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Di Buat Oleh :

- Abdul Rahman Halim - Dimas Fasihatin

- Alfi Rahmah Santika - Inge Nindiana Irawan
- Amalia Hajar D.E. - Muhimmatus Syarifah
- Anis Fitriyah - Veronika Prastiwi
- Annisah Maharinda - Tika Aprilia
- Muhammad Fiqhi Ibad - Muhammad Ainul Yaqin
- Muhammad Rizqi Alfian - Clarin Puspa
- Nanda Pradana - Devi Ratna Safitri
- Muhammad Fatkhul Arifian - Asri Lindung Sari
- Nandini candrika - Muhammad Tulus Subakti
- Zumrotul Ulya
- Razan Miqdad Afifi GRESIK
- Azizah Ardyanti Putri
- Azizah Handayani
- Elma Elviana
TAPEL 2010 - 2011

1. Rani who suffer from nearsightedness has a focal point 50 cm.

If you want to read with normal spacing (25 cm), then what is the point nearby?

Diketahui : s = 25 cm
f = 50 cm
Ditanyakan: s’ = ... ?
Jawab :
1 1 1
= +

1 1 1
= +
50 25 ′
1 1 1
= −
′ 25 50
1 2 1
= −
′ 50 50
s’ = 50cm = 0,5m

2. In experiments on optics, John uses

convex lens that focuses 25 cm.
In front of the lens is placed objects whose height 3 cm at a distance of 30 cm.
a. shadow distance to the lens,
b. magnification image,
c. high shadow?
f = + 25 cm (cembung)
S = 30 cm dan h = 3 cm
a. Jarak bayangan ke lensa S’ memenuhi:
1 1 1
= +

1 1 1
= +
25 30 ′

1 1 1 6−5 1
= − = =
′ 25 30 150 150

Berarti S = 150 cm

b. Perbesaran bayangan sebesar :

′ 150
M= = = 5x(nyata)

c. Tinggi bayangan benda sebesar:


h’=M.h = 5 . 3 = 15cm
KD 4.1
• The result of water temperature measurements using the thermometer scale Celsius is 40 º C. Determine
the number that is shown if the water temperature was measured with a thermometer Kelvin scale!
Diket : C = 40º C
  − 273
100 100
40  − 273
100 100
K = ̶ 273 – 40 = ̶ 313ºK

• When the ice is melting, the thermometer scale showed the 20 º X X and while it is boiling, the
thermometer scale showed the 140 º X X. This situation was measured at 1 atmosphere air pressure.
Find The relationship between scale C and scale X
Thermometer scale of C, if the thermometer scale showed 80 º X X!
Diket : Pembagian skala X = (140-20) skala = 120 skala
C : X = 100 : 120 = 5 : 6
a. Hubungan skala C dan X.
  − 20
5 6
b. 80 ºX = ... ºC
 (80 − 20)
5 6
60 × 5
= = 50°
Jadi, skala C menunjukkan angka 50ºC

• If the scale Fahrenheit thermometer showed a temperature of 50 º F. Find the scale indicated by the
Celsius and Kelvin!
Diket : F = 50ºF
 − 32 
180 100
!"#$ '
%&! %!!
× 100 = 

C = 10ºC
 − 32  − 273
180 100
!"#$ ("$)#
%&! %!!
× 100 =  − 273

10 =  − 273
10 + 273 = K
K = 283 ºK
• A rectangular aluminum plate with the long side - side 50 cm and temperature 30 º C. If the coefficient
length of aluminum miaui 25. 10-6 º C-1, determine the aluminum square area if the temperature is raised
to 150 º C!
 − 32 
180 100
!"#$ '
%&! %!!
%& '
%&! %!!

C = 10 ºC
 − 32  − 273
180 100
%& ("$)#
%&! %!!

10 = K – 273
10 + 273 = K
K = 283 ºK
• A bullet-shaped ball made of copper with a radius of 3 mm at a temperature of 20 º C. If the length
expansion coefficient of copper 17. 10-6 º C-1, determine the volume of bullets if heated to 170 º C!
Diket ro = 3mm; α = 17 . 10-6 ºC-1
To = 20 ºC; T1 = 170 ºC
Vt = Vo (1+γ∆T) dengan γ = 3α = (51 . 10-6 ºC-1)
∆+= (170 -20) ºC = 150 ºC
- -
, o = ./0 3 = (3,140(3 22)3 = 113,04 mm3
# #
 Sehingga didapatkan
Vt = 113,04 mm3 {1 + (51 . 10-6 ºC-1-(150 ºC)} = 113,04 (1 + 0,00765)mm3
Vt = 113,04 (1,00765) = 113,90 mm3
• A gas when the pressure is 6 atmospheres volume 2 liters. For fixed temperature, if pressure is reduced to
4 atmosphere, calculate the volume occupied by gas! (1 atm = 1.013. 105 Pa)
Vl = 2 L, P1 = 6 atm, dan P2 = 4 atm
P1 v1 = p2 v2
( 6 atm)( 2 L) = ( 4 atm )V2
,$ = 3=33

• A 4 meter long iron rod with cross-sectional area 25 cm2. The difference in temperature between both
ends of the iron 80 º C. Also known coefficient of thermal conductivity of iron 46 Jm-1 º C-1. Determine
the amount of heat that crept in the iron per unit of time!
l = 4 m; ∆+= (T2 – T1) = 80 ºC
A = 25 cm = 25 . 10-4m2
k = 46 Jm-1 ºs-1 ºC-1

4 = 56
H = (46 Jm-1s-1 ºC-1)(25 . 10-4 m2) = 2,3 : "% = 2,3 ;<==

KD 4.2

• Determine the amount of heat needed to heat the water as much as 2 kg of a temperature of 20 º C until it
reaches its boiling point of 100 º C. known to heat water type kJkg 4.2 º C-1!
m = 2 kg, c = 4,2 kJkg-1ºC-1
∆T = 100 ºC - 20 ºC = 80 ºC
> = 2 . @ . ∆+
= (2kg)(4,2 kJ kg-1 ºC-1)(80 ºC) = 672 kJ

• An object has a heat capacity of 2000 J ° C-1. Determine the amount of heat required to raise the
body temperature of 10 º C
Diket : C = 2.000 JºC-1
∆T = 10 ºC
Q = C∆+= (2.000 JºC-1)(10 ºC) = 20.000 joule = 20kJ
KD 4.3

• In a cup of tea there are as many as 60 mL of water with a temperature of 80 º C. Then, into the glass
was added to 40mL of water temperature of 5 º C. If known heat tea water type with heat cold water
species, determine the temperature of the mixture of water!
Diket : mteh = 60mL, Tteh = 80 ºC
mair = 40mL, Tair = 5 ºC
cteh = cair
jika suhu akhir camouran adalah Tc, diperoleh
Qlepas (teh) = Qterima(air es)
mteh cteh ( Tteh – Tc ) = mair cair ( Tc – Tair )
60 mL ( 80 ºC – Tc ) = 40mL ( Tc - 5 ºC )
4800 ºC – (60Tc) = ( 40 Tc ) - 200 ºC
100 Tc = 5.000 ºC
Tc = 50 ºC

• A metal type X is determined heat put into a kalorima = ether. X metal mass is 0.2 kg. Temperature at
first - first 98 º C. Known also Caloriemeter made of polystyrene material, which material can absorb
almost no heat. In the calorimeter contained as much as 1 kg of water temperature 25 º C. After X
Included metal into the calorimeter, then stirred, thermal equilibrium is reached a temperature of 28 º C.
From these observations, determine the heat of the metal type X, if you heat water type Jkg 4200 º C-1!
ml cl (Tl – Tt) = maca ( Tt – Ta )
(0,2 kg)cl (98 – 28) ºC = (1 kg)(4.200 Jkg-1 ºC-1)(28 – 25) ºC
cl = !,$×)!
:5A-1 ºC-1 = 900 Jkg-1 ºC-1

• Know the melting heat of water 3.36. 105Jkg-1 and m = 0.1 kg, Determine the amount of heat required to
melt 100 grams of ice!
Diket : L = 3,36 . 105 Jkg-1 dan m = 0,1 kg
Q = m . L = (0,1 kg)(3,36 . 105 Jkg-1) = 3,36 . 104 J

• Known heat frozen water 3.36 Jkg -1. Determine the amount of water which freezes when the temperature
is 0 º C absorbed energy of 1.68. 104 J of water.
B %,D& × %!E
m= = = 0,05 5A = 500A/<2
C #,#D×%!F GHIJK
• By using steam heat, determine the amount of heat required to evaporate 0.5 kg of water at a temperature
of 100 º C so that it becomes steam at 100 º C!
Q = m . L = (0,5 kg)(2,26 . 106Jkg-1) = 1,13 . 106 Joule

• Diketahui 400 gram es bersuhun 0 ºC diberikan kalor sebesar 3,36 kJ. Jika kalor lebur es 3,36 . 105Jkg-1,
tentukanlah berapa persen es yang melebur !

Jawab :
#,#D HG !,!% HI
m= JK
= 0,01 5A; MN OPQR SMTMUVW = × 100% = = 25%
##DGHI !,- HI

• Determine the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 0.2 kg of ice from -10 º C until all the
water temperature of 50 º C 1 is known heat melting ice 3.36. Jkg 105-1, heat type of ice Jkg 2100 º C-1-
1, and heat water type Jkg 4200 º C-1-1.
Diket : mes = 0,2 kg; Les = 3,36 . 105 Jkg-1
To = -10 ºC; ces = 2.100 Jkg-1 ºC-1
T1 = 4200 ºC; cair = 4.200 Jkg-1 ºC-1

Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
Q1 = mes ces ∆es
=(0,2 kg)(2.100 Jkg-1 ºC-1)(0-(-10)) ºC = 4,2 kJ
Q2 = mes Les
= ( 0,2 kg)(3,36 . 105 Jkg-1) = 67,2 kJ
Q3 = mair cair ∆air
= (0,2 kg )(4.200 Jkg-1 ºC-1)(50 – 0) ºC = 42 kJ
Qtotal = Q1 + Q2 +Q3 = 113,4 kJ

• The length of a rod of iron at a temperature of 20 º C is 10 meters. If the length expansion coefficient of
iron 11. 10-6 º C-1, determine the length of iron bar was added if the temperature is raised to 100 º C!
Diket : To = 20 ºC; T1besi = 100 ºC
lo = 10 m ; α = 11 . 10-6 ºC-1

∆l = αlo ( T1 – To )=(11 . 10-6 ºC-1)(10 m )(100 – 20)ºC= 8,8 . 10-3meter

∆l = 8,8 milimeter

KD 4.1

1. At 30 ° C a metal plate breadth of 10 m2. If the temperature raised to 90 ° C and length

expansion coefficient of iron 0.000012 / ° C, determine the area of iron plate!

Diketahui : A1 = 10 m2
T1 = 30° C
T2 = 90° C
T = T2 – T1 = 90 – 30 = 60° C
= 0,000012/° C
= 2 × 0,000012/° C = 0,000024
Ditanyakan : A2 = ... ?
Jawab :
A2 =A1(1 +β x ∆T)
= 10(1 + 0,000024 × 60)
= 10(1 + 0,00144)
= 10 × 1,00144
= 10,0144 m2
Jadi, luas pelat besi setelah dipanaskan adalah 10,0144 m2.

2. How much heat is required to convert 2 grams of ice at

0 ° C to water vapor at a temperature of 100 ° C? (Liquid = 4200 J / kg ° C,
L = 336J/Kg, and U = 2260 J / Kg)

Diketahui : m = 2 g = 2 × 10-3 kg
T = 100° – 0° = 100° C
U= 2.260 J/Kg
L = 336J/Kg
Cair = 4.200 J/kg °C

Ditanya : Qtotal = ……?

Dijawab : Q1 = m x L
= 2 x 336 J/Kg
= 672 J
Q2 = m x Cair x ∆T
= 2.10-3 x 4200 x 100
= 840 J
Q3 = m x U
= 2 x 2260
= 4420 J
Qtotal = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
= 672 + 840 + 4420
= 5932 J
3. A piece of iron which has a mass of 3 kg, is heated from temperature 20 ° C to 120 ° C.
If heat is absorbed iron by 135 kJ. Determine the heat capacity of iron and heat type of

Diketahui : m = 3 kg
T = 120° – 20° = 100° C
Q = 135 kJ

Ditanya : C = …..?
c = …..?

Dijawab : a. C =

%# .!!!
= 1350 J/0C

4. Ethyl alcohol move at 78.50 C and frozen at-1170C padatekanan 1 atm. Express this
temperature in both
a. Kelvin
b. Fahrenheit

Dijawab: K = C + 273
= 78,5 + 273
= 351,5 K

K = -117+ 273
= 156 K

F = 9/5C + 32
= 9/5(78,5) + 32
= 1730F

F = 9/5(-117) + 32
= -1790F
5. A container made of aluminiumyang filled with 300mL of glycerin at a temperature of
200C. What is the amount of glycerin that tumpaah if the container is heated to
suhu1100C? Length expansion coefficient of aluminum 2.55 x 10-5/0C and volume
expansion coefficient of 5.3 x 10-4/0C glycerin.

γtampak = γfluida - γwadah

= 5,3 x 10 – 3(2,55 x 10-5)
= 4, 535 x 10-4
∆V = V0 . γ . ∆T
= 300 x 4, 535 x 10-4 (110 – 20 )
= 12,24 mL

6. One object with kalorrs capacity 1500 Joule/0C. How much calor one at need to raise that
object temperature as big as 400C

C = 1500 Joule/0C
∆T = 400C

Q = C ∆T
1500 . 40
6000 Joule

KD 4.3

1. As much as 0.5 kg of water with a temperature of 100 ° C in pour into vessel of

aluminum which has a mass of 0.5 kg. If the initial temperature vessel at 25 ° C, heat of
aluminum 900 J / kg ° C, and heat types of water 4200 J / kg ° C, determine the
equilibrium temperature achieved! (assume no heat is flowing into the environment)

Diketahui : mbjn = 0,5 kg

mair = 0,5 kg
Tair = 100° C
Tbjn = 25° C
Cair = 4.200 J/kg °C
Cbjn = 900 J/kg °C

Ditanyakan : Ttermal = ...?

Jawab :
Qdilepas = Qditerima
m × Cair × Tair = m × Cbjn × Tbjn
0,5 × 4.200 × (100 – Ttermal) = 0,5 × 900 × (Ttermal – 25)
210.000 – 2.100 Ttermal = 450 Ttermal – 11.250
2.550 Ttermal = 222.250

Ttermal = 222.250
= 87,156° C
Jadi, suhu kesetimbangannya adalah 87,156° C.

2. The water 150 grams in temperature 200C mixed with the water 100 grams in the
temperature 900C. Determine the mixture temperature of both water. Cwater = 1 cal/g.

