There it is. American Falls Reservoir, right on

the money. Now we're back into some cloud cover

PLT Okay, waiting for 191. READY, on. Get it shortly.

There it is. Going to REFERENCE - to 6 at an 05.

336 16 42 05 PLT MARK. 42:05, S194 MODE, MANUAL.

CDR Okay. In and out of the clouds. Okay, we're going

to start our nadir swath at 43:07.

PLT Coming up on 42:53.

CDR Okay, we're getting some washboard- washboard

effect on the clouds.

PLT You ought to be seeing Denver anytime.

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CDR Oh, yes. We're a little ways away from Denver yet.
About a half to three-quarters of a minute -

PLT ... to AUTO.

SPT ... Hank ...

PLT AUTO. 192 to READY shortly ...

CDR 43 :07

336 16 43 00 PLT MARK. h3 minutes, 192 MODE to READY. Okay. Got

a TAPE MOTION green light steady.

336 16 43 07 CDR Nadir swath started as 43:07.

CC Skylab, Houston. For info, we're commanding

TACS only. We've got a rate building in X.

CDR Okay, Houston. We copy that. Ed saw it diverging.

CDR Coming up on Denver.

PLT Okay. Ed, at 44:30, we need ETC to AUTO and that's

coming up in less than a minute.

SPT Roger. I 'm here.

PLT Okay.

CDR Okay. I'm seeing Denver. Must be Aurora. Seeing

Denver and west.

PLT Standing by for 44:24.

CDR Nice and clear over Denver - some snow patches.

PLT Okay, Ed; 15 seconds for ETC AUTO. Stand by on my

mark, 24.

336 16 44 24 PLT MARK for 24. RADIOMETER, OFF - -

SPT MARK 26 - -

PLT Ed. Stand by.

336 16 44 30 PLT MARK, Ed, for AUTO - -

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SPT Got it--

PLT ...

PLT Stand by for my mark on 44:40.

336 16 44 40 PLT MARK. Okay, 44:40, ALTIMETER, ON.

PLT Be standing by for 45:35. And, Ed, at 45:45 you

will go - Okay, you're all set. I'll give a mark
on 45:35 and also on 45. Stand by -

336 16 45 35 PLT MARK, 35. INTERVAL is to 20. And 45. Stand by.
Should be over "OK" City now, or coming up on it.

336 16 45 45 PLT MARK. 192 MODE to CHECK. And, FRAMES - Okay, get
the setting on the ETC. See Oklahoma City there,
Jer? Probably well off to the left - -


PLT Okay. 46:45 ETC to STANDBY, Ed. 46:30 adjust

190 INTERVAL to i0. Stand by on my mark for 46:30.
CDR Pretty hazy.

PLT Yes. Stand by -

336 16 46 30 PLT MARK. ON INTERVAL, lO. 92 MODE going to READY at

46:45 on my mark. I'll give a mark at 46:45, Ed.

336 16 46 45 PLT MARK. And 192 MODE to READY. We're standing by

for 48 minutes.

PLT Okay. Coming up on 48 minutes. Ought to be seeing

Houston or at least the area.

CDR Yes.

PLT Did you get the reservoir?

CDR Yes, I got her.

PLT Good. Stand by on my mark, 48 minutes.


Stand by for 12.
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336 16 48 13 PLT SCATTEROMETER, ON, RADIOMETER, ON. And at 48:25,

Ed, KTC frame rate change. Stand by for 48: 35.

336 16 48 35 PLT MARK. Okay, 190 INTERVAL to 20.

PLT Ed, I don't have a READY light on my SCAT. hg:10,

ALTIMETER, MODE, 5. MODE, 5 at 49:20. Mark, h9:20.

336 16 49 20 PLT MARK. POLARIZATION to 4. 49:30 on my mark.

336 16 49 30 PLT MARK. 192 MODE, CHECK and ETC to STANDBY, Ed.
h9:40 coming up.

336 16 49 40 PLT MARK. REFERENCE, 26.

PLT Okay, 190 READY light is out. Stand by for 50:15.

336 16 50 15 PLT Okay, SCAT to STANDBY. RAD to STANDBY.

336 16 50 23 PLT 23, SCAT, ON. 38, stand by on my mark, 50:38.

336 16 50 39 PLT SCAT back to STANDBY.

336 16 50 4_ PLT MARK. 50:44, ALTIMETER, ON. Stand by for an

AUTO CAL, quick, Jer; if you can get it right now.

336 16 50 50 CDR Okay. Got it.

PLT Didn't give you enough time, Jer. Okay, we got

it... - -

SPT Are we going to enable the CMG and inhibit TACS?

CC Roger; we're going to do that.

SPT Okay.

CC We're going to do it about 53, Ed.

PLT Okay, I got a SINGLE. 190 at 51:11.

CDR Okay. There's a little haze over Toledo Bend, but

I found it okay.

PLT Stand by for 52:11.

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336 16 52 12 PLT MARK. Another 190, SINGLE. Ed, I've Just been
looking back through the pad and I didn't see any
place where I got the SCAT to STANDBY initially
before it turned it on for the first time. SCAT
was turned on at 48:12 and nowhere above was it put
to STANDBY, and the preoperate configuration was
for the SCAT to be OFF; READY, out. Okay standing
by for 53 minutes.

CDR The Caribbean's pretty clear. The Gulf of Mexico

wasn't too terribly clear. There's a few places
between - -

PLT Stand by.

336 16 53 00 PLT MARK. 53 minutes, 194 MODE to SINGLE - MANUAL,

I mean. Be ii, 190 MODE to SINGLE. There we go.

336 16 53 ii PLT MARK.

CDR Looking at Barrquilla.

PLT Another MODE, SINGLE on S190. Be getting a READY

light on 191 shortly.

336 16 53 30 PLT There we go, right on cue.

CDR Okay. I'm getting a little data over Barranquilla.


Should be coming up on the Coast of Colombia too,

CDR Yes. We're there.

CDR Right overhead Barranquilla, little town - actually

it's a good-sized city. River really dumping the
sludge out in the --

CDR That VTS is really a kick, isn't it?

CDR That's really something.

336 16 54 00 PLT MARK. 54 minutes. ALTIMETER to STANDBY; EREP,


CC Skylab. i minute to LOS. Vanguard at 03.

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PLT Okay. And when I turned the SCAT from OFF to ON,
I did not get a READY light, Hank. And, I'm going
to check my next pad to see. The preoperate con-
figuration pad did not have me put SCAT to STANDBY.
And I don't think I went forward a couple of times
here - but I don't think it's on the operate pad

CC Okay. We're goint to take a look at that too, Bill.

We've already verified, Bill, it was a pad error.

PLT Okay. I should of caught it ahead of time, dang it.

CC We should have caught it.

336 16 55 05 CDR Very extensive agricultural areas.

336 17 0h 01 CC Skylab, Houston. We're back with you through

Vanguard for 7 minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank.

PLT Hello, Hank.

SPT Well, that got kind of interesting, Hank. What

happened in X towards the end there? I saw we were
diverging, and I didn't want to go to TACS control
only because you folks were on board. I expected
the difficulty to arise in Y, however.

CC Well, we're taking a look at that now. We did

diverge rather rapidly there in X. And toward the
end there we, of course, went back to CMG control
for the maneuver out.

SPT Yes. I was watching that diverging X, Hank, and

set to do something, but you folks were there, and
I was kind of surprised to see it in X. Looked
like we had plenty of - we were not saturated in H.
We had certainly lots of H in X and I didn't see
any gimbals on the stops.

336 17 05 04 CC One thing - at one point during that, Ed, we had

three gimbals on the stop.

SPT When we started to diverge?

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CC And, SPT, we'd like to remind you at this time that

we got a nuZ update window. We're in it now or
coming up here shortly. And also don't [sic] want
to remind you that we have a nominal H-cage sched-
uled at 53.

SPT Thank you, Hank.

CC And that's on your maneuver pad.

SPT Roger; I see it on the second one, thank you.

CDR Okay, we're right over Sao Paulo, Brazil. Looks

like a beautiful city.

336 17 06 54 CDR I snapped off about i0 frames of Sao Paulo, Brazil

with the DAC.

CC Copy.

CC PLT, Houston.

PLT Roger, Hank. Go.

CC Bill, on the - on your next pad for the next pass

we denoted an omission there at time 20:10, where
it calls for S193 to STANDBY, that should be S193A

PLT Rpger. That's at 23:10, S193 ALTIMETER to STANDBY.

CC Roger. 20:10, 20:20.

PLT 20 :i0.

CC And, Skylab, Houston. For info, we are redesig-

nating recorders here at Vanguard so we don't lose
anything, and we'll be putting recorder i on as your
voice recorder, so that if you do record you can
expect the blinking light.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 40 seconds from LOS.

Everything looks good over the hill. We'll see you
on the EREP over Goldstone at 18:14.

PLT Roger.

TAG Tape 336-08/T-196
Time: 336:17:30 to 336:19:00
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336 18 14 26 PLT 5 secondsto EREP, START.

336 18 14 31 PLT MARK. EREP, START. Stand by for AUTO CAL, Jer.

CDR Okay. Standing by.

PLT On my mark. 4, 3, 2, i, -

336 18 14 40 PLT MARK.

CDR You got a mark.


CDR There's a cloud cover right here. Lets' see.

It's 14:50.

CC Skylab, Houston's with you through Goldstone.

._ CDR Roger,Hank; loud and clear.

SPT It's all going - So far - So far, Hank, it's all

going real well.

CC Roger. It looks good to us, too.

CDR Looks like a lot of stratus out there.

PLT Okay. Standing by for 16 minutes. Stand by -

336 18 16 00 PLT MARK. Okay. 193 ALTIMETER's ON, and 9h MODE to


CDR Okay. Looks like the cloud cover's starting to

thin out. Looks like popcorn. Lots of cellular
pattern to the clouds - all stratus, very cellular,
very much like filled-in Benard cells.

PLT Okay. 17:05, you have one SINGLE.

CDR Okay. That's the end of the clouds. We're in

clear water.

PLT Stand by for a mark on 17:05.

TAG Tape 336-08/T-196
2 of_1052

CDR Now we've got some cirrus.

336 18 17 05 PLT MARK. 190 MODE, SINGLE, and I heard it go. Okay.
Stand by. 17:20, I should get a 191 READY light.
Be there. There it comes at 19. Okay. 17:27,
I got another SINGLE.

336 18 17 27 PLT MARK, SINGLE, and 191 REFERENCE to 6.

CDR Okay, the clouds are back to scattered stratus and

a little bit of cirrus above it. Thin cirrus.
i minute to starting the nadir swath.

PLT Okay, Ed. At 18:30, coming up in about 45 seconds,

and ETC will go to AUTO. Stand by for my mark on
18 minutes at a SHUTTER SPEED to MEDIUM. Stand
by -


CDR okay. The clouds are thin and scattered. Coming

black - back to blue sea.

PLT Stand by for my mark.

336 18 18 23 PLT MARK. Okay. 23, MODE - 190 MODE to AUTO, and ETC
go to AUTO in about 2 seconds, Ed .... 192 to
READY. Stand 0y -

336 18 18 36 PLT MARK. 18:36, MODE, READY.

336 18 18 38 CDR Nadir swath started.

PLT And I got a green TAPE light. Okay. 192's


CDR Camer's working.

PLT 19:07.

CDR Very few clouds. Looks a little hazy, though.

There goes the point of Santa Barbara - Gaviota
Point, I believe. The islands.

PLT Oh, yes. I camped there at Gaviota one time.

Real nice. Gaviota State Park.

CDR Okay. That must be San Clemente Island going by.

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PLT That's sure pretty country you're looking at

there. 19:57, 192 MODE, CHECK - -

CDR There goes San Clemente Island.

PLT - - in 30 seconds.

CDR Okay. The nadir swath is going to terminate at

19:51. By golly, you timed it Just right as far
as clouds are concerned. We're Just starting to
get a few scattered now.

PLT Okay. Stand by for - -

336 18 19 52 CDR MARK. - -

PLT - - 19_57.

CDR - - Nadir swath completed.

PLT Stand by -

336 18 19 57 PLT MARK. 92 MODE to CHECK. 20:03, INTERVAL going

F to 20. I, 2, 3, -

336 18 20 04 PLT INTERVAL to 20. 20:10, 192 ALTIMETER to STANDBY.

Stand by -

336 18 20 I0 PLT MARK. And MODE to i. 20:25, ALTIMETER coming

back ON. 20 - Stand by for ETC to STANDBY, Ed.


going to 2. Standing by for 21:30. Man, what's
all that noice?

PLT Okay. At about 30 seconds, Jer, I'll need an


CDR All right.

PLT I'll give you a mark.

CDR Going right down Baja.

PLT Ah, must be great. Too bad that thing covers that
whole window there. 15 seconds to AUTO CAL.
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CDR All right.

PLT h, 3, 2, l, -

336 18 21 30 PLT MARK. AUTO CAL.


PLT Thank you. READY light's out. I don't have a

READY light on myALTIMETER and have an ALTIMETER
UNLOCK. I'm going to STANDBY for 15 seconds.
h5 -

PLT Going back. ALTIMETER POWER, ON at 23 minutes

even - 22 minutes even.

336 18 22 16 PLT Okay. I've got a READY light on ALTIMETER 193.

Looking good.

PLT Okay, Ed, 30 seconds to go to ETC AUTO. It'll be

at 23:30. It's 23:05 -

336 18 23 05 PLT MARK.

PLT Coming up on 23:20.

336 18 23 20 PLT MARK. INTERVAL going to i0. 92 MODE, READY.

TAPE MOTION light, out; green light, on. Okay,
ETC going to AUTO -

336 18 23 29 PLT MARK.

PLT h5, ALTIMETER to STANDBY. Stand by. - -

CDR We're over Acapulco now.

336 18 23 45 PLT MARK. 93 ALTIMETER to STANDBY, MODE to 5.

24.minutes, 193 ON again.

PLT Stand by.

336 18 24 00 PLT MARK. 193 ALTIMETER, ON; green light, on; and
no MA_LF. READY, on at 24:10. Let's see if I got
191 READY. Yes, there it is. 24:08. Standing
by for 24:25. Stand by -
TAG Tape 336-08/T-196
Page 5 of _1055

336 18 24 25 PLT MARK. 92 MODE to STANDBY. And about 30 seconds,

Ed, you'll be going to STANDBY on ETC. Watching
for a READY light to go out on the 190.

CDE Ah, that wasn't Aeapulco; we're coming up on

Acapulco now.

PLT Yes. That's what I have on my sheet, Jer.

CDR Right. We're due up - -

PLT That was Guadalajara.

CDR Yes, I think it was.

PLT Okay, come on_ be there. No, it wasn't - There

it is; right on time. 190 MODE to STANDBY. Okay.
ETC to STANDBY. Verify, Ed. And we're waiting
for 26:27. Think it's working right on cue.

336 18 25 37 CDR Okay, Mexi - Mexico has now flipped out of view.
I'm going back and line this thing up on the
center line slightly to the right and start looking
for the Galapagos Islands. If Fernandino Crater
is clear, I'm going to take a few shots of it.

PLT And if we're not - If we don't maneuver too much

and you can still see it in the VTS, I'm sure that
I can get a picture of it by single frame on the - -

CDR Well, let's see. The maneuver is supposed to

happen 1 - 1 minute before we get there, when it's
supposed to start.

PLT Well, we ought to be in "Fat City" then.

336 18 26 15 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute from LOS.

Everything is looking good going over the hill.
We'll see you at Vanguard at 38:00.

PLT Okay, Hank.

PLT 26:27, I want a single. There we go; another

single. 194 MODE to MANUAL and an ALTIMETER UN-
LOCK light again. 15 seconds, try to recover
TAG Tape 336-08/T-196
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PLT Okay, looks llke it's looking good there. Squeeze

out another minute and a half of data on that
thing. That's twice that ALTIMETER UNLOCK's come
on this pass.

CDR I'm thinking you'd be too rushed, Ed.

CDR Oh, heck. The cloud cover is getting too heavy

for the Galapagos, too.

PLT Gosh. That's a shamel Perfect time that we could

use a frame without even costing anything, because
we could squeeze off from here anyway, you know.

336 18 29 02 PLT Gosh. And it's so ...

336 18 38 16 PLT Did you fire any TACS? (Laughter)

CDR Yes. Don't tell us you're home. Tell us what

you did to get there.

PLT Okay. Tape measurement following the second EREP

run is h.7 centimeters or 1-27/32 inches.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're with you for ii minutes.

CDR Roger.

SPT Maneuvers went as advertised, Hank.

CC Roger. We show we didn't fire any TACS coming out.

Looks like a total for the pass is about 6 mibs.

SPT What was it for the first one?

CDR I don't think they want to talk about that.

CC Okay. We had 137 mibs on the first pass and 7 full


SPT Thank you.

336 18 39 h8 CC SPT, Houston. Before we started the EREP, I read

up a message regarding the flare thresholds. Did
you have any question about that?
TAG Tape 336-08/T-196
_ Page 7 of 9/1057

SPT Hank, I didn't even hear it.

CC Okay. On the SAP it gives those, I think, and the

threshold is 608 - -

SPT Did you Just turn off 191?

PLT What's that?

CC - - which is approximately at ... 2 while off the

console - -

SPT You just turned off 191.

PLT Oh, I'm sorry, Ed. Let me turn it back on - -

SPT That's all right.

CC - - and it's 736 off-console. Do you want a lower

on-console threshold?

SPT That's negative, Hank. I don't mean for it to be

starting any experiments before they want to be
started. What I'll operate with, though, up here
is to lower it for myself, so that I'll Just make
use of the audible trigger to tell me something's
going on. But I'll still go by the numbers coming
up on the pad as far as when we go into FLARE MODE.

PLT Here we go.

336 18 40 46 SPT Strictly an operator's choice. Instruments are

operating in the same way as they would be normally,
and I just get alerted a little bit earlier that
something's going on.

CC Okay. I guess our telemetry down here showed that

the threshold that you had set in at the time was
the off-console, which is a little higher.

CC And, SPT, Houston. We're in the nu Z update window


SPT Okay, Hank. That - Your comment about the other

comes as a surprise to me.
TAG Tape 336-08/T-196
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PLT And, Hank, a couple of things that people may want

to know before they read the tape. Bravo 9, adver-
tised to be reading zero to 5 percent, was actually
reading about 50 percent.

PLT Oh, okay.

PLT Tape measurement following the complete run, from

the tape out to the edge of the reel: on takeup
reel, 4.7 centimeters and bore, 1-27/32 inches.
That's at the end of the second pass.

336 18 42 13 CC Okay. We copy. And also for the SPT, the S055 mes-
sage that Bill wrote up is on board now.

SPT Thank you.

CC And, PLT, in regard to your comment on B-9, that

value of zero to 5 percent was in error. In fact,
we Just sent up a message changing your cue card
t_ere to disregard that. The decal on the panel
there is correct.

PLT Okay. I'll change it on the cue card right now.

Got it right in front of me.

CC What the message is doing is deleting that note.

That's at T minus l0 minutes, I think.

PLT Affirm.

CC CDR, Houston.

CDR Go ahead.

336 18 43 36 CC Roger, Jerry. After you finish eating the - today,

when you start your off-duty period, we would like
you to check all four of the LCGs down in D-422 and
40h and the PGAs and check for the fungus growth.
And if there's any change in the appearance since
they were last stowed, we'd like to know it. Now
the reason we are - if we're - we want to put some,
if there's appreciable change, we want to put some
work on the Flight Plan for tomorrow.

CDR Okay, Hank.

TAG Tape 336-08/T-196
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CC And, SPT, for info, the nuZ update looks good.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're about a minute from LOS.

Tananarive will be coming up at 06. If we lose you
there, the next site is Hawaii at 48.

336 18 49 06 CDR Roger, Hank.

TAG Tape 336-09/T-197
Time: 336:19:00 to 336:20:30
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336 19 05 04 CC Skylab, Houston through Tananarive for about

7 minutes.

CDR Hello, Hank.

CDR Well, we're just cleaning up shop now, Hank, and

we'll be down to eat shortly.

CC Okay. And it looked like two real good runs.

CDR Very good.

CC And, PLT, we're trainable on the pads; we'll -

going to get those squared away.

SPT Hank, I was watching the white light coronagraph

display going into sunset. At around 20 seconds
to go, we got a general darkening of the total
picture, and it was almost completely gone at
f i0 secondsto go exceptfor the inner coronawith
maximum brightness on the display. And then at
around 3 seconds to go, we got light - 5 seconds
to go, we had light - light coming in from the
lower right-hand corner and an experiment roll
of line 5400. And then a very sharp increase in
brightness at around 2 seconds to go when I cut
off the two - cut off the power.

MCC Okay; we copy.

CC Roger. We copy that.

336 19 07 02 PLT Say, Hank, just as a matter of interest, what

do the 193 people say about the results they're
getting, the data they're getting now that they're
working that antenna that's been boosted ...?

MCC Looks like it's working just fine. And we're not
through analyzing it, but it looks pretty good
so far.

CC PLT, Houston. We're still looking at that data.

It - it looks real good to us so far. Looks like
everything's working just fine, but we're going
to analyze it a little further.
TAG Tape 336-09/T-197
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PLT Okay. Thank you. All that thrashing around out

there, I was hoping we didn't hurt anything. I
don't think we did, but I just thought it'd be
nice to know what they thought of their data.

CC I don't think you hurt anything. The altimeter

appears to be working.

PLT That's good.

336 19 lO 20 CC Skylab, Houston. We're going to go LOS here

shortly. And for the CDR, Just to make sure that
we don't misunderstand each other in regard to the
LCGs, all we want you to do this time is to take
a look at them and inspect them. We don't want
you to biocide them.

336 19 i0 35 CC And we'll be coming up on Hawaii at 49.

336 19 49 06 CC Skylab, Houston through Hawaii for 2-1/2 minutes.

CC SPT, Houston.

SPT Go ahead.

CC Roger. And during the last daylight cycle at

approY_mAtely 18:52, the Vela satellite reported
a C-3 flare followed by a C-h and in the active
region 92-87 complex; so we'd like to suggest to
you, shopping list items 4 and lO be run when
time permits.

SPT That's items 4 and lO?

CC That's affi1_native.

SPT Okay.

SPT Houston, can you see which detector it is that's

causing trip-off? I believe it's probably 6.

336 19 51 04 CC Detector 4 seems to be the one.

SPT Thank you.

CC SPT, Houston. The reason for the trip-off on

detector 4 is high count.
TAG Tape 336-09/T-197
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SPT Roger, Hank. I think we're past the region where

it's high intensity now; so I'll leave it on for
the remainder of this MIRROR, AUTO RASTER.

CC We copy.

336 19 53 30 CC Skylab, Houston. We're going LOS. Vanguard at

16 with a recorder dump.

336 20 16 29 CC Skylab, Houston through Vanguard 10-1/2 minutes.

CC And, CDR, Houston. Have you had a change to look

at the LCGs yet?

CDR I'm just in the process of getting after them now.

CC 0kay, Jet, and the kind of things we're interested

in is the fungus or mildew growth. We'd like to
know the color and the size and distribution,
shape, and odor and things like that. And compare
what you see with what you saw mission day 6, after
the EVAdrying.

_- CDR Okay. Sure will.

CC And then we're just going to re - restow them.

And then - then we - we'd like to get that, if
possible, by Tananarive, because we're holding
up tomorrow's Flight Plan until we get the results
of the inspection. If it needs it, we're going
to have to set up some sort of biocide routine for
tomorrow. And for planning, Tanan - Tananarive is
about 23 minutes from now.

336 20 18 57 CC SPT, Houston.

SPT Go ahead.

CC Roger. Since we're way behind on using the

82B film, we'd like to FLARE mode in 82B. And
don't forget to INHIBIT the 56 and 82A and
truncate at 400 K.

SPT Okay, that's if we get a flare. Is that affirm?

What about 82A?

CC Ed, what we'd like to do is initiate an 82B FLARE

mode and INHIBIT the S056 and 82A and truncate
the FLARE mode at 400 K.
TAG Tape 336-09/T-197
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SPT Okay, Hank. Right now I'm not pointed with 82B
at anything but the center of the Sun. I'm
going to move back to 87 in just a few seconds.

336 20 20 09 CC Okay; when you move back, then get her going.

336 20 23 51 CC SPT, Houston. Our telemetry shows something a

little strange-looking with the 82B. Would you
stop it and reinitiate, please?

CC Ed, what we saw there was that the shutter opened

and stayed open instead of cycling open and close
rather rapidly. It looks okay now.

SPT Yes, Hank. And I believe what I had was initiated

it from the panel rather than the MASTER FLARE,
inote - INITIATE, and that's what do it - would
do it.

CC We copy.

336 20 25 28 PLT Hank, are we in the anomaly?

CC That's affirmative.

CDR Houston, CDR.

CC Go ahead.

CDR Okay, Hank. I've looked over the LCGs. They're

nice and dry, and I don't see any signs of any
new mildew. The odor is still there. I think
that's probably because they've been cooped up
in that locker for a while. But for the most
part, they look Just exactly the way they did
last time we looked at them, when we wore them.
And I think they're in good shape. By the way,
we've got all four of them in D-406.

CC Roger. Did you have a chance to look at the PGA?

CDR Hank, that's going to take some time. I'm going

to have to get in there and - If you want me to
open those PGAs, does that mean I have to dry
them again?
TAG Tape 336-09/T-197
__ Page 5 of 5/1065

336 20 26 58 CC Okay. Skip the PGA. And we'll see you

Tananarive at 40:00.

TAG Tape 336-I0/T-198
Time: 336:20:30 to 336:22:00
Page i of_i067


336 20 41 15 CC Skylab, Houston through Tananarive for another

7-1/2 minutes.

336 20 42 26 CC Skylab, Houston_ We're back with you again

another 6-1/2 minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank.

CC And, Jerry, did you copy my last there at

Vanguard that we wanted to skip looking at the
suits for the time being?

CDR Yes, I was concerned about whether or not we're

going to have to dry them and all that stuff if
we open them again.

CC We think the suits are okay; so we won't need

to look at those.

F CDR Okay.

335 20 44 07 CDR Houston, CDR.

CC Go ahead.

CDR Hank, there's two things left in the command

module that l'd just as soon get out of there.
I wonder what you folks think. We got a S052
camera and a S192 amplifier Dewar assembly.
What do you say we move those into the MDA?
We got a couple of lockers there, particularly
the vault, that's got lots of room in it.

CC Okay, Jer. We'll - we'll work it out and talk

to Story and see what he says.

CDR 0kay_ good enough.

336 20 44 43 SPT Say, Hank, I'm wondering if you could clarify

the call to go to 82B FLARE when we're at the
peak and actually the downside of the relatively
short-period flare? I was under the impression
that we were after flare rise and that the peak
and post was the - not - not worth spending a
great deal of film on. We're right now showing
TAG Tape 336-i0/T-198
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1486 on the 82B because of that flare program,

and that - that kind of disturbs me unless we're
really looking at a flare rise.

CC Okay, Ed. The - the request to run the film had

nothing to do with the - the flare that occurred
Just previously. The word - the word - Stand by 1.

CC Okay, what - what we were after there was to use

up the film. We're way behind on our schedule,
and we got to get down to the sensitive film
that we're using for the Kohoutek.

336 20 46 03 SPT Oh, all right. If - That being the case, I'm
sure we can include them in lots of shopping
list items and other ones we've been holding

CC We'll check that out, Ed.

336 20 48 00 CC SPT, Houston: In answer to your question, the

shopping list items that are listed in the SAP
that include 82B would be our preference. And
we're about to go LOS.

336 20 48 08 CC We'll be coming up on Hawaii at 25.

336 21 24 25 CC Skylab, Houston through Hawaii, i0 minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank.

CC SPT, Houston. I - I think we lost comm there

Just as I was talking to you about the shopping
list items. We would prefer, in regard to 82B,
that you do those shopping list items that are
on the SAP that include 82B.

SPT Okay, Hank.

CC And, CDR, Houston.

CDR Go ahead.

336 21 25 33 CC We would prefer that you leavethe S052 mag in

the CSM, since it's protected from radiation
there and it would have to go in a film vault
if you moved it somewhere else. Also, it you do
move it, we'd have to make some checklist changes
in regard to stowage locations for the EVA _-
TAG Tape 336-I0/T-198
Page 3 of 3/1069

Checklist. And we could still do it if you -

if you want to move it. And in regard to the
S192, it's okay to move it; Just tell us where
you put it and be careful with it.

CDR Okay, Hank.

CC Does "okay" mean that you're going to leave

the S052 and move the Dewar?

CDR Yes, I'll see if I can find a place to put it.

And if I can, I'll let you know. Otherwise,
assume that they're staying where they are until
I find a better place.

336 21 26 30 CC Okay. Thank you, Jer.

336 21 55 27 CC Skylab, Houston through Vanguard for 9 minutes,

and we'll be dumping the data and voice record-
er here.

TAG Tape 336-11/T-199
Time: 336:22:00 to 336:23:30
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336 22 03 45 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about i minute from LOS.

We'll see you in about 58 minutes at Hawaii at
23:02. We'll be handing over to the silver team
now. The bronze team will see you again tomorrow
evening on detail.

SPT So long, Hank. It's been a good day off.

CDR Roger. Out, Hank.

CC Good Job.

CDR So long, Hank, Say "Hello" to Fran and the girls.

336 22 04 17 CC Okay; will do, Jer.

336 23 02 18 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for

7-1/2 minutes. Out.

CDR Why it's the goldenvoice of Houston.

CC You better believe it, babe.

CDR Hello, silver gang.

CC Yes, that's right. We missed our golden oppor-

tunity to correct you into saying the silver

CDR Yes, but silver tongued.

CC You won that round.

336 23 07 51 CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1-1/2 minutes until

LOS. Next station contact in 25 minutes throuKh
the Vanguard at 23:33 with a data/voice tape
recorder dump and private comm for the PLT.
And that'll be starting out on the right
antenna going to left near the end of the
pass. Vanguard is 23:33 to 23:43 and - Are
you copying, Bill?
TAG Tape 336-II/T-199
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PLT That's affirmative.

CC Okay. And the second site will be Ascension

at 23:49 to 23:56. Back on the right antenna
and going to left, right near the end of the
pass again. Over.

336 23 08 37 CDR Roger. He copies.

TAG Tape 336-12/T-200
Time: 336:23:30 to 337:01:00
Page i of 2/1073


336 23 33 21 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

i0 minutes. We'll be doing a nav update to the
ATM DC. Although we don't show anybody at the
panel, we'd like you to stay off the DAS for a
minute. And we're also dumping the data/voice
tape recorder and expecting the PLT to be going
on his private comm.

CC Skylab, this is Houston. DAS is yours. Out.

CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1-1/2 minutes to LOS.

Next station contact in 7 minutes through Ascension
at 01:24.

336 23 42 08 CC And - Excuse me; make that through Ascension

at 23:49. Out.

336 23 49 02 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Ascension for

7 minutes. PLT private comm in progress.
f .

CC Skylab, this is Houston. No joy on the VHF.

Request you check with the PLT and make sure he
went back to RIGHT ANTENNA.

CDR Okay.

CDR He's back to the RIGHT ANTENNA and still no joy.

CC Okay, now try the LEFT ANTENNA. You just crossed


336 23 52 12 CDR Okay.

337 00 32 40 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Guam for 6 minutes.

Next station contact at the Vanguard will be SPT
private comm. Out.

SPT Hello, Bruce. Out.

337 00 37 05 CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1-1/2 minutes to LOS.

Next station contact in 33-1/2 minutes through
the Vanguard. If the SPT is listening, Vanguard
AOS is at 01:10 to 01:22; Ascension, 01:2h to 01:34.
And you'll start out RIGHT ANTENNA both time and
switch to LEFT about halfway through. And we
TAG Tape 336-12/T-200
Page 2 of 2/1074 --.

believe we have the problems figured out that

were plaguing Ascension last pass, and should be
a good run. Over.

PLT Okay, Bruce. I'm sure he was listening. Thank


SPT Thanks, Bruce.

337 O0 37 _h CC Roger. Out.

TAG Tape 337-01/T-201
Time: 337:01:00 to 337:02:30
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337 01 i0 27 CC Skylab, this is Houston throught the Vanguard for

8-1/2 minutes. SPT private comm.

CC And for the CDR, or PLT, is one of you free?

CDR CDR; go.

337 01 ii 05 CC Okay, Jerry. As another chapter in our continuing

saga of momentum management, we are planning to
have the SPT monitor momentum throughout the EREP
pass tomorrow as a base line. And what we would
like to do if we can is to have the VTS ooerator,
contingent upon the sites that we select and whether
or not they're mostly nadir swaths, try to go back
and forth between operating the VTS and the ETC,
although the SPT would still set-up the ETC and
get her all ready to go. And we're wondering how
much time you feel would need to be allowed between
ETC and VTS operations for this sort of thing to
play, and if you think it's feasible. Over.

CDR Oh, I think it's probably feasible. It's pretty

hard to say. I think you could make - you could
make the trip in about 15 to 20 seconds and then
you'll need probably about a minute to get your-
self squared away and ready to go.

337 01 12 20 CC Okay, you think we could shoot for a minute roughly

between operations and we'll take a real good look
to see how the thing orchestrates together.

CDR Okay, I'd say a minimum at - a minute at the bare

minimum; if you could get more, I think we'd be
better off. But, well heck, we ought to try it,
I think.

CC Right, we thought so too, rather than just scrub-

hing the ETC operations, say, is to give this a
try and we'll have a fall-back position, also.

CDR Okay, I think that's a good idea.

CC And, of course, later on this evening as the moni-

toring criteria mature, we'll have some more
TAG Tape 337-01/T-20_
Page 2 of 12/1076

information for you on what the SPT will be doing

and hopefully later on we can talk to Ed, also.

CDR Roger.

337 01 21 20 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 20 seconds to LOS. Next

station contact in 2-1/2 mintues through Ascension
at 01:24 with the data/voice tape recorder d_mp,
and we'll be standing by also at Ascension AOS for
the evening status report, please. Over.

3_70l 21 37 CDR Roger, Bruce.

337 01 24 05 CC Skylab, this is Fouston through Ascension, Canary,

and Madrid for i0 minutes. Over.

3_7 01 24 13 CDR Roger, Houston. Hery comes the status report.

Sleep: CDR, 6.0; 6 heavy. SPT, 6.5; 6 heavy,
0.5 light. PLT, 7.0; 5 heav_r, 2 moderate. Volume:
CDR, 2200; SPT, 1200; PLT, 2200. Drinking gun:
CDR, 6971; SPT, 1762; PLT, 7974. Body Mass: CDR,
6.296; 6.296, 6.295; SPT, 6.387, 6.385, 6.390;
PLT, 6.246, 6.247, 6.2_7. Exercise: crewman, CDR,
mehtod Alfa: leg, 31 m_nutes; 4600-watt-rainutes.
Method Bravo: Alfa, Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot,
i0 minutes and 20 repetitions each. Method Charlie:
Charlie, Delta, Foxtrot, 06 minutes, 15 repetitions
each. Method Foxtrot: i0 minutes. SPT, method
Foxtrot: toes rises, i0 minutes, 200; strength,
i0 minutes, 300. PLT, Alfa: legs, 28-1/2, 5000.
Method Bravo: Alfa, Bravo, Delta, and Echo, 08,
50 each. Method Charlie: Bravo, Charlie, Delta,
Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, and Hotel, 07, 15 repetitions.
Hethod Foxtrot: i0. Medication: SPT, two asprin.
Clothing discarded today: CDR, one pair of socks,
one T-shirt, one shorts, one trousers; SPT, none;
PLT, one pair of socks, one boxer shorts, and one
T-shirt. Food log: CDR, plus 3.5 salt, zero de-
viation, plus 1.5 rehydration water; SPT, zero
salt, zero deviation, zero rehydration water; PLT,
_ero salt, plus one vanilla wafers, zero rehydration
water. Photo log: 140-foot cassette, EREP down
to 72 percent, EREP 7 down to 69 percent, Charlie
Lima 09, remaining on the supply is 69 percent.
Nikon 01, Charlie X-ray 20,39; 02, empty; 03, no
change from last night; 04, empty; 05, Bravo Hotel
03, 59, that includes 3 anticipated frames tonight.
TAG Tape 337-01/T-201
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CC Okay, with you so far. l'd like to repeat the

first two 16-millimeter ones, though.

CC Okay, there was only one 16-millimeter; it was a

140-foot cassette. EREP 6 used it down to 72 per-
cent, EREP 7 lowered it to 69 percent, so it's in
the drawer now with 69 percent and the supply reel
is Charlie Lima 09.

CC Okay, understand now.

337 Ol 27 36 CDR Okay, 70-millimeter: Charlie X-ray 47, 036. ETC:

Charlie Tango I0, 073. EREP set, Kilo; 9640; 1827;
9363; 8732; 0503; 9408. Drawer A configuration:
no change.

CC Okay we copy that, Jerry. We got a question for

you regarding our last evening's evening status
reports. You reported 93 percent remaining on
transporter 03 in the A-4 location. This indicated
a use of only 3 percent for the MI51 activity photog-
raphy of ETC prep and we would have expected about
27 percent utilization. Can you verify performance
of the MI51 activity so we know if we should re-
schedule or not? Over.

CDR Yes, you probably ought to reschedule it; it was

a real off-nominal thing. That was the deal where
I was taking 183 out while Ed was trying to get
13 - or ETC prepped and in it just got all messed
up and he just ended up not taking any movies of

CC Okay, we'll do that.

CDR - - small parts - he took two small parts and that's

about all.

337 01 28 50 CC Okay, we'll fo that. That's mighty fine. We got

the evening status report out of the way - whoops,
I guess you've got Flight Plan deviation and stuff
to go. l'm sorry.

337 01 29 Ol CDR Yes, that's right. Deviations: let see, today

we didn't get T003-6 again. We missed it yester-
day and again today so we'll just keep trying to
remember to do it. No shopping list accomplishments
TAG Tape 337-01/T-201
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other than just what were scheduled today. No

inoperable equipment and no unscheduled stowage.

CC Okay, mighty fine, thank you.

337 01 29 45 CC And we don't have a news s1_mmary prepared yet, but

we'll be working on it. However, there is one
item here you might be interested in concerning
the reorganization here at JSC. Over.

CDR Roger. Go ahead.

337 01 30 00 CC Okay. Reorganization plan involving two key di-

rectorates is being implemented at the Johnson
Space Center to adjust to the Center's evolving
role in the post-Skylab era of manned space flight.
The Center Director, Dr. Christopher C. Kraft, Jr.,
announced the reorganization essentially combines
two directorates: Flight Crew Operations and
Flight Operations into a single operations organ-
ization and establishes a new diretorate: Data
Systems and Analysis. "The Space Shuttle Program
and the Apollo/Soyuz Test Project are our major
manned space flight challenges in the upcoming
years. And the resources of the Center should be __
properly organized toward these goals, "Dr. Kraft
said. Again, "At the same time, however, we in-
tend to implement the reorganization in such a
fashion that there is no adverse effect on the
ongoing Skylab Program." Although the reorganiza-
tion is effective immediately, it will not be com-
pletely implemented until February 1974, following
the end of the current Skylab mission. Under the
plan, Flight Crew Operations and Flight Operations
will be combined into a new Flight Operations
Directorate that will be entirely devoted to space
flight and aircraft activities. The new Data
Systems and Analysis Directorate will basically
be responsible for providing institutional and
programmatic data systems and related analysis.
It will also have a primary responsibility for
managing and providing the onboard software for
Space Shuttle. Pilot astronauts and the former
Flight Crew Operations Directorate will be assigned
to the Astronaut Office in the new Flight Opera-
tions Directorate. Scientist astronauts will be
assigned to astronaut offices in the Science and
TAG Tape 337-01/T-201
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Applications and Life Sciences Directorates, de-

pending upon their specialities. The pilot astro-
nauts are identified as flight crew candidates for
the Space Shuttle Program. In their new assign-
ments, the scientist astronauts will serve as the
crew operational interface with some designated
and potential shuttle payload users. The scien-
tist astronauts will be candidates as payload
specialists for Shuttle flights, and they may also
be considered for flights as individual experimentors
The new Flight Operations Directorate will also be
resposible for flight control, flight planning,
crew training and procedures and aircraft operations.
Dr. Kraft announced the following key management
personnel assignments involved in the reorganiza-
tion: Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, present Skylab
Program Manager, and Eugene F. Kranz, Chief of the
Flight Control Division, will serve as Director and
Deputy Director, respectively, of the new flight
operations organization. They will also continue
in their present assignments through the completion
of the Skylab program. Alan B. Shepard, Jr., is
th_ Chief of the Flight Operations Astronaut Office.
Howard W. Tindall, Jr., and Lynwood C. Dunseith
are named Director and Deputy Director, respectively,
r of the Data Systems and Analysis Directorate. They
serve in the same capacity in the former Flight
Operations Directorate. Astronaut Dr. Owen K.
Garriot has been named Deputy to Director Anthony
J. Calio, the Science and Applications Director
Dr. Harrison H. Schmitt will be Chief of the Science
and Applications Astronaut Office. Astronaut Dr.
Joseph P. Kerwin will be assigned additional duties
as Chief of the Life Sciences Astronaut Office which
will also include astronaut physicians, Drs. F.
Story Musgrave and William E. Thorton. In addition
to their assignments as Shuttle crew candidates,
three pilot astronauts are assigned additional duties
in project management. They are Fred Haise, Jr.,
Technical Assistant to the Space Shuttle Orbiter
Project Manager; Charles M. Duke, Jr., Technical
Assistant to the Acting Manager for Space Shuttle
Systems Integration; and Eugene F. Cernan, Special
Assistant to the Apollo/Soyuz Test Project Manager.
Thirty-seven astronauts are currently on flight
status, 26 pilot astronauts, a total of 16 will be
TAG Tape 337-01/T-201
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participating in Space Shuttle activities by the

end of the Skylab with l0 assigned to prime backup
of the support crews for ASTP scheduled for 1975.
Astronauts Donald K. Slayton and Thomas P. Stafford,
Director and Deputy Director, respectively, of the
former Flight Crew Operations Directorates are in
training as prime crew members for the Apollo/Soyuz
Mission, and with their designation as flight crew
members, are assigned to the Astronaut Office. All
astronauts will continue to maintain their aircraft
flight proficiency. And we've got about l0 seconds -
well, I guess we've got a handover here to Canary.
I'll just stop talking and call you at Canary. Out.

337 01 34 19 CDR Okay, Bruce, fine. We'll be listening for you.

And asking a question real quick. And that is
did the television in 2 Alfa get down to you

337 01 35 21 CC Roger, Jerry. All the activities there including

cleaning the VCS diffuser screen and things like
that came through in great shape.

PLT Okay, good. Thanks. Press on with your an -

CC Say again.

CDR Press on with the announcement there. You got any

more to read?

CC No, that's about it. I - well, I skipped over

one or two sentences here just because we were
running out of station contact, I thought. About
all I omitted was - Let's see. Of the 26 pilot
astronauts, a total of 16 will be participating
in Space Shuttle activities by the end of the
Skylab Program, with lO assigned to the prime back-
up and support crews for ASTP scheduled for 1975.
Eight scientist astronauts will work in the Space
an - in the Science and Application Office and
three in life Sciences. And all astronauts will
continue to maintain their aircraft flight profi-
ciency. So that just about covers the whole thing
there. Over.

337 Ol 36 16 CDR Okay, Bruce, thanks for keeping us posted on that.

Looks like we'll have a new boss when we get back,
TAG Tape 337-01/T-201
Page 7 of 131081

CC Well, I don't know. It says A_mlral Shepard is

still in as head of the office and, of course,
with Deke being on ASTP, why, I guess some sort of
reorganization was quite appropriate.

CDR Right.

337 01 37 i0 CDR Bruce, we're leaving the VHF configured. Is there

any problem with that?

337 01 37 28 CC Okay, Jerry, no problem leaving the VHF configured.

If you want, I'll give you the times for your sites
here and they all start out in left antenna. Over.

CDR Okay, I'm ready to copy.

337 01 38 01 CC Okay. Vanguard, 02:48 through 57, left antenna;

Canary, 03:08 to 17, left with blockage at the
beginning; and Madrid, 03:12 to 22, left and about
halfway through it, a right. And, of course, since
Canary and Madrid overlap here, we'll have a hand-
over in there.

CDR Okay; thank you, Bruce.


CC Roger. And I now have the news summary, if you'd

like to hear that.

CDR Okay, go ahead.

337 01 38 24 CC Just call me Motor Mouth. Okay, Syrian and Israeli

forces clashed for h hours in one of the heaviest
encounters on the Golan Heights since the October
war. The Syrians said they knocked out three
Israeli tanks and five artillery batteries. The
Israelis had no comment on the Syrian kill claims,
but said two Israeli soldiers were wounded in the
fighting. In Jerusalem, thousands of Israelis
paid their last respects as the body of Israel's
first premier, David Ben-Gurion, lay in state.
Saudia Arabia's oil minister, Ahmed Zaki Yamani,
visits Washington tomorrow to discuss the Arab
oil embargo. When he last visited the United States
back in April, he warned that the Arabs would use
their oil weapon unless Washington changed its
pro-Israeli stance. "Unfortunately, no one believed
me," he said.
TAG Tape 337-01/T-201
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337 01 39 l0 CC The energy crisis has brought out the wags: Fowler
Martin, whose office in Raleigh, North Carolina, is
charged with administering a Federal law which
empowers states to reallocate lO percent of the
heating oil, kerosene, and diesel fuel in the state
has this sign in his office: "You can fuel some
of the people some of the time, but we can't fuel
all of the people all of the time." Sounds like
one of mine. New York Mayor John V. Lindsay, who
leaves office next month after 8 years, plans to
divide his governmental and other papers between
the municipal archives and Yale University. Lindsay
said governmental papers and records accumulated
during his two terms at City hall will be given to
the municipal archives for future - for use by
future city officials, historians and other re-
searchers. Nongovermental papers and records and
papers amassed during his congressional years, 1958
through 1965, will be turned over to the Sterling
National Library at Yale. Lindsay is a Yale graduate.
Capetown, South Africa: Dr. Christian Barnard
performed his tenth heart transplant operation at
Groote Schuur Hospital today. Hospital officials
said the patient was in good condition after the
7-hour operation but declined to name him or the
donor. Dr. Barnard's first operation was in April
17, 69. Two of his patients have so far - or have
survived to date.

337 Ol 40 21 CC At the United Nations, representatives of countries

around the world this week will launch a major
facelift on the maritime laws handed down from the
days of sailing ships. A total of lh8 governments
and groups are invited to the [IN Conference on Law
of the Sea, opening tomorrow and scheduled to meet
off and on until 1975. By Jupiter, Pioneer i0 is
accelerating rapidly in Jupiter's fierce gravitata-
tional tug and has transmitted pictures that re-
veal a lO,000-mile long disturbance likened to a
tropical storm or towering thunderbumper on earth.
This afternoon the tiny spacecraft was i.i million
miles from the planet and is speeding at 32,300 miles
per hour toward its fly-by tomorrow afternoon.
Pioneer's camera spotted the atmospheric disturbance
in Jupiter's southern hemisphere. Associated Press
market basket survey shows that grocery prices
went up again in November after taking a brief
dip in October. The news came amid warnings of
more increases and possible shortages because of
TAG Tape BB7-01/T-201
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the fuel crisis. Comet Kohoutek has finally become

visible to the eyeballs of us Earthlings, but we
have to get up pretty early in the morning to see
it. The Senate filibuster against the campaign
financing bill continues as the Senate, in its first
Sunday session in ll2 years, voted 47 to 33 - seven
short of the two-thirds needed for cloture. The
impassed has left the Federal debt $63 billion above
its legal limit. The bill under filibuster combines
an extension and increase of the debt ceiling with
the campaign financing rider. Some pro football
scores from today's games: Baltimore 7, New York 20;
Buffalo 17, Atlanta 6; Minnesota 0, Cincinnati 27;
New York Giants 24, Washington 27; Oakland 17,
Houston 6; San Diego 14, New England 30; New Orleans
10, Green Bay 30, Detroit 20, St. Louis 16; Dallas
22, Denver 10; Philadelphia 28, San Francisco 38;
Cleveland 20, Kansas City 20.

337 01 42 20 CC LOS 20, next station contact in 26 minutes through

G_am at 02:07. Over.

PLT Roger. Thank you Bruce, and hang in there, Oilers.

337 01 42 32 CC Roger. I'll pass it along to them.

337 02 08 01 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Guam for i0 minutes,

and we'll be inhibiting momentum dumps per the sched-
ule in preparation for the $233 photography later
this evening. Out.

CC Is the CDR in the shower right now? We have a

momentum management message that we could read to
him if he's not.

CDR No, ho ahead.

337 02 08 40 CC Okay, didn't want to catch you if you were all

lathered up there. Okay, the - the way we're
looking at it right now, we have the following set
of ground rules for momentum management for maneu-
vers. First, we will do a nominal H-CAGE approxi-
mately 6 minutes prior to every EREP Z-LV maneuver
initiation; second, we will continue to apply rate
monitoring in and out of Z-LV; third, we'll add a
new monitor of CMG number 2 outer gimbal angle. If
this goes to greater than 70 percent negative, se-
lect TACS only and press on with the 322-degree
TAG Tape 337-01/T-201
Page i0 of l_108h

deadband control. The foregoing item, if it had

been done today, would have saved about 200-pound-
seconds worth of TACS. We did it, of course, but -
but too late in the program for that saving. Our
simulations continue to demonstrate the possibil-
ity of gimbal encounters but were unable to predict
them with complete certainty yet. And, of course,
we are attempting to develop bias techniques that
will put the CMGs in such a position prior to a
maneuver that the simulators, SLS, STAC [?] and the
MMP [?] all three of them, can reliably predict
gimbal trajectories. That's been one of our prob-
lems. Right now, what we want to do is to put it
in such a state that the gimbal trajectories avoid
the region_ that are sensitive to gimbal trajectory
ambiguities completely. Tomorrow's maneuvers both
fall in the uncertain gimbal trajectory category,
and we're still evaluating TACS cost versus gain,
and it looks like this evolution will probably go
on the rest of the evening anf right on up until
shortly before the maneuver, but we'll have updates
for you as they come along. Over.

337 02 l0 46 SPT Okay, Bruce, are you going to send up those - that
piece of information shortened versions but on
teleprinter, the rules you came up with at the

337 02 l0 55 CC Right. Are you familar with, I think it's perma-

nent general message 4 which was replaced by general
message 4 Alfa? Over.

SPT Roger, we got that posted right here on the panel,

Bruc e.

CC Okay, forget it. It'll be replaced by 4 Bravo.

SPY Okay.

CC And it'll be up later on this evening, Ed, with

essentially what we've mentioned here in a concise

CDR Okay, fine.

337 02 ll 20 CC Back to the showers. And as long as we've got

Ed on the horn here, with respect to your debrief-
ing remarks after the ETC pass yesterday. When
TAG Tape 337-01/T-201
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there are no time entries for step in the ETC pad,

we want you to do those steps in sequence at the
preceding time entry, as, for example, ETC, stop
and then change shutter speed and right back into
autotype thing. The clock door being slightly ajar
would only affect one edge of the frames in the worst
case. Over.

337 02 12 00 CDR Well, Bruce, that was obvious afte the fact, but
while it was happening it wasn't too obvious. That
was the problem.

SPT ... might not have too large an effect, but it sure
had me worried. And the other one is, it did be-
come clear after I looked at it, but it took a
little - little time, because I had not seen it
written that way before. And I problem I think was
that that particular morning there wasn't time to
review the pads and that was my concern, is that
we don't find ourselves in that situation again,
of not having time to look ahead and see what we're
going to be doing.

CC Okay, I didn't copy the first part of that. Both

you and Jerry were transmitting at the same time.
This - this format of having a time and a couple of
items, particularly where you're changing shutter
speed, I think is pretty well standardized here, at
least from now on, if you have no objection to that.

SPT No, I have no objection to that at all, Bruce; that


337 02 16 00 CC SPT, this is Houston. Would you confirm you have

H-alpha operating this ATM pass? Over.

SPT Sure do, Houston; they both look good.

CC Are you taking pictures with the camera?

SPT Ah, I got you Bruce. I started after sunrise and

I never got it going. We'll cycle it.

CC Okeydoke, thank you.

SPT I'll have to wait until I can get to a point where

I can cycle in and out of EXPERIMENT POINTING.
May not have enough time.
TAG Tape 337-01/T-201
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337 02 17 03 CC SPT, this is Houston. Would you send your last

transmission again for understanding? Over.

337 02 17 13 SPT Okay, Bruce. To get H-alpha going, I have to

cycle to SI i0 seconds and back to EXPERIMENT
POINTING in order to get the night signal or day
signal to trigger H-alpha. And I'll hold up doing
that until I can find a point here where I can have
those doors closed which will close on me, which
is slmost all of them.

SPT Bruce, I got it with the OVERRIDE. Never mind.

337 02 18 i0 CC Roger, Ed; we copy. And we got about I0 seconds

to LOS ; next station contact in 30 minutes through
the Vanguard. Private medical conference, private
CDR phone call, Vanguard, Canary, and Madrid. Over.

TAG Tape 337-02/T-202
Time: 337:02:30 to 337:04:00
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337 03 08 57 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Canary and Madrid

for 13-1/2 minutes. Over.

PLT Roger, Bruce ; read you 5 square.

CC Okeydoke, and we 'ii be dumping your data/voice

tape recorder at Madrid. And, well, we understand
the private eomm seems to be going along nicely.

PLT Great.

CC One question that we've got here is that about

4 hours ago, we noticed a significant temperature
decrease in the food chiller, and we're wondering
if you moved something big and cold from the
freezer into the chiller. Over.

PLT Let me check. I didn't. I don't see that anything

has been moved in there, Bruce.

CC Okay. Thank you very much.

337 03 12 57 SPT Houston, Skylab.

CC Go ahead, Skylab.

SPT Okay, Ive got the frames count on the ATM, and - -

CC Okay. Fire when ready, Skylab.

SPT Okay. 14088, 05073, 00156, 0145 - correctior, -

01460, 07109, 04897.

CC Okay, Ed, we've got them. Thank you.

SPT You're welcome.

CC And before you get too far away from the panel,
we'd like you to check - ensure that the S055
HIGH VOLTAGE 1 and 2 switches are OFF, please.

SPT Okay, Bruce, I'll have to go back there. I'm not

there now. Hold on.

CC Okeydoke.
TAG Tape 337-02/202
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CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 35 minutes through Honey-
suckle Creek at 03:56. That will be our last
pass of the evening. And if you'll stand by a
second, I'll give you what looks like the wske-up
site for the morning.

CDR Okay.

CC It's the Honeysuckle Creek at approximately

12:05 Zulu.

CDR Roger, Bruce.

337 03 22 00 CC Okay; talk to you in a few minutes.

337 03 56 57 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Honeysuckle Creek

for 7 minutes. Last pass of the evening. Out.

PLT Houston, Skylab.

CC Go 8head_ roll them.

PLT Roger. I'd like to correct the report on Nikon 05.

CC Go ahead.

PLT Stand by Just a minute, Bruce.

PLT Roger. Would you correct the 05 reading from 59

to 60? Had trouble with one frame on the comet.

338 03 58 17 CC Okay. We copy that, Bill. And you're going to be

reloading that Nikon in the morning anyw_; so it's
no real problem.

PLT Okay. Thank you.

CC Was it some sort of a problem with the camera that

we ought to be thinking about or Just a one-time

PLT No, it isn't. It's happened about three times now

with me and with Jer, too. What happens is, you
put it on time and you screw the little remote cable
in. And sometime when you push it, it doesn't seem
to actuate the shutter. And yet you can't get it
TAG Tape 337-02/T-202
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to work right again until you advance i frame.

So you end up, apparently, losing one exposure.

CC Okay. We copy that, and I'll see if we can get

somebody in the backroom to try and duplicate it
and see what - see what's causing it.

337 03 59 I0 PLT Okay. Thank you.

TAG Tape 337-03/T-203
Time: 337:0h:00 to B37:05:04
Page 1 of _i091


337 04 03 i0 CC Skylab, this is Houston. i minute to LOS.

Next station contact in about 8 hours through
Honeysuckle Creek at 12:05. Good night.

337 04 03 21 PLT Night, Bruce.

TAG Tape 337-04/T-204
Time: 337:11:B0 to 337:13:00
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337 12 06 09 CC (Music)

337 12 08 12 CC Good morning, Skylab. We're AOS through Honeysuckle

for 7 more minutes.

CC And if you gentle - -

CDR Hi, Crip.

CC Good morning. And if you gentlemen are interested

in that sort of thing this early in the morning,
we are dumping the data/voice recorder.

CDR Okay.

337 12 14 27 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 30 seconds from LOS. We'll

see you again in 12 minutes over Hawaii at 12:26;
12 :26.

337 12 27 18 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS through Hawaii for

8 minutes.

CDR Roger, Crip. Good morning.

337 12 27 32 CC Good morning.

337 12 3h 38 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

see you again in 3 minutes over Goldstone at 12:38;
12 :38.

337 12 34 53 CDR Roger.

337 12 38 31 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS Goldstone, 6 minutes.

CDR Roger.

337 12 h3 43 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

see you again in 5 minutes over Bermuda, and that's
at 12:49; 12:49.

337 12 48 58 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS at Bermuda for 9 minutes.

CC Skylab, Houston. Due to an S-band problem we're

having over Ascension, if I could, I'd like to get
TAG Tape 337-04/T-20h
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one of you, either here or the Canary pass, to turn

on the VHF force in the command module. And I got
the switches, if anybody is able - available to copy.

PLT Okay, Crip. Stand by i.

CC Fine.

PLT Go ahead.

CC Okay, Bill. All we need you to do is to take VHF,

on panel 3, A to SIMPLEX; and on panel 9, VHF AM
to T/R. And you may have to adjust the squelch on
panel 3 for A .... like to start off with the VHF

337 12 50 h0 CC And, Skylab, we are currently going to give you a

little nav update; so - so the DAS will not be
available to you.

337 12 52 h3 CC Skylab, Houston. We've completed the nav update;

so the DAS belongs to you again.

PLT Roger, Crip. Thank you.

CC Any time ; any time.

PLT Okay, Crip. You've got VHF, 3, A to SIMPLEX, and

I turned that V-DUPLEX off - B off.

CC That 's fine.

PLT And panel 9, VHF AM, T/R; VHF ANTENNA, LEFT; I have
not adjusted squelch left. I've got an S009.
I'll be right back in if you want to do a test run.

CC Copy. Yes, Bill. We probably are not going to be

able to make any tests of it until we get at
Ascension. And we'll have to have you adjust it
there if it's out of shape.

337 12 57 22 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

have you again in 2 minutes over Canary at 12 - No,
make that 13:00 even. And I'm sure you'll be happy
to know, even though the weather is not quite as
spiffy as we'd like it on EREP 8, you're GO for
both EREP 8 and 9 today. And a little bit later in
TAG Tape 337-0h/T-20h
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the day Story will give you an update on what the

weather is exactly.

PLT Okay, Crip. Sounds real good. Looks like we're

really knocking those EREPs off.

CC Yes. Sure hope so. Understand we ... at TACS

yesterday. Hope to do a little bit better today.

PLT Well, our new monitoring scheme looks like it'll do


337 12 58 13 CC Yes. We - we hope so.

TAG Tape 337-05/T-205
Time: 337:13:00 to 337:1h:30
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337 13 00 47 CC Skylab, Houston. We're A0S through Canary, and

we have you for about 15 minutes down across

PLT Okay, Crip.

CC Roger. I've got one item that was covered yes-

terday evening_ however, Just to m_ke sure that
we fully understood it: it was discussed earlier
that we saw the temperature in the chiller drop
about 6 degrees at 22:30 yesterday. And you were
asked, I believe Jerry was asked, if - if anybody
put anything in it. And we- we heard him say that
he did not, and we wanted to make sure that nobody
else had done anything that might have caused that.

PLT No, Crip. I checked the freezer, and I did not

see any unusual items in there. I mean, it's Just
the same old IMSS cans and a couple of drinks that
we had. I can't - I don't know how to account for
that sudden drop.

CC Okay. And that was the - you said the IMSS - or

the chiller. Roger. And it did come back up to
normal, so it's operating normal now. Okay. Thank
you very much.

337 13 Ol 59 PLT Righto.

337 13 15 00 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

see you again at Carnarvon in 2_ minutes at 13:39,

337 13 39 32 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS at Carnarvon for

8 minutes.

CDR Roger, Crip.

CDR Houston, CDR.


CDR Okay, Bob. I haven't finished wading through

all my paper yet_ and I don't know if you guys
are - maybe you're already aware of it, but I'm
not going to be able to do $233 this morning
f becauseof lackof film.
TAG Tape 337-05/T-205
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CC I don't think we're aware of it.

CDR Okay. We reported last night that we were up to

60 frames in Nikon 05, and Bill's threading pad
showed a stow on the film this morning, which
means there's no BH04 film to take those $233
pictures with.

CC Let us take a look into it, Jet.

CDR Okay.

CC Since we're talking about it there, Jer, is Bill

around to talk about that Nikon 05 problem he had

CDR That was me with the problem.

CC Ah-ha. Okay. Can you confirm for us whether

you - you had the exposure timer to Bravo instead
of Tango? That's a bulb setting instead of time.

CDR Yes, that's affirmative.

CC Okay. You were in B then. Now, they were - they

were -

CDR Yes, I don't know what the problem was. It pos-

sibly might have been that the remote control cable
wasn't screwed in far enough, or something, but I
lost 2 frames yesterday.

337 13 41 31 CC Okay. Copy that.

CDR Whatever the problem is, it appears to be


CC Roger. I - I was under the impression that after

it happened to you on that first - first time, that
it was okay after that.

PLT That was tru for last night, for Jer.

CC Okay.

337 13 42 55 CC CDR, Houston. I guess in looking at the thread

pad here, we - we are under the impression that
you should have loaded this morning with
Bravo Hotel 04 on that Nikon 05.

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PLT Okay. I was pretty sleepy this morning. I'll

take another look at it, Bob.

CC Okay. It was right down at the bottom of that

pad, Bill. I think that's our problem down here_
we're still pretty sleepy, too.

PLT Okay. I 'll get it.

CC Okeydoke.

SPT Houston, SPT.

CC Good morning, Edward. Go ahead.

SPT Morning, Crip. We still have on our cue cards

for a powerdown to take the X-RAY SPECT under
console POWER to BUS 1. I think that was starred
when we were - had BUS 1 out, and now it is working
on both BUS 1 and BUS 2 but I'm wondering if there's
any reason to be switching back and forth now.

337 13 44 26 CC We'll take a look into it, but I would not - not
aware that your CRT for 5_ would work in the BUS 1
position when you're working NUM_ICs in FIXED.
So we'll check on switching back and forth to
BUS 1.

SPT Let me take a look at it, too, Crip. I have not

checked the CRT; but when we did have the problem
SITY COUNT, and FRAMES R_w]_INING which did not
read. Now they both - those three all read in
BUS i.

CC Is that - -

SPT I've not checked the CRT.

CC Okay. The CRT is the only one that should not

work in BUS 1.

SPT Okay. Let's leave it the way it is, then.

CC Roger. I - I and I was under the impression they

were having you switch it back and forth like that
as a means of securing it, but we'll - we'll
reverify why we're - why we're doing that and get
word back to you.

TAG Tape 337-05/T-205
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337 13 45 51 SPT Thank you, Crip.

337 13 47 05 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about h5 seconds from LOS.

We'll see you again over Gn__m at 13:54, and that's
about 7 minutes away.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're going LOS in about

30 seconds. We'll see you at Guam in 7 minutes
at 13:54.

337 13 47 31 PLT Okay, Crip.

337 13 54 17 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS through Glmm for

5-1/2 minutes.

PLT Roger.

337 13 58 57 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute from LOS.

Next station contact in 8 minutes at Hawaii, at
14:07. Crimson Team is saying good night, good
morning, depending on your viewpoint, and we're
turning it over to the purple guys. I lied. The
Maroon Team. I can't tell the difference in those

CDR So long, Crip.

337 13 59 30 CC Good morning, guys.

337 lh 06 33 CC Skylab, we're AOS Hawaii for a short pass, Just

2 minutes.

337 14 07 39 CC And, Skylab, we're a minute to LOS; i0 minutes

to Goldstone.

337 14 17 28 CC Skylab. Got you through Goldstone for 5 minutes.

337 lh 22 38 CC Skylab. We're 30 seconds to LOS. See you over

MILA in 2 minutes.

337 14 24 29 CC Skylab. AOS, MILA and Bermuda for 12 minutes.

337 14 27 53 CC Hey, and, Ed. A friendly reminder: your laser is

coming up in about a minute and a half here.

SPT Okay. We're looking for it.

CC Okay.
TAG Tape 337-05/T-205
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CDR We got it loud and clear.

CC Thank you, sir.

CDR Boy, you can really see Washington airport, clear

as a bell with the naked eye.

337 14 28 48 CC Great_ Jer.

TAG Tape 337-06/T-206
Time: 337:ih:30 to 337:16:00
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337 lh 35 32 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS and about i0 min-

utes to Ascension. For your ATM conference with
Dr. McQueen, we're going to be on VHF again over
Ascension. And we'd like a switch to the RIGHT
ANTENNA for Ascension.

CDR Wilco.

CC Thank you.

CDR Story, will it mess you up if I go up there and

switch RIGHT ANTENNA now?

CC Yes, you can go to RIGHT right now; that'll be


337 lh 36 23 CDR Okay. I'ii do her.

337 lh h5 hh CC Skyiab, we're AOS, VHF, through Ascension for

5 minutes. Here's Dr. McQueen, Ed.

F MCC Okay, Ed, I'd like to cover five points with

regards white light transients that we've looked
at on the SL-3 mission. One, is the optical
cause of the transient, two is the threshold or
the triggering events, three is the duration of
events, four is the visibility on the TV monitor
on board there, and five is the S052 film budget
with regards transients. Over.

SPT Very good, Bob. Go ahead.

MCC Okay. We're basing these numbers on a look at

21 events that we have on SL-3. And with re-
gards the cause of transients, we find eruptive
prominences on five of those, surges on one,
flares on one, and then combinations of eruptive
prominences and surging activity on three, com-
bination of flare and surge activity, one, and
flare and prominence eruption on one. The con-
clusion of this is that about one-half of the
recorded events apparently have their origin in
prominence eruptions or surges near the limb.
Futhermore, we have nine events that have no op-
tical correlation. The conclusion there is,
TAG Tape 337-06/T-206
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about one-half of the events have no visible disk

counterpart, and so are presumably behind the
limb ; so there would be no ground warning. Over.

SPT Okay. It looks like we're going to have to try

to keep an eye out a little bit more all the
time - not Just when the flare activity is high
but also whenever we have anything close to the
limb, such as a good prominence like we have now.

MCC I think that's correct. Okay. Now with regards

the threshold of the triggering events, this is
of course, more difficult to say. We do know
that in the surging events, these are not excep-
tional surging events that havebeen correlated
with transients. Futhermore, we do know that one
of the large transients we observed on SL-3 was
a result of material from a hedgerow prominence
that was reported as slowly evolving. Finally,
with regards metric bursts, we find that they're - -

SPT Bob, you're breaking up, and you're not coming

through at all.

MCC Okay. With regards - with regards metric burst,

we find there is a good correlation.

SPT Hello, Bob. Bob, you've been breaking up on the

transmission. I've not been able to read you
for about the past minute.

MCC Okay. Do you copy me now?

337 lh h8 33 SPT Yes, I have you now.

MCC Okay. Let's go back to the threshold triggering

events. We find here that in the case of simple
surging and also in the case of a hedgerow prom-
inence, which was reported as slowly evolving,
we see major transients. In the case of metric
bursts do occur, the corona is greatly perturbed.
With regards metric bursts, we have poor concomi-
tant observations of bursts and transients. A
major objective, we feel, of this mission is to
attempt to get those concomitant observations.
To this end, the NOAA network has been alerted,
TAG Tape 337-06/T-206
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and we're going to make a special effort to get

information up to you on type 2's and h's. Over.

SPT Okay. And then our response would be to go into

your coronal transient schemes.

M_C That's - that's correct. Now with regards the

duration of the events, the premisslon estimates
still look good. An average velocity is on the
order of 500 kilometers per second, which implies
two full cycles in the S052 field of view. We
do observe, however, singular events occurring
with velocities as low as 150 to 200 kilometers
per second and one which is faster than i000 kil-
ometers per seconds. The posttransient recon-
figuration of the corona goes on typically for
1/2 day; that is, 6 to 8 hours. Over.

337 lh 50 15 SPT Okay. Have you seen anything in your fast scans
which would show a velocity much higher than
that, coresponding to type 3?

MCC No, we haven't, Ed. Okay. With regards visi-

bility on your monitor, we find that there is -
there is a great variation in visibility from
the 21 events. The SL-2 bubble, with which you're
familiar, is one of the brightest. We do see
that last mission the crew detected some tran-
sients we classed as faint. At the same time,
they did observe on the TV and missed some that
we classed as faint. And I think here the lesson
is that the - a detailed look is apparently

337 lh 50 56 CC And, Ed, we're going to LOS here. We'll see you
over Carnarvon in 25 minutes, and we'd like a

Nu Z update.

SPT Okay. I think we've lost quite a bit on the

transmission here, and I'm going to, pick this
up, if we can, some time later in the day.

CC Okay. And your Nu update window's right now

lh:51 to 15:h0. Z

337 lh 51 20 SPT Thank you, Bob. I'ii talk to you later on today.
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337 15 15 34 CC Skylab, AOS through Carnarvon for l0 minutes.

And, SPT, Houston.

SPT Go ahead, Story.

CC Ed, Rusty's got some good experience in the SLS

running these EREP passes, in particular the ones
you're running today, in terms of monitoring and
going to TACS-only control. If you could pull
out that permanent general message 00hB we sent
up to you yesterday, he'll be passing on this
experience to you right now.

SPT Okay. Give me a few minutes to get - about

1 minute to get up there.

CC Okay. And for some other crewman that's up in

the MDA and can secure our VHF operations now,
I've got a couple of switches to throw.

PLT Okay, Story. Go ahead.

° CC At panel 3, VHF AM A, OFF; and panel 9, VHF 1 AM


337 15 16 h2 PLT Okay. In work.

CC Thank you.

SPT Hello, Rusty. Go ahead.

MCC Okay. Ed, what I want to talk about here is the

critical point on whether we go - whether we need
to go into TACS only - that is, CMG control
INHIBIT - or not, and that occurs right at the
end of the maneuver into Z-LV. And if you've
got the - -

SPT Okay.

MCC Okay. If you've got the message we sent up last

night on the monitoring, I'll answer any questions
on that. But what I'd really like to give you
here is a picture of the time history of what
you're going to see on the gimbal angles. You're
going to be monitoring CMG 2, INNER and OUTER
GIMBAL angles, on the panel monitor there.
TAG Tape 337-06/T-206
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SPT Okay. And is CMG GIMBAL angle, OUTER, the pri-

mary ones of concern or the INNER ones also get
to you?

MCC Negative. The real - The decision point is

totally dependent on the behavior of the OUTER
GIMBAL angle. So what I want to do is tell you
exactly what the time history's going to be so
you can see it happening and be ready for that -
for that point. Now - -

SPT Okay. Go ahead, and I'll sketch it out.

