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P'os1 Orad uete D~pl!Cl,ma in BUisiiness Miarnagemell1t "Managem erilt: Pirog ramfow lEx.ecutiv'el {M PIE} : 20-mont~ WeekeUild PWQg ram

Pro'Q ra mob j ectl ves

To prep<l re managers who arei 1'1 the precess of assum: I'Ig liIi'91her I e'\le~ respcnsibilitiesto ~h ~nk.lilollstlica Ily and deve,1 op alii untegtr<l'~ed and s:~r<iitegic perspective on m,af1lag,e,rial~ clhalll,eniges faced Tfill'\eal ilire" The r:u'\ogr<llm willi equip partueipanits with SOIU nd ccneepts. arnalytics, lea dership a rid ohange' mOl na gemem skills, Ahe r com pletion of lhH pmg ram, panueipa nits can as pire' 10 talke up genera I mOlina gemem pos;iltio n 5 a rid lead e rslh ip re les,

The prog ram willi offer S!J bjec1iS, for deeper stu ciy lh oritwmalUy across fUinmi onal areas and vertlea Illy across do mOl i ns S u chas

~r, Te leco rn, IRel<lil & Malnufact!u ru n g.

USPs of the Program

1. I:xposul'e to Business Alflal'~lruics cUirrenUy eonslderad as OI1l,e of 'the hottest s,IJib}ectsinl term of carrier opporruunities,

2. lhe prog ram offers, opportunli'~i,esw deepe'lil pa' ul'lldern'~liIdll'llg both horizonta IliV ln fUl'llcticma I a rea, sLlb}eats as we,111 as vert~cally i n some of the' sunrise sectors.

3. A ]udic~ous blend of pedagogy ifill/ollving ifilteradiveelass sassicns, case arnalysisalnd 5umul1atiions aniCi plm}eGt work et1lsUll'\e efi'eGtiv,e' a bso~ptio n and application of cen cepts ..

C u rri c u lu m - 1M a n daterv eou rses

In kee'pin g with th e' key ob~eGtuV1e!Sthe subjiects that wi~ll be oil'iered al'1e as under:

Key objective

Holistic approach & Integrated and strategic perspective

SOU n d eonce pis

Lea dership ami Chan ge Man ag 9'ment skills

Undarstanding Managemant Business & Organization

I • Busi ness Strategy Formulatic n • Strategy 1m pleme ntation

II • Business simulation

Fi na nC ial Ar:cou ntl ng o.ualntitative Tee h niq ues

Marketing Management t2 courses) MOl na gement Accou rUing

Indillid u a I & Gro u p iJy n a m lcs (2 courses)

M r erceconorn los Business E nvi ronment Operations Managemeilt Fi.nancial Management

IT !For Managers t2 courses)

F i na n~ ial Ana Iytics Operatio ns An i'lilytics

Market Iresea r~ h & Marketing A!1Ialyti~s

leadersh 1 p and Cha nge MOl na gemem Corporate (3,overnanca 6: Etihics

IN egoti ationskllls

Managing gmWl:h Cross cultJUr<li1 issues

Corporate social responsibility & ethics


Overvii,ewof M\'3 illsgement \'311l1!;! Ui[nde[Fstancli[il'91 o rg,i!'Ill izail:~O[Il'S

M~cr'il·economic:s and Itlusiriless IE.nvirOrii ment, Demand a ifId SuppllV, E lastJicity, Fkm Be,lhavlior a ifId Prici ifIg; Nalt~o[nalll neoms Acooul1ItJi Il,g

Financ,j'a I .ACCOiLIIiltil1lgl: Ul1Iderstalildil1lg[ P & l statam e'liit a rrld Balanc,e' Sheet

CUI.mtitative Teehniques: Probability and [Hstr'itm~lons., Linea r IF'roglra mm~ ng,. Re.grs's:sio n a n[d [)e(l~sioriAnaJlysis

IT for M~ml,gers.:. Balsiics of MIS., liS Project Manag:e m em a rid Le, IT ss rviees: ~T Strategy fo r B:usill1 ess: Desig rI and dell Ivery [IT! odie,I's. sO'li.!l1cinglst,alegies,. liT Value tor Bus i !lless " ABR,Va Iii


Busi nless Strategy I mpllement:aJtio n

Markieti ng manaqeme nt III: Marketung Mix, Strmegy and Inwg ration

Str.ateg i c !Finance and I nt~ma~ional!Finance

Hium,an R,eSlcn.m::ie M an ag ilJ,ment: RellfWa!1lce of HRM, Ul'lIdfilifStandil'llg[ O[rganiizati onal Roles. T earns. IH~ rna n Resoulrce Pilar'! !1Iing, Performance Man!1lgenr'l:(mt Systems

i:nlle'riprnis.e Sys,le,ms and Data WarehQus:e<s:: lB,a:$!i,cs of !::IRP a r~lhitectlu r'@, ernrewp:ri$e dBita wilr€lh OUisiing,. bU$~[n 8$S: arnd tech M.lOgy perspectives

