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Review of the Book

Maqasid Al-Shariaa
Prof Dr. Mohmmed Nijatuuah Siddiqi
Review by: Prof. Dr. A. Islahi
Islamic Economic Research Center
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Abstract. This is a survey of a book in Urdu entitled Maqasid-i
Shari`at (Objectives of Shari`ah) by Dr. Muhammad Nejatullah
Siddiqi. In this work the author has tried to establish that a study
of the objectives of shariah, and their consideration would be a
great help to solve many economic problems and new issues
faced. The book is very important as it is authored by writer who
had vast experience and studied various problems in the present
age from very close corner. He had also the advantage of access
to works written in the past or recent years on the subject in
different languages as it is cleat from the long list of sources
listed in the bibliography. He never insists on his own opinion.
Rather he invites to dialogue and deliberation.

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Uncertainty . "" Risk

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.() ()

(1) Claire Chartier (2009) Les banquiers dAllah, , 9 avril.

(2) Thibault Le Grand (2009) La finance islamique, encourage par l'Etat, reste
embryonnaire en France, Le d'aprs l'AFP, 2 septembre.
(3) Jean-Paul Larame (2009) Finance islamique: Une manifestation formidable de
lintgration, entretien ralis par Emilie Cailleau, , 9 avril.
(4) Jean-Paul Larame (2008) Finance islamique la franaise. un moteur pour
l'conomie, une alternative thique, Paris: Secure Finance.
(5) Antoine Sfeir (2002) Les fondations du rgime sont mines, Rdig par Martine
Gozlan, 14 janvier.
(6) Hassane Zerrouky (2001) Quand terrorisme et finance font bon mnage, L'Humanit,
22 septembre; Richard Labvire (2004) Les secrets de la guerre sainte financire,
propos recueillis par Serge Raffy, Le Nouvel Observateur, 29 janvier.
(7) Patrick Louis (2008) "La porte ouverte au communautarisme", propos recueillis
par Marc Lomazzi, Le Parisien, 27 aot; AFP (2009) Finance islamique: le FN
dnonce un "pril communautariste", La, 18 septembre.
(8) Minute (2009) Lagarde ne meurt pas elle se rend, 11 mars; Victor Perez (2009)
L'UMP soutient-elle la finance islamique? ,, 22 septembre.
(9) Guy Millire (2009) La trahison de Nicolas Sarkozy, Les 4Vrits Hebdo, 22

" ") (

" " ) (Socit Gnrale

) le de

(la Runion ) (


" "

)) (Nicolas Sarkozy (
)-) (Neuilly-sur-Seine(
(1) BFCOI: Banque Franaise Commerciale Ocan Indien.

) ( )(

(3) Le Figaro (2009) La finance islamique en difficult, 2 mai.

)-) (Hauts-de-Seine(
)-( )-( )-
( )-/( "
" ) (UMP .
) (
) (

- -
. .

" :

") .(

) ( " "

(2) Nicolas Sarkozy (2009) Allocution de M. Le Prsident de la Rpublique

l'occasion du dner d'Etat offert en l'honneur de son altesse Cheikh Hamad Bin
Khalifa Al Thani Emir du Qatar , Palais de l'Elyse, lundi 22 juin, p. 3,
(3) Jean-Paul Larame (2009) "Le march du dtail s'lverait en France 3 milliards
d'euros", propos recueillis par Imen Gazgui,, 18 mai.

) ()(Jean-Louis Borloo
" : " "
" " "

) .()(David Martinon " :

" "


) (Arnaud de Bresson " "

) (Paris Europlace "

) (


(2) AFP (2007) Nicolas Sarkozy veut un plan d'action l'automne pour le secteur
financier, 12 juin,
(3) Groupe UMP du Snat (2007) 29 propositions pour gagner la bataille des
centres de dcision, sous la prsidence de Philippe Marini, Rapport rendu public
le 22 juin.




(1) Jean Arthuis (2008) La finance islamique en France: Quelles Perspectives? , p. 42.

( )

Carole Niquet (2008) Les banques islamiques, dossier finalis le 20 mai,

Paris: Ministre des affaires trangres et europennes, DCI sous direction
de l'information et de la documentation.

Philippe Fouet (2007) Le dveloppement de la finance islamique vu du

Moyen-Orient, Banque & Stratgie, n253, 1er novembre.
Pierre Fabre (2007) Bahren: Une place financire islamique de rfrence?,
Banque & Stratgie, n253, 1er novembre.
Charles Couffin (2007) Qatar: une politique incitative favorable aux
industries et aux infrastructures, Banque & Stratgie, n253, 1er novembre.
Thibaud Contamine (2007) Malaisie: Un pays moteur, mais qui ne relche
pas ses efforts, Banque & Stratgie, n253, 1er novembre.
Jean-Charles Rouge (2007) Indonsie: une situation paradoxale pour le
plus grands pays musulman du monde, Banque & Stratgie, n253, 1er

)) (Christine Lagarde (

) (Thiery Francq





" " "

" .