MCC Okay. Here you go. The maneuver is going to be

starting at 15:47, and it's a 12-minute maneuver.
Somewhere around halfway through the maneuver,
and this varies a little bit depending on the
initial conditions - But somewhere between half-
way through and the end of the maneuver, you're
going to hit systems saturation, and you're going
to be firing occasional TACS or desat firings.
At that time the INNER GIMBAL - CMG 2 INNER GIM-
GAL is going to be reading about zero percent.
And with the desat firings, it'll bounce back
and forth,plus or minus 5 percentor so, hang-
ing right around zero all the way to the end of
the maneuver. At the same time, OUTER GIMBAL
is going to be running very slowly down toward
about minus 20 percent or thereabouts on your
meter. Okay. Now the critical time begins
1 minute before maneuver end, when you start the
ramp down. That is, today on the first EREP,
it's going to be at 15:58. That is 1 minute
before maneuver end. At that point, you're going
to see the INNER GIMBAL go from zero - It'll go
down at a fairly nice movement - maybe 5, l0 sec
onds or so. It'll go down to about minus 20 to
minus 40 percent and then turn around and begin
rapidly heading for the positive stop. And the
OUTER, at this time, has done nothing yet. But
when the CM - when the INNER turns around and
heads positive, the OUTER them makes it' s move.
And that's the critical time. Now that occurs
about I0 seconds before the end of the maneuver
itself; that is, right around 15:59. Just before
that, you're going to see the INNER spike low
and then head for the positive end. And the
TAG Tape 337-06/T-206
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Ob_fER will begin its move, and it'll - If it

heads positive, we're in Fat City, and it'll
be a - a nice run all the way. If, on the other
hand, it heads negative, you want to keep an eye
on it. If it goes greater than minus 70, nega-
tive, it'll do it fairly fast. But if it goes
greater than minus 70, we want you to hit the
INNER, having already keyed up to 52010. 5000.
Do not ENTER.

337 15 21 24 SPT Okay. I understand. We're watching the OUTER

GIMBAL, and at about l0 seconds to go, we're
going to see the INNER GIMBAL make it move, go
positive. And we're watching the OUTER GIMBAL,
and if it goes positive, we're okay. If it
starts going negative, we've got to watch it.
Gets greater than 70 percent, we hit the INNER
where we got a CMG control INHIBIT.

MCC Bight. Now - now let me make sure you understand.

The - the INNER will begin its - its little song
and dance there at 1 minute prior to end of ma-
neuver, at 15:58, whereas the OUTER will not make
its move until the INNER heads positive; so it's
going to be closer to the end of the maneuver.
When it goes - Let me give you an idea of what
we're talking about here. If you catch - If
it goes minus 70, that's the first indication
that we're going to have this attitude problem.
And by going TACS-only at that point, it'll only
cost us 20 to 40 mibs, whereas yesterday we wait-
ed until we got positive evidence of attitude
error, and it cost us a seven full 0Ns and a
bunch of mibs also; so we don't want to have you
reluctant there. If it goes greater than the
minus 70, go ahead and punch the INNER. Other-
wise, Just sit back and - and you can watch the
rest of the maneuver. But we don't expect any
problems the rest of the way.

SPT Okay. Very good. I watched it yesterday, and

we ended up with - I ended up watching attitude
error, however, and it came again, which really
surprised me. And I will not be hesitant, be-
cause I saw it diverge yesterday, and it goes
pretty rapidly.
TAG Tape 337-06/T-206
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337 15 22 55 MCC Right. All this happens with the attitude error
reading essentially zero; that is, we haven't
built up 8_ny - any errors, but it's positive in-
dication from all of our runs that we are about

SPT Okay. Now this is all on the number 2. What's

happening on number 3.9

337 15 23 lh MCC Well, number 3 behaves very much the same way,
whether you're going to make a good maneuver or
a bad maneuver. Although it - 2 is the positive
indication, 3 will also end up with a [sic] OUTER
GIMBAL on the stop if 2 goes to the stop.
If 2 goes to the positive side, then - then both
of them end up - Well, 2 ends up on positive,
and 3 ends up ... right around in the middle -
right around zero.

SPT Okay. This explains why yesterday, when I was

watching Just before the end of the maneuver,
the GIMBALs looked all right. And then apparently
Houston told me afterwards, we had three of them
on a stop. And apparently it happened pretty
quick. That explains it.

337 15 23 56 MCC That's right. Coming up to the end of the ma-

neuver, they're all looking Just tremendous,
whether it's going to be a bad case or a good
case. We really are not able to predict ahead
of time, looking at them, which way it's going
to go. Now let me say that the reason we short-
ened to 12 minutes on the maneuver time is be-
cause, again, all of our studies show that it -
that the longer the maneuver time in the Z-LV,
the higher the probability of running into this
case. On the other hand, the shorter maneuver
time, which we're running today, will cost us
quite a few mibs Just because we're running at a
higher rate. So it's a trade off there, but
we've decided to be safe, spend a few more mibs,
and not have to go into TACS only.

337 15 2h 36 SPT Okay. And those mibs are probably - A good part
of them are probably spent at the initiation of
the maneuver.
TAG Tape 337-06/T-206
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337 15 24 43 MCC Okay. And back over to Story. We'll see you
at - for the big event there.

337 15 24 48 SPT Okay. One other question, Rusty. This is for

the first maneuver. What about for the second
one? Is that as critical, or is it like yester-
day, where it was quite a bit easier on the

MCC Okay. I presume you're talking about the maneuver

back to SI, and that one is - in Almost every
case, is just a piece of cake. We've seen abso-
lutely no problem or even approach a problem
on that one. And now, if you're talking about
the second EREP, Ed, it's identical to the first;
same problem on the way in and a piece of cake
on the way out.

337 15 25 23 SPT Okay. You're saying that these monitor guides

which you gave me are more universal than Just
for the first Z-LV pass. They'll probably hold
for a good number of them.

MCC Yes, sir. We see a very consistent family here

regardless - it looks like at this point in the 4

mission where we're running into this. We got

30 seconds here at Carnarvon. We're picking up
Guam in about 3 minutes.

SPT Thank you, Rusty. Apperciate your help.

337 15 25 50 CC And we'll be dumping the data/voice over Guam.

337 15 29 21 CC Skylab, back with you over Guam for 9 minutes.

Be dumping the data/voice here.

337 15 38 2_ CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS. 16 minutes to

Goldstone at 15:54, and we're looking at a good
maneuver time.

337 15 38 37 CDR Roger, Story.

337 15 53 41 CDR 192 POWER's ON; READY light is out; we're in

CHECK; the DOOR is OPEN. 191 POWER is ON; the
READY light's on; the COOLER is ON; the door is
open. SI90 POWER coming ON; READY light is out;
MODE is STANDBY; and the door is open - I verified
that. 193 Romeo, STANDBY; READY, out.
TAG Tape 337-06/T-206
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OFF; READY, out. 94 is ON; READY, on. Pre-ops
config is complete.

337 15 5h 30 CC Jer, we' re reading you loud and clear. Got you
stateside, 13 minutes.

CDR Okay, Story.

PLT Coming up on Vancouver. Looks like it's cloud


CC Okay. We expect the whole Northwest to he cloud

covered down to Wyoming.

PLT They must be just getting up in Seattle. Dark

there. No, I guess it's bright enough.

337 15 56 50 CDR i minute to EREP, START.

CDR 20 seconds. Bill, we're going to need a VTS CAL

fromyou at 58:00 right on the money.

PLT Okay. Standing by.

337 15 57 _I CDR i0 seconds to go to the EREP, START. On my mark,

it'll be 50 - 57:50. Stand by -

337 15 57 50 CDR MARK. EREP, START. AUTO CAL up next on the VTS.

PLT Standing by.

CDR Stand by.

337 15 58 00 CDR MARK. - -



CDR On my mark, it'll be 59:00; 59:00.


SPT ... about ... 2--

TAG Tape 337-06/T-206
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SPT Looks good.

CDR MODE to MANUAL on 194.

CDR Looking for the S191 READY light in about a minute.

337 16 00 00 CC Ed, your maneuver's looking good and - Bill,

Houston. - -

TAG Tape 337-07/T-207
Time : 337 :16: 00 to 337 :17 :35
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337 16 00 05 CDR Bill Just left. He's on his way down to the ETC.

CC Okay, Jer. You can pass it on to him that the edge

of an overcast is right over his site h60, that's
Greenville. We're a little pessimistic about it,
but give it a whirl.

CDR Okay. I'm sure he copied it.

CDR On my mark, the S191 READY light will have come on.

SPT Gimbal angles, Story, look pretty much as you had

predicted. They went ...

337 16 00 39 CDR MARK. S191 READY light on at 39.

SPT So it all looked good.


CC That's affirm, Ed. It went as we expected.

CDR On my msrk, it'll be 16:01:00. Stand by.

SPT Good Job down there on the ground.

337 16 01 01 CDR MARK. RADIOMETER, ON. Bill, the ETC comes on in

Just about i0 seconds. Stand by.

337 16 01 20 CDR MARK. ETC to AUTO.

CDR Okay.

PLT Okay. That's 230 - 45, LEFT, 243.

CDR On my mark, it'll be 02:20. Stand by -


METER, ON. That first one was RADIOMETER to STANDBY,
not OFF.

CC Got it, Jet.

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337 16 02 33 CDR MARK. At 02:33, S190 MODE to AUTO.

CDR On my mark it'll be 03:30. Stand by.

337 16 03 30 CDR MARK. S192 MODE to READY.

CDR On my mark it'll be 03:50. Stand by.

337 16 03 50 CDR MARK. S190 II_I'ERVALof i0. Got a site, Bill?

PLT No, I didn't. I never found it.

337 16 04 17 PLT It was under clouds .... all around it.

CDR On my mark it'll be 04 :31. Stand by.


STANDBY. My next mark is 04:39.

337 16 04 39 CDR MARK. RADIOMETER is going to OFF. 04:45. Stand


337 16 04 45 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER going ON.

CDR I have an ALTIMETER UNLOCK malfunction light on.

MY next mark w-ill be at 05:30. Stand by.

337 16 05 30 CDR MARK. S192 MODE to CHECK. Looking for an S190

READY, out at 07:00.

CDR Now, I'm looking at my EREP funny list and I don't

see anything on here about the ALTIMETER UNLOCK
malfunction light, so we apparently have a valid
malfunction. The S193 settings are MODE, l; RANGE,
76; ALTIMm_I'£R UNLOCK - UNLOCK malfunction light is

CC Copy, Jer.

CDR On my mark the S190 READY light will have gone out.
Stand by.

337 16 07 03 CDR MARK. The READY light went OUT at 02; MODE is going
going to ll. Stand by.
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337 16 07 15 CDR MARK. ETC to STANDBY. You got it? Still got

CDR On my m_rk, it'll be 08:00. Stand by.

337 16 08 O0 CDR MARK. S191 REFERENCE going to 2. On my mark it'll

be 08:20. Coming up on 08:20. Stand by.

337 16 08 20 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER, STANDBY. The malf light's out,

going to MODE, 2.

CDR Next mark is at 08:h0. Stand by.

337 16 08 h0 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER is ON. No malf light this time.

Got a malf light now. Got the mAlf light at 08:h6.

CC Copy, Jer.

CDR Okay, Bill. The AUTO CAL on the VTS is at 09:20.

I'll do it for you.

CDR On my mark it'll be 09:20 with the VTS AUTO CAL.

Stand by.

337 16 09 20 CDR MARK. VTS AUTO CAL. Bill, we're about 1 minute
from an ETC AUTO. Still have an ALTIMETER malf
light. 20 seconds.

CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS. See you over Vanguard

in about ll minutes.

CDR Okay, Story. On my hark it 'll be l0 :53 and we 'll

need an ETC AUTO, Bill. Stand by.

337 16 l0 53 CDR MARK. ETC to AUTO. S191 to MODE, AUTO. At ll -

337 16 ll 00 CDR MARK. MODE to STANDBY on S192, correction to READY.

That went on at ll:0h.

CC And, Jer, we expected the malf light on MODE 2, we

did not expect it on MODE l, Just press on with
the pad.

CDR Okay.

CDR On my m_rk it will be 11:45. Stand by.

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337 16 ll 45 CDR MARK, S192 to STANDBY_ looking for a READY.

337 16 22 08 CC Skylab, AOS the Vanguard for 5 minutes. Bean, [?J

we're showing you back - -

SPT The maneuvers went pretty well, Story, Just as ad-

vertised. A lot of thanks to all those folks on
the ground who worked it out.

CC Okay. Right. We're showing you back in SI. It's

looking good.

PLT Just passing over Rio de Janerio.

CC And we're looking at a good maneuver time for the

next one.

CDR Very good, very good.

PLT And, VTS operator, no Joy on Greenville site and - -

337 16 23 34 SPT Bill, we're not recording or anything. Let me get

this recording again here. Are we still sim - simul
comm with the ground?

PLT Yes, we are.

CC Yes, sir. We're reading you down here.

CDR Okay. Go ahead, Bill.

PLT No - no joy on the Greenville site, 460. Special

02 completed, starting about 15 seconds late, and
ETC operations were nominal.

337 16 24 30 PLT Yes. You want to set ... interfere?

SPT Story, what was the mib count on that one?

CC Bill, Houston.

PLT Go, Story.

CC Since you'll be operating the C&D next time, Bill,

if you get that ALTIMETER UNLOCK light, if you
TAG Tape 337-07/T-207
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still have a READY light, go to STANDBY for 2 or

3 seconds and then back ON again. If you get the
UNLOCK light, and you don't have the READY light,
Just stay in STANDBY.

PLT Okay.

337 16 26 04 CC And we'll be with you over Goldstone, for the next
pass. I can get that procedure back up to you then.

PLT Okay. I think I understand it. Thank you.

CC And you all used 77 mibs on that EREP pass. We're

about _5 seconds to LOS here. We'll see you over
Goldstone in about an hour and 5 minutes at 17: 31.

337 16 26 29 SPT Thank you, Story.

337 17 30 50 PLT MARK. 30:50. EREP, START. Stand by 31 minutes.

VTS AUTO CAL pushbutton, push.

337 17 31 00 PLT MARK. AUTO CAL. Okay, standing by for 06. SCAT-

f CC Skylab, reading you loud and clear. AOS stateside

15 minutes.

PLT Roger, Story.

SPT Looking good so far, Story. The inner gimbal's

negative - ... negative now.

CC Okay, thank you. And Bill, we got a reset on the

S193 RANGE. We'd like 77.

PLT Roger. You've got 77 on 193 RANGE.

CC Thank you.

337 17 31 h2 SPT ... we ought to go ... Story. Looks good again.

CC That's affirm, Ed.

CC And, Bill. I've got a rev A to your UNLOCK light.

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PLT Okay. Go.

CC If you get an UNLOCK light on the ALTIMETER Just

report a status of the READY light. Go ALTIMETER
to STANDBY for 15 seconds and then ALTIMETER back
to ON. If you - if the READY light is on, continue
on. If the READY light is off, go back ALTIMETER
to STANDBY. And you can repeat this procedure as
often as necessary. And if you get an UNLOCK light,
we'll be standing by here to help you out with it.

PLT Okay. Thank you, Story. Just to mRke sure that

I don't goof it up, now, you want me to go to STAND -
back to STANDBY even though the READY light is
still on. That's when I get the ALTIMETER UNLOCK.

337 17 32 49 CC Yes, that's affirmative. Report the status of the

light, go to ALTIMETER to STANDBY for 15 seconds,
and then back to ON.

PLT Beautiful, I got it.

CDR Give me an ETC call at 34, Bill.

PLT Okay. And that's coming up at a little less than _

a minute here.

337 17 33 27 PLT SCAT, ON and ALTIMETER, ON - RADIOMETER, ON. That

is 13:25 [sic]. About 25 seconds, Jer. Okay.
REFERENCE to 6; I got a READY light. And 50 -
stand by - i0 seconds, Jet. 53 -

337 17 33 53 PLT MARK. MODE, AUTO. 192. Stand by Jet -

337 17 34 00 PLT MARK. ETC to AUTO and MODE-192 MODE TO READY.

Got a green light on the TAPE.

CC And Jer, no need to acknowledge. You'll have over-

cast conditions down to about halfway between L.A.
and San Francisco. Then you'll pick up about 0.4
to 0.7. In passing Yuma, you'll pick up scattered
and probably clear through Mexico. Site 160 is
about 0.4 to 0.7.

PLT Okay, he read that. You did, didn't you, Jer?

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CDR Yes, I read it.


Stand by, mark on 52.

337 17 3h 52 PLT MARK. RADIOMETER, OFF. 58, ALTIMETER's coming

on, and we'll see how we work here. 58, ALTIMETER's
ON and the READY light - -

337 17 35 05 PLT There's the ALTIMETER UNLOCK, Story. I'm going to

go to STANDBY for 15 seconds.

337 17 35 ii CC That's affirm.

TAG Tape 337-08/T-208
Time: 337:17:35 to 337:19:00
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337 17 35 13 PLT I'm in my 15-second period. 2,3 - Going back, I

got a READY light.

CC Okay. Continue on.

PLT Okay. Looks good. 35:45. Installing it - darn it -

darn it the ... Okay, l'm going on STANDBY again.
35:45 -

337 17 35 45 PLT MARK. SHUTTER SPEED to MEDIUM. It was at 40:55.

I'll turn it back to READY. ALTIMEu'ER back to
right now. Still out ....

PLT Oh, darn it. Okay, going back to STANDBY again.

337 17 36 22 PLT MARK. 20 seconds; 35, I'll come back on the POWER.

CDR No luck. Too many clouds.

PLT That's too bad. That's really disappointing when

you get all cocked and primed to do one of those.

CDR Doggone it.

337 17 36 hl PLT Okay. ALTIMETER POWER is back ON. And I get

another ALTIMETER UNLOCK. Okay. We'll go through
it again starting at 04:50.

CC Leave the UNLOCK light on for 20 seconds before

responding to it, please, Bill.

PLT Okay. Will do, Story. 37, 191 REFERENCE to 2.

337 17 37 00 PLT MARK. REFERENCE to 2.

PLT Okay, Jerry, you got a setting on ETC at 37:20.

FRAME PER MINUTE 4.8. I'll give you a mark. 15,
16, 17, 18, 19 -

337 17 37 20 PLT MARK. 20.

CDR Okay, 4.8.

PLT Thank you. 37:30, 192 MODE to CHECK.

f PLT 3,2, i -
TAG Tape 337-08/T-208
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337 17 37 30 PLT MARK. 37:30, 192 MODE to CHECK. 38 even.

PLT Okay, I'm going back to STANDBY. I lost my READY

light, Story. Okay.

337 17 38 00 PLT MARK. AUTO CAL. Now I go back to STANDBY here at

38:23. I'm Just going to leave it ON - OFF -
STANDBY for this cycle.

PLT Standing by for 23, 38:23.


is going ON.

PLT Standing by for 38:54. Okay, Jerry, in about

i0 seconds, I need ETC FRAME PER MINUTE to I0.

PLT Okay, 38:5h; 192 MODE, READY. Stand by.

337 17 39 00 PLT MARK. Jer, FRAME PER MINUTE, i0.0. And at 39:30
in about 20 seconds, we need to go FRAME PER MINUTE
to h.8. I'll give you a mark.

CDR Okay.

PLT Stand by, Jer.

337 17 39 30 PLT MARK. FRAME PER MINUTE, select 4.8.

CDR 4.8.

PLT Okay.

337 17 40 36 PLT Okay. Standing by for 30 - h0.

337 17 h0 hl PLT There we are. And POLARIZATION to 4, and I do have

a 191 READY light. Stand by for h2 minutes even.

337 17 41 35 PLT Okay, Jer, the next call will be h3:20; that's about
a minute and a half. And that'll be to go to
STANDBY. I'll give you a mark.

PLT Coming up on 42:00.

337 17 h2 00 PLT MARK. 19h MODE to MANUAL.

TAG Tape 337-08/T-208
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PLT Okay, and we're getting ready to start our m_neuver

back, here, pretty soon.

CC Okay. You got a good maneuver time from down here.

PLT And I 'm getting an intermittent MALF light on the

194, but I think we expected that.

PLT Jer, about 30 seconds for ETC to STANDBY. I'll

give you a mark.

PLT Time is 43 minutes. Starting to maneuver.

PLT Okay, Jar, about 15 seconds. 43:14.

337 17 43 14 PLT MARK. 192 MODE, STANDBY. Stand by, Jet.

PLT 2, 1 -

337 17 h3 20 PLT MARK. ETC to STANDBY, S190 MODE to STANDBY. SCAT -



to STANDBY_ and EREP is going to STOP now.

PLT And, that 's about it.

CC Okay, Bill. Thanks for taking our real-time updates.

PLT No sweat. That was sort of a - funny, there. I

guess that's still a little peculiar the way that
ALTIMETER performs. Okay, I guess you got to all
the calls. There were about, I think, _ about 3
UNLOCKs. The last one, I didn't try to read that
one because we were close to terminating of the

CC Yes, sir; thank you.

PLT Okay.

337 17 _4 47 CC Skylab, we're a minute until LOS, i0 minutes to

the Vanguard, and we'll be dumping the data/voice
at the Vanguard; and your maneuver's looking good.

PLT Thank you, Story.

TAG Tape 337-08/T-208
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337 17 45 27 PLT PLT, Bravo 7 is reading 32 percent. PLT out.

CDR Yes.

PLT ...

CDR Good!

337 17 55 12 CDR Got some mean-looking dry lakes.

PLT Yes.

337 17 55 32 CC Skylab, we're reading you loud and clear through

Vanguard for about ll minutes. Be dumping the
data/voice here.

CDR Roger.

B37 17 56 01 CC And, Ed, Houston. Are you at the ATM?

SPT Affirm, Story.

CC Okay. How about checking the H-ALPHA 2 HEATEH

switch on?

SPT It's on now.

CC Okay. We saw the filter temps cooling down here.

CC And we got one more thing for you while you're


SPT Go ahead, Story.

CC On our friend S054, we'd like you to go to the

FILTER RESET/I position for at least 2 seconds and
then back to STORAGE.

SPT 0kay. It 's in work.

CC And that means that we did some good work the other
night; that we will have our FILTER 1 position.

SPT Hope it works, Story. I'm taking the tape off now.

SPT Okay, was that a minimum time duration or an exact?

TAG Tape 337-08/T-208
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CC No, sir. That's at least 2 seconds in the KESET/I


337 17 58 h2 SPT Talkback barber pole all the way, Story. Would
you llke to try anything else?

CC No, sir. Just leave it in STORAGE.

337 18 02 12 PLT That's affirm, Jer.

CC And we're reading you down here, Bill.

337 18 05 5h CC Skylab, 30 seconds to LOS, about 18 minutes to


SPT So long, Houston.

337 18 _3[ XX CC Okay.

337 18 25 35 CC Skylab, AOS through Tananarive for 3 minutes. The

next pass is Goldstone at 19:11.

337 18 26 42 CC And, Ed, if it's convenient at this time, I can

read to you the conclusion of the ATM conference
that Dr. MacQueen wrote up.

SPT Say again, Story. I was recording and, apparently,

I lost that, too.

CC Okay. Keep recording. I - This can wait, Ed.

SPT Well, I don't have the RECORD. I guess you folks

took it. No, that's back again.

CC No, sir; we have no command capability over


SPT Okay. What was your message, Story. I Just didn't

hear the subject.

CC If it's convenient, I can read up to you the con-

clusion of the ATM conference at this time or get
it later.

SPT Let me finish up what I'm doing here, Story, and

I'll get back to you when I have the ATM pass, in
about another half hour.
TAG Tape 337-08/T-208
Page 6 of 6 /1126

CC Okay. Let's do it then. And we're about a minute

from LOS here. We'll see you in about 45 minutes
over Goldstone at 19:11.

SPT Okay. Thank you, Story. It's too bad Bob didn't
get to finish the discussion this morning. Sounded
like he had some real useful things to say, though
it was a relatively short pass with COMM problems.

CC Yes, it was.

SPT Both those maneuvers look real good, though, Story.

It looks like the folks on the ground have come
up with a good method of doing it.

337 18 28 12 CC Yes, sir. They went well.

TAG Tape 337._9/T-209
Time: 337:19"00 to 337:20:30
Page I of 5/1127


339 19 ii 03 CC Skylab; AOS through Goldstone, 4 minutes.

CC Bill, Houston.

CC How about Ed?

SPT Story, would you stand by a moment, and we'll

get Bill where he can hear you.

PLT Go ahead, Story.

CC Bill, I got a couple of slight changes to your

Flight Plan on the housekeeping 60R-1 and 60R-2.
Do that on tank number 4 only. Cancel 5, 6, 8,
and 9.

PLT Roger. Tank 4 only.

CC Yes. And bring that one up to 6 parts per


PLT Okay. I'll bring it up to 6 parts per million.

And you still want the television on that?

CC Yes, sir. We'd like that if you can get it.

PLT All right, sir. You'll have it.

CC And one other thing. On - on your handheld -

handheld ll8, that's, of course, at your option
in either case, but we're thinking the weather
is so poor there - it's overcast - that it's
probably not worth even trying.

PLT Okay. Handheld ll8 is very doubtful.

CC Yes, sir.

PLT Okay. Thank you.

337 19 13 05 CC Ed, Houston.

SPT Yes. Go ahead, Story.

TAG Tape 337-09/T-209
Page 2 of 5/1128

CC On the bright spot that you reported in the

S052 MONITOR, we'd like to run a quick procedure
to determine whether it's in the instruments or
in the TV system. And we can do this simply by
depressing the TV WLC GRID switch to DISCHARGE,
and then release when you're looking at the image.

SPT Okay. Are - Do you want to have that on VTR or

TV downlink ?

CC Stand by i. That's not necessary, Ed.

SPT Okay, Story. What diagnostic do I use for deter-
mining where that spot is?

CC We thought that you reported that bright spot

on the S052 MONITOR.

SPT Yes, I certainly did, Story. You mean that that

should disappear if it turns out to be in the TV

337 19 14 19 CC That's affirm.

SPT Okay. Thank you. I might be able to - have

time to pick it up at the end of this orbit,
Story. I'm off Sun center right now.

CC Okay. There's no hurry. And what we're doing

is ATM malf S052-8 Bravo, blocks 1 and 2. That's
what we 're accomplishing.

337 19 14 41 SPT Okay. I'll take a look at that before I do it.

Thank you.

CC And we're 30 seconds to LOS. See you over Van-

guard in about 18 minutes at 19:32. Be dumping
the data/voice there, and, time permitting, we'll
complete the ATM conference over Vanguard.

SPT Okay, Story. One thing I wanted to mention to

you is that several times now during the first
2-1/2 weeks or so here, we've noticed the record
link will go off on its own. I don't know whether
this has been reported before, but there seems
to be a transient in there. And this time when
I was talking to you before, or when you called
before and I was recording, it happened again.
TAG Tape 337-09/T-209
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And we were Just wondering whether there's some-

thing new in the system or something we ought to
he watching out for.

337 19 15 31 CC Okay. Copy. And we'll try to get you an answer.

337 19 33 05 CC Skylab; AOS Vanguard. Be dumping the data/voice

here and be here for l0 minutes.

SPT Roger, Story. And you can go ahead with the

remainder of the ATM briefing, if you like.

CC Okay. From Dr. MacQueen. On SL-3, while observing

the WLC TV, the crew both caught and missed coro-
nal transient activity that - that we classed as
faint. Thus some care is necessary in examining
the monitor. Have you begun to use Polaroid
photographs made each morning to allow comparison?

SPT Story, I have done that, but not on a consistent

basis. I will do that, and I have been doing it
with the XUV MONITOR, but not as consistently as
I perhaps really could with the WHITE LIGHT

CC Okay. And the S052 f_Sm budget permits more than

ll00 frames to be used for transients. And that's
enough to cover five transients throughly.

SPT Okay.

CC And that's it.

337 19 35 02 SPT Well, that was short. Okay, that's some useful
"information. Thank you.

CC Yes, sir.

337 19 38 42 SPT Houston, SPT.

CC Go ahead, Ed.

SPT Okay. The JOP I'm in right now is a study in

koops above the active region 92 and 87. And
I'm wondering if they have mirror auto rasters
from this which show the location of the loops.
The reason I ask is that in H-Alpha, very close to
the limb, I'm able to see what appears to be Just
TAG Tape 337-09/T-209
Page h of 5/1130

the very start of loops at the base, right on the

limb. Fairly large size loops; you can Just see
bottoms of the - what I would interpret as loops.
And it's a little bit north of the 82 - or 87/92
complex. It would be useful to know whether I
can actually see the bases of these loops. If
they're really - are - the bases are north of the
complex, slightly north, then maybe I got some
reason for comparison and it'll help us in future

337 19 h0 2h SPT Did you copy the question, Story?

CC We're working it, Ed.

SPT Th_nk you.

337 19 42 41 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS and about 15 minutes

to Tananarive. If we don't see you there, it'll
be Hawaii at 20:hl. And on your tape recorder
lights, we'd like you to verify that no other
crewman has turned the tape recorder off or on.
And if you could, I - get us a _4T time when you
see any erratic light indications and we'll track

SPT Okay, Story. I did on that last one. I checked

with both Bill and Jerry. And it was during the
previous ground pass when you were going to discuss
the ATM with me and I said I was recording. It
was Just at that moment when the light went out -
or right after that that I noticed the light was

CC Okay. We were sure that you were doing that, and

that was over Tananarive. And we'll keep an eye
on it.

337 19 43 33 SPT Thank you, Story.

337 20 Ol ii CC Skylab; AOS Tananarive, 5 minutes.

TAG Tape 337-09/T-209
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337 20 04 32 CC Skylab, we're 2 minutes to LOS. See you over

Hawaii in about 36 minutes at 20:41.

337 20 Oh 38 CC Be dumping the data/voice there.

TAG Tape 337-I0/T-210
Time: 337:20:30 to 337:22:00
Page 1 of 2/1133


337 20 41 01 CC Skylab, AOS through Hawaii for i0 minutes.

CDR Roger, Story.

CC And could you verify on the TV-81 that you did

yesterday - We sure enjoyed seeing y'all do your
flying and the shower and all. Could you verify
that you did not put any voice on that. We didn't
perceive any down here and we wanted to be sure
the system was working.

CDR That's affirmative. We didn't - what we planned to

do was send you down on the tape a little commentary
to go with the flying routine and that's about it.
We Just haven't gotten around to doing it.

337 20 41 h7 CC Okay. We didn't see any mike, but we did Just want
to make sure the system was working.

CDR Yes, unfortunatley, the cameraman was laughing so

hard, he couldn't talk.

CC So were we.

PLT I thought it was one of my better efforts.

CC Well, we're expecting even more in the future.

CDR Back to the bicycle shop, Wilbur.

PLT After they see that, they probably won't give us

another day off, Jer.

337 20 43 36 CC And, Skylab, the networks would like to know who

was doing the flying.

CDR That was Bill.

CC We thought so. Thanks.

CDR Wilbur Pogue.

PLT Which network? The ... network?

TAG Tape 337-I0/T-210
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CC Skylab, we're a minute from LOS. See you over

Vanguard in about 22 minutes at 21:11.

337 20 49 59 CDR Roger.

337 21 12 08 CC Skylab, AOS Vanguard, 9 minutes.

337 21 13 44 CC Bill, Houston.

PLT Yes. Go, Story.

CC Bill, we got a couple telemetry points down here

which are contradictory. We'd like you to check a
circuit breaker on panel 200, that's 0WS HEAT EX-
CHANGER FANS, number 2. Tell us if that's OPEN
or CLOSED. If you find it OPEN, leave it OPEN.
And it's on the lower left-hand corner of panel 200.

PLT All four of those breakers are CLOSEd, Story.

337 21 14 40 CC Okay, thanks; and I got one other message for you
and the CDR, and Ed, too. You got a GO to remove
those foot restraint plates around the wardroom
table. As you all know, it'll take two bolts -
remove two bolts from them. And after you get the -
bolts out, you'll probably have to pry the plate
off as it's bonded to a shim below the plate.

PLT Okay. I'm sure Jerry heard that.

CC Sounds like a good idea.

PLT I think it's an excellent idea.

337 21 20 52 CC Skylab, we're about 20 seconds from LOS. See you

over Hawaii in about an hour at 22:18.

TAG Tape 337-ii/T-211
Time: 337:22:00 to 337:23:30
Page 1 of _i135


337 22 18 46 CC Skylab, Houston through Hawaii for 7 minutes.

PLT Roger, Hank.

CC Hello, there. How's it going today?

PLT Pretty good.

CDR We've got old Ed in the iron lung. Other than that,
we're doing fine.

CC Okay.

CDR Hank, we haven't recorded that dialogue for the

TV thing yet. We'll do it shortly.

337 22 19 23 CC Okay, we copy.

337 22 23 05 CC Skylab, Houston; the SPT had a question earlier

today, I think, in regard to the X-ray spect power
distribution. Can you hear me read this up now?

SPT Sure can, Hank; go ahead.

CC Okay. The reason we're selecting bus 2 for manned

ops is so we can power up the X-ray image CRT. As
you recall, it cannot be powered from bus l; it
keeps tripping off. And we select bus 1 for the
powerdown so that the frames reman - remaining
counter will work for unattended ops. And also -
and I guess that's the main reason we go to bus 1 -
so we can turn the console lights off. If we used -
leave it in bus 2, the lights can't be turned off
with the lighting switches, and we're concerned
about the lifetime on the EL.

337 22 23 52 SPT Oh, okay, Hank. That's some good reasons I didn't
appreciate. Thanks very much.

337 22 24 30 CC Skylab, Houston; we got a couple of Flight Plan

philosophy items for you, you can listen up. In
regard to the SPT, we're going to try not to sched-
ule anything in it for him after 02:00 Z today so
TAG Tape 337-ilfr-211
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he can get a little more rest. And also we plan,

with your concurrence, to eliminate the extra time
now being planned into the Flight Plan for the
major items like SO19, SO - $201, S183 and et cetera,
starting with day 20. EREP has been reduced to an
hour 30 for nominal time line already. And - and
if you concur with that, we'll go ahead and plan
it that way.

SPT Okay, Hank. Let's give it a whirl. If we get in

trouble, we're going to ask for it back, though.

CC Okay, that's - you seem to be getting a lot smoother

with everything. So we thought we'd give it a try
and go to the nominal time line. And we're about
30 seconds from LOS. We'll be coming up on Vanguard
at 50, and we're scheduled to dump the recorder

337 22 25 41 SPT Okay.

337 22 50 0h CC Skylab, Houston through Vanguard for i0 minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank; loud and clear.

CC And, CDR, Houston. We had a little telemetry

funny here in regard to the O-S - 0WS HF_T EX-
CHANGER 2 valve that indicated OPEN when all the
other TM indicate it's closed. Now we know that
it is an indicator, but - if you got a second,
you might be able to help us clear it up by - On
panel 617, your TEMPERATURE SELECTOR, run it down
to 65 degrees for about i minute. Then you can
put it back to the original setting, around 75,
and that ought to tell us whether we can clear it
up or not.

CDR Okay, Hank, that's in work.

337 22 51 39 CDR Okay, Hank, I Just put it down to 65. And inci-
dentally, Ed was doing some vacuum up in the heat
exchanger area there. I'll go up and look around
and see if there's anything amiss in that area.

CC Okay.
TAG Tape 337-II/T-211
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337 22 5h 39 CDR Houston, CDR.

CC Go ahead.

CDR Roger. The heat exchanger fans are _,nning; all

four of them are running. They're in a - all four
switches are in the OWS position. Everything looks

CC 0kay, thank you.

337 22 55 39 CC PLT, Houston. In regard to where you are in the

building blocks, we suggest that you run the 82B
right on to sunset.

PLT PLT ; Roger.

337 22 56 ii CC And, CDR, Houston; that little trick cleared up

our TM problem.

SPT Okay, Hank. I wonder, are there are any trans -

are the transducers up there where we might bump
them while we're vacuuming?

CC You must have been listening to the EGIL's back-

room, Ed.

SPT Yes, we got a hotline on the side.

CC Yes, that' s exactly, what we were wondering. And

apparently, Just cycling the fans there did the
trick. All our telemetry looks okay now.

SPT Very good.

SPT Say, Hank, where are the transducers there? I

guess that's what I get for cleaning every little
nook and cranny in there.

CC Okay, we're checking on it now, Ed.

337 22 57 35 CDR By the way, Hank, the dialogue for that TV thing
we did yesterday is on the downlink tapes. It
was done at 22:30.

CC Roger; we copy.

TAG Tape 33T-II]T-211
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CC Ed, those microswitches are on the valves them-

selves, and we're trying to scare up a photo Just
to see exactly where they're located. We're not
quite sure.

SPT Okay, you know you have to move those flapper

valves with your hand in order to get back into
the filters behind it to vacuum.

CC That - that shouldn't have been a problem. It

could have been one of them Just got disturbed and
stuck for a moment.

CC Skylab, Houston; we're about a minute from LOS.

We should be at Ascension in about 5 minutes at 05.

337 22 58 56 SPT Roger.

337 23 05 21 CC Skylab, Houston through Ascension for 6 minutes.

337 23 l0 15 CC Skylab, Houston, Just as a little reminder, the

ROLL actuators and the MPC actuators on the canis-
ter heat up quite a bit if they're left powered up.
And we would like to remind you that when you're
not using the MPC, we - we need to INHIBIT the

PLT Roger, Hank; thank you very much.

CC And - and the ROLL - the ROLL is the big kicker

there. That's the one that we - we have the
most trouble with. And we're coming up to about
1 minute from LOS. And we'll be seeing you at
Guam at 50; that's about 39 minutes from now.

337 23 i0 55 PLT Okay.

TAG Tape 337-12/T-212
Time: 337:23:30 to 338:01:00
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337 23 h9 56 CC Skylab, Houston. We're through Guam for

3-1/2 minutes.

CDR Hi, HA_k.

337 23 50 26 CC Skylab, Houston. We'll be uplinking a series of

ATM cue card changes here in regard to powering
up after sunrise - how to get the H-alpha going.
And what it essentially does is deletes the cycling
of the attitude control out of EXPERIMENT POINTING
to SI and back. And the reason we're doing this
is to eliminate as much of the canister cage and
uncage as we can.

PLT Good, Jerry.

CDR Okay, Hank, how about uplinking me a secretary to

take care of paperwork too, would you?

CC I thought that was what E-99 - E-699 was for.

CDR Yes.

337 23 52 h2 CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS. We'll

see you over Vanguard at 27, and that's about
3h minutes from now.

337 23 52 52 CDR Roger.

338 O0 27 33 CC Skylab, Houston through Vanguard for 10-1/2 minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank.

338 00 31 h0 CC PLT, Houston. In your shutdown there on the TV,

we need to get the XUV SLIT to WHITE LIGHT DISPLAY.

PLT Roger, Hank.

338 00 37 25 CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS. We'll

be seeing you at Ascension at h0, and we're sched-
uled to dump the data recorder there about 3 minutes
from now.

338 00 37 _7 CDR Roger, Hank, we'll see you then.

TAG Tape 337-12/T-212
Page 2 of 2/llhO

338 O0 41 23 CC Skylab, Houston through Ascension, 9-1/2 minutes.

338 00 42 06 CC Skylab, Houston. We had a little - We lost signal

with you, and we're back with you now, 8-1/2 minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank.

338 00 50 09 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS; Guam

at 24, 34 minutes from now.

338 00 50 19 CDR Roger.

TAG Tape 338-01/T-213
Time: 338:01:00 to 338:02:36
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338 01 24 46 CC Skylab, Houston through Guam for i0 minutes.

CDR Roger, Houston.

• SPT Hello, Hank.

CC Hello.

SPT Hank, I'm - I'm up here at the ATM. I'm working

the small white dot on the WLC display, called up
earlier today to try going to GRID, DISCHARGE. When
I do that, the white spot turns black when I hold
the switch down, and the corona stays essentially
the same. When I release the switch, the white
spot is still there.

CC Roger, we copy.

CC Skylab, Houston, we're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

be coming up on Vanguard at 05, about 29 minutes
from now. And we're scheduled for the evening
status report there. And as a reminder, we have
a nu Z update window coming up here in about
I0 minutes.

338 Ol 34 21 CDR Roger, Hank.

338 02 04 42 CC Skylab, Houston, we're through Vanguard for

i0 minutes. And we're standing by the the evening
status report, whenever you're ready. And, Skylab,
Houston; did you get the nu Z update in?

SPT That's affirmative, Hank. We did.

CC Okay, thank you.

338 02 05 15 CDR Okay, Hank, if you're ready to copy, here it comes.

Okay, evening status report. Sleep: CDR, 7.0 -
5.0 hard, 2.0 moderate; SPT, 8 - 7-1/2 hard, about
1/2 light; PLT, 7-1/2 - 6 heavy, 1-1/2 light.
Volume: CDR, 2500; SPT, 2200; PLT, 3000. Drinking
gun: CDR, 7000; SPT, 1866; PLT, 8106. Body Mass:
CDR, 6.288, 6.287, 6.288; SPT, 6.381, 6.387, 6.341;
PLT, 6.235, 6.242, 6.241.

TAG Tape 338-01/T-213
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Exercise: CDR, AI - method Alfa, leg, 30 minutes,

4600 watt-minutes. Method Bravo; Alfa, Delta,
Echo, and Foxtrot ; i0 minutes ; 20 repetitions each.
Method Charlie; _harlie, Delta, and Foxtrot;
6 minutes; 15 repetitions each. Method Echo -
Hordinsky's special - 04 minutes, l0 repetitions
each. Method Foxtrot, walk, l0 minutes; toe rises,
I minute_ for i00 each. SPT, method Alfa, leg,
40 minutes, 7337; method Bravo, Foxtrot, i0,
40 repetitions; method Foxtrot, toe rises i0,
200 repetitions ; springs, D5, 300 repetitions.
PLT, Alf-a, leg, 30, 5000, Method Bravo; Alfa,
Bravo, Delta, Echo; 08; 50 repetitions each.
Method Charlie; Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Fox-
trot, Golf, and Hotel; 07; 15 repetitions each.
Method Foxtrot, i0 minutes; toe rises, i minute
for 90; springs, 30 seconds for 75. Medications:
none. Clothing discarded: SPT, shorts, socks,
one each. One - One pair shorts and one pair of
socks. Okay, food log: CDR, zero salt; deviations,
plus two coffees with sugar, one lemonade, and one
cherry drink, all plus. Rehydration water,
plus 1.5. SPT: zero salt, plus one mints, plus
two teas. Rehydration water, zero. PLT, zero
salt, plus one cherry drink, no water. Now the
photo log: 140-foot, 16 millimeter magazine used
on EREP 8 and 9, Charlie Lima 09, 65 percent, NA.
Nikons: 01, Charlie X-ray 20, 31; 02 is empty;
03, no change; 04 is empty; 05, Bravo Hotel Oh,
ii, and that includes what we're going to take
tonight. 70-millimeter: Charlie X-ray 47, 036.
ETC is Charlie Tango i0, 085. EREP, set Kilo,
9738, 1925, 9461, 8830, 0601, 9506. Drawer A
configuration: no change. Flight Plan deviations:
none. Shopping list accomplishments: D003-6.
No inoperable equipment ; no unscheduled stowage.

338 02 09 13 CC We copy, Jer, real good. I'd like to reverify the

ergometer watt-minutes for the PLT.

CDR 5000.

CC Roger, copy.

CC CDR, Houston. In reference to the problem you

indicated today was Nikon 05, with the $233. I
guess the only thing we could suggest there is
TAG Tape 338-01/T-213
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we're probably going to have to _ske sure the -

the film is wound every time before we start that

CDR Yes, that's right. This was a fresh load this

morning. And I don't know why the first one didn't
work, because I was standing right there when
Bill loaded it and cranked off the first two.

CC Roger. That' s a weird one.

CDR Well, we'll keep plugging with it; try not to

waste too many frames.

338 02 i0 50 CC SPT, Houston. I have a couple of items for you.

CDR I think he's on the tape recorder right now.

CC Okay.

CC Skylab, Houston, for whoever is available. We

didn't see any change in the gimbal angles like
we should have. What prompted us to ask about the
nu z update, we wonder if we can get who's ever
free to try it again,and - so we can take another
look at it. We're still in the window.

SPT When do you want it, Hank?

CC Right now, if it's convenient?

CC Skylab, Houston, we're about 1 minute from LOS.

Canaries is the next station at 25, and that's
your med conference.

338 02 lh 12 CDR All right, Hank; we'll see you later.

CC Okay. And for info, the nuZ update looks real

good to us.

SPT Okay. Thank you, Hank. Probably what happened

last time was before hitting AUTO, we hit the

CC Copy.
TAG Tape 338-01/T-213
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SPT Other than a few of those, Hank, it's been a real

good day. We got two good EREPS in over the United
States. And we got some good medical in; M092
went real well. And some good ATM. Things are
looking good.

CC And it looks good to us, too. And, Ed, I'll be

wanting to talk to you at Madrid. I got a couple
of items for you after your reed conference.

338 02 14 52 SPT Okay.

338 02 32 22 CC Skylab, Houston. We're with you through Madrid

for 6 minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank.

CC And as a reminder, we're - will be dumping the

data/voice recorder here at Madrid.

PLT Roger.

CC And, SPT, have you got a minute to ta]k about


SPT Sure, Hank. Go ahead.

338 02 32 52 CC Okay. We Just got a few little notes here in

regard to the voice. Good voice quality is going
to be particularly important to this TV-28. And
the VTR voice channel, we found out, is not very
forgiving. The input modulation has got to be
good or it just doesn't work well. And we suggest
that you use a comm carrier and not the lightweight
headset. You can either wear the cap or hold it,
but we want to be sure that the microphones are
within a half inch of your lips. And as the backup
we would like for you to activate the voice recorder
so that we will be sure we get the voice. And
also try to make sure that no one else uses
channel A while you' re recording on the TV-28.

SPT Okay, Hank. In order to get it on the VTR, all

we have to do is have it on channel A. Is that

CC That 's affirmative.

TAG Tape 338-01/T-213
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338 02 33 51 SPT Okay, what I had been doing is use the come carrier,
not the lightweight headset; I only used that for
the first couple of days. And I think your comment
of me being a little bit to close to it was probably
true. I tried to move off a little bit and I
was wondering how it's been working. I'm soggy,
Hank, I didn't hear your comment. Would you say
again, please?

CC Okay, Ed. I haven't personally listened to any

of your dump tapes. However, some of the other
guys have and I guess - I guess we don't under-
stand what the problem is. For some reason or
another, it is not as good as it could be. It is
better than it was originally.

338 02 3h 43 SPT Well, i'll try to use it tomorrow morning when

I'm talking and I'll try to get a clarification
to see whether it is a problem. That is, before
the TV-28.

CC Okay.

CC PLT, Houston. We Just got a report that the

active region 87 has produced a surge that's still
in progress, and it's out to about i/i0 of a solar
radii - radius. And when you take a look at it
here, when you start your pass, we'd like to get
a report on it at Guam. And it may be that we
might want to restructure the rest of that pass.

PLT Okay, Hank. Ed's coming up to help.

338 02 37 19 SPT Hank, I hope that's the same surge which I thought
I saw out there on the disk when I was doing a
little work on it with the shopping list item
I0 at the conclusion of the last pass.

TAG Tape 338-02/T-Rlh
Time: 338:02:36 to 338:0h:00
Page 1 of _I147


338 02 37 h3 CC Okay, the surge occurred at 02:20. Now I don't

know whether that - let's see that might have
still been during the night here. We're about
a minute from LOS and G1,_m will be coming up
at 03:05; that's 27 minutes from now.

PLT Roger. And we still have 5 minutes of darkness


CC Roger. We - we were Just telling you before we

went L0 - LOS here so that you could be looking
for it when you - when you brought up the ATM.

SPT Roger. Thank you, Hank. I think that was the

shopping list item 3 rather than i0 which I was
working on.

338 02 38 19 CC Okay, we copy.

r 338 03 0h 53 CC Skylab, Houston, we're through Guam for 4 minutes.

Standing by for a report on the possible surge
or coronal transient.

PLT Roger, Hank. We started out in 8-Alfa, and I'm

right in the middle of building block 17 now.
Ran CONTINUOUS for about i0 minutes; took another
look at it. Now I'm in a STANDARD MODE on the
52. I took one frame of 82 Alfa; started with
20-second exposure. I'm going through with
the 56 nominal building block procedures. I
couldn't - Ed couldn't detect anything - at
least or I - looking at the coronagraph. I took
another look at it and sort of half fooled myself.
At 2 o'clock position, there's one streamer there
that may have a little lump or enlargement on it.
But I sort of have to stretch my imagination to
see it; however, we're pressing on with building
block 17.

CC Copy.

F ¸
TAG Tape 338-02/T-214
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PLT Okay, and I'm running 55, MIRROR, LINE SCANS.

338 03 06 51 CC PLT, Houston. The next time you check your

monitor there, if you do not see any further
activity, we'd like for you to go back and do a
complete building block l, and try to get us
four exposures on the S05h.

PLT That's building block l?

PLT Okay, and four on S054.

CC That's affirmative. Four sequences on SOSh.

And in our ATM schedule tomorro_ for all three
of you, we're going to have an item that says
inhibit momentum dump. It will be the first one
we're asking you to do. Normally, I think you're
used to seeing ground inhibit momentum dump. I
Just want to make you aware that there will be
one in there tomorrow we'll be asking you to do,
because we're not in contact.

SPT Okay. Hank, at the conclusion of the last orbit,

I was doing a shopping list item 3. And I was
at a position of a ROLL of minus 9505, a UP/DOWN
of minus 27. I had the slit tangent to the limb
and I was ll arc seconds off the limb. I got a
spectra on 55, and on 82_B, and also PATROL, SHORT
on 56. What I'm wondering is whether that was
the position which was the surge. The geometry
to me looked like a surge, but I could not detect
motion. When we came up the next orbit, how-
ever, it looked as though part of that material
was missing. And I'm wondering whether I was
actually looking at it at that time.

CC Okay, we'll check it out. And we're about 25 sec-

onds from LOS. We'll be picking you up at Honey-
suckle at lb.

338 03 08 37 SPT Thank you.

338 03 lh 13 CC Skylab, Houston through Honeysuckle for 5 minutes.

For the CDR.

CDR Go ahead, Hank.

TAG Tape 338-02/T-21h
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CC Okay, you reported on your film report on the

70-millimeter Hasselblad there, CXhT, 36 frames.
And this was the same reading we had last night.
We'd like to confirm this frame count.

CDR That's right. It - it should be 37 frames and

I don't know what that one frame went for. We
didn't shoot any today, that I know of. And I
Just finished shooting a - a bundle more on HHI01
and the other HH that was assigned for the even-
ing here, 105. And the frame count is now hl or
h2; it's difficult to tell.

CC Okay, we copy.

CDR Let's call it 42. It's a pretty coarse frame

count and that ma - may be what accounts for
what - why we couldn't tell whether it was 36 or
37 earlier.

CC Okay, and I got a few items of news here if you

want to listen up.

CDR Okay, let me get back to this Hasselblad thing.

Our bookkeeping shows that we should be showing
frame hl right now. But the indicator really
looks like 42. So I'm going to call it h2, and
we'll Just consider one frame not - not accounted

CC Okay, we copy.

CDR And go ahead with the news.

338 03 15 5_ CC Okay, Syria and Israel are still at it. They

battled at two spots along the Golan cease-fire
line today. Military spokesmen reported that
Syrian tanks, cannons, and rockets blasted an
Israeli half-track and bulldozer and killed or
wounded 15 Israeli soldiers. Also in that area
in Israel, David Ben-Gurion was buried in the
desert with only a single wooden plaque to mark
his grave. The 87-year-old architect of modern
Israel - Israel died Saturday. His coffin was
of unvarnished timber and the funeral was devoid

TAG Tape 338-02/T-214
Page 4 of _i150

of pomp, following a wish he expressed in his

will. The South Vietnamese government's got its
own energy problems and has imposed strict con-
trols in the wake of a dawn attack by the Viet
Cong on their largest oil depot, 6 miles from
Saigon. In Moscow, British Foreign Secretary
Sir Alex Douglas Hume told the Russians that
East-West ties must improve in practice _rather
than Just in words. He made the statement after
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko said
agreement on European security depends on the
West's keeping out of Soviet domestic affairs.
You're in the news today. Associated Press says
the Skylab 3 astronauts saved a little gas in
space today at the same time they were looking
for new energy sources on Earth.

338 03 17 17 CC Astronauts Gerald Carr, William Pogue, and

Edward Gibson used a third less maneuvering gas
for a photo today than they did in a similar
maneuver on Sunday. Skylab 3 was in its 18th
day of an 8h-day mission. Consumption of elec-
tricity in the U.S. declined during November.
But utility spokesmen say it's herd to tell how
much of the cutback was due to energy-saving
efforts, and how much was caused by warmer
weather. In Washington, Hyman Rickover was
promoted to full admiral today and said the
nation needs quiet and harmony to resolve the
foreign and domestic issues it faces. Rickover
made the comments after President Nixon presided
over the promotion ceremonies. The Senate today
defeated for a second time efforts to cut off a
filibuster against a plan to tie public financing
of presidential election campaigns to a bill to
increase the federal debt ceiling. The vote was
l0 short of the required two-thirds.

3B8 03 18 l0 CC Secretary of State Kissinger will visit King

Feisal of Saudi Arabia this month as part of a
five-nation trip through the Middle East. On
the economic front, several of the nation's big-
gest banks raised their prime lending rates to
9-3/h percent today, pushing the key interest
rate back toward the historic peak of l0 percent
it reached a few months ago. And of course, the
TAG Tape 338-02/T-21h
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stock market pl,,-,_eted again today. Broke's

said the continued energy shortage and higher
interest rates scared away investors. The Dow
Jones fell aB_ost 16 points. Pioneer lO going
deeper into the radiation belt of Jupiter. And
it experienced several unexplained COmmAnds to
its cameras, possibly caused by the increasing
levels of radiation. It - At 7 o'clock this
evening, Houston time, the spacecraft was
140,000 miles from Jupiter, traveling at 67,600
miles per hour. And it should have passed its
closest point at 8:25 this evening, Houston
time, That's about all the news, and we're
abo_t LOS. This is the last pass for the even-
ing, We'll say good night and see you in the

338 03 i_ 2G O_ Roger, Hank; good night. Thanks for the news.

TAG Tape 338-03/T-215
Time: 338:02:36 to 338:11:30
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TAG Tape 338-0h/T-216
Time: 338:11:30 to 338:13:00
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338 12 00 02 CC (Music: "Muskrat Ramble" by the Firehouse Five)

338 12 00 47 CC Good morning, Skylab. Crimson team is with you

here over the end of Goldstone. We're going LOS
in about 30 seconds and we'll see you at Bermuda
at 12:06. That's about 5 minutes away.

CDR Good morning to the big red team.

CC You guys sound rather cheerful this morning.

CDR We're ready to ramble.

338 12 01 l0 CC Quite appropriate.

CC (Music)

338 12 05 52 CC Skylab, Houston. We're A0S through Bermuda for

8-1/2 minutes.

CDR Roger, Crip.

338 12 06 22 CC Roger. I don't know how quick you guys hustle up

and grab your messages in the morning, but we're
right at the end of our teleprinter paper, and
we'll - here at Bermuda uplinking the last of the
messages for the morning. And when you do, we'd
like you to - to verify that the last message, and
I can give you the number whenever you want it,
came in okay. And - and if - when you get a chance
to, change out the paper for us, please.

CDR The last message we have is 1958, Bob. Correction,


CC Okay, we're in the process of sending up 1951, and

it will go through A-2.

CDR Okay.

CC And all we need to know is whether it's legible or

not, in case - because it doesn't print too good
sometimes when it gets toward the end of the paper;
and if it's not, we can uplink it again after you -
after you change paper.

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CDR Okay, we'll give you a call.

338 12 12 47 CDR Okay, Bob, message 1951A-2 came through okay.

CC Okay, very good. And if you guys would just tag

up with us when you get a chance to change out that
paper, we'd appreciate it.

CDR Will do.

338 12 13 07 CC Since you've got the messages there, and - depending

on how far you get here, you'll probably find a
little conflict with them. After we uplinked your
EI_ messages, we discovered that we had a little
problem with the maneuver, and so the maneuver pad
and your EREP pad did not coincide as far as times
of starting maneuvers. And I'll give you a little
briefing a little bit later on when you get - get
some time to copy them and tell you about what we're
doing in - in regard to that.

CDR Okay.

338 12 14 13 CC Skylab, Houston, we're going LOS here, and we'll

have you again over Canary at 12:16. That's Just
about a minute and a half away.

338 12 15 47 CC Skylab, Houston. We're back with you once more

through Canary, and we have you for 16-1/2 minutes.

338 12 31 32 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 45 seconds from LOS.

We'll see you again over Carnarvon in 27 minutes
at 12:58; 12:58. And whenever you guys get the
sleep rubbed out of your eyes and get a chance to
start Jawing down, as I said, we do have some changes
to your pads regarding the - primarily the extending
of the EREP maneuver today.

PLT Okay, and the teleprinter is reloaded, Bob.

338 12 32 02 CC Okay, very good. Thank you, Bill.

338 12 58 08 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS Carnarvon for 8 minutes.

SPT Good morning, Bob. I'm looking at a maneuver pad,

and I'm wondering if you'd like to talk about it.
TAG Tape 338-Oh/T-216
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CC Roger, Ed. You might notice that what we're doing

is we're going to go into Z-LV Just before noon so
that we arrive in it at orbital noon. And we're
going to stay in Z-LV all the way around for the
next orbital noon because that's where the maueuver
is the smallest amount of attitude change and in
al] of our little runs down here - well, that came
out the cheapest. And it looked like about
150 pound-seconds on that order. And we're hoping
that we might have come up with a new technique
that might save us a little bit of TACS.

CC Ed, while I've got you - -

SPT ... want to explain the squealer, Bob.

CC I'm sorry. Say again, Ed.

SPT Do you hear me with a squeal?

CC I don't hear any squeal at all.

SPT Okay. We've got one buzzing in our ears here.

Okay. I see we're going in there at 15:33. And
it 's a h-minute maneuver time. That 's - that 's
surp ri sing.

338 12 59 50 CC Well, all you got to do is taky out your beta angle,
which right now is running about - oh, approximately
8 degrees, I believe. Thir - minus lb.

TAG Tape 338-05/T-217
Time: 338:13:00 to 338:1h:30
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338 13 O0 04 SPT Okay. So we get in there at 15:37 and stay there

until 17:06. Very good.

338 13 00 ll CC That's affirm. And as a result of that, Ed, I

need to m_e a few changes on - on your Flight Plan
stuff. I wonder if you've got your details and
your snmm_ryhandy there and I can tell you what
they are.

SPT The good news always comes first.

CC You're right. This - we're just going to let you

sit around and look at the panel there for a long

SPT Go ahead.

338 13 O0 41 CC Okay. If you got your details handy, that ATM

pass at 15:02, we've had to scrub it. And the
ETC ops fiSm install is now at 15:07 vice 16:10.

CC And at 17:17 we need you to do a nu Z update, and

the times are from 17:17 to 17:38. And you might
want to take your summary and Just sort of scratch
through that ATM pass there at that - that we
deleted and sort of indicate that the ETC ops is
moved up earlier there.

SPT Looks like we're trading off ...

338 13 02 29 CC I'm sorry, Ed. We had a handover there that I

didn't call for you.

SPT The old fadeout trick.

CC Roger. I missed everything after you said it

looks like we're going to trade off.

SPT (Laughter). That's all right, Crip. I probably ...

CC Okay. We still got pretty staticy comm here. Why

don't we hold up on it until it clears up.
TAG Tape 338-05/T-217
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338 13 03 20 CC Okay. I think we got comm established pretty

firmly back with you, and we have you for about
3 more minutes. Did you grasp all what we were
doing there, Ed?

SPT All too well. Yes, I see it. Okay, at 15:02

we're scratching the ATM and putting the - 15:07
is going to be the ETC ops for film install.
17:17 w're putting in a nu Z update going to 17:38.

CC That's - that's all correct. And if Jer or Bill

or both are around, I need to change their EREP C&D
and VTS pads to reflect that maneuver time change.

SPT Okay. The pads are all coiled up here in the

corner and we'll have to unwind them and dig it
out. Hold on. Hey, Crip, let me ask you a gen-
eral question. On these Z-LV passes, when we're
turn to solar inertial, many timesthere's, oh,
20 minutes or so left over. That doesn't pose
any problems if I go ahead and throw a few shopping
list items in for the ATM, does it?

CC Stand by 1.

338 13 05 02 CC Ed, I guess the answer to that, since the ATM

guys haven't exactly been getting a good deal
here in the past few days, is that they would be
over - so overjoyed, we probably wouldn't be
able to keep them in their chairs.

SPT We got the pads here for the EREP. Go ahead.

338 13 05 22 CC Okay. We're going to go LOS in about 1 minute

and we'll have you again at Hawaii at 13:22 and
I'll be back and get in the changes. All I'm
doing is on the C&D pad, I'd like to change Z-LV
maneuver time from 16:03 to 15:33 and solar inertial
time from 17:02 to 17:06. And can - you can change
those times yourself by looking at the maneuver pad
if you - going too quick for you. And I need to
make the same changes on the VTS pad.

CDR Okay, Crip. No sweat. We got it.

338 13 05 58 CC Okay. And - on - for Bill, on his details, I

need to change the time he turns the EREP POWER
BUS 1 on from 15:h0 to 15:37 to allow adequate
warm-up time.
TAG Tape 338-05/T-217
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CDR 15 :37

338 13 06 12 CC Roger. Thank you, gentlemen. See you, Hawaii

in about 15 minutes.

338 13 22 15 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS at Hawaii for 4 minutes.

338 13 22 56 CC And, Skylab, Houston. You might be interested to

know that active region 92 over there, same complex
as 87, produced us a class M-1 flare awhile ago.

SPT Was that the one at 08:53?

CC No, no. It's not the one that's called out there.
It's a new one that started at around 11:42, and
it had a double peak on it. The first m_x was at
ll :47 and the second at 12 :06.

338 13 23 38 SPT Okay, Bob. We'll take an eye of the corona and
also see what we can see in H-alpha.

CC Roger. The flare ended at about, oh, 12:22 in

optical and 25 on X-ray.

SPT Th_nk you.

CC And it did not have very much radium associated

with it.

338 13 24 41 CC And, Skylab, for the CDR or the PLT I have the
directions and rpm for the 131 run coming up on
the CDR.

SPT Hold on, Bob. Jerry's in there doing the 233

right now.

CC Okay. No sweat. I'll get him over the States


338 13 25 14 CC Skylab, Houston. We're I minute from LOS. We'll

see you again in 9 minutes over Goldstone at
13:34, 13:34.

338 13 33 56 CC Slqylab, Houston. AOS Goldstone, 5 minutes.

338 13 34 38 CC PLT, Houston. Got a moment to chat 9.

PLT Roger. Go ahead, Bob.

TAG Tape 338-05/T-217
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CC Hey, Bill. On this laser photograph you got

coming up at 13:40, we're going to start that
out in the blue-green mode and it's going to be
continuous. If you get it and take a - photograph
it, we'd like you to - appreciate it if you'd go
ahead and tell us, and at that time we're going to
switch modes and switch it to a blue-green color.
And if you can still visually acquire it, we'd
like you to take another photograph of it.

338 13 35 l0 PLT Okay. Now you're going to start out at 5145 ang-
stroms and get one of that, and then switch to
blue-green. Is that what you're saying?

CC We're going to - that's affirm. We're going to

switch only if - after you tell us that you've
acquired it and got the first shot.

PLT That's at 1 watt of power.

CC That is correct.

PLT Okay. Thank you.

CC Hey, Bill, One other item. On this 131 run

we've got coming up with Jer as the subject, we'd
like that counterclockwise at 30 rpm.

PLT Okay. Counterclockwise.

CC Thank you.

338 13 38 O1 CC Skylab, HOuston. We're 1 minute from LOS and

we'll see you again over Texas in about 2-1/2 min-
utes - correction, over MILA in about 2-1/2 minutes
at 13:41.

PLT Roger.

338 13 42 17 CC Skylab, Houston. We're A0S through Bermuda, and

we have you for about ll minutes.

338 13 43 20 PLT Hey, Crip, what kind of cloud cover do you have
in the D.C. area?

CC Clear, supposed to be; and the laser is on.

PLT Okay.
TAG Tape 338-05/T-217
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CC It was interrupted momentarily, and it's back on


CC And, SPT, if you get a chance at the panel, we

have a modification to your ATM schedule pad we'd
like to mRke.

SPT Go ahead, Bob.

CC Okay. I mentioned we had to scrub that 15:14 ATM

pass. Stand - stand by 1.

B38 1S 45 25 PLT Okay, Bob. We've got the green one, now you can
switch to blue-green.

CC Okay, we're switching; and break for Ed. What I

started to do is to give you a schedule change
for that ATMpad considering that we're had got
it - interfered with that one. However, we're
going to take and make sure that we've got good
EREP weather before we have you write that ***
change in. And we'll get it up to you later if
we need it.

SPT Okay, Bob.

CC And, Bill, the laser is blue-green now.

PLT Roger. Don't have it yet. We saw the - the green

go out, but I haven't seen the blue-green yet.

CC Copy.

338 13 47 06 PLT Okay, Crip. We can see the blue-green with binocu-
lars, but not with the unaided eye. I did take
one 300-millimeter Nikon shot of it.

338 13 47 16 CC Copy that. Sounds good.

338 13 52 21 CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS.

Ascension in 9-1/2 minutes, and that's going to
be Bill Lenoir's pass to talk to you a little bit
about ATM at 14:02.

338 14 02 15 CC Skylab, AOS Ascension for 7 minutes for your ATM

TAG Tape 338-05/T-217
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MCC Good morning, Ed. How are you doing?

SPT Morning, Bill. Go ahead.

MCC Okay, let me start off with a question here. On

most of the orbits that we've been scheduling for
you, Jerry, and Bill, we've been trying to schedule
l0 minutes observing time. We wonder how you're
using this and if l0 minutes is necessary, or could
that be cut down to 5, or do you have any other
thought s ?

3B8 14 02 54 SPT Bill, I think here at the beginning it has been

necessary because it's taken that long many times
Just to carry out the nominal operations and make
sure you're not making as mauy mistakes as you
would if you rushed through it. I think, however,
probably when we're moving down here we can go
with a little less, but I wouldn'twant to shorten
it very much. Bring it down maybe to - to 5
if you like, but we're still feeling a little bit
right here, and I think wtill mAkeing a couple of
errors we don't want to make.

MCC Okay, we'll work it that way for a while. One

other quickie comment here. On the _T_ when we
schedule you for 5 minutes, try to keep it to
exactly 5 minutes so that we make sure we don't
mess up the VTR management.

SPT Okay.

BB8 14 0B 4B MCC And one further comment here, on the do_nlink

from the last few days I've noticed some questions
regarding S055 detector searching and onboard map-
ping. You asked a question about a Lyman beta
prominence being much brighter than your cue card
suggests. We've looked into that further and the
local expert on Lyman beta counts has, when put
to the fire, indicated that the count of 15, above
a background of B, in a prominence may be low by
as much as a factor of B, but probably not any
more than that. We suspect it's a combination
of - perhaps our cue card number may be a little
bit low and you were on an exceptionally bright
prominence, so that it looks like it's a combina-
tion of the two items that you suspected.
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SPT Okay, very good.

338 lh 04 34 MCC And noticed also that in looking for coronal

loops on active region 87, I believe it was yes-
terday, in 0 VI, you indicated that you didn't
see anything. We've looked at the downlink data
that we have here, and we haven't looked at very
much, but what we find in active region 87 on
the west limb now is that it appears two to three
times as bright as it did on the east limb, meaning
that the numbers that we passed up should be multi-
plied by 2 or 3. There's not too much structure
there. We see more fingers going out radially
directed, rather than actually closing the ends
and it appears to be embedded in background count
of about i00 to 180. We did get counts up as high
as 250 in loop structure that was about one to two
aperture widths wide, but not very Juch structure.
It'd be easy to skip through it, searching for it
in 0 VI, and not see it at all.

338 lh 05 35 SPT Okay. Is one of the other ones which you recom-
mended better for seeing the detailed structure,
that's magnesium X, silica XII, or neon VII?

MCC We don't have complete data right now, but from

what we've looked at it, it looks like they are
all indicating pretty much about the same thing.
And we can't, on the ground where we get the whole
picture to look at - we can't very well see the
coronal loops closing without significant use of
some imagination.

SPT Okay. I had asked two questions the other day.

One was about whether I was actually at the loc-
tion of a surge, which was last night, and secondly,
whether I was actually at the base of loops, which
I thought I could see in H-alpha also with our
good monitor. And I think the answers to those
would be useful for some of the future onboard work.

338 i_ 06 26 MCC Okay, the first question, we tried to research

the answer and we don't have that data down yet
and we're still looking. As soon as we get that
data, we'll look at it and tell you what the answer
is. On the second question, we do think you prob-
ably were seeing it in H-alpha. It appears some-
what bright in Lyman alpha, indicating that you
probably could see it in H-alpha, especially down
toward the foot.
TAG Tape 338-05/T-217
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SPT Okay, that's very good.

338 14 06 54 MCC Okay, again all of the experiments are more inter-
ested in flare rise than anything else. One comment
we discussed yesterday in theplanning meeting re-
gards when you go on into a flare-fall portion of
the JOP 3. And generally what we'd like to say is
if you're not sure whether you caught the rise or
not, here on the safe side and give us some postflare
data. Also - also on the preflare type shopping
lists and building block we recommend you be on the
trigger-happy side. And 82B encourages use of
their film for constructive building blocks as much
as possible there. They don't want to wast it, but
they are behind their scheduled film, as far as
getting to sensitive f_Im for Kohoutek.

SPT Okay, understand. Do you have anything else, or

would you like me to tell you what the corona looks
like this morning?

MCC Okay, why don't you tell me?

338 14 07 51 SPT Okay. Over there on the west limb we do see, now,
four different streamers. There's - they're - all --_
of them are inclined slightly towards the north as
they go outward. There's one around 02:30 at the
base, one at 03:00, and one at around 04:00. And
they are all parallel of one another, but inclined
maybe ... and then a very diffused one over there
on the east limb.

MCC Okay, that sounds good. We'll take a_look at that.

Let's see - -

SPT The four of them are very muchmore pronounced

than they were yesterday. I can see, last night,
that they did appear ... this morning.

CC CAP CO_ ...

MCC Okay, good. Thank you, Ed.

338 14 08 36 CC Skylab, we're about a minute to LOS. See you

over Carnarvon at 14:32, be dumping the data/voice
there. And, Ed, from down here we show that you're
in your JOP 6 building block 1-Awith a roll of
minus 5400. We'd like you to repeat that for us
at a roll of - at 10,800.
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SPT Yes, Story, we got caught there too. We Just

had too darn m_uy things going on here at the same
time, and I think from now on we're Just going to
have to cut down the number of things going on in
here in the morning because there's no way of get-
ting up here and m_king a full day's work fit to-
gether in a hurry.

CC Understand, Ed.

MCC Okay, Ed, I'll talk to you tomorrow. And I've got
a story for you, a preliminary story on S054, and
we've got a computation in work on the X-REA ALUMI-
NUM for you based on the flare data.