Pir0Ject wmlk


4 Electives + ProJect Com pletion



FiMlflcial State,ment .AMlysi$, Work~liIg Capital ManagemEmt a nd Capita I Bud9leUng

Marlketing Marn31gemel1t I, GOIlISUme[F Behavio[F, Seg mentilil'91, 101 Fge~i Ilig and PiOsitionirJ:91

Oper.atnons a nd Serv~ce5 m anag e'ment: Process Flow, Capacity Pia lim~ nig .lind Supply C hai n,gemeln~, Sendee Desig n, Del~very and Qua Ility

Marnageria I AC(lo U mit1lQI:: understanding costs-fixed and va riablle costs, conc,epls of marg~ nail (los.ti rig, sta ndard costing. and Actllvity-Balsed Costl1 n 9

Busi ness Stlrawgy Formull;:Jt!on



Negotialtuoln Skills: Gemingw a Wln~Wit1lSiltua,ticm and tools for n9'goli.ations

Marketi[ng Ana lvtics

Lead ers h ip a!lld Char! 9,e Ma n01!!g ement: Ma !lIalg i[l'1Ig Growth. diver:s;~ty, eress-eujtural issues: Eth[i~s .. Corpo r~lte GO\iern~ln~e and CS R


Com petencv map ping Perforrna nee appra lsal cmotio na I Ilnt811 ugence

The PI'O]ect Wo~ik \Mill s1!an mmm Trum 4and willi continue through Trim 5" The palrticipalnts willi be requjred tio meet the fatUlltyguide at least once in 15 davs, for discussion <'lInd reponing 01 progress, Assessm,ent of'the project win be ,against pre-determined mil estenss a nld deliverablle;s such as darta collection and an~lysis,. ckaft Ifepon presel'll11ation, vivavoce'., and fi ria I pwo}ect r>epm't.

Electives 0 n offe r

Functi onal areas (Horlzonta 1)- Do rna i 11 (vertical)

Regu latorv issues Pricing

Customer relati onship

Customer Relationship Management Integrated marketing communioation Brand Management


M erg ers & Acq uisitions

Hedge funds & Private equity funding Personal Financial Planning

IT Services

Business model - Off-shoring IOtl-shoring Manpower sourcl n g & traini n 9

PirOject management

Bus~ ness mod el (s) " F ormats

M~lxi mizung 51.!! PP Iy c ha~ n effudie n cy Customer relsti Ollsnip manage m em

Sup ply Cha i n ma naglement Project managem s nil

lotal ql.!!aliity rna nageme!1!t


Manufa~tu ri ng

World class manuf!lcturing Th eory of eonstral nil:s Strateg lc cost managem,e nil:

A p\3lrtllcip:~mt illIay ChCHJSe ~lIny tWCiI;:CiiLIrs€,s from tlI;H~ 4! holFizemtal !3IJrea$ \3mJ alnY t.wo C'IJUIFS¢s from the 4 \l'eliicall areas, GI13,sses win be iheld for ellec.1:iiv,es.onlly if 131 min imu rn of 1 0 parl:idparlts n13!s opted fo r the same. lin caSe UIH:: In umberS ,of p81rtJldpallitsoptiilfl9 for anelective uS less tJhaln ~ O,the patticipalnts wi III Plr(]o\l~de course marterl1al fur

Total nurn ber of cou rses

...-------- IMandarwrv CiOUlrses --------._ Hiollis1iicapplroac:n ij iinilillgrated strategic per,spective ;3 Sound concepts 1.2

__ ------ EI,e~tiV1es! Project -------,

Busi ness alilalytics

Lead ersh ip& chalilgll~' marilag,e ment skms

:3 2

Horizomal V,ertica~ Pmject

2 2


Com petencv map ping Perforrna nee appra lsal cmotio na I Ilnt811 ugence

The PI'O]ect Wo~ik \Mill s1!an mmm Trum 4and willi continue through Trim 5" The palrticipalnts willi be requjred tio meet the fatUlltyguide at least once in 15 davs, for discussion <'lInd reponing 01 progress, Assessm,ent of'the project win be ,against pre-determined mil estenss a nld deliverablle;s such as darta collection and an~lysis,. ckaft Ifepon presel'll11ation, vivavoce'., and fi ria I pwo}ect r>epm't.