Diketahui: m1 = 150 grams

Ditanyakaan: Tc= ……?
Dijawab: Qlepas = Qterima
m C ∆T = m C ∆T
100.1(100 -Tc) = 150.1(Tc – 30)
100 (100 - TC) = 150 (Tc – 30)
10.000 – 100Tc = 150Tc – 4500
14.500 = 250Tc
%-. !!
= Tc
$ !
58 = Tc

3. The mass 10g ice with the temperature -10oC mixed the mass 20g water with temperature
80oC . If Cice = 0,5 cal/goC , cwater = 1 kal/goC and Lice = 80 cal/g , measure the mixture
temperature .
Answer :

D1 =m1 = mes = 10 g
m2 = mair = 20 g
T1 = -10oC
T2 = 80oC
 D2 Qobsorb = m1 . cice (0-(-T1)) + m1 Lice
10 . 0,5 (10) + 10 (80)
850 cal
Qrelease = m2 (T2 – 0)
20 (80 – 0)
1600 cal
Qtot = m1 Cice {0- (-T1)} + m1 Lice +m1 (Tc – 0) = m2 (T2 – Tc)
10 . 0,5 {0-(-10)} + 10 . 80 +10Tc = 20 (80 – Tc)
50 + 800 +10Tc = 1600 – 20 Tc
50+800-1600 = -20Tc – 10Tc
-750 = -30 Tc
Tc = 250C

4. in a vessel of negligible mass contained 42 grams of water mixed with a gram of ice C -4
C. After the stirring was 50% ice melt. If titk melting ice = 0C ice type heat 0.5 cal / g C
heat melting ice = 80 cal / gc, calculate the ratio of a and b

in accordance with the principle of black then the heat is released air (Q3) equal with
calor absorbed to raise its temperature (Q1) and to melt ice 50% (Q2)
Q3 = Q1 + Q2 mwater Cwater ∆T
mice Cice ∆T + 0,5 mice Lice
a(1) 42 = b(0,5) 4 +0,5 (b) 80
42a = 42b atau a:b = 1:1

5. calculate the amount of heat required to melt 100 grams ice 150C in to water 500C, if
Cwater = 4200J / Kg K , Cice = 2100 J/Kg K and Lice = 336.000 J/Kg .
Answer :
 m = 100 gram = 0,1 kg
tice1 = 150C
tice2 = 50oC
Cwater = 4200J / Kg K
Cice = 2100 J/Kg K
Lice = 336.000 J/Kg .
 Qtotal ……….?
 Q1 = m . c . ∆T
= 0,1 . 2100 . 15
= 3150 J

Q2 =m.L
= 0,1 . 336.000
= 33600 J
Q3 = m . c . ∆T
= 0,1 . 4200 . 50
= 21.000 J
Qtotal = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
= 57.750 J
6. calculate the amount of heat required to melt 50 grams ice 300C in to water 750C, if Cwater
= 4200J / Kg K , Cice = 2100 J/Kg K and Lice = 336.000 J/Kg .
Answer :
 m = 50 gram = 0,01 kg
tice1 = 300C
tice2 = 75oC
Cwater = 4200J / Kg K
Cice = 2100 J/Kg K
Lice = 336.000 J/Kg .
 Qtotal ……….?
 Q1 = m . c . ∆T
= 0,05 . 2100 . 30
= 3150 J

Q2 =m.L
= 0,05 . 336.000
= 16800 J
Q3 = m . c . ∆T
= 0,05 . 4200 . 75
= 31.500
Qtotal = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
=5 1.450 J


KD 4.1

1) The temperature of the liquid when measured with a thermometer centigrade scale shows
the number 25°Z. What is the liquid temperature was measured with a thermometer:

a) the scale degrees reamur?

b) scale degrees Fahrenheit?

c) degrees kelvin scale?

→ Answer :

Data : t = 25 ℃

Problem : a) t °\ b) t ℉ c) T
a). t ℃ : t °\ = 5 : 4 → =
^ °_ -

- -
t °\ = t ℃ = . 25 = 20

* So the temperature of a substance that shows 20°\

b). t ℃ : (t ℉ - 32) = 5 : 9
(^ ℉ " #$)

t℉= t ℃ + 32

= . 20 + 32 = 77

* So the temperature of a substance that shows 77 ℉

c) t ℃ : (T – 273) = 5 : 5

T = t ℃ + 273

= 25 + 273 = 298

* So the temperature of a substance that shows 298 ℉

2) What is the temperature of an object, if measured with a thermometer scale Celsius and
Fahrenheit scales show the same number?

→ Answer :

Data : t℃= t℉=x

Problem :x

a). t ℃ : (t ℉ - 32) = 5 : 9

9. t ℃ = 5 (t ℉ - 32)
^ ℃" #$

9x = 5x – 160

9x – 5x = -160

X = - 40

* So the two thermometers will designate the number -40

3) What kind of heat a substance, if the mass of the object is equal to 100 grams of the
temperature will rise by 80C when given the calories by 400 calories?

→ Answer :

Data : m = 100 gram

∆= = 8 ℃

Q= 400 calories

Problem :c

a). Q = m. c. ∆=
B -!!
c= =
9.∆b %!!.&

= 0,5 kal/ gram ℃

* So the heat kind of substance was 0.5 cal / g C

4) An object with a heat capacity of 500 joules / oC. What is the heat required to raise the
temperature of the object is at 20 oC?

→ Answer :

Data :C = 500 joule

∆t = 20 ℃

Problem :Q

a). Q = C. ∆=

= 500. 20 = 10.000 joule

* So the energy needed by the object of 10.000 joules.

5) For example, heat capacity of a calorimeter is 100 calories. What changes when the
calorimeter temperature is 840 joules of heat absorbed?

→ Answer :

Data : C = 100 calories /℃

Q = 840 joule

Problem : ∆=

a). ( 1 calories = 4,2 joule )

Q = 840 joule = = 200 calories

B $!!
∆= = = =2℃
' %!!

* So the change in calorimeter temperature 2 ℃

6) Water temperature of 500 grams of 10℃ mixed with 200 grams of acid at a temperature
50℃ and then stirring until the temperature of the mixture in a state of equilibrium.
Determine the temperature of the mixture in equilibrium, if the heat of water = 1 kcal / kg. ℃
and the heat kind of acid = 0.5 kcal / kg. ℃

→ Answer :

Data : mair = 500 gram

mza = 200 gram

tair = 10℃
tza = 50 ℃
cair = 1kkal/ kg.℃
cza = 0,5 kkal/ kg. ℃
Problem : tx

a). Qlepas = Qserap

mza.cza (tza – tx) = 500 .1 (tx – 10)

5000 – 100 x = 500 tx – 5000
10000 = 600 tx

tx = 16,67℃
* So the temperature of the mixture in equilibrium 16.67 ℃

7). A hollow ball ismade of bronze (c = 18 x de"f / ℃. At temperature 0℃ its radius is 1 m. If

the ball is warmed up to 80℃, calculate the area incremen of the ball’s surface !

Answer :

a) ∆6 = A0 g ∆+

= (4.. \ $ ) (2h) ∆+

= (4.. 12) (2. 18 x 10"D ) (80-0) 2$

= 11520 x 10"D . 2$

= 1,15 x 10"$ . 2$

• Thus, the area increment of the ball is 1,15 x 10"$ . 2$

8). An object has temperature of 25℃. Express the temperature of the object in the reamur,
fahrenhait, and Kelvin scale !

Answer :

a) In reamur scale (°\)

+i 5j4 → +_ = 4j5 +i

= 4j5 (25)°\

b) In fahrenhait scale (℉)

+i 5j9 (+l – 32) → +l = 9/5 +i + 32
= 9j5 (2) + 32 ℉
= 77℉

c). In kelvin scale (K)

+i = +m - 273 → +m = +i + 273

= 25 + 273

= 298 K

Thus, 25℃= 20°\ = 77℉ = 298 K


KD 4.1

1). An object has temperature of 25˚C. Express the temperature of the object in the reamur,
fahrenheit, and kelvin scales !

Answer :

• In reamur scale (R˚)

Tc = 5/4 Tr => Tr = 4/5 Tc

= 4/5 (25)˚R

= 20˚R

• In fahrenheit scale (˚F)

Tc = 5/9 (Tf – 32) => Tf = 9/5 Tc + 32
= 9/5 (2) + 32˚F
= 77˚F
• In kelvin scale (K)
Tc = Tk -273 => Tk =Tc + 273
= 25 + 273
= 298 K
Thus 25˚C = 20˚R = 77˚F = 298 K

2). A steel wire has length of 100 cm at temperature 30˚C. If the length of the steel now is
100. 1 cm and a = 10ˉ5/˚C, determine the temperature of steel now !

Answer :

λ = 100,1 cm

λ0 = 100 cm

α = 10ˉ5/˚C

λ = λ0 (1 + α ∆T)

100,1 = 100 (1+10ˉ5(∆T))

100,1 = 100 + 10-3 ∆T

0,1 = 10-3 ∆T

∆T = 0,1 / 10-3˚C

= 100˚C

∆T = T – T0
T0 = 30˚C

100˚C = T-30˚C

T = 130˚C

3). A 4 liter vesel, 95% og its volume is filled with alcohol. The intial temperature is 0˚C
then warmed up to 70˚. Determine the alcohol’s volume which split out if the coefficient of
length expansion of vessel 0,000011˚C-1 and coefficient of alcohol expansion is 0,001˚C-1 !

Answer :

∆V vessel = o vessel V0 vessel ∆T

= 3 α vessel V0 vessel ∆T

= 3 (0,000011) (4000cm3) (70)

= 9,24cm3

∆Valcohol = oalcohol V0 alcohol ∆T

= oalcohol . 95% V0 vessel ∆T

= (0,01) (95% . 4000) (70)

= 266 cm3


Vvessel = V0 vessel + ∆Vvessel

= 4000 + 9,24

= 4009,24 cm3

Valcohol = V0 alcohol + ∆Valcohol

= 3800 + 266

= 4066 cm3

Thus, the alcohol’s volume split out is

∆V = Valcohol - Vvessel

= 4066 – 4009,24

= 56,76 cm3
4). A 3 m3 gas, is increased its temperature from 12˚C into 103˚C at aconstant pressure.
Calculate the volume of gas now !


V0 = 3 m3

o = 1/273 ˚C-1

∆T = 103˚C - 12˚C

= 91˚C


V = {3 m3) {1 + 1/273 ˚C-1 (91˚C)} = 4m3

Thus, the volume of gas now is 4 m3

5). A 500 gram body absorbs heat 400 calori so that its temperature increases 4˚C. Determine
the spesific heat of that body !

Answer :

Q = mc ∆T

C = Q m ∆T

because Q =400 calorie, m = 500g , and ∆T = 4˚C, then

c = kal/g˚C

= 0,2 kal/ g˚C

Thus, the spesific heat of body is = 0,2 kal/ g˚C

6). as erect as berpenampang's armor little along 20 meter has temperatures 20C be heated
until 40C. then is iced until 30. get do length difference erect that to long early?

Answer :

a) after been heated armor length increases as big as

∆l = l0 a ∆T

= (20) (12 x 10-6) (40-20) = 4,8 x 10-3 m = 4,8 mm

b) after been iced will happen length cut back as big as

∆l = l0 a ∆T
= (20) (12 x 10-6) (-30 -20)

= -12 x 10-3 m

∆l = -12mm

so elongated cut back happening as much 12mm

1) Helium gas in a room measuring 40m2. Temperature of 270C. with the pressure of 9 Pa.
how much the current temperature if the volume of gas into the pressure half-240m3 and
initial pressure.

2) brass with an area of 50m2 which will be heated to a temperature of 750c size doubled. If
the coefficient of expansion in length 19x10-6 / c. specify the required final temperature.

3) a 5m long aluminum with akn heated from 250C to 2500C temperature. if the length
expansion coefficient 0.000023/0c. specify: a. added long-term and final.
Answer :

1) ∆l : l0xŁx∆t

: 5x0,000023x225

: 0,025875

L : l0x∆l

: 5 + 0,025875

: 5,025875

2) P1xV1/T1 x P2xV2/T2

9x40/300 x 4,5x240/T2

T2x1 : 6x300

T2 : 1800.

3) ∆A : A0x x∆t

A-A0 : A0x x(T-T0)

(100-50) : 50x38x10-6(T-75)

50/50x38x10-6 = T-75

0,026x106 : T


75t26000 : T


1.The following figure shows the graph between temperature and time of the chunk of ice is

f the heat kind of ice = 2100 J / kg º C, the heat

melting of ice = 340 000 J / kg, heat of water 4200
J / kg º C and its mass is 300 grams, then the amount
of heat needed to melt ice into water at the point of
dissolution (process B - C) is ....
A. 3.150 joule
B. 25.200 joule
C. 102.000 joule
D. 130.350 joule

The answer:
BC Process: Changes in the form of (fused)
m = 300 gram
= 0,3 kg
L = 340000 J / kg
Q = m⋅L
= 0,3 kg × 340000 J / kg
= 102000 joule

2. Note the picture on the side!

at a temperature measurement process the measurement results obtained at 40oC. how many
greater if thermometer temperature scale is replaced with Fahreinheit?


The answer:
On a scale of comparison:

(F–32) : C = 9 / 5
F = 9/5 C +32
F =9/5(40)+ 32
F =104
3. on a thermometer x, freezing point of water is 50 degrees y and boiling point of water
is 200 degrees y.
A. . when an object is measured with a thermometer Celsius, the temperature 40 degrees
Celsius, what is that temperature when measured with a thermometer X..............

The answer:

on the Celsius scale: BA = 100 degrees Celsius, 0 degrees Celsius = 100 degrees Celsius

on the scale X: BA = 200 degrees X-50 DEGREES X\ = 150 degrees X

40 : ^X = 100: 150 :100 ^X=40 (150)

^X = 40 (150) / 100 =60

so, the PA on the scale of X is 60 gerajat X

TP = TA + PA = 50 + 60 = 110 DERAJAT X

4. ethyl alcohol solution temperature measurements showed 78 degrees

celcius.menyatakan this temperature in..................
The answer:

t= 78 0 C

T = T + 273

78 +273

T = 351 K

5. on one day, Fahrenheit thermometer in place in a room shows the number 122 degrees
fahrenheit.berapakah number that will show by a thermometer in Celsius ?
The answer:

(tf - 32) : tc = 9: 5: ( 122-320): tc = 9:5

90:tc = 9: 5 :9tc = 90 (5)

Tc = 90(5)/9=50 derajat celcius


KD 4.1
1. An object has temperature of 70°R. express the temperature of the object in the celcius, fahrenheit, and kelvin
Dik : 70°R
Dit : 70°R = … °C
70°R = … °F
70°R = … °K
Answer : 70°R = x 70° = 87,5°C
70°R = x (70°+32°) = 229,5°F
70°R = x (70°+273°) = 428,75°K

2. A made object from steel have length 2000 cm. How much is long accretion of that steel, if happened change of
temperature equal to 100°C?

Dik : l1 = 2000 cm
∆T = 100 °C
α= 12 × 10-6 °C-1
Dit : ∆l = ...?
Answer : ∆l =l1 α x ∆T
= 2000 × 12 × 10-6 × 100
= 24 x 10-1 cm

3. At temperature 40° C a broadness iron plate 20 m2. If its temperature is boosted up to become 100° And iron
coefficient of linear expansion C equal to 0,000012/° C, hence determining wide of the iron plate!
Dik : A1 = 20 m2
T1 = 40° C
T2 = 100° C
∆T = T2 – T1 = 100 – 40 = 60° C
α= 0,000012/° C
β= 2α= 2 × 0,000012/° C = 0,000024
Dit : A2 = ... ?
Answer : A2 = A1 (1 + β x ∆T)
= 20(1 + 0,000024 × 60)
= 20(1 + 0,00144)
= 20 × 1,00144
= 20,0288 m2

4. A canister have volume 1 litre at temperature 30° C. If coefficient long muai of canister 2 × 10-5 /° C, hence
determining canister volume at temperature 80° C !
Dik : γ= 3α= 6 × 10-5 /°C
∆T = 80°C – 30°C = 50° C
V1 = 1 l
Dit : V2 = ...?
Answer :V2 = V1 (1 + γ x ∆T)
= 1 (1 + 6 × 10-5 × 50)
= 1 + 0,003
= 1,003 liter

5. How big needed to heat boost up temperature of is one iron which is mass 10 kg from 10° C become 90° C, if type
heat iron 500 J / K
Dik : m = 10 kg
∆T = 90 – 10 = 80° C
c = 500 J/kg
Dit : Q = ...?
Answer :Q = m × c × ∆T
= 10 × 500 × 80
= 4 x 105 kJ

6. Iron rasher owning mass 3 kg, heated from temperature 20° C till 120° C. If iron absorb heat equal to 135 kJ.
Determining iron kalor capacities and iron type heat !
Dik : m = 3 kg
∆T = 120° – 20° = 100° C
Q = 135 kJ
Dit : a. C = ...?
b. c = ...?
Answer :
a. Kapasitas kalor besi

B %# .!!!
C= = = 1350 J/°C
∆Y %!!°'

b. Kalor jenis besi

' %# !
c= = = 450 J/kg °C
9 # HI

7. How many needed to kalor alter 2 ices gram at temperature 0° C become aqueous vapour at temperature 100° C? (
liquid = 4.200 J / kg ° C, KL = 336 J / g, and ME = 2.260 J / g)
Dik : m = 2 g = 2 × 10-3 kg
∆T = 100° – 0° = 100° C
Ku = 2.260 J/g
KL = 336 J/g
cair = 4.200 J/kg °C
Dit : Qtot = ...?