338 i_ 09 28 SPT Yes, that would be very useful because right now
we've got that PMEC putting out - putting out false
indications all the time, and you've got two
choices - either you set the grating - the setting
real high, which means that you always forget it
and then - then you're going to miss the good one
when it comes along, or you turn it off and the
same think happens, or you've got it going off
all the time. And that'll - that's pretty dis-
concerting and I think it's going to lead you to
errors in operating everything if you do that.

338 14 09 53 SPT So that's not a very satisfactory flare method

of - flare alert ...

TAG Tape 338-06/T-218
Time: 338:14:30 to 338:16:00
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338 14 32 39 CC Skylab, AOS Carnarvon for i0 minutes; he dumping

the data/voice here.

CC Ed, Houston.

SPT Go ahead.

CC When you get done with TV-28, could you rewind

the VTR so that we can dump at stateside?

SPT 0kay, Story.

CC Thank you.

338 14 h2 08 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS; 3 minutes to Guam.

338 14 h6 35 CC Skylab, we're back with you through Guam for

9 minutes.

338 14 55 ii CC Skylah, we're a minute from LOS and 17 minutes to

Goldstone at 15:11.

SPT Okay, Story. I'm still in the setup for that

TV-28. I 'll tell you what, I 'll try and give you
some shots of it throughout the day here. And tell
me how the VTR management will work out, and I'll
try to plan it accordingly.

CC Okay. Thanks, Ed. The VTR_s yours.

SPT Okay. I'll try to work on it throughout the day

and give you something useful.

CC Okay. We 'll be looking.

338 14 56 03 PLT Story, did that TV-33 come through yesterday?

CC Say again.

338 14 56 13 PLT ... 33 ...

338 15 ll 3h CC Skylab, A0S through Goldstone, MILA for 17 minutes.

338 15 13 07 CC Ed, Houston.

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SPT Go ahead.

CC Are you working on TV-28 now, Ed?

SPT Trying to set it up. Yes, Story.

CDR Go ahead, Houston. Take the VTR if you want. I

won't be putting anything on it before we get the
maneuver started here.

CC Okay. We Just wanted to remind you, when you're

not using the TV camera, to turn it off. And if
you don't need the VTR over MILA at about 15:17,
we'd like to dump about 6 minutes of it.

SPT Okay. Go ahead.

CC Thank you.

338 15 16 h2 CC Ed, Houston.

SPT Go ahead, Story.

CC You can leave the video switch in TV, if you'd

like, and it was the TVIS that we wanted turned
off when you weren't using it.

SPT Okay. Thank you.

338 15 19 21 CC And, Ed, when you're done with the MPC, we'd like

CC Thank you.

338 15 27 29 CC Skylab, we're a minute from LOS and about h5 minutes

to Carnarvon at 16:ll. And, Ed, we'd like you to
go to SI MODE.

CC We're looking at SI down here. The canister's

caged. Now you got a good maneuver time in, Ed,
and your fine maneuver entries are also looking
good. And the VTR's yours for the rest of the day.

SPT Okay. Thank you, Story. A question about moni-

toring the - this small maneuver into Z-LV. The
monitoring of the inner and outer gimbals on CMG 2,
are the rules pretty much the same as we talked
TAG Tape 338-06/T-218
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with Rusty yesterday, or because of the new time

we're going into Z-LV, are they a little bit
different ?,

338 15 28 31 CC Ed, the monitoring is different, but you shouldn't

have any wide excursions of the gimbal angles at
all today.

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Time: 338:16:00 to 338:17:30
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338 16 ll 05 CC Skylab, A0S Carnarvon for 7 minutes.

SPT Roger. Hello, Story.

CC Hello, Ed. And your APCS is looking good and

your EPS is looking good.

SPT That looks like a pretty slick way to do it,

Story. I guess we Just took out beta after
orbital noon. Is that right?

CC That's right.

SPT Have we fired a mib yet? I have not seen any,

but I haven't watched the panel all the time.

CC It's three now, Ed.

SPT Three. Okay. Jerry's down there in the OWS,

and apparently, he's heard them.

CC Okay.

SPT Like ... They vibrate the w_l]s down there a

little bit. It's like having your head inside
a large can and someone whacking it from the

CC That's what we've heard.

338 16 12 26 SPT If you ever have trouble getting us up in the

morning, Story, there's a way.

CC Oh, that's only one of our list.

CDR I'm down here in the wardroom, Story, with a

marker pencil. I put one mark on the wall for
each mib.

CC And when you got the whole wall covered,

I guess it's time to come home, huh?
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CDR Right.

SPT Say, Story, on our display of TACS pressure, how

far down is that - can that display go? In
other words, what percent of TACS remaining be-
fore the system is not usable?

CC Stand by i.

338 16 14 2_ CC Ed, if your not too busy now, I've got a change
to your ATM schedule pad. But if you are busy,
there's no hurry. It doesn't - doesn't - count
until 18:00.

SPT No, go ahead, Story.

CC Okay. That pass that starts at 15:14 there,

we'd like you to run that when you get to the
panel for the first time at 18:21. In other
words, cancel all those operations at 18:21, and
since we - simply substitute in the 15:14 oper-
ations. That's J0P 5, step 4 and on.

SPT Okay, Story. We 'ii do it.

CC And, of course, you can cancel that grotmd

INHIBIT MOMENTUM DUMP at 15:14. And also, cross
out with 8 minutes remaining the power down for
EREP. You won't need that, of course.

SPT Okay. The start - the pass which began at 18:21,

is there anything in there they'd like us to
pick up anytime later if we can?

CC Stand by 1.

CC Skylab, we're about 30 seconds to LOS. We'll

see you over Guam in 8 minutes at 16:25.

338 16 16 56 SPT See you then.

338 16 26 12 CC Skylab, AOS Guam for 4 minutes and you're look-

ing good.

SPT Thank you, Houston.

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CC And, Ed, I got one thing to add to your

ATM schedule at 18:21.

SPT Go ahead, I bet the 5h folks want to operate.

CC Say again, Ed.

SPT Go ahead.

CC At the beginning of that orbit at 18:21, start

that off with a shopping list item number i.
You can start that below h00 K. And that's to
get data on the eruptive prominence which
occurred at 15:h0 in active region 87.

SPT Okay.

CC And we'd like - -

SPT Shopping list item i.

CC Yes, sir. That's it. And we'd like to change

your SI maneuver time. We'd like to slip it
h minutes from 17:.06:00 to 17:10:00.

338 16 27 28 SPT It's done.

CC Okay. A SLS run that we Just completed - shows

that I'll save us about I0 mibs.

SPT Very good. Looks like we're still less than

i0 now. What are we, around 8 or 9?

CC We're at lO right now, Ed.

CC And in answer to your question on the TACS pres-

sure meter, you'll - we think you'll have control
down to about lO percent on the meter.

SPT Okay. We haven't burned up too much of what we

had when we got here. It's looking good. I
think we'll have a little left for Kohoutek.

338 16 29 16 CC Skylab, we're a minute until LOS. See you over

Goldstone, about 18 minutes at 16:h7. Jer,
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SPT He's listening.

CC Okay. Just to make things a little easier for

him. He's got an ETC going to AUTO at 58:50 and
it also shows a nadir swath terminate at 58:50.
He doesn't have to worry about terminating that
swath. There's no hurry to get back there from
the ETC. And, also, there's no hurry tO get
back down to go into STANDBY in the ETC from
operating the VTS, as we're going to run that
film out anyway.

CDR Okay. Very good.

SPT Hey, Story. I think we saw that - indications

of that surge up here before I went into SI. We
got a rise in the PMEC and also our BERYLLIUM
APERTURE stepped up to 3 from h. So we must have
seen the start of that.

CC Did you get any pictures of it, Ed?

SPT That's negative, Story. I was setting up for

the maneuvering. Actually, there was no time
allowed for - for that. So I Just stayed out
of it.

•CC Okay.

338 16 S1 08 SPT See if you can't plan the activity on the Sun a
little more conveniently, Story.

PLT 47:23

338 16 h7 24 PLT MARK. 190, MODE, Abe0.

PLT Say they're pink?

CDR Yes. Sunrise.

PLT Oh, yes. I bet that's pretty.

CDR White and light blue, below.

PLT Bad SCAT GIMBAL light continues to flicker;

momentary flickers.
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CC Skylab. We're reading you loud and clear for

15 minutes, stateside.

PLT All right, Story. Reading you 5 square.

CDR Okay, Bill. I'm going to have to leave this

thing unattended, in this nadir swath. Anytime
you get a second or two, you might Just peak in
over here, and make sure that we've still got
the zeros --

PLT - - Zero, zero. Okay.

CDR What I'm doing is, I'm keeping the zero down and
to the right because they - the drifts are in the
other way - other direction - -

PLT Okay.

CDR - - so if you see the zero missing from the down

and from the right window, you should twitch
them until they're back there. It's got a lot
of pitch drift. Not much - not much in
right/left, but the up/down gimbal - -

338 16 48 55 PLT Okay, I've got all six FILM ADVANCE MALFUNCYION
light s.

CDR Uh-oh. Must be out of film.

PLT I don't know.

SPT Jer[?] Would you check the circuit breakers?

PLT I'll get 'em.

PLT They're the S190 over there on panel 202. I

think they're up near the top. Two cir -
there're three circuit breakers.

PLT All closed. Okay. Time is 49:26.

SPT They 're all in.

PLT Okay. I'll cycle the power off here shortly,

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PLT Stand by for _9:50.

338 16 h9 50 PLT MARK. _9:50. Stand by on the 190. Okay.

FRAME, 05 and INTERVAL is 10. And I'm going to
cycle the POWER, OFF. STANDBY for a second or

338 16 50 05 PLT Okay. POWER back ON. Standing by for 50:23.


338 16 50 23 PLT Okay, SCAT to STANDBY, RAD to STANDBY, 193 CROSS-

TRACK *** us; POLARIZATION, h. READY. Standing
by for 51 even. Okay.

338 16 51 00 PLT MARK. Okay, 192 MODE is to READY. I've got a

green light after speed change. _** Okay, at
51:33, we'll be coming up with a MODE, AUTO.
And at 51:33, Jer, I'll give you a mark for ETC
to AUTO.

CDR Okay.

338 16 51 23 PLT SCAT, ON; and RAD, ON; and stand by. Stand by -

338 16 51 33 PLT MARK. ETC to AUTO; that's 190 MODE to AUTO.

I'll take a look here and see if I get the FILM
ADVANCE MALFUNCTION lights. Yes, all 6 of them
came on again. We must be out of film. ***
Ah, shoot. 52:28, RADIOM-

PLT Okay, Jer. 52:28 LTC to go to STANDBY. I'll

give you a mark.

CC Bill, when you get a chance, would you cycle the

S190 AUTO switch - -

PLT Stand by -

338 16 52 29 PLT MARK. ETC to STANDBY.

CDR Okay.

PLT Which was that? Yes, I've already cycled that,

Story. Have also turned the POWER, OFF after
turning it to STANDBY and I got the lights out.
Okay, Jerry, stand by 52:53 for E -
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338 16 52 53 PLT MARK. h_C to AUTO.

CDR Got it.

PLT Aaah, son of a gun. I'll make sure I don't

screw the rest of it up. 23:50, 192 SCAT. It
Just - gives all the symptoms, Story, of being
out of film.

CC You should not be out of film even at the end

of the pass, Bill.


Okay, 193 ANGLE ROLL, plus 30; POLARIZATION, 1.
55:30 is my next. Okay, I've got about a minute
and a half here, Story. I'm going to start
looking around.

CC Bill, we got the mal (?) here. Were you able to

check the SHUTTER SPEED meter?

PLT Yes, I checked it and the - okay, Just a second

here. We're REMOTE, MEDIUM. Okay.

338 16 55 03 CC You want me to read it to you, Bill?

PLT I got another item coming up here. I got to go

check on 92 at 55:30. And at 36, Jer, you got
to go RTC STANDBY. I'll give you a call.

CDR Okay.

PLT Okay, got about l0 seconds, Story, you got

anything there?

CC We'll get you at 55:36.

PLT Okay. Stand by, Jet. Okay 30, stand by, Jer.

338 16 55 36 PLT MARK. ETC to STANDBY. I got the MODE, CHECK

at 30 and should have the READY ... because of
that. 57:h0. Okay, next item is 57:h0, Story,
so shoot.

CC Okay. I note the six frame counter readings.

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PLT That' s correct.

CC On panel ll0 MODE switch to SINGLE.

PLT Okay.

CC And did at least 2 MAGs advance 1 frame?

PLT Stand by.

PLT Nothing. Not a thing.

CC Okay. Check this. Panel ll0, S190 POWER switch

to OFF.

PLT I'm sorry, Story. I did that on panel ll0. You

wantedthat on 106, didn't you? That single
act uat ion ?

CC Yes, that's on panel ll0. We wanted MODE switch


PLT Okay, I did that. Okay, now, continue.

338 16 56 29 CC Okay. Panel ll0, S190 POWER switch to 0F.F.


CC Panel 106, CAMERA CONTROL switch to LOCAL.





PLT Nothing. Looks like I had a power problem of

some kind.

CC Okay. At present, we're in block A, camera

logic failure.
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338 16 56 56 PLT I was checking everything else, but I Just don't

see if they - well it worked at first, you see.
And, I got a good check when I checked them out.

PLT All cameras seem to be seated properly. I check-

ed them twice even when I installed them.

PLT Okay. Coming up on 57:h0. Got about 30 seconds


CDR No, I Just don't have a shutter speed, I guess

that 's the problem.

CC Bill, we got no more suggestions on S190. Press

on with the pad.

PLT Roger. Stand by for mark 57:h0.

338 16 57 _O PLT MARK.


PLT There are no more circuit breakers on the

200 panel, huh?

PLT Okay. Darn it. My panel - no it's in. I

thought my panel control breaker was out there
on ll0 here. But that would have knocked out

PLT Okay, 58:13, 191 MODE, AUTO is not going to do

any good.

PLT ***

PLT Hey, Jer. In about 30 seconds ETC to AUTO.

PLT i0 seconds.

PLT Stand by -

338 16 58 50 PLT MARK. 58:50 ETC to AUTO.

PLT Wait for 59:20.

PLT Stand by -
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338 16 59 21 PLT MARK. POLARIZATION to _.

PLT Hey, I'm sorry about that. 8, 9, 30, 192 MODE -

338 16 59 32 PLT MARK. S192 MODE to READY.

PLT Get this thing out of your way.

PLT Poorest, ... pieces of hardware I ever seen.

Been beat to pieces before it ever launched.

PLT And I got a good TAPE MOTION light.

PLT I never did get to check your drift there, Jer.

PLT There you go.

338 17 00 30 PLT MARK. 30.2 SCAT and RAD to STANDBY.

PLT Stand by for 17:01.

338 17 01 00 PLT MARK. 17:01. 194 to MANUAL.

PLT At 06, REFERENCE to 2.

PLT That's too bad - too bad about those 190 cameras.
Really a nice pass, too.

PLT Stand by -

338 17 Ol 54 PLT MARK. 154, 192 to STANDBY.

CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS, ll minutes to

the Vanguard. We'll be dumping the data/voice
at the Vanguard and you're looking good.

PLT Suppose you're working up a procedure for us,

or you want us Just to go in the MALF in the
unit powerdown here?

PLT Like to get that sorted out.

338 17 02 37 PLT Okay. Ah, darn it. I got put off, but it's
... - I was supposed to give you an AbT0 CAL,
Jer, at 02:06. And the solar inertial is - -
Go ahead and give me one now. I notice -
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CDR ...

PLT Okay. Fine.

CC Bill, all we've got for you, is to go to panel 202

when you get done and check the circuit breakers,
the EPEP circuit breakers on 202.

PLT Okay.

338 17 03 02 PLT Okay, Jet. At 02: - -

338 17 12 00 CREW ...

CC Skylab, we're reading you loud and clear down

here through the Vanguard for i0 minutes. We'll
be dumping the data/voice.

CDE Roger, Story. We're still looking at S190 and

still haven't found anything significant. We
flew over Lake Titicaea and I took some
16-millimeter DAC frames of the lake and that
is to - one of the requirements of _!2h-i.

PLT Thank you.

CC Okay, Jer. And we're wondering if you got any

information on, were the shutters operating at
all? Did you hear them operating? Did you have
a chance to check the SHUTTER SPEEDMETER, Bill?

CDR Well -

PLT Yes, yes I did, Story. We had no SHUTTER SPEED at

all. It was full scale to the left.

CDR I - I heard them running when I first got here,

I think, when you fired them up.

PLT Yes, it worked.

CDB But I never did hear them quit. I guess I was

busy doing something else.
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PLT Okay, Story. I have some more information which

may assist in the troubleshooting. During the
prep when I tested the cameras, you set them up
for three exposures. The number 1 camera took
four exposures, and all the rest of them took 3.
Okay. When we started our first 190 run, the
number 1 camera took four again, and the other
five cameras each took three more exposures and
shut down. Now that may help them a little bit
to sort out the logic.

338 17 13 56 CC Okay.

PLT Trying to put this carrier back on now. Give me

some more data. Okay, and Just as a matter of
interest, the - I'll give you some readings on
the six cameras as they were noted during the
Dreo and Dostrun. When the cameras were loaded,
I had, and this is cameras 1 through 6 respec-
tively, 9738, 1925, 9_62, 8830, 0601, and 9506.
Okay, I did my test, you know, and then the prep.
The reading after the prep was 9742, 1928, 9465,
8833, 0601 - make that 0604, and 9509. Okay.
Right now the cameras are reading 9746, 1932,
9469,8837,0608,9513. --

CC Okay.

338 17 15 27 PLT And I got a bit remiss about telling you about
that. I thought it could've been that I wrote
it down wrong on that camera l, and I noticed
it took four exposures when the rest of them took
three and I Just sort of sloughed it off as a
recording error on my part. But apparently
that - that - that - that may give some clue as to
the problem in the logic.

PLT Okay, Bill.

338 17 16 35 PLT Fact is that stuff - It sounds like it's almost

hung up on that first test I ran.

CC Bill, Houston.

PLT Yes, go.

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PLT Go, Story.

CC While you got everything powered up and you're

there and all, we suggest malfunction S190;
that's malf 6 on page l-ll.

PLT Okay. It 's in work.

CC Since you weren't seeing any shutter motion at

all or hearing that, we're thinking possibly you
got a shutter drive failure, as opposed to a
logic failure.

PLT Okay. You say malfunction number 6, right?

CC Yes. Starts upper left-hand corner on page 1-11.

338 17 17 24 PLT Okay. That's where I'm starting.

CDR Okay, Bill. Let me read to you.

PLT Okay, right there in box 1.

CDR Panel ll0 S190 POWER switch, OFF.

PLT Right. Got it.


switch to LOCAL.




CDR Is the drive operating?

PLT Negative.

CDR All right. Check the shutter drive. Panel 106,

go to REMOTE.


CDR Rotate the camera assembly to the intermediate

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PLT Okay. Now, pull the pins, make it move a little

easier that way. Watch your fingers.

CDR All right.

PLT That thing gets pretty nasty. Okay.

CDR All right. Manually rotate the shutter drive


PLT Okay. I'm rotating it. Still interconnected

here. Yes, all interconnected.

CDR A11 right; so it rotates without binding. All

right. Let's make a motor check.

338 17 18 _3 PLT That's correct.

CDR It says, carefully examine both the shutter

drive motors. Is either one of them hot?

PLT Okay. Shutter drive motors. FMC there.

CDR Watch your thing, don't want to scrape the


PLT Okay.

CDR All right, here's the -these are the shutter

drive motors, and they're both cool as cucumbers.

PLT Yes.

CDR No. Shutter drive circuitry failure, it says


PLT Okay. Yes, it would be -

CDR It says the motor temp cutout's 125 degrees.

PLT Those things are cold though.

CDR Yes, they're cool.

PLT What else does it say?

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CDR That's it. Close the box lid. It says check

the shutter drive speed. It says shuts - shutter
speed control to remaining shutter speeds, and
find out if they work at any speed.

PLT Yes, I checked them already. But let's do it.

CDR Okay. Let me release this rascal for you.

338 17 20 14 PLT Okay. Let's try _nIUM. No Joy on MEDIUM.

REMOTE, yes. Okay.

CDR All right. If it works at no speed, we go to

box number 12.

PLT I'll put it back to OFF.

CDR It says discontinue 5he experiment.

PLT That's what we did.

CDR Okay_ Well that smells like we got no power to


PLT That's what it - It sure does. I went over and

checked every breaker I could find over there.

CDR Motors are not Jammed up. They're free.

PLT Sure does sound like a power problem.

CDR Shutter drive - yes.

PLT I checked those things too.

CDR Yes, that one 5-amp breaker to the rotary shutter

is in. I'm going to try resetting.

CC Ed, Houston.

SPT Go ahead, Story.

CC We see you operating the ATM and we suggest a

shopping list item on number 3 for the rest of
the pass here.
TAG Tape 338-07/T-219
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SPT Okay. They've got the film - the one right now
and I'll go into a 3. Hm_. Well -

CC Ed, it's a - shopping list item number 3, and

then do what you can on the pass.

PLT Okay.

CDR *** where it ends right here.

PLT Yes. Okay, Story. We're in box number 12 on

page 1-12.

CC Yes, we've followed you all the way down through

the malf, Bill.

338 17 21 53 PLT Okay. Now I'm going to go ahead and do the rest
of the EREP C&D post and let you all work up
some kind of diagnostic future - additional
diagnostic or troubleshooting for us.

CDR There's one possible reason or did you Just turn

it off?

PLT No, that's supposed to be off, see? It - it had

us turn it off in the malfunction procedure.

CDR Okay.

CC Okay. We concur with that, Bill. Press on.

PLT Okay. *** going to put those up, or you going

to look at them some more?

CDR I want to look them over again.

PLT Okay.

338 17 22 35 CC And we're about 30 seconds from LOS. We'll see

you over at Tananarive in 17 minutes at 17:40.

TAG Tape 338-08/T-220
Time: 338:17:30 to 338:19:00
Page 1 of 3/i189


338 17 hl 15 CC Skylab. AOS Tananarive for 3 minutes.

SPT Roger. Hello, Story.

CC Hello, Ed. And on your next ATM orbit, we'd like

you to pick up, as - as before, a shopping list
item number i. And then press on with those
ops that you've got listed on your pad starting
at 15:14.

SPT Okay. I understand that, Story. They got on this

last one a ... one half of shopping list item l,
that's the 52 part.

CC Oks_v. And, we don't mind you repeating that, be-

cause that is for a surge that we're seeing at
active region 87.

SPT Roger, Story. I understand.

CC Bill, Houston.

PLT Roger; go.

338 17 42 40 CC Bill, when you set up for S019, you might inspect
the articulating mirror system for any broken glass
or chips or emulsion flakes that might have re-
sulted from the S193 ops previously. If you see
any, vacuum - vacuum them up.

PLT Okay.

338 17 h3 13 CC And, sounds like we're goind LOS, here. We'll

see you over Goldstone in 45 minutes at 18:27.

338 18 27 53 CC Skylab. AOS Goldstone 5 minutes.

PLT Roger, Story.

CC And, Bill. On your question on TV-33. It's super.

The lighting was good. We appreciate the extra
scene showing the iodine injection. Everything
was great, and your TV-81 made nationwide TV a/so.

PLT Roger.
TAG Tape 338-08/T-220
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338 18 28 30 CC And, for your information, you fired 31 mibs in

total. And could you tell me if you got the M487-5,
that's the height measurements, during the post-
sleep period, this morning?

PLT Oh, no; I don't think we did.

CC Okay. Don't get it presleep tonight. We'll Just

put it on the shopping list for tomorrow.

PLT Okay. And, did you get Jet's narration last night?

CC Say again.

338 18 29 03 PLT Jer. made up a sound track for the short sequence
there. He was, just wondering if you got that.

CC Yes. We got it, Bill.

PLT Okay. Good. Thank you.

338 18 31 51 CC We're a minute from LOS, Skylab. And, 17 minutes

to the Vanguard, 18:49. Be dumping the data/voice
at Vanguard.

338 18 50 04 CC Skylab, AOS Vanguard for l0 minutes. And be

dumping the data/voice here.

PLT Roger, Story.

338 18 58 13 CC Skylab, we're 2 minutes until LOS. See you over

Tananarive in 15 minutes at 19:13.

338 18 58 55 CC Skylab, we're a minute and a half from LOS. Tan-

anarive in 14 minutes at 19:13. And, Ed, could
you get us the serial number of the TV camera
that you're using?

SPT Stand by, Story.

338 18 59 34 SPT Okay, Story. It's label number 2. Why? The

quality not all it should be?

CC No, sir. We've been showing it turned on quite

a lot here.

CC And we're doing a temperature calibration.

TAG Tape 338-08/T-220
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338 18 59 53 SPT Oh, all right. Is there any problem with that?
It - it's taken a little while to figure out how
to get a proper viewing of the panel in here.
We don't have much room to work with.

TAG Tape 338-09/T-221
Time: 338:19:00 to 338:20:30
Page 1 of 4/1193


338 19 00 01 CC No problem at all, Ed, and we're showing 3.8 min-

utes on the VTR.

338 19 00 07 SPT Thank you.

338 19 lh 56 CC Skylab, A0S Tananarive, 9 minutes.

CDR Roger, Story.

338 19 15 hl CDR Houston, CDR.

CC Go ahead, Jet.

CDR Roger, Story. I'd like to try a new routine on

the private phone calls, if we could.

CC Go.

CDR Okay. What do you say we have Just one phone call
a day? And we'll Just alternate through us. And
that'llwork out about to the right frequencyof
about twice a week. I think it'll ma1_e planning
a little bit easier for everybody and maybe give
us the opportunity to get the best possible pass
for each phone call. I think the only ground rules
that we'd like to probably set would be that it'd be
nice if we could have the phone calls in the even-
ing, or at least at a time in the day when the
kids are home. So on Saturdays and Stmdays that
could be Just about any day - any time of the day.
And why don't you go ahead and start with Ed to-
night, if it's not too late. If it's a little too
late tonight, start tomorrow with Ed. And then
Just check with Helen or Joann and find out who'd
be available the next night, and Just start alter-
nating every night right down the line.

338 19 16 48 CC Okay. Got it.

CDR Okay. That sounds like a fairly simple way to do

it. It'll be easier to manage than the other way.

CC Sounds fine, Jer.

CDR I kind of think the girls might like it better

that way, too.
TAG Tape 338-09/T-221
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333 19 17 O7 CC Okay.

333 19 21 16 CC Skylab, we're 3 minutes to LOS. See you over

Hawaii in about 37 minutes at 19:58.

338 19 58 04 CC Skylab, A0S Hawaii, 8 minutes.

CDR Hello, Story.

CC Hello.

338 19 58 31 CDR Story, the last time we passed by the southern

end of South America, about i00 miles or so off
to the east of the mainland there, we saw a - an
ice island.

CC Okay. By chance, did you get a photo?

CDR No, it was just a fleeting glimpse underneath a

cloud. We're going to go about over the same
place on this rev. We're going to have the cameras
ready - hopefully get a picture of it.

338 19 59 04 CC Okay.

338 20 00 37 SPT Say, Story, the teleprinter message which you

just sent up on S019 only partially printed. Let
me take a look at the system and see if I can
find any problems with it, and then I'll ask you
to send it again, if you would, please.

SPT Houston, Skylab.

CC Go ahead, Ed.

SPT Roger. Did you hear the last comment?

CC Yes, sir.

338 20 01 31 CC Ed, we'd like to send that again.

SPT Okay, Story. Hold up a minute. I got the cart-

ridge in my hand. Let me take a look at it, and
I'll put it back in and give you a call in a half
a minute or so.
TAG Tape 338-09/T-221
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CC Okay.

333 20 02 26 SPT Okay, Story. Go ahead; try it again.

CC Okay.

338 20 03 43 CC Okay, Ed. We got that message up.

SPT Okay, Story. Large pieces of it are coming out

blank. It's probably the way the paper is loaded
in there. I'll have to take a look at it. Stand

CC Roger.

338 20 05 h4 CC Skylab, we're a minute from LOS. 22 minutes from

the Vanguard at 20:27; be dumping the data/voice
at Vanguard.

338 20 05 52 SPT Okay, Story. Give it a try this time.

SPT The spool on the left-hand side was a little bit

below the stop, and the left-hand side of the
paper was a little dog-eared. And I think maybe
it was Just off to the - the axiswas not in the
right position.

CC Okay. We're sending the message up right now. If

it appears not to come out right, the next thing
to try is probably pull out a couple of feet of

SPT Okay. It think that's what we'll have to do, Story.

This one is almost like the other one - a little
more legible, but not - not much better.

338 20 06 _6 CC Okay.

338 20 38 15 CC Skylab, A0S through the Vanguard for 9 minutes.

Be dumping data/voice here.

SPT Houston, why don't you go ahead and try that tele-
printer message once again?

CC Okay, Ed. And you got a private call set up through

Guam at 00:41.

SPT Hey, thank you very much.

TAG Tape 338-09/T-221
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CC And that's VHF, LEFT. Bill's on for tomorrow, and

Jer, the day after.

CDR Roger. Thank you.

338 20 29 09 CC And Jer, we think we're run all the malfunction

procedures that we can right now on the S190A.
You'll be the C&D operator tomorrow. The only
thing we can suggest is - in the prep - is to
cycle the circuit breakers and check a couple
cables - power cables. Do you need any additional
scheduled time in the prep, Just for cycling circuit
breakers and checking a couple cables?

CDR Negative, I don't think so.

CC Okay.

338 20 29 56 SPT Hey, Story, the top couple lines are a little faint,
but the remainder looks good. Why don't we Just
press on from here, and we'll monitor it?

TAG Tape 338-I0/T-222
Time: 338:20:30 to 338:22:00
Page i of I/1197


338 20 30 05 CC Okay. Let us know.

SPT Say, Story. A little while back, I missed a TV

downlink, and if we come over when we're supposed
to be receiving and you're not getting it, I
wouldn't mind a quick reminder of it at all.

338 20 30 27 CC Okay. We'll do it. And did you notice any surges
the last pass on the west limb?

SPT No. I think I could see where it was because

there was a very large - it looked like a surge
head limb ... if you will, in other words it's
not one moving out but Just the remains of one.
If you will, a very large spicule inclined at an
angle. I cannot notice any real time rate of
change, however, looking at it.

CC Thanks.

332 20 36 48 CC We're a minute from LOS and 17 minutes to Tanana-

rive at 20:53.

338 20 55 02 CC Skylab. We're AOS through Tananarive for about

2 minutes. The next station's Hawaii at 21:34.

338 21 3_ 38 CC Skylab, A0S Hawaii I0 minutes.

338 21 h3 15 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS, 23 minutes to the

Vanguard at 22:06, and be dumping the data/voice
over Vanguard. Ed, Houston.

SPT Go ahead.

CC Ed, you're scheduled for a M133 tonight; but if

you think it in any way intefers with your sleep,
we'd like you to delete the M133 operations for

SPT That's all right, Story, I'ii press on with it,

no problem.

338 21 h3 h_ CC Okay.

TAG Tape 338-II/T-223
Time: 338:22:00 to 338:23:30
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338 22 06 25 CC Skylab, A0S through the Vanguard for 9 minutes.

SPT Hello, Story.

CC Hello, Ed.

SPT Hey, Story, how manyminutes do I have on the VTR?

CC Stand by 1. You got 21 on there now and about 9


SPT Okay, I've finished pretty much what I wanted to

put onthere. If you like, I'll Just turn it on
and let them Watch me at the panel. Whatever your
druthers are.

338 22 07 17 CC Okay, it sounds like you got it completed, Ed.

We'll go ahead and dump what you got when you're

i- SPT Okay. You want me to put it in REWIND, or are

you folks taking care of it?

CC We'll get it.

SPT Okay.

338 22 08 01 SPT Story, is there a way of picking up that TV down-

link some time later today or right now?

CC Stand by.

338 22 09 03 CC Ed, we're not going to be dumping the VTR until

after you go to bed anyway. Why don't you put
that downlink on the VTR at your convenience?

SPT Okay. I thought the folks down there wanted the -

the downlink for planning for tomorrow, and I
don't know if I put it on the VTR whether it'd
be useful to them.

CC We - -

SPT ... Just put something on for us though.

TAG Tape 338-II/T-223
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CC We get it down faster if you put it on the VTR.

SPT Oh, all right. I'll go ahead and do that.

338 22 09 55 SPT Okay, Story, a question for the - on the JOPS. I

have essentially gone through all of them for this
particular orbit. However, there was one pointing
which is - which was done in error, and I'm going
back and picking that one up now. I probably will
not have time to completely get two mirror lines -
mirror, auto rasters in however. The previous one
was done i00 arc seconds off. I'm wondering whether
they'd like us to pick that up on the next orbit.

338 22 i0 20 CC Copy. And the Flight Plans are going up. You
might check and see if they're legible for us.

CC And, Ed, you got some observing time the next orbit.
Maybe you can redo that mirror, auto raster at that

SPT Okay, very good. Will fo. The teleprinter looks

good. There's Just a little faint stripe about
1 inch form the left-hand side, but it's still
legible. _.

338 22 ll 12 CC Okay, we can hear her pounding out from here.

338 22 15 3h CC Skylab, we're about 30 seconds to LOS. We'll see

you over Ascension, 8 minutes.

338 22 22 28 CC Skylab, A0D Ascension h minutes.

338 22 23 23 SPT Story, that last Flight Plan you sent up, there
was two Flight Plans included. The first one came
out real well along with the details. The second
one, on the left-hand side, Just faded off again
into nothing, and only the right-hand side remained.
So we' re going to have to work it a little up here,
and if you have any ideas, let us know and we'll
work it.

CC Probably the quickest thing you can do is - is

change a canister now.

338 22 24 25 CC Try changing the paper and the cartridge, Ed.

CC And, also, let us know what Flight Plan we need

to send up again.
TAG Tape 338-II/T-223
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338 22 25 41 CC Skylab, _e 're a minute from LOS. And you got a

long LOS here, about an hour and 20 minutes to
the Vanguard at 23:43.

SPT Okay, Story. Let us work the teleprinter. And

it looks like the - from the remarks on for the
CDR's Flight Plan, the remarks plus the ... EREP,
are all pretty illegible.

CC Okay.

SPT And the VTR is rewinding.

338 22 26 36 CC Okay.

CC Did you get that ATM downlink on, Ed?

SPT Yes, I did, Story. I was pointing it off - pretty

far off the sun, so I gave it a little XUV MON. I
couldn't give it any white light coronograph. We're
pretty far out of the field of view of most of the

338 22 27 26 CC Okay, I'd - of course, don't put any more on now

that you' ve rewound.

TAG Tape 338-12/T-224
T_me: 338:23:30 to 339:01:00
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338 23 44 07 CC Skylab, Houston through Vanguard for 10-1/2 minutes.

SPT Roger, Hank. We've got an 8A door that's hung.

CC That's copied.

CC CDR, Houston. Did you get the teleprinter paper

changed out and - so we can uplink some Flight
Plan to you.

CDR That's affirmative, Hank.

CC And if you've got a minute, we'd sure like to get

us a description again of Just what the bad mes-
sage looked like.

CDE Haven't got time right now; I'm trying to close

out the ATM and get down to S019.

338 23 45 07 CC Okay, no problem.

SPT Okay, Hank, I can give you a little description of

the message. The first part of the Flight Plan
was all right until we got down to the, "If no
EREP alternative." And at that point, the left
side started to fade off, and gradually we got
down to where there was only about one-quarter of
the message left on the right-hand side, and the
left side had completely faded out to nothing.
Before that, we Just had a couple of pad - small
parts of the pad would be missing - Just general
areas had been faded out. So we took and changed
out both the paper and the cartridge.

CC Okay, we copy. And we're going to uplink some

more. If you get the chance you might check us,
and - check it, and tell us how it looks.

SPT Okay -

CC It'll be a little while before we can get them up.

SPT Okay. What do th% people in the backroom see on

the 82A door? We've got a white flag, and we've
TAG Tape 338-12/T-22h
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gone through the ms] function procedure; tried to

open it once through the DAS and with no success.
So we're waiting for you folks.

CC Okay, we're - we're discussing it now, Ed.

338 23 47 32 CC SPT, Houston. Did you reset both the primary and
secondary motors?

SPT That's negative, Hank. We Just went through the

malfunction procedure as called out for in the
ATM malfs. I don't have - I'm not up there right
now - and entered the DAS command, which is an
altenuate one to open the door. And the rest says
let's wait for Houston to see what the - which door
is hung and where to proceed. We did not try
changing motors.

CC Okay.

338 23 _8 _4 CC Okay, the reason we asked the question there, I

guess the CDR's still up there, is that we've
been operating dual motors on that door for some
time. So when you - and the real doesn't reflect
that. So what we'd like to do is go back and try
the mat again, and reset both motors and see what
happens. Apply power to both motors.

SPT Okay, Hank. No one is up there right now. You

want me to go on up and work it? I'll go on up
there right now and -

CC SPT, while you're up there, we'd like you to

configure the panel for unattended if you would.
On the S054, we need to get the PICTURE RATE to

338 23 51 57 CC And, SPT, we'd like to wait until sunset until you
run the mal.

SPT Okay, Hank, have you reconfigured the motors?

CC If you want us to do that from the ground, Ed,

we Can.

SPT Either that or refer me to the point in the mal-

function that gives me the proper procedures. I
can look them up and configure both motors, if you
TAG Tape 338-12/T-22h
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CC Okay, we'll command it, Ed.

338 23 53 18 CC And, Skylab, we've got a Flight Plan and details

on board. I'd like to get a check on it sometime
soon so we'll know how we're doing on that. And
also the teleprinter switch is in ON and it should
be in COMMAND.

SPT Okay ... on it Just as the last part of it was

coming out and that seemed to help some. They
still look a little fainter than the ones we've
been working with, however.

CC You dropped out on part of that, Ed, do we under-

stand that the message is legible?

SPT Yes, Just barely legible. I was able to improve

it by tightening up on the four Zeus fasteners
which hold down the cartridge into the unit. I
think for this - for the CDR pad, I think you'd
better send that one up again; that - there's a
lot of characters which are - are not legible.
Most of it is, but there are a few which are not.

_ 338 23 54 32 CC Okay, we'll resend that one, and we have got as

far as getting both motors inhibited, and I don't
know whether we've got enough time left in this
pass to enable.

338 23 5h 50 CC We'll do that as -

338 23 57 41 CC Skylab, Houston, we're through Ascension for

l0 minutes. And I guess we got another question
so we'll understand the problem more fully. Did
the door fail to close? Or did you have trouble
getting it open?

CDR Houston, it failed to open on sunrise. We cycled

it one time and then decided we better not mess
with it anymore.

CC Okay, we copy. And why don't we go ahead and

finish up the malf from the ground? And there's
no need in you staying at the panel or - or the
SPT. So we'll go ahead and run it from the ground.

CDR Okay.
TAG Tape 338-12/T-224
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339 00 00 26 CC SPT, Houston. Are you busy or can you answer us

a question now?

SPT Go ahead, Hank.

CC Roger, we're - we're curious as to how ED63 worked

out ?

SPT I was afraid you'd ask that. I've been working

it, Hank, but it looks as though the three plants
are no longer alive. When I went to pull off one
of the leaves or any of the leaves, they Just came
off real easily, implying that there's no resis-
tance to pulling them off the stem and implying
that they were dead. I have put them under the
microscope, and I'm looking at them, and I do not
see any streaming. However, I'll try and take
some pictures of the best looking specimens, and
maybe you' ll be able to see something when I bring
it back; but I do not see anything like I did
last time.

CC Roger, we copy.

SPT Mechanically, the optical system is working okay.

I wish I had gotten the word on that last time
we were working it.

339 00 02 35 CC Skylab, Houston, no need to respond, but the VTR

voice that we got yesterday from TV-33 was the
best yet; it was 5 by 5.

339 00 06 08 CC Skylab, Houston, we Just finished commanding on

the - on the 82A door and we inhibited and then
reapplied power to both motors and opened the
door and closed the door. And everything seems
to be all right now. It appears there's possibi-
lity that the door may not have completely closed
on the prior night cycle.

CDR Hank, were we running on one motor only at that


CC Say again?

CDR Were we running on one motor up to this time?

CC We've been running on two motors.

TAG Tape 338-12/T-22_
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CDR 0kay, I'm a little perplexed then on how you solved

the problem. What commands did you put in?

CC We're about 30 seconds from LOS. We'll be coming

up on Guam at 41. And we're scheduled to dump the
recorders there. And a reminder to you, Ed, that's
your private phone call. And in the last few
seconds here, what we did was we inhibited both
motor powers, then we enabled both of them and issued
a door open command; the door opened, and we
issued a door close command, and the door closed.

CDR Okay, it's kind of hard to see how that would work
but I'm glad it did. Thank you.

339 00 07 h0 CC I think there's some kind of logic in there that

gets reset when it runs through all of that. And
we do have some pads on hoard. If you get a chance,
we'd like you to look at them. And then at Guam,
we can talk to you about how they look.

339 00 4i 23 CC Skylab, Houston through Guam for 8-1/2 minutes

and as a reminder, we're dumping the recorder at
this site.

339 00 41 30 PLT Roger, Hank.

TAG Tape 339-01/T-225
Time: 339:01:00 to 339:02:30
Page 1 of 9/1209


339 01 21 ii CC Skylab, Houston through Vanguard for 10-1/2 minutes.

CDR Hello, Hank.

CC And we had a power failure at Guam on the last site,

so we didn't talk to anybody on the S-band.

CDR That's allright, Hank. My wife told me everything.

SPT Yes, Hank, that was nice.

CC You were able to get something done, huh?

CDR Yes, Guam ought to have more power failures.

CC A little while ago, we sent up a couple of pads -

checklist changes on the EREP coolant loop, where
we're going to leave the EREP loop up. And I
thought I - we owe you the rationale behind that -
is that we've noticed that the coolant loop runs
a little more stable when the path is opened up to
the EREP.

339 01 22 28 CDR Roger; that doesn't bother EREP cooling at all,

though, does it? Correction, ATM cooling.

CC Negative.

CDR Seems to me I remember back in the fog somewhere

that there was some sort of a flap about running
those two at the same time all the time because
of - was it particles or contimination, or some-
thing like that?

CC Yes, Jer, we had a problem - prelaunch, I think,

we had some contamination in the lines and we
cleaned that out, and there was some worry about
it then. We - brought a filter back as you re-
call on SL-2 or 3, I forget which, and checked
that and didn't find anything in it.

339 01 23 15 CDR Oh, yes, that's right. Okay. Well, thanks a

lot; we'll put that in the checklist.
TAG Tape 339-01/T-225
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CC While we're on that subject, what is the status of

the check la - checklist changes? We've kind of
fired up a lot of little nitpickers yesterday.
Have - are you pretty much up to date?

CDR Well, I was up to date until yesterday, and then

you - you guys ate us alive last night and this
morning. And it's going to take us awhile to get
caught up now. We were feeling pretty proud of
ourselves until we took a look at the teleprinter
this morning, and then we knew we'd been had.

CC Well, we're sorry about that, but I guess some of

them had to be - had to be done.

CDR Yes, we'll try to nab a little time tomorrow to get

it done; if we don't I'm going to ask for time
allotted day after tomorrow. I'll try to get
some of them done tonight.

CC Okay.

339 01 24 22 SPT Say, Hank, in looking at the Flight Plan for to-
morrow, I have a question of whether the ATM brief
is at the same time as the ATM pass.

CC Okay, the conference is at 14:02, and I think you're

due on the console at 14:lh.

SPT Okay, that's good, Hank. I wonder if we could get

ground rule that I wouldn't have to try to do
both at the same time. I can't do Justice to
both of them, and I usually end up not doing
justice to either one of them.

339 O1 25 ll CC Has that happened, Ed? It certainly wasn't

supposed to be that way.

SPT Yes, that was this morning.

CC Well, all I can say is it shouldn't have, and we'll

try not to let it happen again.

SPT Thank you, Hank.

TAG Tape 339-01/T-225
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339 01 26 08 CDR Hey, Hank, do you think our EREP maneuvers - Z - LV

maneuvers now have matured to the point to where
we can let Ed run the ETC? Based on this morning's
exercise, Hank, I think that it serverly hampers
the VTS operator to have to hustle betweeen those
two. VTS operator needs at least 2 or 3 minutes
to start getting his lead-ins to his target. Now
had the targets this morning been Lake Mead instead
of those volcanoes, it might have been a different
story, but I can't really be sure of that either.

CC Roger. And I guess I would agree with you - -

SPT I think I see what we can do is have the CMG

INHIBIT punched up on the DAS, attitude errors on
the panel, and I think those guys can take a glance
back occasionally mud look at attitude errors, and,
if necessary, then punch in the - hit the enter

339 01 27 47 CC Skylab, we're still discussing that one down here.

At the moment, I guess we feel like we still need
to monitor the maneuver and the Z-LV past, but
we're definitely trying to get out of that model
as soon as we have some confidence in, in our
MMP run.

CDR Okay.

CC Has anyone looked at the messages that we have

sent up to see if we're getting good ones now?

PLT Okay, they're legible now, Hank, Just a little

fainter than normal.

CC Okay, we copy.

CC Skylab, Just to clear up a little handover item

here, did - were you asked to take a look at the
EREP desiccant?

339 01 29 12 CDR Negative.

339 Ol 29 15 CC Okay, when you get a moment, I guess we'd like to -

if you get a chance, to check the conditons of
those things.

PLT Well, we checked them anyway; they're all blue.

You're talking about the S190, right?
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CC That 's affirmative.

CDR Yes, that's part of the VTS operator's post-operate


CC Okay.

PLT What it looks like, Hank, is we get about two runs

out of each set of desiccants that we install.

CC Okay, we copy.

CC SPT, Houston. What did you do with the vials from

Ed 63?

SPT Hank, I still have them in their ... stowage lo-

cation and I'm waiting for a suitable burial -
burial time.

339 01 30 38 CC Okay, you - we would like for you to hang on to

those vials. The PII still don't want to get rid
of them. They say that the possibility may be some
live portions of the plants way down in the vials,
down at the bottom, if you haven't already looked

SPT Okay, Hank, I'll take another look, but I looked

over the two healthy vials pretty much all the
way down to the roots and they looked - there
was no resistance to pulling or - they were pretty
much Just like much almost all the way through.

CC Roger; we copy. And we're about 30 seconds from

LOS. We'll see you at Ascension at 38, and that's
about 7 minutes from now.

339 01 31 h8 SPT Hank, tell the folks down there I sure am sorry
about the ED63. I have a tough time understanding
why they went if they can live in these kind of
conditions down on the ground because we had the
helpful light and essentially all the materials
•.. they were getting down there.

339 01 32 09 CC Roger; we copy.

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339 01 39 ll CC Skylab, Houston. We've got you for about 2 minutes

here through Ascension.

CDR Roger, Hank. Step i of housekeeping 60 Alfa is

completed now.

CC Okay, thank you Jer. And if PLT is available, or

anybody for that matter, we'd like to know how the
desiccants that are baking out look.

CDR Oh, they're coming out real fine. The set of de-
siecants that ree in the 190 right now came out of
the oven yesterday, and they were dark blue.

CC Roger; we copy.

PLT Hank, how's it coming along on trouble - shooting

this 190 Alfa problem?

CC Okay, we're talking about that right now, Bill.

We - we've got a procedure we may want to try in
the morning - cycling same circuit breakers and
things like that. We're working on that now. And
we are looking at the possibility of trying to ex-
tend the prep tomorrow, so that we can get some
troubleshooting in on the 190.

339 01 h0 33 PLT Okay, if you got about - well, if you got a few
minutes it can be done tonight profitably, I
wouldn't mind doing that tonight. I'm not asking
for work, Hank. I'm just saying if it can help

339 01 40 48 CC Okay, we understand. And we're - we're about to

go LOS. We'll have a real short dropout and pick
up in another minute with the Canaries and Madrid.

339 01 42 44 CC Skylah, Houston. We're with you through Canaries

and Madrid for 12 minutes.

CDR Roger.

CC Got one other thing got snowed under on things to

get up to you. And awhile ago when we had the
problem at Guam, we didn't get to manage the voice
and data recorder like we should have. So if you
tried to record anything in the i0 minutes prior to
Vanguard, it won't be on there because the re-
corder had run to end of tape and stopped.

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CDR I think we are al right. I think we were all

eating about then_ Ed was exercising.

CC Okay, good thing.

339 01 45 16 CC Skylab, Houston. This may be grasping at straws,

I don't know. But in regard to the teleprinter,
one suggestion that came in was you might try
loosening the Calf axes on the cartridge, and then
push on the cartridge such that you're pushing
the paper up against the head as hard as you can
do it. And then retighten the Calfaxes and verify
that the cartridge then is flush to the front panel
of the teleprinter.

339 01 45 46 CDR Okay, I'Ii try that, Hank.

CC And we'd like to wait until after Madrid, this

pass, to do that, so we can send up some pads at
this time.

CDR Okay, I'ii hold off.

CC And, PLT, Houston. I think what we're going to do

in regard to the S190, this message we're put
together I think will stand on its own. So we're
going to go ahead and try to ship that as soon as
we can. And then you can take a look at it, and,
if you have any free time, you can work on it
as you can.

PLT Thank you, Hank.

339 01 53 35 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute from LOS.

Guam will be coming up 20 past the hour. That
will be the evening status report, too. We plan
to ship up this S190 message at Guam. And I don't
know how long it will take to run it if you get a
chance to run any portion of it. But if you do try
to run it and don't try to get all of it, Just go
to step 8 on the procedure, and shut it down.

PLT Roger; step 8 and shut it down.

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CC Roger. When you look at the pad, Bill, it'll be

obvious to you there. And also after we go LOS
here, if you get chance, you might try to tighten
up that teleprinter a little hit.

339 01 54 20 PLT Will do.

339 02 19 50 CC Skylab, Houston through Guam for 7 minutes.

PLT Roger, Houston.

CC And we're standing by to receive the evening


CDR Okay, coming up.

339 02 20 33 CDR Okay, evening status: CDR, 7.5 - 7.0 hard, 0.5 light:
SPT, 8.5 - 8.2 hard, 0.3 light; PLT, 7-3/4 - 6 heavy,
1-3/4 light. Volume: CDR, ii00; SPT, 2300;
PLT, 2000. Water gun reading: CDR, 7045; SPT,
1995; PLT, 8239. Body mass: CDR, 6.299, 6.297,
6.301; SPT, 6.362, 6.365; 6.370; PLT 6.245, 6.251,
6.250. Exercise: crewman, CDR; method Alfa, leg,
29, 4600. Method Bravo; Alfa, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot;
10; 20 each. MethodCharlie;Charlie,Delta,
Foxtrot; 06; 15 each. Method Echo; Alfa, Bravo;
03; i0 each. Method Foxtrot, walk, i0, NA; toe
rises, 01, i00. SPT, method Alfa, leg, 40, 337.
Method Foxtrot, springs, 09, 400; toe rises, 01,
i00. PLT, method Alfa, leg, 29, 5000. Method
Delta; Alfa, Bravo, Delta; 08; 50 each. Method
Charlie; Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot,
Gulf and Hotel_ 07; 15 each. Method Foxtrot, walk,
12, NA; toe rises, 01, 90. Medication: none.

339 02 22 36 CDR Gar - Garments discarded: CDR, one pair of socks,

one pair of shorts; SPT, one pair of shorts;
PLT, none. Food log: salt - the CDR, salt zero,
deviation - minus one vanilla wafers, minus one
coffee with sugar; SPT, 11.5 salt, deviation -
minus jam, rehydration water, zero; and for the
CDR, rehydration water is plus 1.0; PLT, salt zero,
deviation - plus vanilla wafers, rehydration water
zero. Camera log: M487-4 Delta, Charlie India 71,
81, Charlie India 82; EREP I0, which is a 140-fc,ot
cassette, Charlie Lima 09, 64, NA; ED63, Charlie
India 125, 08, Charlie India 124. Nikon; 01,
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Charlie X-ray 20, 25; 02, empty; 03, Charlie

India ll0, no change; Oh empty; 05, Bravo Hotel 04,
16. 70-millimeter, Charlie X-ray 47, 052; ETC,
Charlie Tango 10, 087; EREP set Kilo, 97h6, 1932,
9h69, 8837, 0608, 9513. Drawer A configuration:
Alfa l, transporter 07, no change; AZfa 2,
transporter 05, no change; Alfa 3, 06, Charlie
India 125, 08, Charlie India 124; Alfa h, 03,
Charlie India 71, 81, Charlie India 82; back, 02,
no change. Okay, under Flight Plan deviations:
none. Shopping list accomplishments: none.
Inoperable equipment and disposition: the Mark I
exerciser return mechanism, the recoil mechanism
has failed. We need time to troubleshoot it.
Urine bag number 1522 failed this morning;
details are on tape. Unscheduled stowage, none.

339 02 25 34 CC Roger; we copy.

CDR And that 's it, Hank.

CC Okay, and the S190 troubleshooting procedure is

onboard, and if someone could take a look, we'd
like to see if the message printed out any
better, once Bill pulled the head in a little
closer to the - I mean the paper closer to the
print head.

CDR Okay.

PLT I pulled that down as tight as I could toward the

printing mechanism when I tightened the Calfax,
and we still have gaps in the print.

CC Okay; is - is it readable, Bill?

339 02 26 24 PLT Stand by. Let me take a look at it, Hank.

CC Okay, and in the mean time, we're about 40 seconds

from LOS. Honeysuckle at 32 with the med con-
ference and a reminder that at 36 you go into a
Nu Z update window.

PLT Roger, Hank. Got that and this is - looks pretty

good all except for the first few lines, so we
may be back in business.

CC Okay, we'll just watch it then on the next few

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PLT About the only thing I can't read it says voice

record something and rotate camera to intermediate
position, l'm ass_Tmlng. Part of that is left
out, but it's pretty clear it is. The only thing
I can't really make out is the very first line:
voice record all something or the other I guess
procedures or steps.

CC Roger; that's record all steps.

339 02 27 23 PLT Okay.

TAG Tape 339-02/T-226
TIME: 339:02:30 to 339:04:00
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339 03 19 56 CC Skylab, Houston through Canary and Madrid for

13 minutes. And we'll be dumping the data
recorder and voice recorder here.

SPT Okay, Hank.

CDR Houston, CDR. We're com - We've finished house-

keeping 60 Alfa up through step number 7.

CC Roger; copy.

SPT Hank, I could give you the frames count on ATM,

if you like.

CC Go ahead.

339 03 20 37 SPT H-ALPHA, 13288; 56, 04749; XUV SPECT, 00149;

XUV SLIT, 01418; WLC, 05704; X-RAY SPET is 04601.

SPT Hank, I got a question about the ETC for tomorrow.

CC Go ahead.

339 03 21 26 SPT Which film load will we be using? What - Are

we going to be loading the prime mag and if so,
with what?

CC Ed, in the remarks on your details it says, "Load

the ETC prime mag with CTII that's in Echo 20."
That is Echo 20. "Stow exposed film and CTI0
in E-19."

SPT Okay, Hank. I guess that's my Flight Plan coming

up right now. Thank you.

339 03 24 21 CC Skylab, Houston. In - in answer to an earlier

question regarding the SPT's monitoring the
EREP maneuvers, we'll be sending up a message
tonight. We've done a further evaluation, and
what we're going to do is relieve the ZPT of
monitorin_ durin< the - the pass, cxcent _or thos_
critical parts of the maneuvers _md the - in the
Z-LV itself, where the outer gimbal drive logic
is not active or the reset routine is not actiw_.
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SPT Okay, Hank.

339 03 25 03 CDR Hank, this is CDR. l've got two cryo vent valves
up here, and l'm - I think l'm going to use the -
the rig that's up in locker D-400. The other
cryo vent valve is the one I found in A-9 on the
workshop floor and I think I'ii Just leave that
where it is.

339 03 25 25 CC Roger. We copy.

339 03 26 21 CC CDR, Houston.

CC CDR, Houston. Are there any words you can put

on us regarding the Mark I failure that - may
help us in working out something for you?

CDR Well, Hank, we really haven't even had the time

to fool with it. But we - you can pull the rope
clear out, and then it just won't wind up again.
And that's as far as we've gone with it. We just
haven't had time to sit down and look it over and
see if we could figure out what the problem was.

339 03 26 56 CC Okay, i guess we'll just take a look at it and __

see if we can come up with some failure modes then
and maybe something we can do about it.

CDR Okay. Also, Bill and I have not had the opportu-
nity to do any of the DAC troubleshooting either.
I think we're going to have to schedule some time
in order to do it; there's Just no free time in the
day for that.

339 03 27 19 CC Okay; we copy. And if - if someone is near the

STS, we'd like to do some REG BUS ADJUST and - so
we can watch them here with telemetry.

CDR Okay, they're all adjusted, I believe.

CC Okay, EGIL wants a fine tweak. He says we're a

little bit too high. We'd like to rotate both
of the REG BUS ADJUST post, i and 2, 20 degrees

CDR Okay, Bill Pogue will be with you in a sec.

339 03 28 ii PLT Okay, would you say that again, Hank? I was on
channel A, recording.
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CC Okay, we want to get REG BUS i, REG BUS 2 - both

of them - counterclockwise approximately 20 degrees.

PLT That' s in work.

339 03 28 50 PLT Okay, they're all in steady now, Hank. Take a

look at that one.

CC Okay, we'll look at it.

339 03 30 ii CC PLT, Houston. We had a recorder dump going at

that last site, and we had just stopped the dump
about 30 seconds prior to the point where you
said you were using the recorder; so I don't
know whether you got everything on the tape or
not •

PLT Okay, Hank. I was - I was just recording the

steps of this EREP procedure.

CC Okay, have you turned anything up so far?

339 03 30 38 •PLT Negative. I'm - I'm hung up on step 6 right

now. I'm trying to locate that gear - the FMC
drive ara - area - locate the FMC drive gears.
I have - I remember doing it a long time ago, but
it'll just take me a while to figure it out.

339 03 30 53 CC Okay.

CC Are all the messages coming up now looking

pretty good?

PLT Stand by just a second; I'll check them.

339 03 31 47 PLT They' re all readable, Hank. Looks like - You

know, when your typewriter ribbon's just about
worn out? That's about what they look like.

CC Roger; we copy.

339 03 32 22 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 40 seconds from

LOS. We' ii be coming up on Carnarvon at 59,
which is right after bedtime, but we want to do
that just in case we have to make a final tweak
on the REG BUSES. And if - if you so desire, [
could give you a few words of news there. At
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this point in the local election, Hofheinz is

leading Gottlieb by only a couple of percentage
points, with something over 200,000 votes in.
It's too close to predict.

CDR Roger, Hank. We'll see you then.

339 03 33 07 CC And, SPT, one _ast thing going over the hill.
If you're going to do that ETC prep tonight,
there's an - a 151 scheduled with it.

TAG Tape 339-03/T-227
Time: 339:04:00 to 339:04:56
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339 04 00 45 CC Skylab, Houston through Carnarvon and Honeysuckle

for 13-1/2 minutes.

PLT Roger, Hank. PLT here. l've got a report on the

... troubleshooting.

CC Okay, you faded out a little bit there, Bill,

but we're ready to copy.

PLT Roger. l've got some good news and some bad news.
First the bad news. Step 6, the end of step 6,
the FMC circuit breaker popped. That's the bad
news. And it's still OUT. The good news is that
when I did step 7, I got all three shutter speeds.

CC Okay; that sounds good.

PLT So it looks like we're out FMC for the moment.

CC Okay, it sounds like your good news is gooder than

the bad news is bad.

PLT That's good to know. We weren't sure exactly how

critical that FMC was. And the rest of the
procedure down through step 8 has been completed.
The remote operation from panel ii0 was satisfac-
tory. I did the checklist, the procedure, as per
the EREP checkout checklist.

339 04 02 12 CC Okay. And so just to make sure we got it straight,

when you got down to step 6 and tried that, the
FMC circuit breaker popped.

PLT That's affirm. When I turned the little gear and

moved the FMC screw a half a turn and pushed the
circuit breaker back IN and then whatever the next
step is - Yes, where I CLOSED the circuit breaker,
it started turning and popped. But when I went
ahead to check the shutter speed, everything else
worked nominally. And that FMC circuit breaker
is still OUT.

CC Okay, what we were looking for then - I guess the

message was worded a little poorly there - when -
That screw should have turned back to the original
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position, and I guess we might have a problem


339 04 03 O0 PLT It tried to. But I know what the original position
was. It's got a lug that sticks out on the shaft;
so I - I'm - it was about the 12:30 position from
my reference point as I looked at it. So I know
how to put it back where it was.

CC Okay, let us mull that over for a while, Bill, and

for the time being, we certainly don't want to try
putting that circuit bres_er back IN.

PLT Okay, I figured you'd want to know that and figured

you'd want to do just that. We'll leave it the
way it is. I've got it all buttoned up, and
everything is on tape.

CC Okay; real good. Really appreciate it. And if

you're still up in that area, we'd like to get
one more tweak on the REG ADJUST.

PLT Give me about 30 seconds.

339 04 04 01 CDR Hank, the housekeeping 60 Alfa is complete. The

cryo vent valve is connected up to the hatch dump,
and I've got the polychoke on orifice setting
number 1.

CC Roger. We copy.

PLT PLT is in the STS ready to do REG ADJUST.

CC Okay, on REG - REG BUS i, we'd like to go 5 degrees

counterclockwise, and we need - It's still a little
bit high. We just want to bring it down a little
bit more.

PLT Okay, you've got it. Take a look at that.

CC Okay. Thank you, Bill. And we really appreciate

your efforts on that S190 tonight; we wouldn't
have had time to do that tomorrow.

PLT That's what I was afraid of. I don't want to miss

another pass of 190 stuff. Just so we'll sleep a
little easier, how critical is that FMC? We can
still get some pretty good pictures, without it,
can't we?
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CC We're hearing numbers, Bill, like i0 percent.

We're going to look into it over the night. May
be a i0 percent resolution loss, which is really
not too bad.

PLT Okay. Thank you.

339 04 07 12 CC PLT, Houston. That FMC circuit breaker wasn't

already OPEN when you went to the camera, like it
may have popped earlier, was it?

PLT That's negative. When I got to that step, I had

to pull it.

CC Okay.

PLT And, Hank, it'll probably he about a half hour

before I get to sleep; so if you want to make one
or two more calls to clarify the troubleshooting
during the night, well, go ahead and give me a
call, up to about 10:30 or quarter of ii.

339 04 09 14 CC CDR, Houston. Are you still available?

CDR Go ahead, Hank.

CC Okay, we've got a question on what you read down

about housekeeping 60 Alfa. Did you innerconnect
the cryo vent valve and the hatch QD with a
high-pressure vent hose?

CDR That's affirmative.

CC Okay, we had a checklist change that went up

here today that was - deleted that step. Went
up early this morning. We didn't want that hose
connected up to the side hatch there, the hatch QD.

CDE Well, you know how it is in the paper world. Okay,

I'ii go up and disconnect it. Is polychoke
orifice i okay?

CC That's affirmative.

CDR Okay.

339 Oh i0 58 CC And, CDR, Houston. We want you to disconnect the

hatch QD also. Get the QD and the pressure vent
hose off.
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CDR Wilco.

CC And, PLT, that was a beautiful tweak you did on

those pots. It's Just about exactly what we

339 04 ii 32 CDR Houston, how does weight process - processor

exhaust pressure look to you there?

CC We'll check it.

339 04 12 36 CC That looks okay to us.

CDR Okay, my leader Just pegged out high again.

CC Ok - Okay; I guess that's the probelmwe've had

with that thing all along. We're reading 0.006,
which is good.

CDR Okay, I'm re - reinitiating the squeezer dump.

339 04 13 14 CC Skylab, we're about a minute from LOS. We won't

talk to you anymore tonight. We'll see you in the
morning, l'm sorry we hit you with so many things
this evening. You guys are doing a real good job
again today. The only little bit of news I'ii
pass on to you is, the election here locally is
still pretty close. Last count I had was Hofheinz
approximately 123,000 to Gottlieb ll9,000; so I
guess we won't know until it's all counted.

339 04 13 48 CDR Thanks, Hank. And good night.

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Time: 339:11:30 to 339:13:00
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339 12 14 46 CC (Music)

339 12 17 02 CC Good morning, Skylab. We're AOS through - -

PLT Good morning, Crip.

CC - - Carnarvon here. And we've got you for about

another 2 minutes, and then we'll hand over to

PLT Okay.

339 12 18 37 CC Skylab, Houston. We're going to go LOS from

Carnarvon in about 30 seconds, and I'll have you
again in about 45 over Honeysuckle.

339 12 18 46 PLT Okay, Crip.

339 12 19 47 CC Skylab, Houston. We're back with you through

Honeysuckle Creek for 4 minutes.

CDR Hello, hello.

CC Hello, hello. Whenever you guys get a chance to

wonder up and look at the teleprinter, we're kind
of anxious to know whether the messages up there
are readable or not.

SPT Okay, we'll let you know.

CDR Okay, I'm taking a look at them now, Bob.

CC Okay. There is sure a lot of reading if I have

to do it all verbally.

SPT Pity the guy that's got to write it.

CC Roger that.

CC Woodpecker assures me it's going to work.

339 12 22 43 PLT Okay, Crip_ they all look good, but - Well, let's
say not good but readable. And you may expect
one or two calls to clarify certain letters or
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numbers. It looks like it's very - it's sort of

dim, but you can read it.

CC Okay. I guess it still sounds pretty much like

it looks - like you explained it to us last night

PLT Yes.

339 12 23 08 CC Okay, we're 1 minute from LOS. We'll see you

again over Hawaii in about 15 minutes at 12:38.
And as you're looking through those pads, there
is [sic] a few things I want to - I'm going to
have to explain to you, like we have uplinked a
couple of extra VTS and ETC pads because we're
goingto try to get Ed to do those so you
won't have to be hustling back there back and
forth all the time. But we'll talk about those
a little later.

339 12 38 00 CC Skylab, Houston. We're A0S through Hawaii for

8 minutes.

CC SPT, Houston. Ed, I've got several changes I'm

going to need to make to your detail Flight -_
Plan. If you got time, we can get them this pass;
if not, we can get them a little bit later. Pro-
bably the most immediate one is that the upcoming
laser photograph has been scrubbed due to weather.

339 12 39 48 SPT I'ii be with you in a minute, Crip.

CC Okay. No - no rush, Ed. I didn't give you time to

rub the sleep out of your eyes yet.

SPT We'll be past the Z-LV pass if you wait for that,
Crip. Go ahead.

CC (Laughter) Okay, do you have your detail pad

handy, Ed?

SPT Sure do. l'm looking at it.

CC Okay, first - first line item, that 12:58, you

can scrub off. Okay, the - at 14:51, we have
you down for the Z-LV assist; we need to change
that to 14:48, and the times will be 14:48 to
15:00. Okay, tell me when you got that one.
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SPT Late results from the computer came in again, huh?

CC You're - Roger that. We get a little bit smart -

we get a little bit smarter on the maneuvers as
we go through the evening. Okay, now I'm going
to talk a little bit more about this maneuvering
for the Z-LV. But we're actually going to need
you on the panel there at three separate times,
and we don't need you there continuously throughout
this thing. So I need you back again at 16:01 to
16:13 with the Z-LV assist and again at 16:27 to
16:38 with the Z-LV assist.

339 12 41 43 SPT Okay, Crip. I understand the first and last.

What's the center one for?

CC Okay, what we're doing on this particular Z-LV -

it turned out so well yesterday, we're doing to
improve it today - is, initially, when we maneuver
instead of going directly to Z-LV, we're going to
what we're calling a Z-LV offset attitude, whic_h
actually ends up putting the principal axis in
the orbital plane; consequently, the - the torque
on the vehicle should be essentially zero. And
then to get into a data-take attitude, just prior
to doing the data-take, we need to go ahead and
maneuver to the real Z-LV attitude. And that's
the one that l've got you down there for at
16:01. And then, of course, the 16:27 is when
you come out. While l'm talking about - about
those, if this one is successful, and we think
it'll probably be today - The terms that we're
using, - and if you'll look at your Z-LV maneuver
pad, you'll see that down there in the monitor
we're calling them maneuver to Z-LV bias and _hen
maneuver to Z-LV and then maneuver to solar iner-
tial - we wonder if those terms are explanatory
enough and you kind of go along with them?

339 12 43 06 $PT I understand what you're saying verbally, Crip,

and it sounds good. Let me take a look at the

CC Okay; no big rush on that. You can do it and give

us a comment on it later if you'd like. Now, Ed,
there's one other item. We have sent you an ETC
ops pad. And this is a little bit tight, but I
TAG Tape 339-04/T-228
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don't think it's any tighter than what we've been

asking of Bill and Jer running down to do the -
the ETC. But I take you off the panel there at
16:13, and we have you go ahead and go to AUTO
on the ETC at - I believe the time is 38, 16:13.
Let me verify that. 16:13:36. And that - that
time is not really critical. It only gives you
36 seconds to hand -

339 12 44 03 CC I got a keyhole coming up here. l'm going to call

you on the other side of it.

339 12 44 52 CC Okay, Skylab, we're back with you out of key-

hole, and we're only a minute from LOS. Goldstone
will be at 12:50, and that's about 5 minutes away.
Ed, did you copy what I was talking there about
on the ETC? The time is - doesn't leave you but
about 36 seconds; however, it doesn't hurt if
you're a little bit late on that one.

SPT Got a question here, Crip. When do we really

arrive in Z-LV and settle down? I found before,
the times were a little bit tight because I had
to remain at the panel maybe a minute or two
longer to make sure we really had settled down.

339 12 45 27 CC Okay, we normally allow 2 minutes for settling on

any time. But we're - we're saying at the end
of maneuver time - and l'm going to go over how
you monitored the maneuvers - But the times I
give you is when you should be able to leave the
panel with no - no problem.

SPT Okay, sounds good. We'll see how it comes out.

Give me the good words on monitoring on this other

339 12 45 52 CC We'll do that.

339 12 50 09 CC Skylab, Houston. We're back with you through

Goldstone for 5 minutes.

CC PLT, Houston. Bill, you to a - got a moment to

talk about a couple of your pads?

PLT l'm trying to get the ATM cranked up right now,

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CC Roger. Go ahead; no sweat.

339 12 52 06 SPT Crip, I've looked at the maneuver pad, and it all
looks pretty clear.

CC Okay. Very good then, Ed. Tell you what. I

think we've been updating it about once a day,
but we're planning on sending you another maneuver
monitor message this morning to replace the one
you got. And it's still basically the same thing -
no big changes. There's one small delta, and I'll
wait until we've got it on board before I discuss
it with you.

SPT Okay. Is the technique for monitoring outer gimbal

on CMG-2 still valid?

CC Yes, sir. All of that basic technique that we

gave you is still good. We've actually - About the
only thing, in addition, is that when you get back
to solar inertial, we're going to ask you to stay .
on the panel for about 5 more minutes. And that's
because that the - the gimbal - the automatic C_4G
reset routine is not active for - for act,,_11y
4 minuteswhen you get back to solar inertial,
and we're going to m-ke it 5 to be consistent
throughout. And I'll talk to you a little bit
more about that.

339 12 53 41 SPT Okay. Do we have amy monitoring techniques on

the gimbal, to see if we run into probl_m_ there?

CC We're going to use attitude strictly, and it'll

be explanatory in the message. But you don't
think that when you - when you get up, you got to
be on the stop and get out so far and you auto-
matically get the routine.

