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Group 1

Keith Anthony Balbin

Ruby Queen Balquin
Arjay Alvarado

Everyday Sometimes Never

Recycle papers, bottles and cans 0 2.4 0.2

Buy recycled products 0 2 .4

Car pool or use public transportation 1 0 0

Belong to an environment group 0 3 1

Write to your elected representative 0 1.2 1.2

Know where your food comes from 2.8 1.4 0

Engage in outdoor activity 2 2.4 0

Watch world news on tv 3 2.2 0

Think that pollution laws should be strictly

implemented 3 .8 .2

Should spend more time on environment

protetion 2.1 1.4 0

Have hope for the future 2.6 1.4 0

Importance Knowledge

(1-5) Not Much (1-5) Not Much

Human population 3.6 .6 3.4 .6

Sustainable development 3.8 .6 2.6 .6

Endangered species 4.8 0 .4 0

Food supplies and soil 3.4 .2 2.2 .2

Global climate 6.4 0 4.2 0

Water supplies 4.8 0 3.3 .2

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