Answer :
Q1 Proses Lebur
Q1 = m KL
= 2 × 336
= 672 J

Q2 Proses menaikkan suhu

Q2 = m cair ∆T
= 2 × 10-3 × 4.200 × 100
= 840 J

Q3 Proses penguapan
Q1 = m Ku
= 2 × 2.260
= 4.420 J

Qtotal = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
= 672 + 840 + 4.420
= 6.032 J
8. Water counted 0,5 kg which is have temperature to 100° C in infusing canister from aluminium owning mass 0,5 kg.
If temperature early canister equal to 25° C, aluminium type heat 900 J / kg ° C, and heat type irrigate 4.200 J / kg °
C, hence determining balance temperature which reached! ( assume there no heat emptying into environment )
Dik : mbjn = 0,5 kg
mair = 0,5 kg
Tair = 100° C
Tbjn = 25° C
cair = 4.200 J/kg °C
cbjn = 900 J/kg °C
Dit : Ttermal = ...?
Answer :
Qlepas = Qterima
m × cair × ∆T air = m × cbjn × ∆T bjn
0,5 × 4.200 × (100 – Ttermal) = 0,5 × 900 × (Ttermal – 25)
210.000 – 2.100 Ttermal = 450 Ttermal – 11.250
2.550 Ttermal = 222.250
$$$.$ !
Ttermal =
$ !
= 87,156° C

8. known by external and inner surface temperature a window pane owning Length 2 m and wide 1,5 m partake to
partake 27° C and 26° C. If is thick of the glass 3,2 thermal conductivity and mm glass equal to 0,8 W / m ° C,
determining is fast of late heat stream the window!
Dik : d = 3,2 mm = 3,2 × 10-3 m2
A = 2 ×1,5 = 3 m2
∆t = 27 – 26 = 1° C
k = 0,8 W/m °C
Dit : H = ...?
Answer :
= 0,8 × 3 ×
#,$ m %!"#
= 750 J/s
9. Air in a room chamber show scale 25° C, while temperature surface of the room chamber glass window 15° C. If
coefficient convection 7,5 × 10-5 Wm-2 (° C)-4, hence determining is fast of absorbed heat by glass window for the
width of 0,6 m !
Dik : ∆T = 25 – 15 = 10° C
A = 0,6 m²
h = 7,5 × 10-5 Wm-2(°C)-4
Dit : H = ....?
Answer :
H = h × A × ∆T4
= 7,5 × 10-5 × 0,6 × 104
= 0,45 W

10. A flimsy plate have total wide of surface 0,02 m2. The platein heating with a stove till its temperature reach 1.000 K.
If plate emisitas 0,6, hence determining is fast of transmitted radiasithe plate!
Dik : A = 0,02 m2
T = 1.000 K
e = 0,6
σ = 5,6705119 × 10-8 W/mK4
Dit : H = ...?
Answer :
H = Aeσ T4
= 0,02 × 0,6 × (5,6705119 × 10-8) × (1.000)4
= 6.804 W

11. ingot have Mass to 2 kg have temperature 25°C. To boost up its temperature become 75°C required heat equal to
5.104 kal. If its temperature is boosted up to become 125°C hence how much is required heat?
Dik : = 2 kg = 2000 gr
∆t1 = 75 − 25 = 50°C Q1 = 5.104 kal
∆t2 = 125 − 25 = 100°C Q2 = ?
Type object of heat can be determined from first situation.
Q1 = m c ∆ t1
5.104 = 2000 . c . 50
c = 5 kal/gr°C

∆t2 is :
Q2 = m c ∆ t2
= 2000 . 5 . 100 = 105 kal

12. Above saucer there are 100 ices gr have temperature to 0°C. heat molten of ice known equal to 80 kal/gr. If at ice
the given by kalor equal to 6000 kal hence how much ices which have melt?
Dik : m0 = 100gr
L = 80 kal/gr
Q = 6000 kal
molten Ice mass can be determined as follows.
6000 = m . 80
m = 75 gr
molten Ice mass is 75 gr mean the percentage of equal to = × 100 % = 75 %
13. 20 ices gr have temperature - 5°C and pressure 1 atm given by heat till become water have temperature to 80°C.
Type heat irrigate 1 kal / gr°C, ices type kalor 0,5 kal / molten heat and gr°C of ice 80kal / gr. How much is passed
to heat is the ice?
Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
= ms cs Δts + m L + ma ca Δta
= 10 . 0,5 . (50) + 20 . 80 + 20 . 1 . (80O)
= 50 + 1600 + 1600
= 3250 kal

14. Thermos bottle contain 230 gram coffee at temperature 80°C.Is then enhanced by milk counted 20 gram have
temperature 5°C. Otherwise there is mixing heat and also permeated by heat is thermos bottle and coffee type kalor
= milk = water = 1,00 kal / °C g, hence how much is temperature mixture balance?
tK = 80 OC, mK = 250 gr
tS = 5 OC, mS = 20 gr
c = 1 kal/gr °C

mS cS ΔtS = mK cK ΔtK
20 . 1 . (t - 5) = 230 . 1 (80 - t)
250 t = 18400 + 100
t = 74°C

15. In glass contain 200 cc irrigate 40°C is then included 40 ices gram 0°C. If glass heat capacities 20 kal/ molten And
heat ice is 80 kal / gr, hence how much is temperature as well-balanced as?

ma = 200 gr, ta = 40°C

Cg = 20 kal/C, tg = ta ms = 40 gr, ts = 0°C
Ls = 80 kal/gr

Q1 + Q2 = Q3 + Q4
ms Ls + ms ca Δts = Cg Δta + ma ca Δta
40 . 80 + 40 . 1 . (t - 0) = 20(40 - t) + 200. 1 . (40-t)
260 t = 8800 - 3200
t = 21,6°C

( AZIZAH ARDYANTI ) at 12 kj is given on the piece of metal that has a mass of 2500 grams 30oC. If the heat kind of metal is
0.2 calories / groC, determine the final temperature of the metal!
Discussion :

Q = 12 kilojoule = 12000 joule
m = 2500 gram = 2,5 kg
T1 = 30oC

c = 0,2 kal/groC = 0,2 x 4200 joule/kg oC = 840 joule/kg oC

D2 : T2 =...?
D3 : Q = mc∆T
12000 = (2,5)(840)∆T
∆T = 12000/2100 = 5,71 oC
T2 = T1 + ∆T = 30 + 5,71 = 35,71 oC

2. 500 grams of ice temperature of-12oC heated to a temperature-2oC. If the heat kind of ice is 0.5 cal /
GOC, specify a lot of heat is needed, stated in joules!

Discussion :

D1 :
m = 500 gram
T1 = −12oC
T2 = −2oC
∆T = T2 − T1 = −2o − (−12 ) = 10oC
c = 0,5 kalori/groC
D2 : Q = ....?

D3 : Q = mc∆T
Q = (500)(0,5)(10) = 2500 kalori
1 kalori = 4,2 joule
Q = 2500 x 4,2 = 10500 joule

3. 500 grams of ice-temperature 0oC would be disbursed until the overall temperature water ice 0oC. If the
heat kind of ice is 0.5 cal / GOC, and the heat melting ice is 80 cal / g, determine a lot of heat is required,
state in kilocalories!

Discussion :

m = 500 gram
L = 80 kalori/gr
D2 : Q = ....?
D3 : Q = mL
Q = (500)(80) = 40000 kalori = 40 kkal

4. 500 grams of ice-temperature liquefied 0oC going to be 5oC temperature water. If the heat kind of ice is
0.5 cal / GOC, heat melting ice is 80 cal / g, and heat type of water 1 cal / GOC, specify a lot of heat is
Discussion :

m = 500 grams
liquid = 1 calorie / groC
Les = 80 calories / gr
The final temperature → 5oC
D2: Q = .....?

D3: To make ice to become water 5oC 0oC there are two processes that must be passed:
→ The process of melt ice into water 0oC 0oC temperature, heat is needed call Q1
Q1 = mLes = (500) (80) = 40000 calories

→ The process of raising water temperature to be 0oC 5oC water, heat required call Q2
Q2 = mcair∆Tair = (500) (1) (5) = 2500 calories

Total Heat required:

Q = Q1 + Q2 = 40000 + 2500 = 42500 calories

5.500 grams of ice-temperature-10 ° C would be disbursed until 5oC temperature water. If the heat kind of
ice is 0.5 cal / GOC, heat melting ice is 80 cal / g, and heat type of water 1 cal / GOC, specify a lot of heat is
Discussion :

m = 500 grams
ces = 0.5 calories / groC
liquid = 1 cal / groC
Les = 80 cal / gr
The final temperature → 5oC
D2: Q = .....?

D3: To make the ice - 10 ° C until the water 5oC there are three processes that must be passed:
→ The process to raise the temperature of the ice from the ice-temperature-10 ° C 0oC, heat is needed call
Q1 = mces∆Tes = (500) (0.5) (10) = 2500 calories

→ The process of melt ice into water 0oC 0oC temperature, heat is needed call Q2
Q2 = mLes = (500) (80) = 40000 calories

→ The process of raising water temperature to be 0oC 5oC water, heat required call Q3
Q3 = mcair∆Tair = (500) (1) (5) = 2500 calories

Total Heat required:

Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = 2500 + 40000 + 2500 = 45000 calories

6.200 grams 80oC temperature water mixed with 300 grams of water temperature of 20oC. Determine the
temperature of the mixture!
Discussion :

m1 = 200 gram
m2 = 300 gram
∆T1 = 80 − t
∆T2 = t − 20
D2 : Suhu akhir = t = ......?

D3 : Qlepas = Qterima
m1c1∆T1 = m2c2∆T2
(200)(1)(80 − t) = (300)(1)(t − 20)
(2)(1)(80 − t) = (3)(1)(t − 20)
160 − 2t = 3t − 60
5t = 220
t = 44oC

1. The temperature of a body temperature of 80oC declare the object in degrees Reamur and degrees

Unknown : t = 80oC

Asked : a) oR = ...?

b) oF = ...?

answer :

a) C: R = 5: 4 b) C: (F – 32) = 5: 9

80: R = 5: 4 80: (F – 32) = 5: 9

5 R = 320 5(F – 32) = 720

R = 64oR 5F – 160 = 720

Jadi 80oC = 64oR 5F = 880

F = 176

Jadi 80oC = 176oF

2. Celsius thermometer and Reamur used to measure the temperature of a objects turned out to scale the
amount indicated by the two thermometers = 90o.
How OC and OR temperature object?

Completion :

Unknown : C + R = 90o

Asked : t dalam oC dan oR

Answer :

C + R = 90

R = 90-C

C: R = 5 : 4

C: (90 – C) = 4C

450 – 5C = 4C

450 = 9C

C = 50

R = 90 – C

R = 90 – 50 = 40
Jadi suhu benda tersebut: 50oC dan 40oR

3. How many calories of heat needed to heat 2 liters of water from 30oC to 80oC when the density of water =
1 gram/cm3 and heat of water = 1 cal / groC?

Unknown : V = 2 liter = 2 . 103 cm3

∆t = 80oC – 30oC = 50oC

ρ = 1 gram/cm3

c = 1 kal/groC

Asked : Q = ...?

Answer : m = ρ . V = 1 x 2 x 103 = 2 . 103 gram

Q = m . c . ∆t

Q = 2 . 103 . 1 . 50

Q = 105 kalori

4. A total of 2 kg of water is heated so that its temperature rises from 15 C to 40 ᵒ ᵒ C. If the heat of water
4200 J / kg ᵒ C, how much heat is absorbed by water?

Unknown : mair = 2 kg

T1 = 15ᵒC

T2 = 40ᵒC

c =4.200 J / kgᵒC

Asked : C =........?

Answer : : Q = m.c.∆T

= (2) (4.200) (40 – 15)

= 210.000 J

5. A first wire length 2 m with an initial temperature 20ᵒC. The wire is heated so that its temperature rose to
70ᵒC. If the wire is made of materials that length expansion coefficient 10-5 ᵒC-1, compute:
a. Added length of the wire!
b. The length of wire after heating!

a. ∆ℓ = ℓo h ∆T

= (2) (10-5) (70 – 20)

= 10-3

= 0,001 m
b. ℓ’ = ℓo + qℓ

= 2 + 0,001

= 2,001 m

6. A block of mass 2 kg has a heat capacity of 500 J / ᵒ C. If such material is received heat by 2,000 J,
a. Beam temperature rise!
b. Heat the type of beam!

Unknown : M = 2 kg,

C = 500 J / ᵒC,

Q = 2.000 J

Asked : a. Q..........?

b. C..........?

Answer : a. Q = C ∆T
B $.!!!
∆T = ' = !!
= 4ᵒC

b. C = m c
' !!
c=9= = 250 J / kgᵒC

1. Problem solving
In how many temperature of the Celcius and Farenheit scale show the same value ?

Solution :

Use equation C = 5/9 ( f- 32 ) atau F = 9/5 (C+ 32 )

In this case, C = F so C = 5/9 ( C-32 )

9/5C = C – 32

9C–5C = -32

4C = -160

C = -40 C

So, Celcius and Farenheit scale show the same value at temperature -40 C or -40 C

2. Problem solving
A mercury thermometer shows the coloumn length is 2 cm if one of the tips is immerse on the ice that is melting,
and shoes the 12 cm length when it is immersedon thee water that is boiling . if it is immersed on the tea , the
coloumn length is 6 cm. how many the temperature of the tea based on the Celcius scale?

Solution :

The differentiation of the column is 12 cm – 2 cm = 10 cm. the column length is 10 cm showa temperature 100 c. if
the differentiation the column is: 6 cm – 2 cm = 4 cm, the temperature will be

4/10 x 100 C = 40 C

So the temperature of the tea is 40 C

6 CM – 2 CM = 4 cm, suhu yang ditunjukkan 4/10 x 100 C = 40 C

Jadi, suhu air the adalah 40 C

3. Problem solving
The length of the metal stick is 100 cm at temperature 25 C . if metalstick have the cooficient of linear expansion
1.33 x 10 -5/C. determine the length of the stick at temperature 100 C.

Solution :

We have ΔT = 100 C – 25 C = 75 C , L0 = 100 cm and α = 1,33 x 10 -5/ C

Use the equation

Lt = lo (1 + α ΔT )

Lt = 100 ( 1 + 1.33 x 10 x 75 )

= 100 ( 1+ 0.0009 )

= 100.1 cm
4. Problem solving
A vessel has the volume 1 litre at temperature 25 C. if vessel have the coefficient of linear expansion 2 x 10 -5/C,
determine the volume of the vessel at temperature 75 C.

Solution :

We have γ = 3 α = 6 x10 -5/C

ΔT = 75 C – 25 C = 50 C

V0 = 1 litre

Use the equation Vt = V0 (1 + γ ΔT )

= 1 ( 1 + 0.00006 x 50 )

= 1 ( 1+ 0,003 )

= 1,003 litre

5. Problem solving
At the temperature 27 C. a gass with volume V. how C does that gas have to be heated in the constant preasure in
order to make the volume be twice ?

Solution :

Vt = V0 (1 + γ ΔT )

2 vo = 1 + ΔT/273

1 = ΔT/273

ΔT = 273 C.