SPT Okay.

339 12 54 07 CC And, Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS.

We'll see you again in about 4 minutes over MILA
at 12: 58.

339 13 00 23 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS through MILA for

9-1/2 minutes.
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Time: 339:13:00 to 339:1h:00
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339 13 02 20 CC CDH, Houston. If you have a little while, I'd like

to - either on this pass or the next one coming
up - I'd like to discuss your 233 pad and what we're
planning for future ops in that area.

CDR Okay, Crip. I'll catch you next pass.

CC Okay. That'll be fine.

339 13 09 02 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

see you again over Carnarvon in 40 minutes at
13:h9; 13:49.

CDR Roger, Crip. We'll see you then.

339 13 09 20 CC Roger.

339 13 h8 49 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS at Carnarvon, and we

have you for about 10-1/2 minutes.

CDR Roger,

CC Okeydoke. Need to t_]k to both the CDR and PLT,

if they get a chance, about some pads.

CDR Okay. You got us.

CC Okay, Jer. For you, if you noticed on your 233 pad

for today, we - You'd previously reported that
you were a little bit rushed on trying to get through
the photos; so what we're going to give you is the
time of comet-rise and the time of sunrise and the
time for your first photo and let you pace yourself
from there.

CDR Okay. I noticed this morning, Bob, that the comet

is getting awful close to the solar panel. I guess
it won't be much longer before we lose it. We'll
have to go to a different window.

339 13 49 45 CC Okay. If that occurs and you think it gets a

little too close before we change, will, please -
please let us know. Another item on that; we are
talking about, in the future when we schedule it,
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allowing you 4 minutes prior to data take and

2 minutes after data take as the total time for
that, and we wonder if that's adequate?

CDR Yes, that' s about right, Crip.

CC Okeydoke. And for Bill, I need him to get his

detail pad out and make one change to that, please.

PLT Stand by 1.

CC Jer, while I've got you, if you have the 201 man-
euver, I need to make a change to that pad also.

CDR Okay. You can go ahead on the 201.

CC Okeydoke. I want to change the maneuver time and

start time right at the first to initiate the man-
euver. Maneuver time is going to be 17 minutes,
and that's a 05:00:21 entry. And we want you to
go to ATT HOLD, CMO at 21:38.

CDR Okay. Maneuver time is 50:21 [sic], 17 minutes;

ATT HOLD at 21:38.

339 13 51 25 CC Roger. That's 05:00:21. And I can give you the

rates into attitude since they're going to be
changed slightly because of that. X is - Stand
by 1.

CC Okay. X is minus 0.064, Y is minus 0.004, and

Z is minus 0.006.

339 13 52 08 CDR Okay. Going to ATT HOLD. X is minus 0.06h,

Y is minus 0.00h, and Z is minus 0.006.

CC That's all correct. I believe that's all - all

the changes I have for you, Jet. That ought to
be enough.

CDR Okay. Those are the same rates going back to

SI, right?

CC The rates going back to SI are still correct.

We're not changing that - that maneuver time at
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CDR Okay•

339 13 52 35 PLT PLT ready to copy change for details.

CC Okeydoke, Bill. We forgot to put in one MOMENTUM

DUMP - DUMP, ENABLE that we need at 22:35. We
need you to do it for us.

339 13 53 01 CC Okay. And that's the only actual pad change I

had. We did send you an ETC pad earlier, but
we're going to have Ed do that for you; so you
can Just forget your pad. And consequently, we
sent you a new VTS pad, which, instead of having
you running back doing the ETC, gave you, I
believe, a couple more VTS targets. So you should
be using the latter one, which is n,_mbered 2016;
Charlie 1 is the first page.

PLT Roger. Charlie 1 is the one I use.

CC Okeydoke. And the only other item I guess I've

got outstanding here is, day before yesterday we
had you scheduled for a housekeeping 2 Charlie -
I'm not sure whether that was who we had scheduled
for that now - but we could not find anywhereon
the dump tapes the temperatures - the rate gyro
temperatures recorded. And can you confirm for us
that that was done?

339 13 54 02 PLT Roger. I did that, and I thought Ed was going to

put it on tape, but he must have misunderstood
me. it was 96 degrees.

CC Understand 96?

PLT That 's affirmative.

CC And was that for all six gyros?

PLT Neg - Negative, Bob. I only saw the little thing

on one of them. So I only read one.

CC Okay. We have the things on all six of them. So

let - we'll find out here. Do - do you know which
one you read, per chance?

PLT Stand by while I go look and check them.

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CC All right. Okay. That's not important, Bill.

We'll - we'll go ahead and find out what we -
whether we want to get it repeated or what.

339 13 55 05 CC And, Skylab, Houston. We need to get someone of

you to manually CLOSE the SHUTTER. It is closed
now, but we want you to go ahead and actuate the
switch. That 'll keep the computer - computer from
doing it automatic - opening it back up automat-
ically later.

339 13 55 27 SPT Crip, what shutter is that?


CC PLT, Houston. I guess we got one other item that

we need to talk about - that 190A on the FMC
circuit breaker that opened up on you.

PLT Roger. Go.

CC Okay. Before your pass today, we need you to

rotate that FMC screw one-half turn, back to its
original position from what - what you did it in
the mal yesterday. And then CLOSE the FMC circuit
breaker with the 190 - the 190A POWER, OFF.

PLT Understand.

CC Okay. And if per chance that 190A does not oper-

ate today, we want you to check that FMC circuit
breaker. And if it's OPEN, we want it to remain
OPEN. And then reinitiate - try reinitiating
camera operation. And if it - -

PLT Okay, what if it doesn't open and it doesn't work?

339 13 57 07 CC Okay. If it's - if it's clo - if it's - the

circuit breaker is CLOSED, we want you to go ahead
and OPEN the breaker and turn off the FMC and then
reinitiate the camera operation.

PLT Okay.

CC And is the - the SPT available for a brief talk?

SPT Go ahead, Bob. And first let me ask you a

TAG Tape 339-05/T-229
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SPT Go ahead, Bob. And first let me ask you a

question. I see on the zaneuver, we're not doing
a nominal cage before we start. Is that because
the maneuvers are - don't require as much momentum
because o_ the mode we're in now?

CC We have previously been really doing that nominal

cage to try to get our gimbal angles in a position
that we knew what they were going to be when we
did the maneuver and also to help the momentum
situation if it was required. But we found out
that by doing the cage this time, it actually got
us into trouble with the angle; so that's the reason
we're not doing it. And we've actually changed
our criteria, whether we're going to be doing a
nominal H-cage now, and you probably won't see us
doing it as much.

SPT Okay. Go ahead.

339 13 58 30 CC Okay. I was Just going to tell you that we're -

I'm getting ready to go off, and I haven't sent
you up that maneuver monitor message. Basically,
it's the same thing that we've had before, except
_- we're not ging to ask you to monitor throughout
the Z-LV because the Z-LV gimbal logic comes into
play 5 minutes after you have - your maneuver
time going into Z-LV is timed out. So really we
only need you on the panel for that first
5 minutes. And then one other addition@l item is
that once you get back to solar inertial - I
mentioned this earlier - that you don't have the
re - auto reset for the first 4 minutes; so we're
going to ask you to go ahead and stay there for
about 5 more minutes to monitor that. And I
think the thing will be fairly self explanatory.
We're going to go LOS here, shortly. We'll have
you again at Guam in 3 minutes and that's at 14:02.

SPT Okay. Essentially we're saying before the maneuver,

during the maneuver, and 5 minutes after ill for
each maneuver. That ought to do it.

339 13 59 32 CC That's just about what it covers.

TAG Tape 339-06/T-230
Time: 339:1h:00 to 339:15:30
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339 14 03 20 CC Skylab. AOS Guam, 9 minutes for your ATM


SPT Morning, Story. Go ahead, Bill.

CC Morning.

MCC Okay s Ed. Let me start off here with a quickie

word about 82B. We've noticed a couple of times
here the 2B exposure has continued past 400 kilo-
meters, the 40-kilometer door signal closing the
shutter during the exposures. We'd like to pass
up some words to ms_ke sure you do terminate 82B
at the 400-kilometer time. Mainly because, if
this occurs during the long transport, the eighth
exposure, we have the potential of jsmm_ng the
camera. Also the atmospheric extinction ruins
the exposure rather than truncating it. So we'd
prefer to close door at 400-kilometers, and we're
passing up some words as soon as we get them through
r the system here.

SPT Okay. I saw something on that this morning. Glad

you caught that one.

339 14 04 22 MCC Okay. And once - and one other thought here. The
54 pad that l've promised you for several days
now explaining what's going on should be up this
afternoon. The teleprinter pool was a bit over-
loaded yesterday, and there's a 54 meeting this
morning. So we intend to include those results,
and that should be up this afternoon to you then.

SPT Okay. I'ii look for it.

339 14 04 45 MCC Okay. What l'd like to get into here now and
actually take the rest of the pass, if necessary,
otherwise I have some things to follow, is a little
bit of a how-goes-it and maybe you could take
some time here and just describe to me how you,
Bill, and Jerry are operating. And concentrate
on anything that we can do here on the ground to
help you out.
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339 14 05 06 SPT Okay. I think, the biggest thing is that we

found this is certainly a little bit different
than the simulator because you got so darn many
other variables that cc_e into play here. Not
only the other ac - ATM activities, you got like;
for example, 400 K is one thing we've never really
watched too much; some of the off-nominal modes
of operation now in the experiment. The operation
of all the other things going on in the Skylab
at the same time don't allow you to prepare as
much as you'd like for - for a given pass. So
I think we're just getting adjusted to that, and
we've made a few errors, and we regret those. But
I think we got some good data at the same time
and we're hoping to cut down the number of errors
and increase the quality of the data as we go. I
think We're learning, and just continue with the -
a little observing time in each orbit, and I think
we'll get there.

339 14 05 58 MCC Okay. You'll notice on today's pads that the ob-
serving time is 5 minutes on the average, I think,
per crewman per orbit, with occasionally some
extra time for shopping list items and things of
that nature. -

SPT Yes. I found that I personally would like to get

a little more time up here Just to think about
what l'm doing. It's been pretty mechanical so
far, and that's not the way it should be. I think
there ought _to be a little bit more time on oc-
casion to - to not only think about what's come
up that l'm assigned to do, but also some of the
targets of opportunity, which I've really not had
that much time to observe and to think about what
I'm doing. And that I do regret, and I hope that'll
change a little as we go along.

MCC Okay - -

SPT l'm not asking - l'm not asking for more observing
time right now. I don't know exactly how to get -
well, we can't before the - this EVA. But, I think,
sometime later in the mission ...

MCC Okay. And the other thought here is we haven't

given you as much observing time as we would have
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liked to because of the conflicting things of

wanting to give you observing time and also wanting
to spend as much time as we could on the active
region 87/92 complex and the filament prominences
before they disappeared over the west limb, which
they have done.

339 14 07 17 SPT No. That's understood. And I think you're doing

it right. While we're coming up to speed and
getting experience, we ought to be doing all those
things which you think are very worthwhile to the
ground, so I've - no complaints. I think it's
been handled real well.

MCC Okay. A couple of thoughts here. By now, you've

probably received the update that talks about the
surge that occurred last night with material seen
in H-alpha out to about 0.4 of a solar radius out
of the 87/92 complex around behind the limb.
Thought you might be interested in knowing that
55 was on the region and began taking data right
at sunup, shortly after this surge was noticed.
So that in about 48 hours from that time, which
is about our average turnaround on 55 data, we
- shouldknow what we saw there, and we'll certainly
let you know.

SPT Say, that's very good. Go ahead.

MCC And one other thought here, on the complex that's

around the limb now, some numbers that you may
not be aware of. We are presently 1 day behind
the limb with active region 92. Any materia_
that goes out further than 0.03 radii will be
seen by you. In 2 days, in other words 1 day
from now, 2 days behing the limb, the limb ex-
tinction would be for 0.15 radii material ejected
from the region. On the third day, that becomes
0.33. So that - that big energetic event we saw
last night could have been seen, oh, about
3-1/2 days aroung the limb. And you might an-
ticipate seeing some surge-type activity on the
west limb here for the next day or so.

339 14 08 56 SPT Okay. We'll look for it. I'm wondering whether
I actually was able to see the surge the other
night when I did describe it. I was wondering
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whether that was actually what I was looking at.

The question was on the air-to-ground once and
also on the tape, but I imagine eventually they'&l
be able to correlate what I said with what they
saw and see whether there was any correspondence.

MCC Okay. Again, we're trying that. The data cycle

on 55 is at about 48 hours before we see it, and
they are correlating things of this nature. And
I did have some further thoughts here on some
55 data in answer to some previous questions of

339 14 09 35 SPT Okay. Just allow me about 1 minute at the end

to give you a couple of questions. But go ahead.

MCC Okay. Why don't you give me the questions now?

339 14 09 43 SPT Okay. For the prominence work today, I would

propose that if you wanted to get the spectra,
that I use shopping list i with a - which is
good - but to get the spectra, on your shopping
list 12, building block 28, with the 56 to SINGLE
FRAMES; the 82B with LONG EXPOSURES; and then for
the 55, use the 55 GRATING, AUTO SCAN with two
MARS, which is - or one MAR - which is the 26A
and - or shopping list 26A. Or would that be
combining two of them? A second thing is 82B.
In their exposures minimum and maximum for any
given phenomenon - in other words, when l'm out
there looking at it in a good prominence, l'm
not sure whether l'm giving them too long or
too short of an exposure in a given wavelength.
Thirdly, are they slightly interested in compar-
ison spectra as I thought they were before we
left ; that is, taking one other prominence and
then rolling Sun center until you got the slit
completely off the prominence at the same altitude
and taking another spectram of the same duration?
And does 55 want to go along with that same thing?
And lastly, is anyone interested in shopping list
item 30, which is line profiles? And if so, in
the prominence, what line, Lyman beta or oxygen VI
or some other low tenperature one?

339 14 ll 08 MCC Okay, Ed. We'll work on those right away and get
your answers up. On the question on the comparison
spectra, 82B is interested in that, and 82B and
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55 worked out some compromises in the plannings

yesterday whereby we can get comparison spectra
on the slit and largely still be in the prominence
with the MAR.

SPT Okay. I was trying to do that yesterday, hut I

Just ran out of time in some of the shopping list
items I was doing.

MCC Okay, and on these other itmes, we'll get you an

answer up shortly through Story here, and I can
give you the 55 words tomorrow. We're about
30 seconds from going over the hill here, and it
looks like Goldstone is next in about 16 minutes,
which would be about 27 past the hour.

SPT Okay. We run out of time too quick. Thanks very

much, Bill.

CC And, Ed. We'll be dumping the data/voice over

Goldstone. Could you tell what kind of co_n
setup you're using? You're very weak this

f SPT Okay. I'm using the headset, Story, the Snoopy

cap, which we've got folded up here. And I'm
speaking around 2 inches from it.

CC Oh, you're holding the headset in front of your

mouth ?

SPT That is correct.

CC Okay. It may need to be a little bit closer.

SPT Okay. When I get a little closer some of the

p's come through kind of hard.

339 14 12 41 CC Okay.

339 14 28 32 CC Skylab; AOS stateside, 16 minutes. Be dumping

the data/voice here at Goldstone.

339 14 34 21 SPT Story, while I got the coronagraph display up,

why don't I Just give you a couple of words on
how it differs from yesterday.
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CC Go ahead, Ed.

SPT Okay, we got some fairly faint streamers appearing.

One at 2 o'clock, relative to solar north, and a
very faint one down there at 4 o'clock. The ones
at 3 and 3:30 are still fairly pronounced, the one
at 3 being the strongest. It looks like the four
which we had yesterday, as the outer two have
become fainter and moved further toward the pole.
I'm not seeing movement, of course, but I could
picture that happening. The east limb has got
two fairly prominent ones; one at 8:30 and one
about 9: 30. And a very faint one just a little
bit south of 9:30, and I see no evidence of a

339 14 35 19 CC Okay, Ed.

339 14 41 20 SPT Houston, SPT.

CC Go ahead, Ed.

SPT Okay, one other thing in looking at the XUV mon-

itor, the picture which I've gotten from it - the
only things which are really evident are the three
active regions which we know of, and the holes
at the north and south pole, and one feature which
I've noticed for several days now and pretty much
on the Equator about 0.5 - 0.4 radii from along
the Equator toward the west. And it's about -
diameter or fairly round. And - this morning.

CC Say again, Ed.

339 14 42 37 SPT Did you copy much of the transmission, Story?

CC All but the last sentence.

SPT Okay, it stands out very clearly, I have seen it

previously. It's a fairly uniform but faint
circular structure. It's not the type of thing
which I am used to seeing in the XUV monitor. It
could be Just fortuitous that it comes out this
shape and that uniform, but there may be more to

CC Okay, got it. Thank you.

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339 14 43 23 CC Could you give us the diameter again please, Ed?

SPT Yes, I'd call it about 0.15 solar radii.

CC Okay.

CC And your transmissions are a lot stronger the last

couple of sentences, Ed, than they were earlier.

SPT Okay. It depends on how close I hold the mike

to my mouth, Story, and I had some comments the
other day that the P's were coming through kind
of hard, as I can hear it right now on the inter-
com. I'll try to hold it close, and if it's not
sounding good to you, let me know.

CC Okay, we'll take the hard P's. And we're 30 seconds

from LOS here. About 40 minutes to Carnarvon at
15:27. Be dumping the data/voice there.

339 14 44 28 SPT Okay. Talk to you then, Story.

339 15 27 28 CC Skylab, A0S Carnarvon for about 7 minutes. And

I'll be dumping the data/voice here.

SPT Hello, Story. You got a good echo down there.

Your transmissions are coming through with an
echo around 1-1/2, 2 seconds later.

CC Yes. It seems you guys are too.

SPT You're really ms/(ing sure we hear what you have

to say.

SPT Story, got a question.

CC Go ahead, Ed.

339 15 28 06 SPT On the ETC, they have me turning it on around

14 minutes before I actually go to AUTO. And l'm
wondering whether it's necessary to leave this thing
grinding away here for 14 minutes or whether I
could turn it on around i0 seconds before I go
to AUTO, or 15.

CC It's a good point, Ed. We'll check on that.

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SPT This thing really sounds like a coffee grinder.

And I'd hate to leave it on for a long period of
time and burn something out.

CC And, Ed, while I've got you, on at XUV monitor

circular structure, we believe that's an artifact.
We've seen it on some downlink 3 or 4 days ago,
and we also saw it on SL-3. And when you're at
the monitor next, you might try rolling to see if
it sta_s in the same place, and that'll differentiate
8/I artifact from something on the Sun.

SPT Yes. I was going to come back with you on that

one, Story. I got to looking back through the
pictures that we've taken and noticed that it was
there 3 days ago in the same location. So I had
the feeling we were looking at an artifact. It
sure stood out nice and clear though. And because
of the integration times I'm not using on the
pictures, it hasn't come out until about 2 or 3 days

CC Yes. We think it's in the instrument.

SPT Thank you. Thought I had something real interesting


339 15 30 01 CC You did.

TAG Tape 339-07/T-231
TIME: 339:15:30 to 339:17:00
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339 15 30 36 CC Ed, Houston.

SPT Go ahead, Story.

CC That's a good point on the ETC pad, good call.

You can change the power - on time to 16:12:36.
That's on pad 2017 Alfa.

SPT Okay. Thank you.

339 15 33 31 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS. 6 minutes to


339 15 41 26 CC Skylab, AOS Guam, 6 minutes.

CDR Say again, Story.

CC Nothing. We're Just here for about 5 minutes,


CDR Okay, Story, I'm in the EREP C&D Prep Checklist.

I Just got finished setting the FMC and running
through the - the camera shutter speed test. We
took the FMC and manually rotated the shaft back
to the position we found it in yesterday and closed
the circuit breaker. And then when I fired up
the 190 power and started the shutter, we started
it at LOW, the FMC circuit breaker popped again.
And what happened is the FMC drove back to the
stop that we found it on when it popped yesterday
evening. It drove back to that stop and - then
the breaker popped.

CC Copy, Jer.

339 15 42 h5 CDR So as it stands now, Story, we've left the breaker

out; we do have shutter speed with no problem.

CC Okay.

339 15 h3 38 CC Okay_ Jet. And we've got nothing additional on

that. Just press on.

CDR Roger, Story. What do you suppose would happen

if we backed that - that screw on the FMC back
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more than one turn? That is, back to the 12 o'clock

position but go 1-3/4 turns instead of Just three
quarters? I wonder if it would still drive to the
stop and pop the breaker then?

CC Stand by i.

339 15 44 36 CC Jer, for this pass we recommend going with it as

is. We'll have about a lO-percent degradation
of data. And we'll work on it after this pass,

CDR Okay.

339 15 47 00 CO Skylab, we're at 30 seconds to LOS. We'll see you

over Goldstone at 16:04. And we made another SLS
run and in the first 5 minutes of that maneuver,
please ignore the - the 70-percent criteria on the
gimbal angles. It'll take care of itself, and
we'll be able to look at it. Just monitor your

339 15 47 25 CDR Okay, Story. Will do.

339 16 04 13 CDR 3 minutes to EREP, START.

339 16 0h 58 CC Skylab, we're reading you loud and clear. State-

side for 15 minutes.

CDR Roger, Story.

CC Maneuver's looking good.

339 16 06 i0 CDR I have i minute to EREP, START.

CC And for the PLT, on site 330, we expect it may

be clear, hut there are some clouds to the north
which are moving out. Your series-300 sites all
should be clear. Your series-500 sites will be
about 0.4 to 0.7, Bill.

PLT Roger; copy, Story. Thank you.

CC And, Ed, you do not have to monitor the maneuver

for 5 - the 5 set - 5-minute settling period.
After 2 or 3 minutes there, we'll be here looking
at it, and you'll feel free to go ahead to the ETC.
TAG Tape 339-07/T-231
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SPT Okay. Thanks very much, Story.

CDR On m_ mark, it'll be - 07:10 - -

SPT ... thinking about how I'll monitor this and in

case - -

339 16 07 i0 CDR MARK. EREP, START.

SPT - - I have to reinitiate a maneuver to the new

Z-LV attitude - -

CDR Stand by for VTS AUTO CAL.

SPT - - I think I would need the proper DAS to make

up for- -


SPT - - Thing is we've put into ...

PLT Standing by, - -

339 16 07 20 CDR MARK.

339 16 07 21 PLT MARK.

SPT - - I would probably need one which would take

care of the cumulative of those two which you've
already put in.

CDR On my mark, it'll be 07:30. Stand by -



339 16 08 22 CDR On my mark, it'll be 08:30. Stand by -

339 16 08 48 CC Okay, Jer. And, Ed, you were cut out by the C&D
ops. Could you repeat what you said, please?

SPT Yes. I could talk with you more on it later, but

essentially what I would need is the fine maneuver
up here, which is acctunulative of the two l've
already put in, in case that would have to re-
initiate that maneuver, Z-LV plus the fine.
TAG Tape 339-07/T-231
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339 16 09 45 CC We got it, Ed.

CDR On my mark it will be 16:10:00. Looking for an

S191 READY light.

339 16 l00l CDR MARK. S191 READY light on at i0. REFERENCE

going to 6.

339 16 l0 40 CDR On my mark, it'll be 10:48.

CDR Stand by -


CDR On my mark, it'll be 16:ll.

339 16 ll O0 CDR MARK. Downlink going to position 3.

CDR On my mark, it will be ll:17.

CDR Stand by -

339 16 ii 17 CDR MARK. S192 to READY.

CDR At 23,stand

339 16 ll 23 CDR MARK. S190 MODE to AUTO.

CDR Hey, it sounds like the S190 is clunking away all


CC Okay.

CDR On my mark, it'll be 11:44.


339 16 ll 46 CDR MARK. RADIOMETER to SCAN STANDBY at 46.

CDR At ll:50 the READY light on S190 went out.

339 16 ll 57 CDR MARK. The 192 MODE to CHECK. That was at 57.
12:02 -


CDR 12 :08.
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339 16 12 08 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER going ON. 190 MODE to STANDBY.

FRAME RATE to 05. Next mark will be at 12:30.

CDR Stand by -

339 16 12 30 CDR MARK. S190 MODE, SINGLE.

CDR Stand by -

339 16 13 20 CDR MARK. S190 to SINGLE.

CDR On m_ mark, ETC to AUTO, Ed, at 36.

339 ]6 13 36 CDR MARK.

CDR At 13:42 the downlink is going to position 5.

339 16 13 h2 CDR MARK.

CDR Next mark is at 13:53.

CDR Stand by -

339 16 13 53 CDR MARK. S190 to MODE, AUTO.

CDR Stand by -

339 16 14 00 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER to STANDBY at 14 even. MODE

going to 3.

PLT I'll keep the VTS operator on this one side of ...

339 16 14 12 CDR MARK. At 14:12 downlink going to 7.

CDR Got a little time now. i0 seconds.

CDR Stand by -

CDR At 14:28 we'll get a mark.

339 16 14 28 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER, ON.

339 16 14 34 CDR MARK. At 14:34 the 192 MODE to CHECK.

339 16 14 44 CDR The S190 READY light went out at 14:40. MODE
is STANDBY. FR _is going to 41.
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339 16 14 57 CDR 14:51, ETC to STANDBY, okay, Ed? And SHUTTER

SPEED to lhO. At 15 the downlink is going OFF.

CDR Next mark is at 15:30.

PLT Okay. PLT here. Successful on 330, 305, 308,

307. Very good tracking sequences on all targets.

CC Great, Bill.

CDR Next mark is at 15:30.

CDR Stand by -

339 16 15 30 CDR MARK. 190 MODE, SINGLE.

CDR On my mark, it'll be 15:50.

CDR Stand by -

339 16 15 50 CDR MARK. 190 MODE, SINGLE.

PLT Okay.

339 16 16 17 CDR Okay, Ed. At 16:26 the ETC to AUTO in 5 seconds.

CDR Stand by -

339 16 16 26 CDR MARK it.

CDR How's the weather down there this morning, Bill?

339 16 16 56 PLT It was very good on all my stateside passes. I've

started to pick up quite a few clouds down here
in Central America.

339 16 17 15 PLT Primary is 565 -

CDR On my mark, it'll be 17:33.

339 16 17 33 CDR MARK. S190 MODE to AUTO. My mark, it'll be

17: 40.

339 16 17 40 CDR MARK. S192 MODE to READY.

PLT Okay, I got the primary target. 3 degrees; good.

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PLT This thing looks like it has water in the top of

it, in the cone. Looking for active. Maybe it' s
smoke I see.

CDR On my mark, it'll be 18:h0.

PLT Okay, I'm going to try to get more than one, Story.
I'm getting real good data on this primary one.

CC Okay, Bill.

PLT I'm going to track it down to about 20 degrees

and then see if I can get another one. Okay,
there's that one. All right, now.

CDR On my mark, 18:40, stand by -


PLT Yes, I had it.

CDR -- 78.

PLT Be auti ful.

CDR MODE is going to 5.

PLT This one's - oh, I guess those are clouds.

PLT ... getting it about 8 degrees, Story. *** flipped

on. Beautiful. Got two of those boogers. Now
l'm going to ... down the side of this thing.
... I don't know if those are clouds or - that's
smoke. Back on the top of it.

339 16 19 33 CC Skylah, we're 30 seconds to LOS. i0 minutes to

the Vanguard. You're looking very good. You may
get a few desat firings, that's all.

CDR Roger, Story. Thanks.

339 16 19 h2 PLT Beautiful. Man, I got an extra one even. The

extra was 564. Got 565 and 564.

339 16 19 52 PLT Good tracking on both of them.

339 16 29 08 CDR The town is much like ... area, and thought it
would be kind of an interesting five frames for

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somebody interested in cultural patterns and land

use. Abo_t another 15 minutes until we start the
Earth limb.

CC Skylab, we read you loud and clear through the

Vanguard for 9 minutes.


n_nber 3 light on. I suspect that that roll's
probably out of film.

339 16 30 07 CDR The ALTIMETER worked according to Hoyle today.

CC Okay, we were expecting an UNLOCK down through

South America.

CDR Okay, if we - if we got it, I didn't see it.

PLT I don't think you got it, it won't go out by itself.

That procedure, by the way, I had to put over

CDE Yes, I saw that.

PLT Okay, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about that.

339 16 30 33 CC And, Bill, those are active volcanoes you were

looking at; you may have been seeing smoke.

PLT Yes, I couldn't tell. Number 564 was smoking quite

a bit; 565 was not. It was pretty - pretty clear.
I got right down in the middle of the crater of
it. Very clear; good clear day.

PLT ... is covered with clouds today.

CC And, Jer, our best guess is that number 3 is out

of film.

339 16 31 54 PLT Okay, Story.

339 16 33 06 PLT Okay, I'm going to take about five frames at the
top of the ... I see here. Okay, now I'm going
to go to clear it ... area. The DAC off.

PLT There's some real boomers building up down there.

Look at those.
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339 16 3h _4 CC CDR, Houston.

PLT Go ahead, Story. He's listening.

CC Okay. At the bottom of the C&D pad under post

remarks, "Enable 190 FMC." Would you delete that,

FLT That 's in work.

CDR About 9 minutes to go.

PLT Okay. I started some of mine I had to ta_e at

16: 40, approximately.

CDR Okay.

339 16 38 h5 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS and about an hour

and h minutes to Goldstone at 17:41. You've only
used 3 mibs to date. We show you looking good.
There may be a couple of desat firings at orbital
midnight and orbital noon. And prior to the next
sunrise, you may get a barber pole on ATM
batteries 13 and 15. It's no problem.

CDR Okay. Thank you, Story.

SPT Thank you, Story. The guys down there are getting
sm-_ter and smarter.

CC We're trying hard; and it sounds like you guys

ran an excellent pass.

339 16 39 25 CDR Thank you.

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Time: 339:17:00 to 339:18:30
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339 17 42 33 CC Skylab, AOS Goldstone Ii minutes.

CC And, Ed, when you get a minute free from running

JOP, got about three things for you.

SPT Okay, Story. Let me get this one set up and run-
ning, and I'll be right with you.

CC Okay.

CC And who's riding the ergometer, Jer or Bill?


CC Okay, I'll hatch you later.

PLT Go head, Story. I can listen.

CC Okay. We sent a general message up to you on

S183 ops if we had used the alternate Flight Plan.
Now we will be scheduling that on the prime Flight
Plan tomorrow; so don't throw that message away.

PLT Roger.

CC Later on today, you've got an S063 CST-1 - that's

a stow - but you're going to be running 183 tomor-
row; so we suggest that you leave the AMS in the
SAL tonight.
Okay. Will do.

339 17 h6 33 CC And another one you've probably figured out already:

You got a pad of S063 ops, and we got some wrong
wording there. It says, "S063 KOH."

CC No, that's not for you. That's for Ed. I'll

catch him. Sorry.

339 17 50 06 SPT Okay, Story. Go ahead.

CC Ed, after you changed out the paper and the cart-
ridge last night, did the legibility - the tele-
printer messages improve?
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SPT Yes, it did, Story, and right now they're all

looking pretty good.

CC Okay. Understand they're satisfactory?

SPT Yes, they are.

CC Okay. And you'll be running a TV-117 - that's the

particle migration - during an ATM pass later on
today, and it says to voice-record observations.
If that recording in any way inteferes with your
ATM ops, it's not required, and you can get it

SPT How long of an observation period is needed there,


CC There's photos every 5 minutes, Ed.

CC All we're saying is that the voice - voice-recorded

observations are optional.

339 17 51 22 SPT Okay. Because of the large amount of gear that

thing required, rather than setting it up in the
MDA - I've worked on it a little bit last night -
we've had to move it down into the OWS; so that's
where it stands right now. And I'm going to see
whether it might be easier to do it down there with
one of my other activities or to take the extra
time up and move it back up here. I'll work it.

CC And, Ed, we show you pointing off the Sun. You'll


SPT Good point. Thank you.

SPT Like putting socks on an octopus. You just can't

leave it go for an instant.

339 17 52 33 CC And you want to he in REFERENCE MODE too, Ed.

339 17 53 05 CC Skylab, we're 30 seconds to LOS. 13 minutes to

the Vanguard. Be dumping the data/voice at

339 18 06 01 CC Skylab, we're A0S through the Vanguard for Ii min-

utes; be dumping the data/voice here. Ed. let me
know when you got a minute.
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SPT Okay, Story, I got a question for you on the ATM


CC Go ahead.

SPT Okay, it says to point up from the last exposure,

but form our discussion this morning, I assume
that what they wanted was to get 82B moved to a
position off of the prominence; so I had to do a
pointing down. However, that means that 55 is not
going to get as much of a mirror auto raster on
the prominence. And I thought the emphasis on
this particular one was placed on 82B; so I went
in that direction. And I'd like to understand
whether that was a correct decision or not.

CC Stand by 1.

CC And, Ed, on you mirror auto raster, you're still

in mechanical reference; so you need to add 102 to
what's on the pad to get to the right grating

339 18 09 56 CC And on your question, Ed, 82B does have the emphasis,
and pointing away from the prominence is highly
desirable. Thank you.

SPT Thank you, Story. I'm wondering if you - I could

make a request for this type of scedule. When they
put something on here which we know will be point-
ing off the limb, we don't have any mechanical refs
reminder in the JOP Summary Sheets for this par-
ticular building block. Kind of helpful if they
put it on the pad, because that's what's caused
me to be behind here on 55 all the way.

339 18 ii 03 CC Okay, Ed, we'll do it.

339 18 13 08 CC And, Ed, we see S054 running. The pad deleted

that for this pass, and we were going to configure
that for shopping list 31.

SPT Yes, Story, the pad which came up had the line
for 56 printed out htree times. And I quick-looked
at it and said we're set on rain [?] second exposure;
TAG Tape 339-08/T-232
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and took that to be 5h. I'll go ahead and recon-


CC Okay. Thanks.

339 18 15 32 CC Skylab, we're a couple of minutes to LOS. We'll

see you over Tananarive in about 16 minutes at

TAG Tape 339-09/T-233
Time: 339:18:30 to 339:20:00
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339 18 33 16 CC Skylab, AOS through Tananarive for 7 minutes.

CC And, Ed, when you've got a minute, I got about

three things for you.

SPT Go ahead, Story.

CC Ed, the TV-117, you can finish that any time during
the day at any location that's convenient to you.
And when you get done, return the experiment package
to the chiller because we'll be scheduling ops
number 2 tomorrow.

SPT Okay.

CC And on your S063 pad - you've probably already

seen it - there's an error in the title. The title
reads S063 KOH. It should be S063 COP.

SPT Okay.

339 18 3_ 15 CC And I've got some answers to some of your questions

that came up during the ATM conference this morning.
And there may be a couple of them you'll want to
copy down.

SPT Oh, okay. Very good, Story. Go ahead.

CC Your proposal to do shopping list item 12, building

block 28 for 56, 82B and shopping list 26 for 55 -
That's a good proposal. For 82B LONG exposures,
use a minimum of 2 minutes and a max of 16 minutes
with 12 minutes as the optimum. For 82B SHORT ex-
posures, use l0 minutes min and 16 minutes max.
82B is still interested in background spectra. They
get background for short wavelengths in orbits
starting - Well, you've already passed that one,
17:39 GMT. And for long in orbit, at 23:54 GMT.
55 does not feel a shopping list item 30 is nec-
essary. Shopping list item 26 is preferred.

339 18 35 28 SPT Okay. And could I have those times again real
quick, please?

CC Okay. For 82B LONG exposures, a minimum of 2

minutes and a max of 16; 12 is optimum. For 82B
SHORT, use l0 minutes min and 16 minutes max.
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SPT Okay. Thanks very much.

CC Yes, sir.

SPT And 55 is set up for a mirror line scan. The mirror

line scan is tangent to the limb, 20 arc seconds
off the limb, which is where I've been working all
this orbit; so I'm just 90 degrees in rotation from
what I have been. You'll be looking at the whole
prominence with the mirror line scan. They got
around a little over a minute or so going into
sunset here, and they'll get the remainder coming

339 18 36 20 CC Copy.

SPT Story, how did the TV effort from yesterday come

out? There was two problems that may have come
in there. One is, perhaps the sound level was
not high enough, as you pointed out this morning,
using that speaker. And secondly, I did not receive
the note on it or see the teleprinter pad on what
was desired until this morning.

CC That's the ATM downlink you're referring to? -

SPT That was the TV-28, I believe. It was the picture

of the ATM operation.

CC From what we saw on TV-28, it's pretty good, Ed.

We'll get you a better answer over Hawaii in 40
minutes at 19:16.

339 18 37 25 SPT Okay. Thank you. We need some feedback. All we

got here is that one monitor, and we really can't
tell what the quality of it all is.

CC Yes, we'll keep it coming up. I'll get you a better

answer over Hawaii.

339 18 37 49 SPT Story, I take it these times which were given - -

339 18 38 19 CC Okay. We're back with you, Bill, and you'll have
to give that entire one again.

SPT No, Story, that was SPT. I was just clarifying

that the information that you gave me on 82B were -
was exposures for prominences and not for - to be
used for anything else on the disk.
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CC Stand by i.

339 18 39 17 CC You're right, Ed. Those exposures were Just for


339 19 16 34 CC Skylab, AOS Hawaii for 6minutes.

CDR Aloha.

CC Yes.

CC And whoever is nearest to where you've taped up

the S201-K maneuver pad, I've got a second change
on it.

PLT You'll have to stand by a few minutes, Story.

CC Okay. Plenty of time. If we don't get it here,

we can get it at Vanguard.

PLT Okay.

CC Bill, no need to acknowledge, but stand by on the

update to that pad. We're still working something.

339 19 22 12 CC Skylab, we're 30 seconds until LOS. We'll see

you over the Vanguard in 19:4h, about 22 minutes;
be dumping the data/voice there. And on your
M092 run, we'd like a changeout on the left leg-
band. Use AN - that's Alfa November - on the
left leg.

PLT Roger. Alfa November on the left.

CC Yes, sir. Thank you.

CC And the same one on the right, Bill.

PLT You mean to continue to use the same one we have

been on the right?

CC Yes, sir. Alfa Quebec.

339 19 23 57 PLT Okay.

339 19 44 15 CC Skylab, AOS Vanguard for lOminutes. And we'll

be dumping the data/voice here.
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339 19 46 07 CDR Houston, CDR. Do you still want to talk about

the $201 maneuver pad?

CC Yes, Jet. Let me know when you're ready to copy.

CDR Ready to copy.

CC Okay, let's change some maneuver times. The octal

will be 50012; that's 50012 (10 minutes, l0 minutes).
And the time will be GMT 339:21:_5:00. And this
will change our maneuver rates. Just double them.
It'll be minus 0.108 in X, minus 0.004 in Y, and
minus 0.010 in Z.

339 19 47 06 CDR Okay, the maneuver delta-T is 50012 for i0 minutes.

The GMT is 21:45:00. The new rates are minus
0.108, minus 0.004, minus 0.001 - minus 0.010.

CC All correct.

CDR Okay.

SPT Story, we had a failure of a DAC this morning on

the ETC prep. I don't think we got much of any
of it - any of it. So if we have one of those
fellows again tomorrow, you may want to reschedule

CC Okay, Ed.

CDR Story, this is CDR. I used my first part of the

PT/PH period in order to repair the Mark I exer-
ciser. We found a broken return spring in it, and
luckily our little repair kit had a spare spring.
So you can scratch off the first part of the PT/PH
for that.

339 19 48 18 CC Okay, Jer.

CC And that buys us a little time for tomorrow. And,

Ed, follow-up on your TV-28; the camera work was
terrific. You need to have the comm carrier a little
closer to the lips, maybe about 1/2 inch when re-
cording on the VTR. Sorry we didn't get the TV-28
message up to you sooner. We'll schedule another
time for you to talk about Kohoutek.
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SPT Okay, Story. Was it usable at all?

CC Yes, sir; very usable.

339 19 50 hl CC Skylab, no need to acknowledge, If you haven't

pulled out that new legband Alfa November, it's
in E-615C.

339 19 53 29 CC Skylab, 1 minute to LOS and 5 minutes to Tananarive.

TAG Tape 339-10/T-23h
Time: 339:20:00 to 339:21:30
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339 20 I0 hh CC Skylab, AOS Tananarive, h minutes.

CDR Houston, CDR. I stowed legband number Charlie

Juliett in the locker that I found Alfa November
in; that's 615 Charlle.

CC Thanks, Jet.

339 20 13 39 CC Bill, Houston.

PLT PLT here.

CC Okay, Bill. When Ed left the panel, S055 was still

in MECHANICAL REFERENCE. So we suggest when you
position 0102 for your building block 33 Bravo.
And then after that, go ahead and go to REF and -
and OPTICAL REFERENCE. And - and after that you'll
be at position 0162 on the GRATING.

PLT Okay, thank you.

339 20 14 4_ CC And we're going LOS here. We'll seeyou at Hawaii

in h0 minutes.

339 20 51 16 CC Skylab, AOS Hawaii for i0 minutes. Like the DAS

for a dump inhibit.

PLT Say again, Story.

CC We'd like the DAS for a dump inhibit, Bill.

PLT Roger. You got it.

CC Okay.

CC And while I got you, EREP prefers not to use the

DAC camera to support handheld photography because
they've got concern over the allotment of film for
VTS S191 operations and the resolution of DAC

PLT Roger.
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SPT Houston, SPT.

CC Say again.

CC Go ahead, Ed.

339 20 53 07 SPT Story, could you find out what the effective ASA
is for the DAC film which we use for color interior?
When we have a little left over we may want to use
some of it outside, and we don't know the effective
ASA is.

CC Okay, we'll get it. And we show the metabolic

analyzer up; is someone doing some instrumented

SPT We got an MITI going here, Just about to start.

339 20 54 59 CC Ed, your ASA number is 500.

SPT Roger.

CC And, Bill, on your ATM TV downlink, we'd like

h minutes on the VTR at your convenience, as opposed
to the downlink over Vanguard.

PLT Roger, 4 minutes on the VTR.

CC Yes, sir.

339 21 00 21 CC Skylab, we're a minute from LOS. About 22 minutes

to the Vanguard at 21:22; be dumping the data/voice
over Vanguard.

339 21 23 04 CC Skylab, got you through the Vanguard for 9 minutes.

Be dumping the data/voice here.

339 21 25 59 CC Bill, Houston.

PLT Go, Story.

CC Bill, on S054 we show a PICTURE RATE, HIGH. We'd

like SINGLE, 256.

PLT Roger. You got it.

CC Thanks.
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CC And your Flight Plans will be coming up over Van-

guard here. You might check them and see if the
teleprinter's doing all right tonight.

PLT Okay.

339 21 27 lh PLT That isn't the best I've ever seen, but it's

CC Understand the Flight Plan's okay?

PLT Yes, it -you know there's faint - faint spots;

it's dropping out a few of the dots that make the
characters, but you can still make it out.

CC And, Bill , we'd like another sequence on S054.

It'll be a SINGLE, 256.

339 21 29 07 PLT Roger, SINGLE, 256.

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Time: 339:21:30 to 339:23:00
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339 21 30 55 CC Skylab, we're a minute and a half from LOS. The

next station - I'll be back around again to Van-
guard at about an hour and 30 from now, 23:00.
We're seeing the instrumented PT. And Jer, on
your S201 K m_neuver pad, the updated nu Z tells
us that the maneuver attitude on that pad is good.

339 21 31 21 CDR Okay, Story, good enough. Thank you.

TAG Tape 339-12/T-236
Time : 339 :23: 00 to 3h0 :00 :30
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339 23 01 03 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS Vanguard for I0 minutes.

SPT Roger, Bill.

CC SPT, Houston.

SPT Go ahead.

CC This is apropos - a note on the ATM schedule pad

at 22 minutes remaining after 23:54 GMT. It's a
reminder that a MECHANICAL REFERENCE may be

SPT Okay; he copied it.

CDR Houston, CDR.


CDR We had trouble with the 82A doors again at sunset

last pass. We went through the door motor logic
f and inhibitedand then reenabled,and the door

CC We copy that, CDR.

339 23 02 37 CC Skylab, Houston.

CDR Go ahead.

CC For your information, we're going to run an S052;


CDR Roger.

CC That is, we're going to cammand it from the ground.

CDR Under stand.

339 23 03 40 SPT Houston, SPT.


SPT Hello, Bill. Got a couple of things for you. One

is, putting the S063 AMS adapter onto the A/MS, I
TAG Tape 339-12/T-236
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found it - the AMS adapter - taped onto the wall,

and one of the screws was missing out of it.
There is a total of eight. I do have the - the
piece which fit with the screw, which holds the
- helps hold down the S063 onto the adapter. So
right now, we're working with seven rather than
eight of these tiedowns. And we've taken the one
out of the - We got four of them in the corner -
in the four corners, and three of them are around
the in - between spaces. We've looked for a screw
about this size and can't find it. It looks as
though it's larger than l/h, and that's as high
as our stockpile goes.

CC We copy that, Ed.

SPT And Secondly, what we did with the door up there

was to inhibit both motors and then reenable both
motors, and the flag - talkback went barberpole.

CC And we copy that.

339 23 06 06 CC SPT, Houston.

PLT Go ahead,Bill. He's listening. __

CC Okay. We need the 82A door closed to complete

the sequence that you performed. And we can do
that from the ground.

SPT Roger, Bill. I was halfway to the ATMbefore you

completed your sentence.

CC Yes, you're getting too fast off the mark.

339 23 09 55 CC Skylab, we'll be A0S - correction - LOS in 1 min-

ute. We'll have you again at Ascension at 23:13,
and the PLTwill have his phone call at Guam
at 23:58.

PLT Roger, Bill.

339 23 14 02 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS Ascension, i0 minutes.

339 23 15 35 CC CDR, Houston.

SPT He's listening. Go ahead.

TAG Tape 339-12/T-236
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CC The logic behind the ground signal to close the

82A door was as follows. The logic - the indicator
logic becomes confused when you go through the
motor inhibit/enable sequence, and you may get an
erroneous indication. As a matter of fact, that's
what happened. So we commanded it into a known
position, which was closed.

SPT Okay.

SPT Bill, you're saying all we should have done at the

conclusion of that was to go to door closed?

CC That is affirmative. And further information:

The door did not close when we co,manded it, and
we're continuing to troubleshoot at this time.

SPT Okay, did it partially close, or is it full open?

CC Ed, it appears to be near full open.

SPT Thank you.

339 23 19 03 CC Skylab, Houston. For your information, the door

has closed. The transit time appeared to be normal,
and ops are now normal.

SPT Roger. Copy, Bill.

339 23 20 32 CC SPT, Houston.

PLT Go ahead, Bill.

CC Ed, during building block 32, we want you to look

for solar activity in S052. We saw surge in active
region 87.

PLT Roger. He copied that, Bill.

SPT Bill, would they like me to take a quick run up

there now and get that TV powered up and see how
it looks?

CC Negative, Ed. Do it - do it during your next

ATM pass.

SPT Okay. Thank you.

TAG Tape 339-12/T-236
Page 4 of 4/1276

339 23 23 03 CC Skylab, we're 1 minute from LOS. We will have you

again at Guam at 23:58. We will be dumping the
tape recorder at that pass.

CC Skylab, for your information, the screw on S063

was lost during Skylab 3; so there's not much
point in any searching for it.

339 23 23 42 PLT Roger.

339 23 58 21 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS for 9 minutes.

CC Skylab, Houston. AOS, 8 minutes.

CDR Hello, Houston.

CC CDR, Houston.

CDR Go, ahead.

CC We have a message for you on the eryo vent valve

installation, if you've got a moment.

CDR Okay; go ahead.

CC Okay, install the quick-disconnect on the side

hatch vent fingertight. Interconnect cryo vent
valve and hatch quick-disconnect with the high-
pressure vent hose. Caution: Attach elbow end to
cryo vent valve. This procedure is necessary
because the PP02 is increasing or it's - and is
at the upper limit. The CSM cryo tanks are
forcing more 02 into the atmosphere than is needed

for makeup. And this will allow the excess 02 to

dump overboard through the co,and module side
hatch. This is also the completion of S-9 on
page 2-10 of the SWS Systems Checklist.

CDR Okay, Bill; I copy. Thank you.

340 00 06 59 CC Skylab, we'll be LOS in 30 seconds. We'll have you

again at 00:36.

340 00 07 19 CDR Roger, Houston.

TAG Tape 340-01/T-237
Time: 340:00:30 to 340:02:00
Page 1 of 6/1277


340 00 37 52 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS for ii minutes.

CDR Roger, Bill.

340 O0 40 27 SPT Houston, SPT.


SPT Say, Bill, when I came up here, I did look at the

corona to see if I could see any evidence. And
comparing with the picture this morning, I could
not see any significant change or any sign of a

CC We copy that, Ed.

SPT Even all - most of the relatively faint features

still remained pretty much unchanged.

CC Copy.

340 00 43 29 CC SPT, Houston.

SPT Go ahead.

CC Could you relay a message to the PLT? That's

the TV downlink at 47 on the next pass can be
put on the VTR. You have 5 minutes of time
on it.

SPT Okay, Bill. I'll write that in here.

340 00 47 51 CC Skylab, 1 minute to LOS. We will have you at

Ascension at 00:54.

340 00 55 09 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS for 14 minutes. We have

about a 1 minute keyhole at Canary.

CC Skylab, Houston. AOS for 14 minutes, Ascension.

We'll have a 1 minute keyhole at Canary.

CC Skylab, Houston. AOS for 13 minutes at Ascension.

We'll have a 1 minute keyhole at Canary.
TAG Tape 3h0-01/T-237
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340 00 58 4h CC Skylab, we'll have a 1 minute keyhole in about

30 seconds.

340 01 07 21 SPT Houston, Skylah,

CC Go ahead, Skylab.

SPT Bill, I'd like to talk a little bit about TV-117

and the scheduling on it.

CC Go ahead, Ed; we're listening.

SPT Okay, in looking through my details, I see that

at 17:23, I was supposed to prep ll7 and then run
the ATM at 17:30; that's 7 minutes. It turns out
that we never got that thing put together. It was
up in the MDA; I had to move it down to the 0WS.
The parts are over there in the corner wlth lots
of gray tape wrapped around them. And it's going
to take a little more time and gray tape to get
it all put together. I now see that I've got
some ops which I was supposed to be going through
before the thing was ever put together. End result
being that it appears unlikely we're going to get
the ops in today. I'm going to work a little bit
on it tonight to see how much of that thing I can
get assembled, but it's a - I don't think there
was adequate time put in here today for that; 7
minutes won't quite do it.

340 Ol 08 34 CC We copy that, Ed. And it's about 50 seconds here

to LOS. We'll have you again at Guam at 01:35,
and we'll have the evening status report then;
we'll also be dumping the tape recorder. And we
have a message for the CDR.

CDR Go ahead, Bill.

CC Message 2136 B-1 is in the teleprinter. Would

you take a look at it this evening since, we
now plan to ask you to look for this phenomena
[sic] tomorrow during or prior to Mo97 prep.
Correction that's M092 preps.

CDR Okay, say again the message number.

CC 2136.
TAG Tape 340-01/T-237
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340 01 09 36 CDR Okay, copy.

430 0135 37 CC Skylab, Houston AOS for 7 minutes. We'll be

dumping the tape recorder here at Guam, and
we're standing by for evening status.

CDR Okay, Bill, here it comes. Sleep: CDR, 7.0,

6.0 hard, 1.0 light; SPT, 7.7, 6.o heavy, 1.7 light;
PLT, 6.5, 6.0 heavy, and one half light. Volume:
CDR, 1400; SPT, 1950; PLT, 2600. Water gun: CDR,
7055; SPT, 2099; PLT, 8303. Body mass: CDR, 6.301
6.301, 6.300; SPT, 6.380, 6.378, 6.388; PLT, 6.235,
6.239, 6.238. Okay, exercise. CDR, method Alfa:
leg, 30 minutes; 4800. Method Bravo: Alfa, Delta,
Echo, and Foxtrot, 10, 20 each. Method Charlie:
Charlie, Delta, Foxtrot, 06, 15 repetitions each.
Method Echo: Alfa, Bravo, 03, l0 repetitions each.
Method Foxtrot: walk lO, N/A; toe rise, 01, 100
repetitions. SPT, method Alfa: leg, 40, 7337.
Method Bravo: Foxtrot, 10, 40 repetitions. Method
Foxtrot: toe rise, 05, i00; springs, 10, 500. PLT,
Alfa: legs, 30, 5000. Method Charlie: Bravo,
30, 5000. Method Charlie: Bravo, Charlie, Delta,
Echo, Foxtrot, Gulf, and Hotel, i0, 20 repetitions.
__ Method Foxtrot, walk, l0 minutes, N/A; toe rises,
30 seconds, 50.

340 Ol 37 59 CDR Medication: none for anyone. Clothing discarded

today: CDR, one pair of shorts, one T-shirt. Food
log: CDR, 15.0 salt, zero deviation, zero rehydration
water deviation; SPT, 4.0 salt, no water devia -
no food deviations, plus 24.0 water deviation; PLT,
2.0 salt, no water deviation. The photo log:
One 140-foot magazine for EREP ll, supply Charlie
ima 10, 79, N/A. M092/171 (151), Charlie India 71,
62, Charlie India 82. Nikon 01, Charlie X-ray 20,
19; 02 Bravo X-ray, correction Bravo Echo 08, 43;
Nikon 3, Charlie India ll0, no change; Char-Nikon 04,
_mpty; Nikon 05, Bravo Hotel 04, 19; 70-millimeter
Charlie X-ray 47, 056. ETC is Charlie Tango 11,099.
EREP set Kilo 9809, 1945, 9532 extended, 8900, 0671,
9576. Drawer A configuration: Alfa 1,07, no change;
Alfa 2,05, no change; Alfa 3,06, no change; Alfa 4,03,
Charlie India 71, 62, Charlie India 82. Back, 02,
no change. Flight Plan deviations: none. Shopping
list accomplishments: none. Inoperable equipment
and dispostition: transporter 07, film Jammed for
M151; ETC Prep, the PLT reparied and reloaded

TAG Tape 340r01/T-237
Page _ of 6/12_0

with the same cassette, and it seems to be okay

now. Next item is we have repaired the Mark I
exerciser. We replaced the return spring, and it
is now working properly. Unscheduled stowage:
none. That's the end of the report.

340 01 40 31 CC We copy that, and we have a nl_mber of evening

questions for all of you. We'll probably have to
continue on the next site, but I'll go ahead if
you're ready to copy.

CDR Go ahead.

CC For the PLT, when you did the iodine determination

on the wardroom table, this was housekeeping 14G
on day 19, Bioned recieved only one reading and
expected two. Were the two readying made, or were
they simply the same readings. The readings were
9 parts per million.

PLT Negative, Bill. I only made one reading on the

chiller. Did they want one of the heater also?

CC I'll get you an answer back on that. Now for the

CDR. Have you or will you install the cryo vent
valve in the CSMtoday?

CDR That's affirmative; I intend to do it between this

report and the medical conference.

3_0 O1 41 B2 CC Okay, and for the PLT. The last crew accidentally
inserted a teleprinter paper roll backwards on
one occasion. This could possible explain the
low contrast that you've recently experienced.
They _ant you to verify that the paper is properly
inserted, that this is the waxy side is normally ex-
posed, the waxy side. Also verify that the paper is
white and not yellowish, yellow is old paper, or
that it is not pinkish at the corners, which would
indicate that it had been exposed to excessive

340 01 42 16 PLT That's in work.

CC Okay, we're going LOS in about a minute here.

We'll have you again at Honeysuckle at 01:49,
and I'll pick up, but I'll keep reading.
TAG Tape 340-01/T-237
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CC Are you able to see the comet yet without

binocular s ?

PLT PLT, I saw it 2 days ago. Las_t night however, I

could not see it, but I think that was because
it was right - right on the edge of the solar
panel. It was only visible for a few minutes, and
then I was busy taking the exposures. But 2 days
ago I could see it.

CDR This is the CDR. I saw it this morning unaided.

CC We copy that, and one last question. Can you

give us additional informgtion on the failure of
DAC 04? This was reported today. And you can be
thinking about that, and I have a couple of more
that I'll catch at the next pass.

340 01 43 12 CDR Okay, Bill.

340 01 49 47 CC Skylab, Houston A0S for 2-1/2 minutes.

SPT Okay, Bill. We're looking at the white light

coronagraph display right now. And at 070 ab -
above active region 87, we can see a relatively
bright area. It looks like a - a small streamer
incased within the larger one, and it's relatively
bright, triangular in appearance. And so we're
already doing a Sun-center JOP, and we want to
continue on with some continuous mode and finish up
the orbit with a standard.

CC We copy that, Ed. And we concur with what you're

do ing.

SPT Okay.

340 01 50 46 CDR Bill, one correction on the evening status report.

CC Go ahead.

CDR Okay, on the SPT's detail 2355, that was that

HHll7 that he has not done, so that would be a

SPT That's TV-117, Bill.

CC Yes, listen, we're going to get you some infor-

mation up on that later.
TAG Tape 340-01/T-237
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SPT All I really need is a time to get it done, but

none's been really scheduled for me.

CC We'll take care of it in tomorrow's Flight Plan.

340 01 51 26 SPT Okay, I'll be working the food overage and the
MllO this evening.

CC We copy that.

SPT If we have any time left over, I'll take a look

at - make a few more steps into the TV-117.

CC We copy that. And we're going LOS in about a

minute. We'll have you again at Vanguard at 02:16.


SPT Any questions that we can be working on while you're

over the hill?

CC SPT, a little reminder that you have a nuZ update

scheduled. And if you get the opportunity to
follow up the DAC 04 and the teleprinter questions.

SPT Yes, Bill, could you just repeat your last question
to me? I didn't hear you.

340 01 52 30 CC It was Just a reminder that you have a nuZ update


340 Ol 52 39 SPT Okay, will do it. Okay, and what we were looking
at in the white light coronagraph is really at about
070, which puts it a light north of active region 87,
but we'll continue on with what we're doing.
CC We concur.

340 Ol 52 57 PLT And. Bill, I checked the teleprinter and it was

threaded properly. It was not yellow ... - -

TAG Tape 340-02/T-238
Time: 340:02:00 to 340:03:30
Page 1 of 4/1283


340 02 16 43 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS the Vanguard, 6 minutes.

SPT Hello, Hill.

CC Ed, do you have a moment's free time here?

SPT Go ahead.

CC Could you get us the FRAMES REMAINING on the ATM?

SPT Coming up. H-Alpha 12962; 56 ,4591; 82A, 00147;

82B, 01h01; 52, 05499; and 54, 04378.

CC Thank you, Ed. And if you have another minute, I

can read up some changes so straighten out this
TV-117 for tomorrow.

CDR Okay, Bill;, go ahead. And also, are there any -

any updates or anything on the S063 maneuver
pad? We're getting ready toget going on that.

340 02 18 Oh CC Negative. We're GO on the S063 maneuver down


CDR Okay, we're going to go ahead and punch it up.

CC We copy. And, Ed, on your detail F light Plan for

tomorrow - Today, we weren't aware that the TV-117
had been moved; so hence the 7-minute prep
time. Tomorrow, it occures during a 25-minute
unscheduled housekeeping period; so you should
be okay. On the Flight Plan, we want you to
change 17:50 to 17:35 and TV-117 ops 2 to ops
1 setup. On the 21:00 TV-117, again we want you
to change ops 2 to ops 1. Also, for the SPT Flight
Plan we want you to leave the samples in the chiller
until the setup has been made. And finally, at
22:29 do not use ergometer during 5183 ops - that's
S183 ops.

340 02 19 49 SPT Okay, Bill, I got that. Essentially, what it

amounts to is that every free moment I get tomorrow,
I Just go full bore in trying to get ll7 put to-
gether and - and operating.
TAG Tape 340-02/T-238
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CC That's about it, I'm afraid, Ed.

340 02 21 16 PLT Houston, Skylab; PLT.


PLT Roger. About DAC 4. Understood there was a query

about DAC 4. I .just checked it out with the repair
transporter on which we had the difficulty, and
they're both working nominally.

CC We copy that.

PLT And - When I took transporter 7 apart, I found a

piece of film Jammed up in the - the guide. And I
removed that, and looks like it's okay.

CC And we copy again. And, Bill, we got everything

on the teleprinter paper except whether it was
pink or not - that's pink around the edges.

PLT Negative on the pink.

CC All right. And we're 30 minutes - 30 seconds here

from LOS. We'll have you again at Canary at 02:35.

SPT Does the maneuver look okay, Bill?

CC That is affirmative.

SPT Okay, we're going in about 30 seconds.

340 02 22 41 CC Copy.

340 02 35 51 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS Canary for 13 minutes.

CDR Roger, Houston. We've got about 8 minutes to go

in the maneuver, and it's looking good.

CC It looks good from here.

340 02 37 48 CC SPT, Houston.

SPT Go ahead, Bill.

TAG Tape 340-02/T-238
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CC Ed, could you verify for us that the TELEPRINT

switch is in COMMAND?

SPT That's verified, Bill.

CC Thank you, sir.

3h0 02 45 15 CC SPT, Houston.

CDR This is the CDR. Go ahead.

CC Jerry, could we get someone to make a couple of

checks on the teleprinter? We're unable to command
it at the moment.

CDR Okay, I'm right next to it. What do you need?

CC Okay, we want you to check the TE.T.k_PRINTERcircuit

breaker on panel 200; verify that it is IN. If it
is IN, check all the removable plugs on the rear
to be sure that they are in.

CDR Okay, it's in work.

340 02 47 ll CDR Houston, CDR. I checked the plugs, and they're

good. And I cycled the switch to ON and back to

CC And was the panel 200 circuit breaker IN?

CDR That 's affirmative.

CC Thank you.

CC CDR, we would like for you to cycle the TELEPRINTER

switch to ON and hold it there so that we can ob-
serve on telemetry.

CDR Wilco.

CC Now take it back to COMMAND.

CDR Okay, it's in COMMAND.

TAG Tape B40-02/T-2B8
Page 4 of 4/1286

CC We now have command of it. Thank you. We're

going over the hill in about a minute. We'll
have you again at Carnarvon at 13:18.

340 02 48 46 CDR Roger.

TAG Tape 340-03/T-239
Time: 340:03:30 to 340:04:53
Page i of 311287


B40 04 07 20 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS for 7 minutes.

CDR Roger, Bill.

CC And we have two last items here for you, if we

can get out of the way. The first one is for the
PLT. And no further water sampling - that is,
iodine sampling - is required at this time.

CDR Roger. He copies.

PLT You mean you want to knock off the sampling of

the water tank 6 tomorrow?

340 04 08 05 CC Negative. This was in reference to the wardroom

water that was sampled some time ago, on day 19.
There was some question of doing two samples be-
sides the one sample that he did. The one sample
is adequate.

PLT Okay. I got a question for you, Bill.

CC Go ahead.

PLT Roger. We Just completed the S063. And the pad

called for a stow configuration i, which calls
for removal of the AMS from the minus-Z SAL.
The minus - the AMS requires for S183 for tomorrow,
and the S183 detail indicates a prep, too, which
indicated the AMS is installed. So what - It seems
to be inconsistent, or - or I have misinterpreted
something. Would you clarify that? Am I supposed
to leave the AMS in the minus-Z SAL tonight or not?

CC Stand by i.

CDR Hey, Bill, while we're standing by, fire your

other questions.

340 0h 09 18 CC That's affirm. These are changes to the detail

pad for the CDR and the PLT. And this was changed
since you msuaged to get the Mark 1 fixed today,
and we're rearranging the pad slightly as follows.
For the CDR: Perform S183 ops that was scheduled
for the PLT at 19:10. We want these ops performed
TAG Tape 3h0-03/T-239
Page 2 of 3/1288

at this time, at 19:10. And update your detail

pad to reflect this. Also, perform eating,
checklist update, EREP transfer , and housekeeping
around this 1 - S183 ops between 18:49 and 22:39.
That is, the only time-critical thing in this
period is the S183 ops. Now for the PLT detail
pad: At 19:10, change S183 ops to S190 checkout.

PLT PLT copies.

340 04 ii 37 CDE Okay, CDE got that.

CC Okay.

CDR Are you going to send up new pads tomorrow


CC If you would like to have them, we will send

them up.

CDR No, I think we can handle it the way it is. I

was Just wondering if you were planning on sending

CDR Let's keep as much wear and tear off the tele-
printer as we can. We'll manage these.

CC Okay.

340 04 13 44 CC PLT, Houston.

PLT Go, Bill.

CC Following S063, that should have been a stow 3.

PLT Sotw 3. Thank you very much.

340 04 13 59 CC And it's 1 minute to LOS, and so we'll say good

night here. And thank you very much.

CDR Good night, Bill.

CC Good night. And hey, we sure appreciate all that

data and stuff that's been coming back on a lot
of the items.
TAG Tape 340-03/T-239
Page 3 of 3/1289


CDR Roger. And be advised Thornton's revenge is

taking its toll. It's really to the calves.

CC Yes, that's what it was meant to. How's it


CDR I'm not sure that Teflon's going to m_ke it. It

gets pretty hot, and it's beginning to show some
lines of the metal through it. It will be inter-
esting to see if it'll make the whole 85 days.

CC You're a bunch of real athletes, I guess is the


CDR I can pull my socktemperature up about 25,

B0 degrees in no time at all.

CC Copy and good night.

SPT Hey,{ ill, even if the Teflon goes, it's still

good for Jumping breaks.

3_0 04 15 02 CC Right; copy.

TAG Tape 340-04/T-2hO
Time: 3h0:04:53 to 3h0:12:00
Page 1 ofl/1291



TAG Tape 340-05/T-241
Time: 340:12:00 to 340:13:30
Page 1 of i0/1293


340 12 02 17 CC Good morning, Skylab. We're 30 seconds from LOS

over Hawaii, and we'll see you at Goldstone at
about 4 minutes at 12:06.

CDR Morning, Crip.

CC Morning.

340 12 06 22 CC Skylab, Housint. We're AOS at Goldstone for

5 minutes. How can you read the music, or can
you read it at all?

SPT Reading it loud and clear here. Last pass, it

was a little bit more broken.

CC 0keydoke.

(Music: German Christmas carols)

340 12 l0 53 CC 1 minute until LOS. We'll see you over Bermuda

in 5 minutesat 12:16;12:16.

(Music: "Silent Night" - German)

340 12 16 18 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS Bermuda for I0 minutes.

MCC And here, Skylah ... a more ... to you Barbara


(Music: "Silent Night" by Barbara Streisand)

CC Skylab, Houston. The laser is on at this time.

PLT Roger. Got it in sight.

MCC Got it in sight.

CC Understand you got it.

PLT Negative, that was an error. Stand by.

MCC (Music: "Silent Night" by Barbara Streisand)

PLT Crip, it's very, very hazy, and we didn't see it.
TAG Tape 340-05/T-241
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CC Okay. Very good, Bill.

(Music: German Christmas carols)

340 12 23 17 CC SPT, Houston. Have you got a moment to talk about

the MllO blood drawing this morning?

PLT He'll be with you in a minute, Crip.

CC Okay.

PLT He's still changing.

CC Okeydoke.


CC Bill, d - do you have a moment to talk if Ed

doesn't? I believe you can note this down. And
we're going to go LOS here shortly, and I did
want to tell you before you did the blood.


CC Okay. We're trying to get an idea as to why the -

plasma had the red color, and we'd appreciate it
if you would log the time of each blood draw and
the time of centrifuge start and then the appear-
ance of the plasma after it - you went to the

PLT Roger. The time of the draw and the time of

centrifuge actuation; and what was the last?
I didn't read that.

CC The appearance of the plasma after it separates.

In other words, we're interested to find out if
it still has that red color.

PLT Okay. Thank you.

_40 12 25 25 CC 0keydoke. We're i minute from LOS. We'll see

you at Carnarvon in 40 minutes at 13:06.

340 12 25 35 PLT Okay, Crip.

340 13 05 28 CC Skylab, Houston. A0S Carnarvon for i0 minutes.

And, Skylab, the _ the music we played for you
TAG Tape 340-@5/T-241
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earlier had been sent by the people of Germany,

and we thought it was quite appropriate to play
it on Saint Nicholas Day. Hope you en - -

PLT Thank you, Crip. That was very kind and we en-
Joyed it very much.

CC Glad to hear that. And, Bill, while I've got you

there, could I give you a small change on your
Flight Plan and remind you about something else?

PLT Stand by.

PLT Okay, Crip. Go.

CC Okeydoke. At 13:40 this morning, you've got the

S183 prep scheduled. And you're also referenced
to a general message 2042 Bravo, that we had re-
quested for you to hold over, which resyncs that
particular carrousel. And the thing we wanted
to do was to emphasize to you that it was neces-
sary to do that prior to installation. You have
to do the alignment procedure prior to installing
the carrousel.

PLT Prior to installing the carrousel. Roger.

CC Okay. And the other thing was down a little bit

later in the day. We have you at 23:25 scheduled
for installing carrousel 1-1. We're going to
continue to use 2-2 because we're still doing
some thinking about l-l; so you can Just cancel
that activity at 23:25 and use it for open

PLT That's done.

CC Okay. I don't know whether it was you or somebody

else, but we saw that the thermostat had been ad-
Justed down about 4 degrees, and the - there's a
little funny there. To get the system into a
cooling mode, if you guys think it's a little warm
now, you actually have to take it down below where
you want it to get it to go into a cooling mode
and then reset it back up; so if your - want to
ta - bring the temp down, take it and set it about
65 degrees and then put it back where you would
like it.

TAG Tape 3_0-05/T-241
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PLT Okay, Crip. Thar_ks for the word.

340 13 08 09 CC And one other item, Bill. I guess I need you or

somebody on panel 206 to do a REG ADJUST for us.

PLT Okay. I'll run right up there.

CC Thank you.

PLT Okay, Bob. Go with the REG ADJUST.

340 13 09 01 CC Okay. We need you to do a REG ADJUST on BUS l,

20 degrees counterclockwise and on BUS 2,
15 degrees counterclockwise.

340 13 14 50 PLT That's complete.

CC Okeydoke. Real fine. Thank you very much. I

believe that's really all I needed to hassle you
about this morning, Bill.

PLT All righty.

CC SPT, Houston. Ed, you got a moment to t_Ik this


SPT I always do, Crip. Go ahead.

CC Very good, Edward. You'd asked for comments about

your TV scenes and a little feedback on it. And
that TV-28, as far as we can tell right now - that
you ran for us on the ATM C&D - looks real good.
I can't - can't give you anything constructive
right now because it came through all okay.

SPT Okay. I was a little bit worried - worried about

the voice on that because the - apparently, I
was holding the mike a little bit distant.

CC Voice came through 5 by. One item I'd like to

tell you to change on your details today, if you
got your detail Flight Plan handy.

SPT Okay. Go ahead.

CC Okay. At 01:35 you - we have you stowing the

stuff for TV-117, and we would like you not to
TAG Tape 340-05/T-241
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stow it. But do stow the parts - the particle

mobility device in the food chiller until tomorrow
when - because we're planning on doing ops 2

SPT Okay, Crip. Essentially, what - the mode I'm

[sic] gone into on that thing is that every free
moment I got during the day, I'll be working on
it. And so all of the places where you have it
written in there - Phil gave me some changes yes-
terday and they all amounted to Just a Charge
ahead on that thing and see if you can try and
get it done as soon as you can.

