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Awakening > Words and Music by Chris Tomlin and Reuben Morgan Key- A ct Verse 1 Amaj7 E4) D Amaj7 In our hearts Lord in this nation awaken - ing —4) oD Amaj7 Holy Spirit we desire awaken - ing Chorus 1 D2(no3) Fim7 For You and You alone a-wake my soul ‘A2(no3) E A-wake my soul and sing D2(no3) Fim7 For the world You love Your will be done A2(n03) E Let Your will be done in me Verse 2 Amaj7 E(4) D Amaj7 In Your presence in Your power awaken - ing (4) D Amal7 For this moment in this hour awaken - ing Instrumental 1 D Bm7 Fim7 = A2(n03)- Bm7— E Bridge (CE) D Like the rising sun that shines Bm7 Fim7 From the darkness comes a light ‘A2(n03) Bm7 | hear Your voice and this is my D Bm7 ‘Awaken - ing E (To instrumental 2) {COL Song 8677308 ©2019 steps Min | ortega can sng | Vans Pung | SHOUT! Pubtarg or ue tla) wit he Songelact Tem of Use, Alnghts Reserved wan co com ‘CELI Licnme #2516207 ‘Awakening - 2 Instrumental 2 D Fim7 AE D Fim7 A CE Chorus 2a D Fem7 Like the rising sun that shines a-wake my soul A E A-wake my soul and sing D Fim7 From the darkness comes a light a-wake my soul A E A-wake my soul and sing Chorus 26 D Fim7 Like the rising sun that shines a-wake my soul A E A-wake my soul and sing D Fim7 Only You can raise a life a-wake my soul A E D A-wake my soul and sing Ending Amaj7 Ea) D Amaj7 In our hearts Lord in the nations awaken - ing Awakening Words and Music by Chris Tomlin and Reuben Morgan Verse 1 Bmaj7 FHA) E Bmaj7 In our hearts Lord in this nation — awaken - ing FH4) OE Bmaj7 Holy Spirit we desire awaken - ing Chorus 1 E2(n03) Gim7 For You and You alone a-wake my soul B2(no3) Fe A-wake my soul and sing E2(no3) Gim7 For the world You love Your will be done B2(n03) FE Let Your will be done in me Verse 2 Bmaj7 FH(4) E Bmaj7 In Your presence in Your power awaken - ing FH(4) E Bmaj7 For this moment in this hour awaken - ing Instrumental 1 E Ctm7 Gim7 — Baino3) | C#m7 EOF Bridge (FR) E Like the rising sun that shines Cim7 Gim7 From the darkness comes a light Ba{no3) chm? | hear Your voice and this is my E ctm7 ‘Awaken - ing FE (To instrumental 2) {COLI Song 65877398 (22010 shstepe Music| worshtogster com song | Varios Pushing | SHOUT! Pushing Forse S18) win the SongSole! Tome of Uae. Argh Reserves, com ‘CCL Lconve #2516297 Key- B ¢ Awakening - 2 Instrumental 2 E Gim7 BFE — Gimz BFR Chorus 2a E Gim7 Like the rising sun that shines a-wake my soul B Fi A-wake my soul and sing E Gim7 From the darkness comes a light a-wake my soul B FE A-wake my soul and sing Chorus 2b E Gim7 Like the rising sun that shines a-wake my soul B FH ‘A-wake my soul and sing E Gim7 Only You can raise a life a-wake my soul B FH E ‘A-wake my soul and sing Ending Bmaj7 FH(4) E Bmaj7 In our hearts Lord in the nations awaken - ing Awakening Words and Music by Chris Tomlin and Reuben Morgan Key-E Wilson ve? Verse 1 hatin OO Emaj7 Bi) A Emaj7 In our hearts Lord in this nation awaken - ing Ba) A Emaj7 Holy Spirit we desire awaken - ing Chorus 1 A2(no3) Ctm7 For You and You alone a-wake my soul E2(no3) B A-wake my soul and sing A2(n03) Cim7 For the world You love Your will be done E2(no3) B Let Your will be done in me Verse 2 Emaj7 Bi) A Emaj7 In Your presence in Your power awaken - ing Bis) A Emaj7 For this moment in this hour awaken - ing Instrumental 1 A Fim7 Cim7 = E2(no3)_ Fim? A B Bridge (B) A Like the rising sun that shines Fim7 cim7 From the darkness comes a light E2(n03) Fim7 | hear Your voice and this is my A Fim7 Awaken - ing B (To instrumental 2) CCL Song #8677988 ‘2010 shtops Musi | wortiplogatner com sons | Varios Publishing | SHOUT! Publishing Fores sly wih the Songbelet Tes of Us. allighs Reserved, www oc cor ‘CCU cence wies748 ‘Awakening -2 Instrumental 2 A Cim7 E B A cCim7 E B Chorus 2a A Cim7 Like the rising sun that shines a-wake my soul E B A-wake my soul and sing A Cim7 From the darkness comes a light a-wake my soul E B ‘A-wake my soul and sing Chorus 2b A chm? Like the rising sun that shines a-wake my soul E B A-wake my soul and sing A Cim7 Only You can raise a life a-wake my soul E B A A-wake my soul and sing Ending Emaj7 Bi) A Emaj7 In our hearts Lord in the nations — awaken - ing Awakening Words and Music by Chris Tomlin and Reuben Morgan Key- G Verse 1 Gmaj7 D4) c Gmaj7 In our hearts Lord in this nation awaken - ing D4) oc Gmaj7 Holy Spirit we desire awaken - ing Chorus 1 C2{n03) Em7 For You and You alone a-wake my soul G2(n03) D A-wake my soul and sing C2{n03) Em7 For the world You love Your will be done G2ino3) D Let Your will be done in me Verse 2 Gmaj7 Dy) c Gmaj7 In Your presence in Your power awaken - ing Dia) c Gmaj7 For this moment in this hour awaken - ing Instrumental 1 C Amz Em7 = G2(no3) | Am7— D Bridge (D) c Like the rising sun that shines Am7 Em7 From the darkness comes a light Ga{no3) Am7 I hear Your voice and this is my c Am7 Awaken - ing D (To mstrumental 2) (COL Song #8677309 2010 shtops Musi | worstipiogather cam song | Varios Publichg | SHOUT? Publishing Force soy wih the Songeelect Tema of Usa, hl igs Reseed, aww <2. con ‘CCL License #165742 ‘Awakening - 2 Instrumental 2 Cc Em G oD Cc Em G D Chorus 2a c Em7 Like the rising sun that shines a-wake my soul G D A-wake my soul and sing c Em7 From the darkness comes a light a-wake my soul G D A-wake my soul and sing Chorus 2b c Em7 Like the rising sun that shines a-wake my soul G D A-wake my soul and sing c Em7 Only You can raise a life a-wake my soul G D ¢c ‘A-wake my soul and sing Ending Gmaj7 D4) c Gmaj7 In our hearts Lord in the nations — awaken - ing

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