In conclude, gass has to be heated until temperature

T = T0 + ΔT

= 27 = 273

= 300 C

6. Problem solving
Convert 55 F to the Celcius and the Kelvin temperature scale

Solution :

First convert from F to C

Tc = 5/9 (F- 32 )

= 5/9 ( 55 - 32)

= 13 C

Next, convert F to K you can convert from C to K

Tk = TC + 273
= 13 + 173

= 286 K

7. Problem solving
The Eiffel Tower, connstruted in 1889 by Alexander Eiffel, is an impressive latticework structure made of iron. If the
tower is 301 m high on a 22 C day, how much does is height decrease when the temperature cools to 0,0 C? (
coefficient of linear expansision for iron is 12 x 10-6/ K)

Solution :

We have Lo = 301 m; To = 22C; T1 = 0,0 C; αiron = 12 x 10-6/ K

ΔL = α LoΔT

= (12 x 10-6/ K)( 301)(0.0C – 22 C )

= -0,079 m

= - 7,9 cm

8. Problem solving
The heat capacity of 1.00 kg of water is 4,186 J/K. what is the temperature change of the water if 505 J of heat is
added the system

Solution :

We have m = 1.000 kg

C = 4,186 J/K

Calculate ΔT fo Q = 505 J

ΔT = Q/C

= 505/4.186

= 0,121 K

9. Problem solving

The heat capacity of 1.00 kg of water is 4,186 J/K. what is the temperature change of the water if 1,010 J of heat is

Solution :

Since heat is removed in this case Q = -1,010 J

ΔT = Q/C

= -1,010/ 4,186

= 0,141 K
10. Problem solving

One of the window in a house has the shape of a square 1.0 m on a side. The glass in the window is 0.50 cm thick.
How much heat is lost through this window in one day if the temperature in the house is 21 0C and the temperature
otside is 0.0 oC ? ( thermal conductivity of glass is 0.84 W/m.K )

Solution :

We have L = O.50 cm = 0.005 m

T1= 210C

T2= 0.00C

K= 0.84 W/m.K

T= one day = 86.400 s

Recall that 1 W = 1 J/s

The square of the window

A = S2

= ( 1.0 )2

= 1.0 m2

The heat is lost this window in one day is

∆Y a%"a$
Q = kA r C s = = 56 r C

= (0.84 )( 1 )r!.!! s =

= 3.0 x 10.8 J

11. Problem solving

Water 1 litre with the temperature 20 0C is heated until boling. Calculate the heat that is needed

Solution :

We have

The Water mass (m) = 1 kg ( 1 litre water mass in the temperature 20oC = 1 kg )

The Water temperature at frist (T0) = 20 0C

The amount of the heat is

Q = c m ΔT

Q = 1 x 1 x 80 = 80 kcal

Q = 80,000 x 4.2 J = 336 Kj

12. Problem solving :

A stick of iron with 1 kg mass has the temperature 20 0C. the iron temperature is creasing until 30 0C with an electric
heater with power 1 kW. If the heater efficien is 100 % the time that is needed 20 second, calculate the iron specific

Solution :

We have

ΔT = 30-20=10 0C

M =1 kg

P = 1 kW

Q = c m ΔT

Q = 1 Kw x 20 sekonds, remember , joule = watt seconds

Q= 20.000 joule. Add this value in the specific heat equation

C = Q/ ΔT

= 20.000/ 1 x 10 = 2000 J/kg 0C


• 1. The temperature of an object expressed in the Celsius scale is 25oC. State
theobject temperature in Fahrenheit scale!
at – #$ $ "!
• =
$%$"#$ %!!"!
at – #$ $
• =
$%$"#$ %!!
TF = v%!! 180w + 32
= 77 oC
2. An initial wire length 2 m with an initial temperature 20oC. Wire in the heat so
thetemperature rose to 70oC. If the wire is
made of materials that length expansioncoefficient 10-5 oC-1, calculate the added length
of wire.
• △ ℓ = ℓ0 . h . ∆+
= (2) (10-5) (70 – 20 )
= 10-3
= 0,001 m

3. A total of 2 kg of water in the heat so the temperature rise of 15oC to 40oC. If

theheat of water 4200 J / kgs 0C, how much heat is absorbed by water?
Answer:Mair = 2 kg
T1 = 150C
T2 = 40oC
C = 4200 J / kg 0C
• Q = m . c . ∆+
= (2) (4200) (40-15)
= 210.000 J

ay – $)# #!"!
• =
#)#"$)# %!!"!
ay – $)# #!
• =
%!! %!!
Tk = 30 + 273
= 303 oC

1)Mercury is heated until boiling, then at evaporates. If kalor yawns mercury 854000 j. / kg and mercury
amount that yawns as much 0,8 kg. Determinative foots up kalor that needed to yawn that mercury!

mraksa : 0,8 kg

C : 0,854 x 10-6 J/kg


Q =m.C

= (0,8)(0,854 x 106)

= 0,683 x 106 J

= 683 kJ

2) One steel plate square have flank 30 cm and 20°C's temperatures. If steel plate is heated until 130°C.
Get what extent final steel-plated?

Ao = o2
302 = 900 cm2
T = (130 – 20) = 110°C
h baja = 12 x 10-6/°C

Answer :
A = Ao(1 + β T)
= 900(1 + 24 x 10-6.110)
= 902,38 cm2 (Far ranging final)

3 ) To raise temperatures 0,5 kg irons as big as 30°C needed by kalor as big as 6750 Joules.

a. kalor's capacity iron

b. Kalor is iron Type, and
Kalor that needed to raise temperature as big as 40°C

m = 0,5 kg

t1 = 30°C

t2 = 40°C

Q = 6750 kg

Answer :
a.  =

D) ! G
= #!°8
= 225 J/kg°C

b.  = 9


= 450 J/kg°C

c. Q = mC∆t

= (0,5)(450)(40)

= 9000 J

4)As erect as berpenampang's armor little along 20 meter has 20°C's temperatures is heated until
40°C, then is iced until 30°C. Get do length difference erect that to long early?
= 20 m
t1 = 20°C
t2 = 40°C
t3 = -30°C

Answer :

a) After at heats, long armor increases as big as

∆ = 0αqT

=(20)(12 x 10-6)(40 - 20)

= 4,8 x 10-3 m

= 4,8 mm

b) After been iced elongated cut back happening as big as

∆ = 0αqT
=(20)(12 x 10-6)(-30-20)
= -12 x 10-3 m

5 ) Waters as much 2 liters and gets 25°C's temperatures is heated in pan until its temperature
increases as 50°C. Get do afters water volume at heats?
V0 = 2 ℓ
γ = 210 x 10-6
∆T = (273 + 50) – (273 + 25) = 25°K
Answer :
V = V0(1 + γ ∆T)
= 2(1 + 210 x 10-6. 25)
= 2,0105 ℓ

6) One armor cube have flank 1 cm. Account volume that cube on 80°C's temperature if temperature
initially 20°C.

0 = 1 cm
, 0 = 1 cm3
h = 12 x 10-6/°K
γ = 3 x 12 x 10-6 = 36 x 10-6/°C
∆V = V0 γ ∆T
=(1)(36 x 10-6)(80-20)
=2,2 x 10-3

V = ∆V + V0

=0,0022 + 1

=1,0022 cm3


1) One surface serves a ball berpenampang's iron meempunyai little temperature makes a abode 500°C,
other surface temperature diijaga makes a abode 150°C. If log length 10 cm, Get what runaway
speed kalor / Satuan's transfer extends to pass that iron log (thermal conductivity 73 w / mK)
L = 10 cm = 0,1 m

K = 73 w / mK

∆T =350°C
Answer :
> +2 − +1
= ℓ
> 350
= 73
= 0,1
= 25550 z/22
= 25,55 5z/22

2) One hot source object is looked on as black body perfect broadly surface 100 mm 2 and 927°C's
temperature. Account kalor that was emitted by that object.
A = 100 mm 2

T = 927°C = 1200°K
ε = 1 (black body)

δ = 5,67 x 10 -8 W / m 2 °K 4
Answer :
= |6}+14
5,67 X 10-8 X 0,0001 X 1 X (1200)4
11,75 W = 11,75 J/s

3) One room with spatial coolant (AC) having window-glass that its extent 2,0m x 1,5m and its thick
3,2 mm. If temperature on surface deep 25°C's glass and temperature on surface outer 30°C's glass,
get what runaway speed kalor's conduction ingoing goes to that room?

A = (2,0m) (1,5m) = 3,0 m 2

d. = 3,2 mm = 3,2 x 10 -3 m

k = 0,8 w / m°K
∆T = 30°C - 25°=5°C

Answer :
= p

#,$ m %!J€ 

= 3750 W

4)Extensive perfect black body its surface 0,5 m2 and its temperature 27 oC. If its peripheral temperature
77°C, account:
a. kalor that permeated unified extensive unified time

b. totaled energy that is emitted up to 1 hour.


Black body, therefore e = 1

T1 = 300 K

T2 = 350 K

δ = 5,672.10-8 watt/m2K4

a. R = e δ( T2 - T1)

= 1. 5,672.10-8 (3504 - 3004)

= 391,72 watt/m2
b. R = ∆Y
Q = R. A. t

Q = 391,72. 0,5. 3600

= 705060 Joule

5)A stem of 150 cm metal with section area of 30 cm2. One of it’s end touches the ice (0˚C) and another
end touches and object with temperature of 100˚C. If it’s thermal conductivity is 0,9 cal/s cm˚C,
calculate the heat that propragate passing through the metal in 10 seconds!

K = 0,9 cal/s cm˚C

A = 30 cm2

∆T = 100˚C - 0˚C = 100˚C

d = 150 cm

t = 10 sekon

Answer :

= 180 calor

6)A wall has the relative constant temperature 0f 25˚C in outdoor air temperature of 18˚C. Calculate the
dissipation heat in 3 hours because of heat convection if the wall area 15 m2 and h = 3,5 J/s m2˚K

h = 3,5 J/s m2

K, A = 15 m2

∆T = 25˚C - 18˚C = 7˚C = 7˚K

t = 3 hours = 10800 s

Answer :

Q = h A ∆T t

= (3,5)(15)(7)(10800)

= 39,69 x 105 J

7)A copper ball of 20 cm2 is warmed up until 127˚C. If its emissivity is 0,4 and  = 5,67 x 10-8 W/m2
K4, calculate it’s energy of radiation per second.

 = 5,67 x 10-8 W/m2 K4

A = 20 cm2 = 2 x 10-3 m2

T = 273 + 127 = 400˚K

e = 0,4

Answer :

= (5,67 x 10-8)(2 x 10-3)(400)4

= 1,16 Watt

8) a fluid is flowing with a flow a longitudinal diameter width of40cm2 . the fluid is flowing from a place
with a temperature of 100˚C to 30˚C. If the fluid’s ceefficient of thermal covection is 0,05 cal/m2s C˚. Count
the amount of heat propagating per second !

Answer :

H = h A ∆T

= 0,05 x 40 x 10-4 x (100 – 30)

= 140 x 10-4

1)Extensive perfect black body its surface 0,5 m2 and its temperature 27 oC. If temperature its peripheral 77
oC, account:
a. kalor that permeated unified extensive unified time
b. totaled energy that is emitted up to 1 hour.

Black body, therefore e = 1
T1 = 300 K
T2 = 350 K
= 5,672.10-8 watt/m2K4

a. R = e (T24 – T14)
= 1. 5,672.10-8 (3504 - 3004)
= 391,72 watt/m2
b. R = ~ .b
Q = R. A. t
Q = 391,72. 0,5. 3600

= 705060 Joule

2) Water as heavy as 100 g by 20°C's temperatures dashed with by temperatures 80 g water gets 70°C's
temperatures. Determine waters mixed temperature!
m air1 = 100 g
m water water = 80 g

T 1 = 20°C

T 2 = 70°C


Accepted = 20°C

Given = 70°C

Mixed temperature = x°C

Kalor who is given = Kalor is accepted

(0,08)(c)(70-x) = (0,10)(c)(x-200
5,6 – 0,08x = 0,1x – 2
0,18x = 7,6
‚= = 42,2°

3)Water as heavy as 150 g gets 80°C's temperatures is inserted into glass gets mass 150 g by 25°C's
temperatures. Temperatures decreased determinative that water is acquired temperature balance kalor's glass
water 840°C's glass water!
Balance temperature = x
Ta = 80°C
Tg = 25°C
Ma= mg =150g
Ca = 4180 J/kg°C
Cg = 840 J/kg°C
Answer :
Kalor is taken down = kalor is accepted
Maca(Ta – x) = mgcg(x – Tg)
O,15.4180.(80-x) = 0,15.840.(x-25)
50160 – 627x = 126x – 3150
53310 = 753x
X = 70,8°C

4)A piece cubic aluminium with mass 200 90°C's gram and temperature is dyed into meaty container 1 kg
water gets 20°C's temperature. Balance temperature determinative water aluminium. Kalor is water type
4180 j. / Kg°c and kalor is aluminium type 900J / Kg°C.
Kalor takes down
Q= mC∆t
= 0,2 x 900 x (90 – x)
=180(90-x) = 16200 – 180x
Kalor accepts
Q= mC∆t
=1 x 4180 x (x – 20)
=4180x – 83600
Kalor takes down = kalor accepts
16200 – 180x = 4180x – 83600
4360x = 99800
X = 22,8°C

5)If 2 kg water gets temperatures 5 0C be dashed with 5 kg water gets temperatures 26 0C, therefore
determine both of mixed final temperature substance!
Since both of substance a sort, therefore kalor type of substance second is as, and
can mutually negate.
Q grasping = q escapes
m1.c.∆t1 = m2.c. ∆t2
2.c.(t-5) = 5.c.(26-t)
2.t – 10 = 130-5.t
t = 140 : 7
t = 200C
6)If 0,5 kg ice gets temperature? 10 0C is dashed with a number water gets temperature 40 0C,so its mixture
temperature is 20 0C, therefore mass determinative of water that is draughted!
(ces = 2100 j. / kg.0C, c water = 4200 j. / kg. K, Les = 3,35. 105 j. / kg)

In this process ice will experience three phase form, which is solid (ice),
melt together and form moltens. Be water gets temperature 400C just experience one
step, which is temperature change
Q grasping (ice) = Q escape (water)
Q1 + Q2 +Q3 = Q4
m1.ces.∆t1 + m1.L + m1.cair.∆t2 = m2.cair.∆t3
0,5x2.100x(0(10)) + 0,5x3,35.105 + 0,5x4.200x(40-20)= m2x4.200(4020)
10.500 + 1,675.105 + 42.000 = 84.000 x m2
2) m2 =2,61kg
7 ) Alloy get mass 150 gr is heated until 500°C, then is inserted into water that its mass 400 gr and 15°C's
temperatures. Water lies in calorimeter that its container made from aluminium with mass 200 gr. Balance
temperature that is reached is 28°C. Account kalor that alloy sample type

Answer :

Kalor that detached sample = calorimeter water absorbed heat

m2 c2 (T2 – x) = m1 ca (x – T1) + mw cw (x – Tw)

0,1 x c2 (500 – 28) = 0,4 (4.180)(28 – 15) + 0,2 (900) (28 – 15)

47,2 c2 = 21.736 + 2.340

47,2 c2 = 24.076

c2 = 510 J/Kg˚C

so, kalor is that alloy sample type is 510 j. / Kg°C

KD 4.1
1. If a much of 75 g water with a temperature 0 0C is mixed to as much of 50 g water 1000C,the final
temperature of the mix is…..
2. A thermometer X,if it is used to measure the boiling water temperature pointing to 1200X and in
the ice pointing to -50X .Then for a temperature of 240X, the thermometer 0C points at…….
3. In how many temperature of the Celcius and Fahrenheit scale show the same value ???
4. A mercury thermometer shows the column lenght is 2 cm if one of the tips is immersed on the ice
that is melting and shows the 12 cm lenght when it is immersed on the water that is boiling. If it is
immersed on the tea,the column length is 6 cm. How many the temperature of the the based on the
Celcius scale ???
5. The length of the metal stick is 100 cm at temperature 250C. If metal sticks have the coefficient of
the linear expansion 1,33 x 10-5/0C,determine the length of the stick at temperature 1000C……
6. A vessel has the volume 1 litre at temperature 250C. If vessel haave the coefficient of linear
expansion 2 x 10-5/0C,determine the volume of the vessel at temperature 750C ………
7. A water vessel at temperature 00C has the volume 100 cm3. If that vessel is filled by the mercury,
then heated until 500C,how many does the mercury spilled ??? (h glass = 9 x 10-6 /0C and oraksa =
1,8 x10- 4 /0C )…..
8. At the temperature 270C, a gas with volume V. How 0C does that gas have to be heated in the
constant pressure in order to make the volume be twice ??
KD 4.2
1. A metal bar has a longitudinal of 10 cm2 and thickness of 1 m.One of its ends is heated that the
temperature difference of the two ends is 500C. If the thermal conductivity is 0,2 cal/msC0,count
the amount of heat propagating per second ???
2. A fluid is flowing with a flow longitudinal diameter width of 20 cm2. The fluid is flowing from a
place with a temperature 0f 1000C to 600C. If the fluid’s coefficient of thermal convection is 0,01
cal m2sC0,count the amount of heat propagating per second…..
3. Count the energy radiated by an object processing a temperature of 1270C and its surface width is
2m2 for 1 minute if it is considered to be absolutely black……
4. One of the windows in a house has the shape of a square 1,0 m on a side. The glass in the window
is 0,50 cm thick. How much heat it lost through this window in one day if the temperature in the
house is 210C and the temperature outside is 0,00C ? (thermal conductivity of glass is 0,84 W/mK)

KD 4.1
1. Q lepas = Q terima
m.c.∆T = m.c.∆T



ƒ"m9„… '
2. =
ƒ9†m"ƒ9„… %!!
24 − −5 
120 − −5 100
125 100


3. Use equation C =
(F-32) or F = (F+32)
In the case,C = F , so C = (F-32)
 =  − 32
`'" '
= −32
4C = -160
C = - 400C

4. The differentiation of the column is 12 cm-2 cm= 10 cm. The column leght is 10 cm
shows temperature 1000C. If the differentiation of the column is 6 cm – 2 cm = 4
cm, the temperature will be × 100 = 40°, so the temperature of the tea is 400C.