CC Okay, fine. The only - only thing we were really

concerned about was, we didn't want you take it
all down and - and put it away and then we're
[sic] turn around and ask you to do it again

SPT No, that's one reason I moved it down here into

the OWS - so I wouldn't have to do that. It was
pretty much up in the way in the MDA, and it takes
a fair 8/nount of doing to get all that stuff put
together, especially the first time. I'd n - never
seen the gear before or the procedures.

CC Okay. And understand you are working that down

in the - in the workshop now. Okay. The only
thing I wanted to emphasize is that the particle
mobility device should go in the food chiller

SPT Okay. We will do it, Bob.

340 13 13 33 CC Skylab, Houston. One other remark regarding the

cooling situation. We find that the OWS HEAT EX-
CHANGER FANS don't look like they're in OWS mode,
and I can tell you where to correct that if you
got the time.

PLT Okay, Crip. Go ahead.

340 13 13 53 CC Okay. It's - You might check panel 390 for the
OWS HEAT EXCHANGER FANS, and those should be in the
OWS position.
TAG Tape 340-05/T-241
Page 6 of i0 /1298

PLT Okay. He's on his way. Thanks a lot for the


CC Thank you.

340 13 14 50 CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute from LOS. Next

station contact is over Guam at 13:19. That's
about 4-1/2 minutes away, and we'll be turning
the .mike over to Bill Lenoir at that pass for
the ATM conference.

CDR Roger, Crip. And while you're at it, would you

wish Dr. Ed Burchard, our other flight surgeon,
a happy Saint Nicholas Day?

340 13 15 14 CC We'll do that for you.

340 13 19 55 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS Guam, and l'm turning

the mike over to Doctor Lenoir.

SPT Morning, Bill. Go ahead.

MCC Good morning, Ed. You ready for the Harvard 55

CALROC today?

SPT Sure are. Go ahead.

MCC Okay, we've got about 8 minutes here in the pass.

Let me start off with a couple of questions here.
On the tho - discretionary observing time, I guess
I'll call it, I know you prefer a fair amount of
that. We're wondering whether Jerry and Bill also
prefer a fair amount, moderate amount, not any at
all, or what?

PLT This is PLT. I can answer for myself. I like the

observing time. I think last night I picked up
what I thought was a - a feature developing in the
corona. And in addition to that, there's a prac-
tical reason for having that observing time. If
you do get yourself in a corner, you can eat into
that observing time to go ahead and take the
pres - heat off yourself so you can do a better
job on the JOP. Now that sounds like you're sort
of begging the question, but I think it's a very
practical measure to take right now.

MCC Okay - -
TAG Tape 340-05/T-241
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CDR This is the CDR. I agree with that.

MCC Okay, fine. And we agree with that also and

realize that it does serve as a pad as well as
good observing time. When we schedule a lot of
it in any given orbit, we're not begging the issue.
But several experiments have found that some of
their best SL-3 data came from observing time,
shopping list-type items. 0 - Okay, Ed, one state-
ment here. Active region 87 and 92 is about
24 degrees behind the limb this morning. It
would take an event to get out to about 0.1 to
0.15 radii in order for you to see it around the

340 13 21 43 SPT Okay.

MCC And one comment here on the white light coronagraph.

The phantom star that may or - Well, it actually
is not Omega Ophiuehi. Westinghouse has looked
at it. Our feeling is - is that it is a defect
in the tube. It is not in the white light optics
and should not appear on the film.

f SPT Okay. When it reversed color, it went completely

black when I went to GRID, DISCHARGE. That told
me it was in the TV system, i didn't quite under-
stand where, but I knew it was not in the optics.
So glad to hear that.

MCC Okay, fine. And that was what tipped us off,

also. Looking at the CALROC plans today and the
comments that are in the SAP, I wonder if you
have any questions or if you totally understand
exactly the four-orbit sequence we're doing here.

SPT Okay, I have not had a chance to look through it

in detail to say I totally understand it. I have
looked through in a general way and believe I do.
Of course, the only - the only questions the in-
itially came to mind was wondering if QR-2 and
LB-1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth, the ones that are
called out. And in looking through the pad, I
see that those are - are defined at various points.
And we'll Just have to write them down as we go
along and make sure that - subsequent passes -
on the panel, know where they are located.

TAG Tape 340-05/T-241
Page 8 of 10/1300

MCC Right. That's I00 percent correct. You've got

the first three CALROC passes, and Jerry has the
last one. And that will certainly require co-
ordination between the two of you on that. And
one comment here is that all of the 55 observa-
tions must be made above 400 kilometers in order
to be valid. Atmospheric extinction will inval-
idate the calibration if any's taken below there.

SPT Okay, we'll do our best to get it all in there.

340 13 23 31 MCC Okay. And yesterday you should have received the
message on the S054 how-goes-it on the filter
wheel. If you've got any questions or concerns
about that, I'd be happy to ask - answer them now.

SPT No, I don't think I can add anything to that

other than when you do get some EVA plans worked
out, let us know what they are and - and we'll
try and think about them and see if we can come
up with anything additional.

340 13 23 54 MCC We certainly will. We intend to try to keep you

in the loop there on deciding what to do as much
as we possibly can. That's why l'm trying to send
you all the information as we get it. Okay,
moving on here to some S055 detector data, and
unfortunately several days late answering some
questions. We have gone back and looked at prom-
inence. You asked the question much earlier about
Lyman-beta on a prominence. We find that there
just is not very much data of Lyman-beta on a
prominence. But searching the SL-2 and -3 records,
we have found one SL-3 scan - mirror auto raster
actually of Lyman-beta on a prominence. And we
find numbers that are very, very similar to the
numbers that you quoted. And we're beginning to
suspect that the numbers you have in the cue card,
the 15 with a background of 3 are probably way
low because our numbers were essentially in very
good agreement with yours.

340 13 24 52 SPT Okay.

MCC And also_ earlier on the west limb, when you were
looking for loops out of active region 87, you
mentioned you could see fingers in H-alpha that
TAG Tape 340-05/T-241
Page 9 of 10/1301

you thought would - if enclosed into a loop star_d-

ing on its edge - would go out to about a third
of a radii. At first we tended not to think that
was the case; however, again looking at further
data in a neon VII and silicon XII, especially
neon VII, we find indeed that we do get the kind
of thing that you were talking about - where we
get arched structures arching up as though they
are part of a loop with the top 100 to 120 degrees
missing, going up about 6 arc minutes off the limb,
which is very consistent with what you described
and thought you saw. The base is definitely
visible in the Lyman continuum, and that leads
us to believe that it's probably also visible
in H-alpha and that is indeed what you were

SPT Yes, we have a very good combination up here.

The H-alpha 1 FILTER, I find, is a little bit
better for plain features off the limb than the
H-alpha 2. And also, the MONITOR 1 which brought -
we brought up - Mr. Barnes down there at Marshall
picked the best one he could find on the shelf,
and it certainly is a beauty because we can see
very faint features off the limb. And I'm looking
forward to doing some work with spicules as well
as prominences and loops.

MCC Okay, good. We're sure hoping that that matters.

And we kind of hope that between the two of those,
that we might even be able to see the comet later
on in H-alpha if everything has really peaked up.

340 13 26 33 SPT We hope to. I have not been able to notice much
distinction between the two monitors, however, in
looking on - at the corona. I don't quite under-
stand that. I would think that MONITOR i would be
better, but in just comparing them side by side,
I don't think I can see any fainter features in
1 over 2.

340 13 26 52 MCC Okay, Ed. And let's see. We've got another
minute and a half here for - until LOS. Do you
have any questions or anything I can take up for
you now?

SPT Yes. Last night, Bill Pogue was quick to pick

up what looked like a relatively new feature in tile
TAG Tape 340-05/T-241
Page i0 of I0 /1302

corona - a relatively bright, small triangular

streamer superimposed on the other structures
out there at - probably around 080 - maybe a
little closer to 070. And we had gotten the
call earlier about the surge from active region 87.
Now it was not above 87, but I didn't know what
direction the surge went off in. So we were al-
ready Sun-centered, and we Just pressed on with
whether they were - have been able to see anything
or have any indications on the ground that that
indeed was the location.

340 ].3 27 47 MCC Okay, Ed. I don't believe that they have in-
dications that that was the location, but !'ii
certainly check that. And we'll send that up
to you later.

340 13 27 56 CC Okay, 30 - -

SPT Okay.

CC - - 30 seconds until LOS. 17 minutes, we'll see

you at Goldstone, 13:45; 13:45.

SPT Okay. Bill, if you could eventually, try to get -

for 82B some more of those optimum times for
various phenomena. If you can, put it in a very
compact little passage - compact package on a
teleprinter pad. We'll Just put it right up here
on the panel somewhere. We have that for 54, for
example, right above the FRAMES REMAINING, and
we use that as a guide for taking SINGLE frame
exposures. And we could do the same for the

MCC Okay, Ed. That's already in work, and I should

get that today. And we'll try to send it up this

SPT Very good.

MCC See you tomorrow.

340 13 28 45 SPT Thank you, Bill.

TAG Tape 340-06/T-242
Time: 340:13:30 to 340:15:00
Page i of 5/1303


340 13 44 47 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS stateside for 16-i/2 minutes.

CC Skylab, Houston. If somebody's got an opportunity,

I'd like to talk to you about the visual observation
message we sent up last night, which concerns some
observations off the Yucatan Peninsula.

CDR Go ahead, Crip.

CC Okay. First, if you've had - read the message and

have any _lestions on it, we'll be glad to try to
answer them. A few items I thought I might try to
elaborate on a little bit. The cloud patterns that
we're talking about in the eddies are occurring
approximately 100 miles off the coast. And the
cloud streets that are referred to, we have seen
them, both very well defined streets and sometimes
the streets aren't all that obvious. But the -
the eddies, which appear as a - as a break or a
circle, are fairly well defined, we think. And the
buildups on one side of them are also well defined.
Plus if you've got the Sun glint just right, the
color change in the water is also very obvious.
The time - opportunity you're going to have for that
today, is you're coming over the tip of Yucatgn at
about 15:34 on the next rev around. And both of
you - or all three of you are going to be tied up
somewhat. We're - if you can perhaps find some
time to take a look and visually observe it, we
would appreciate it. We do not want any photo-
graphs. We're Just trying to determine whether you
can visually observe them from orbit.

340 13 46 51 SPT Okay, Crip. If we happen to have a camera handy,

no one would object if we took a few photos.

CC Okay. No, there's no objections at all. We Just

don't want it to interfere with your other - other
observations of the things plus the other activities
you have. And - -

SPT Okay.

CC And, Ed, while you're there, I guess you confused

us a little bit talking about TV-117 and moving
TAG Tape 340-06/D-242
Page 2 of 5 /1304

it down in the workshop. It would appear that

that's an activity that should not take all day,
as you referred to it. But after you've got it
set up, there's a - well it goes for 20 minutes,
with you taking photographs over 20, and then the
repeat - repeat that going in the other direction
for another 20 minutes. That is what you're doing
with it, isn't it?

SPT Yes, Crip. The first thing, though, is to get all

that gear put down in the workshop and assembled
properly. And that's what I've been in the midst
of doing right now. There's an awful lot of gray
tape used and an awful lot of barnyard engineering
to fit all of that stuff together. And it's the
first time I've seen the gear and the first time
I've seen the procedures. And that's why it's been
taking a little bit of time.

340 13 47 56 CC Okay. We understand it. Thank you.

340 13 51 55 PLT Houston, Skylab.

CC Go.

PLT Roger, Bob. Earlier when you were giving me cor-

rections to the Flight Plan - this is regarding
the S183 - I understood you to say that the special
procedure was to be employed before installing the
spectrograph assembly. And perhaps you said car-
rousel; is that correct? ... - -

CC That's affirmative. Before installing the carrou-


PLT Okay. Thank you very much. That makes sense.

340 13 53 i0 CDR You getting any TV downlink, Crip?

CC Getting TV downlink 5 by 5; looks good.

CDR Okay, I'll start showing you some different views.

340 13 55 43 CDR Houston, looks to me l_ke you would rather look at

a ROLL of about minus 5400 here. When I finish the
XUV sequence, do you want me to ROLL to minus 5400
TAG Tape 340-06/T-242
Page 3 of 5/1305

CC Let me check that.

CDR Okay. I'm going to go ahead and do the XUV se-

quences now.

CC Skylab, Houston. I am a little late with it, but

we are doing a data/voice recorder dump here.

340 13 57 07 CC Jer, the roll is fine where it is; you can leave
it at 10,800.

CDR Okay.

340 14 00 13 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. And

we're not ca - copying any H-ALPHA, Jer. If you
haven't got that thing started you need to go
through the procedure for starting it after - after

CDR Okay. I thought I had, but it apparently went off


CC Okaydoke. And next pass is going to be at Carnarvon;

that's 43 minutes away at 14:43. And to really
confuse you I'm going to turn you over to the purple
CAP COMM on the maroon team.

CDR What _ horrible color combination.

CC Roger that (laughter). And in case it wasn't clear

yesterday on the legbands for the upcoming 92 run
that you've got, Jer, we want you to continue to
use the same ones that we said yesterday until we
tell you different.

CDR Wilco.

CC Today and tomorrow.

CDR Okay, Crip.

CC Okay, Jet, you need your switch to AUTO. Your

TAG Tape 340-06/T-242
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CDR That's where it is, Crip.

340 14 01 23 CC It's in AUTO. Okay; copy.

340 14 46 17 CC Skylah, Houston. We're at Carnarvon for 6 minutes.

SPT Hello, Dick. How are you doing?

CC Just fine, sir; and you? l'm the guest CAP COMM
today for the maroon team. Story and I are changing
shifts; and so, good morning to you.

SPT Good color combination.

CC Roger, that. Say, we notice that the H-alpha i is

in OVERRIDE, and we'd like to have it in NORMAL.

SPT Okay. Jerry's debriefing up there, and we'll get

it as soon as he gets off the tape recorder.

CDR I got it.

CC Okay. Thank you very much.

340 14 52 14 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 30 seconds from LOS.

I'ii give you a call at Guam at 14:57.

340 14 57 20 CC Skylab, Houston. Hello; at Guam for 8 minutes.

PLT Hello.

CC And, Skylab, Houston. I thought I'd make a mention

of the - you know, that call I made Just a minute
ago on the H-ALPHA i switch. Turns out that that
wasn't a - a just a spurious switch call, there
were some checklist changes that went up a couple
of days ago that - that you probably haven't gotten
around to putting in and may get to today. But
they were to three of the - of _he cue cards, and
it had to do with the positioning of the H-alpha
switch for the condition to - when you powerup
after sunrise. And in that case we will end up
putting the INTERLOCK switch to interlock [?] and
OPENing the DOOR and then verifying that's it's back
to NORMAL at the end of the day pass. So, Jerry,
or whichever one of you does make those checklist
TAG Tape 3h0-O6/T-242
Page 5 of 5/1307

changes, when you make them to the ATM operate cue

card and also the unattend operate cue card, you
might Just take a note of that.

CDR Roger, Dick. We were away - aware of that. I Just

hadn't gotten around to it yet. I was busy

CC Okay, there's no - no problem. We Just wanted to

make sure that we hadn't confused you more than
helped you with that little change there.

CDR Oh, no. No sweat at all. We understood.

340 14 58 49 CC Okay.

340 15 01 12 PLT And, Dick, PLT here.

CC Go ahead, sir.

340 15 O1 17 PLT Roger. People are probably watching. I Just did

housekeeping ii Alfa. It's been completed.

340 15 O1 25 PLT And while I'm talking with you, I might as well
give you - there are nine solids traps remaining
after I installed the two that I Just put in.
Now -

TAG Tape 340-07/T-243
Time: 340:15:00 to 340:16:30
Page i of 3/1309


340 15 01 33 PLT ... I'm calling about is, when I installed the
SIEVE A, no problem; didn't get any warning lights
or anything. But when I turned the SIEVE A FAN
back to SECONDARY, it - it turned up all right,
came up to speed. When I turned B FAN to OFF, then
i got the SIEVE FLOW light. Went ahead and changed
it. Soon as I turned it back to PRIMARY, SIEVE FLOW
light went out. The question is, the A FANS were
running, and is it Just they don't have enough poop
to - to overcome that sensor tolerance , or what?

CC Stand by just a second, Bill.

PLT And I'm going to be running down to 183.

340 15 02 14 CC Okay.

340 15 04 49 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute to LOS. I'll

call you at Goldstone at 15:21. And be advised,
we were watching you, and we did see the CAUTION
and WARNING when you were changing the solids trap.
We're still thinking about your question a little
bit, and we'll - when we have a good answer, we'll
get back to you.

PLT And both Fans did come on when I put them back to

340 15 05 12 CC Okay; understand.

340 15 21 22 CC Skylab, Houston. We're stateside for 15 minutes.

CDR Roger, Dick. And could I have a new window for the
$233; I missed the last one.

CC Roger, Jerry. Let us take a look at that.

340 15 21 43 CDR Okay.

340 15 24 i0 CC PLT, Houston. I know you're busy on the ATM. We've

still got about 12 minutes here. If you get a
moment, we think the solids trap thing was operated
normally, but I can tell you about that any time
you have a chance to listen.
TAG Tape 340-07/T-243
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PLT Okay, I'm Just - sort of doing a little observing.

Go ahead and talk, Dick°

CC Okay. What we think happened was the fact that

when you did the SIEVE A changeout, you didn't get
a CAUTION and WARNING because that sensor - that
flow sensor is INHIBIT on SIEVE A. If it have been
EN - ENABLE and if that sensor was operating properly,
you wouldhave gotten a CAUTION and WARNING there,
also. Then when you moved over to the SIEVE B,
since we do have a good sensor there, and it was
ENABLE, you did get the CAUTION and WARNING. So
that worked normally too. And since there's no
interaction or expected interaction between the
two sieves and their individual cation and warning
sensors, we think it worked okay.

PLT Thank you very much.

340 15 25 05 CC Roger.

340 15 28 54 CC Skylab, Houston. In about 5 or 6 minutes, you're

going to come up on this opportunity over Yucatan
to observe this air-sea interchange - energy inter-
change phenomena. And I'm looking at a satellite
picture of the weather that was taken about dawn
this morning down there, and there does appear to
be some cloud cover. And at that time it was
essentially - mostly between the tip of the Yucatgn
Peninsula stretching up towards the southwestern
tip of Cuba. And we've been having a little bit
of talk about here as to whether this particular
cloud cover will either assist or hurt you in tak-
ing a view of that. So I - I guess you'll get the
best chance to see and can let us know if one of
you has a chance to look out the window.

PLT Okay. Ed and I will both look.

340 15 29 39 CC Okay; great.

340 15 35 57 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 30 seconds from LOS.

We'll call you at the Vanguard at 15:47.

CDR Roger, Dick. We think we see the phenomena that

was mentioned in the message. We do see the cloud
streets with the arcs of cumulus overlayed. There
are some differences in color of the water surface
TAG Tape 340-07/T-243
Page 3 of 3/1311

underneath, running from dark blue to light to the

green. There's no Sun glint how - however to help
us out.

340 15 36 27 CC Roger, Jerry. Thank you.

CDR We grabbed a few Nikon 55-millimeter pictures of


CC Okay. And we're assnmlng if you get a chance,

you'll put a more detailed description on the tape
re c or der.

CDR That' s affirmative.

340 15 36 43 CC Okay.

340 15 46 41 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS Vanguard for 9 minutes.

And I forgot to warn you at the LOS for the last
site, but we're dumping the data/voice recorder here
at Vanguard.

340 15 54 51 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute from LOS.

We got - We'll see you after the long way around
at Goldsotne at 16:58; that's about an hour and
z 4 minutes fromnow.

CDR Roger, Dick. And on that $233, I think maybe the

night pass after next might be a good time to sche-
dule that.

CC Roger. We were just talking about that, and when

we get to Goldstone, we'll probably have a sugges-
tion for you.

340 15 55 17 CDR Okay.

TAG Tape 340-08/T-244
Time: 340:16:30 to 340:18:00
Page i of h/1313


340 16 58 45 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS Gold,tone and Texas

for 13 minutes.

PLT Roger. This is PLT on the ATM with a question.

CC Go ahead. Roger, Bill; go ahead.

PLT Okay. I was just getting my papers together. I

had to truncate or at least discontinue this
5 Charlie - JOP 5 Charlie, step 3, at the end
of the orbit. Now the implication by all the data
that's given here is that - that one ought to
continue the thing on the following orbit, because
it indicates going to HOLD on the 82B as opposed
to STOP. But it does say truncate. Now I
started up continuing the 5 Charlie, step 3,
building block 13 on this orbit. Would you ask
them real quick like, do they want me to terminate
this and go into J0P 6 as per the pad or to con-
tinue this JOP 5 Charlie, building block 13 to
its completion?

3_0 16 59 h4 CC Okay, Bill. Stand by for an answer.

340 17 02 25 CC PLT, Houston.


CC Roger, Bill. What we'd like you to dG is continue

what you're doing in the JOP 5 - in the building
block 13 until a countdown clock time of 4 minutes
remaining, and then we'd like you to use that
remaining 4 minutes in J0P 6. Over.

PLT Roger.

CC Okay.

340 17 03 21 PLT Houston, Skylab PLT. Of course, that 4 minutes

puts us almost down into ESS time. Would you
check that time adjust? Is is 4?

CC Roger. We'll check it again, Bill.

TAG Tape 340-08/T-2&4
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PLT Okay. I think they probably just want me to

use 52, Dick. That - that's probably a good

340 17 03 47 CC Okay, Bill. Let me get right back to you.

CC PLT, Houston. That's affirmative. The 4 minutes

is what we would like.

FLT Okay. Thank you.

CC Roger.

340 17 04 29 CC And, Skylab, Houston. For the guys down doing

the medical experiments, we have the reaminder
of this pass and Vanguard and Tananarive coming
up. And I do have some times for $233. So any-
time that you guys are convenient during any of
these passes, I can pass them up to you so you can
pick up the $233 that was missed earlier.

340 17 04 59 PLT Okay, Dick; fire away. I'll copy for him.

CC Okay. These are changes to the existing 233 pad

that's on board. We want to use the same pad
except for the following times: Comet-rise, 18:20
Zulu; start photos, 18:20; and sunrise, 18:25.

PLT Roger. Use the existing 233 pad; comet-rise,

18:20; start at 18:20; and sunrise at 18:25.

CC Roger. Thank you for helping me out.

PLT Thank you.

340 17 05 49 SPT Dick, we were unable to get the handheld photo

32-1 because of weather right on the coastline;
however, the southern part of California at BaJa
was pretty much wide open, and from this Sun angle,
I think we got some good photos of the possible
fault zones running along in those areas.

CC Okay, Ed. Thank you much.

340 17 l0 32 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute to LOS. Vanguard

comes at 17:25, and we're going to dump the data/
voice recorder there.

340 17 i0 41 PLT Roger.

TAG Tape 3hO-O8/T-244
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340 17 22 22 CC Skylab, Houston. Vanguard for ii minutes.

PLT Roger, Dick.

340 17 28 36 CC PLT, Houston - when you get a Chance.

PLT Go, Dick.

CC Roger, Bill. When you are in the process of

terminating your operations for this daylight
cycle - since of the little turn around in the
schedule we've made - what we'd like you to do
on - at the end is, prior to returning to Sun-
center, put 82 Bravo to STOP and then in XUV
instead of LIMB SCAN.

340 17 29 19 PLT Roger. Understand. Go to Sun-center, 82B STOP,


CC That's affirm.

340 17 30 08 CC Skylab, Houston. For the guys doing the biomed

run downstairs,we're noticingthat the ESS is
OFF, and we couldn't figure whether or how far
you were behind on the time line , if any. And
if you are, if you could let us know your status,
we might could look ahead for you on the Flight
Plan and possibly do some thinking to help you
out later.

CDR We're setting up the metabolic analyzer now in

prep for a 171.

340 17 30 41 CC Okay, Jet.

340 i7 33 21 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 20 seconds from

LOS. I'ii give you a call at Tananarive about
15 minutes from now.

3hO 17 33 29 PLT Okay, Dick.

3h0 17 49 h5 CC Skylab, Houston. Tananarive for 7 minutes.

340 17 49 51 PLT Roger, Dick.

TAG Tape 340-08/T-2hh
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340 17 55 12 CC Skylab, Houston. We're going LOS at Tananarive.

Hawaii at 18:33.

TAG T_pe 3hO-O9/T-245
Time: 340:18:00 to 340:19:30
Page 1 of 4/1317


340 18 33 06 CC Skylab, Houston. Hawaii for 5 minutes.

340 18 34 59 SPT Houston, SPT.

CC Roger; go ahead.

SPT Okay. In looking at the white light eoronagraph

display up at about 10:30, I had a very bright
point of light right off the occulting disk and
a black line which ran horizontal at that same
elevation. It looks as though we've got something
either in the TV or something out in front, and
I'm not sure which. Is there any site at which
I can either give you a downlink or some VTR on it?

CC Roger, Ed. The VTR is empty. And you can put a

little bit of it on - on the VTR now, and we'll
dump it and analyze it.

SPT Okay.

340 18 37 52 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 20 seconds from LOS

at Hawaii. I'll call you at Vanguard at 19:00.

340 19 00 34 CC Skylab, Houston. Vanguard for l0 minutes.

SPT Hello, Houston.

CC Hello there.

SPT Say, Dick. On the VTR, I put the white light

coronagraph TV display. We had, first of all, a
picture in the camera position, and that white
spot still showed up with a black streak. I sus-
pect that tells me that we've got a problem with
the TV. I went and used the malfunction called
out for on - in section 8, number 2, step B - Give
a DISCHARGE twice. That's also on the TV, to no
avail. And also gave you a little bit with a
corona in the background. It's right where the -
at the edge of the occulting disk at about 10:30.
... fairly sizable, maybe going from, oh, l0 to
ll or so.
TAG Tape 340-0R/T-245
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CC Roger, Ed. And we have had some funnies, but

they don't sound exactly like this one on the
previous missions about the TV. But we'll cer-
tainly take a good look at what we see on the VTR
and - and get back to you. And if Bill Pogue is
listening - Bill, ! need to have a little discus-
sion with you about this upcoming S190 checkout.
And in order to do it, I'd appreciate it if you
could have in your hand this general message we
sent up this morning entitled "S190 Checkout."
It's 2137 Alfa 1.

PLT Okay, Dick. I've got a little confession to make.

CC Okay; go ahead.

340 19 02 30 PLT We're back in business. Everything looking great.

I did that check on the dark-side ATM pass, and
everything worked nominally. The event we - The
complete report is on tape. I heard you doing a
tape dump awhile back; so I didn't bother to say
anything about it. I followed the procedure; it's
all on tape. The FMC was recovered, and every-
thing appears to be working nominally.

CC Okay; good. We'll take a look at the stuff that

you did put on the tape and make sure we understand
it. And thank you very much.

PLT Roger.

340 19 04 57 CC SPT, Houston - when you get a minute.

SPT Go ahead, Dick.

CC Roger, Ed. Update on the CALROC: Right now, the

winds are kind of high out there, and they're holding
at T minus 20 minutes. I think they will - they
are holding at a point, however, that we still can
make the launch. We intend to update you again
at the upcoming on Tananarive pass. If we should
miss that pass for some unexpected reason, however,
and you don't hear from us, we'd like you to go
ahead per the schedule and start the JOP 12. And
we'll be talk - we'll then catch you later on,
almost three-quarters of a rev later, at Hawaii.

SPT Okay, Dick, I'ii certainly do that.

TAG Tape 340-09/T-245
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CC Okay. And we may have some more words for you

on the JOP 12 and the CALROC at Tananarive; so
see you there. We still got about 5 minutes left
in this pass though, and I'm standing by.

SPT Okay. Thank you, Dick.

CC Okay.

340 19 09 26 SPT Dick, I got a question on building block 22,

coming up the next orbit.

CC Roger. Go ahead.

SPT Okay. In sequence l, it calls out for the use

of detector 5. I assume that that should be
negated and we don't want to turn detector 5 on?

CC Roger, Ed. That's correct. We do not want to

use the detector 5.

SPT Okay.

340 19 09 56 CC Okay. And we're about 45 seconds from LOS.

Tananarive comes up at 19:25.

340 19 26 53 CC Skylab, Houston. Tananarive for 5 minutes.

CDR Hello, Richard; loud and clear.

CC Skylab, Houston. Go ahead.

CDR I'm Just acknowledging, Dick. S183 is in opera-

tion now and is going well.

CC Okay. Thank you.

CDR That little clocking exercise must have been our

problem because those - the exposures are moving
along very smoothly now.

CC Very good. Maybe we've solved it.

CDR We'll continue, however, to look for glass when-

ever we take that carrousel out.

CC Sorry, Jerry. I missed that comment. Say again,

TAG Tape 340-09/T-245
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PLT Dick, he was just saying we'll look for glass

when we stow.

CC Okay; real fine.

CC And, SPT, Houston. Unfortunately, we've had to

cancel the CALROC launch due to high winds; so
we'd like you to proceed to the no-CALROC, alter-
nate ATM schedule.

SPT Okay, Dick. That's too bad. I'll go ahead and

press on with the alternate. Thank you.

CC Roger.

PLT Dick, PLT here.

CC Roger. Go ahead,Bill.

PLT You ought to pass on a few congratulations to

people who worked up that procedure on 190. I
forgot to say anythink about it. Works like a

340 19 29 XX CC Real good. We'll certainly pass it on to the guys.

We're glad it worked, too.

TAG Tape 340-I0/T-246
Time: 340:19:30 to 340:21:00
Page 1 of 3/1321


3h0 19 30 45 CC Skylab, Houston. We're i minute to LOS. Hawaii

comes up at 20:08, and we're going to _,_ the
data recorder there. And for the SPT: We'd like
you to put the - the next scheduled downlink -
Instead of downlinking it, it's on the ATM schedule
at 20:07 - we'd like you to put that on the VTR.

SPT Okay, Dick.

CC Roger.

CDR And, Dick, CDR.

CC Go ahead.

3h0 19 31 12 CDR During this backside there between the stations

yesterday, I asked a question about whether or not
we still have to dim the lights in the workshop
when we're not going to look at a reference star,
either in S019 or S183. I haven't heard an answer
r yet, would you try to find out the answer for us?
The question was whether or not removing or leaving
the eyes - eyepiece uncovered or having the lights
on would in any way get to the film?

340 19 31 h3 CC Okay, Jer. Let us talk about that one, and we'll
try to expedite an answer to you.

340 20 07 50 CC Skylab, Houston. We're A - AOS Hawaii for the next

l0 minutes, and we're going to be dumping the data
recorder here in Hawaii.

340 20 08 31 CC Skylab, Houston for the CDR. Jerry, when you get
a moment to listen, I've got an answer for you on
d_mm_ng the lights for S019 and S183.

CDR Fire away, Dick; we're listening.

340 20 09 00 CC Roger. Turns out the answer to your question is -

is, if the - The only real requirement we have for
d_mm_ng the lights is on S183 when either installing
or removing the carrousel. It's also put in your
cue card, I think, or at least implied that when
you shoot reference stars, the lights also ought
to be dimmed. But you ought to be aware of - that
TAG Tape 340-I0/T-246
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that - the reason for that is for darkness adapta-

tion - to make sure you get the reference star. It
doesn't have anything to do with the - with the
film. So if it turns out that you can achieve the
reference stars and the d_mmlng bugs you, it's fine
with us as long as we get the reference stars. But
that portion of it was for that reason and - So
that's the answer, and we're kind of sorry it took
so long to get it up to you.

340 20 09 48 CDR Okay, now that was applied to S019 an also. Is

that right ?

CC That' s correct.

CDR Thank you very much, Dick.

CC Okay. I had one other question while Ed Gibson -

it's still on his mind or he's at the ATM console.
Did the funny he's been describing on the white
light cor - coronagraph show up on both monitors?

SPT That's affirmative, Dick; it did.

340 20 i0 13 CC Okay. Thank you.

340 20 16 57 CC Skylab, Houston. i minute to LOS at Hawaii.

Vanguard comes up at 20:39.

340 20 39 18 CC Skylab, Houston. Vang_lard for 8-1/2 minutes.

CDR Roger, Dick.

CC Roger. And for the friendly ATM operator, due to

the nature of this bright spot and the black streak
on the white light coronagraph that Ed described
while ago, we'd Just as soon request that you not
view the WLC monitor until the VTR that you down-
linked is received in Houston and we get a chance
to take a look at it.

SPT Okay, Dick. That's what I have been doing and plan

CC Okay; real fine. Thank you.

340 20 39 57 SPT Thank you.

TAG Tape 3h0-10/T-246
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340 20 47 h9 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about a minute from LOS

at Vanguard. We got about an hour's LOS period,
and I'll call you at Hawaii at 21:h9.

TAG Tape 340-11/T-2h7
Time: 340:21:00 to 340:22:30
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340 21 47 29 CC Skylab, A0S through Hawaii for h minutes.

CDR Roger, Story. Hello.

CC Hello. How are you all today?

CDR We're doing great. How about you?

CC Swell.

340 21 48 14 CC We got some problems down here, too. Got a maroon

Cap Comm working with a purple team.

CDR Yes, they had real problems earlier. They had a

purple Cap Comm working for the maroon team.

CC Roger.

340 21 51 26 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS. About 35 minutes

to the Vanguard at 22:17. Be dumping the data/voice
over the Vanguard.

340 22 17 l0 CC Skylab, A0S through the Vanguard for l0 minutes.

Be dumping the data/voice here.

3h0 22 19 07 SPT Houston, SPT.

CC Go ahead, Ed.

SPT Story, I've got a question about the NOAA term -

NOAA CALROC alternate, the one that's beginning at
21:36, which I'm in right now. There was specified
at 40 to do a building block 28, and it said in there
back - 55 back three steps. I assume, since 55 is
in the option B, that that really is not applicable.
But they are conflicting requests, and I'm wondering
which is correct. I assumed that option B was
correct, and that's the one I'm following.

340 22 19 51 CC We'll get with you, Ed.

3h0 22 22 07 SPT Say, Story, the ATM folks might be interested. I'm
able to follow a minisurge up here at the - the
limb, where I'm doing the observations. I think
I've got the 55 in the right mode. It's a relatively
TAG Tape 3_0-11/T-2h7
Page 2 of 3 /1326

small stu'ge, but I have been able to follow it

over the past, oh, 6 or 7 minutes.

CC Okay, Ed.

340 22 23 00 CC Bill, Houston.

PLT Roger. Go.

CC Now, Bill, don't change out the carrousels on the

S183 when you get done your present ops. Jerry will
be using the same carrousel around 02:00. Just
leave her in there.

PLT Wilco.

340 22 23 59 CC Ed, Houston.

SPT Go ahead.

CC Ed, the backing up three steps - That has to do

with the pointing of S055. It's back three steps
on the mirror.

SPT Yes, I understand that, Story, but they're doing

or a GRATING SCAN. So they're really moving through
the MIRROR POSITION, and it doesn't seem to - con-
flicts with our option B.

CC Okay. That's a good point.

340 22 24 59 CDR Houston, CDR.

CC Go ahead, Jet.

340 22 25 04 CDR Story, while going through the DAC malfunctions, on

DAC number 6, I pulled a fuse out of it and did a
resistance check on it. It looks like it's open,
and the fuse is blown. I took a couple of 21-gage
pin checkers, put them in the pin holes for the fuse
into the camera, and took a resistance meet - read-
ing that way. And it looks like the camera is open,
too. There doesn't appear to be a short in the
camera. I wonder what the photo people would like
me to try next?

CC Copy.
TAG Tape 340-11/T-2h7
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3h0 22 25 58 CC Ed, that's a good point on that backing up three

steps. Just press on with option B.

SPT Okay, Story. That 's what I 're done.

CC That's what we wanted.

SPT Sure is an interesting little minisurge you can

see up here. This MONITOR i is great. You can
see things change on the order of 5 or I0 minutes,
right at the limb.

340 22 26 h3 CC Skylab, we're a minute from LOS. 5 minutes to

Ascension at 22:30.

TAG Tape 340-12/T-248
Time: 340:22:30 to 340:22:53
Page 1 of 2/1329


340 22 30 31 CC Skylab, A0S - Ascension, i0 minutes. And, Ed,


SPT Go ahead.

CC You still at the ATM?

SPT Yes, I sin.

CC Okay. Could you skip ahead on the schedule pad

there to the orbit starting at 23:18 and delete
"S055 back two steps. " Delete that sentence in

SPT Got it.

CC Thanks.

SPT Thank you, Story. Is there any word - or have the

folks back there had a chance to look at the VTR
p-. downlink for 52?

CC Ed, it'll be about 6 hours to get to get to the

ground, and we'll have it here in Houston about
tomorrow morning.

340 22 31 37 SPT Thank you, Story.

340 22 38 44 PLT Houston, Skylab.

CC Go ahead.

PLT Roger, Story. I'm making a change on my - my S183

cue card, and it's on the side that has the S183
PR i, 2, and 3.

CC Yes.

PLT It's Just below the DAC box - "MISI/M516, turn DAC
and high intensity lights on (if required)." Follow-
ing that, I'm inserting an entry, "Pressurize SA,
spectrograph assembly."

340 22 39 55 CC Bill, we're scrambling to get that card out and

get you - get you an answer to that. We're
TAG Tape 3hO-12/T-2h8
Page 2 of 2/1330

30 seconds to LOS here. We'll get with you on that

over Guam in about 37 minutes at 23:16.

PLT No sweat, Story. It's Just that Jer and I both hit
that problem in this procedure. We both had exactly
the same problem and finally figured out that we
probably ought to pressurize. There obviously ought
to be a step in there, but it's not time critical.
Whenever you can, get us an answer.

CC Okay, Bill. And the Flight Plan's on board. You

might take a look. Be sure they're legible.

340 22 40 45 PLT Roger.

TAG Tape 340-13/T-249
Time: 340:22:53 to 340:24:00
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340 23 16 54 CC Skylab, A0S through Guam for 7 minutes. And we

need the DAS for DUMP, ENABLE.

CDR Okay. You've got it.

CC And, Bill and Jet, that's a good call on the

S183. We do need to pressurize the spectrograph
assembly, and you're doing it in the right place.

PLT Roger.

CC And between you and Ed, you're up three on us in

the last hour. We better get going down here.

340 23 17 30 CDR We can even that up very easily, Story. Let me

talk to you about TV-I17.

PLT You don't tell on us; we won't tell on you.

CC I think we knew about that one already.

340 23 17 49 SPT TV-II7, Story. Now I got the fellow all set up
and ran the first one. And sure enough, we got
the - the red fluid, which I presume has got red
blood cells in it, to migrate down the tube toward
the other end. It got about halfway down the tube
in the 20 minutes, and we put it to reverse, and
it moved back. One thing, however. We did have
some bubbles in the tube. I still think it demon-
strated the effect, but those bubbles are there
because the note which asked to clarify that was
at the very end of the procedures. When I finally
got through and - and read it all, then I found
out that the bubbles should have been removed.
But they cannot be removed by tapping, as suggested.
It takes a very skillful shake, and I finally man-
aged to get them out of both 1 and 2 now. And I
am just finishing up running the ops 2 on the side
number 2, and on this side I see nothing. Two
fluids are the same color, and I'm not sure what's
supposed to be demonstrated there. What I'd like
to do on ops number i, or side number i, is to go
on back there and run it again and see if I can
get the fluid to go all the way down the tube and
then - and back up and take some photographs at
appropriate intervals, which I can pick out de-
pending upon the progression of the fluid.
TAG Tape 340-13/T-2h9
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3h0 23 19 16 CC Copy, Ed.

3hO 23 20 20 CC Ed, Houston.

PLT He's putting something on tape, Story. Be right

with you.

CC Oka_f, Bill.

CDR Hey, Story, got a question on this JOP ID, step i.

CC Go, Jer.

CDR Okay, when I put the very end of the S082 slit at
the white light limb, it takes for a heck of a
lot more than six clicks on the S055 to get it
back down onto the limb.

3h0 23 21 07 CC Copy, Jet.

SPT Go ahead, Story.

CC Ed, on the TV-117, could you tell us if the blood

is still in the center part of the column, or has
it dispersed out into the flared end?

340 23 21 22 SPT No, it has not dispersed into the flared end. It
got about halfway down the tube. When I put it -
the current to reverse - the voltage to reverse,
it went back up. And then I would close - closed
it off again while I did a little shaking, in order
to get the other - other side free of bubbles.
There was a little bit remained in there, but it
was such a small amount that it's very diffuse.
So that in terms of the optical effect, you could
still see the - the red blood, which is up at one
end, and I'm sure you can see that progress down
to the other end. It would still give a very good
demonstration, probably better than the previous
one because I've got the bubbles out of it.

3h0 23 22 06 CC Okay. If you'd like to redo it, go ahead, Ed.

That 's at your option.

SPT Thank you, Story.

340 23 23 05 CC Skylab, we're 20 seconds to LOS and about 33 min-

utes for the Vanguard at 2B:Sh.
TAG Tape 340-13/T-2h9
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CDR Roger, Story. What I'm going to do with that

S055 is Just step it six steps down from slit

CC We concur with that, Jer, and we 'd like SINGLE

on SO54. We show it in HIGH.

340 23 23 27 CDR Okay.

340 23 54 24 CC Skylab, AOS through the Vanguard for ii minutes.

CDR Roger, Houston.

CC And, Jer, on that DAC 06, we think you've done

all you can for that one. And Just put some red
tape on it, if you'd like, and restow it.

CDR Okay. I've reported on DACs 2, 6, and 8 on tape

Just a few minutes ago. Looks like 2 is reusable
and 6 and 8 are gone.

CC Okay; copy. And for everybody, you've got a

handheld site 107 coming up at 02:44. That's an
optional site, but the weather there is such that
it's probably not worth even trying.

340 23 55 15 CDR Thank you, Story.

CC And, Jet, while I got you, how much time would

you like for you debriefing of ATM passes when
you get done with an ATM orbit?

CDR Story, I think that kind of depends on what kind

of action went on. I would say anywhere from 5
to I0 minutes.

CC Okay. You think 5 to l0 minutes is adequate?

CDR Yes; that's my opinion. Let's poll Ed and see

what he thinks.

3h0 23 55 57 SPT That ought to do it for closing down the panel

and debriefing.

CDR Okay. Ed agrees, too.

CC Okay.
TAG Tape 3h0-13/T-2h9
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340 23 55 56 CDR Houston, CDR. On JOP 1 Delta, step l, I mentioned

to you on the last pass I was having trouble with
the third bullet in that - in those pointing in-
structions. It looks to me like that's impossible,
if you do what's requested on the second bullet.
Would you verify that?

CC We'll get with you, Jer.

340 23 59 26 CC Jer, Houston.

CDR Go ahead.

CC Jer, our only explanation is that possibly the

slit was too far off the limb so that you couldn't
step far enough with the S055 mirror to get to
the limb.

340 23 59 41 CDR That's my point.

TAG Tape 3hl-01/T-250
Time: 3hl:O0:00 to 3hi:01:30
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3hl 00 00 15 CC Jer, did you have the slit on the inner edge of the
white light limb?

CDR That's affirmative, the best I can tell.

3hl 00 O1 5h CC Jer, Houston.

CDR Go ahead, Story.

CC We don't have a - a better answer for you on that

pointing. Ed did run a JOP 1D earlier today, and
you might check with him and see how it worked out
for him.

CDR Yes, I'll do that. Thank you.

3hl 00 02 3h CC Bill, Houston.

PLT Go, Story.

3hl 00 02 39 CC Bill, on that - your $201 ops done yesterday, the

reason for going the RESET switch to START Just
prior to stopping that experiment is to advance a
long exposed frame forward so that it will not be
exposed again the next time you run the experiment.

PLT Okay. Thank you very much.

CC Every time you go that RESET switch to START, you

get an automatic sequence that runs through several
frames for 3 minutes and 25 seconds. And from there
on, you get a long exposure on run - one frame until
you go to RESET switch, START again.

PLT Okay.

CC And the PI would like to know that you did hear,

oh, about a 1/h-second motor noise like a klunk
coincidence [sic] with each white flash, to verify
that you were getting frames moved through the

3 hl 00 03 38 PLT No. I saw the note there ; I should have commented.

Negative. I did not hear a klunk; however, I did
hear motor noise - that is, rotational grinding
noise that one associates with a rotating mechanism.
TAG Tape 3hl-01/T-250
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CC Yes. We're Just interested if - if you heard the

frame advance, as well as the motor.

PLT Negative. I have never heard that klunk noise.

CC O--

PLT The first time I had my ear right next to the case
like the PI asked. And I had my ear right up there,
and all I could hear was the grinding, the rota-
tional noise.

CC Okay, Bill. I guess we've done all we can on that.

PLT Okay.

CC And no need to acknowledge, Bill, but the PIs are

real happy the way the experiment's been run.

341 00 04 49 CC And we're 30 seconds to LOS and about 4 minutes to


3hl 00 08 0h CC Skylab, we're back with you through Ascension for

7 minutes.

PLT Roger, Story.

CC And, Ed, when you get your breath back and get dried
off, I got a nontime-critical question for you.

PLT He's on the ergometer right now, Story.

CC Yes, we Just saw him pick up again. It can wait.

341 00 08 h6 CDR Story, we talked about that S055 problem, and the
reason why I couldn't get a gray on the talkback
was because I wasn't in optic zero. I was in -
The MIRROR was sitting at 594.

341 O0 09 02 CC Okay, Jer.

341 00 15 16 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS and a minute to

Canaries. And be dumping the data/voice at Canaries.

PLT Roger, Story.

TAG Tape 3hl-01/T-250
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3hl O0 17 17 CC Skylab, back with you at Canaries for 9 minutes.

Be dumping the data/voice here.

PLT Roger.

341 O0 21 13 CC Jer, Houston.

PLT He's busy right now, Story. Go ahead; he's


CC Okay, I don't want to interfere with his $233, but

I've got two steps for him to do in the command
module after he's done up there.

PLT I'ii copy, Story. Go.

Bhl 00 21 h0 CC Okay, remove polychoke orifice and disconnect high-

pressure vent hose from cryo vent valve and from
the hatch QD and stow the vent hose. And the reason
for that is, we've got 02 tank number 2 where we'd
like it. We don't want the pressure to fall off

PLT Roger. You're to remove the polyehoke and disconnect

the hose from both ends and stow it.

CC Yes, sir. Stow the polychoke, too.

PLT Roger.

CC Ed, Houston.

PLT He's listening, Story. Go.

3hl 00 22 37 CC Now we're interested if he got photos of option 2

on TV-II7. And also, did he reverse the polarity
during op - ops 2?

PLT Stand by.

SPT Story, I reversed the polarity during 2, and I

didn't hear your first question.

3hl 00 22 56 CC Did you get any photos of ops 2, Ed?

SPT Story, go ahead.

TAG Tape Bhl-01/T-250
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CC Ed, did you get any photos of ops 2 on TV-117?

SPT Yes, I sure did, Story. I took photos all the way,
although I couldn't discern anything by - visually.

341 00 2B 31 CC Okay.

3_i 00 51 58 CC Skylab, AOS Gn_m for i0 minutes. And, Ed, we'd

like the DAS for a DUMP INHIBIT.

SPT You have it, Story.

CC Okay, and I don't want to interfere with your

ATM ops. When you get a spare minute, I got a
couple of things for you.

SPT Go ahead, Story.

3hl 00 52 23 CC Ed, looking into the - the streaks on your WLC

TV, do they appear to be one or several raster
lines ?

SPT Several, Story.

CC And do they change polarity from bright to dark

or dark to bright during the GRID DISCHARGE test?

SPT Negative; I did not nOtice that, Story.

CC Okay.

341 00 52 56 CC One other thing on the disposition of the elodea -

that's ED63. Remove the dead plants with forceps,
dispose of the plants down the tap, mud save the
vial with the agar by putting them in the chiller
for later use.

SPT Okay, that may be a bit of a chore, Story, because

those plants are rather soft. And to try to get
all of that out of there is going to call for
taking almost all of that stuff out and straining
it out somehow.

CC Okay, do the best you can and let us know.

SPT Will do.

CC Jer, Houston.
TAG Tape 3hl-01/T-250
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CDR Go _head.

341 00 53 5h CC Jer, as you can see on your Flight Plan, there's

a possibility of an early EREP tomorrow. At
present, the weather is looking good for that.
We think it will stay good. If it does, we'll
be waking you up, oh, approximately ll:00. And
we're going to check the weather as late as we
can tomorrow morning. If it's not good, we'll
be waking you up at the regular time.

CDR Okay, Story. Thanks.

CC Ed, the DAS is yours.

SPT Thank you.

3hl 00 54 23 SPT Story, the size of the bright spot in the WLC
display, it went right next to the occulting
disk at around - from l0 to ll and extended out
about half of that distance. That is, if you
look at the occulting disk from l0 to ll and
take that arc and go out about half that dis-
tance, and that - that whole area was brlght.
And the horizontal area corresponding to that,
where the TV swept through, was relatively dark.

CC Okay.

341 00 55 l0 SPT It looked pretty much to me like we had burned

a - gotten a hole burned in the white light with
a low-level vidicon. And the question is whether
any of that can recover or not.

CC We'll get a look at that, Ed, when we get the

TV down here.

CC Ed, no need to acknowledge, but Guam's ready for

your TV downlink at your convenience.

SPT Thank you.

341 01 00 42 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS. About 32 minutes

to the Vanguard at 01:32.

TAG Tape 341-02/T-251
Time: 341:01:30 to 3hi:03:00
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341 01 32 17 CC Skylab, AOS through the Vanguard for 7 minutes.

CO And, Ed, are you still at the ATM panel?

SPT Affirmative, Story.

CC Okay, we're ready for FRAMES rein - REMAINING when

you are.

PLT Okay, Story. H-ALPHA 1 is 125i6, 56 is 4460, 82A

is 145, 82 Bravo is 1319, 52 is 5274, and 4188 for

CC Thanks, Bill.

3hl 01 33 25 PLT Roger.

341 01 35 26 CC Bill, Houston.


CC Bill, your nu Z is looking good, and the pad for

your S183 K maneuver _s good. And everything's
looking fine for the maneuver.

341 01 35 40 PLT Roger; thank you.

341 01 39 39 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS; 13 minutes to

Canaries at 01: 52.

341 01 51 59 CC Skylab, AOS Canaries and Madrid, lh minutes.

PLT Roger, Story. We got about a - little over a minute

to go here for settling.

CC Okay, Bill; looks good from down here.

PLT Starting to ramp down now.

341 01 52 55 CC Okay.

341 01 56 30 CC Bill, we're seeing a good return maneuver time,

and we need the DAS here for dump enable.

PLT You got it.

TAG Tape 341-02/T-251
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CC Okay.

3hl 01 58 54 CC Skylab, we've handed over to Madrid; got another

7 minutes with you. We'll be dumping the data/voice
here. And, Bill, Houston.

PLT Roger.

CC Bill, when you get back to SI on your return

maneuver - after you're back in SI, we'd like you
to OPEN the FINE SUN SENSOR DOOR and then go to
EXPERIMENT POINTING. And that'll get us going a
little sooner on - on our unattended ops.

PLT Roger. OPEN the FINE SUN SENSOR DOOR and go to


CC Yes, sir, after you get back in SI.

3hl 01 59 25 PLT Roger; understand.

341 02 05 26 CC Skylab, we're a minute to LOS and about 35 minutes

to Honeysuckle at 02:39. We'll be looking for the
evening status report at Honeysuckle; be dumpin@
the data/voice there. And, Ed, there's a small
checklist change to the JOP 13 s1...,.ary sheet you
might want to incorporate tonight. It's in the
teleprinter right now.

3hl 02 05 59 SPT Thank you, Story.

h31 02 h0 25 CC Skylab, A0S through Honeysuckle for 8 minutes. Be

dumping the data/voice here.

CC And, Jer, we're ready to copy when you are.

3hl 02 hl 13 CDR Story, we'll have to catch that on the next pass.
We're all right now engrossed in working HH153.
We've got a beautiful day with no clouds, great
sunglitter, and we're working like mad trying to
get photos and verbal description over the tapes.

CC Okay, Jer. The next pass is Bermuda. That'll be

the medical conference. And we'll pick up the
evening status at Canaries at 03:31. And your
family call's at 03:35.
TAG Tape 341-02/T-251
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341 02 hi 57 CDR Okay. I'ii have the report all ready, and some-
body else can read it.

CC Okay.

CDR Hey, Story, I guess I can give you part of it. The
other two guys are do - handling the Job okay over

CC Okay, we'll take it.

341 02 42 46 CDR Okay. Sleep: CDR, 7.0 - 6.0/heavy, 1.0 light;

SPT, 7.0 - 6.5 heavy, 6 - 0.5 light; PLT, 6.5, all
heavy. Volume: CDR, 2200; SPT, 1400; PLT, 2000.
Drinking water readings: CDR, 7074; SPT, 2102;
PLT, 8335. Body mass: CDR, 6.300, three times;
SPT, 6.366, 6.366, 6.375; PLT, 6.239, 6.234, 6.236.
Exercise: CDR, method Alfa, leg, 30, 4800.
Method Bravo; Alfa, Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot; 10,
20 repetitions each. Method Charlie; Charlie, Delta,
Foxtrot; 06; 15 repetitions each. Method Echo;
Alfa, Bravo; 03, l0 repetitions each. Method
Foxtrot, walk, l0 minutes ; toe rise, 2 minutes,
200 repetitions. PLT, method Alfa, legs, 30, 5000.
Method Bravo; Alfa, Bravo, Delta, Echo; 08; 50 repe-
titions each. Method Charlie; Bravo, Charlie,
Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, and Hotel; l0 minutes;
20 repetitions each. Method Foxtrot, walk, l0 min-
utes; toe rise, 1 minute, 75; springs, 1/2 minute,
50. SPT, method Alfa, leg, 40, 7337. Method Bravo,
Foxtrot, 10, 40 repetitions. Method Foxtrot, toe
rises, 5 minutes, 100; springs, l0 minutes, 500.

341 02 44 37 CDR Medication: CDR, none; SPT, none; PLT, none.

Clothing discarded today: CDR, one pair of socks,
one-half union suit ; SPT, one pair of socks ; PLT,
one pair of socks, T-shirt, one pair of shorts.
Food log: CDR, salt, 8.5; deviations, plus one
apple drink, plus two coffees with sugar; water -
hydration water, plus 9.0. SPT, 5.5 salt; no food
deviations; minus 1.0 rehydration water. PLT, salt,
4.0; deviations, one coffee, plus; rehydration water,
minus 1.0. Flight Plan deviations: None that you
don't already know about. Shopping list accomplish-
ments: M487-5. Inoperable equipment disposition:
DAC 02 repaired, DACs 06 and 08 red-taped. Unsched-
uled stowage: the multimeter has been moved to the
TAG Tape 341-02/T-251
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door of W-702, which is right next to the shower.

Okay, the photo log will come later. We've got to
log the film we Just shot on HHISB, and we need to
log the DAC 140 that we shot on S183. And somebody
will read that to you up at that next pass.

341 02 46 06 CC Okay, thanks. And on board now, there's a crew

motion message concerning crew during sensitive
data takes, such as JOP 13 tomorrow. You might
want to look that over.

CDR Okay, Story.

3hl 02 h6 24 CC And I got about 40 seconds here. We kind of ran

out of passes tonight. I've got about 40 seconds
of news for you. Gerald Ford was sworn in as the
nation's bOth Vice President tonight, becoming the
first men to take office under the Constitution's
25th amendment. Pioneer i0 thermometer data has
found that Jupiter generates about 2-1/2 times more
heat than it receives from the Sun, suggesting that
possibly the solar system's biggest planet may be
shrinking. A decision will be made this month wheth-
er we need to ration gasoline down here. It might
start as early as March i. During November there
was a record monthly increase in fuel cost.
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said he expects
the Middle East - East cease fire to hold and the
Geneva Peace Conference to go on as scheduled on
December 18. The stock market rallied strongly
today. The Dow Jones average gained 25.8 points,
and it closed at 814. And we got 20 seconds to LOS
here ; Bermuda will be coming up in about 35 minutes
at 03:23. That'll be your med conference. The
one after that is Canary; it's at 03:31, and, Jer,
you've got your family comm the next station after
that, Madrid, at 03:35.

CDR Okay, Story. We'll see you then.

3hl 02 48 06 CC Yes, sir.

TAG Tape 341-03/T-252
Time: 341:03:00 to 341:04:30
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341 03 32 51 CC Skylab, AOS Canaries and Madrid for i0 minutes.

PLT Roger. And I have the photo report.

CC Standby i, Bill.

SPT Say, Story, let me give you a question, which maybe

you can work while we're getting the photo report.

CC Go, Ed.

SPT Okay, the JOP s,_,,,,,,_vy

sheet change, which you sent
up. YOU know, that's also a correction, but the
one right below it, the maneuver time should be
at 52030, rather than 52011, I think, also.

CC That's right, Ed. We chased that all over the place.

We got an error in the book here, and we were chas-
ing down the backup J0P m_mm,_y sheets, and that's
a good call.

341 03 33 36 SPT I'll go ahead and m-_e that change. If you want
to send the paperwork, fine - or either way is fine.

CC You can go ahead and make that, Ed, and we'll take
care of it.

341 03 34 32 CC Bill, you can go ahead on the photo pad.

PLT Roger. Day 340, 16-millimeter: S183, 140-foot

mag, Union Alfa 04, 90 percent. 35-millimeter:
01, Charlie X-ray 20; 10, that's 10; 02, Bravo
Echo 08, 37 is the count. Nikon 03, Charlie
India ll - m_ke that Charlie India ll0, the count
is 40; 04 is e_pty; 05, Bravo Hotel 04, 25. 70-
millimeter: Charlie X-ray 47, 090. ETC, no change,
no change in _ set K - Kilo. Drawer A config-
uration -

341 03 36 15 PLT Houston, Skylab. How do you read?

CC Reading you loud and clear. 7 more minutes, Bill.

PLT Okay. Did you get the report?

TAG Tape 3hl-03/T-252
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CC Yes. Did you finish up the drawer A configuration?

I don't think we got that.

PLT Drawer Alfa, no change.

CC Okay.

PLT We must have hit a keyhole there.

CC And we got it all, Bill.

PLT Roger.

3hl 03 42 38 CC _%_ylab, we're a minute from LOS. This will be the

last pass of the night. If you want us, that'll
be at Honeysuckle in about 38 minutes at 04:19, but
we won't call. And we're still looking at an early
EREP tomorrow, so be getting you up around ii:00.

341 03 43 00 PLT Roger, Story. Goodnight.

341 03 43 02 CC Gooduight.

TAG Tape 341-04/T-253
Time: 3hi:I0:37 to 341:12:03
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341 i0 56 03 MCC (Music: "The Party's Over" by Julie London)

341 l0 57 3_ CC Good morning, Skylab. We're 1 minute from LOS

over Honeysuckle. We'll see you again at Hawaii
at ll:10, and that's about 13 minutes away.

SPT Good morning, Crip.

CC Party's over; it's time to go to work.

SPT Yes, the party is over, all right.

CC Don't you guys enjoy getting up early in the


341 l0 58 05 CDR Oh, that's neat.

341 l0 58 06 MCC (Music: The Party's Over" by Julie London)

341 ll l0 41 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS through Hawaii for

8-1/2 minutes.

SPT Morning, Crip.

CC Morning. Sounds like you're down in the well


SPT I am.

CC So am I.

CC We're Just finishing up our - our last s_mmary

shift for a while, and we're all - - happy about

MCC Happy about it.

CC - - happy about it.

SPT Does this mean there is going to be no more music

in the morning?

CC Oh, I'm sure it - we will return. Then maybe -

maybe since we're going off the Flight Plans for
a while, (laughter) we'll be a little bit better.
TAG Tape 341-0h/T-253
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SPT Sounds like a threat.

341 ii 14 23 SPT _ Crip, you haven't lived until you've tried to get
toothpaste out of the bottom of a container in which
you've got around 24 loose items.

CC Sounds like fun.

CC What did you say you were trying to get on it?


CC Some day you're going to have to tell me how you

do that. How you keep them all in.

341 ll 15 00 SPT I wish I knew, it took three men and a small boy.

CC Say, Ed, you'll never believe this, but we've fin-

ally got around to uplinking you the message that
I promised youabout 2 nights ago on maneuver mon-
itoring. And some time today we might talk about
it a little bit before we get into this EREP.

SPT In our leisure time, Crip.

CC Sure you've got lost of that, don't you?

CC We're going to Come back on and help you execute

your next day off, and we'll - we'll make sure
that's lots of leisure time.

SPT Our last day off already was executed.

CC Gullotined is probably agood word.

341 ll 17 07 SPT It's going to one of those days, Crip. There's

more coming out of the bottom of the tube than
there is the top.

3hl ll 17 26 CC You could get somebody else to get their toothbrush


PLT We've got a massive failure in the toothpaste tube.

CC We'll put that down on our malfunction update.

SPT That's what happens to guys that squeeze the tube

in the middle.
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CC Is he one of those kind? That's terrible.

341 ii 18 31 SPT I keep telling them, Crip, not to give us things

we're not trained for.

341 ii 18 39 CC Like brushing your teeth, hiLh? We're about 30 sec-

odds from LOS here. We're going to see you over
Goldstone in about 3-1/2 minutes a5 11:22.

341 ii 22 25 CC Skylab, Houston. Back with you once more through

Goldstone for 6 minutes.

CDR Roger, Crip. The crisis has passed. Ed got his

teeth brushed.

CC Fantastic! That's probably the high point of the


CC I'm glad we were here to - to share it with you.

SPT It's nice to have somebody to share with, Crip.

SPT When I polish it up a little bit more, Crip, we'll

put it on the VTR.

CC Okay. (Laughter.)

cC And since we woke you up early, I didn't mention

it, but of course we're planning on doing the EREP
this morning. It's not often that the smlmmary team
gets a chance to help you do the EREP or at least
be here while you do it.

341 ll 27 25 CC Skylab, Houston, we're 1 minute from LOS. We'll see

you again in 5 minutes over Bermuda. And that's
at ll :32.

341 ii 33 02 CC Skylab, Houston. A0S Bermuda for 9-1/2 minutes.

341 ii 34 27 CC CDR. Houston.

CDR Roger, Crip.

CC I Just wanted to remind you, Jer; it's on your SAP.

but we would prefer for you not to use the S052 TV
this morning for this first ATM pass, and we'll
TAG Tape 341-04/T-253
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have a chance to look at the TV that was dumped,

that you recorded for us yesterday, and evaulate
it and give you some word on it after the EREP
pass today.

CDR Roger.

SPT I've got the POWER switch pegged down, Crip.

CC Okay. Covering all bets.

341 ll 35 28 CC And, SPT, Houston. Ed, some - since you were so

rapid yesterday with your TV-117, of course, you
can ignore all reference to it today in today's
Flight Plan. And also on your S1_mmary Flight
Plan we refer you to a detail 2022 photo. And that
is not existent, so you can ignore that remark also.

SPT 0kay, Crip. The only thing I have to do now is

hustle about 2 miles of gray tape and get the
whole thing put away.

CC Ah, so. Understand you have not stowed it yet.

CC Would you like some time schedules for that?

SPT I thought maybe i'd just leave it up. The guys

like its aesthetic values.

CC They like it, huh?

CC And, Ed, from the word we're getting down here,

understand you had some concern about the ops 2
not working properly. The consensus seems to be
that they think it was working properly; that it
was okay.

341 ii 37 04 SPT Crip, I didn't get the subject of your comment.

What was not working properly?

CC Well, did you have some concern about the ops 2 in

that TV-170 - 117 not working properly yesterday?

SPT Crip, you're talking about the cylindrical tube

where the diffusion took place?

CC No, it's Just on the other side.

SPT Crip, l'm sorry. I guess l've got to go in there

and - -
TAG Tape 341-04/T-253
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CC Okay.

SPT - - take the other end of the toothbrush and clean

out my ears.

CC (Laughter) Okay. No. I'm talking about TV-117,

the little particle - -

MCC Charged particle.

CC - - charged particle motion thing.

SPT Yes, I'm with you.

341 ii 37 57 CC Okay. You apparently performed both the ops i and

ops 2 of that thing yesterday. And it was our
understanding that you had some concern it was
not working properly on the - the second part, the
ops 2. And does that ring a bell?

SPT Yes, that's right, Crip. I'm still wondering what

they had in there. To me it kind of proved that
when you mix two things that are both the same,
you don't see any interface.

CC You've got me confused, now, Ed.

SPT No, I was, too, Crip. What I - essentially what

I had was - two fluids which both appeared to be
exactly the ssune, which were mixed with an elec-
tricale field across it. And I took pictures of
it for 20 minutes and never did see anything

341 ii 39 07 CC What we're getting down here, Ed, is that it's

very difficult to see what was supposed to take
place. It's some very fine movement of some dye.
So that was the reason they were thinking that it
was working properly.

CDR He reads.

341 ii 41 39 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

see you again at Ascension in about 7-1/2 minutes
at 11:49. 11:49.

341 ii 41 _8 SPT Roger.

341 ll 49 20 CC Skylab, Houston; we're A0S through Ascension for

10-1/2 minutes.
TAG Tape 341-0h/T-253
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341 ll 58 50 CC Skylab, Houston; we're 1 minute form LOS. we'll see

you again at Carnarvon in 2h minutes at 12:22,
12:22. And we'll be doing a data/voice recorder
dump there.

341 ll 59 08 PLT Roger, Crip.

TAG Tape 341-05/T-254
Time: 341:12:03 to 341:13:36
Page 1 of 12/1353


341 12 22 33 CC Skylab, Houston; we're A0S at Carnarvon for


341 12 23 55 CC SPT, Houston. Ed, you got a minute to talk, or

have you had a chance to look at that maneuver
monitor - message?

SPT l'm Just looking at it now, Crip. Give me a

couple minutes, and I'Ii be right with you.

CC Okay, no sweat. I'ii Just let you read through

it. The first portion of it we've reformatted a
little bit, but procedures are all the same. And
the last three sets of Z-LV monitor and solar in-
ertial are about the only thing that's new, I

CC And, Skylab, we are doing a data/voice recorder

dump on this pass.

PLT Okay, Crip; PLT here. Would you give me another

S009 set time?

341 12 24.58 Cc We'll get it for you.

PLT Thank you.

341 12 25 46 CC And, Ed, there's no rush on that message. We

can - we got time to talk about it stateside before
the maneuver.

SPT From the length of it, Crip, I guess we ought to

t-!k now. Go ahead.

341 12 26 01 CC Okay. As I - as I said, we - we changed the for-

mat a little bit, but basically the procedure that
you use to go into a m_neuver is - is the same
as - the monitoring and the procedures are basically
the same aswe had before. There's nothing that's
really changed there. Now, if you go to the - the
part that we did, ma_e a little note that - Just to
remind you that - if you were doing an attitude hold
maneuver, that this procedure would abort it. And
then we told you what to do on - in case you got
AUTO TACS, and I believe that was on your previous
message. So I don't believe that's a change. The
TAG Tape 3hl-05/T-25h
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Z-LV monitor portion of it is - because we were -

that 70-percent bit on the outer gimbal of CMG 2
is really only a special case, and what we've tried
to do is come up with something general that would
hack it every time. And what we've got here is
really Just another way of initializing the outer
gimbal drive logic. And basically all it says, that
if you got a gimbal on the stop and your attitude
error is starting to diverge on you, that you aren't
going to be able to recover with the - the CMGs as
it is. So the procedure we have you do is to initi-
ate a small Z-LVmaneuver. And we say, put in the
3-minute maneuver time, go to STANDBY, and go to
Z-LV. And this has been able to- because you have
the outer gimbal drive logic the first and the last
minute of that 3-mlnute maneuver, that's been able
to get us out of the problem every time. And the
only other thing is this - the solar inertial moni-
toring regarding using a nominal H-cage, if the
thing starts to diverge after you get hack to solar
inertial. And I mentioned this to you the other
day, I don't believe we put it on paperwork, though,
that for 4 minutes after you get back to solar iner-
tial, the automatic CMG reset is - is not active.
So, in case things does - does start to go, we -
we think it prudent to have - have you there looking
at it, and go ahead and do a nominal H-cage yourself.
And rather briefly, that's - that's really all the
message says. If you have any questions on it now,
I'll be glad to try to answer them, or we can get
them later.

3hl 12 28 3h SPT Okay. No, I think I see, Crip; the SI monitor, as

you say, is probably the new one, plus this re-
selecting Z-LV. If we do reselect Z-LV and we have
put in two different fine maneuvers, we do not know
what the cumulative of those maneuvers are. For
example, when we did it the other day, we put in
a fine maneuver to get us to a Z-LV where we had
the principal axis in the orbit plane in order to
cut down on the gravity gradient. And then when
we wanted to actually take data, we then did another
fine maneuver. Now I would have no way of knowing
what the cumulative of those two maneuvers would
be in order to put that on top of the Z-LV maneuver
if I never ever had to reinitiate.
TAG Tape3hl-05/T-ZSh
3 of 121 55

CC Okay, and you're absolutely correct. We noted

that question you had before, and we were standing
by to answer you on that one. We are going to go
ahead and accept the - the small error. And we -
we figure that it's sma]l enough such that it
doesn't make any difference. So you don't have to
bother to put it in. Now if you are getting it -
if you have to initiate it on the first one in
maneuvering to this offset Z-LV attitude, you can
go ahead and - and put that one, because that does
go ahead and get our - our principal axis tangent
to the - to the - or perpendicular to the gravity
vector. So that one we would still like to have
to save some. TACS. But if it's the c_mulatlve
case, we're saying Just forget it.

341 12 30 Oh SPT Okay. Thank you, Crip.

CC Okay - -

SPT I was a little alarmed. You sent me up two of

these and I glanced at it and thought, "Oh, boy,
they've doubled the length of it."

CC Oh, no. We have a standard policy if we're sending

you something that we're entitled a permanent gen-
eral message, we send you two of them so you can
stick one on your panel and stick another one in
your Flight Plan Just to keep the - keep your rec-
ords straight. Hey, Ed, one item there; we also
sent you a - Dr. Shaffer wrote you a little message
about Jitter and why we're planning on not doing
that - that whole test in SOLAR INERTIAL. I don't
know if you've had a chance to go over that or not,
but as - as a thought to perhaps illustrate it,
that was what we were trying to think of a way to
do it. If you have a chance sometime when we're
not doing - taking data, if you're in SOLAR INERTIAL
instead of EXPERIMENT POINTING and you look at
H-ALPHA 2, you should - it should be - give you a
pretty good idea, especially if it's zoomed in
and the Sun is still in the field of view, of what
the crew motion does to the vehicle.

341 12 31 02 SPT Okay, that's a good idea, Crip; certainly will.

CC Okay.
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SPT Maybe we'll put a little of that on a VTR if we

get a little spare time on it, Just a couple min-
utes' worth. Or have you probably got enough of
that already?

3_1 12 B1 17 CC We're currently BO seconds from LOS, and we'll see

you again at G,_m at 12:37. That's about 6 minutes
away, and that pass will be for Bill Lenoir to talk
a little bit about ATM.

SPT Thank you, Crip.

341 12 31 35 CC Bye-bye.

B41 12 ST B0 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS at Guam for 7 minutes

and the m_ke belongs to Bill.

SPT Morning, Bill. Go ahead.

MCC Okay, Ed. Good morning. First, let me Just make

a comment here that really isn't significant but
you might Just find interesting. Apparently no-
body has mentioned that active region 9_ has re-
versed polarity from the remainder of the regions
on the disk, of which right now there's one. But
we don't find that significant and don't expect
that to induce any kind of activity.