Electives 0 n offe r

Functi onal areas (Horlzonta 1)- Do rna i 11 (vertical)

Regu latorv issues Pricing

Customer relati onship

Customer Relationship Management Integrated marketing communioation Brand Management


M erg ers & Acq uisitions

Hedge funds & Private equity funding Personal Financial Planning

IT Services

Business model - Off-shoring IOtl-shoring Manpower sourcl n g & traini n 9

PirOject management

Bus~ ness mod el (s) " F ormats

M~lxi mizung 51.!! PP Iy c ha~ n effudie n cy Customer relsti Ollsnip manage m em

Sup ply Cha i n ma naglement Project managem s nil

lotal ql.!!aliity rna nageme!1!t


Manufa~tu ri ng

World class manuf!lcturing Th eory of eonstral nil:s Strateg lc cost managem,e nil:

A p\3lrtllcip:~mt illIay ChCHJSe ~lIny tWCiI;:CiiLIrs€,s from tlI;H~ 4! holFizemtal !3IJrea$ \3mJ alnY t.wo C'IJUIFS¢s from the 4 \l'eliicall areas, GI13,sses win be iheld for ellec.1:iiv,es.onlly if 131 min imu rn of 1 0 parl:idparlts n13!s opted fo r the same. lin caSe UIH:: In umberS ,of p81rtJldpallitsoptiilfl9 for anelective uS less tJhaln ~ O,the patticipalnts wi III Plr(]o\l~de course marterl1al fur

Total nurn ber of cou rses

...-------- IMandarwrv CiOUlrses --------._ Hiollis1iicapplroac:n ij iinilillgrated strategic per,spective ;3 Sound concepts 1.2

__ ------ EI,e~tiV1es! Project -------,

Busi ness alilalytics

Lead ersh ip& chalilgll~' marilag,e ment skms

:3 2

Horizomal V,ertica~ Pmject

2 2


The M PE pro 9 ra m ~ s albsoll utsl y a m US! fo r a lily executive who has spe nt Iii i S or her ti m e do ]Img management in ollie or two sreas. When we work fora while we think that we, understand ma na'gem e rill as h ave been d o~ 111 9 th is over the yea rs, 0 ut we forg etth ail: we have lea rned ma nag,sm €I In! OIt"lI~Y in thea rea wit'nle re we are experi enced, Th is prog ra m ~8 hel pi n 9 me bette r u ndersten d how d~iff,er,erl!l!: fields of ma na'g,em e mare i me r -1m n ked arid how ~ m porta nt it is 'to understand all the aspects 011 business, The eourse structure is excellent and uses ~ot ow case studies wh lc h m a kes it triIiiI ore pra etlcal tha n th eoretlcel. Ih a 111 ks to NI M 111M 8 and the fa e u Ity mar EI IIII,effmts.

Amit Salujia .~ GEl

The IP rog rem co me nt in 'g,en e rail covers the rna ne 9 e me ntsillllb~ects ve ry we H, It d ef n i1.1elv he I PiS us 'to see th e B IIG pictu re wh~11 e provi din 9 so I utio nsto pro b lem s, Th e extensive u se 011 case stud i es a 111 d real time problems is a very good approach. II feelthat now there Is notable difference in my p erspectiv,es vis-a-vis ·a 111 a Iyzi nqa pro blern .. AII the c lass roo m i1l'ilte ractl em s 'that we have h ad were extremelv inl!:erest~lilig, Overall ~ fee~ I took the, ~ighlt: decision in be~ll'lIgl part off NMIMS universitv,

IRajashankar - Mlind1l::ree

I nth €I M PE pro 9 ra min N M ~ MIS I a m I earn i n 9 tlhe c:au se and effect relatlo nsh i p of d;ffie'f'lernt b usi n 8S8 and mana'g,ement concepts, Some of tl!hJem II might haveapolled whille malking a pmmes.srolnall decision witholUt know~lngl the welill knitted science behindit, lin NM~MS ~ am lesrninq how every single case has ,got a hidden patternand how to analyze what can be a possible outcome. The practical alppmacihl of the curriculum and the facullties wTlth~l1IdlUlstrv experlenceare Ihelping me to s ha rpen the way ~ a I'll al~yzea n d lea rn h OW!O i m pa ct bu s i ness decisl on.

Uddeepta Ballldv,o,padltlyay - Busiiness IlntelUgence Tech


Nalrsee Mlnjee Ilst'itlte 11 Managem,ent StUidies (Declar,ed as Deem ed-to-be University under Section 3 of th e' U GC Act 1956),

11, Kdive ri IReg,e nit Coronet, SO feel lRoad, 7th Miain. 3 rei Blook, INear Rahe ia Residency. Koraman galla, Ban gall 0 re ~ 5601 103'* Phone : D80~40855!)5c5. 408555001 : email: balngallore@Jnmillils_,edu ; Website .: www.nmil1l1sD.iJllI.galolre_org

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