5. We have : ∆T = 1000C-250C = 750C ; l0=100 cm and α = 1,33 x 10-5/C0

Use the equation =

~ lT = l0 (1 + α.∆T)

= 100 (1 + 1,33 x 10-5/C0.750C)

= 100 (1 + 0,00099)

= 100,1 cm

6. We have : γ = 3α = 6 x 10-5/C0

∆T = 750C-250C = 500C

V0 = 1 litre

Use the equation = VT = V0 (1 + γ∆T)

= 1 (1 + 6 x 10-5/C0. 500C)

= 1 (1 + 0,003)

= 1,003 litre
7. We have : αglass = 9 x 10-6/C0 = 3α glass =2,7 x 10-5/C0

V0glass = 100 cm3

γmercury = 1,8 x 10-4/C0 and ∆T = 500C

Use the equation = VTglass = V0glass (1+γglass∆T)

= 100 (1+2,7 x 10-5/C0.500C)

= 100 (1+1,35 x 10-3)

= 100,135 cm3

= VT mercury = V0glass(1+γmercury. ∆T)

= 100 (1+1,8 x 10-4/C0. 500C)

= 100 (1+9 x 10-3)

= 100,9 cm3

= The mercury that spilled = VTmercury-VTglass

= 100,9 – 100,135

= 0,765 cm3

8. Use formula VT = V0 ((1+γ.∆T)

In the case, VT = 2V0

VT = V0(1+γ ∆T)
2V0 = V0(1+ )

2 = 1+


∆+ = 273℃

In conclude,gas has to be heated until temperature

T = T0 +∆+

= 27℃ + 273℃

= 300℃
KD 4.2
1. H : 5
%!×%!-4× !
: 0,2
: 0,01 x 4,2 = 0,042 J/s
2. H: h.A.∆+
: 0,01 x 20.10-4 x (100-60)

: 8.10-4 x 4,2

: 3,36 x 10-3 J/s

3. We have : T = 127+273=400 K
W = e.|T4
= (1)(5,7 x 10-8) (4004)
= 1.459,2 watts/m2

The total radiated energy by the object is :

 E = 1.459,2 x 2 x 60
 E = 175.104 J
4. We have : s : 1,0 m
L : 0,50 cm = 0,0005m
T1 = 210C
T2 = 0,00C
k = 0,84 W/mK
t = one day = 86.400s

The square of the window : A = s2

The heat is lost trough the window in one day is:

∆Y Y%"Y$
 Q = 56 r s . = = 56 r s.=
 Q = (0,84) (1) 86.400
 Q = 3,0 x 108 J


KD 4.1
1. 367°C= …….. °R
• = 4/5 x 367 °R
• = 293,6 °R

2. Sebatang baja (angka muai linier 10-5/ºC) panjangnya 100,0 cm pada suhu 30ºC. Bila panjang
batang baja itu sekarang menjadi 100,1 cm, berapakah suhunya sekarang?


Lt = Lo ( 1 + α ∆t)
∆t = (Lt - Lo) / (Lo α)

∆t = (100,1 -100)/(100.10-5) = 100ºC

∆t = takhir - tawal

100 = takhir - 30

takhir = 130ºC

3. Sebuah tabung terbuat dari gelas (α = 10-5/ºC) pada suhu 20ºC mempunyai volume sebesar
250 cm3. Tabung itu berisi penuh dengan eter ( γ = 5.10-3/ºC). Berapakah cm3 eter akan tumpah jika
tabung dipanasi sampai 120ºC?



Vo = 250 cm3
∆t = 120 - 20 = 100ºC
g = 3α = 3.10-5/ºC

Vt = Vo(1 +γ ∆ t)
Vt = 250 (1 + 3.10-5.100) = 250,75 cm3


Vº = 250 cm3
∆t= 100ºC
g = 5.10-3/ºC

Vt = Vo (1 + γ∆ t)
Vt = 250 (1 + 5.10-3.100) = 375 cm3

Jadi volume eter yang tumpah = 375 - 250,75 = 124,25 cm3

1. 367°C= …….. °R
• = 4/5 x 367 °R
• = 293,6 °R

2. One steel ( number of expansion linear 10-5 / º C) length 100,0 cm [at] temperature 30ºC. If/When bar length
become militant that now become 100,1 cm, how much is its temperature now?

Lt = Lo ( 1 + α ∆t)
∆t = (Lt - Lo) / (Lo α)

∆t = (100,1 -100)/(100.10-5) = 100ºC

∆t = takhir - tawal

100 = takhir - 30

takhir = 130ºC

3. A made tube of glass = 10-5 / º C) [at] temperature 20ºC having volume equal to 250 cm3. That tube contain
full of ether = 5.10-3 / º C). How much is ether cm3 of pour if hot tube until 120ºC?


Vo = 250 cm3
∆t = 120 - 20 = 100ºC
g = 3α = 3.10-5/ºC

Vt = Vo(1 +γ ∆ t)
Vt = 250 (1 + 3.10-5.100) = 250,75 cm3


Vº = 250 cm3
∆t= 100ºC
g = 5.10-3/ºC

Vt = Vo (1 + γ∆ t)
Vt = 250 (1 + 5.10-3.100) = 375 cm3

Become ether volume which pour is = 375 - 250,75 = 124,25 cm3

( Muhammad ainul Yaqin )

1. Sebuah Benda mempunyai suhu 550 C, Nyatakan suhu benda tersebut dalam skala
Reamur, Fanrenheit, dan Kelvin!
( An Object has temperature of 550 C, Express the temperature of the object in the
Reamur, Fanrenheit, And Kelvin Scales! )


a. In Reamur Scales ( 0R )

Tc = 5/4 TR TR = 4/5 Tc
= 4/5 (55) oR
= 440 R.
b. In Fanrenheit Scales ( 0F )

Tc = 5/9 ( TF - 32 ) TF = 9/5 Tc + 32
= 9/5 ( 55 ) + 32 oF.
= 1310 F.
c. In Kelvin Scales ( 0K )

Tc = TK - 273 TK = Tc + 273
= 55 + 273
= 3280 K.

2. A steel wire has length of 100 cm at temperature 300 C, If the length of the steel now is
100,1 cm and α = 10 /0C, Determine the temperature of steel now!

( Seutas kawat baja mempunyai panjang 100 cm pada suhu 300C. jika panjang baja itu
sekarang 100,1 cm dan α = 10 /0C, tentukan suhu baja itu sekarang! )
@ Solution @

a. £ = £o ( 1 + α T)

Cause £ = 100,1 cm, £0 = 100 cm, and α = 10 /0C, then :
- 100,1 = 100 ( 1 + 10 ( T))
- 100,1 = 100 + 10 T.
- 0,1 = 10 T.
- T = 0,1/10 0C
= 100 0C
- T = T – T0
- T0 = 300 C 1000C = T - 300C
T = 1300C

3. Air sebanyak 500 Gram bersuhu 100C dicampur dengan 200 Gram zat asam, bersuhu
500C, kemudian diaduk hingga suhu campuran dalam keadaan kesetimbangan, tentukan
suhu campuran dalam keadaan setimbang, jika kalor jenis air = 1 Kkal/Kg.0C. dan kalor
jenis zat asam = 0,5 Kkal/Kg 0C.

a. Diketahui : - mair = 500 Gram 0,5 Kg.

-mzat = 200 Gram 0,2 Kg.

-tair = 100C

-tzat = 500C

-Cair = 1 Kkal/Kg0C

-Czat = 0,5 Kkal/Kg0C

b. Ditanya :

-tx …………………………. ???

c. Dijawab :
-Qlepas = Qterima
-mzat . Czat . ( tzat - tx ) = mair . Cair . ( tx – tair )
-200 . 0,5 ( 50 - tx ) = 500 . 1 . ( tx – 10 )
-5000 – 100 tx = 500 tx – 5000
10000 = 600 tx
tx = 16,67 0C.
4. Berapakah kalor jenis suatu zat, bila massa benda tersebut sebesar 100
Gram, suhunya akan naik sebesar 800C bila diberikan kalori sebesar 400


a. Diketahui :
- m = 100 Gram
- t = 8 0C.
- Q = 400 Kalori

b. Ditanya :
- c ……………….. !

c. Dijawab :
-Q =m.c. t
- c = Q/m . t = 400/100 . 8
- 0,5 Kal/ Gram 0C.


1. An object has temperature 600C. express the temperature of the object in the reamur, fahrenheit and kelvin
scales !

D1 = 600C

D2 = a. R

b. F

c. K

D3 =

a. R = 4 x 60
= 48 0R
b. F = 9 x 60 (+32)
= 108 + 32 = 140 0F
c. K = 60 + 273
= 3330K

2. If the iron along the 20 m long with a coefficient of expansion 1.2. 10-5 / K temperature is heated from 0
C to 100 0C, then specify the increment length !

D1 = lo = 20 m

α = 1.2 . 10−5 / Κ

t1 = 0 0C

t2 = 100 0 C

D2 = ∆l

D3 =
∆l = lo . α . ∆t
∆l = 20 . 1,2.10-5. (100– 0)
∆l =2,4.10-3 m

3. Glass area of 2 m2, with a long expansion coefficient 8,5.10-6 K, having heating from 20 ° C to 120 ° C.
Determine the broad end of the glass!

D1 = A0 = 2 m2
β = 8,5.10-6 K

t1 = 200C

t2 = 1200C

D2 = At

D3 =

At =Ao (1+ b.∆t)

At =2 (1+ 2 x 8,5.10-6.(120 – 20 )

At =2,66 m2

4. A metal rod made of aluminum length 2 m in 30 ° C. When the long expansion coefficient of aluminum
25 x 10-6 / ° C. What is the added length of the aluminum rod when temperature is raised to 50 ° C!

D1 = lo = 2 m

α = 25 x 10-6 / ° C

t1 = 30 ° C

t2 = 50 ° C

D2 = ∆l

D3 = ∆l = lo . α . ∆t

= 2 . ( 25 x 10 -6 ) . (50 – 30 )
= 10 -3 m
∆l = 0,1 cm

5. A brass block has a length of 5 m, height 2 m, and width of 1 m at 20 ° C. If the heat kind of brass 1.8. 10-
/ K, determine the volume of brass at a temperature of 120 ° C!

D1 = length = 5 m

Height = 2 m

Width = 1 m

γ = 1,8.10-5
t1 = 20 ° C

t2 = 120 ° C

D2 = Vt

D3 = Vt =Vo (1+ g.∆t)

Vt =(5 x 2 x 1) (1+3.x1,8.10-5.(120 – 20 )
Vt =10,054 m3

6. An object has temperature 400R. Express the temperature of the object in the celcius, Fahrenheit, and
Kelvin scales!

D1 = 400R

D2 = a. C

b. F

D3 =

a. 5 x 40

= 500C

b. 9 x 40 (+32)
= 90 +32 = 122 oF

7. Boiling water temperature 30 ° C thermometer X has the TTA and TTB 150 ° X -50 ° X
Y thermometer has the TTA and TTB 130 ° Y 30 ° Y Determine how the water temperature
boiling thermometer according to X and Y!

D1 = Boiling water temperature = 30 ° C

TTAX = 130 °X

TTBX = -50 °X

TTAY = 130 °Y

TTBY = 30 °Y

D2 = temperature thermometer X and Y

D3 =

Thermometer X


30 °- 0 = X + 50°

100° 150° +50°

30 ° = X + 50°

100 200

30° = X + 50°

X + 50° = 60°

X = 10°

Thermometer Y

30° - 0° = Y - 30°

100° - 0° 130° - 30°

30° = Y - 30°

100 100

Y - 30° = 30

Y = 60 Y

( Muhammad rizqi alfian )

1. Normal human body temperature was 98.6oF. What is the normal human body temperature in Celsius
Answer :
98, 6oF = ………. oC
= 5/9 x (98,6 – 32)
= 5/9 x 66,6
= 37 oC

2. The temperature of the boiling point of nitrogen is 77.35oK. State the temperature in Celsius and
Fahrenheit scale?
Answer :
• 77, 35oK = ………oC
= 77,35o – 273o = - 195,65o C
= 195, 65oC
• 77, 35 Ko
= ……….oF
= 77, 35o + 32o
= 109, 35oC

3. How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 10 kg of water from 20 oC to 80 oC? heat of
water = 4180 J / kg C?
Answer :
D1 :
m = 10 kg
T1 = 20 oC
T2 = 80 oC
Cair = 4180 J/kgoC
D2 : Q……???
D3 :
Q = m . C . ∆T
= 10 . 4180 . 60
= 2508 x 103J


1. Copper triangle has an area of 50 m2 with temperatures up to 10oC with 60 s. If emisitas 0.4 and σ =
5, 67 x 10 W / m2 K, how much radiation energy per second ?
Answer :
D1 :
A = 10m2
T = 10 oC = 283oK
e = 0,4
σ = 5, 67 x 10-8 W / m2 K
t = 15 s
D2 : P….????
D3 :
P = Q / t = e . σ . A . T4
= Q/15 = 0,4 . 5, 67 x 10-8 . 10 . 2834
= 221291,553 watt
2. A stem of 500 m copper with an area 50 m2. One of its and touches the ice 20oC and touches an
object with temperature of 50 oC. if its thermal conductivity is 0,9 W/m K. how much head that
propagate passing throught the metal in 15 second ???
Answer :
D1 :
ℓ = 500 m
6 = 50 m2
T1 = 20oC = 293 oK
T2 = 50oC = 323 oK
K = 0,9 W/m K
t = 15
D2 : H….???
D3 :
H = Q/t = K . A . (T2 – T1)/ ℓ
= Q/15 = 0,9 . 50 . (323-293)/500
= Q/15 = 2,7
= Q = 2,7 . 15 = 40, 5 J
So, H = Q/ t
= 40, 5/15 = 2,7 J/s
3. What speed the flow of heat through the glass window which an area 2,0 m x 1,5 m and thick 3,2
mm, if the temperature at the surface of the inner and outer windows 15 oC and 30 oC with 10 s and a
thermal conductivity of 0.84 J/s m oC ?
Answer :
D1 :
L = 2, 0 x 1, 5 = 3 m
A = 3, 2 mm = 0, 0032 m2
T1 = 15 oC
T2 = 30 oC
K = 0.84 J/s m oC
t = 10 s
D2 : Q….??
D3 :
H = Q/t = K . A . (T2 - T1)/ L
= Q/10 = 0, 84 . 0,0032 . (30-15)/3
= Q/10 = 0,01344
= Q = 10 . 0,01344 = 0, 1344 J