B41 12 38 09 SPT You mean it's reversed in the sense that it's a -
it's a new region?

MCC Well, that was one thought. It's not really a

region from the new solar cycle. It's a region
from the old solar cycle_ it Just has reversed
polarity, and we're not really sure why but the -
it should not affect it and make it more active
than it really is.

SPT Okay. That's interesting. I'ii keep an eye on

it, Bill.

MCC Okay. I Just thought you'd like to know that

somewhat insignificant fact. One other thing here
for your information, you have a JOP 13 today, and
the - I ran that in the SLS yesterday and it went
off aecQrding to the n11mbers. So in the event
anything untoward occurs today, you would probably
like to know that it must be that the flight vehicle
is peculiar, and we'll write a rid and get it fixed
up for you.
TAG Tape 341-05/T-254
P_e 5 of le/1357

341 12 39 04 SPT Glad you didn't include the flight crew on that

MCC (Laughter) Okay. The CALROC that didn't go yes-

terday was due to winds for HCO there and they have
scrubbed, as I'm sure you know, until Monday, mis-
sion day 25. That's your quote, day Off, unquote.
The launch window for that right now is 19:20 to
19:50 Zulu in case you want to think ahead toward
timing on that.

SPT Okay. Thank you. I was kind of disappointed.

We were all primed for it.

341 12 39 34 MCC Yes, so were we. Got a question from 82B here re-
garding putting the slit on polar plume. What
their question is, is they wonder whether you can
use the XUV mon to find the bright points which
represent the feet of these plumes up in the polar
region and with sufficient integration, put the
slit radially on the plume? They suggest possibly
using 55 on neon VII or something of that nature
to help, although we don't really believe you'd
see much there. The question really is, do you
feel that you can use this technique to reliably
put the slit on a plume radially?

341 12 40 21 SPT I think a lot depends on how wide it really appears

in the XUV monitor. I think I found the same thing
which Owen found to be true and that is you can
use the XUV monitor to get you into the ball park
for something - that is oh, plus or minus 20 -
30 arc seconds or so. Again that's Just an estimate.
But you really need the 55 readout in order to get
yourself honed down a little bit finer, or something
which shows up in H-alpha.

341 12 40 55 MCC Okay, Ed. Fine. I'll pass that word on to them.
Let's See. We've got another 3-1/2 minutes here.
Let me turn it to you and see if you've got for
US •

SPT Well, one question. Yesterday, when I was doing

the work on the spicules at the south pole, I was
watching the H-ALPHA 1 display which is - again
let me say, is an excellent display - and I saw
what appeared to be a small minisurge. I know we
TAG Tape 3hl-05/T-254
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don't have any activity up there, but there was

a area which was - oh, I guess half an arc minute
or so across to maybe an arc minute high or so,
• which grew a little bit in front of my eyes and
then slowly faded,away. And it was at the time
we had the 80 - or the 55 going in a MIRROR, AUTO
RASTER down to line 13 and then returning. I 'd
be curious whenever they get a chance to look at
that, to see whether there actually was something
like that taking place. It Just looked like an ex-
ceptionally large spicule, although I doubt that's
the truth.

MCC Okay. And tell me again where that was.

341 12 _2 07 SPT That was at the south pole, and I gave some more
details on it when I was looking at it. It's on
the voice record, and I think there was also some-
thing on the air-to-ground about it.

3hl 12 h2 17 MCC Okay. I don't have the answer to that but I will
get it for you. • A related thing to that is we
have again gone through the 55 data and have found
that we get a bunch of interesting things. In
general, what we find is that our numbers on the
ground agree almost 100 percent with what you say
you think you see on board. So that when you are
using 55 to map things out and to look at features,
we concur with you and feel that what you're doing
is exactly correct and the same with what we see
here. And the word from the 55 troops is, "Keep
the good work up, and it's really doing a good Job
for us here." A couple of related points here is
something that we have been unable to do in the
past, is on that big surge the other morning. Be-
fore you got up, 55 was in that area; they got a
couple of rasters with neon V - two different
neon V lines, and for one of the first times they
have been able to ratio these numbers and actually
get the density. Another significant finding is
they find that they can detect magnesium X counts
all the way out to the edge of the white light
coronograph occulting disk so that we will be able
to look at features of that nature continuously
without a gap in between there and where the WLC
picks them up. Over.
TAG Tape 341-05/T-25_
IPs_e 7 of 12/1359

341 12 43 42 SPT Say, that's very good. That'll help us in the

JOP which we did the other day. I have a - a
second question. That was in some of my free
time yesterday I was looking at the coronal hole
in the south and trying to work on the boundary
a little bit. And I was able to find it in mag-
nesium X but the contrast or sharpness of the
boundary was not all I would hope it would be.
And I'm wondering if there is not a better line?

3hl 12 44 08 CC LOS in 30 seconds. Goldstone, 17 minutes, 13:01.

SPT I see that helium 584's a possibility and I didn't

have a chance to work with it, and I'm wondering
what the counts on that would be. I have it on
our cue card here but no count.

341 12 44 23 MCC Okay, Ed. Let me find that for you and pass it
up. That may not be the best - our word from the
back room is as best as we know right now is
magnesium X is the best.

SPT Okay. Thank you. I found the boundary, even though

it appeared fairly sharp in the XUV monitor picture,
came out to be, oh, I'm Just estimating now 20 -
30 arc seconds or so in width.

MCC Okay. Sorry. Magnesium X is about the best we

can do, and I'll see you tomorrow.

341 12 44 53 SPT Thank you, Bill; and pretty useful. I appreciate

your time.

341 13 01 51 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS Goldstone 5 minutes.

CC And, Skylab, at this pass we're going to be re-

winding the VTR so that we can dump it coming up
over MILA and leave you with a full one for your
TV Journal ... on the _"rS.

341 13 02 33 CC And, PLT, Houston. If you - if you have a moment,

I have the S009 set times that you can use.

PLT Roger. Go, Crip.

CC Okay. The next one coming up is 13:14:45 - About

12 minutes away.
TAG Tape 3hl-OS/T-25h
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341 13 02 51 PLT Roger. The the same angle we did, huh?

Okay. Thank You.

CC Okeydoke.

CC And that's affirmative on the angles, Bill; same


CC CDR, Houston. You got a moment for - for a question?

341 13 04 27 PLT Say again, Crip. He's here now.

CC Okay. I'm sorry I called you when you were prob-

ably dum - doing - doing 233. The question I had
was regarding ETC ops, and I guess this is applicable
to all of you. We realize that sometime with this
maneuver monitoring we're going to get a little
bit of conflict perhaps with going back and doing
the ETC, whether Ed can do it or not, and we figure
that you guys can probably figure that out better
than us. So we're Just going to go ahead and as-
sume that Ed's going to do it, and figure that you
can have somebody monitoring it and handling the
ETC also, and we wonder if you concur with that?

3hl 13 05 04 CDR That's affirmative, Crip. I thinkwe can probably

handle it.

CC Sure you can probably do a much better Job than

us tossing it back and forth.

341 13 05 12 CDR Yes, we'll give it a try.

CC Okeydoke. If you run into a problem with it,

Just let us know and we'll - we'll try to do a
little bit better ourselves and try to schedule
it back and forth.

CDR Okay.

CDR By the way, Crip. On this $233, I'm not sure,

but I think that the - the comet is being occulted
by the ATM solar panel, as far as the camera's
concerned. I got down below the camera with a
pair of binoculars and was able to see the comet
right at the edge of the solar panels. So it may
be that we're in a position now where by the time
the comet rises, you may get 1 or l-l/2 minutes oT
seeing time, and then it'll be essentially occulted.
TAG Tape 341-05/T-254
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341 13 06 04 CC Okay, we copy that ; see if we can't figure out

another way to handle it.

CDR Okay. One of these times when we have a night

pass, I'll go up and - after comet-rise, I'll
time Just how long you do have it when the binocu-
lars are in the position that the camera is.

CC Okay. If - If you can find time, that would

certainly help.

CDR Okay.

341 13 06 22 CC We're about 30 seconds from LOS now. We'll have

you again over MILA at 13:07, and that's Just
about l-l/2 minutes away.

341 13 08 16 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS once more through

MILA for 12 minutes.

CC For the CDR, if he's listening. When he checks

that comet, he might try looking out window S-3
to see if it appears to be visible in there now.
We think it's - should be getting close to it.

341 13 08 48 CDR Okay. We'll do that, Crip.

341 13 09 54 CC For the SPT. Ed, if you can hear me now, I never
did come back to you awile ago when you suggested
putting a couple of minutes. The - Looking at
the jitter on the TV and a couple of _minutes on
the VTR will be fine.

341 13 l0 13 SPT Okay, Crip, I sure will. One other thing I've
noticed. Since this H-alpha door is open now
when we come to 40 K, you can see the - the sun-
rise through H-alpha. You actually don't see a
bright sunrise, of course, but you can see the
refraction of the sunlight, the waves of it as
it comes through the atmosphere. It's kind of
interesting. I'll put a little of that on too.

341 13 ll 30 CC And, Ed, Just so we ma_e sure that we don't violate

any rules, remind you on the - on the TV that if
you.put anything on there, it's supposedly got to
be scheduled by the ground with 24-hour advance
notice and all that, except on your - on your day
off, we can - we give you option on TV.
TAG Tape .3_l-05/T-25h
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SPT Okay, Crip. Are you referring to ATM operations,

also? That is, things which appear on the TV
monitors, as opposed to being in the TV position?

CC That's my understanding of it; yes, sir.

SPT Okay. Well, how about letting me put in a bid for

giving you some H-ALPHA 2, both the Jitter and
the - -

CC Oh, you've got it - -

SPT - - -_ybe 30 seconds of sunrise.

CC You've got a GO on the Jitter. That's some good

engineering data that we ran around the loop. We'd
like tO have it.

3_1 13 12 25 CC We'll talk about the sunrise. If we don't get

anything on it, well, it'll be fine for your day

SPT Well, no - no big thing at all. I see it all the

time; it's Just whether anybody on the ground is

CC Roger.

CC And, Skylab, Houston. If we could, we'd like some-

body to go to panel 206 and make a BEG ADJUST for
us, to set us up for this Z-LV. And regarding the
TV, we'll run it around the loop once more about
we're missing out on some interesting ATM solar
physics by not being able to get it on the VTR.
That 's your option.

3hl 13 13 16 PLT Give me about another minute, Crip; I don't want

to miss this $09 [sic].

CC Fine. Go ahead. We've got 7 more minutes in this


SPT Crip, you should've been a diplomat.

CC Never happen. I told you I wasn't going to be

diplomatic. Somebody might accuse me of
weasel-wording something.
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SPT Sometimes the weasel words say more.

CC Afraid to say anything.

3hl 13 lh 57 PLT Okay, Crip, fire away on the KEG ADJUST.

CC Roger. We want yoy to mark where you're currently

at in some manner, if you would, please, on both -
both pots. And then adjust them both clockwise
15 degrees. And of course, the reason for marking
them is that after we get out of the EREP we'll
be asking you to go back to the original position.

CC And if you Just stand by to look for a moment after

you get them adjusted, we'll take a look at them
and see if that looks good.

3hl 13 15 50 PLT Okay, Crip, they're adjusted clockwise 15 degrees,

both of them.

CC Thank you, Bill. We're taking a look at it.

3hl 13 17 03 CC Okay, Bill, both settings look good for us.

PLT Roger.

3_i 13 19 47 SPT Houston, SPT.

CC Go.

SPT Hey, Crip, I see you guys are really getting sharp
in figuring out these maneuvers. This - the rates
in this first maneuver are negligible. Apparently,
what you do is leave the Z-LV and Just- Just inter-
cept it, so that you hardly have to do any maneu-
vering at all.

CC That's because - that's essentially a beta angle

here of - very, very small. We're down to - pretty
close to about 7 or 8 degrees; 3 degrees, I'm told;
1 degree.

SPT Yes, that's right.

3hl 13 20 22 CC We're - we're getting ready to go over the hill.

We're going to see you at Ascension in about
8 minutes.
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341 13 29 21 CC Skylab, Houston. We're A0S over Ascension for

5 minutes. See that you have selected Z-LV MODE.

341 13 33 40 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

see you again over Carnarvon in about 26 minutes;
that's at lh:00. And I'll try to run over the
weather with you at that pass or this upcoming
Guam pass for this EREP maneuver.

341 13 33 58 SPT Thank you, Crip.

TAG Tape 341-06/T-255
Time: 341:1336 to 341:1500
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341 14 00 40 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS Carnarvon for 9 minutes.

CC And, Skylab, Houston. Your druthers - I can give

you a rundown on what the weather's going to be
either over this pass or over upcoming _-_ pass,
which is about 12 minutes away.

CDR Okay. You can give it to me here, Crip. And also,

I'm - got a question about the Abbeville, Louisi-
ana, site. I don't find that on my map. Is that
right next to New Orleans?

CC Actu_11y it's about 50 miles southwest of Lafayette.

CDR Okay.

CC Can - can you find that one?

CDR Yes, I'll check the maps. Go ahead with the


CC Okay. That - that first site you've got, the

special 01, of course, is in the darkness, and
we're trying to get some sto_v_ weather. And
they've got 40 knots out over the ocean there
and that looks - looks pretty good. Of course,
you're not going to be able to see anything
through the VTS, but it's - it's good weather
for being bad weather, I guess. You're not doing
any data taking coming over the Statesuntil you
get down to that - that first target at - at
Abbeville. Our - our current forecast is that
it's clear at Lafayette and - and we think Abbe-
ville should be clear also. But it is pretty
cloudy down around New Orleans. So it's - there
could be a possibility of some clouds moving in
there before - before you get over it. The Gulf
is - is very cloudy, essentially overcast down
through to the southern tip of Cuba and then it
clears up over the - over the the Caribbean until you
get right to the northern coast of South America.
And you're going to find some scattered clouds
over that first target. It's going to clear up
again and by the time you get to the Am-zon River
TAG Tape 341-06/T-255
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target, that's going to be about the edge of a

cloud bank associated with a frontal system, but
we think you cam get the special i0 over the
Amazon River target with - without any problems.
Then you're going to find the middle portion of
South America - that is the Brazil area - covered
by clouds pretty much. And it should clear up
Just about the time you reach the coast over the
Sao Paulo, Brazil, area. So we think you can get
that target also.

341 14 03 50 CDR Okay. One question on the A_Azon thing. Do they

want the uniform area that we're going to go after,
would they prefer it be water, or would they prefer
the - right next to the water?

CC Stand by i on that, Jer.

341 14 04 15 CC Okay, Jer. They'd like you to try to get the


CDR Okay.

CDR And you say Abbeville was about 50 southwest of

Lafayette, right?

CC That's affirm.

CDR Okay. Looks like there's a lake there. Th -

would that be a thing to go for?

CC Let me see if I can get that confirmed for you.

CDR Okay.

CC They say the lake would be fine.

CDR Okay.

CC Jer, I don't know if you've looked on - in your

site book at - on page - or 450-A. That shows
Lafayette and down across the Houston area. I
think I can Just about point you out where the -
the the Abbeville is. It has a - Just a yellow
block but it's not - not named on it.

341 14 06 09 CDR Roger, Crip. I'll get it in a minute.

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CC Okay. No sweat. We've got - got plenty of time.

SPT Houston, SPT.

CC Ed, say again?

SI>2 Crip, the MI51 folks are not going to believe this,
but the ETC prep - I had it all lined up, took the
pictures; unfortuantely the camera Jammed once
again. Last time we thought it was the transporter.
Bill fixed the transporter. We put a different
one on this time. And it looks like DAC 04 is
the one that's shredding film for us. So we'll
Just have to put that one away somewhere and try
to use another one on the next ETC prep.

CC Okay, Not a good day for 151 of ETC, apparently.

Not a good week for it. Okay, we're about
i minute from LOS. We 'ii going to have you over
Guam in about 4 minutes. And we 'ii be doing a
data/voice recorder dump there at i_:13.

341 14 13 12 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS Guam 9 minutes, doing

a data/voice recorder dump.

CC And, CDR, Houston. If you ever had a chance to

get that- that site book, I can describe to you
pretty much where Abbeville is, I thinE. And it
does - there doesn't seem to be a lake that speci-
fically you can aim on in that area, rather we can
get the town. I believe if you get the site book,
we can tell you exactly where it is.

CDR Okay. I' ii get with you in a couple of minutes.

CC No sweat.

3_I 14 16 01 PLT Crip, are you reading?

CC Loud and clear.

PLT Okay. We're on hot mike now. Are you - do you

- have our recorders?

CC I'm sorry. I couldn't understand you there, Bill.

PLT Do you have the tape recorders? Are you dumping - -

CC No. Stand by. We're doing a data/voice recorder

dump at this time. That's still - that's affirm.
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PLT Okay. You mentioned some of the T minus i0 monitor

recordings, and some of them are a bit out of
tolerance. I'll give them to you as soon as you
give me the recorder back.

CC Okay. If you wanted to go ahead and give them

to us now, we can - we can get them.

PLT Okay. I'll Just go through them real quick.

Alfa 2 is reading 92; Alfa 3 is reading 86; Alfa 4
is reading 92; Alfa 5 is reading 97; Alfa 6 is
reading 21; Alfa 7 is reading 0; Bravo 2 is read-
ing 91; Bravo 3 is reading 83; Bravo 4, 91; Bravo
5, 90; Bravo 6, 49, Bravo 7 is 31; Bravo 8, 0;
Bravo 9 is 48; Charlie 2 is 100; Charlie 3 is 88;
Charlie 4 is 98; Charlie 5 is 47; Charlie 6 is 47,
Charlie 7 is 52; Charlie 8, 46; Charlie 9, dis-
regard; Delta 2 is 86; Delta 3 is 84; Delta 4 is
85; Delta 5 fs 15; Delta 6 is 47; Delta 7 is 10,
10. Delta 8 is O.

CC Okeydoke. ThA=k you.

341 14 18 22 PLT And, Bob, I thinki configured everything properly,

but some of those readings were a little bit high.
If the ground had - suspects that I may be out
of configuration, I'm open tosuggestions.

CC We copy. We - we - we'll check it. And one item

for you there, Bill, is that we neglected to put
turning on the TV input - TV input station
POWER, ON and also VIDEO select, TV. If - you
might want to make _ note on your C&D pad to do
that right after the 14:38 EREP, STOP.

PLT Roger, 14:38.

CC Roger, TV input station 133, POWER, ON and VIDEO

select to TV.

CDR Crip, how do you read the CDR on hot mike?

CC Loud and clear, CDR.

CDR Okay. I got my site book now.

CC Okay. If you go to 450 Alfa.

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CDR 450 Alfa. Stand by. Okay.

CC Okay. Lafayette is located in the upper rlght-hand

corner of that book.

CDR Got it.

CC Okay. And the red line that's running diagonally

across it actually passes right through Abbeville.
It's about 92.1, I guess, and about 30, north.

CDR Okay. I' ve got it.

CC Yes - -

CDR The lake I was talking about was White Lake.

CC Okay.

CDR So we'll go between Lafayette and White Lake.

CC That'll be good.

CDR Okay.

341 14 20 17 PLT Okay, PLT at T minus 2 minutes. TA?E RECORDER,

ON. READY, on. 92, ON; READy, out. CHECK, and
door, 0PEN.

CC And the recorders are your guys.

341 14 20 31 PLT Okay. Tape recording now. 91, ON; READY, on;
COOT,WR, ON; door, OPEN. 90, ON; READY out.
Stand by, door, open. Door, open and checked.
three READY lights out. ... 1 READY, on.

PLT Ed, are we on VIDEO select, TV? Thank you.

SPT Bill, do you have a 14:45:30 call there to start

this vide - the _T_?

PLT 14 :45 :30, negative.

SPT Okay.
TAG Tape 341-06/T-255
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CC 1 minute until LOS. Goldstone in 16-1/2 minutes

at 14:38.

PLT Roger. And i0 seconds to EREP, START. Or

correction - that's 2 minutes. Coming up on
14:22 - -

3hl 14 22 01 PLT MARK. SCAT to STANDBY.

3hl 14 37 27 CDR Uh-huh.

PLT Thought you had to turn the power - -

CDR Okay, nadir swath is over.

PLT - - off?

PLT Okay. Standing by to go to EREP, STOP, at 14:38.

CDR I sure can't figure out what it is we're looking

at here.

PLT Stand by -

341 lh 38 00 PLT MARK. _EP, STOP. SCAT, OFF. Okay. TV input,

ON. And VIDEO select, TV. I'm going to go down
and verify that.

CC Skylab, we're - -

CDR Okay. It 's Just a tad early.

CC We're with you guys for about 17 minutes. And

would you believe you were looking at the Pacific

CDR Oh, yes. I knew that. I've got a funny display

in the VTS now that we had once before, and I
haven't quite figured out what it is. "Must be
the horizon. And it sure is sharp. Like a knife

CC Ah, so.

CDR There goes something sailing by.

PLT I saw the same thing.

TAG Tape 3hl-06/T-255
Ps4e 7 of Ih/1371

CDR Yes. It looks like a door halfway open, or

something like that.

CC Copy.

CDR But as soon as you get into sunlight everything

is normal. It - what Bill was suggesting it must
be some sort of scattered light or something.

CC If - -

CDR Collected light.

CC If - if we could get Bill or you, Jer, to recheck

readings Alfa 6 and Charlie 5, we would appreciate
it. We think m-ybe the - the reason they were off
was we Just read them a little bit too soon.

CDR Okay.

PLT Yes. I've already put a note - Alfa 6 is now

reading zero, which is okay. And Charlie 5 is now
reading 82, which is okay. And I concur with
your comment. I'd already put the new comment
on the tape.

•CC Thank you.

341 l_ 39 51 I_.T Okay. We've got TV input station, ON and VIDEO

select to TV.

CDR Yes. Whatever that is, it's very slowly drifting

out of the line of sight. It must be some
reflection from some place on the spacecraft.

PLT Yes. Those discones are Just like a light bulb

out there.

CDR Yes.

PLT They light up.

CC Jer, can you tell us where the VTS is pointing

when you're seeing this on - line?
TAG Tape3hl-06/T-255
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CDR I've got it zeroed out. And it's a line right

down near the center. It's drifting off to the
right now; it's aSmost a vertical line. And it -
the right side of it is light, with lots of white
specks in it like stars. And then the dark part
has got an occasional star in it too.

PLT It -Imost looks like you've got some kind of

condensation contamination.

CDR Yes. So I can't tell what it is. And it's Just

about gone and I expect we'll start seeing some
ground here in a minute.

PLT Yes. It scared me the other day. I thought we'd -

had something in the optical path.

CDR Well, I thought maybe the door had closed again

or something. That's when I was fiddling with
the switch and looking under the tape to make sure
the switch was open. All right. That - that's
finally passed off to the right. It's gone now
and the - the VTS now is all dark. And its begin-
ning to lighten up with sunrise.

CC Jer, that line was - was vertical, or running

fore and aft, is that correct?

CDR Yes, that's right, fore and aft. Just like a

door half closed or something. And the back side
of the door looked like a piece of emery cloth
with light shining on it, you know, and the light
is reflecting off of the granules on emery cloth.
Okay. Now we're getting - getting some clouds.
It must be Just some sort of reflection or something.

341 14 41 52 CDR Okay. The TV is ON. And, Bill, in about 3 minutes

we're going to want to throw the VTR ON, to RECORD.

PLT Okay.

CDR At 14:45 and 30 seconds.

PLT Okay. Coming up on 14:43.


TAG Tape 3_I-06/T-255
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CC We're watching the VTS with you.

CDR Okay. I'll try to do a little focusing here.

Doesn't look like this big focus knob on the adap-
ter does a whole heck of a lot of good.

CC Looks - looks pretty fair, right here, from what

we're observing. Of course, there's not much
detail there. We're getting some cloud cover and
some dark lines.

CDR Yes. No, there's no clouds.

CC Yes.

CDR Yes, there is. There's a little cirrus down there.

I'll zoom in. There we go. That's a cultivated
field with snow on it going by. And I would suspect
we're probably darn close to Denver.

CC Roger. I thought the white stuff was clouds, but

it was snow.

CDR Yes, indeed.

341 14 44 16 PLT Okay, Ed, 3 minutes 47:40, for ETC to AUTO.

CDR Now I zoomed back out again, Houston. There's

a big river Just passing down at - from 9 o'clock
to 6 o'clock. Very sinuous. And the straight
lines you see are clouds. Or smoke - -

PLT Looks like a contrail.

CDR - - Or may - might be smoke on the ground. Might

be steam. Right now we're coming up on a big

CC Is that the reservoir at 9 o'clock?

CDR Yes. Then coming right down the center line is

another reservoir. Zoom in on that one.

PLT Hey, Crip, do you notice a loss of focus that last

little bit of zoom? When you're looking on the TV
screen down there?
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CC Ah, it's kind of hard to tell. Seems like it

might go a little bit.

PLT Okay, Jer, at 45, when did you wantme to turn

the - -

3_i 14 45 32 CDR Right now. VTR, ON. Okay, gang. Coming up at

your 12 o'clock is Toledo Bend. And one of our
targets is - Let's see, what is it number 350?
No, 450. It's getting ready to cross under the
crosshairs right now. Stand by -

341 14 46 01 CDR MARK. There's number _50. I gave a couple of -

Ali right. We're coming up on Abbeville. I see
White Lake. S bite Lake is a beautiful lanam_rk.
That's the way to go. Okay.

PLT 0kay,_ _, about 1 minute for_ TC, AUTO.

CDR Starting to collect data.

CDR It's a fairly uniform area; it's pretty checker-

board. It looks pretty much like an agricultural

PLT Standing by for 47 :20.

341 14 47 20 PLT MARK. 47 :20, EREP, START. RADIOMETER, OFF.

34 - and, Ed, 1 - or l0 seconds before -

341 l_ 47 35 PLT MARK. 194, MODE to MANUAL. And stand by Ed, on

my mark -

341 14 47 40 PLT MARK. ETC, AUTO. Keep standing by for 47:50.

341 14 47 50 PLT MARK. 47:50, ALTIMETER, ON.

CDR Okay, terminated on Abbeville.

PLT Okay, I have an - - ALTIMETER UNLOCK light. It's

gone out. Okay, good show.

CC It's really impressive on that VTS how stable you

can hold it.

CDR Yes. Start looking for some Yucatan current here.

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PLT Standing by for 48:16.

341 14 48 16 PLT MARK. 48:16, 190, MODE, SINGLE. One FRAME. And
I got a MALF on camera 3, which we expected. I
shouldn't even have loaded that thing. Stand ***
seconds to ETC to STANDBY. *** stand by -

341 14 48 41 PLT MARK. ETC, STANDBY.

CC You can probably anticipate a couple of TACS

firings here ; no problem.

PLT Another one there.

CC That ain't snow.

CDR Okay, it 's pretty heavy cloud cover so far. Let 's
see, I've got - -

PLT Stand by -

341 14 49 14 PLT MARK. 190 - -

CDR - - about 20 seconds to go to the special 2 area.

And the clouds are starting to break up. Hey,
we've even got sunglitter here, too. Maybe we
can see some currents.

PLT Okay, I'm standing by to give you another frame

on 190.

CDR Okay, Houston, I don't see any of those neat cloud

streets with the - the arcs of cumulus over them.
I'm sweeping way out ahead to see if I can't find

341 14 50 18 - LT MARK. 50:18; 190, SINGLE.

CC Okay, Jer.

341 14 50 33 PLT Okay, I've lost my READY light. I'm going in OFF
for 15 seconds on the ALTIMETER.

CDR I'm going to try to stay in the sunglitter, Houston.

I think there's more _ata available from that.
Now here's - here's a peculiar looking way the
cloud streets are kind of formed up. I'll give you
some data here.
TAG Tape 341-06/T-255
Page 12 of 14/1376

341 14 51 05 PLT Okay, I got rid of the ALTIMETER UNLOCK light

but it's about time to turn it off. Stand by -

341 14 51 I0 PLT MARK. Stand by. MODE to ***, RANGE 77.

PLT Standing by, 51:28.

341 14 51 29 PLT MARK. ALTIMETER, ON. Stand by for 190, SINGLE.

341 14 51 37 PLT MARK. 51: 36, 190, SINGLE. ALTIMETER UNLOCK light

CDR Okay, going back out to MIN zoom. I'ii try to

look for another target now.

CC The focus looked pretty sharp when you went in


CDR Yes. That was sort of an intersecting set of

cloud streets.

CDR Okay, here's an interesting shot for you, Houston.

_ got a - sort of an atoll - coral reef, there.
And we got cloud streets and a cumulus that seems
to cut right across the cloud streets, l'm going
into MAX zoom npw. Try to hold the position for
a little while; a lot of side drift. Okay, l'm
going to come back out and see if I can find
something else.

PLT Stand by.

341 14 52 36 PLT MARK. 52:36, 190, FRAME SINGLE. Still have a

READY light on 190 - Just lost it. Turning it
off for 15 seconds.

CDR Okay, here's some more of those arc clouds with

cloud streets. It's a lot easier for you to see
it if" - -

341 14 53 01 PLT MARK. 193 back ON.

CDR - - ... MINIMUM zoom. If I go in MAX, we're Just

looking at one cloud; but I'll do it.

341 14 53 08 CDR Okay, I got the ALTIMETER UNLOCK light again, but
the READY light is staying on.
TAG Tape 341-06/T-255
Page 13 of ih/1377

CDR Okay, I want to track this to - to nadir and come

back out again.

CC Jer, if you could give us the angles of where

you're at right now, we'd appreciate it.

CDR All right. Well, l'm in nadir right now.

CC Okay.

CDR Zero zero, and tracking to the right 12 degrees.

Okay, this - l'm Just going to kind of track
along this one; this one's very interesting. You
can see a bunch of cloud streets being intersected
by cumulus.

341 14 53 54 PLT MARK. 53:53; ... MODE to AUTO.

CDR I'm Just going to take sort of a swath here.

CDR A]I right now, Houston. You see we're coming into
area of the extensive - -

PLT Okay -

341 14 54 01 PLT MARK.

CDR - - cloud streets.

PLT MODE, AUT0, and ETC to AUT0, Ed.

CC Okay, we're 1 minute from LOS. We're going to

see you over Vanguard in about l0 minutes at 15:05.
Correction, 15 :04.

CDR Okay, I'm going to miss Barranquilla if I don't

get with it here.

PLT Stand by for 54:48.

CDR Okay, here's the uniform area near Barranquilla.

PLT And ...

CDR I didn't even get that started until 5 after. Or

5 degrees past ... - -
TAG Tape 341-06/T-255
Page 14 of ih/1378

341 14 54 52 PLT RADIOMETER to STANDBY. Stand by.

CDR Correction. Going from 5 to 20 negative.

PLT •.. 5 minutes even.

341 14 55 00 PLT MARK. 192, MODE to CHECK.

341 14 55 19 CDR _m-zon is next.

TAG Tape 3hl-07/T-256
Time: 3hI:15:00 to 341:16:30
l_age i of 5/1379


341 15 Oh 27 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS Vanguard, 7 minutes.

CDR Roger, Crip. We're coming up on Sao Paulo, but

it looks like it might be socked in.

PLT Stand by.

341 15 04 35 PLT MARK. 190 MODE, AUTO.

CC Okay. Should maybe clear up Jilst before you get

there and we'd like to thank you for that fantas-
tic show you gave us coming across.

CDR Roger. You' re welcome.

341 15 04 45 PLT MARK. 192, MODE, READY. SCAT, ON andRADIOMETER,


CDR Boy, Toledo Bend was Just wide open and beautiful.

CDR Yes, I can make out the coastline down below the
clouds but - -

3hl 15 05 05 PLT Number 2 MALF light on.

CDR - - might not be able to see Sao Paulo until we're

right smack dab over the top of it.

CDR Right now I'm looking ahead about 45 degrees and

I can't see it for the clouds.

CC Roger.

341 15 05 20 PLT Okay, Ed, about 20 - 30 seconds for ETC to


PLT *** you going to do, Ed? You have to run up here
and and go to SOLAR INERTIAL. Stand by. On my
mark, ETC to STANDBY.

CDR Okay, the VTR goes off at 06:35, Bill. I'll give
you a mark.

341 15 05 51 PLT MARK. 05:50, ETC to STANDBY.

TAG Tape 341-071T-256
Page 2 of 5/1380

CDR Now, Crip, I'm _]most overhead now and I can see
one little piece of coastline, but it's broken
to overcast. Two layers of clouds, one low
layer of cumulus and one layer of broken to
overcast ci_.,s.

CC Well, I guess we have to give that one up. The

rest of it was fantastic, though.

341 15 06 20 PLT SCAT to STANDBY, RAD to STANDBY; 194, MODE to

MANUAL; and 190, MODE to START.

CDR I can see sunglint on rivers and things and

swsmp area underneath the cloUd s and coming up
through it. I think I'll go ahead and take data
on it.

3hl 15 06 32 PLT 07:15, I've got END OF TAPE light. And I never
did get a READY light at the end of that 190

CDR You're going to get mostly cloud data, I'm afraid.

CC Roger. Did you get the Amazon River area - back


CDR Sure did. Found one little hunk of river standing

open. Okay. We got some great glitter on the
ocean and there's all sorts of streaks and things
in the - out over the ocean that I think are pretty
darn interesting in the sunglitter. Lots of lines,
you can see currents, ripple, wave patterns. Man,
that's really something. I'm getting some ... right

341 15 07 17 PLT MARK. EREP, STOP. Okay. Looks like we ended -

we used up the film in all the cameras except one,
Crip. N,imber 1 is the only MALF light that's not

CC Very good.

PLT And we got an END OF TAPE light about 30 seconds

before the end of the run. That's pretty good
timing, I'd say.

CC Beautiful. EREP - EREP people do good work.

TAG Tape 341-07/T-256
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341 15 07 41 PLT They sure did. They timed that right down to the
wire. I'm impressed.

341 15 08 06 CDR Did you get the VTR off, Bill?

PLT Negative

CDR Hey, gang, sorry we're using your tape up. It's
08:13. We;re Just getting the VTR off now.

CC Copy.

341 15 08 32 CC You've got 22 minutes. You were allotted 2_. So

we're in good shape.

CDR Hey, good show.

CC And we' re going to go ahead and take the VTR and

rewind it at this time.

CDR Okay.

3hl 15 09 15 PLT What are we over now? Water?

CDR We're out over the water, yes. Let's see, where
are we headed? Take a look at my dandy slider
map here.

CC Oh, you're headed to come up around south of

Africa there.

CDE Yes•

341 15 09 33 PLT Bravo 7 is B-32.

CDR We'll go right up over Sumatra. Too bad it's

dark in Japan. We're going to fly right over
Sakur - Sakurazima, that volcano on the southern
end of Kyushu.

3hl 15 l0 19 CDR Ed, would you turn OFF TV POWER, please? Thank
you •

CC We see Ed getting ahead of us there, putting in

the maneuver time for JOP 1B ecming up.
TAG Tape 341-07/T-256
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SPT I'll tell you, though, Crip. The time from

ETC to STANDBY to SI of l0 seconds is calling
a tad close. I think maybe 30 seconds would do

341 15 l0 47 CC (Laughter) Roger. That's the way - we mentioned

it this morning and we kind of left that up to
you guys. If - if y'all really think that's a -
that's a problem, we'll try to work it a little
bit closer here.

SPT Yes, I think both those guys were fairly busy,

and if we can allow 30 seconds in there, that would
give me a nice, leisurely stroll up here.

341 15 ii 04 CC Okay. We'll take that into account. We're about

45 seconds from LOS. We've got a nice long one.
We'll see you again in an hour and 4 minutes over
Goldstone, and that's at 16:14. And the crimson
team is saying good night; we'll see you on your
day off.

CDR Okay, Crip, and all you red guys. Should we

call you redeyes?

CC That 's later.

341 15 ii 37 CC Have a nice weekend.

CDR Same to you. So long.

SPT May your days off be as relaxing as ours. (Laughter)

341 15 ll 50 CC That's not very good.

341 15 ll 52 SPT (Laughter)

341 16 15 l0 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Goldstone and

Corpus Christi for 12 minutes. Out.

341 16 22 54 CC Skylab, this is Houston with a change to the

JOP 13 pad for the SPT when he has a moment. Out.

341 16 23 23 SPT I'ii be with you in a minute, Bruce.

CC Okay. No rush.
TAG Tape 341-07/T-256
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3hl 16 24 32 SPT Okay, Bruce. Go ahead.

CC Okay, Ed. In the JOP 13 pad that you have on

board, step 20, the constant Charlie 12 should
have a negative sign instead of a positive and
should read Charlie 12 equals minus 0.006. Over.

SPT Okay. I got it. Thank you very much.

341 16 25 08 CC Roger. Thank you. And by the way, we were

standing by during the last EREP pass and we
want to reaffirm our feelings that it was a
real spectacular pass, and pass on to Bill and
Jerry we got some excellent VTS TV down here.

SPT Thank you very much. It sure looked good from

up here and I think the folks on the ground
have really figured out how to make these maneuvers
with minimum expenditure, and it's worked out
real well.

341 16 25 43 CC And whenever you're free, quite possibly over

Vanguard in about 13, 14 minutes, we've got a
brief discussion on maneuver monitoring tech-
niques forJOP13.

SPT Okay. I ought to devote some attention to that.

Can you wait until we get out of the daylight
here ?

CC Yes, I think we can, Ed. We got a pass over

Tananarive right about sunset, and we should be
able to do it then.

SPT Okay.

341 16 26 29 CC And we are 1 minute from LOS at the present time.

Next station contact is in 12-1/2 minutes through
the Vanguard at 16:39 with the data/voice tape
recorder dump. Out.

TAG Tape 3hI-OSIT-257
Time: 341:16:30 to 341:18:05
Page 1 of.4/1385


341 16 39 17 CC SkYlab, this is Houston throughthe Vanguard at

sea for 10-1/2 m_nutes with a data/voice tape
recorder dump. Out.

341 16 49 22 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact is 17minutes through Tananarive
at 17:06. Subsequent station contact in 1 hour
through Hawaii at 17:49. Talk to you over
Tananarive about the m_aneuver monitor. Out.

341 17 08 07 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Tananarive for

h-i/2 minutes. Over.

SPT Hello' Bruce. Go ahead with your monitoring.

CC Okay. Have you got permanent general message

004 Charlie, the maneuver monitor card, out?

SPT Sure do.

-- 341 17 08 27 CC Okay. A couple of items here. In the maneuver

to the J0P 13 attitude, we'd like you to use the
standard maneuver monitor cue card procedures,
no change. After you reinitialize the strapdown,
there's no monitoring required while you're in
the J0P 13 attitude since auto resets are auto-
matically active in the SI mode, which of course
it thinks you're in once you reinitialize the
strapdown. Now, for the maneuver from J0P 13
back to true solar inertial, things are a little
bit different. Since the strapdown is initialized
in JOP 13 attitude, the onboard maneuver monitor-
ing technique will not get you the desired results
if you performthe section there which says
SI as required; this sort of thing. This would
wind up in sending you back to the J0P 13
maneuver. So, if the monitoring techniques
ind/cate a problem, we want you to take no action
until the system has switched over to Ab'fO, TACS
only. At this point, reenable CMG control when
attitude and rates are stabilized and continue
with norm-1 operations when the maneuver is
complete. Over.
TAG Tape 3hl-08/T-257
Page 2 of h/1386

341 17 09 58 SPT Okay, Bruce. I understand you go to TAC only -

allow the system to go to TACS only and that 'ii
bring you back. What was your comment after

Bhl 17 i0 07 CC No, I guess we're running out of time here. We

got about 30 seconds to LOS. Next station con-
tact 39 minutes through Hawaii. But I'll keep
talking here. After the system goes to AUTO,
TACS only, go ahead and reenable CMG control
when your attitude and rates are stabilized and
continue on with normal operations when the
maneuver is completed. That is, go ahead and
reselect AUTO, CMG.

SPT Okay, Bruce. I understand. Otherwise we

wouldnit have any reference to - to work from.
We wouldn't know what maneuver to put in there.
So I t_uderstand what we're doing. It's going to
use a little more TACS than you would do with
the correct commands put in there would be, but
no other way around it. Thank you.

CC That's correct, and we don't actually expect

this situation to arise. But if it does, that's
a modification to what would otherwise be the
normal procedure. And actually, if you Just
delete those four lines in the maneuver monitor
part of the card, why everything else applies.

SPT Okay. Thank you, Bruce.

3hl 17 ii 09 CC Roger. See you over Hawaii.

3hl 17 5020 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for

1-1/2 minutes. We're going to send a momentum
dump inhibit up to you, so if you can stay off
the DAS a second, please. And also, we'd like
to pass a r_mlnder to all crewman, and partic-
ularly the PLT, to minimize movements as much
as possible during the JOP 13 data take. And
we apologize for scheduling his PT period wind-
ing up on the data take. And we'd appreciate
his tolerance and forbearance today. Over.
i TAG Tape 341-08/T-257
Page 3 of 4/1387

PLT Is the bicycle screwed up, Bruce?

CC Say again.

PLT Did the ergometer foul up your stuff?

CC That's affirmative. It fouls up the data take

on JOP 13. The thing is quite sensitive to any
crew movement s. Over.

PLT Okay. How long - How much more time do I have

before I need to get off of it?

CC Oh. You've got quite awhile yet. The data

take is from 19:13, which is about an hour and
20 minutes from now, to 19:28. Over.

PLT Okay. Thank you.

341 17 51 29 CC And we have about 30 seconds to LOS. Next

station contact in 25 minutes through the
Vanguard at 18:17 with the data/voice tape
recorder dump. And have you all already per-
formed the nu z update? Over.

SPT Bruce, that's affirm. I - I did one at the

conclusion of the last ATM pass. Reason being
is that Bill was not able to get one at the
previous pass, right after the maneuver. One
thing that would make life a little easier,
make sure we do get them is that - -

CC Break, break.

SPT - - is if the ... nu Z update.

CC Break, break. Okay, Ed. The nu z update looks

good and you do not have to do another one in
between here and the Vanguard. It was on the
maneuver pad.

341 17 52 25 CC SPT, copy. SPT. This is Houston. You may

delete the nu Z update scheduled on the JOP 13
pad at 18:20 to 18:35. Over.

TAG Tape 3hl-O8/T-257 l
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SPT Okay, Bruce. Will do.

CC Roger. See - -

SPT ...

341 17 52 _3 CC - - see you over the Vanguard.

TAG Tape 341-09/T-258
Time: 341:18:05 to 341:19:30
Page 1 of 4/1389


341 18 16 48 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard

for 10-1/2 minutes. For the SPT, with a change
to the JOP 13 maneuver pad. Over.

SPT Go ahead, Bruce.

CC Okay, Ed. Under step 8, the fine maneuver, I

want to make the following changes. That's
under the fine maneuver. X to read 50033 (plus
0.27 degrees); Y, 51053 (minus 0.43 degrees);
Zulu, 51032 (m_nus 0.26 degrees_. Read back.

SPT Okay, Bruce. I understand that's for the fine


CC That is affirmative.

341 18 18 00 SPT And that's the X of 50023, Y of 51053, Z of

51032; 2.7 degrees, 2.0 and 2.6. That's minus,
plus, minus, plus. Let me get rid of this squeal.

CC Okay, Ed. On your X component, that's 50033,

not 23. That's 50033. Over.

34118 19 00 SPT Okay, Bruce. I'ii try it again. It's on X

for the fine maneuver 50033; Y, 51053; Zulu,

CC Okay. Those are correct. And let me read you

the decimal equivalents again: plus 0.27,
minus 0.43, minus 0.26. Over.

SPT Okay. That's plus 0.27, minus 0.30 and plus 0.26.
Will that change the XF, YF, and ZF?

CC Okay. Still under fine maneuver, the Y maneuver

size should be minus 0.43. That's 0.43 of a
._ degree in the negative direction. Over.

SPT I've got you. Minus 4 - 0.43.

CC And on Z, It's m_nus 0.26, I say again,

minus 0.26. Over.
Page 2 of h/1390

SPT Minus 0.26.

3hl 18 20 21 CC Okay, now, down under step 12. We're going to

change the final attitudes that you're expecting
to get to. And if you're ready to cOpY, I'll
rea_ the new omes off. X flnal, plus 32.28;
Y final, minus 44.23; Z final, plus 1.55. Read
back. Over.

SPT Plus 32.28, minus h4.23, plus 1.55.

CC Roger. Readhack correct. Out.

3hl 18 21 05 CC And for your information, the reason for this

update is new data based on your star tracker
update over - Just before Hawaii, I guess it was.

SPT Okay. If we had done any star tracker update

now, would that correction still have come up?

341 18 21 25 CC Yes, sir. It would indeed.

341 18 22 58 CC And Just for completeness, Ed, we're grateful

that you did, in fact, do the nu Z update early
because we would have been really scrambling
for computation of data here to get it up to
you this pass. So it worked out real well. Out.

SPT Okay, Bruce, we may arrange it that way in the

future. The reason it was done there is that
Bill was supposed to get a nu Z update while he
was still on the EREP panel and didn't notice
it in the details. One thing that would be use-
ful is if we could put the guy at the EREP
or at the ATM panel doing the nu Z update. I
thought perhaps we should have done one after
the maneuver. And I looked through the ATM
pad and looked through my details and there
wasn't one there.

CC Okay, we have duly noted the subject here and

will include it in the future J0P 13 operations.

341 18 23 50 SPT Okay, thank you, Bruce. That would also hold
for - at the conclusion of any Z-LV passes.
-- °

TAG Tape 341-09/T-258

Page 3 of 4/1391

341 18 26 14 CC Skylab, this is Houston; i m_nute to LOS. Next

station Ccfltact in 14-1/2 minutes through Tartan-
afire at 18:41. Out. And in case we don't make
it at Tananarive, Hawaii at 19:25. Good luck on
J0P 13.

341 18 42 45 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Tananarive for

6-1/2 minutes. Over.

SPT Hello, Houston. Go ahead.

CC Roger. How's it going?

SPT Looks good so far, Bruce.

CC Okay.

SPT We're waiting on step 16.

CC Very good.

341 18 43 57 CC Skylab, this is Houston. Our link's getting a

little bit noisy. 5-1/2 minutes to LOS, Hawaii
in 41 minutes at 19:25. Over.

CDR Say agin, Bruc?.

CC Roger. I'm Just anticipating an early LOS here

at Tananarive. Hawaii in 41 m_nutes at time
19:25. Out.

CDR Okay, Bruce. We'll see you then.

341 18 47 54 CC SPT, this is Houston. If you're still with us,

our predictions show that a count rate of 50
on DETECTOR 3 will be commensurate with acquiring
a target here on JOP 13. Over.

SPT 0k_7, Bruce; understand. DETECTOR 3, countrat_

_f 50. Thank you.

CC That 's correct.

341 18 48 21 CC And i minute to LOS. Previous Hawaii data

remains good. Out.

341 18 48 25 SPT Thank you, Bruce. So long.

TAG Tape 3hl-09/T-258
Page h of h/1392

341 19 2h 38 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for

9-1/2 minutes. Out.

SPT Hello, Bruce. We got the attitude. We're set

up to go at 19:04. Started the exposures at 19:07
when Spica came up. So far on DETECTOR 3, We
have only seen noise counts and have not been
able to pick it up. But we're pressing on.

CC Roger. We copy.

341 19 28 21 CC SPT, we show S052 still running in FAST SCAN

with the DOOR, CLOSED. We'd like you to go to
STOP, ON, please.

3_i 19 28 31 CC ThAnk you.

TAG Tape 3_I-I0/T-259,
Time: 3_i:19:30 to 341:21:00
Page 1 of _/1393


3hl 19 32 22 CC Skylab, this is Houston; i minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 23 minutes through the Vanguard
at 19:55. Out.

CDR Talk to you then, Bruce.

CC Roger. Out.

SPT It all went according to plan, Bruce. We ended

up with MIRRORS in INNER GIMBALof A-I was plus
007 -or 0007. INNER GIMBAL 2 was plus 0378.
We did a correction of - of minus _ and minus 25
in octal. Ended up with 375 for the INNER GIMBAL,
2. Starte@ the experiments at 19:07 and concluded
at 19:27, which you saw. And never really got
much of anything except noise on DETECTOR 3,
i except we once saw a count of 2, but that vanished.
During the exposure period, the INNER GIMBAL got
down to 373 and then back up to 374.
-341 19 33 39 CC Roger. We copy. rl'_lan_ you.

CDR It was worth it to see Bill PQgue tiptoe in zero g.

CC I'll bet that was a sight to see.

CC Hey, did you see anything on the XUV MON?

PLT No, we didn't, Bruce. We did some fairly long

integrations, and we Just got a lot of white noise
in the center of the tube but could never see
anything above that.

341 19 34 07 CC Okay. Thank you.

341 19 55 39 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

9 minutes. Over.

SPT • Hello, Houston.

CC Roger. We've got a small change to the ATM

schedule pad for this afternoon.

SPT Go ahead.
TAG Ta_e 3_I-I0/T-259
P_e 2 or _/139_

CC Okay. In the Bass scheduled for 20:55 Zulu, we'd

llke to add to JOP 6, step 2, building block 2,
the S082 that was deleted, and that's S082A. It's
a time exposure. WAVELENGTH is SHORT and the dura-
tion of it is 20 seconds. That's in the first
major block there at 20:55. Over.

SPT Okay, the one at 22:55, building block 2, 82A,


341 19 56 47 CC Roger. That's it.

sPT Okay. They did want a 1-minute exposure at

WAVELenGTH, LONG as they have in the past, I

• CC That is the one at 20:55.

SPT 0_ay.

CC And Ed, I - I was listening out the other ear when

you asked about the 1-minute exposure. We do not
want a 1-minute exposure. All we want is the
one 20-second long, SHORT WAVI_,An_GTH exposure.

SPT Okay.

CC And whenever Bill Pogue has a minute or so, we've

got a couple of questions relating to the EREP
operations for this morning.

341 19 57 45 PLT Go ahead, Bruce.

CC Okay. This is in regard to your comments regarding

the S190 READY light on the final sequence of the
last EREP pass and we took your eom,_uts to indi-
cate that the S190 READY light stayed on and never
went out. Is that correct?

PLT On the last sequence when I had Just one camera

working, the cam - the READY light did not go o,it
right away but it - it did not go out. I had to
recygle, go into the film depletion and everything
worked normally.

CC Okay. We understand. Then you said that only

n11mher 2 - nl,mher 1 and n11mher 2 FILM ADVANCE MALF
TAG Tape 341-I0/T-259
! Page 3 of 4/1395


lights were out at the start of the sequence and

only nnmber 1 was out at the end. So this means
that number 2 came on early in the last sequence.
Is that correct?

341 19 58 41 PLT Yes. I made a voice comment when it went out or

when it - when it - when it came on.

CC Right. The EREP guys have been going over the

voice tapes and I Just wanted to clarify some of
these points. It appears also that we may have
contributed to a possible incorrect frame or
sequence setting in that last sequence by calling -
out in the pad for a setting of 5 instead of 05.
Can you recall if you set the 5 in the units rotary
switch and in fact put the tens rotary switch
to zero?

PLT I set it 50 first and knew that was wrong, then

set it to 05.

CC Okay. Beautiful. And could you confirm that the

camera was operating during the last sequence - you
know from noise and motion and stuff like that?

341 19 59 27 PLT That 's affirmative.

CC Okay. You can pick up your $6_ at the answer

booth there. Thank you very much.

PLT I got no place to spend it, Bruce.

CC You're going past GO often enough, though.

3_i 19 59 •h2 PLT That's right.

341 20 01 05 CC And for the SPT we have some comments with respect
to DAC camera operation. Over.

341 20 02 17 PLT Bruce, SPT is reading you. You can go ahead.

CC Okay. I guess for you, also, Bill. Our prelim-

inary analysis of the latest DAC failure, that's
DAC 4, indicates that our problem may well be in
the transporter. We need to verify that the
transporter is in the - the transporter thread
operate lever is in the thread position when it's
TAG Tape 341-I0/T-259
Page h of h/1396

being attached to the DAC to insure that every-

thing stays synced up properly. And for the
M092/93, MI51 photography today, we would like to
use transporter 05 located in Alfa 2 instead of
transporter 3 called out on the pad because we
feel it's possible that transporter 3 was damaged
when attached earlier to DAC 4. Over.

PLT Okay, Bruce. Transporter 5 instead of 3.

CC Roger, and use of the thread lever when played

on the DAC.

PLT Roger.

341 20 03 24 CC Okay, Hank, [sic] you're about a minute and a

half to LOS here. Next station contact in 1 hour
through Hawaii at 21:03. Out.

TAG Tape 3_1-II/T-260
Time: 3_1:21:00 to 341:22:30
Page 1 of,2/1397


341 21 02 _0 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for

7 mlnutes. Out.

3hl 21 08 23 CC Skylab, this is Houston; l-l/2 m_nutes to LOS.

Next station contact in 25 minutes through the
Vanguard at 21:3_. And, for the CDR, if you
have a few minutes free after your ATM pass
here, we'd like to know what the status of the
teleprinter message - teleprinter messages are
that are being printed out, i.e., light, read-
able, good copy or what? And if the teleprinter
is still printing very light, we'd like you to
obtain a roll of teleprinter paper from our
previously unused tube and change out the paper
roll at your convenience as we suspect that the
paper that was on the cartridge you replaced
may have become degraded due to himidity con-
siderations. Over.

CDR Roger, everything- the teleprinter seems to

be printing norm-11y now, satisfactory.

3hl 21 09 17 CC Okay, let's Just leave it the way it is then.

Thank you.

341 21 33 45 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard

for 9-1/2 minutes. Out.

CC And, Skylab, SPT, this is Houston. We'd like

you to verify on panel 617 the EXPERIMENT TAPE
RECORDER 2 is in the position B on the rotary
switch, please.

CC Okay. We copy that, Ed. Thank you. Out.

341 21 35 65 SPT Bruce, we have a little bit of a problem with

those knobs. Right now it's reading l-l/2, and
before, it was reading 2-1/2. But apparently
we selected the wrong one. We couldn't tell
which it was closest to.

CC What do you mean it's reading l-l/2 and 2-1/27

It's got letters on it, doesn't it?
TAG Tape 341-II/T-260
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SPT _rnat I mean, Bruce, is it's reading between

Baud C.

341 21 35 26 CC Oh, you mean like B-l/2 and A-l/2.

341 21 42 48 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute until LOS. •

Next station contact in 6-1/2 minutes through
Ascension at 21:h9 with a data/voice tape re-
corder dump. Out.

341 21 49 58 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Ascension for

.. 6-i/2 minutes, with the data/voice tape recorder
dump. Out.

341 21 55 28 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 37 minutes through Guam at
22:33. 0ut.

TAG Tape 341-12/T-261
Time: 341:22:30 to 342:00:05

.... Page 1 of 2_ 1399


341 22 33 04 CC Skylab, Houston; Guam for 6 minutes.

SPT Hello, Dick, how are you today?

CC Just fine, sir, and you?

SPT Very good, thank you.

CC Sounds - sounds like you guys have been busy

since very early this morning?

SPT Yes, we have but it is all worked pretty well.

Got ourselves a good EREP and a good J0P 13,
good ATM, good M092, all kinds of good things

341 22 33 37 CC Good shot.

341 22 38 14 CC Sk_lab, Houston, we're i minute to LOS. Vanguard

at 23:11 and I think one of your Flight Plans
is in the teleprinter - one of the Flight Plans
for tomorrow is in the teleprinter. We'll be
getting the others up at Vanguard and Ascension.

CDR Okay, Dick, thanks. We're looking at it.

341 22 38 31 CC Roger.

341 23 i0 52 CC Skylab, Houston; Vanguard for Ii minutes.

SPT Hello, Dick.

CC Hello, there.

341 23 21 20 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 45 seconds from

LOS. Ascension is coming up at 23:24, and the
bird looks real good and the pads are GO for
this upcoming maneuver to support this S019
Kohoutekrunyou guys are getting ready to do.

CDR Roger, Dick.

341 23 24 40 CC Skylab, Houston; Ascension for i0 minutes.

CDR Roger, Houston.

TAG Tape 3hl-12/T-261
Page 2 of 2/1400

341 23 25 42 CC Skylab, Houston; for your information, we;'re

looking over your shoulder at the DAS entries
and the maneuver time looks good.

CDR Okay, I A!most Jumped into the m-neuver too soon;

we're waiting for 29 to come up.

CC Roger.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're about i minute from LOS.

We're going to drop out Just for a minute or so,
and I'ii call you at Canary.

CDR Roger, Dick.

341 23 35 42 CC Skylab, Houston; AOS Canary and Madrid for

7 minutes.

CDR Roger.

3hl 23 hi 55 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about i minute from LOS

Madrid. Gleam comes up at 00:08 and a reminder
for the SPT, that's his family comm site. We'll
have it all set up at Guam. And also, we'll be
d_mping the data/voice recorder at Guam.

SPT Thank you, Dick.

3_i 23 42 14 CC Roger.

TAG Tape Bh2-01/T-262
Time: B42:00:05 to 3_2:01:30
f Page 1 of 9/i_01


342 00 09 16 CC Skylab, Houston. Guam for 9 minutes.

CDR Roger, Dick.

CC And, Skylab, I understand we got a report that

we've got good comm for Ed. And, Jerry, I've
got a couple of questions here I'd like to get
ahead on, if you're - could take a couple of
seconds and answer them for me.

CDR Go ahead, Dick.

CC Okay, first of all, one of the guys dug through your -

the voice tapes and found your co_znents on the
S183 time delay between the sequence start and
the exposure start. And after thinking about it,
we think that is a real good catch and a valid
comment. And we're going to start to bias your
first available times by minus 1 minute. So
that it should solve the problem. And - we'll
get a more proper exposure of the comet or the
star field that's in view.

3h2 00 l0 18 CDR Okay. It sounds like it takes a minute and 15 sec-

onds for that little slide to finally pop
out into view and start being exposed.

CC Roger. Well, I - that was a real good point to

bring up, and - and we're going to take that
into account. The other thing is a couple of
days ago, or as a matter of fact I guess it was
3 or h days ago, on mission day 19, you reported
a broken urine bag with a small spillage. And
we'd Just like to confirm that that was your
bag; or if it wasn't, which one of those guys
did that bag belong to.

CDR That was my bag.

CC Okay, thank you much. Later on this evening

I have some information about the comet, but I
figured I'd wait until all three of you guys
were available to listen to it.
TAG Tape 342-01/T-262
Pa_e 2 of 9/1402

CDR Okay, that'll be fine. Maybe we can do it right

after the evening report.

CC Okay.

342 00 15 03 CC Skylab, Houston. Got one more question that,

Jerry, you or Bill could ask while Ed is up in
the command module. Since your last report -
the question had to do with a voice record light
and it's from the INCO. Since your last report,
has the voice record light done any more blink-
ing while you're were doing any normal voice
recording? And if it has been blinking, has -
has it been at a regular rate or Just kind of
erratic? Over.

CDR No, the - the - the problem that we were having

was that it would Just go out and stay out when
- when somebody was recording. I don't think
anybody has had any problems with it for the
last couple of days now.

CC Okay. Well, INCO tells me that he has a TM

point on that same parameter and it looks solid.
And we've been getting good voice on all the
tapes, so I think we're okay. We're Just kind of
wondering about what's going on up there.

CDR I haven't heard anybody complain lately. If we

• get any more, we'll let you know right away.

CC Okay.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're going LOS at Guam. I'ii

give you a call at - at the Vanguard at 00:49,
and I'll be standing by for the evening status
report there.

342 O0 16 49 CDR Roger.

342 00 48 38 CC Skylab, Houston. We're A0S Vanguard for 9 - 9 min-

utes, and I'm standing by for evening status

CDR Stand by Just a minute.

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CC Okay.

342 00 h9 43 CDR Okay, Dick, here it goes. CDR, for sleep:

6.5 - 5 heavy, 1.5 light; SPT, 6.5 - 5.5 heavy,
1.0 light; PLT, 6.5 - 6.0 heavy, 0.5 light.
Volumes are CDR, 1200; SPT, lh50; PLT, 1700.
Water _ readings: CDR, 7115; SPT, 2224; PLT,
8409. Body mass: CDR, 6.305, 6.304, 6.303;
SPT, 6.365, 6.367, 6.380; PLT, 6.2h6, 6.2h8,
6.2h6. Exercise: CDR, method Alfa: leg, 29,
4800. Method Bravo: Alfa, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot;
i0 ; 20 each. Method Charlie : Charlie, Delta,
Foxtrot; 06; 15 each. Method Echo: Alfa, Bravo;
03; i0 each. Method Foxtrot, walk, 12, NA;
toe rise, 01, 90; springs, 01, i00. SPT, method
Alfa: leg, 40, 8338. Method Bravo: Foxtrot,
i0 minutes, 40 repetitions; Bravo, 3 minutes,
20 repetitions; curls, 3 minutes, 20 repetitions.
Method Foxtrot : springs, 15 minutes, 1,000 ;
toe rise, 05 minutes, i00. PLT, method Alfa:
leg, 36, 5700. Method Bravo: Alfa, Bravo,
Delta, Echo; 08; 50 each. Method Charlie:
Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf,
and Hotel ; i0 ; 20 each. Method Foxtrot : walk,
i0 minutes, NA.

3h2 00 51 h6 CDR Medications: none for anybody. Garments dis-

posed of: CDR, one pair of shorts; SPT, one
pair of shorts, one T-shirt; PLT, none. Food
status: CDR, 6.0 salt, zero food deviations,
plus 1.5 water hy - rehydration water. Cor-
rection on the food deviations, minus one coffee
with sugar. SPT, zero salt, plus one tea, zero
rehydration water. PLT, 1.5 salt, zero deviations,
minus 1.O rehydration water. Okay. Flight Plan
deviations: none. Shopping list de - accom-
plishments: none. Inoperable equipment is DAC 04,
and we're going to troubleshoot, also the - the
transport. Unscheduled stowage: none. Photo
log: 16-millimeter, M092/93, MI51, Chsrlie
India 93, 77, Charlie India 122; Nikon 01,
empty. We'll need a cassette number for tomorrow
morning for film load. Nikon 02, no change;
Nikon 03, Charlie India ii0, 51; Nikon 04,
India Romeo 09, 06; Nikon 05, Bravo Hotel 04,
TAG Tape 342-01/T-262
Page _ of 9/1404

31; we're anticipating three - three exposures

tonight. That makes the count 31.
70-millimeter is Charlie X-Ray 47, the count is
120; ETC is Charlie Tango ii0, 92; EREP, set
Kilo, 9069, 2054, 9594, 8959, 0730, 9635.
Drawer A configuration: A-I 07, no change; A-2, 05,
Charlie India 93, 77, Charlie India 122; A-3, 06,
no change; A-h, 03, no change; Zer -back, 02,
no change. And that's it.

342 00 54 16 CC Okay, Jerry, I copied all of that. If you don't

have anything else, and everybody's listening,
I might tell you a little bit about what I
wanted to pass up about Kohoutek.

CDR 0kay, we're all ears.

CC Okay, let me read you a little mission note I

have here from the Kohoutek people and then
afterwards I'll - I have a couple of questions
for you. It turns out that ground observations
are becoming more and more difficult because the
comet, of course, is coming closer to the Sun;
now it's about 35 degrees. However, the other
day the NOAA station at Carnarvon obtained a
really excellent picture on - this was on
December 5, and it's been in all the newspapers
around here. The present visual magnitude
estimates are running about i magnitude below
the lower predicted magnitude curve that's in
appendix A in the ATM section of the Flight
Data File. However, Dr. Romer of the Lunar and
Planetary Lab in Tuscon estimates that the
maximum magnitude at perihelion will still
probably reach about the minus 4 as predicted by
the curve. And this corresponds to Venus when
it's at its brightest. According to the curve,
the present magnitude should be about 3.2 and
the latest visual observation on December 5
was 4.3. The tail length is now reported to be
about 3 degrees and the comet spectrum has been
observed on the ground from UV to IR regions.
TAG Tape 3h2-01/T-262
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3h2 00 56 01 CC We had - a little later this evening, Jerry,

you're scheduled for a 233 ops. We have a
question about that. You reported the other
day, and we did predict that pretty soon it's
going to he no longer visible because it's going
to get occulted by one of the wings out that
command module window. We would like for you
to verify tonight if you can no longer see the
comet out of the command module window. The
in-pad predictions showed that it still should
be visible for another couple of days. And also,
at the same time, if somebody else has a chance
to go to STS 3 window, we also predict that it
should be visible out there, and we would like
to know if it is. Over.

CDR Okay, i tried that earlier today and I Just

didn't get there at the right time. But we'll
give it a whirl at STS 3 tonight to see if we
can locate it. The comet can be seen but the
camera now has to be down at the bottom of the
window. And it won't be long before we lose
it out the command module window. I got the
distinct impression about 3 days ago that I
could see both tails on the comet. It's very,
very, vague though, and I'm not sure, it's Just
more of an impression than anything else, but I
felt like I could see a straight tail as well as
a curved one. The - lately, though, with the
comet observations coming so close to sunrise,
it's getting difficult for us to see it up here,
too. And the - you know, the relative appearance
now is that the tail is shrinking, and I think
that's Just because there's more scattered light,
because of the impending sunrise.

3h2 00 57 hi CC Roger. We're getting very close to LOS. I'ii

give you a call at Canary at 01:08, and that's -
that is interesting. We should be - we'd be
appreciative of you telling us how it looks this
evening since you got the best seat in the house.

CDR Roger, Dick.

TAG Tape 342-01/T-262
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CC Roger. And, Skylab, I made a mistake. The med

conference is scheduled at Canary so the doctor
will be talking to you. That's 01:08. And then
I'll talk to you after that.

SPT Okay, Dick. Thank you.

CC See you.

SPT Is there any information available on the

WLC TV and what their conclusion is after
taking a look at the pictures?

3h2 00 58 20 CC Roger. Let us talk about that one, and I'll

get back to you later on.

3h2 01 15 59 CC Skylab, Houston. Understand you are through

with your med conference. We still have about
7 minutes left here at Madrid.

CDR Roger, Dick.

CC And if you're still close to the phone, I st -

I do have a message here that we'd like to
discuss real briefly with CDR.

CDR Go ahead.

CC Okay. Really it's for everybody, but I figured

Jerry would - if we had to take this action -
would be more directly concerned. Us purple
gang members aren't real sure whether or not
this has been discussed with you before, but in
any event we wanted to mention it to you.
Couple or three days ago we observed another -
and I think it was the second one we've seen -
another glitch on CMG number 2, which was
somewhat similar to those we observed during - on
CMG number 1 during the month prior to CMG-1
failing. We thought it might be a good idea to
let you know about this, and also for you in
your spare moments sometime to whip out the
command module G&C Checklist and review pages 6-19
TAG Tape 342-01/T-262
Page 7 of 9_i_07

to 6-22, which in - which include the CSM

activation and getting it into wide deadband
takeover Just in case something bad happens
unexpected - unexpectedly to CMG number 2.

342 01 17 45 CDR Okay, Dick. That I hadn't heard before. When

you get a chance could you tell us a little bit
about the glitches?

CC Yes as a matter of fact, if you'll give me a

second we were Just look - I was Just looking
at the plot. And if GNS will keep me honest
here, I'll try to explain a little bit of it
to you. What we saw was an increase - stand by.
Okay, the glitch that I'm getting ready to
describe to you, first of all, took place over
something like about a minute or a minute and a
half. What we saw was phase A current increase
during this period, and at the same time that
the - that these current increased, the wheel
speed dropped, oh, maybe 20 or 50 rpm from the
nominal. Then for about the next minute the
current was high, which would indicate that it
was trying to bring the wheel speedback up to
the nominal, and at the - and at the time that
the - this maximum little period of current in-
crease dropped back to normal, sure enough the
wheel speed had come back up to almost the
nominal value within about lO rpm. One - one other
thing that was a little bit unusual about this
and it also - this also happened on CMG-1 was
that we have a plot of the two bearing temper-
atures that generally vary between, I think it's
about 60 and 80 degrees, and normally these two
bearing temperatures dro - as they varied through
the nominal range stay pretty much parallel to
each other. However, during this period of
about a minute, one of the bearing temperatures
increased or at least, yes, I guess I'd have to
say it increased more than the other one Just
by maybe couple or three degrees and then - and
then at the end of this little glitch period
everything returned to normal and - and nothing
has happened since then.

TAG Tape 3h2-01/T-262
Page 8 of 9/1408

B42 01 20 08 CDR Dick, how many of these occurred on CMG-I and

what was the frequency before ... ?

CC Okay, first of all I made one mistake in the

description I saw you - I Just told you. The
time period was not about a minute and a half
it was something like an hour and a half. We -
I was looking at the plot wrong here. There
were three glitches that we observed on CMG-I
prior to - to its failing and most of those I
think took place - I see. They were scattered
over about a month to 5 weeks prior to the
failure which I guess was the fourth occurrence.
We saw the first glitch similar to this about
3-1/2 weeks ago on CMG-2 and the one that l'm
describing to you now happened a couple or
three days ago and it's the second one that
happened. Over.

342 01 21 09 SPT Okay, Dick are there any thoughts down there as
to what's causing it? Those bearings are -
CMGs are pretty much isolated from one another
and it's - you might expect it in one, but not
all of them to start going at roughly the same
luneht ime.

CC Well, I tell you what, there's an awful lot of

discussion going on between us here in Houston
and Marshall, and we'll keep you posted, but right
now I - I certainly don't feel competent and I
don't have anything here in front of me to - to
give you a theory on it. BUt - -

CDR Well, Dick, until - until you can get a good

story together then, and some data, we'll Just -
we'll satisfy ourselves with really studying up
on our overrate procedures and be ready to go
if we need them.

3_2 01 21 56 CC Okay, what'll - what'll probably happen would be

if it did happen unexpectedly, you probably
wouldn't get an overrate but you would end up in
TACS only and then the thing to do would be go
through those G&C pages just like I described
TAG Tape 342-01/T-262
Page 9 of 9/1409

and we Just thought it would be a good idea for

you to review them. We're about 30 seconds from
LOS at Madrid. Honeysuckle comes up at 01:57,
and we're going to dump the data/voice recorder
down there at Honeysuckle.

CDR Okay, Dick, thank you very much for the descrip-
tion, appreciate it.

342 Ol 22 26 CC Yes, sir.

TAG Tape 3h2-O2/T-263
Time : 342 :01 :30 to 342 :03: 00
• -- Page 1 of 7/1411


342 01 57 20 CC Skylab, Houston; Honeysuckle for 7 minutes.

CC And, Skylab - -

CDR Roger, Dick.

CC Roger. We're going to dump the data/voice recorder

here at Honeysuckle. And in answer to the - or
possibly not in answer to the SPT's question on
the white light coronagraph. There's a conference
right now that's in progress on it. Basically,
I can tell you now that we're sure that the prob-
lem is in the vidicon and they're talking about
how we're going to use the vldieon in future days
now. We probably will know more before you go to
bed tonight, but if not, surely in the morning.

CDR Thank you, Dick.

CC And if you guys don't have anything for me and

you care to listen to some news either at this
site or one of the following sites, I have some
here if front of me.

CDR Okay, Dick, would like to hear it, but Just one
thing first. $233, the Kohoutek observation
from the command module. I'm convinced now that
we're wasting our time taking any more pictures
out of the command module window. With the
camera in the window as low as I could get it,
and with the ATM solar panel almost cutting, I
think, the - cutting the field of view of the
camera in half. I'm still not sure that the
camera was seeing Kohoutek, because I could get
down below the camera and really crane my neck
inside up and Just barely catch the back end of
the comet, up underneath the ATM panel. So I
think we're wasting our time and film and we
need to go to another window. And we were not
successful in sighting it in S-3, but I don't think
that means anything. The next night pass we'll
try again.
TAG Tape 342-02/T-263
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PLT Yes. One embarrasing question, Dick, which is

S-37 Do you use the last number that's - number
next to the crank?

342 01 59 25 CC It's the window closest to the plus-Z dynamic

axis, I believe, Bill.

PLT Okay.

PLT I think I was looking out the wrong window. I

looked out the one that had a crank panel
number 243 by it. There are no S numbers by the
windows here.

CC Yes, that was a - we should have given it to

you differently. We'll check on it and make sure
we give you the - the one we think it's visible
out of.

PLT Yes, I should have used my head. I know which

way minus-Z is.

342 02 00 17 CC Okay, do you want to hear a little news?

CDR Press.

CC Okay. In Washington, D.C. today, Representative

John J. Rhodes of Arizona was chosen House
Republican Leader. And he's replacing the new
Vice President of the United States, Gerald R. Ford,
who just took office in the last couple of days.
There were these new developments today on the
energy crisis down here. The House Commerce
Committee approved emergency legislation that
would slow clean air efforts and authorize gas-
oline rationing in the name of fuel conservation.
Also, the Senate passed 82 to 0 a bill calling
for the Government to spend approximately
$20 billion over the next i0 years, the purpose
of which - to make the United States self-
sufficient in energy. Protesting truckers
threatened today to end their moratorium on
blockages should negotiations in Washington fail
to settle their demands for lower fuel costs and
higher speed limits. Meanwhile, President Nixon
has scheduled a Saturday morning meeting with
Teamsters Union President Frank Fitzsimmons to
TAG Tape 342-02/T-263
Page 3 of 7/1413

discuss the continued protests by truckers over

the energy-saving regulations. At the United
Nations in New York, a spokesman says the Middle
East cease-fire is holding despite a flareup in
Suez City. Egyptian and Israeli forces exchanged
fire throughout the city for 13 minutes yesterday.
The Federal Reserve Board moved today to relax its
tight credit restrictions by reducing the amount
of reserves that banks must maintain against some
deposits. But New York's First National City Bank
boosted its prime lending rate - rate to l0 percent
today, indicating that despite the oil crisis,
industry is expanding at a record pace. Nelson
Rockefeller flew to Atlantic City today to address
the Southern Republican Conference amid reports
he will resign as governor before Christmas to
concentrate on running for the 1976 Republican
presidential nomination. The head of the U.S.
Mint, Mrs. Mary L. Brooks, says the mint probably
will begin making pennies out of aluminum instead
of copper by mid-1974, if Congress approves. Leg-
islation to authorize the switch to alnm_num
pennies was sent to Congress earlier in the day.
Bob Hope is planning on staying home this Christmas.
For the first time in 20 years he'll not be making
his annual Christmas tour to entertain servicemen
overseas. He says his family will throw a box
lunch at him and turn on the applause machine.
And today the stock market made a major advance
in heavy trading. The Dow Jones average of
30 industrials closed up 29.93, following a gain
of more than 25 points yesterday.

342 02 03 38 CC And, Skylab, we're about a minute from LOS. Ber-

muda is coming up at 02:43.

SPT You know, Dick, those troops overseas are sure

going to miss Hope.

342 02 04 l0 CC That was just what I was thinking when I was

reading that to you. Incidentally, I'm told that
panel 243 is the one - is the proper STS window.
And also, it looks like I made a mistake in reading
my piece of paper in front of me. The next site
is not Bermuda but Canary, but the time is - and
the time is 02:49.

SPT Thank you, Dick.

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342 02 04 49 CC Roger.

342 02 48 03 CC Skylab, Houston; A0S Canary and Madrid for

12 minutes.

CDR Roger, Dick. We're staring out S-3 now waiting

for Corvus to come up and then - so that would
precede the comet.

CC Roger that, Jerry. And when you get a chance

sometime this pass, since it looks like that
the - it's not going to be visible out the command
module window any more, we'd appreciate it if
you'd give us an idea of - a visual description
of the comet, the color, and you mentioned the
two tails, and so forth, as you remember it from
the last time you saw it, since you guys probably
have a better look than anybody, but no hurry on
that. I do have an answer to Ed's previous ques-
tion about S052.

SPT Go ahead, Dick.

3_2 02 49 13 CC Okay, Ed. It turns out that there are two possi-
bilities on the spot on the vldicon. One is that
it could be internal contamination or possibly a
burn spot on the vidicon. And we think that the
black line that you see probably is AGC response
to that spot, although we're continuing to think
about that. At any rate, if it turns out to be
internal contamination, the worst thing that can
happen, or maybe'it wouldn't be worst, but the
thing that could happen is that it might possibly
move. And if it turns out to be the burn spot,
we don't think it will grow. So this makes us
think that it's perfectly okay to go back to ops
normal starting tomorrow morning.

SPT Okay, that's good to hear. I was afraid that

that would grow and might put some of our Kohoutek
observations in Jeopardy. I'm glad to hear that.

342 02 50 I0 CC Roger. So were we, and right now we're convinced

that if it is the burn spot, it's not going to
grow so it's going to be okay to use it. And I
got a couple of more things, as long as I'm talking
to you guys. In case we ever make the mistake
again of referring or - referring to one of those
TAG Tape 342-02/T-263
Page 5 of 7/1415

STS windows as S-3 or S-h, whatever, it turns out

that those n_mbers - the last digit of the panel
n_mher corresponds to the window number. For
example, panel 2h3 is S-3 and - and so forth.
One other comment that I have, earlier, Just prior
to me coming on shift, I heard the conversation
that you had about that rotary switch for the
instrumentation system down on panel 617. And
we re - we recall that way back even on Pete's
mission that they had trouble with that rotary
switch in not being able to tell which position
it was in. And about all they could end up doing
to make sure was when they set it to go fully to
the stop to position A and then Just count the
positions. So you might try that and any rate,
we'll try to keep our eye on the position for you,

SPT Okay, Dick, that's a good idea. The problem with

setting that is that if you're coming from a
higher letter which I was, say, H going over to B.
You can click it into C and the looseness of the
knob will tell you that you're pointed almost
at B, and you let go of it and assume you're there.
And that's what happened there and I think your
suggestion certainly is a good one.

3h2 02 51 h3 CC Okay, real fine. And - and if you see Kohoutek

or before this pass is out and you want to talk
among yourselves at all, we'd like to hear what
you think of the comet appear - how it appeared
to you.

SPT Very good. And, Dick, if the 52 folks could dig

back through the records and see if that was a -
what type of failure occurred that would lead to
the burn spot. Was it a one-time thing which
happened on our mission or is it an accumulation
of - of many things? We certainly don't want to
do that again or cause the situation to arise
where it could either grow or go into another spot.
We'd like to know what the history was which led
up to it.

CC Okay, Ed. I'll get them to talk about that and

we'll get an answer back to you when we can.
TAG Tape 342-02/T-263
Page 6 of 7/1416

SPT Thank you.

342 02 53 02 SPT You may be interested from the work in the old
days. Right now I am working with the old aero-
dynamic workbench up here, using the screens by
the 0WS fan.

CC Great scott.

342 02 57 50 CC Skylab, Houston. We still got about 2 minutes

in this pass at Madrid. We were Just noticing
this evening, this is the last pass of the evening
since you guys are going to get to go to bed early
since you got up an hour - hour early this morning.
We were Just noticing that during the evening to-
night Skylab is going to be on its 3000th revolution
of the Earth. And you guys have been up - this
is day 23 and it's real obvious that we're in a
real good groove and getting everything done.
And the purple gang Just wanted to send up,
"Attaboy," for tonight. And we'll - we'll see
you guys in the morning. I'll - you'll be waked
up at Guam at 12:00 Zulu.

CDR Who's the duty waker-upper in the morning?

CC I believe it's old Henry.

CDR 01d Henry; good show.

CC Roger.

342 02 59 07 PLT Dick, I got the ATM film report. H-Alpha,

12203; 56, 4342; 82A, 143; 82B, 1290; 52 is 6064;
54, 4055.

CC Okay, Bill, thank you much.

SPT Hey, Dick, what time is Henry going_to show up

on the scene tomorrow? Guam?

CC It's Guam and it's right - I think the pass covers

06:00 exactly, so it'll be right on time. You
can count on him waking you up.

SPT He hasn't missed yet. Thanks for the good words

and goodnight to the purple group.
TAG Tape 342-02/T-263
Page 7 of 7/1417

CC Roger. Everybody say goodnight, Dick.

MCC Goodnight, Dick.

342 02 59 55 SPT Goodnight, Dick.

TAG Tape 342-03/T-264
TIME: 342:03:00 to 3h2:0h:20
Page I of 1/1419


342 03 00 12 CDR Goodnight, Big Daddy.

342 03 00 20 CC Thank you.

TAG Tape 342-041T-265
Time: 342:11:30 to 3h2:13:00
Page i of 3/1421


342 12 06 39 CC Skylab, Houston. Good morning.

CDR Good morning, Hank.

CC Good morning to you. Nice and pretty out here

this morning. How is it up there?

CDR Pretty sleepy.

342 12 07 46 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about a minute from LOS.

We'll see you in about i0 minutes at Goldstone
at 18.

3h2 12 17 h8 CC Skylab, Houston through Goldstone for 5 minutes.

CDR Good morning, Hank.

CC Good morning.

3h2 12 22 06 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about i minute from LOS.

We'll see you in about 2 minutes over MILA.

3h2 12 2h h9 CC Skylab, Houston. We're with you through MILA and

Bermuda for 12 minutes.

CDR Roger, Hank. And the question for the morning

is, $233. I haven't seen any - any of the pads
yet, so I may be talking before I should've read.
But I'm wondering if we're going to still try to
do it on the command module this morning.

CC That's negative. I was waiting until you got

awake a little bit - I was going to read a little
note up to you, Jer. Well, what we want to do
is cancel the 233 ops for the day. However, at
the time of schedule there, we would like for you
to move the camera down to the STS window nnmher 3,
per the cue card, and Just mount it down there,
because that's the place we'll see it next. And
for the PLT, he can delete the $233 ops at
21:32 - excuse me, that's for the PLT and also -
well, that'll do it for right now.
TAG Tape 342-04/T-265
Page 2 of 3/1_22

342 12 26 05 CDR Okay, Hank. We tried to see Kohoutek out the

STS window and weren't able to locate it last
night. We'll keep trying every chance we get.

CC Our computer runs, right down here now, Jerry,

show that the - it's marginal right now out the -
out that window; so that's probably why you're
not seeing it. However, it should be starting
to appear there.

CDR Okay.

CC But we thought we could get ahead of the game,

you know, if you want to go ahead and move the
apparatus down there and mount it and use the
universal mount.

CDR ... you can tell from our charts it looks like
it lies halfway between Corvus and Scorpio right

CC I believe that's about right.

342 12 28 05 CC And, Skylab, for info, we'll be dumping the

voice and data recorder here at Bermuda.

CDR Roger.

342 12 33 42 PLT Houston, Skylab.

CC Go ahead.

PLT Roger. You're going to have to give me another

S009 set.

CC Would you say again? We had a loud squeal there.

PLT I need another S009 set time.

CC Okay. We'll get it for you and Bill, on this

daylight cycle coming up here, your ATM pass,
if - if it's convenient, we would like to get
WLC TV along with the XUV MON.

PLT Okay, Hank.

TAG Tape 342-0h/T-265
Page 3 of 3/lh23

CC And, PLT, Houston. The next set time on the next

rev would be at 14:05:11.

PLT Thank you.

3h2 12 35 58 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. As-

cension at 45 - h5, about 9 minutes from now. You
might be interested, while you were asleep this
morning, the workshop passed the milestone of
3000 revs. In fact, they're on - the workshop's
on 3002 now.

342 12 36 22 CDR Roger, Hank. Thanks.

342 12 h5 35 CC Skylab, Houston through Ascension for 5-1/2 minutes.

342 12 50 24 CC Skylab, Houston; we're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

be coming up on Carnarvon in 25 minutes at 16,
and we're scheduled to dump the voice and data
recorder there.

TAG Tape 342-05/T-266
Time: 342:1300 to 3h2:1430
/ _ Page i of 9/1425


342 13 16 29 CC Skylab, Houston; through Carnarvon for i0 minutes.

CC And, Skylab, as a reminder, we're dumping the re-

corder here.

342 13 12 54 CC PLT, Houston. Whenever it's convenient I have a

smR]l change to your SO19 pad for the time coming
up here in a couple of hours.

PLT Fire away, Hank.

CC Okay, at - on field 281 there at 15:10 start time,

the TILT was in error. We had on the pad 3.8,
and it should be 3.2.

PLT Roger; 3.2 and out. Which fi]m canister?

PLT Presume it's the same one we used yesterday.

CC Say again, Bill.

PLT I - They did give me a - a film stow yesterday.

And looking on the pad here I didn't see a film
canister specified for SO19.

PLT Oh, yes, I see it; it's there. It's 002.

342 13 25 38 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. Guam

at 29, and Bill will be standing by for the ATM

342 13 25 51 SPT Thank you, Hank.

3h2 13 29 33 SPT Morning, Bill. Go ahead.

MCC Okay; good morning, Ed, you beat us to it. We've

got about 9-1/2 minutes here at Guam. And let me
hit you here with a couple of quickies, and then
I'll let you have a turn, and then I'll take a turn,
and we can swap back and forth. First let me
apologize to Bill. I been carrying some good
words here to him from 52 around and I haven't
passed them up for a couple of days. Several days
ago you indicated that Bill had see_ a triangular-
type feature inside a coronal streamer and had
TAG Tape 342-05/T-266
Page 2 of 9/lh26

gone into a CONTINUOUS MODE for 52 on that. The

questionwas whether or not there was a chance
that was associated with that large limb surge out
of the 87/92 region. And the words from 52 are
that what Bill did was 100 percent the right thing
to do going into CONTINUOUS to get them the data,
and there is a good chance that that was associated
with the surge. So good words to Bill on that one.
Another thought here, we have noticed - Last night
you read the 52 FRAMES REMAINING countdown as 6000
something. The previous three nights it had been
5000 something. You might Just keep an eye as to
whether there's a bar in that digit that's slipping
in and out, going intermittent.

SPT Okay, and I'm looking, and it's got to be a 6; it

could not be a 5 unless we've got a malfunction
behind - further upstream than that, Bill.

342 13 31 00 MCC Okay, it could be that intermittent bar there,

or it just could have been read wrong or under-
stood wrong here.

SPT Oh, I see what you mean, the intermittent bar in

the lower leftvertical. Okay.

MOC Yes, that's the one. Okay, on 52 quickies, which,

of course, you know they like One every orbit that
they don't get some pictures. We've got a question
as to how long it really takes to run a quickie
from, say, being non-Sun centered pointing, come
over, point Sun center, get the quickie off and
done with. About how long does that take? Over.

SPT Oh, I estimate, say 3 to 4 minutes. I think if

we - if we could get Jim Milligan his PATROL, SHORT
at some other time in the orbit, we could go ahead
and get that quickie out of the way before ESR.

342 13 31 49 MCC Okay, that sounds like probably a good idea.

SPT What I've been doing is setting up and getting the

52 portion of it done before ESR. And as soon as
we get the ESR, then get the 56 exposure, but that
takes another minute and a half. And we'll be glad
to get lots of 56 exposures and PATROL, SHORT, you
know, when you sprinkle them in quite liberally
TAG Tape 342-051T-266
Page 3 of 9 I1427

throughout the orbit.

MCC Okay, one thought on there now. Unless I'm wrong,

the 56 exposures can be taken below 400 kilometers
as long as you're still above 250 kilometers. And
as I recall, that's been running like 2 minutes,
a minute to 2 minutes prior to the effective ESR
at 400 kilometers there so that you might be able
to get it all in before that.

SPT Oh, okay, that was a surprise to me, Bill. That

would be a good thing to know, Just how many ex-
periments are really constrained by what limits
here. Because every once in a while we run into
both that ESR and ESS where we might be able to
get a little extra data if we only knew what the
real constraints were.

342 13 B2 56 MCC Okay, we'll get that for you. The one that's the
hardest on 400 kilometers is S055, because they
really getting degraded down there. And it would
seem then that the 82's would also be affected
somewhat. And apparently, X-rays aren't beginning
to pick it up until about250 kilometers.

SPT Okay, it's just in the XUV and UV ranges then, huh?

MCC Okay, and I'll get some more words on that if

that's - needs a little bit of an update there.

SPT Okay, go ahead.

MCC Okay, one other thing here. We've noticed a couple

days here when you're running a little late and
miss something on one orbit, maybe trying to make
it up the next orbit. We'd rather not do that.
Just let it go, and we'll schedule it in later.

SPT Okay.

B42 13 BB B9 MCC Okay, let's see. You got anything for us? We got
another 5-1/2 minutes here.

SPT Okay, I was thinking about the new active region

that's coming around the corner. Is that really a
new one or is it a remant of an old one? Could
we get a little more history on it?
TAG Tape B42-05/T-266
Page 4 of 9/1428

MCC Okay, it doesn't really have any history. It is a

a new active region - that - There didn't used to
be anything there on the previous rotation. Old
active region 80 should be coming around the north-
east limb in about - I guess that should be east -
northeast limb, sometime late today or tomorrow.
You might see indications of that on XUV, although
to date, we have no hint that there's anything there.
But 96 is brand new.

342 1B 34 1B SPT Okay, that's very good. I got the information

which you sent up on 82B. Had I gotten that -
Well, I'd like to go back and redo some of the -
your shopping list items which I've carried out,
because I see some of the backgrounds out in the
lower or - out in the corona above active regions
are still quite long exposures. I was surprised
by that because I've been carrying out relatively
short ones.

MCC Okay, one related thought on that. On Monday,

which is your crew day off, we've 82B coming in
to talk to you rather than me. And right now it
looks like that's going to be Paul Patterson. And
I think the main emphasis of his talk is going to -
be things of this nature and how best to use the
82B slit as a scalpel to dissect some of these
phenomena that we can look at. So that may be a
good time to really take this message apart and
decide what a good plan of attack is.

342 13 35 19 SPT Okay. Yesterday's J0P 13, it was called out that
we might see 50 counts on DETECTOR 3. I'm wondering
how would we actually see these counts. Would
we're - can we actually see it in the mirror auto
raster? Is the response of the equipment quick
enough to actually flash the second digit at us?
Or is - Will we see it just as a flash of the last
digit the way we see the random noise? Is it
necessary to step the mirror around in order to
find it?

MCC If you actually did happen to be lucky enough to

get that to sample at the right time, you would
probably see it as a quick flash in that digit.
However, that sample rate is a lot slower than
the true TM sample rates. So the probability of
TAG Tape 342-051T-266
Page 5 of 9 I1429

your seeing a 50, if indeed there was a 50, is

actually pretty low.

3h2 13 36 13 SPT I guess even if we see it because of the drift

rates, there's nothing we can do in the way of
getting a GRATING AUTO SCAN because the thing is
Just drifting way too fast. Because I can see two
arc minutes change in the start tracker gimbals.

MCC Yes, we concur.

CC Okay. Have anything else.9

SPT No, other than the - the message which was sent
up on the WLC, I was - I'm glad to see we could
use it. And also, it was interesting to see it
probably has a cumulative effect of -because of
the misalignment we've had all the time. At least
that's my understanding of that message.

CC Okay, good. There's a couple of more things for

you. Some preliminary X-REA details on the ber-
yllium APERTURE. Degradation on that sensitivity
is such that now any time you see APERTURE 3, you
are Just about in the C-flare range. The first
switch to APERTURE 3 from 4 comes right at about
C-l, and switching from 3 to APERTURE 2 is Just
about at the M-1 flare level. So that the BER-
YLLIUM APERTURE have degraded and still represent
a good confirmation of the PMEC in flares. We're
working on an alnm_num plot based on the flare
data that we have, but we don't have - have it
worked out yet. We've got pretty hard scatter
in there, and it's hard to give a good curve.

342 13 37 hh SPT Okay. When I watched detector - when I've watched

it bump up to 3 when were having some activity,
my question was whether we had some hysteresis
in there or whether it was of something previous.
And there's - whether it actually subsided. So I
would manually step it back down to 4 and see
whether it Jumped again. I'm wondering whether
that's a worthwhile procedure or whether when
every time we see a 3 up there, we know that the
activity at that time is still high.

MCC Yes, I think you can count on the activity still

being high. But as you know, like - well, like
TAG Tape 342-05/T-266
Page 6 of 9/1430

you say, the hyteresis is there, and I've forgotten

exactly what the count level is. A good way to dis-
tinguish, as you suggest, is to step it back to 4
and see if it goes back to 3 and then you know
which side of that hysteresis loop it's on.

SPT Okay.

342 1B 38 30 MCC Okay. And we have 1 minute here until LOS. Gold-
stone is next in 16-1/2 minutes. On the coronal-
hole probing with the 52 detector, we indicated
yesterday that magnesium X was the best. We're
thinking now that on the limb, that may not be
the best, because the magnesium X has a fairly
large scale height. On the center of the disk,
we can get a difference of a factor of l0 in just
one step of the mirror. But on the limb, if we
had a real sharp edge, we feel that as you start
looking sideways through that sharp edge, it
doesn't appear as a sharp edge, but it essentially
gets mushed out. And we're looking right now at
maybe trying to use a line with a much smaller
effective height and right now we're looking may-
be at neon VII to see if that might not be a
better probing tool on the limb. And we'll get
back with you on that when we knowbetter.

SPT Okay. That's when I was looking at the south pole,

the coronal - hole boundary is at the south pole
which I was doing during some free time or shopping
list. That's probably what you're referring to.

MCC That's right, and looks like you're going over the
hill. So we'll see you tomorrow.

342 13 39 43 SPT Okay. So long, Bill. I also put on tape some of

the things I was doing before ... - -

342 13 55 01 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Goldstone and

Corpus Christi for 16-1/2 minutes. Out.

342 l_ 05 38 CDR Hello, Houston. It looks a little cool and breezy

down there.

CC Yes, it is. The weather's actually very pleasant

but clear and cool. Nice day for an EREP pass as
a matter of fact.
TAG Tape 342-05/T-266
Page 7 of 9/1431

CDR With the Sun angle we got, Bruce, you can see JSC
from here with the binoculars.

342 14 07 ii CC Roger. Sounds like really amazing (laughter)

visibility cause we show you on the I0 by 20 about
over Orlando or over Tampa/St. Petersburg now, or
did you mean a few minutes ago?

CDR Yes, that's about right. We see Apalachicola

and we could see the the Gulf Coast all the way
from there to down beyond Galveston.

CC Beautiful !

CC Are those the stabilized ones, Jerry, on 20 power

or are they monocular?

CDR Negative. It's Just a little - I think they're

T-power sco - binoculars, little handhelds.

CC Roger.

342 lh i0 55 CC Skylab, this is Houston. i minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 1 hour and 21 minutes through
Goldstone at 15:32. Out.

SPT Houston, SPT.

CC Go ahead, SPT.

342 14 ii 33 SPT Okay, Bruce. Just like to give you a quick word
on what the corona looks like this morning. It's
changed considerably. We got that - 8:B0 and at
9:B0, two relatively sharp streamers and one at
2:B0. We don't have the broad, defined streamers
we had before. They are all relatively sharp and
pointed. The XUV mointor shows that we're pretty
much - the same conditions as yesterday. The
coronal hole at the south is not as sharply de-
fined either. Seems to be a few more intrusions of
coronal hole into the material above, but they're
very small. Active region out the limb, the east
limb, is a little more prominent.

342 14 12 09 SPT Other than that, it's pretty much the same.

342 14 22 30 CC Skylab, this is Houston. Surprise! Vanguard for

4 minutes. Out.
TAG Tape 342-05/T-266
Page 8 of 9/1432

CDR Boo, yourself.

CC We're watching you.

CDR Do I have to put my trousers back on?

CC We Just told you we wouldn't be watching you until

Goldstone to catch you off guard.

CDR Oh, I see.

CC Seriously, we got Vanguard up here so we wouldn't

have to go a full revolution without contact with
you, even though they are - maximum elevation this
pass is 2.4 degrees, and normally, we don't call
a site up with less than 3 degree elevation, but
they're out at sea and we got a - a good clear
shot over the water here.

CDR Roger.

342 14 24 26 SPT Morning, Houston. Did you get the words on the
white light coronagraph and XUV monitor before we
went over thy hill?

CC We copied most of that, Ed. You were fading out

into the noise toward the end, we think, but we
got it on tape for - for the bulk of it.

SPT Okay.

342 14 25 58 CC SPT, this is Houston. We're trying to determine

whether in fact we did get all your last trans-
mission or not. About the last thing that we re-
call hearing was your talking about the active
region on the east limb, and if you then went on
to describe S052 and the XUV mon, we think we did
not copy that. We now have a minute to LOS here
at the Vanguard, an hour and 5 minutes to Goldstone.

SPT Okay, Bruce. The first comments were on S052 and

then I talked about the XUV mon. Okay, real
quickly. White light coronagraph had three stream-
ers, one at 8:30 and one at 9:30.

CC Yes.
TAG Tape 342-05/T-266
Page 9 of 9/1433

SPT And one at around 2:30. All pretty much running

radial and all fairly sharp, very thin, except
at the bases where it looked like they could be
he!met streamers very far down. There was not
the broad, diffused streamers which we've seen
when we had lots of activity. These are very iso-
lated, very, very pointed. The XUV monitor shows
the new active region coming around the corner,
looks pretty much the same. This thing's rotated
a little bit. South Pole coronal hole has got -
fairly sharply defined boundary, although not
quite as much as yesterday; just a few more in-
trusions of the coronal hole into the region
above. Other than that, it's pretty much the same.

CC Okay, we got all that. Thank you, Ed, and we're

about to fade out here too.

342 14 27 35 SPT Thank you.

TAG Tape 342-06/T-267
Time: 342:14:30 to 342:16:00
-- Page i of 3/lhS5

342 15 32 21 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Goldstone

and Corpus Christi for 1B-l/2 minutes. Out.

324 15 35 47 SPT Houston, Skylab.

CC Skylab, this is Houston. Were you calling? Over.

SPT Affirmative, Houston; two pieces of information on

some camera gear.

CC Okay, sounds like bad news, but go ahead.

342 15 36 23 SPT Well, one is partially can - confirming the - the

specialist people on the - had on the ground about
DAC 04. Last night, I used that on transporter
06 where we had a little film left over, and I had
the same problem which I've had in the ETC prep.
The - So the problem appears not to be in the trans-
porter, but in DAC 04. And I'm using DAC 09 today
for the ETC prep coverage. And secondly, on the
camera we're using on the ATM to get the pictures
of the monitors, we've had a failure of the mech-
anism to transportthe first cardboard flyout and
perhaps all of the other film; I'm not sure yet.
There's a detailed description of it on the tape
recorder, and I'm wondering if the camera folks
could look at it and get back with us as soon as
possible with a possible fix.

CC Understand; that's the Polaroid camera. And have

you tried additional packs of film, or is it
Just this one pack that's giving the problem?

342 15 37 24 SPT Okay, Bruce. All the information's on the recorder,

but briefly I'll give it to you. I tried three
different packs of film. I've taken the cardboard
out of one, tried to see whether I could get Just
the film itself to advance. The problem appears
to be in the little claw mechanism which reaches -
which gets ahold of the film at the back and moves
it out. The claw mechanism itself is moving but
for some reason it's not extending down far enough
and picking up the cardboard; it's Just shredding
the top of it. So, there's - We have to have
some way of adjusting that. The stuff is made out
of spring steel. It looks as though it's going to
be pretty tough to bend without breaking it. So,
I'm not quite too sure what the possible fix is
.... rightnow.
TAG Tape 342-06/T-267
Page 2 of 3/1436

342 15 38 04 CC Okay, we're handing over. I'll be with you in a

s ec ond.

342 15 38 25 CC Okay, we're back with you, Ed. We'll get the photo
people to look into this. I wouldn't try to bend
anything in the Polaroid until we - we look at it
carefully. And we'll get back to you on it.

SPT Okay, Bruce, that's where we stand now.

CC Roger; out. And you mentioned using DAC 09 with

transporter 06 for your ETC prep later on today.
Have you verified that the film, in fact, is moving
properly through transporter 6 and DAC 9? Over.

SPT No, I have not done yet that - that yet, Bruce.

CC Okay, it might be a good thing to check on before

you film it once more.

SPT Yes, I'm with you, Bruce. This'll be the third

time through it.

342 15 41 39 CC SPT, Houston. we'd like to have you use transporter

5 for the M151 photography, as it calls out in
your pad. We estimate you need 27 percent of a
cassette to cover the subject matter. And trans-
porter 6 only has 8 percent remaining by our
records. Over.

SPT Roger, Bruce. That's what I did say is that I

used transporter 06 last night. I was going to
film some work on the urban ... workbench, and
that's where I discovered that it truly was on
DAC 04 which was off. I was not planning on using
transporter 6 for the work on ETC.

CC Roger. And what we're saying is we do not want

you to use transporter 6 for the ETC work. We
want you to use transporter 5 as it calls out
on your film thread pad, because transporter 6
only has 8 percent remaining and 5 has 27 percent
remaining. Over.

SPT I concur, Bruce.

CC Roger ; out.
TAG Tape 342-05/T-267
Page 3 of 3/1437

342 15 h5 01 CC Skylab, this is Houston; i minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 10-1/2 minutes through the
Vanguard at 15:56. Out.

PLT ... me, Bruce, the PLT here. Just completed SO19.
And the instructions were to reset the focus, which
I did. My question is I sent it - by setting the
second gear tooth on the present to the mark, that
was completed properly. My question is, should I
reset it, or should I leave it Just the way it is?

342 15 h6 04 CC Leave it the way it is, Bill, and we'll talk to you
over the Vanguard. 0ut.

PLT Thank you.

342 15 55 48 CC Skylab , this is Houston through the Vanguard for

10-1/2 minutes. And we'll need to send up a nav
up date here so we'd like the CDR to stay off
the DAS for a minute, please. Over.

3h2 15 56 01 CDB Okay, it's all yours.

TAG Tape 342-07/T-268
Time: 342:16:00 to 342:17:30
- Page I of 1/1439


342 16 02 h6 CC CDR, this is Houston. We're through with the nav

update. DAS is yours. Out.

342 16 05 51 CC Skylab, this Houston. 1 minute to LOS. Next sta-

tion contact through Tananarive in 18 minutes at
16:2h. Subsequent station contact, an hour and
6 minutes through Goldstone at 17:ll. Out.

342 16 23 58 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Tananarive for a-

bout h-l/2 minutes. Out.

342 16 27 49 CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 44 minutes through Goldstin -
Goldstone at 17:ll. Out.

342 17 ll 21 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Goldstone for

4 minutes. We'll have a data/voice tape recorder
over the Vanguard, next site. Out.

CC Skylab, this is Houston through Goldstone for

4 minutes. We'll have a data/voice tape recorder
dump over Vanguard, next site. Out.

CDR Roger, Bruce.

342 17 14 31 CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 18-1/2 minutes through the
Vanguard at 17:33 with a data/voice tape recorder
dump. Out.

TAG Tape 342-08/T-269
TIME: 342:17:30 to 342:19:00
Page 1 of 4 /1441


342 17 33 i0 CC Skylab, this is Houston with you through the

Vanguard for almost ii minutes. Data/voice tape
recorder dump. Out.

342 17 43 06 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 14 minutes through Tananarive
at 17:57. Out.

3_2 17 58 30 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Tananarive for

8-1/2 minutes with an update tothe S063 COP pad
for the PLT. Over.

PLT Roger, Bruce. Stand by about 10.

CC Unable. How about - about 3 or 4, Bill.

PLT Oh, I meant l0 seconds. Go.

CC Okay. Mighty fine. On the pad for S063 COP

operations at 18:29, all three exposures, the
TILT setting should be 24.0. That's 2h.0 instead
of 26. Over.

PLT Okay. I've got that changed.

CC And that's it.

PLT Thank you.

342 18 Oh 36 CC Skylab, this is Houston. About 2 minutes to

LOS. Next station contact in 37-1/2 minutes
through Hawaii at 18:h2. Out.

342 18 41 27 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for

9 minutes. Out.

CDR Roger, Bruce. This is CDR. I got a look at

Kohoutek. Stand by.

CC Okay. We're right here and we'd like to hear

your comments.

CDR Kill the squeal first.

TAG Tape 342-08/T-269
Page 2 of h/1442

342 18 42 15 CDR Okay. I got a good look - m_ first good look

at Kohoutek in several days out window number 3
while we were in the attitude for S063. I men-
tioned last night that I - I had a vague impres-
sion of being able to see the curved part of the
tail as well as the straight. I was not able to
get that feeling as I was looking at it a few
minutes ago. The tail, however, is quite long -
it's longer than l've seen out the co-,,and module
window and that reinforce - reinforces my convic-
tion that we were not seeing all of the comet
out the command module window; that part of it
was being occulted by the ATM solar panel. The
tail is getting quite visible now and indeed
quite long. I wouldn't even know how to go
about giving you an estimate of how many degrees
I would say it is. But it's getting easier and
easier to see.

CC Okay. How about if you hold your hand out at

arm's length and compare the width of the comet
with the apparent width of your hand or fingers.

CDR If I do that, I can't see out the window.

CC How about a finger?

CDR It's down in a corner.

342 18 44 O0 CC And, Jerry, can you - could you still have con-
tinued to see the comet out that window after
you're back in the solar inertial?

CDR Now that we know of - roughly where to look, we'll

check. I would doubt it after 60-some degrees
of roll. But I'll give her a whirl.

CC Okay. Thank you.

342 18 47 52 CC PLT, this is Houston. We've got about 3 minutes

to LOS here. We've got a quick question for you
if you don't mind.

PLT Roger, Bruce. Go.

CC Yes, in your operations with S190 on yesterday's

pass, you mentioned that the MALF lights for
TAG Tape 3h2-08/T-269
Page 3 of 4/14h3

cameras 4, 5, and 6 came on simultaneously. And

in thinking about this, we've determined that
there are several items of logic or circuitry
which feed cameras i, 2, and 3 or cameras h, 5,
and 6. And the thought has occurred to us that
perhaps we had a - some sort of a malfunction
instead of the three cameras running out of film
simultaneously. And we' re wondering if you can
verify for us from your recollection that the
film on the magazines, especially mags h, 5, and
6, was actually completely depleted when you re-
moved them by virtue of there being no film still
left across the area that goes up against the
platten. Over.

342 18 49 01 PLT I can verify that, Bruce. They were all three
empty, and m_ call about being simultaneous may
have been an error. I - I was keeping a close
watch on them and I Just glanced - I was glancing
down fairly often and then all of a sudden, all
three of them were on. So I can - I - That was
probably not a precise call. They were all - they
all came on within a see of a 10-second period.
That's probably - I ought to qualify that call.

CC Okay. That's - that's mighty fine, Bill because

they were loaded with about the same load of film
anyway, and you'd expect that sort of thing. On
mission day 20, we sent you a message to trouble-
shoot - gee whiz, that's 3 days ago - S190 and
voice record the results. Subsequent review of
the voice tapes has showing that steps 2 through 6
were lost either through data/voice tape recorder
dump or something similar. We need this data to
help diagnose the recent failure as well as prepare
us for the eventualities - for eventualities.
I'd like - We'd like to get you to repeat the
commentary on steps 2 through 5 and especially
answer the questions that the capping shutters
opened after the circuit breakers were cycled.

3h2 18 50 20 PLT Let me look at my paper Just a minute here.

CC Okay. We got about 20 seconds to LOS. Next

station contact is in 22 minutes through the Van-
guard at 19:ll with a data/voice tape recorder
dump there. Out.
TAG Tape 342-08/T-269
Page 4 of _/14_4

PLT Okay. 1'11 put it on tape right now, Bruce.

CC Okay. Beautiful.

SPT Bruce, let me go ahead with a quick question for

the ATM folks. In doing the last series of
building blocks and putting the 82B slit - change
it to the limb, I found I was not at an UP/DOWN
of zero. But on the left limb, it was minus 0035
and over on the right limb it was plus 12. I
noticed the same thing yesterday. I suspect that
our XUV slit biases are not proper and I would
like to do a quick four-limb 82B coalignment ....

342 18 51 20 CC Skylab, this is Houston in the blind. That's in

the Flight Plan for tomorrow. That's in the
Flight Plan for tomorrow. Out.

TAG Tape 342-9/T-270
Time: 342:19:00 to 342:20:30
Page i of 3/1445


3h2 19 ii h2 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

5-1/2 minutes - excuse me, for 9-1/2 minutes. And,
for the PLT, we'd Just like to pass on to you that
we don't have any concern that the sIg0A camera is
m_funetioning. We think it's operating normally,
and we appreciate your indulgence in answering our
questions. Out.

PLT No sweat, Bruce.

CC And, for the SPT. When you started out talking to

us about 3 seconds before LOS there, and our last
message may not have gotten up - We do have a h-
limb eoalign in the ATM schedule for tomorrow,
having noticed this discrepancy in the UP/DOWN
location previously with S082B. So I think that
should take care of your problem. Over.

342 19 12 49 PLT Okay, thank you, Bruce.

342 19 20 28 CC Skylab, this is Houston; i minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 58 minutes through Hawaii at
20:18. Out.

342 20 18 30 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for 8 minutes.


342 20 19 56 SPT Houston, SPT.

CC Go ahead, SPT.

SPT In the ETC prep, we had a jam of the transporter

and did not get the ETC prep pictures.

CC Understand that's on the M151 for ETC prep.

SPT Affirmative.

CC Roger. When did you discover it? Over.

SPT When I set the camera up, marked the film, and I
checked to see if it was transporting six frames
a second. Worked great. After completing the
ETC prep, I found out we had a Jam.
TAG Tape 342-09/T-270
Page 2 of 3/1446

CC Could you tell if there was any significant utili-

zation of film?

342 20 20 42 SPT It did not look like there was very much change,
maybe a percent or so. Percent or two at most.

CC Okay, thank you, Ed.

CC Which DAC was that, please?

SPT DAC 09, Bruce.

CC Okay, thank you very much.

CDR Okay, Bruce, I got a couple of questions for you.

CC Fire when ready.

CDR Okay, number one is Just occurred to us. What -

How's our primary coolant loop pressure been doing
the last 20 days?

CC In a word, impeccable.

342 20 21 27 CDR Very good. Okay, next question regards to the

S063 comet cue card in the stowage part. If we're
going to wear out our tools and our hands and our
time and some of the equipment taking this stuff
apart and our time putting it back together, it
seems to me that if we've got more S063 AMS opera-
tions to go before we get to EVA day, what do you
say we modify the stow procedures and knock off
this taking the T025 canister all apart and put-
ting the other occulting disk and all that stuff
back on it?

CC Okay, we copy your message, Jerry. We're going

to have to look into that.

CDR Okay, it Just looks to me like a useless expend-

iture of time and very likely unnecessary wear
and tear on the equipment. So, we did it. We
took it apart and played the whole game this
time. But next time, I would propose that we
don't do it that way until we know the next time
we use T025 there's going to be an EVA day.

342 20 22 47 CC Roger.
TAG Tape 342-09/T-270
Page 3 of 3/1447

SPT Houston, I got a question for you.

CC Fire away, Ed.

SPT The maneuver pads were sent to the PLT. And yet
the SPT is performing the maneuvers. Is there a
reason that the PLT should be in on those maneuvers?

SPT The two pads in which that occurs are the Z-LV
maneuver pads 14, which is 2318A and the maneuver
pad which is 2314A, which is the cal.

CC Roger. We're got them, Ed, we're discussing

them now.

342 20 24 05 CC Skylab, Houston; we agree that that's an error on

our part. Both of those pads, 18 Alfa and 14 Alfa,
should be addressed to the SPT. Over.

SPT Okay, thank you, Bruce.

CDR Okay, Bruce, CDR; one more thing.

CC Go.

CDR Okay, about 3 or 4 days ago I asked the food people

a question concerning drinks that are permissible
to be taken when we are on a high-density food day,
and I haven't gotten an answer yet. Would you
pulse them?

CC We'll do that. And while we're talking to you

here, for the SPT, if you're in a position where
you can take a note, we've got a pair of small
changes to your ETC operation pads for this evening.

SPT Give me about 1 minute, Bruce, and I'll be right

up there and copy you.

CC You got about a minute to LOS. We can catch it

later on in the day; it's not until zero zero ZUlu.

SPT Okay.

3h2 20 25 30 CC And we got i minute to LOS. Next station contact

in 25 minutes through the Vanguard at 20:50 with
a data/voice tape recorder dump. Out.


TAG Tape 342-I02T-271
Time: 342:20:30 to 3h2:22:00
, " Page i of 4/1449


342 20 50 01 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

i0 minutes with the data/voice tape recorder
dump. Out.

CC Skylab, this is Houston for the CDR for a second.

CDR Go ahead.

342 20 53 16 CC Roger, Jerry. In response to your question about

the drinks that are permissible with the high-
density food items; we assume you're asking
about the extra drinks. And any item which is
listed in the free calorie food block, which
is block 3 of permanent general message number 7,
is acceptable with the high-calorie food items,
and this includes the coffees, tea, apple drink,
cherry drink, grape drink, and lemonade. That
is, there's not restrictions on the extra drinks
that you can use with the high-calorie items.

CC That should be high-density items.

CDR Roger. I kind of knew that. The thing was, in

the preflight period we were drinking things
like orange Juice and some of those. And I
was wondering if those are acceptable as well.

3h2 20 54 09 CC You mean in addition to orange Juice, which may

have been preplanned into the menu?

CDR No. There's no orange Juice anywhere in a high-

density day. The only Juice that's given is
one grapefruit Juice, and that's it. But we
were allowed things like orange Juice and things
like that during the quarantine period. And
I'm wondering if it's still possible now, or
whether we should swear off of it.

CC We're researching that one for you, Jerry. And

by the way, we Just started sending the Flight
Plans up. And we got a paper-low indication in
the teleprinter. So we're going to hold off up-
linking anything else until you all get a chance
to change it out.
TAG Tape 3h2-10/T-271
Page 2 of 4/1450

3h2 20 55 20 PLT Okay, Bruce. It's still pecking away. It - As

soon as it stops this message, am I clear to change?

CC We'll give you a GO on that when it's ready, Bill.

Apparently, the thing was released out at the site.
And it's still en route.

PLT Okay.

CC You know, faster than a speeding bullet, and all


CC PLT, Houston. You're GO for paper change.

PLT Roger.

CDR Houston, CDR. Are you dumping EXPERIMENT TAPE

RECORDER number l?

342 20 57 49 CC CDR, Houston. Negative. EXPERIMENT TAPE RECORDER

number 1 is the recorder with the tape motion
sensor that's intermittent and it causes your
green light to blink.

CDR Well, it's got a long off cycle on the blink, now.

CC Yes. That's the anticipated progress of the failure

mode of that sensor. It would- it started out
with little bitty dropouts, and now it's getting
longer and longer.

CDR Okay. I'll assume it's running, then.

CC We can verify it for you - that it is running. And

it is running now.

CDR Okay. Thank you.

342 20 59 03 CC CDR, this is Houston. We've got 1 minute to LOS.

Next station contact in 6-1/2 minutes through
Ascension at 21:06. In reference to your question
about the drinks, the only items that have not been
covered here are cocoa, orange drink, and straw-
berry drink. And these items are not free calorie
items. So from that standpoint, they're controled
in mineral content and may not be used with the
high-density food items. And also, from looking
at the overage food inventory, we are carrying none
of them in overage; so that if you used any, you'd
be just cutting yourself short later in the mission. -_
TAG Tape 3i_2-.I0/T.-271
Page 3 of h/lhSl

CDR Okay. Thank you.

342 20 59 43 CC Sorry about that.

342 21 05 36 CC Skylab, this is Houston; through Ascension for

6-1/2 minutes. Out.

PLT Okay, Bruce, you got a new roll of paper.

CC Thank you, Bill.

CC PLT, Houston. Are you still up around the ATM?


PLT Affirmative.

CC Hey, when you close up in there, if you're going

up into the CSM, could we get you to check on
panel 3 and make sure the DC voltmeter switch is
on MAIN BUS A and didn't get left on PYRO BAT B

PLT Stand by, it won't take but a second.

342 21 08 03 CC Yes, thank you.

PLT Bruce, what did you want, MAIN A or MAIN B?

CC We want it on the MAIN A position. The big thing

is we wanted to make sure that it wasn't left in
PYRO BAT B since it does put a small drain on the
system. And our telemetry was indicating that we
had dropped about a half a volt on PYRO BAT B, and
we thought it might have been left there. Over.

PLT That's affirmative; it was, and it's on MAIN A now.

CC Okay, mighty fine. Thank you very much, Bill.

CC PLT, Houston; another thing as we go over the hill

here, and you close out the -

CC PLT, this is Houston; if you have a minute, we'd

like to get SO55 set up on the GRATING 1302, ME-
CHANICAL REFERENCE. And we got about l0 seconds
to LOS here. We'll see you all over at Guam in
38 minutes at 21:51. Out.
TAG Tape 342-I0/T-271
Page 4 of 4/1452


342 21 12 05 CC Roger; thank you.

342 21 50 43 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Guam; short pass,

3 minutes. For the SPT. Over.

CC Skylab, this is Houston through Guam for 2-1/2 min-

utes; short pass. For the SPT. Over.

SPT Go ahead.

CC Okay. We got a change to your ETC operations pad -

two minor ones, but you probably want to write them

SPT Okay. Standby, Bruce. I_m on the bike right

now ...

CC Okay, make that change to your detail pad, I'm


342 21 51 _5 CC And did you say you're on the bike right now?

SPT That's right, I'm finishing up my M093.

SPT Go ahead, Bruce.

CC Okay, sorry about that, Ed. On your detail pad,

the 00:28 entry, ETC ops gets changed to 00:24 and
the 02:33 entry gets changed to 02:29. Over.

SPT Okay, ETC ops at 00:28 is now 00:24. And the ops
at 00 - or 02:33 is now at 02:29.

CC Roger. Thank you, and sorry to interrupt on your -

your run there. We got a minute to LOS here; next
station contact in 34 minutes through the Vanguard
at 22:27. Out.

342 21 53 14 SPT So long; thank you.

TAG Tape 342-II/T-272
TIME: 342:22:00 to 342:23:30
Page i of 2/1453


342 22 27 4h CC Skylab, Houston. Hello from the purple gang at

Vanguard for 8 minutes.

CDR Hello, purple gang.

CC Hello, there.

342 22 29 36 CC Skylab, Houston, we've got the - one note here

for the CDR and also one for the SPT. Jerry,
for you, we'd appreciate it during your prep
for the EREP cal, we'd like to get the frame
counter readings on the S190 mags after instal-
lation during that prep. And if you'll either
voice record these readings, or if we happen to
be in station contact, you can read them to me
real time; the EREP guys would appreciate it.
Also - -

CDR Will do, Dick.

CC Okay, Jet, thank you. Also for Ed Gibson,

there's a message in the teleprinter that we
Just uplinked which is a - Just a little reminder
about attitude monitoring during the inertial
attitude hold period of the upcoming EREP cal
maneuver. Ed, l'd like to tell you though that
we do not expect any problems with this and
there's still another hour and a half or 2 hours
before that maneuver. We just thought you might
look it over and help you out while you're doing

SPT Okay, thank you, Dick. When I get off the bike,
I'ii take a look.

CC Roger, don't get off for that.

CC Skylab, Houston, we're i minute to LOS; Ascension

comes up at 22:41.

342 22 38 08 CC And, Skylab, for your information, we will be

dumping the data/voice recorder when we get to
Ascension. Out.
TAG Tape 342-11/T-272
Page 2 of 2/lhSh

342 22 40 57 CC Skylab, Houston, we're AOS Ascension for the

next i0 minutes. We're going to dump the
data/voice recorder here.

342 22 50 30 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 45 seconds from

LOS at Ascension. Guam comes up a long way
around at 23:25.

342 23 24 47 CC Skylsb, Houston, Guam for i0 minutes.

CDR Roger, Dick.

342 23 28 45 CC Skylab, Houston, in the next few minutes if you

have time between your EREP preps and your ATM
op - operations, I'd like to tell you about a
one-time good deal; that you might get to see a
tropical cyclone from orbit. There is a tropical
cyclone that's presently located due west of
the FiJi Islands. You're going to pass the south
of the cyclone at a time of 23:41:30, which is
a few minutes after LOS at Guam. And don't
bother about writing that time down, I'll tell
you again at LOS. Again, the location is between
the - is just to the west of the FiJi Islands -_
and the max winds are 60 knots.

SPT Okay, thank you very much, Dick.

CC Okay and for the EREP guys, I'm not sure by that
time whether or not the S190 window will be un-
covered, but at any rate we think probably one
of the minus-Z windows would be the best place
to take a look, if you get a chance.

SPT We'll have the 190 window uncovered by then


342 23 29 52 CC Okay, okay.

TAG Tape 342-12/T-273
Time: 342:23:30 to 342:23:39
Page 1 of ]]1455


342 23 30 58 CC SPT, Houston. It looks like to us that in - on

$055 that you're in MECHANICAL REFERENCE and we
Just as soon you be in OPTICAL REFERENCE. Just
a reminder on it to help you on the upcoming

SPT Okay, thank you Dick.

CC Roger.

342 23 33 06 CC Skylab, Houston. We've been looking over your

shoulder. We like the maneuver time that's loaded,
also the maneuver. We're satisfied with the mo-
mentum, and you're GO for the EREP cal sequence.

PLT Thank you, Houston.

CC Roger.

342 23 34 24 CC Skylab, Houston; we're about 45 seconds from LOS

- at Guam. The Vanguard comes up at 00:05, and
we're going to dump the data/voice recorder at
the Vanguard.

CDR Do you want a quick frame count, Dick.?

CC Roger, go ahead.

CDR Okay. Number l, 8578; number 2, 7915; 3, 8791;

4, 8785; 5, 2328; and - -

CC Roger, say - -

CDR - - 6, 3648.

CC Say again number 5 please, Jet.

CDR Number 5 is 2328.

342 23 35 07 CC 2328. Okay, thank you.

TAG Tape 342-13/T-274
Time: 342:23:39 to 343:01i00
Page 1 of 8/1457


343 O0 04 30 CDR - - zero; Alfa 5 is 67; Alfa 6 is 0. Bravo 2

is 56; Bravo 3 is 76; Bravo 4 is 71; Bravo 5 is 75;
Bravo 6 is 49; Bravo 7 is 32; Bravo 8 is l; Bravo 9
is 58; Charlie 2 is 44_ Charlie 3, 88; Charlie 4, 71;
Charlie 5, 83; Charlie 6 is h7; Charlle 7 is 51.
Delta 2 is 86; Delta 3 is 85; Delta 4 is 72;
Delta 5 is 14_ Delta 6 is 57; Delta 7 is 10.

343 O0 05 38 CC Sk - Skylab, Houston. We're AOS Vanguard for

9 minutes.

CDR Roger, Dick.

SPT Okay, Dick. We got into that maneuver 2 minutes

late. I was working the ATM pad as specified and
turns out that that overlaps the maneuver.

CC Roger, Ed. We'll have to look back at them and

see where the mistake was made.

343 O0 06 43 PLT Now when it's pitch dark you can't see it. It's
only when there's a little light around.

SPT Yes, it's got to be reflected light.

PLT Hey, I got the Moon Just by accident.

SPT Hello, there Moon. That's pretty.

PLT Here, let me take a - get my sites all - About

full too.

CC SPT, Houston. If things work out like they have

in the previous lunar cals, we may be able to
make up for the lost time during the interval
that's normally scheduled for the contingency ma-
neuver, which probably won't be required, but the
maneuvers of the items following that should be
done on time.

342 00 07 58 SPT Okay, thank you, Dick.

CC Roger.

SPT ***.
TAG Tape 3h2-13/T-27h
Page 2 of 8/1458

CDR Got 7 minutes to go to EREP, START.

PLT We're Almost within limits now, Ed.

PLT Can you tell how much further you have to go, Ed?

PLT Okay, don't let me distract you.

PLT They give us 5 minutes for a contingency maneuver

down here. Okay, that's 2 degrees left.

PLT Oh, okay.

CDR Okay we're coming up on the T minus 5 checks.

S192 MODE going to READY; DOOR, OPEN now; looking
for a READY light.

343 00 ll 16 PLT Okay, you do good work, Ed. I think we're going
to be right in the ball park.

PLT Okay, looks like - looks like they - they calcu-

lated it right on the money. Fixed at l0 degrees.
It looks like it's going to be 8 - up. And I'm
waiting - It looks like we may be dead on left-right.

PLT *** Now it's 7.

PLT How much further do you have to go?

SPT 1.5•

CDR Okay, got a 192 READY. MODE going to CHECK. Let's

see S190 HEATER SWITCH light is off. We'll PRESS
to TEST, DELTA TEMP and OVERTEMP are okay.

343 00 12 18 CDR Here comes the preoperate configuration. TAPE

RECORDER, ON; READY light, on. S192, ON; READY
light, out; MODE, CHECK; DOOR, OPEN. 191, READY;
POWER, ON; READY, on; COOLER is ON. The door
is open. S190 POWER, ON: READY, out; MODE, STANDBY;
door is open. Verfied. 93 RADIOMET_R, STANDBY; REA
METER is OFF; READY out. 94 is ON; READY, on.

PLT Okay.

CDR About 3 minutes to go.

TAG Tape 342-13/T-274
f Page 3 of 8/1459

CC Sounds like you're all set, Jerry. We're about

2 minutes to LOS; Canary Island comes up at 00:25,
I'll give you a call there.

CDR Okay, Dick, and the maneuver looks like it's going
to work out okay.

CC Roger.

343 00 13 26 PLT And we're - Are we damping down? Okay, at 0.2 de-
grees to go, we got 7 UP and 00 LEVT/RIGHT. And
the 00 Just switched from the left to the right
side. Yes, we're in a box; so we're in good shape.
Press on. Okay; EREP, START to come - comes at
16 minutes.

PLT Okay, I do my stuff at 2_.

CDR 2 minutes to go.

CC Yes, I forgot to tell y'all that the weather for

this was clear to the moon.

PLT Yes,that'
s great.

CDE That is neat ...

PLT Don't see a single cloud, son of a gun. I wonder

how they arrange that.

CC Flight planning.

PLT I see. (Laughter)

CDR Been meaning to talk to you about Flight planning,


CC Lucky you're in the EREP pass. (Laughter)

343 00 15 00 CDR 1 minute to go.

3_3 00 2_ 57 PLT - - STOP. And continue tracking. Okay - -

CDR 1 minute to my next mark.

PLT - - coming back on to the limb.

TAG Tape 3h2-13/T-274
Page4 of 8/1460

CC Skylab, Houston, A0S Canary/Madrid i0 minutes.

Standing by.

PLT Stop.

CDR Roger, Dick.

PLT Trying another one. *** a push.

CDR Next mark in 30 seconds.

PLT Okay .... Tranquility, there we go. Okay, and

not the ***.

CDR On my mark it will he 26:00.

PLT Okay, now the - -

CDR Stand by.

342 00 26 00 CDR MARK. 193 POLARIZATION going to h.

PLT Imbr ium Basin.

CC Roger, Jerry, and I concur with that time hack.

PLT And ocean of Procellarum, Storms -

PLT Okay, 6 degrees DOWN. And a pushbutton for 5 sec-

onds. CAMERA, OFF.

CDR Next mark in 1 minute.

CDR Okay, on my mark, it will be 28:30. Stand by.


CC Roger, and SPT, Houston. When you get a chance,

we'd like S055 to MIRROR, LINE SCAN, please.

SPT Okay.

CC And also, anytime from here on in, you can give us

ATM frame count; probably not during this pass
though, since we're listening to the EREP.

CDR On my mark, it will be 29:00. Stand by.

TAG Tape 3h2-13/T-27h
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343 00 29 00 CDR MARK. SCATTEROMETER's ON. 29:06. -

343 O0 29 06 CDR MARK, S191 going to REFERENCE, 2. Okay, Bill,

we're going to want another AUTO CAL here in
another 50 seconds.

PLT Okay.

CDR *** give you much time the first time.

PLT Okay, I'm Just getting two more checks on the - -

CDR 30 seconds to go.

PLT - - UP 5 degrees and minus 5 degrees. Okay, I'll

be standing by.

CDR Okay.

PLT Okay, those last two were UP 4 frcm minus 1 and

DOWN - -

CDR l0 seconds.

PLT Okay. UP 4 and minus 6.

CDR 5, h, 3, 2, 1-

343 00 30 06 CDR MARK.

3h3 O0 30 07 PLT MARK.

CDR Got off the count there. Sorry about that. Next
mark is 30:30. 15 seconds.

CDR Coming up on 30 :30, stand by.


XTNC L/R, POLARIZATION is 5. Next mark's at 48.
Stand by.


CDR Next mark will be a S191 READY light on. About

l0 seconds.

343 00 32 h6 CDR MARK. READY light is on, 46 - 32:h6.

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343 00 32 50 CDR MARK at 50. MODE to MANUAL on 94.

PLT Okay, I'm getting some more tracking on the

-Sea of Tranquility. My DATA button's pushed.
I'm not taking DAC film.

PLT Holding steady as a rock; I'll Just click off a

couple of frames. Okay. And I'm releasing the

CDR Next mark will be 33:48.

PLT That will be for the Sea of Serenity. I'm pushing

the DATA pushbutton now.

CDR Coming up on 48. Standby.





PLT Okay. I've got a few frames on the Sea of Serenity.

343 O0 34 00 CDR EREP, START - STOP at 34:00.

PLT Okay.

CDR 6 minutes to the next mark.

PLT Okay. That finishes my sequence there.

CC And PLT, Houston. Just as a reminder, we need to

get those S190 filters changed prior to a time of
40:50 which is the next EREP start time.

PLT Roger. PLT copy.

CC Okay.

CC And while we got a minute here, we'd just like to

pass up to Ed Gibson, a real "Attaboy" on catching
that mistake in maneuver times. It's a wonder that
he wasn't 5 or 6 - You weren't 5 or 6 minutes late
instead of only 2. It was strictly a problem in
not catching a mistake between disciplines down
here, and we'll try to do better.
TAG Tape 342-13/T-274
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343 00 35 22 SPT No problem, Dick. Most of the planning for this

has been real good. It's worked out real smooth.
I had a nagging feeling and m_ left eyeball was
looking at the maneuver pad and my right eyeball
at the AT}4 pad.

CC Well, we appreciate it. It was due to a late

Flight Plan change, but we certainly should have
caught it, and we thank you for catching it.

SPT When we get a break, Dick, I'll tell you about

that tropical storm. A little bit later.

CC Okay.

CDR Go ahead now, Ed, there's nothing cooking for

5 minutes.

SPT Oh, okay. Dick, it looks like we're all set up

for unattended ops except for pointing to Sun
center. We were still off in active region 96
when I went into the ATT HOLD MODE.

PLT Okay .... We're not doing anything; I'm going to

go ahead and change the filters now. Ahhh. Ex-
cuse me.

CDR Okay. I'll open thatwhile you get your gloves on.

PLT Okay.

CDR Hello, Moon.

PLT Okay. Yes. Thank you.

PLT All right. What's the news there?

CDR Let's see. At 00:29, right? 0kay. Station 1

should get Charlie Charlie.

PLT Charlie Charlie. Okay.

CDR Let me hold your hose here, so it doesn't drag


3h3 00 37 39 PLT Okay. Charlie Charlie's in, and Papa Papa is

going back. And there's the Moon.
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CDR Yes. Okay. Station 2 will be Delta Delta.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute from LOS.

Guam comes up at 01:05, and SPT, we copied your
comments on active region 96. And if you don't
get to the pointing, we can take care of it from
the ground.

SPT Thank you.

PLT You did say station 2, did you not?

CDR Yes.

PLT Okay.

CDR Think your pocket must be open, Bill, there's

swabs floating all over the joint.

343 00 38 30 CDR Okay. Delta Delta on station 2.

CDR Station 3 is Echo Echo.

PLT And that should be confirmed. It is. Okay.

CDR All right. Station 4 is Foxtrot Foxtrot.

PLT Corect.

CDR All right. 5 is Alfa Alfa.

PLT Okay .... Changing.

PLT Foxtrot Foxtrot.



CDR Alfa Alfa.

PLT Alfa Alfa, okay.

CDR There you go.

343 00 39 23 CDR Got it.

TAG Tape 343-01/T-275
Time: 343:01:00 to 343:02:30
• Page i of 7/ 1465


343 01 04 53 CC Skylab, Houston Guam for 4 minutes.

SPT Hello, Houston.

CC Hello there. How'd it go?

SPT Well, it all went pretty well. One problem arose

when I got - realized we did not get the ETC data
after the second maneuver there.

CDR Dick, this is CDR. The - one of the - I think

we would have caught it, Dick, if we'd had the
ETC operations on the C&D checklist like we
usually do. But it wasn't on there this time
and so it went right by both of us.

343 01 05 56 CC Okay, we're a little confused in trying to un-

scramble the - the pads here. We - Stand by i.

SPT Dick, apparently, the two maneuver pads were

sent up for the PLT. That may be a little con-
fusion also in trying to unscramble it.

CC Roger, we caught that one. As far as the ETC data,

we don't think there was any ETC data for this
calibration run required after those nine singles
that were on Ed's pad during the middle of the

SPT Yes, those were the ones that were not taken,

CC Roger, understand.

343 01 08 23 CC Skylab, Houston; i minute to LOS Guam. Honey-

suckle comes up at 01:14.

343 01 16 22 CC Skylab, Houston we're at Honeysuckle for 3 minutes.

SPT Roger, Dick.

CC Rog. And Ed if you're up at the ATM panel mon-

itoring, we'd like MPC INHIBITed.
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CDR Houston, CDR.

CC Roger, go ahead, Jer.

CDR It just occurred to me Dick, those frame counts

I gave you - I probably should have gone ahead
and told you that I had not yet done the sen-
sitometry advance. So that means you add
28 frames to each one to cover sensitometry.
And do you need a frame count now, at the present?

3h3 01 17 lh CC Negative, Jerry, and we appreciate the input.

We will add the numbers, and we're satisfied the
way they are.

CDR Okay.

CC Okay, and one count. I think we kind of figured

out where we got bit on this ETC thing. We did
put the ETC ops on Ed's detail pad and addressed
the ETC pad to him, however - and left it out of
the C&D pad because it was a single frame oper-"
ation. However the thing that changed, that we
didn't take account of, was we have now added
the third guy up there to monitor the maneuver.
And it Just happened, I think, that the pads were
in the wrong place at the time, and it Just al-
lowed a little slip-up.

3h3 01 18 00 CDR Yes, that's too bad. I guess we need to work

up a good check and balance system to keep our-
selves bitten by it before - again, I mean. And
I would - I'd suggest you'd go ahead and Just
toss it in the C&D list.

CC Roger; concur, Jer, and we'll do that.

CDR Okay.

SPT I think the was you're doing it, Dick, would

have worked out real well had I not gotten into
the maneuver a little bit late and gotten behind
the re.

CC Roger; understand.
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343 01 18 h0 CC Skylab, Houston. _We're about i minute from

LOS, Canary Island at 02:04.

343 02 03 45 CC Skylab, Houston. A0S Canary Islands and Madrid

for 13 minutes.

SPT Hello, Dick.

CC Hello, there. If you guys are interested and

you don't have anything for me right now, I can
describe the weather on this upcoming EREP pass
for you.

SPT Sounds good; go ahead.

CC Okay, the pass when you start, up in Nepal, we're

predicting from satellite pictures that the
weather will be broken to overcast up there. It
appears to break up a little bit, and then it
will definitely be broken over Thailand. Then
it's clear over the water. Then when you get
down over Borneo it will go back to broken to
overcast, breaking up a little bit over - down
as you proceed southward over Java. And then
it will be scattered clouds 0 to 0.3 from a
point in between Java and Australia to the end
of the data take.

SPT Okay, Dick, we got that. Thanks very much.

343 02 05 02 CC Okay, and since we're working you guys so late

this evening, and we're going to be running out
of passes due to the - what the EREP pass will
take up, I've got - one question here, and then
I thought I might give you the status on the
airlock module coolant loops from the EGIL. The
first - the question that I have comes from the
INC0, and it has to do with the teleprinter mes-
sages. We were wondering, since you replaced
the paper roll earlier today, how's the read-
ability of the messages. And also we forgot to
say anything to you about it, but did you take
the new roll today from a previously unopened
storage container or not?

SPT Dick, the teleprinter messages look real clear -

pretty sharp and as dark as we've ever seen them,
TAG Tape B43-01/T-275
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so there's no problem there. The teleprinter

roll - this is the second one from the - from
the new batch. The one which was in Just last,
which we used to correct the problem, was the
first one out of the new batch.

CC Okay, Ed. Thank you very much, and if you'd like

to hear it, the - the EGIL has worked up a status
on how the airlock module coolant loops are doing.

SPT Yes, we sure would; go ahead.

343 02 06 31 CC Okay, it turns out that the primary loop re-

servicing that you did was extremely successful.
The task itself was performed as the EGIL says
in exempt - exemplary fashion. And since the
reservicing, the primary loop pump-in pressure
has dropped less than 1 psi. At this rate, SL-h
can be completed without reservicing the primary
loop. The secondary loop pump-in pressure, which
had been decreasing about one-half of a psi per
week during the unmanned phase, has slowed to
an almost imperceptable leak rate. We're kind
of uncertain as to why this leak rate decrease
occurs, but a similar thing did occur toward the
end of SL-3. The loops presently look better
than they have since SL-2, and we expect no
problems in successfully completing this mission.
And - as an award for this good work, I have here
on the CAP COMM console a plunger, better known
as the universal plumber's tool, that has an
award written on it that will end up on your
desk when you get home. It says: "Award: This
universal plumber's tool is awarded by the EGILS
to the crew, in particular the PLT of SL-4, for
the outstand - outstanding plumbing work in re-
servicing the AM primary coolant loop. From the
birds." Over.

343 02 07 57 CDR Roger. Thanks, Dick; you got three real pltumbers
up here.

CC Roger that. I'll make sure you get this award.

CDR We try to do a little something every day to

prove to you that we're pl_bers.
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CC (Laughter) Well, we're trying to help you from

down here too.

SPT Dick, at least that's one tool we haven't had to

use so far up here.

CC (Laughter) Roger. Hey, one other thing here.

Remember the other day we were talking about the -
we sent you a message on crew motion, and we
imposed on, I think it was Bill, not to do his
PT during his PT period, and we ended up getting
real beautiful JOP 13 data out of it because of
the lack of crew motion? And Phil wants me to
tell you that we don't ask the biomed anymore
during the night if you are awake or asleep. We
ask GNS.

343 02 09 l0 SPT We can't keep anything a secret.

CDR I call that going to your most reliable sources.

CC (Laughter) Roger.

SPT Hey, Dick, if you got a minute, I'll tell you a

little bit about the storm we went over.

CC Go ahead. We got 7 minutes. I'm standing by.

3h3 02 09 39 SPT Okay, it looked like a relatively small one, but

kind of a mean little fellow. It was small and
compact. Prestorm squall lines were light and
not very much extensive activity along them. The
cirrus streaks were also present but they were
also light and they also defined the spiral quite
well. There was only one overshooting cloud top
which I saw and that was not very prominent. There
was no circular exhaust cloud in the center or
close to the center. However, the eye was well
defined. The sides were gradually sloping inward.
They were always circular. We were at an oblique
view, so we could not see all the way down to the
water. There were no feeder bands, which leads
me to believe that this is probably not going to
go too far. Well, maybe some feeder bands will
develop, but there were certainly none apparent.
What really caught my eye is there was a wide band
of turbulent clouds poking its way up above the
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cirrus and spiraling inward. It was a relatively

thick band of turbulent clouds - not isolated
thunderstorms, but Just a wide band of turbulence,
and it was very close to the eye. It was also
fairly uniform; that is, all the turbulence
properties along the band were uniform. In gen-
eral, it was well formed, except for no feeder
band, and it looked kind of mean.

343 02 ii O0 SPT Right after that, we passed over another storm

at 23:47, Just 6 minutes down the road. That had
a lot of thick clouds. It was much more extensive
than the smaller one we had Just seen. It was
a wide band of many cells, but it was not formed
into a vortex. There was no eye or really feeder
bands coming in from anywhere. So even though
it was _ larger than the other tropical storm, it
Just didn't look like it was ever going to develop
into anything, or hadn't at that time.

CC Roger, Ed, thank you for the description. It'll

be interested, I'm su - interesting, I'm sure for
the guys to compare that description to this
satellite photo. On it, we can see toward the
bottom of the photo the beginnings of the larger _
storm that you picked out. But on this, or at
least to my uneducated eye, it Just looks like
a real large cloud cover.

SPT Yes, it - it probably would from afar, but when

you got down to it, you could see that there was
an awful lot of turbulence and cell activity
within there, too. However, it Just wasn't
well formed into a vortex flow at all. We got
some good Hasselblad 100-millimeter photos of it.

343 02 12 16 CC Okay, Ed, thank you very much. We've still got
about 4 minutes. The only other note that I
have in front of me here, and while we have the
time, I might as well talk to you a little bit
about it. It has to do with Kohoutek and the
estimation of the comet tail. We were interested
in the - in the description that Jerry gave about
the tail that he saw earlier, today I think it
was. There're a couple of ways that we - that
you - a couple of things you might use to compare
the length of the tail. The one that would be
TAG Tape 343-01/T-275
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the - a comparison with the lunar diameter, which

is about a half a degree. And also if you saw
the comet, or you do see it through the S063
viewfinder, the viewfinder has calibrated circles.
Of course, when you look through the optics,
this view might show, or will show, a fainter
comet, and thus the tail may appear shorter.
For your information, I do have the numbers for
the diameters of the three rings in the S063 view-
finder - if you wanted to Jot them down. The
first ring is a diameter of 3.3 degrees, the
second ring is a diameter of 5.7 degrees, and
the third ring is a diameter of 12 degrees. Over.

343 02 13 44 CDR Roger, Dick. And I tried again this afternoon

during one of the night passes to see Kohoutek
through the S-3 window. And it looks to me
like it's still behind the ATM panel, but it's
moving in the right direction where we'll see
it come out soon.

CC Okay, good.

343 02 15 28 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about a minute from

LOS in Madrid. Carnarvon comes up at 02:44.
And one question on ED63 on the vials that were
disposed of. We were wonderin_ if you could let
us know approximately how much agar was left,
either in inches or fraction of inches in the
vials at the time that we got rid of them.

SPT Dick, we just haven't gotten rid of them yet.

Now that I know we're really after the agar, I'll
go ahead and try to do a thorough job of getting
the other plants out of there.

CC Roger. What we're interested in was how they

appeared when we put them in the chiller. And,
if you can remember that, we're about to go LOS,
but you might put that on the voice tape and -
so we'll get that data.

343 02 16 20 SPT Okay.

TAG Tape 343-02/T-276
TIME: 343:02:30 to B43:04:00
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343 02 42 59 CDR Stand by -

343 02 43 00 CDR MARK. At 43 the ALTIMETER went ON. Stand by -

343 02 h3 06 CDR MARK. At 06 the S190 MODE went to AUTO, and ETC
should be in AUTO.