4. A thick pieces 3 cm of steel has a section area of 1000 cm2. If one side has a temperature of 100 oC
and the other side has a temperature of 120 oC, with time what is the heat that moves through these
pieces every second? With time 20 s and thermal conductivity (k) steel = 40 J / s m Co ?
Answer :
D1 :
L = 3 cm = 0, 03 m
A = 1000 cm2 = 0,1 m2
T1 = 100 oC
T2 = 120 oC
K = 40 J/s m oC
t = 20 s
D2 : H…….??
D3 :
H = Q/t = K . A . (T2 - T1)/ L
= Q/20 = 40 . 0,1 . 20/0,03
= Q/20 = 2666,66667
= Q =2666,66667 . 20
= Q = 53333,3334 J
So, H = Q/t = 53333,3334/20
= 2666,66667 J/s

5. A square-shaped object with a length of 4 cm2 side has a temperature of 500 oC and has 50 minutes.
If the object can be considered as a black body, determine the energy radiated per second ...( σ =
5,67 x 10 -8 W/ m2. K4)
Answer :
D1 :
L = 4 cm2 = 0, 0004 m2
T = 500oC = 773 oK
t = 10 minutes = 600 s
e =1
σ = σ = 5,67 x 10 -8 W/ m2. K4
D2 : P…..??
D3 :
P = Q/t = e . σ . A . T4
= Q/600 = 1 . 5,67 x 10 -8 . 0, 0004 . 7734
= Q/600 = 81,4053257
= Q = 81,4053257 . 600
Q = 48843, 1954 J
So, P = Q/t = 48843, 1954/600 = 81,4053257 watt

6. An athlete is to cool down in silence in the locker room with a temperature 15oC. If the athlete's body
temperature was 34oC with skin surface area 1.5 m2. Determine the radiation given athlete's body
(body emission coefficient = 0.7).
Answer :
D1 :
T1 = 15oC = 288 oK
T2 = 34oC = 307 oK
A = 1.5 m2
σ = 5,67 x 10 -8 W/ m2. K4
e = 0,7
T2 – T1 = 307 – 288 = 19oK
D2 : P….???
D3 :
P = Q/t = e . σ . A . T4
= Q/t = 0, 7 . 5,67 x 10 -8 . 1.5 . 194
= Q/t = 0,07799712 J/s

7. A rectangular thin steel plate with side length 10 cm, is heated in a furnace so that its temperature
reaches 727oK. Determine heat radiation energy every second.
Answer :
D1 :
A = 2(10 cm)2 = 0,02 m2
e =1
T = 727 +273 = 1000 oK
σ = 5,67 x 10 -8 W/ m2. K4
D2 : W :…?
D3 :
W = e . σ . A . T4
= 1 . 5,67 x 10 -8 . 0,02 . 10004
= 1134 J
8. Incandescent spiral wire 50 mm2 surface area, temperature 1127oC, 60 % of the electrical energy
delivered to the light radiated in the form of heat, and filament are as black objects. How many
ampere current flowing in the lamp socket is connected with (voltage 220 V), for the lights to work?
Answer :
D1 :
A= 50 mm2 = 50 x 10-6 m2
T (1127+273) = 1400 oK
σ = 5,67 x 10 -8 W/ m2. K4
60% daya listrik menjadi radiasi kalor
D2 : i. ?
D3 :

P = e . σ . A . T4
= 1 x 5,67 x 10-8 x 50 x 10-6 x (1400)4
= 10,89 Watt
♦ P listrik = 10,89/60%= 10,89/0,60 = 18,15 W
♦ P listrik = V.i = 200 x i= 10,15, i = 18,15/220 = 0,0825 A


1. Calculate the amount of head required to melt 150 gram, has a temperature ice 15 oC into water 25
C, if Cwater = 4200J/kg K, Cice = 2100 J/kg K and Lice = 144000K/kg.
Answer :
D1 :
M = 150 gr = 0,15 kg
T1 = 15o C = 15 + 273 = 288 oK
T2 = 25 oC = 25 + 273 = 298 oK
Cwater = 4200J/kg K
Cice = 2100 J/kg K
Lice = 144000K/kg.
D2 : Q total …??
D3 :
Q ice + Q water + L ice
= m.c.∆t + m.c.∆t + L ice
= 0,15 . 2100 . 10 + 0,15 . 4200 . 10 + 144000
= 3150 + 6300 + 144000
= 153450 J

2. if 50 grams of water has a temperature of 10oC was mixed with 25 grams of water with a temperature
of 80oC then the final temperature of the mixture is ...
D1 :
M1 = 50 gr
M2 = 25 gr
T1 = 10oC
T2 = 80oC
D2 = Tc…??
D3 =
Q lepas = Q terima
m1.c1.∆t1 = m2.c2.∆t2
50.(Tc – 10) = 25.(80 – Tc)
50 Tc – 500 = 2000 – 25 Tc
50 Tc + 25 Tc = 2000 + 500
75 Tc = 2500
Tc = 2500/75 = 33, 333 oC
3. A piece of ice cube of mass 0.2
kg, ice cubes are mixed with hot tea. Mass = 0.2 kg of hot tea. ice temperature = -10 ° C, while the
temperature of hot tea = 40 C. After sticking for some time, ice
stone and warm water is mixed into a closed system, what is the temperature after the intervention ?
Massa es batu = 0,2 kg
Massa teh hangat = 0,2 kg
Kalor jenis (c) air = 4180 J/kg Co
Kalor jenis (c) es = 2100 J/kg Co
Kalor Lebur (LF) air = 334 x 103 J/Kg
Suhu es batu (Tes batu) = ‐10 oC
Suhu teh hangat (T teh hangat) = 40 oC
D2 : Suhu campuran = ?
D3 :
Steps first :
• Q lepas = mc∆T
= (0,2 kg) (4180 J/Kg Co) (40 oC – 0 oC)
= (0,2 kg) (4180 J/Kg Co) (40 oC)
= 33.440 Joule = 33,44 kJ
Head accepted by 0,2 kg ice cube for the ascend of its temperature from ? 10 oC until 0 oC.
• Q terima = mc∆T
= (0,2 kg) (2100 J/Kg Co) (0 oC – (‐10 oC))
= (0,2 kg) (2100 J/Kg Co) (10 oC)
= 4200 Joule = 4,2 kJ
needed to heat melt 0,2 kg ice cube ( needed to heat alter all ice cube become water)
• Q lebur = mLF
= (0,2 kg) (334 x 103 J/Kg)
= 66,8 x 103 Joule = 66,8 kJ
Pursuant to result of calculation above, obtained by the following result :
• Q lepas – Q terima – Q lebur =33,44 kJ - 4,2 kJ- 66,8 kJ
= - 37,56 kJ

So, final temperature below o0C or fixed o0C

4. if 30 grams of water has a temperature of 15oC was mixed with 20 grams of water with a temperature
of 50oC then the final temperature of the mixture is ...
D1 :
M1 = 30 gr
M2 = 20 gr
T1 = 15oC
T2 = 50oC
D2 = Tc…??
D3 =
Q lepas = Q terima
m1.c1.∆t1 = m2.c2.∆t2
30.(x-15) = 20 (50 – x)
30x – 450 = 1000 – 20x
30x + 20x = 1000 + 450
50x = 1450
X = 1450/50
X = 29oC
5. the ice 50 grams in temperature 10 oC mixed with ice 30 grams in the temperature 50 oC. determine
the mixture temperature of both ice. (C ice = 2100 cal / gr).
D1 :
M1 = 50 gr
M2 = 30 gr
T1 = 10oC
T2 = 50oC
D2 = Tc…??
D3 =
Q lepas = Q terima
m1.c1.∆t1 = m2.c2.∆t2
50 . (x-10) = 30 (50-x)
50x – 500 = 1500 – 30x
50x + 30x = 1500 + 500
80x = 2000
X = 2000/80
X = 25oC

6. the mass of alumunium 0,5 kg and the temperature 100oC is added to the calorimeter. In the
temperature 40 oC, the thermal balance condition. If the water mass in the calorimeter 0,5 kg and the
water temperature at first 25oC, determine the alumunium specific heat. (Cair = 1 kkal/kg Co)
Answers :
D1 :
mal = 0,5 kg
T1 = 100 oC
T2 = 40 oC
mwater = 0,5 kg
T1 = 25oC
D2 : Q…??
D3 :
Qlepas = Qterima
mal . Cal . ∆twater = mwater . Cwater . ∆twater
0,5 . Cal .. (100 – 40 ) = 0,5 . 1 . ( 40 – 25 )
0,5 . Cal .60 = 0,5 . 1 . 15
Cal . 60 = 15
Cal = 15/60
Cal = 0,25 kkal/kg Co


1. The temperature of an iron rod with 10 kg mass is going to be raised by 5 K . If the heat
needed is 25 kj , how much is the specific heat ?
Answer :
 m = 10 kg
Q = 25 kj
 (a) =C = Q = 25.000J = 500 J/kg.K
M . ∆+ (10kg)(5 K)

2. How much out grow if calor that at needs to thaw ice as much 500 g , on temperature 0oC as
water the lot that 0oC ? if at knows calor laten ice fusion becomes water as big as 10 kal / gr ?
Answer :
 D1 = m = 500 gr.
L = 10 kal/gr
 D2 = Q……..?
 D3 =Q =m.L
= 500 .10
=5000 kal

3. One object with calor’s capacity 1000 Joule / oC . How much calor one at need to raise that
object temperature as big as 50oC ?

Answer :

 D1 =C = 1000 Joule / oC
=∆+ = 50 C

 D2 = Q ……?

 D3 =Q = c . ∆+

= 1000 . 50

=5.000 Joule


1. An object has 20ºC. Express that temperature in the fahrenhait scale.

Answer :
we take the fahrenhait scale in question as T1 and the known Celcius scale as T2. According to equation
[5,1], we get :

+1 = + Tb1
= %!!℃"!℃
+ 32ºC
= %!!℃
+ 32℉
= 36ºF+32ºF = 68ºF
2. The temperature of an iron rod with 5kg mass is going to be raised by 10 K. If the heat needed is 20
Kj, what is (a) the specific heat and (b) the heat capacity of the iron rod?
Answer :
m = 5 kg
ΔT = 10 K
Q = 20 kJ
(a) According to Equation [5-2], we get
‹ $!,!!! 
 = Œ∆a =  = 400 J/Kg
yŽ%! y
(b) According to Equation [5-2], we get
 = mc = 5 Kg400 Kg. K = 2,000 J/K
3. An object with mass of 0.5 kg at 100ºC is immersed into water with the same mass at 25ºC. If the
final temperature is 39ºC and the specific heat of the water is 4,200 J/KgºC, find the specific heat of
the object.
Answer :
mobject = mwater= 0.5 kg
ΔTobject = 100ºC-39ºC=61ºC
Cwater = 4,200 J/kgºC
ΔTwater = 39ºC-25ºC= 14ºC
The object releases heat, while the water receives heat. According to the black
Qreleased = Qreceived
(mobject)(Cobject)(ΔTobject) = (mwater)(Cwater)(ΔTwater)
Cobject = (mwater)(Cwater)(ΔTwater)
= (0.5 kg)(4,200 J/kgºC)(14ºC) = 963.9 J/ kgºC
(0.5 kg)(61ºC)

1) Results of measurement using water temperature is 40 ° C centigrade thermometer scale.
determine the number indicated if the water temperature was measured with a
thermometer fahrenheit scale!
C = 40 ° C
C / 5 = (F-32) / 9
40 / 5 = (F-32) / 9 → F - 32 = 72
F = 104oF

2) If to heat 1 kg of silver which has a calorific type 230 J / kgoC. 42,000 joules of energy
needed, determine the temperature changes that occur!
Q = m. c.∆ T
∆T = Q / (m. c) = (42,000 J) / ((1 kg) (230 J / kgoC)) = 182.6 oC

3) An object has a heat capacity of 2000 J / oC. Determine the amount of heat required to raise
the body temperature of 10 ° C!
Given: C = 2000 J / oC
∆T = 10 ° C
Asked: Q?
Q = C. ∆T
= (2,000 J / C) (10 ° C)
= 20 000 joules = 20 kJ

4) To raise the temperature of aluminum which has a mass of 400 grams of 10 ° C to 50oC
temperature, heat is needed for 8400 J. Determine the heat of these types of aluminum!
Given: m = 400 g = 0.4 kg
∆T = 50oC - 40oC = 10 ° C
Q = 8400 J
Asked: c?
c = Q / (m. T)
c = (8400 J) / (0.4 kg .40o C) = 525 J / kgoC

5) Steel bar of length 60 cm at 0oC, if the temperature is raised to 80oC and long steel
expansion coefficient 1.1 x 10-5/oC, calculate the length of the stem after a long brick
expands and added it!
L0 = 60 cm
t0 = 0oC
t1 = 80oC
α = 1.1 x 10-5/oC
The length of the stem after expand are:
Lt = L0 (1 + α. ΔT)
= 60 {1 + (1.1 x 10-5) (80-0)}
= 60 (1 + 8.8 x 10-4)
= 60. 1,00088
Lt = 60.0528 cm
ΔL = Lt - L0
= (60.0528-60) cm
= 0.0528 cm

6) Square-shaped aluminum plate with a length of its sides is 50 cm and temperature 30oC. If
the length expansion coefficient of aluminum is 25 x 10-6/oC, determine the broad square
aluminum if temperature is raised to 150oC!
β0 and L0 = 50 cm
α = 25 x 10-6/oC
A0 = β0. L0 = 2500 cm2
ΔT = 150-30 = 120oC
β = 2α = 2(25 x 10-6/oC = 50 x 10-6/oC
At = Ao (1 + β. Δt)
= 2500 (1 + 50 x 10-6/oC. 120)
= 2500 + 0.125
At = 2500, 125 cm2

7) Copper beam measuring 15 cm long, 10 cm width, and height 12 cm, has a temperature of
25oC. Copper beam is then heated to 45oC. If the length expansion coefficient of copper 17 x
10-6/oC, what is the volume of copper block now?
V0 = P0. L0. T0
= 15. 10. 12 = 1800 cm3
ΔT = 45-25 = 20oC
Volume beam after heating are:
Vt = V0 (1 + 3α x Δt)
= 1800 {1 + 3 (17 x 10-6) (20)}
= 1800 (1 + 0.00102)
= 1800 (1.00102)
Vt = 1801, 84 cm3

8) A glass volume 500 cl glass full of alcohol at a temperature of 0oC. If the glass is heated so
that the glass temperature and alcohol become 80oC, how much alcohol will spill? (Length
expansion coefficient of glass = 0.000009 /oC and alcohol volume expansion coefficient =
0.0011 /oC)
ΔT = 80-0 = 80oC
Glass volume: The volume of alcohol:
Vt = V0 (1 + 3α x ΔT) → Vt = V0 (1 + Υ x ΔT)
= 500 {1 + 3 (0.000009) (80)} = 500 {1 + (0.0011) (80)}
= 500 (1 + 0.000027. 80) = 500 (1 + 0.088)
= 500 (1 + 0.00218) = 500 (1.088)
= 500 (1.00218) = 544 cl
= 501.09 cl
Volume of spilled alcohol were:
ΔV = 544 - 501.09
= 42.9 cl