PLT Clear area.

CDR Next mark is at 4h even.

343 02 43 17 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS Carnarvon and Honeysuckle,

13 minutes. Standing by.

CDR Roger, Dick. Okay, Ed. On my next mark, it'll

be 44 with ETC to STANDBY.

CDR Coming up on 44:00. Stand by -

343 02 h4 00 CDR MARK. 192, STANDBY. ETC, STANDBY. 44:06.

Stand by.

343 02 44 06 CDR MARK. INTERVAL going up to 20. We're over

Australia now?

PLT Yes. Sure are. It's coming up. *** we had a

place to hold these maps. Losing the doggone
things. There it is. Derby. 550.

CDR Okay. Looking for an S190 READY light to go out.

343 02 45 14 CDR MARK. 190 READY light out at 13. MODE to STANDBY.

PLT Okay, l'm pointing up the - -

CDR 45 :30 coming up. Stand by.

343 02 h5 30 CDR MARK. S194 MODE to MANUAL.

CC Go ahead, Ed - Bill.

PLT This is on the west side of the - the bay leading

up to Derby. I'm getting a few seconds there.
Then I shall go up and point to the west of the
TAG Tape B43-02/T-276
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PLT Oops. I don't want that on.

PLT That's got to be it. It is it. This is over some

read topsoil.

CDR At my mark, it's going to be 46:30.

PLT Red ... it looks like.

CDR Stand by.

343 02 46 30 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER to STANDBY. RANGE going to 87.

PLT Another clear area.

CDR On my mark, it'll be 46:45. Stand by -

343 02 46 45 CDR MARK. ALTIMETER is ON.

PLT Hey, I'm looking straight down through some haze

now. Still painting - about 3 to 4 miles to the
west of the city - Too bad we don't have any DAC
to document it - and west of the river. Okay,
let's see if we can find anything else.

CDR On my mark it'll be 47:40.

PLT Okay. I'm going to go up to the south of the

city and west of the river.

CDR Stand by -

343 02 47 40 CDR MARK. 191 REFERENCE to 2.

PLT Learn how to travel now .... Here's some big

lake here. I'Ii Just get some data on it.

PLT Looks like a dried - dried lake bed. At 48:10,

an angle of 30 degrees left ... Get sufficient
good data on that lake.

CDR Okay, and, Bill, in 20 seconds, l'm going to need


PLT Okay. Give me a call.

CDR Okay.
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CDR i0 seconds.

PLT Standing by.

CDR Okay, on my call, it will be 48:40. Stand by -

343 02 48 hO CDR MARK.

PLT ...


PLT Okay.

CDR Okay, I've got an ALTIMETER UNLOCK light. READY

light is out.

PLT Turn it off for 15 seconds?

CDR Yes.

PLT Hey, I'm coming up on a lake; I've got 54 degrees,

3 degress left. Time is going to be -

343 02 49 13 PLT MARK. Mark, when it comes into view 54 degrees

UP 3 degrees LEFT.

CDR Okay, I've got a READY light on ALTIMETER, and

it' s cooking again.

343 02 49 23 PLT MARK. 49:23. UP, starting to track. Now for

comparative purposes, I'm going to go over to a
large - what appears to be a large dried lake.
Actually, it looks like there's a little bit of
water in it. And awful lot of erosion streaks
there. Might be just blowing dust down there
on the surface.

CDR Okay, I got the ALTIMETER UNLOCK light, still got

a READY light.

PLT Okay, DATA right now is at 47 degrees and UP.

Our time is 15:10. I'll give a mark. 15:10,
5 degrees and 16 LEFT. I'm tracking a dried lake
bed; there's an awful lot of erosion - -

SPT Okay, still got a READY light and ALTIMETER UNLOCK

light. At 50:20 ALTIMETER going to STANDBY and - -
TAG Tape 343-02/T-276
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PLT Northeast to southwest.

CDR Okay, looking for an S191 READY light at 51:20.

PLT Okay, there 's the shoreline.

CDR 0kay, on my mark, it will be 51:20.

343 02 51 20 CDR MARK. S191 RE#]gY light came on at 51:20. EREP,

STOP now at 51:24.

PLT Man, there's the Tasmanian Bay right over there.

What is that, bu - Goss - -

CDR Oh, yes, the Goss [Bass?] Strait.

PLT - - channel, or whatever it is? Okay, BRAVO 7

reads 33 percent. S192 DOOR going to CLOSEd now.

343 02 52 59 CC SPT, Houston, we still have about 5 minutes left

this pass for LOS, Madrid to AOS, Carnarvon. We
observed about 100 mibs were fired, and we were
wondering if you get a chance sometime in this next
4 or 5 minutes, if you could let us know what you

SPT Yes, Dick. When I went to make the fine maneuver,

apparently there must have been a wrong number
entered, because as soon as I looked at the
attitude errors and the last ENTER, they were not
what was called out for here and the rates were not
the same. So then I looked at the pad and realized
that they were pretty much the same as the regular
Z-LV. So I went and hit the Z-LV. Actually, I
hit the - up position of the switch for an instant,
which was SI and then back to Z-LV. So I think
that's where the mibs came in.

343 02 53 54 CC Okay, and we'll take a look at our dump data when
we get it down here and - and take a look at
exactly what happened.

PLT Tasmania looks like it's a very highly developed

island .... spots. *** down there.

PLT Well, enough of that ... Back to work.

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CDR Bill, give me a VTS CAL.

PLT Stand by -

343 02 55 09 PLT MARK.

CDR Okay.

CDR *** like we've got enough tape left for another

PLT After I click off I0 seconds here, I think I'll

wait and see what's over New Ealand - New Zealand.

CDR Supposed to?

PLT We come close. It depends on our roll angle.

3h3 02 56 53 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about 1 minute from LOS.

MILA comes up at 03:31. Be advised this pass at
MILA, the first half of it, we're going to get
the evening status report. And then when we
handover to Bermuda, we're going to give you the
doctor and have the medical conference. We will
have one more pass after that one at Madrid prior
to saying good night. So we'll be ready for the
evening status report at MILA, 03:31.

CDR Okay, Dick. See you then.

CC Okay.

CDR Got it?

PLT Yes. Hey, it's clear too. It's sort of a - -

CDR Great.

PLT - - if we can get some handheld back there at the

wardroom window, south island is clear. The south
part of it? At that alpine fault zone down there.

3h3 02 57 h8 PLT I'm going to use my i0 seconds of DAC frame on it.

343 02 57 5h PLT This is the clearest we've seen these mountains.

3h3 03 30 h6 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS at MILA and Bermuda

for the next 15 minutes.
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CDR Okay, Dick. I don't know if my voice can stand

two C&D runs plus an evening report, but here she

CC Okay, before you start, Jerry, let me pass up one

item for Ed that I wanted to pass up a little
earlier, but the EREP prevented me.

SPT Go ahead.

CC There are two messages on board. One is a check-

list change message, number 2453 Alfa, and the
other one is - is a fill-in-the-blanks stability
test message, which is number 2455. These two -
this checklist change in the test will - will need
to be into the ATM Book prior to tomorrow's
scheduled stability test, which occurs Just after
your PSA. And I thought you ought to know that
they're on board if you want to do anything on
them tonight. With that, I'm standing by for the
evening status report.

343 03 31 44 SPT Okay, thank you Dick, I already got the change in,
and I'm Just working the numbers in now.

CC Good show.

CDR Okay, sleep: CDR, 7.0, 5.5/heavy, 1.5/light;

SPT, 7.0, 7 - standby.

CC While you're getting that together, Jerry, be

advised we are going to dump the data/voice
recorder here.

CDR Okay, it's 7.0 - 6.7 - 7/heavy, 0.3/light; PLT,

7.0- 6.5/heavy, 0.5/light. Volume: CDR, 1650;
SPT, 1450; PLT, 1800. Drink guns: CDE, 7149;
SPT, 2303; PLT, 8446. Body mass: 6.304, 6.304,
6.304; SPT, 6.351, 6.359, 6.359; PLT, 6.234,
6.240, 6.240. Exercise: CDR, Method Alfa: leg,
39, 4800. Method Bravo: Alfa, Delta, Echo, Fox-
trot, 06, 15 each. Method Echo: Alfa, Bravo,
03, l0 each. Method Foxtrot: walk, 09, N/A;
run, O1, N/A; springs, 01, 100; toe rises, 02, 150.
SPT, Alfa: leg, 40, 8339. Method Bravo: Bravo,
Foxtrot, and curls, 16, 40 each. Method Foxtrot:
springs 1 - Stand by.
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CC Okay.

343 03 33 49 CDR Okay, method Foxtrot is zero. PLT, method Alfa:

leg, B5, 6000. Method Bravo: Alfa, Bravo, Delta,
Echo, 08, 50. Method Charlie: Bravo, Charlie,
Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, i0, 20 each. Method
Foxtrot: walk, i0, N/A; springs, 01, 75;
toe rises, 01, 50. Method Echo: Alfa, Bravo, 02.
Medications: CDR, SPT, and PLT, none. Garments
disposed of: CDR, one pair of socks. Food log:
CDR, salt, 5.5, no deviations, plus 2.5 rehydration
water; SPT, 1.5 salt, plus one tea, plus one grape
drink, zero rehydration water; PLT, 1.5 salt, plus
one mint, minus 1.0 rehydration water. Flight
Plan deviations, none. Shopping list accomplish-
ments, none. Inoperable equipment: DAC 04, DAC 09,
a transporter 05, and they all need troubleshooting.
Unscheduled stowage, none. Photo Log: 140-foot
EREP, number 14, Charlie Lima i0, 69, N/A. Nikon
01, Charlie X-ray B6, 61; Nikon 2, Bravo X-ray
zero - Bravo Echo 08, B4; - zero - Nikon 03, no
change; Nikon 04, India Romeo 09, 08; Nikon 5,
no change. 70-millimeter: Charlie X-ray 47, 144.
r ETC: CharlieTango ii0, 73 EREP: Set Tango, 8674,
8011, 8887, 8881, 2421, 9744. Drawer A configura-
ation: Alfa l, 02, Charlie India 73, 96, Charlie
India 56; Alfa 2, 05, Charlie India 93, 72, Charlie
India 122; Alfa 3, 06, Char!ie India 125, 08,
Charlie India 124; Alfa 4, 03, Charlie India 71,
82, Charlie India 82 - -

343 03 36 40 CC Break, Break. CDR, Houston. We're about to hand

over to Bermuda so you can he talking to the doctor.
I'Ii pick the very tail end of that report when we
get you at Madrid. Over.

CDR Okay, l've got one line and I'm done.

CC Okay.

CDR Back, 07, Charlie India 72, 90, Charlie India 85

and that's it.

343 03 37 00 CC (Chuckle) Roger. Way to go.

TAG Tape 343-02/T-276
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34B 0B 46 53 CC Skylab, Houston. We're A0S Madrid for 6-1/2 minutes.

We're set up for a family conference with Bill,
and we're unable to raise him. Just a reminder.
If he'll whiz up to the command module, we're all
set up.

CDR He's on his way, Dick.

CC Roger. I'm real sorry I didn't have a chance to

warn him, but you were trying so hard to get in
that evening status report before we handed over
to the doctors that it Just didn't work out.

CDR Oh. Sorry about that.

CC Well, I am. And it's - for Bill it's RIGHT ANTENNA

is the best antenna. I have a couple of things
here. First of all, we were wondering, for Ed
Gibson, if he inhibited momentum dumps with the
switch anytime during these recent operations.

SPT Yes, Dick, at the beginning of the EREP cal as it

has in the checklist there to do it, at the very

343 03 48 32 CC Okay, Ed, we didn't expect that. We will look at

the checklist and - and make sure we don't have
something we don't need to change there. One other
thing - the biomed officers looked through the
down voice tapes from M092 today, and we did not
get the SPT's leg blood pressure from today's
run. If you - if you Just didn't report it, we'd
appreciate it if you would record it on channel A,
and if you did miss getting it and you have a
chance, the PI says it'll be acceptable to get it
this evening before you go to bed. And that will
let us avoid rescheduling those blood pressures.

SPT 145 over 90.

CC Okay, real fine. Thank you much.

CC And, Skylab; we still have about 5 minutes left

here at Madrid. That's run me out of notes. I
do have a little news here. I'm not sure - if
you're not Just sick of hearing me talk though.
If you would like me to pass it on to Henry, I'll
get him to read it during the morning. Otherwise,
I can read it to you now.
TAG Tape 343-02/T-276
Page 9 of 10/1481

SPT Ahh, go ahead, please, Dick.

343 03 49 39 CC Okay. America is -are - Americans are facing

another - another gasless Sunday and filled their
tanks up and rearranged travel pans - plans to
avoid getting caught short on the highways. Spot
checks show that a majority of service station
owners again plan to comply with President Nixon's
voluntary ban on gasoline sales from 9:00 p.m. on
Saturday to midnight on Sunday night. Last Sunday
about 80 percent of the nation's service stations
closed their doors. Vice President Gerald Ford
made his first foray into foreign policy in his
new Job with a 50-minute meeting in Washington
today with Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan.
A spokesman for the Vice President said Dayan
expressed appre - appreciation to the United States
for the rapid replacement of equipment during
the recent Mid-East conflict. A key Arab spokesman
committed his bloc to the resumption of oil supplies
to the United States as soon as Isreal sets a
timetable for withdrawal to its 1967 borders. The
pledge came from the Algerian Minister of Industry
and energy who is in Washington talking with State
- Departmentofficials. Secretaryof State Henry
Kissinger flew out of the United States today on
a trip that will include a swing through the
Middle East. Kissinger continues to lay groundwork
for the December 18 peace conference in Geneva
between the Arabs and Israel.

343 03 51 14 CC Alabama Governor George C. Wallace has made up his

mind to run from - for an unprecedented third term
as governor. He has told friends that he plans an
active campaign next year despite the pal - paralysis
caused by a 1972 assasination attempt. In Rome,
Pope Paul VI renounced the Gas-burner in favor of
the oat-burner. The ope left is limousine home and
rode to Rome in a horse-drawn carriage. The
75-year-old spiritual leader set an example of
concern over the energy crisis. Finally, in sports,
with the football - college football season nearly
ended, the pros took over this Saturday with two
nationally televised games. Minnesota trounced
Green Bay 31 to 7, and Oakland defeated Kansas City,
37 to 7. And tomorrow up in Dallas, they're
expecting a barn - barn-burner when the Cowboys
TAG Tape 343-02/T-276
Page i0 Of i0/1482

collide with the Washington Redskins. First place,

in that division at stake. The Oilers are in
Pittsburgh for a tussle with the Steelers. One
other thing in Houston sports, Jimmy Wynn will be
wearing a different uniform next season. He was
traded to the Astros - by the Astros to the Los
Angeles Dodgers for Veteran pitcher, Claude Osteen.

SPT Thank you, Dick. Sure wish we had a TV uplink

with all those good games coming up.

343 03 52 42 CC That's the truth. That'd be a good deal. Trouble

is you'd have to get them 4 minutes at a time
and 45 minutes apart.

CDR That'd sure make for a long football game.

CC Well, the EGIL says that probably - you'd probably

manage to get only commercials anyway.

CC And, Skylab, we're about 1 minute to LOS, the last

pass of a very long day. We'll be talking to you
in the morning. So say good night, Dick.

MCC Good night, Dick, and good night, Skylab.

SPT Good night, big daddy. Good night, Dick.

CDR Good night, all you purple troops.

CC Good night from them, too.

SPT Thanks for slugging throu it all with us.

CC Roger. It was fun. But I know you're lying if

you say you're not glad to see us go over the hill
for once.

CDR Rather than lying, we decided to just remain silent.

343 03 54 06 CC Roger.

TAG Tape 343-03/T-277
Time: 343:04:00 to 343:11:30
f. Page i of !/1483



TAG Tape 343-04/T-278
TIME: 343:11:30 to 343:13:00
Page i of 1/1485


343 12 02 25 CC Skylab, Houston; good morning. It's time to be

up and at them. We got you for 7 minutes here
through Ascension.

CDR Good morning, Hank.

CC Good morning. Is it sleepy out there this


CDR Yes. It's kind of foggy.

CC CDR or SPT, Houston.

CDR Go ahead.

CC Okay. On your teleprinter pad this morning,

there's a message regarding the - the pointing
and stability test coming up, and it calls for -
step 2 there calls for a nu Z update at 13:40.
We'd like to get that now, if we could. We're
in a window from 08 to 12:36. And that way we
can watch it for a rev and then not do it as the
message calls out.

CDR Okay; we'll take care of it.

CC And sort of appreciate it, and we're about

i0 seconds from LOS.

343 12 09 31 CC We'll see you at Carnarvon at 32.

343 12 32 32 CC Skylab, Houston through Carnarvon for 10-1/2 min-

utes, and the nu Z update looks good to us.

PLT Roger, Hank.

343 12 42 14 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

see you at Goldstone at 01:02, and that's about
29 minutes from now.

343 12 42 23 PLT Roger, Hank.

TAG Tape 343-05/T-279
Time: 343:13:00 to 343:14:30
Page 1 of 9/1487


343 13 ll h2 CC Skylab, Houston through Goldstone and MILA for

16-1/2 minutes.

343 13 15 09 CC Skylab, Houston. We'll be handing over to MILA

here in about 3 minutes, and we'll be dumping the
voice and data recorder there. And, SPT, Bill's
standing by for your ATM conference, if you're

343 13 16 39 MCC Good morning, Ed. Whenever you're ready to start

talking ATM, Just give me a call.

SPT Morning, Bill. We're all set up; go ahead.

MCC Okay, just a couple of quickies here before I get

into some other meat here. The solar update.
Don't really have much to say. We've got the
fairly quiet disk for you up there, obviously.
Active region 80 has shown no evidence to us that
it's returning, as I'm sure you know. One thing
that showsup that we have not yet told you about,
on the ..., data the EUV and the long X-ray is on
the east limb about south 10, approximately where
active region 88 is exPected in 2-1/2 to 3 days.
Both the EUV and the long X-rays so - show some
enhancement there. And we're not sure whether
this represents either active region 88 signifi-
cantly intensifying and really becoming a fairly
large region to see it 3 days in advance here,
while it was behind the disk, or whether it's
just a new nothing-region again in front of it.
So that you might want to just keep an eye on
that next day or so and see if anything develops
out of that.

343 13 17 58 SPT Okay. Exactly where is that? Is that right at the

limb now?

MCC Well, yes. We show it as enhancement on the limb

in EUV and long X-rays about south l0 on the east
limb, so that the XUV MON would be - Look about
south 10.

SPT Okay.
TAG Tape 343-05/T-279
Page 2 of 9/1488

MCC Okay. And last night we got all of the words and
changes and everything up on the ATM pointing
stability test. I don't necessarily want to go
into it in any detail here, but I wanted to give
you a chance to ask the whole room here any
questions on it that you had. And we're prepared
to say nothing about it all the way up to dis-
cuss it step by step. It's your option. Over.

3_3 13 18 35 SPT Okay. I've looked through it, and I believe I

understand what we're after there. There was a
step 26 reference made to getting to a alternate
position by moving the overlay origin to the point
that you want to get to. And I think I suggested
that at one time, and it seemed like a good idea.
But now that I think about it, I'm wondering whether
that's really going to give you the data you're
after in plotting out the desired versus actual,
unless you tape the display down there and then see
how close you come to the origin. But there's no
real reference marks close to the origin to tell
how far off you came; so I think I'll do it the
way it is there. I'll struggle through adding and
substracting in octals.

343 13 19 23 MCC Okay. Crip, incidently, ran this yesterday, and

he does it with the octal addition and subtractions.
And that's the way l've always done it. The - you
would have to tape the overlay and or some other
way mark it. And you don't have any references
there; that is a good point.

SPT Okay, a part of it that was deleted was stop 8, to

verify the electronic crosshairs are aligned in
the center of the 52 occulting disk. And I assume
that we still had ought to do that.

MCC Stand by a minute.

3h3 13 20 i0 SPT Even if we don't align it to the exact center,

we at least ought to put the - put them fairly
close and use that as a reference.

MCC Yes, it looks to me like that probably got left

out erroneously here in that big - in that big
group. You might want to make sure that you've
got the sunlight time in order to do that.
TAG Tape 343-05/T-279
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SPT Okay, I'll have to try and hop in at the end of

this orbit with Jer.

343 13 20 34 MCC Okay. And then 26A, we Just want you to make a
2-axis maneuver, your option, and put it where
you don't think the TV defect there will bother
you. Then B and C are single axes and preferably
back to where you started from.

SPT Okay, I guess Mercury's going to show up at

6 o'clock. How far out?

MCC It's on the overlay. It should be Just about

halfway between the edge of the occulting disk
there and the edge of the overlay. In other words
about halfway into the - the marking pattern on
that. And in the simulator when we did it, it
came out at about 05:30, at - right about in the
middle. However, we had a nuZ error of about a
half degree; so that - that could have been part
of our problem.

SPT Okay.

.... 343 13 21 30 MCC Okay, Ed, anything else you want to say about
t hat ?

SPT No, except the other two guys are starting to see
step 41 put - pushed out.

MCC Say again.

SPT Jer and Bill were starting to see step 41


343 13 21 50 MCC Oh, yes. Well, the main thing on that is that the
easiest way to see that is when you're looking at
the Sun in H-ALPHA 1 or something like that, so
that you can see even the little bitty minute moves.
Looking at the gross white light there, you prob-
ably wouldn't see it. You might be tricked into
believing that it had no effect when, in fact,
it has a significant effect. Inci - -

343 13 22 14 SPT Is there any addition you want to make to the test?
TAG Tape 3h3-O5/T-279
Page h of 9/1490

MCC No, none that we're aware of right now. On that

41 with H-ALPHA 2's door open all the time, any
time you're in SI mode, you've really got the
capability on board to Just do that on your own;
sort of a bootleg.

SPT Okay, I have done it to a - to a degree, but I

have not gotten real precise in the measurement.
So m_ybe I will in the future.

MCC And, Ed, we Just noticed that 82A door failed to

open. We'll handle it from here with the ground

SPT Okay. Thank you.

343 13 22 h9 MCC And to reconfirm, we do want to do step 8. So

make sure you plan to do that in the sunlight.

SPT Okay; certainly will.

MCC And we've got up to 5 minutes left here. We're

bootlegging some extra time here on somebody else's
pass. A couple of points here just on J0P opera-
tion. In the J0P Snmmary Sheets, when there's a
parentheses around something, the rules - the way
to interpret that is that that means that it is
not necessary to do that step unless the pad
specifically calls for it. That may help you save
some time on some of the JOP setups.

343 13 23 20 SPT Okay; that's the way I understood it. Most of

those involve a maximization of the 55 detector.
I tried to go ahead and do that if I thought I had
the time. Thought it would perhaps give a little
better data.

MCC Okay; that's what I thought. We just wanted to

make sure you didn't think you had to do that if
you were getting begind. Okay. And we've sent up
the changes to JOP ID that we think fix up the prob-
lems that are associated with that, basically just
stepping down and looking for the limb when you're
at zero GRATING. When you're off zero GRATING, of
course, the zero order detector won't work. So
we'll just give you the pad numbers and tell you
where to go on that one. Was that fairly clear now?
TAG Tape 343-05/T-279
Page 5 of 9/i_91

343 13 23 54 SPT Yes, that's clear. I understood what was happen-

ing as soon as it happened. But, unfortunately,
I wasn't looking ahead, and it was led into it.

343 13 24 13 MCC Yes. Well, the JOP Sum_nary Sheet.had some bad
problems there. And again today, on the four-limg
coalign which we finally put in, 82B has an extra
where they want to see what their LIMB OFFSET in-
dicates when the white light has you right on the
limb. So Just a reminder on that.

SPT Okay. I think it's pretty good. I think we ought

to come out plus or minus 1 or - or zero. In doing
the - all the work which we have on the limb, I've
always operated in that mode of going to the white
light limb and then going LIMB SCAN in order to
get the offset. And I've noticed I've usually
been pretty close, if not right on; so that - that
phase works out real well. I'm wondering how the
heck we ever got a bad BIAS? I believe it's prob-
ably in up/down; probably also in LEFT/RIGHT for
the XUV SLIT. The same BIAS which we started out
with initially, and I'm wondering whether that was
not determined properly. It's kind of hard to
figure out how that could happen though, because
you Just take four marks and four - four different
limbs and let the computer do the rest; you really
can't be too far off that way.

343 13 25 22 MCC Yes. We're not sure whether somehow a glitch

got in there or whether it's a drift between the
fine Sun sensor and the rest of the canister. But
it appears that 82B and H-ALPHA 1 are tracking
together, so that the pointing should be valid
no matter what we've done. When we point by the
nubmers, we may have been off in the UP/DOWN like
you say.

343 13 25 42 SPT Yes.

343 13 25 44 CC Let's see. We got about 2-1/2 minutes here. Had

one question. Let me ask you the question and
then let you either answer it or ask me questions -
whatever you want. One think, either Loday or day
after tomorrow, we'd like to sort of get a little
commentary from you on how you, Bill, and Jerry
operate when you're at the panel and a typical
sequence what you do there, how you fit in shopping
lists, if you do, and things of this nature. Okay.
Why don't you go ahead.
TAG Tape B43-O5/T-279
Page 6 of 9/i_92

SPT Okay. Let me clarify that one. You want that

on tape, or you want that tess time?

CC Well, either way. If we did it real time, we could

talk about it if we had any questions. If it's
easier for you, put it on tape and I'll get it.

SPT Okay. We'll try. it and give you as much as we

can on real time. Okay. The 82A DOOR talkback
is now white again. It was gray.

MCC Okay. We got that.

343 iS 26 40 SPT No, Bill, I haven't been able to - to look at the

pad for today very much with the pointing and
stability test coming up. I know we are going to
be working on spicules again, and l'm glad to see
that because I think we got a good tool on board
for doing that. But I think we'll have to put
off further discussion of most things until

MCC Okay, Ed. We'll probably - Let's make it day after

tomorrow. Tomorrow, Paul Patterson will be here in
my place to talk to you about use of 82B slit and
some - Really a discussion as to how they recommend
that you use that to really dissect the Sun in a
fine manner. I'll be here if you have any questions
for me, but Paul'll be doing most of the talking.

SPT Okay. In using the 82B slit at the limb, I have

tried - in most of the JOP, where we had pointing
right at the limb - to use a WHITE LIGHT DISPLAY
and get slit tangent to the limb there. So even
though it called for an UP/DOWN and zero, I knew
what we were after, and I think they got what they
were after on most of those JOPS.

3h3 13 27 46 MCC Okay. That sounds good. Let's see. We're 40 sec-
onds from LOS here, and it looks like Carnarvon is
next in 4h minutes, which would be at about ii past
the hour. And they've Just pointed out to me here
that in order to do step 8, you have to do step 7
also, which Just says you got to open all those
appropriate doors. Okay. See you tomorrow then.

3h3 13 28 07 SPT Okay. Thank you very much, Bill. So long.

TAG Tape 3h3-O5/T-279
P_e 7 of 9/1493

343 14 ii 40 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Carnarvon for

6 minutes. Over.

CDR Roger, Bruce.

CC 0kay. Good morning. And for your information,

we are still in the process of running the
ground-commanded malfunction procedure on the S082A
door, and we're getting an in-transit indication.
We'll keep you posted on the status. Don't worry.
about it right now and don't distrub the 82A
configurat ion.

3h3 lh 12 23 PLT Bruce, the PLT here. Got a couple of things in

the photo area.

CC Go ahead, Bill.

PLT Roger. I have a downloading instruction, mes-

sage 245h. It says, "Remove" - Okay. "Download B -
Bravo Echo 08 and load into Nikon 0h." But Nikon Oh
already has some film in it.

CC Okay. Let me check here. I think you'll be in-

structed to remove the IR film from Nikon Oh some-
time later in the day here. Hold on.

PLT Okay. The chronology is eating me up here. I

downloaded it. I noticed it said remove T025 can-
ister, but it would have been nice to have a
post-S063 ops notation in there. I've already
downloaded the film, and I've got to put it back
in there now.

343 lh 13 28 CC All right. Now we are working on a post-S063

mod, so that you'd leave the T025 canister attached
to the S063, to AMS adapter, except when we're going
to go to an S06B EA-2 configuration next. And if
you look at the - or if you ask the SPT to look at
the SPT photo pad, in his facial photos which occur
at about 18:00 Z, he's instructed to download IR09
from Nikon 4. And after 18:00, then you can load
BE08 into NK Oh. Over.

3h3 lh lh 09 PLT Yes. That -that sounds great, Bruce. It would

have been nice if I'd had it on the pad that way.
TAG Tape 343-05/T-279
Page 8 of 9/1494

CC Roger. We copy. And I guess there's no time

specified on your film change pad.

PLT That's affirm. I - I should have used _v head

there and went ahead and downloaded 02. I'ii
put it back in and get the ... S063 ops with it.

CC Stand by. Let me check on that before you go

ahead and reverse it.

3h3 lh 16 14 CC PLT, Houston. Okay. Here's the sequence we want

to go through, if you're listening. Over. PLT,
this is Houston. Over.

PLT Roger. was away from the VOX. Go ahead, Bruce.

343 14 16 34 CC Okay. Downloading of NK 02 right now is good.

Ed will need NK 04 with the IR film still in it
for facial photos. Then you need to load BE08
into NK 04 to do S063. NK 02, which you just
emptied out, gets loaded as it says on the pad
with BVhh, and that gets used for S073 at around
01:00 by you. Over.

SPT Let me take a look at _v Flight Plan here for just

a minute.

343 14 17 18 CC Okay. And we got 30 seconds to LOS. Next station

contact in only 9 minutes through Guam at ih:26.

343 lh 26 23 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Guam for a little

over 4 minutes. Out.

SPT Houston, would you confirm that befor_ step 18,

you want a maneuver time of zero set in?

CC That's affirmative, Ed. We do.

PLT Houston, Skylab; PLT.

CC Roger. Go ahead, PLT.

PLT Roger, Bruce. So that you'll know I got it right,

the way l'm reading it now is I'll go ahead and
load Nikon 02 with BV. It's Bravo Victor 44 for
stand by for S073 later on today. I will wait
TAG Tape 343-05/T-279
Page 9 of 9/1495

until after the facial photos, M092. I'll take

Nikon 04, download IR09, and stow_ and load it
with Bravo Echo 08 for the S063.

343 14 27 26 CC Roger. That's correct. And I expect we'll have

a change to your S063 comet operations pad we're
working on here because right now it shows NK -

PLT Yes, I'll go ahead and use Nikon 04 for that.

CC Right.

PLT Okay. Thank you very much.

343 14 27 56 CC SPT, this is Houston. We'd like you to turn OFF

the PRIMARY ACQ SUN SENSOR, per Step 16, before
you goSl.

CC SPT, Houston. You copy about the PRIMARY ACQ


SPT Yes.

343 14 29 h2 CC Skylab, this is Houston. i minute until LOS.

_ Next station contact in 18-1/2 minutes through
Goldstone at 1h:48. Out.

TAG Tape 343-06/T-280
Time: 343:14:30 to 343:16:00
Page 1 of 5/1497


343 14 48 30 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Goldstone, Corpus

Christi, and Merritt Island for 15-1/2 minutes
with the data/voice tape recorder dump at Corpus
Christi. And how goes the pointing/stability
test? Over.

SPT Looking good so far, Bruce. We got Mercury a

little bit early, maybe around 2 minutes early
and it's at - on X of plus 1 and Y of minus 120,
right at 6 o'clock.

CC Okay. Mighty fine, Ed; great.

CC Do you have any subjective commentary on the sta-

bility? Over, Ed.

SPT Just a minute, Bruce. We'll be right with you.

CC We're Just backseat driving down here. Take your


343 14 50 5h SPT Okay, Bruce, the stability looks fairly reasonable.

The OUTER GIMBAL of star 2 when we locked on was
minus 115; that's what it is now. And the outer
INNER GIMBAL of 2 is 2125, and that's what it is
now, also. The only thing I've noticed is that
Mercury has shifted to zero on the X-axis, but it
remains at minus 120 in Y.

CC Roger. We copy.

SPT Our first maneuver will be to minus I00 in X and

plus i00 in Y.

CC Roger. We copy.

SPT The second maneuver will bring us back onto the

Y-axis with an X of zero, and then we'll make
strictly a maneuver down the Y-axis to get back
to the original position.

CC Okay.
TAG Tape 343-06/T-280
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343 14 52 26 CC Okay. We are now receiving you in real time

television here through the courtesy of Corpus
Christi. We can see Mercury on our screen.
Actually, it looks like it's over on the left-hand
side, or is it? Yes.

SPT That's the burned-out spot in the vidicon, Bruce.

Mercury's down at 6 o'clock - -

CC Okay. Right. We got it now.

SPT ... 8 radii out.

CC Yes, we got it now. And the ATOM was Just telling

me the same thing. I hadn't seen your burned-in
spot previously.

343 14 55 58 SPT Bruce, at 14:53 the star tracker remained at the

original gimbal angles, and right now we're still
looking at a X of zero and Y of minus 120. It
appears to be holding stable, and I think we can
read the display to around 0.1 degree. We're
using the XUV monitor overlay in order to get a
little finer resolution on the grid. It turns
that - reads - breaks our grid up into a factor of
four, or one-quarter finer than what we have right
now. And we can interpolate between those two
spaces; so it looks like about 0.1 of a degree is
what we can read it to, and _hat's holding.

343 14 56 40 CC Roger. Thank you.

343 15 02 09 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact through the Vanguard a - in ll min-
utes, probably, at 15:12. We are having some
trouble with the circuits to the Vanguard. If we
don't get you there, it'll be Tananarive in 38 min-
utes at 15:41. We've observed the first maneuver
repositioning Mercury, and it looked pretty good
to us. Did it come out where you - where you wanted
it to, Ed? Over.

SPT Bruce, it looks like we missed it by l0 in both

directions in octal.

343 15 02 56 CC Okay; we copy.

343 15 13 O0 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

l0 minutes. Over.
TAG Tape 343-06/T-280
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PLT Go, Bruce.

SPT Hello, Bruce.

CC Roger. We're Just with you here through the


SPT Okay, Bruce, real quick. The desired position in

the first was - in X and Y, respectively, were
minus 100 and plus 100. We attained minus 70 and
plus ll3. Those positions held constant for 6 min-
utes. We then went to a desired position of zero
and plus ll3. We attained plus 006 and plus ll0.
We are now trying to get back to the original pos-
ition Of plus 000 and minus 120. We'll let you
know how that comes out.

CC Okay, in going to the second desired position,

which was zero and plus ll3, did you determine
your maneuver commands base& on the actually at-
tained first position of minus 70? Over.

SPT That's affirmative,Bruce. We took the attained

position and moved that right down into the present
position in the following block, and we've done
that for both maneuvers.

CC Okay. Thank you.

343 15 18 42 CC Skylab, this is Houston. Can you tell us whether

any of your normal movements or your movements
around inside the vehicle have caused any notice-
able jitter or perturbation of the image of Mercury
on the scope? Over.

SPT Bruce, we have not tried that as per a request

before. We've tried to be pretty quiet and have
not noticed any movement of Mercury except maybe
a drift of 0.005 or so; occasionally, we'll change
our reading by 0.1 if it's Just on the boundary.

CC Roger. We're aware our request to you. We Just

thought that you might have noticed something
along those lines.
TAG Tape 343-06/T-280
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SPT No, we have not Bruce. And our maneuver time

going back, or our time to maneuver back, is at
h5. Is that affirm?

CC That is correct, Ed.

SPT Okay, would you like us to perform some more

pointing then - then? Apparently we got some non-
linearlties in here in addition to the scale on the
overlaying not representing the same as the spatial
scale we're looking at in the tube, and apparently
it's going to take a little sorting out. And I
wondered whether you need some additional info.

CC Understand you're saying that you don't think that

the overlay is properly con - scaled for the tube?

SPT Well, we're coming up with some fairly different

values. Like this last one we attained was minus
017 and minus 124. We were shooting for 000 and
minus 120; so we were off 17 in octal in X - and
that's fairly sizeable - and off 4 in Y.

CC Okay, would you compare the size of the clear

circle in the center of the comet overlay with the
size of the occulting disk on the WLC image that
you're using, please?

3h3 15 20 56 SPT Okay, we can do that when we get in sunlight, Bruce.

We can't see the occulting disk right now. When
we did line it up on the center initially, it
looked as though we were pretty close to being
right on center. But the occulting disk image is
not a very sharp one at the edge; so it's going
to be very difficult to get that number you asked
for. However, the occulting disk does appear slight-
ly elliptical and not circular, which is what this
display showed.

SPT I'm sorry. The overlay shows it to be circular.

The WLC TV shows it to be elliptical.

CC Okay, Ed. We got a minute and a half to LOS here.

In the time remaining, until your maneuver con_nence
time of 15:45, you're cleared to go ahead and drive
the planet Mercury around to any position within
the field of view of the overlay at your option.
You're also clear to conduct crew movements to see
TAG Tape 343-06/T-280
Page 5 of _1501

if you can determine any effect on the stability

of the system. And my question on the overlay
was addressed to the possibility that we had some
sort of change in the size of the image in the
electronic reproduction system on the cathode-ray
tube, Just to see if that was a possible causative
factor here. And we'll be talking to you next in
18 minutes through Tananarive at 15:41. Over.

SPT Okay. Thank you, Bruce. We'll go ahead and try

a few more maneuvers and see if we can't figure
out what some of the correlations would be.

CC Okay, and please record on tape all the maneuvers

you do and the positions and stuff like that.
And- -

8PT We're writing it all down, and we'll put it on


343 15 22 52 CC Hight. Mercury sets at 15:40; that's in about

17 minutes.

343 15 41 14 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Tananarive for

3 minutes. Out.

343 15 43 21 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 45 minutes through Goldstone.

CC And that's Goldstone at 16:28. Copy? Over.

343 15 43 46 SPT We got it. Thank you, Bruce.

TAG Tape 343-07/T-281
Time: 343:16:00 to 343:17:30
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343 16 28 41 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Goldstone for

4-1/2 minutes. Out.

343 16 29 37 CC PLT, this is Houston. Over.


CC Roger. When you get down to the S082 operations

in your schedule pad, go ahead and do them per pad.
You will not get a READY light, but take the ex-
posure anyway. And we'll work on the situation
some more during the next night pass by ground
commszld. Over.

PLT Okay. Now that's 82 Alfa you're referring to?

CC That's affirmative.

PLT Thank you.

f CC Skylab, this is Houston. 45 seconds to LOS.

343 16 32 21 CC Next station contact in 17 minutes through the

Vanguard at sea at 16:49. Out.

343 16 49 52 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard for

10-1/2 minutes. Out.

343 16 59 35 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 14-1/2 minutes through Tananarive
at 17:14. Subsequent station is Hawaii in 59 min-
utes at 17:59 with a data/voice tape recorder
dump. And for the PLT: It should be about sun-
set when you come over there, and we'd like to
talk with you for a moment on the S063 Nikon film
configuration situation. If you have that message
2454 in your details and the Flight Plan handy,
why we can go ahead and talk through it. Over.

CDR I'm pretty sure he heard you, Bruce. He's just

busy at the ATM.

343 17 O0 49 CC Roger. Thank you, Jer.

TAG Tape 343-07/T-281
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343 17 15 47 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Tananarive. For

the PLT, when he has a minute. We've got a
8-minute pass here; so we can wait a little bit.

343 17 18 57 CC Skylab, this is Houston. Is the PLT available?

CC Skylab, this is Houston. Is the PLT available?

PLT Go, Houston.

CC Okay, Bill, let me just talk to you briefly through

the way that we - we had the pad set up here. And
I guess at the outset, this little general message
f_]m change is not to be confused with the film
thread pad, which you've been accustomed to doing
at your option early in the morning to get it out
of the way for the day. In looking at our pro-
cedures, we feel that we should have put a time
on this film change pad to'let you know when it
was to be done. However, if you look down your -
your detail, at 22:56 is the time in the day when
it really should have been accomplished. That's
also referenced by DET 22:56 in the right-hand
column of your - your Flight Plan for today. To
getit- -

PLT Roger. I've seen both of them now.

343 17 20 53 CC It was an unfortunate way that we - we arranged

things here because it's been - it's taken us
several hours to sort things out down here on the
ground, too. But to get you back into the - the
right configuration with a minimum amOunt of
perturbation to the checklist and things of this
sort, we would like you to go ahead and reload
BE08 into NK 02, using the same frame count as
when you unloaded it, and to go ahead and proceed
as things are laid out in the Flight Plan and the
details and the film change message, with our
apologies. Over.

PLT No problem. BE08 into Nikon 02, and I would pro-

ceed as I would have normally if I hadn't have
done the download.
TAG Tape 343-07/T-281
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343 17 21 45 CC Yes, you guys were Just getting ahead of us here.

And in the future on - if we have a film change
message like that, we'll put on it the time that
it's to be accomplished so that we don't get into
this box again. And with reference again to that
entry in your details where it says "S063, CST-2"
and "S073, PR-2," the only things that you need to
do associated with CST-2 and S073 PR-2 are those,
oh, about half dozen items associated with the
Nikon reconfiguration on the thing, including
the film loading and maybe going from the manual
cable release to the electric cable as referenced
in there. Pretty much your optional. I'm informed
that you can actually go either way on that cable
release. Over.

PLT Okay, Bruce. Thank you very much.

CC So just leave the whole assembly there in the SAL

and don't take the eight bolts out and all this
sort of thing.

PLT Yes, I'd already decided I wan't going to do that

_ anymore. We'll wear that stuff out.

CC Right.

CC And we got a minute and a half to LOS here. Next

station contact in 36 minutes through Hawaii at
17:59 with a data/voice tape recorder dump. See
you there.

343 17 23 20 PLT Thank you, Bruce.

TAG Tape 343-08/T-282
Time: 343:17:30 to 343:19:00
Page 1 of 1/1507


343 17 58 48 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for

7-1/2 minutes with a data/voice tape recorder
dump. Out.

343 18 05 50 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS.

343 18 05 52 CC Next station contact in 22 minutes through the

Vanguard at 18:28. Out.

343 18 28 04 CC Skylab, this is Houston through the Vanguard

for 9-1/2 minutes. Out.

343 18 37 25 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 30 seconds to LOS.

343 18 37 28 CC Next station contact in 16 minutes through

Tananarive at 18:53. Out.

343 18 54 46 CC Skylah, this is Houston through Tananarive for

2-1/2 minutes. Over.

PLT Roger.

CC Okay, Bill. And if you could pass on to CDR and

SPT, over Hawaii at about 19:35, which is next
site, we think y'all should be pretty free, and
we'd like to take a couple of minutes to discuss
the APCS situation resulting from - or during
yesterday's EREP pass. Over.

PLT Roger. I think they copied that.

CC Okeydoke.

CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS.

343 18 56 34 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 38-1/2 minutes through Hawaii
at 20 - oop - through Hawaii at 19:35. Out

TAG Tape 363-09/T-283
Time: 3_3:19:00 to 3_3:20:30
J-- Page 1 of 8/1509


3h3 19 3h 57 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for

9-1/2 minutes. We'll be dumping the data/voice
tape recorder at Vanguard. And if we've got our
quornm_, we can talk about EREP lh APCS system
from yesterday. Over.

CDR Go ahead, Bruce.

CC Okay. A couple of points that we need to discuss

here since, as you probably gathered , things
didn't go exactly nominally with respect to the -
the Z-LV maneuver itself. Actually, you - you
got into Z-LV at noon, went on around through
the night pass in great shape, and the anomaly
or the off-nominal situation arose when you were
doing the final fine EREP maneuver to take the
X - principal axis out of the orbital plane and
set you up for the - the EREP sensor attitude
with the - essentially the X-axis in orbital
plane. As we've been able to piece it together,
while you were flying along there, you were mon-
itoring attitude error on the DAS, this being
control attitude error with the 52003, 52002 entry.

3h3 19 36 18 CC And this was reading zero, as it should be, as

you were tracking along in Z-LV. Now there's
a distinction that needs to be made here. And
that is that this one is the difference between
your position and the Z-LV attitude and the at-
titude error that is called out in the maneuver
monitor cue card that is attitude error for TACS
control law and is the one that we need to mon-
itor during maneuvers. So we went along and
ENTERED the X-, Y-, and Z-axes offset. And in
passing here, we noted in the Y-axis a 51622 was
ENTERED when it should have been 51662, which
was about 0.32 of a degree too positive, which is no
big deal. We could have tolerated that easily
during the maneuver. However, when you went
ahead and ENTERED these offsets, since you were
looking at the attitude error, it _,.-,ediately
Jumped up to about a 15 or so degree attitude
error in the Y-axis, which was probably a sur-
prise to you and may have erroneously confirmed
a suspicion that you'd ENTERED the wrong value
p_ in the DAS.
TAG Tape 343-09/T-283
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343 19 37 43 CC Now the error that we've referenced in the maneu-

ver monitor cue card for TACS control law is the
present vehicle error from what you could call
a floating or a running attitude; that is, the
one that - the one that you'd be following along
as you get to attitude and like the DAP following
error in the CSM autopilot. The one that you
had selected, via the 52003 and 5 thou - 50,000,
or 50,002 1 guess it was, immediately Jumped to
this 15.2 because that was your current error
from the attitude which you should have been
in 5 minutes in the future, which was the ma-
neuver time that was allocated.

MCC Like the CSM total attitude error.

CC And it's like the CSM total attitude error. So

we think that this point may have bothered you
and erroneously led you to believe that you'd
ENTERED a really bad maneuver when you really
hadn't. And - -

3_3 19 38 52 SPT Yes, that's right, Bruce. That's a good point.

It hadn't even occurred to me until now, and I'm
glad you clarified that because that's exactly
what went through my mind.

CC And just for the record, in getting ready to

talk to you all on this, I went through the ATM
Systems Checklist and Data Book. And it took
me quite a bit of rooting around in there to
find the attitude error for control law for
signal memory locations. So I guess the message
here is to use the monitor - monitor cue card
because it's got it all right there in concise
form. Anyway, you went from there, and you
started looking at the rates, which were smaller
than predicted and further reinforced your belief
that maybe something was wrong. And in this
connection, on our telemetry we show that the
sign of the X-rate was opposite to what we'd
given you on the pad and - -

SPT That 's right.

3h3 19 39 h7 CC We're a little - A little bit of egg on our face

in this situation because when this pad was sent
up, we'd not gotten all three simulator runs
TAG Tape 343-09/T-283
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completed as in the past we've been doing, to

make sure that we've got a complete vote in.
And we'll do this in the future - Pardon me? -
to get a consistent set of rates. There's a
slight possibility that the small error in Y-offset
could have influenced us ; so we think it was
probably all our fault on the times sign. How-
ever, another point to be made here is that on
the monitor, you should be monitoring for not
necessarily the wrong signs but a tendency to
reverse sign. And use that as your cue instead.
Okay. Anyway, you proceeded along - go ahead.

SPT Bruce - Okay, buddy, in that particular situation

where you feel you have made a wrong entry when
you get the opposite sign on a rate, that Just
really confirms it, and that's what led me down
the garden path, I'm afraid.

343 19 40 55 CC Roger. We concur with that. There's a - There's

no quibble there, and as I say, we're in - we
got egg on our face for that. And we'll work a
little harder on making sure that we got all the
rates up to you right. Anyway, at this point you
apparently cycled the MODE switch to SI, and
owing to the fact that you were sort of on the
back side, this started a maneuver back to SI
which is about a ll0-degree eigen maneuver. With
a maneuver time loaded in of 5 minutes, this
brought the - this called for rate limiting and
brought the insufficient-maneuver-time alert
up, which was a 0.3-degree-per-second limit, and
it started firing at eight mibs per second. The -
the proper action, according to the maneuver mon-
itor cue card, which is the one that we endorse,
would have been to go into STANDBY and then re-
select Z-LV, which would have not put you through
the cycle back, or attempt to get back to SI.
You then cycled the MODE switch to Z-LV, which
damped out the rates to SI, and commenced a
5-minute maneuver back to true Z-LV with no off-
sets. The run was actually completed with no
offsets then from true Z-LV.

343 19 42 18 CC You were quite correct in not reentering the set

of offsets we had given you since they were
deltas from the momentum conservation, if you
TAG Tape 3h3-09/T-283
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will, Z-LV position and were on the order of

about 4 or 4-1/2 degrees. And had they been
reentered again, they would have put us about
h degrees out of error because, you see, when you
went back to Z-LV, it knocked out all the offsets,
even the ones that had been put in at noon the -
or orbital noon the previous day. And reselection
of a mode here zeros out all the biases that are
loaded. And, in fact, to zero out the bias, all
you really had to do in Z-LV was push the switch
from its center position back into Z-LV again
without even really changing the mode to anything
other than Z-LV for anything more than a micro-
second or something like that, if, in fact, it
does that. But it would have zeroed out the -
the biases for you there.

343 19 43 17 SPT Yes. Bruce, that was my intent, and it was Just
an error in hitting the switch in the wrong
direction. I did notice from what we had in the
Y, from the maneuvers, that they were - almost
canceled one out - one another out. That's
the fine maneuver to the Z-LV offset, as opposed
to Z-LV; so I was pretty much assured that we
were okay in just going into the Z-LV attitude.
But the error came in hitting the switch in the
wrong direction.

343 19 h3 h4 CC Right. Okay. The data take was good. In fact,

the error between what we had targeted it for and
the true Z-LV you wound up in was only 0.17 - that's
17 one hundredths of a degree - and the largest
axis was probably less than 0.2 rms; so there's
no complaint from EREP people on that one. And
we understand what you had to say on the MODE
switch there. Just like to - to - s11mmarize a
couple of quick points. We got about 30 seconds
to LOS. Vanguard in 22 minutes. We sure would
like to encourage you guys to stick by that mon-
itoring cue card explicitly, because we've had
a lot of people down here working it over and
it's - that's - our current best guess. Also,
the DAS entry should be verified, if at all
possible, before entry. And the data, as we
mentioned it, did come out good; so there's no
sweat there. And we're Just looking to try and
make sure that we all understand as much as we
can about the control system here in the future.
TAG Tape 343-09/T-283
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343 19 44 50 SPT Okay, I'm with you there, Bruce. We always do

use the monitor cue card. And the reason for
monitoring the attitude error, which I usually
do sometimes when I punch in a maneuver, is Just
to make sure that I get the right order-of-magnitude
errors that - which I have punched in. It's
Just to me another check that I have put in
approximately the right values. From there on,
I go on over and switch to rate. And as you
pointed out at the beginning, there is a difference
between the actual attitude that you're at at
that time or the null biases you put in and Z-LVs
5 minutes down the road. And that's what I didn't

343 19 45 24 CC Roger. We copy. I think that was the heart

of the matter. I think we're going down in
the mud here.

343 19 45 28 CC We'll see you all over Vanguard.

343 20 06 43 CC Skylab, this is Houston coming to you through

Vanguard for 9-1/2 minutes with a data/voice
tape recorder dump. And we got a request for
the CDR. At his convenience today, we'd like
him to give us a readout on the M509 PSS bottles -
that is, the pressure on the three of them. And
we can get that at the evening status report -
it'd probably be convenient - or whenever it's
convenient with you. And if the PLT is listening,
we have an item for him.

SPT He's listening, Bruce. Go ahead.

343 20 07 19 CC Okay, I'm speaking to you, Bill, today as a

representative of the Amalgamated Association
of Orbital Plumbers. And I have sitting here
on the console today a very symbolic award,
commonly known as a plumber's friend or a plunger.
The citation that goes with it reads: "Award:
This universal plumber's tool was awarded by the
EGILs to the crew, in particular the PLT of SL-4,
for the outstanding plumbing work in reservicing
the airlock module primary coolant loop." And
it's signed as being presented from the Birds.
And just to show you that we're for real, we have
a Polaroid picture down here of Charlie Dumas
TAG Tape 343-09/T-283
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making the presentation yesterday afternoon to

Dick Truly. And we'll have the real thing for
you all when you get back. And, of course, three
awards gives you permanent possession of the
plumber's friend. Over (laughter).

343 20 08 24 PLT Roger. One, going on three.

CC All right. Seriously, it's just a little belated

recognition of your mighty fine Job there getting
the bird back in operating shape.

PLT Well, that's very kind, and it Just goes to show

we already knew we were a bunch of plumbers.

CDR Houston, CDR.

CC Go ahead, CDR.

CDR Hey, I - Before starting on these DAC malfunctions

on transporter 07 and 03, I tried them out on
the threading DAC that we have on the film vault,
and they both worked perfectly at all speeds with
no problem; so I think DAC _ is our problem.
I'm going to try to troubleshootthat. -

343 20 09 30 CC Okay, Jerry. That sounds good to us. Press on

with it.

PLT And, Bruce, I'm going to give a - a complete

report on tape in about 3 hours regarding the
configuration of a Nikon so that the fi]m people
will be sort of satisfied in their own mind
they know what's going on and we'll be on even
terms with each other again.

CC That sounds like a winner, Bill. Thank you.

CC And also, Just pass to the CDR here as a reminder.

We've got him set up for his phone call next
Vanguard pass at 21:44, which is about an hour
and a half from now.

CDR Okay, Bruce. Thank you.

343 20 l0 41 CC That should be, oh, l0 or 15 minutes after you

get out of the S063K maneuver thing.
TAG Tape 343-09/T-283
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CDR Roger.

SPT Houston, SPT.

CC Go ahead, SPT.

343 20 ll 38 SPT Looks like we managed to get our Polaroid camera

back in working condition. Apparently, there was
some small - either piece of paper or something
else which became Jsmmed in the slot to which
the film comes out. I was able to take the piece
of cardboadr which is on top of one of the film
packs and - and cut the back so it was flush
again. And then reinstalled the film pack. And
the arm grabbed it this time, and it Just popped
out - a very small white article which disappeared
and I have not found yet. But it's been working
fine ever since.

343 20 12 15 CC Okay, that's good news to us. But you've dis-

appointed the guys that made up the 6-page mal-
function procedure we were getting ready to ship
up. However, we'll hold that in abeyance in case it
goes on the blink again.

SPT Better send it up. Sounds like I need some time

to study it.

CC We're trying to save on teleprinter paper.

343 20 12 56 SPT And, Bruce, I was Just able to get a XUV photo
of the Sun, and we got a bright spot which showed
up pretty much in one day's time here. It's
probably the brightest bright spot we have on
the disk, and it's up there by the north pole at
about 020.9 radius.

CC Okay; we copy that. And if you see any increased

activity around the North Pole here on Earth,
let us know. Okay?

CDR It's picking up slowly.

CREW ... a memory.

CC Mighty fine.

CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS.

TAG Tape 343-091T-283
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343 20 15 15 CC Nest station contact in 8 minutes through Ascension

at 20:23. Out.

343 20 22 43 CC Skylab, this is Houston; with you through Ascension

for 4 minutes. Out.

343 20 25 56 CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 1 hour and 18 minutes through
the Vanguard at 21:44 Zulu. CDR, private comm.
See you there.

CC And for your information - since we won't be

talking to the CDR over Vanguard next pass there -
the subsequent, Ascension, i.e., an hour and
30 minutes from now, at 21:57, we're going to
be reinitiating the S082A door troubleshooting
malfunction all by ground command, but Just to
let you know what we 're doing. Out.

CDR Roger, Bruce.

CC And it's in the dark; so there will be no impact.

But we're Just keeping you advised.

34320 26 54 CDR Okay. Thankyou.

TAG Tape 343-I0/T-284
Time: 343:20:30 to 343:22:00
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3h3 21 h3 50 CDR Hello, Houston COMM TECH. This is Skylab; loud

and clear.

CC Okay, Skylab, this is not Houston COMM TECH. I

think you're still on S-BAND. Over. Jerry, and
it's VHF ANTENNA, RIGHT to LEFT. Over. And,
Skylab, this is Houston with you through Vanguard
for 10-1/2 minutes. And for the SPT or the PLT,
I've got an update to your permanent general
message on overage foods, if you've got a pencil
and paper handy.

SPT Can you get me on the nightside, Bruce?

CC Sure thing. It's not urgent at all.

343 21 4h 49 SPT Thank you.

343 21 53 06 CC Skylab, this is Houston; 2 minutes to LOS. Next

station contact in 4 minutes through Ascension
at 21:57. And for your information, this is the
station, Ascension, at which we'll be conducting
the SO 82A door malfunction ops by ground cow,hand.

343 21 53 50 SPT Roger, Bruce.

343 21 57 50 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Ascension for

i0 minutes. We'll have a data/voice tape recorder
dump over Guam. Out.

CDR Hello, Bruce.

CC Hello, Jar.

CDR Hey, Bruce, give my wife a call - would you? -

when you get a free moment and tell her - She
asked me a question I didn't have time to answer,
and that is that there's a Jar or can of parts
for that car top of mine somewhere in the garage.

CC Okay, I'll do that. And from talking to the con -

COMM TECH, - he was under the impression that you
terminated the conversation - they said they had
about 2 minutes left of station coverage there.
TAG Tape 343-I0/T-284
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CDR No, it Just fell out. And I tried the other

antenna, and it didn't work.

343 21 58 32 CC Okay, a Jar of car parts - car top parts in the


CDR Yes. That's - Lot of places to look, but that's

about the best I can do.

CC If it's anything like my garage, that's not very

specific. (Laughter]

CDR That's right. By the way, the commwas beautiful

this time; absolutely perfect.

CC Okay. Thank you.

CDR My compliments to the Vanguard.

CC Roger. We'll pass it on to them. And when you

have a second, we've got an update to the overage
food list. The update is entitled "orange drink."

CDR Go ahead.

CC Knew that would get your attention. Okay -

CDR He's salivating all over the squawk box.

343 21 59 36 CC What it boils down to is that reinventory shows

that there are two orange drinks and one cream
peas available. These should be listed in the
section 4 of your overage food permanent general
message number 7. That is items that may be -
that are not used in scheduled menus and that may
be used in moderation.

TAG Tape 343-i1/T-285
Time: 343:22:00 to 343:23:30
/_- Page 1 of 4/1519


343 22 00 04 CC But anyway - -

CDR That's right.

CC - - anyway, it's item 60 - 60, orange drink,

quantity two, and item 56 - 56, creempeas, quan-
tity one.

CDR Roger. I'm sure the orange drink will be used.

CC (Chuckle) Roger.

CDR Bruce, M509 PSS number 2, 2400; number 3 is 2300;

number 4 is 2200.

343 22 00 41 CC Okay. We copy that, Jerry. Thank you.

343 22 07 ll CC Skylab, this is Houston; 1 minute to LOS. Next

station contact in 34 minutes through Guam at 22:h2
with a data/voice tape recorder dump. And we have
F been successful in getting the S082A door open.
We're going back to one motor - that is, the
primary-motor-only operation, and we'll keep our
fingers crossed here. Over.

PLT Okay, Bruce, I'd appreciate it, whenever you can

get a chance, to tell me what you did in order to
get the motor - the door open and why you're going
to one motor.

CC Okay, we're going to one motor so that in case it

hangs up again in the future, it will be a - a
one-motor hangup. And we hope that we can get it
unhung by using two motors. And I'm sure there
will be a complete description prepared here in a
station pass or two. We're Just going over the
hill, and we waited until this long to tell you
about it because we were Just successful.

PLT Very good. Thank you, Bruce.

3h3 22 08 l0 CC Roger. Out.

343 22 4i 52 CC Skylab, Houston. Hello from the purple gang at

Guam for 9 - 9-1/2 minutes. And we're dumping the
data/voice recorder.
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SPT Hello, purple people.

CC Hello there. How're you guys doing today?

SPT Oh, pretty good. We're slogging along, and

things are looking up. Tell old Phil he certainly
was right about a crew moving around the vehicle.
We did a stability test this morning and were
watching Mercury in the white light coronagraph
TV display and had Bill and Jer do a few motions,
and it sure shows up. Around 4/100 of a degree
or so will show up quite easily.

CC He says Just think what it would have been like

if he'd been up there moving around.

SPT Dick, I'm not going to touch that one.

PLT I wish you wouldn't talk like that, Dick. You're

going to scare our other CMG.

343 22 43 08 CC (Laughter) Well, I'm trying to sit here with my

broken arm talking to you now.

SPT What'd

CC He Just broke it when I said that.

CDR I don't believe that, Dick. He's a gentle man.

CC And, Skylab, Houston for the PLT. On your details

pad, Bill, coming up here in Just a few minutes
at 22: 56, we got a - a film change onS063. And
we have a question about that reticle so that we
can prepare good - pad for you tomorrow. What
we want to know is - is - Does Nikon 04 have a
reticle with cross hairs in it, or does it have
one of the reticles with the rings - concentric
rings in it? When you look at that camera, would
you take a look at the reticle and let us know
which way? And that'll affect how we write the
pad tomorrow.

CDR Okay; says he will.

CC Okay. Thank you.

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343 22 44 21 CDR Right now he's taking a stroll on Thornton's


CC Roger.

343 22 h9 2_1 CC SPT, Houston.

SPT Go ahead.

CC Hey, Ed, if you have a chance, we'd like to get

some Z-axls drift data. There's going to be a
star available per the star tracker pad about
B1 minutes remaining, coming up. And if you h_ve
a chance after that, we wonder if you would acquire
the star with the star tracker and then leave it
acquired until the star goes down below the hori-
zon or sets and then Just make sure that the
shutter's closed. And we can look at the data
and get some information from it.

SPT Okay, you'd like to look at Canopus from 31 minutes

day remaining to around 6 of night remaining.

CC That's affirm, Ed. Thank you much.

343 22 50 36 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 45 seconds from LOS.

Vanguard comes up at 23:?_1.

3_3 23 21 i_ CC Skylab, Houston. Vanguard for ii minutes.

CREW ...

CC Skylab, Houston. Go ahead.

CDR Dick, this is CDR. We're doing our caution and

warning check, and we're not getting the Klaxon.
We're looking at it now to see if we can figure out
what the problem is.

CC Okay, Jet. Thanks for letting us know, and let

us know if you get it psyched out.

343 23 25 23 CDR It's working fine now, Dick. It was a little

procedural problem.

CC Okay, CDR. Thank you, sir.

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3h3 23 28 50 CC SPT, Houston. Just a reminder. We're about

2 minutes frem sunset. You might want to go
ahead and go to power down for unattended ops
and get pointed at active region 96 for us.

SPT Okay, Dick.

CC Skylab, Houston for CDR. We were trying to figure

out here, by looking _t the procedure, what kind
of a procedural error might make that Klaxon
unavailable to us. If you know what it is, when
you get a chance - there's no big hurry - you
might let us know.

3_3 23 29 50 CC And also, for Ed, we assume you Just didn't attempt
the star tracker thing. Over.

TAG Tape 343-12/T-286
Time: 343:23:30 to 343:01:00
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343 23 30 02 SPT That's right, Dick. I got absorbed in four-limb-

ing coaligning here, and that Just slipped by me.
I'ii try to get it the next orbit.

343 23 30 i0 CC No. Why don't you wait and let us ask you for it
it again, Ed. And there's no problem; we can
catch you later. Nothing lost.

PLT And the procedural error, Dick, was that I inhibited

both - both systems - both delta-P systems. I -
It said number 2, and I - I interpreted it to be
both; so I - that's why we didn't get the - the

343 23 30 36 CC Okay, no problem. Thank you for letting us know.

We're about a minute from LOS. I'll give you a
call Just 8 minutes from now at Ascension.

SPT Dick, we've got a white talkback on the 82A door.

_ It wasn't open this pass, and we have not used it.

CC Okay, Ed. Thank you for letting us know. I had

a note here, when you got a chance, to tell you
what we did in the way of troubleshooting. I'll
catch that later when you have time to listen.
343 23 31 36 SPT Okay.

343 23 38 49 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS Ascension for 2-1/2 minutes.

CDR On that little wall where the astro pins are.

SPT It's sure getting noisy up here.

CC What 's all that?

CDR We've got all kind of sirens and klaxons going

off. These guys are doing a little testing.

CC Roger that. Well, don't bail out.

343 23 39 58 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about a minute from LOS

Ascension. We're going to drop out Just shortly,
and I'll give you a call when we get locked up at
TAG Tape 343-12/T-286
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Canary and Madrid for a long pass. I do have -

When you get through with that HK28E, I've got two
or three things I'd like to discuss with - with

343 23 42 33 CC Hello, Skylab; Houston. We're AOS Canary Islands

and Madrid for the next 13 minutes.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS Canary Islands and

Madrid for the next 13 minutes. Out.

343 23 49 36 CDR Houston, Skylab. Our caution and warning check's

compl et e.

CC Okay, Jerry. Thank you very much for letting me

know. I've got a couple of little notes here that
I wanted to talk to you about when you get a chance.
One is, I have a little description of the S082
door troubleshooting that we're in the process of
doing. And also, I wanted to ask you a question
about a flight planning item that's coming up in
a couple of days.

CDR Okay, how much more time we got?

CC We've still got 5 minutes on this pass. And in-

cidentally, Jerry, there's no hurry on these items.
We can catch you later if you guys are busy.

CDR I tell you what. Ed's recording now, and he'd

probably like to be in on this. Why don't we post-
pone it until he's available?

CC Okay; that's fine. There are a couple of items

why don't I get up here and pass on to you now
which he doesn't need to listen to. One is, first
chance any one of you guys gets, we'd like to get
a REG BUS ADJUST on 1 and 2. And what we request -
on panel 206 - And what we're requesting is a
20 degrees counterclockwise. The second note I'd
like to get up now is - is, in about a hour or so,
Bill is scheduled to do a S073 ops at about 00:45.
And in that cue card, it says to turn all the ward-
room lights out. And I don't know what they're
serving in the O. Club tonight, but it sure is going
to get messy if it's pitch black dark. So it turns
out that what we'd be - we'd settle for is for you
TAG Tape 343-12/T-286
Pa_e B of 6/1525

to Just to dim the lights as much as you're able

to. But be sure to close the wardroom curtain.

CDR Okay. We sure will, Dick. Thank you.

CC Yes, sir.

CDR And Bill's up at the STS now.

CC Okay.

PLT Okay, Dick. Both of them, 20 degrees


CC Thank you, Bill.

343 23 51 37 CDR And, Dick, it looks like Kohoutek is still behind

the ATM panel as best we can tell. We'll take
another look at the 233 period tonight.

_ CC Okay, Jer. I wonder if you have time - We still

have about 3 minutes left. Let me tell what our
_ little flight planning problem is, and you can -
you guys can think about it for a while and get
back with us.

CDR Okay ; go ahead.

CC Okay. Tomorrow's your day off, and the day after

is the one we're talking about. We presently have
a - a S201 Golf scheduled, and the time on that is
05:20 to 07:00 Zulu. And turns out that 07:00 Zulu
is like 1 o'clock in the morning here in Houston;
so it's going to be a real late night. What we're
planning to do at the moment on the Flight Plan
for the day is - first of _ll_ is to provide a
full 4 hours of eat and presleep time prior to the
201G operations and also let you sleep in the
following morning to make up for it. Our question
is, Would you also like to get an hour's extra
sleep at the start of that day? Over. Why don't
you guys talk about that and get back with us with -
with what you want to do?

CDR Okay. So your proposal is to start the day after

tomorrow, start it 1 hour later, and we'll stay
up until 07:00, huh?
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343 23 53 07 CC Well, we need to stay up until 07:00 to get the

S201G, due to the constraints on getting that ex-
periment accomplished. So the following morning
after that, we defineely are going to let you sleep
in. The question to you is, Would you like an
hour's extra sleep at the start of that - that day,
day after tomorrow?

CDR Okay, thanks. Let us think about that.

CC All righty.

343 23 54 30 CC Sky!ab , Houston. We're about 30 seconds from LOS.

Guam comes up at 00:20, and we're going to dump
the data/voice recorder down there at Guam.

CDR By the way, Dick, I got a look at Kohoutek when

we did our S063 maneuver. I looked at it out of
window number 2. And there's getting to be so
much stray light up there now, it's getting harder
and harder to see. You don't see that much of the

343 23 54 57 CC Roger, CDR. Thank you for letting us know.

344 00 20 18 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS Guam for 7 minutes,

and we're dumping the data/voice recorder here at

PLT Roger, Dick.

344 O0 24 07 CC PLT, Houston. Sometime, don't forget to tell us

what kind of re - reticule that camera has in it
that we asked you about a while ago. And also
for you, we're experiencing some difficulty in
determining exactly the number of frames used
during the S019 ops. And so sometime this evening,
we'd appreciate it if you could look at the film
cassettes 002 and 003 and give us a frame count
on them.

PLT Okay.

CC Also, Bill, while you're close to the phone and

listening, let me pass this one up to you guys.
I'm trying to get the evening questions out of
the way early tonight so maybe we can have a quiet
evening. The folks that are listeningto the
TAG Tape 3h3-12/T-286
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transcripts on the dump tapes have said a couple

of times that there appears to be some sort of an
excessive background noise on Channel A that showed
up. And sometimes it obscures the speaker when
he's speaking softly. One possible thing that might
be causing this is that if any headset is connected
up to Channel A and that - its CCU selector switch
was on ICOM PTT, this could possibly cause the
problem. So you guys might check around and make
sure that's not it.

PLT Okay, Dick. And I'm looking through the camera

right now. And it has the conventional photomic
[sic]head that has the sort of cross hairs and
little circles in the middle.

3_h 00 25 _6 CC Roger. Under - understand it has the cross hairs

and then Just the one circle ri - in the center
of it. Is that correct?

PLT Negative. It has two circles, and it has a split

circle in right dead center.

CC Okay, Bill. Thank you very much.

PLT Actually, I guess there are three circles.

CC Roger. Understand. Three circles. Thank you.

3hh 00 26 36 CC Skylab, Houston. We're a minute from LOS. Honey-

suckle comes up 5 minutes from now.

PLT Roger, Dick. And we'll take that extra hour of

sleep that morning.

CC Okay; very good. We'll sure give it to you; you

deserve it. Also, next time somebody wanders up
towards panel 206 - no hurry - EGIL would like to
do another tweak on the REG BUS ADJUST. We'd like
REG BUS ADJUST 1.5 degrees counterclockwise and 2,
l0 degrees counterclockwise. No hurry.

CDR Okay. KEG l, 5 degrees_ REG 2, l0 degrees; both


CC Yes, sir. That's right. Thank you.


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TAG Tape 3h3-12/T-286

PLT The S019 magazine, or whatever It is - it's reading _._

45 plates or fr-mes, slides, and number 2 is read-
ing ... Did you say - Did you want D,--bet i? I
couldn't find a number i in that drawer.

CO Negative. Number 2 and nt_nber 3. And tmderstand

number 3 is reading 45 and number 2, 66. _

PLT Negative, number 2 is reading 00.

344 00 27 52 CC Okay. Thank you, Bill.

344 00 3h h9 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about a minute from LOS at

Honeysuckle. Next station contact is the Vanguard
at 01:02. And for your information- correction:
Next station contact is Canary Islands at 01:19.
And for your information, there's a messa6e in the
teleprinter that describes to you some of our
theories as to what's wrong with the CMGs. And
you might take a look at that and read it at your

SPT Thank you, Dick.

CC Roger. See you there. _-_


SPT Okay.

CC Skylab, Houston. One more thing as we go over the

hill: Dallas Cowboys, 27; Washington Redskins, 7.

PLT Hey, how about that.

34h 00 36 12 CC Roger.


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