9) A room containing a gas volume of 6 m3 helium at a temperature of 11.75 oC. If the

temperature is raised to 80oC at constant pressure, what volume of gas now?
Given: V0 = 6 m3
Δt = (80 - 11.75) = 68.25 oC
Vt = V0 (1 + 1 / 273 x ΔT)
Vt = 6 (1 + 1 / 273 x 68.25)
Vt = 6 (1 + 68.25 / 273)
Vt = 6 (1 + 0.25)
Vt = 6 x 1.25 = 7.5 m3

10) Heat propagate from left to right through a medium of metal rods that have a thermal
conductivity of 0.32 cal / msoC. Sectional area of the metal rod 50 cm 2, length 1 m and 40
°C temperature difference between the two ends. determine the speed of propagation of
heat in the trunk!
k = 0.32 cal / msoC
ΔT = 40 °C
A = 50 cm2
H = k. A. ΔT / L
= 0.32 cal / msoC (50 m2) ((40 C) / (1 m))
H = 0.064 cal / s

11) Find the energy emitted by a perfect black body temperature is 127oC!
T = 127oC = 127 + 273 = 400oK
σ = 5.67 x 10-8 watt/m2 (K)4
E = e. σ. T4
= (1) (5.67 x 10-8) (400)4
= 1452 watt/m2

12) propagate in a gas pipe with cross-sectional area 10 cm2, the gas flow from the temperature
70oC. calculate the amount of heat is transferred for 1 hour known thermal gas convection
coefficient is 0.05 cal /s m2 oC!
Given: A = 10 cm2 = 0.001 m2
ΔT = 80-70 = 10 °C
Asked: Big Heat who moved?
H = h. A. Δt
= (0.05) (0.001) (10)
H = 5 x 10-4 cal/s
In 1 hour, a lot of heat that moves are:
Q = H. t
= (5 x 10-4 cal/s) (3600 s)
Q = 1.8 cal

13) Determine the amount of heat needed to heat the water as much as 2 kg of 20oC
temperature until it reaches its boiling point, which is 100oC. known to heat water type 4.2
kJkg -1 oC-1.
m = 2 kg
c = 4.2 kJkg-1 oC-1
ΔT = 100-20 = 80oC
Q = m. c. Δt
= (2 kg) (4.2 kJkg-1 oC-1) (80oC)
= 672 kJ

14) An object has a heat capacity of 2000 J oC-1. Determine the amount of heat required to raise
temperatures of 10°C!
C = 2000 J oC-1
ΔT = 10 °C
Asked: Q?
Q = C. ΔT
= (2,000 J oC-1) (10°C)
= 20 000 joules = 20 kJ

15) Known heat melting ice 3.36 x 105Jkg-1. Determine the amount of heat required to melt 100
grams of ice!
Given: L = 3.36 x 105Jkg-1
m = 0.1 kg
Q = m. L = (0.1 kg) (3.36 x 105Jkg-1)
= 3.36 x 104 J

16) Known heat frozen water 3.36 x 105Jkg-1. specify the amount of water which freezes when
the temperature 0oC absorbed energy of 1.68 x 104J of that water.
Completion: L = 3.36 x 105Jkg-1
Q = 1.68 x 104J
M = Q / L = (1.68 x 104J) / (3.36 x 105Jkg-1) = 0.05 kg / 500 grams

17) Inside there is a glass of tea as much as 60 mL of water with a temperature of 80oC. then,
into a glass of water is added 40 mL 5 oC temperature. if known heat type heat tea water
with cold water species, determine the temperature of the mixture of water!
Given: mtea = 60 mL Ttea = 80oC
Mice = 40 mL Tice = 5oC
cteh = cair
if the final temperature of the mixture is tc, is obtained:
Q lepas (tea) = Q terima (water ice)
mteactea (Ttea - Tc) = maircair (Tc - Tair)
60 mL (80 °C - Tc) = 40 mL (Tc - 5 °C)
4800 oC - (60 Tc) = (40 Tc) - 200 oC
100 Tc = 5000 °C
Tc = 50 oC

18) The temperature scale shows the number of degrees X 70 degrees, what is the
corresponding number in degrees Celsius
ToX = 2 / 3 (t - 10) oC
70oX = 2 / 3 (70-10)oC = 2 / 3 (60)oC = 40 °C

19) What kind of heat a substance, if the mass of the object is equal to 100 grams of the
temperature will rise by 8oC when administered calories by 400 calories
Given: Q = 400 calories
m = 100 grams
t = 8oC

Q = m. c. Δt → c = Q / (m. Δt)
= 400 / (100 .8) = 0.5 cal / groC

20) A metal rod made of aluminum length of 2 meters at 30oC. if the length expansion
coefficient of aluminum 25 x 10-6 / oC. what is the added length of the aluminum rod when
the temperature is raised to 50oC.
Given: l = 2 meters
Δt = (50-30) oC = 20oC

Δl = α. l0. Δt
Δl = (25 x 10-6) (2) (50-30)
Δl = 10-3 m
Δl = 0.1 cm

21) Iron plate area 4 m2 at 20oC temperature. when the temperature was raised to 100oC, the
extent now what? expansion coefficient of long-known iron 11 x 10-6/oC
α = 11 x 10-6/oC → β = 22 x 10-6 / oC
At = A0 (1 + α. Δt)
At = 4 {1 + 22 x 10-6 /oC (100-20)}
At = 4 (1 + 1 760 x 10-6)
At = 4 (1 + 0.00176)
At = 4.00176 m2

22) A marble made of glass, with a long expansion coefficient of 3 x 10-6/oC. The 2 cm diameter
marbles, at a temperature of 0oC. what is the volume of marbles that when heated to a
temperature of 100oC.
V0 = 4 / 3 πR3 = 4 / 3 π. 13 = 4 / 3 π cm 2
Δt = 100oC
Υ = 3. α = 9 x 10-6 / oC
Vt = V0 (1 + Υ. Δt)
Vt = 4 / 3 π (1 + 9 x 10-6. 100)
Vt = 4 / 3 π (1 + 0.0009) = 4 / 3 π + π 0.0012
Vt = 1.3345 π = 4.19 cm3
23) Water as much as 200 grams at a temperature of 25oC is given in calories, by way of heating
at 1000 calories, if the heat kind of water 1 cal / groC. Determine the water temperature
after heating it!
Q = m. c. Δt
1000 = 200. 1. Δt → Δt = 1000/200 = 5oC
The temperature at first t1 = 25oC
Then: Δt = t2 - t1
5 = t2 - 25 → t2 = 30oC

24) Heat capacity of a calorimeter is 100 calories. What is the change in temperature when it
absorbs heat calorimeter 840 joules.
C = 100 calories / oC
ΔQ = 840 joules = 200 calories
remember: 1 calorie = 4.2 joules
then: C = ΔQ / Δt → Δt = ΔQ / C = 200/100 = 2oC

KD 4.3

1. Eternity of energy [at] mixing two LOOK vitamin neglectfully kalor which [in] absorber by place of
mixing. rasher of Alumunium with mass 200 g [in] heating until its temperature reach 90 C,
later;then [is] immediately dropped into a[n containing canister 100 g irrigate [at] temperature 20 C.
Neglectfully transfer of kalor to environment [about/around] and canister absorb heat,
[count/calculate] mixture temperature. Type Kalor of alumunium 900J / singk of K, type kalor
irrigate 4200J / singk K.
m 1= 200 g = 0,2
c1 = 200 J/kg
T1 = 90°C
m2 = 100 g = 0,1 kg
c2 = 4200 J/kg K
T2 =20°C

Suhu akhir campuran (air dan alumunium) = x°C. x°C diantara 20°C dan 90°C

Suhu alimunium turun :

∆+1 = T1 – x

= (90 – x)°C atau (90 – x) K

Alumunium melepas kalor :

Q1 = m1c1∆+1

= (0,2 kg ) (900 J/kg K )(90 – x )

= 180 ( 90 – x ) J

Suhu air naik :

∆+2 = x – T2

= ( x – 20 )°C atau ( x -20 )

Air menerima kalor :

Q2 = m2 c2 ∆+2

= (0,1 kg ) ( 4 200 J/kg K ( x - 20) K)

= 420 ( x - 20) J

Azaz black :


420 ( x – 20 ) = 180 ( 90 – x )

7 ( x – 20 ) = 3 ( 90 – x )

10 x = 270 – 3x

sX = 41

2. alloy have Mass [to] 150 gr [in] heating until 600 C, later;then into water which [is] its mass 400
temperature and gr 15 C. irrigate to stay in calorimeter which place of made him of alumunium with mass
200 gr. Balance temperature which [in] reaching [is] 28 C. Calculate type kalor of sampel alloy.
Kalor which [in] discharging sampel = absorbed heat irrigate and calorimeter.

m 2c2 (T2-x) = m1ca ( x- T1 ) + mwcw (x-Tw)

0,1 x c2 ( 600-28) = 0 ,4 ( 4.180) ( 28- 15) + 0,2 ( 900 ) ( 28-15)

57,2 c2 = 21.736 + 2.340
57,2c2 = 24.076
C2 = 420 J/ kg°C
3. alloy have Mass [to] 150 gr [in] heating until 550 C, later;then into water which [is] its mass 400
temperature and gr 15 C. irrigate to stay in calorimeter which place of made him of alumunium
with mass 200 gr. Balance temperature which [in] reaching [is] 28 C. Calculate type kalor of
sampel alloy.
Kalor which [in] discharging sampel = absorbed heat irrigate and calorimeter
m 2c2 (T2-x) = m1ca ( x- T1 ) + mwcw (x-Tw)
0,1 x c2 ( 550-28) = 0 ,4 ( 4.180) ( 28- 15) + 0,2 ( 900 ) ( 28-15)
52,2 c2 = 21.736 + 2.340
52,2c2 = 24.076
C2 = 0,461 J/ kg°C
4. alloy have Mass [to] 150 gr [in] heating until 700 C, later;then into water which [is] its mass 400
temperature and gr 15 C. irrigate to stay in calorimeter which place of made him of alumunium
with mass 200 gr. Balance temperature which [in] reaching [is] 28 C. Calculate type kalor of
sampel alloy.
Kalor which [in] discharging sampel = absorbed heat irrigate and calorimeter
m 2c2 (T2-x) = m1ca ( x- T1 ) + mwcw (x-Tw)
0,1 x c2 ( 700-28) = 0 ,4 ( 4.180) ( 28- 15) + 0,2 ( 900 ) ( 28-15)
67, 2c2 = 21.736 + 2.340
67,2 c2 = 24.076
C2 = 358,2 J/ kg°C
5. alloy have Mass [to] 150 gr [in] heating until 120 C, later;then into water which [is] its mass 400
temperature and gr 15 C. irrigate to stay in calorimeter which place of made him of alumunium
with mass 200 gr. Balance temperature which [in] reaching [is] 28 C. Calculate type kalor of
sampel alloy.
Kalor which [in] discharging sampel = absorbed heat irrigate and calorimeter
m 2c2 (T2-x) = m1ca ( x- T1 ) + mwcw (x-Tw)
0,1 x c2 ( 120-28) = 0 ,4 ( 4.180) ( 28- 15) + 0,2 ( 900 ) ( 28-15)
9,2c2 = 21.736 + 2.340
9,2 c2 = 24.076
C2 = 2616,9 J/ kg°C

KD 4.1

1. temperature of Tremometer mercury which not yet been calibrated to be to be plunged in ice which
[is] melting ar boil, and its temperature ? can be [counted/calculated] with equation ( 6-1 )
Given Xo = 5,0 cm : X100 = 25,0 cm dan Xo = 7,8
” ƒθ"ƒθ ), " ,!
= ; θ/100 =
%!! ƒ%!!"ƒ%!! $ ,!" ,!
” $,&  %!! 
= 2,8/ 20 ; θ = $!
= 14 °C

2. Two A tremometer and of Bmenujukan [is] same number 100 when water nature arranging
temperature irrigate moment boil. In rather warm water [of] A number menunjukan teremometer of
B number menunjukan 50 . If A number menunjukan tremometer.
∆A : ∆B = 25 : 50
∆A : ∆B = 1 : 2
Pada skala A, QR = ∆A = 75 – 25 = 50° B
Pada skala B, QR = ∆B = ( 50 – X )° B
∆A dan ∆B 25 : 50 : 1 : 2
50 : ( 50 – X ) = 1: 2 ; 50 – X = 100 : X = -50
3. A canister 4L, 95 [gratuity/ %] of its volume [in] alcohol content. If temperature early canister 0
and this canister [in] heating until 70 C have an effect on ( 0 ) - 1 alcohol muai koevisien 0,001 (
• Zat padat bejana
Vo, bejana = 4L
= 400 L
Bejana = o,oooo11 ( C° )-1
Suhu awal To = 0 °C
Akhi To = 70 °C

∆γ bejana = γ bejana Vo bejana ∆T

= 3 a bejana Vo bejana ∆T

= 3 (o, 000011 ) ( 4000 cm3) ( 70 )

= 9,24

∆γ alk = γ alk Vo alkohol ∆T

= 0,001 ( 3800 Cm3 ) ( 70 ) = 266 Cm3

• Zat cair ( alkohol )

Vo alk = 95 % x 400 Cm3
γo Alk = 0,001 ( Co )-1
T o = 0 °C
T = 70 ° C
Volum bejana dan alkohol suhu T = 70°C

V bejana = Vo bejana + ∆ v bejana

= 4000 + 9,24 = 4009, 24 Cm3

V alkohol = Vo alkohol + V bejana

= 4066 – 4009.24

= 56,76 Cm3
4. Air with temperature 25 C blown to pass surface of hot plate and kalor come from bagaian in plate.
Plate [is] fairish ( 40 x 40 ) temperature and cm and temperature its [is] it[him] carried through [by]
[at] temperature 300 C. If coefficient transfer of convention kalor [at] mica lisp 30 W / K m2.
Determining migratory kalor jumblah and [count/calculate] temperature in plate ( k = 205 g / K)
If/When made plate of alumunium thickly 1 Cm
Jumblah kalor yang berpindah :
Q = hA∆T = 30 x ( 0,4 x 0.4 ) x ( 300 – 25 ) = 1.320 joule.
Jika pelat alumunium dengan tebal 1 cm.
~ !,%D
Q = ( k ) ∆T = 1320 = ( 205 ) ( T- 300 ) diperoleh T = 300,4°C
C !,!%

5. Water counted 2 and litre have temperature [to] 2,5 C heated in pancai till its temperature mount to
become 50 C. How much/many volume irrigate after heated?
Vo = 2 ιdan γ = 210 x 10-6
∆T = ( 273 + 50 ) – ( 273 + 25 ) = 25 K
Jadi V = Vo ( 1= 210 x 10-6 ) ( 25)
= 2,0105

KD 4.1

1. An object has temperature of 25o C. Express the temperature of the object in the Reamur, Fahrenheit,
and Kelvin scales !
D1 : Temperature of 25o C
D2 : oF ?
D3 :
- In Reamur scale (oR )
C =
R → R = C
= 25o
= 20o R
- In Fahrenheit scale (oF )
C = ` ( F – 32 ) F = C + 32 o
= 25 + 32 o
= 77 o F
- In Kelvin scale (oK )
C = K – 273 K = C + 273
= 25 + 273
= 298 oK
2. The reading of Fahrenheit scale is equal to the Celcius scale at the temperature of
Absolute zero

3. A thermometer with oX scale has the freezing point of water at – 40oX and boiling point of water at
160oX. if the themperature of an object is 25oX. Determine the themperature of the object in the
Celcius, Reamur, Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales
D1 : Water freezing point -40o X
Water boiling point 160o X
Temperature of 25o X
D2 : oF ?
D3 :
' ƒ "ƒ9„…
- =
%!! ƒ9„…"ƒ9†m
$ X – -!ƒ
%!! " -!ƒ"%D!ƒ
25 (− 40 − 160 ) = 100 (X + 40 )
-1000X – 4000X = 100X + 4000X
-5000X = 4100X
X = - 0,82 C
- In Reamur scale (oR )
C =
R → R = C
= . -0,82
= - 0,656 R
- In Fahrenheit scale (oF )
C = ` ( F – 32 ) F = C + 32 o
= -0,82 + 32 o
= 30,524 o F
- In Kelvin scale ( K )
C = K – 273 K = -0,82 + 273
= 272,18 oK

4. Thermometer X which has been calibrated shows the number of -30 at water freezing point and 90 at
water boiling point. The temperature of 6o X is equal to

D1 : Water freezing point -30
Water boiling point 90
Temperature of 6o X
D2 : The temperature of 6o X is equal to
D3 :

' ƒ "ƒ9„…
- =
%!! ƒ9„…"ƒ9†m
Dƒ ƒ–#!
%!! #!"`!
6 . -60 = 100 ( X + 30 )
6 . -60 = 100X + 3000
Dƒ #!!!
%!!ƒ "D!
0,06X = -50
X = 80oC

KD 4.2
1. A steel wire has length of 100 cm at temperature 30oC. If the length of the steel now is 100,1
cm and = 10-5/oC , determine the temperature of steel now !

D1 : l 100 cm = 1 m
lt 100,1 cm = 1,001 m
T1 30oC
D2 : T2 ?
D3 :
- Lt = l0 (1+ . T)

1,001 = 1 ( 1 + 10-5 . T)
1,001 = 1 ( 1 + 10-5 . ∆T)
1,001 = 1 + 10-5 T
0,001= 10-5 T
T = 0,001 / 10-5
T = 100 oC

T = T2 - T1
100 oC= T2 – 30
T2 = 130 oC

- Lt = l0 ( 1 + . T)

1,001 = 1 ( 1 + 10-5 . T2 - T1 )
1,001= 1 ( 1 + 10-5 . T2 – 30 )
1,001 = 1 + 10-5 . T2 – 30
1,001 – 1 = 10-5 . T2 – 30
0,001 / 10-5 = T2 – 30
100 = T2 – 30
100 + 30 = T2
130 = T2

2. A glass vessel (∝ = 9 x 10-6/oC ) is filled with 150 cm3 of mercury ( full ). If the coefficient of
mercury volume expansion is 1,8 x 10-4/oC and its temperature increase 40 oC, calculate the
mercury volume which spilt out !
D1 : ∝ = 9 x 10-6/oC
Vbejana 150 cm3
Vraksa 150 cm3
o = 1,8 x 10-4/oC

T 0 oC + 40 oC = 40 oC

D2 : Vtumpah ?

D3 :

∆Vbejana = ˜ . V0 . T
= 3 . 150 . 40

= 3 . 9 x 10-6 . 150 . 40

= 40500 x 10-6

= 0,0405 cm3

Vraksa = ˜ . V0 . T

= 1,8 x 10-4 . 150 . 40

= 10800 x 10-4

= 1,08 cm3

Vbejana = V0 + Vbejana
= 150 + 0,0405

= 150, 0405 cm3

Vraksa = V0 + Vraksa

= 150 + 1,08

= 151,08 cm3


Vtumpah = Vbejana - Vraksa

= 150, 0405 - 151,08

= - 1,0395 cm3

3. A gass is warmed up at constant pressure so that the temperature increase from 0 oC to 120
C. if the volume of gass now is 6 m3, what is the initial volume of gass?
D1 : T1 0 oC
T2 120 oC
V 6 m3
D2 : V0 ?
D3 : V = V0 + T
6 = V0 + 120
V0 = 120 – 6
V0 = 114 m3
4. A piece of metal has initial length of 10 meters at temperature 20 oC, then is warmed up and
reaches temperature of 120 oC. if the coefficient of length expansion is 10-4/K, then its length
increment is
D1 : l0 10 m
T1 20 oC + 273 =293
T2 120 oC + 273 = 393
∝ 10-4/K
D2 : Lt ?
D3 :
- Lt = l0 ( 1 + . T)

= 10 ( 1 + 10-4 . 100 )
= 10 ( 1 + 0,01 )
= 10 + 0,1
= 10,1 m

5. A 3 m3 gas, is increased its temperature from 12 oC into 103 oC at a constant pressure.

Calculate the volume of gas now !

D1 : 3 m3
T1 12 oC
T2 103 oC
D2 : V0 ?
D3 :
- V = V0 ( 1 + ˜ . T )

= 3 ( 1 + $)# . 91 )
= 3 (1+ #
= 3+1
= 4 m3

KD 4.3

1. A 500 gram body absorbs heat 400 calorie so that its temperature increase 4 oC. determine
the specific heat of that body !
D1 : Q 400 calorie
m 500 gram
T 4 oC
D2 : c?
D3 :
- Q =mc T

400 = 500 . c . 4
400 = 2000 . c
c = 0,2 cal/g oC

2. A wall has the relative constant temperature of 25 oC in out door air temperature of 18 oC.
calculate the dissipation heat in 3 hours because of heat convection if the wall area 15 m2 and
h = 3,5 J/s m2 K !
D1 : h = 3,5 J/s m2 K
A 15 m2
T 25 oC + 273 = 298
T 18 oC + 273 = 291
T = 7 oK
t 2 hours = 7200 s
D2 : Q?
D3 :
- Q = h A T t

= 3,5 15 7 7200
= 264600 J
= 2646 x 102 J

3. A stem of 50 cm metal with section area of 20 cm2 . one of its end touches the ice
( 0 oC ) and another end touches an object with temperature of 80 oC. if its thermal
conductivity is 0,9 cal/s cm oC, calculate the heat that propogate passing through the metal in
5 seconds !

D1 : d 50 cm
A 20 cm2
T 80 oC - 0 oC = 80 oC
K 0,9 cal/s cm oC
t 5 seconds
D2 : Q ?
D3 :
H ~ ∆a
- Q = t
!,` $! &!
= 5
= 144 calories
4. At temperature of 20 oC, a certain copper with the emissivity of 0,3 area of 10 m2 š = 5,67 x
10-8 W/ m2 K-4
D1 : › = 5,67 x 10-8 W/ m2 K-4
emissivity of 0,3
T 20 oC + 273 = 293
A 10 m2
D2 : P?

D3 :
- P = e › A T4
= 0,3 5,67 x 10-8 10 293 293 293 293
= 125364564125.01 x 10-8

1. At the time of ice melt thermometers x show 20 and when the boiling points number 80 . if the
temperature 40 0 C thermometer x indicates the number ...


D1 :
Titik beku X = 200 x
Titik beku X = 800 x
Termometer celcius = 400 C
D2 :
Termometer X =…?
D3 :
400 C = . . . 0X
( 40 + 20 ) = 24 + 20

= 440 x
2. Suhu nitrogen boils at 320, the Celsius scale is ....
-320 ℉ = . . . ℃
( 320 – 32 )

. -288 = 160 0
3. At what temperature centigrade thermometer and fahrenhite show the same number?
X℃ = X℉
. X + 32 = X
32 = X . X

32 =( - )X

32 = X

160 = -4 X

X = - 40 0
The length of the column of mercury in the glass tube 30 mm in sushu 0℃ and 280 mm at a temperature of

100 ℃. When a long column of mercury 180 mm, then the temperature is designated. . . . . K K
h° = 30 mm
h = 280 mm
T = 100 ℃
T° = 0℃
180 – 30 = 280 – 30 = Panjang
X–0 100 – 0 Suhu

= 150 = 250
X 100
X = 15000 = 15 . 4 = 60 ℃
• 60 + 273 = 333 ° K

5. The temperature in an air-conditioned room is 68. In Celsius temperature scale is shown. . . . .

( 68 - 32 ) = x 36 = 20
` `

6. A new type of liquid with a mass of 500 grams and the temperature 10 ℃. The substance is heated
to 50 ℃. Turned out to require 2800 J of heat. Heat type material was ...

M = 500 gr = 0,5 kg
T1 = 10 ℃
T2 = 50 ℃
Q = 2800 J
Q = M . C . ∆t
2800 = 0,5 . c . 40
C = 2800
0,5 . 40
C = 2800
C = 140 J/kg℃
7. Steel and brass rod cross-sectional area and panjangna same, one end is connected. suhu ujung
batang bajanya yang bebab 250 . sedangkan suhu ujung batang kuningan yang bebab 100 . jika
koefisien masing – masing 0,12 kal/s dan 0,24 kal/s maka suhu pada titik hubung kedua batang
tersebut adalah … temperature of the steel rod tip which bebab 250. while the brass rod tip
temperature bebab 100. if the coefficient of each - each 0.12 cal / s and 0.24 cal / s, the
temperature at the point connecting the two rods are ...

K1 . A1 . ∆£ = K2 . A2 . ∆£
0,12 ( 250 – tc ) = 0,24 ( tc – 24 )
30 – 0,12tc = 0,24 tc – 24
30 + 24 = 0,24 tc + 0,12 tc
54 = 0,36 tc
= 150 ℃
8. Skin temperature of a person think - about 32 ℃ . If people think outside the body surface - about 1.6 m 2
are in the room temperature is 22 ℃ , then the person's body heat is released through convection for 5
minutes is. . . . .
= H . A . ∆£

T1 = 32 ℃ = 32 + 273 = 305 °K
A = 1,6 m2
T2 = 22 ℃ = 22 = 273 °K
t = 5 menit = ( 5 x 60 ) 300 detik
H = 77 W/mK
Q ..?
= 77 . 1,6 . -10
= -1232
Q = -1232 . 300 = - 369600
• Min menyatakan menyerap panas .
9. A thermometer with a scale-free x has a freezing point of water at - 40 x and 160 x water point. At the time
of the thermometer read 15 x then the Celsius scale thermometer reads ...
Xmin = -40 °x
Xmax = 160 °‚
X = 15 °x
℃ =...?
Z ­"­S®Q
dee ­SP¯"­S®Q
' % ""-!
%!! %D!""-!
%!! $!!

C= = 27,5 ℃

10. Thermometer reamur and Fahrenheit thermometer will show the numbers in the measurement of
temperature. . . . .
T°\ = T°
R = R + 32
- `
R - R = 32
- -
R = 32
R = 32 X ( )
R = -25,6°\
11. If 75 grams of water where the temperature 0℃ is mixed with 50 g of water temperature is 100 ℃ then it
is a mixture of water temperature. . . . .M1 = 75 gr
T1 = 0℃
M2 = 50 gr
T2 = 100℃
Tc … ?

M2 . C2 . ∆=2 = M1 . C1 . ∆=1
50 ( 100 – tc ) = 75 ( tc – 0 )
5000 – 50 tc = 75 tc
5000 = 125 tc
= 40℃ = tc
12. When the heat kind of ice = 0.5 cal / g is to raise the temperature of 800 grams of ice from - 12 to 60℃ it
takes the heat as much ... (if in the heat of ice 80 cal / g and the heat kind of water 1 cal / g)M = 800 gr
Ces = 0,5 kal/gr℃
L = 80 kal/gr
Cair = 1 kal/gr℃
T1 = -12 ℃
T2 = 60℃
Q1 = 800 . 0,5 ( 0 –(-12))
= 400 . 12
= 4800 kal
Q2 = 800 . 80
= 64000 kalori
Q3 = 800 . 1 ( 60-0 )
= 800 . 60
= 48000 kal
Qtotal = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
= 4800 + 64000 + 4800
= 116.800 kalorii

13. A bottle made of glass volume 1000 cm 3. alcohol bottles filled to the brim, and then heated dare
30-90  h glass = 9 x 10 -6 ℃ oalcohol = 10 -3 / ℃

Tentukan volume alkohol yang tumpah . Determine the volume of spilled alcohol.

Vbotol = 1000 cm3

Valkohol = 1000 cm3
∆= = 60℃
h kaca = 9 x 10-6/℃
oalkohol = 10-3/℃
Vtumpah . . . ?
VT alkohol = V0 ( 1 + o .∆= )
= 1000 ( 1 + 10-2 . 6 )
= 1000 + 60 = 1060 cm3
VT botol = V0 ( 1 + o .∆= )
= 1000 ( 1 + 3 . 9 . 10-6 . 6 . 10-1 )
= 1000 + 162 . 10-2
= 1000 + 1,62 = 1001 , 62 cm3
∆± tumpah = VT botol – VT alkohol
= 1001,62 – 1060
= - 58 , 38 cm3

1. Determine calor required just for changes 1 kg ice gets temperature -20oC . as
waters the lot on pressure 1 atm gets temperature 50oC , if calor ice type 0,5
kkal / kgoc , calor melts ice 80 kkal / kgoc . And calor water type 15 = 1 kkal /
Answer :
 D1 = mice = 1 kg
= Tice = -20 oC
= Twater = 50oC
=Cice =0,5 kkal / kgoc
=Cwater = 1 kkal / kgoc
= Lice = 80 kkal / kgoc
 D2 = Q ...... ?
 D3 = Q1 = mice . Cice .∆+
= 1 . 0,5 . 20
= 10 kkal

= Q2 = mice . Lice

=1 . 80

= 80 kkal

= Q3 = mwater . Cice . ∆+

= 1 . 1. 50

= 50 kkal

= .∆> = Q1 . Q2 . Q3

= 10 + 80 + 50

= 140 kkal

2. If 400 g ice get temperatures -10oC be interested into 300 g water . Get
temperature 20oC , Meanwhile calor’s interchange just among ice and even water
, calors melts ice 80 kkal / g . Calor ice type 15 0,5 kal / g . Calor is water type 1
kal / goC . How much temperature in a state that mixture final ?
Answer :
 D1 = mice = 400 g
= mwater = 300 g
= Tice = -10 oC
= Twater = 20oC
=Cice =0,5 kkal / kgoc
=Cwater = 1 kkal / kgoc
= Lice = 80 kkal / kgoc
 D2 = t ....... ?
 D3 = Q1 = mice . Cice .∆+
= 400 . 0,5 . 10
= 200 kkal

= Q2 = mice . Lice

=400 . 80

= 3200 kkal

= Q3 = mwater . Cice . ∆+

= 300 . 1. 20

= 6000 kkal
=m= . S²@³

.400 = 50 A

3. An object’s temperature changes from 70oF into 98oF . State those

temperature in the celcius , reamure , and Kelvin scale .
Answer :
 -28oF = o
` "$ $–#$ "$$!
= − 28 = = = −44
 -28oF = o
=- − 28 = −63
 -28oF = o
= - 28 + 273 = 245

4. The temperature of an iron rod with 5 kg mass is going to be raised by 10 K . If

the heat needed is 20 kj , how much is the specific heat and heat capacity of
the iron rod ?
Answer :
 m = 5 kg
T = 10 K
Q = 20 kj
B $!,!!! G
 (a) =C = 9 ∆Y =  HI %! ( 
= 400 J/kg.K
 (b) = C = (5 kg )(400 J/kg.K)
= 2,000 J/K

5. How much out grow if calor that at needs to thaw ice as much 100 g , on
temperature 0oC as water the lot that 0oC ? if at knows calor laten ice fusion
becomes water as big as 80 kal / gr ?
Answer :
 D1 =m = 100 gr.
L = 80 kal/gr
 D2 = Q……..?
 D3 =Q =m.L
= 100 .80
=8000 kal

6. One object with calor’s capacity 100 Joule / oC . How much calor one at need to
raise that object temperature as big as 60oC ?

Answer :

 D1 =C = 100 Joule / oC
=∆+ = 60 C

 D2 = Q ……?

 D3 =Q = c . ∆+

= 100 . 60

=6000 Joule

1. The temperature of an object expressed in the Celsius scale is 30oC. State
theobject temperature in Kelvin scale!


We have celcius scale is 300C

ay – $)# #!"!
• =
#)#"$)# %!!"!
ay – $)# #!
• =
%!! %!!
Tk = 30 + 273
= 303 oC

( Muhammad fatkhul arifian )

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