" "


(1) DGTPE = Direction gnrale du Trsor et de la politique conomique.

;?(2) Jean Arthuis (2008) La finance islamique en France: quelles perspectives
Rapport d'information du Snat, N329, 14 mai, p.43.
(3) DGTPE (2009) Initiative en faveur du dveloppement de la finance islamique en

" :

) (fiches doctrinales


" "

" :




) (Christian Estrosi .
) (Herv Novelli ) (
) ( .

(2) Paris Europlace (2009) L'environnement juridique de la Place financire de

Paris: les principales rformes 2008-2009, Paris, p. 13.

) ( :


) .(

) :(


) (Gilles Saint Marc ".()"Gide Loyrette Nouel

) CECEI=Comit des

(tablissements de crdit et des entreprises d'investissement

) (Christian Noyer ).(

) (AMF=Autorit des Marchs Financiers

)) ()(Thierry Francq .(

" "

) :(


) (Euromoney

"" ).(Le Bristol

" : !".

)) (Philippe Marini (

" " ) (UMP


) (rgime de fiducie .
- -


" :

") .( ""
" . "
" )" (Article 66 Bis
) ()(rgime de fiducie
(1) Philippe Marini (2009) Droit franais. Le renouveau de la fiducie, Revue Banque,
n713, 1er mai, p. 58.
) ( " :"fiducie

: ) . (.
-/ - :
: .- :
" "fiducie "" :
Conseil international du Fiqh (2000) Rsolutions et recommandations du Conseil
de l'Acadmie islamique du Fiqh 1985-2000, Jeddah: Banque islamique de
dveloppement Acadmie Islamique du Fiqh, douzime session, 23-28 septembre
2000, p. 279.

. :
" " ) (AMF

" " ).(Euronext Paris

) (



= :
)( "
- )-(" :
.- :
" "fiducie " "fiducia .
" "fiduciaire . ) (rgime fiduciaire

. ) ( :
" ) (constituants

) (fiduciaires


)(1) Snat (2009) Proposition de Loi, Simplification du droit, N 145 rect., (1re lecture
(n210, 209, 225, 227), 18 mars 2009, Amendement prsent par M. Marini.

)) (Rachida Dati (


) (
) ( )
( .

" " )(Business Bondy Blog


" " ) ()(La nouvelle pme


" .


)) (Christian Estrosi (
) Franois
(Fillon .

) ( " " ) :(Bondy Blog

) ( ) :(La nouvelle pme

(3) Chaker Nouri (2009) Rachida Dati parle business et bbs Bondy, 20, 15 mai.



"" ) (Elle

" " ) .(

""" :

. - -

" : .

. ").(
Assemble nationale (2009) XIIIe lgislature, Deuxime session
extraordinaire de 2009-2009, Compte rendu intgral. Premire sance du jeudi
17 septembre,
) ( " " Financial Times

"" Le Monde .


(3) Fadela Amara (2009) Ni voile ni burqa , interview de Franoise Colombani, Elle, 4

)) (Paul Girod (

" " ) .(UMP

" "

" ").(

) (Jean-Michel Fourgous

" " ) (UMP

) .()(Elancourt

" :

) () (

. .

(1) Snat (2007) Le nouvel "ge d'or" des fonds souverains au Moyen Orient, n33,
Session ordinaire de 2007-2008, Paris, 17 octobre, p. 25.
(2) Jean-Michel Fourgous (2009) Il faut encourager la finance islamique en France,
Le Cri du Contribuable, n71, 16 mai.


. )( ,

) (


""" :


)) (Chantal Brunel (

" " ) (UMP .



(1) Jean-Michel Fourgous (2009) "Vite, un fonds souverain de 100 milliards!", propos
recueillis par Eric Giacometti, Le Parisien, 2 avril.

, .


" "

)) (Jean Arthuis (

)( )-(
) (

" " )) (L'Alliance centriste (.

- -

(1) Commission des Finances, de lconomie gnrale et du contrle budgtaire,

Mercredi 9 septembre 2009, Sance de 16 heures 30, Compte rendu n121,
Prsidence de M. Didier Migaud Prsident, puis de M. Louis Giscard dEstaing,
Vice-prsident. Examen de la proposition de loi, modifie par le Snat, tendant
favoriser laccs au crdit des petites et moyennes entreprises (n 1728) (Mme
Chantal Brunel, Rapporteure).




) (DGTPE .

: .
: " " ) Gateway to

(Islamic finance ) (Gordon Brown


) (
" " ) - (Isla Invest
" :
" .
(2) Jean Arthuis, Philippe Marini, Aymeri de Montesquiou, Philippe Adnot,

Michel Moreigne et Philippe Dallier (2008) Le nouvel ge d'or des fonds

souverains au Moyen-Orient, Rapport d'information n33., 17 octobre, pp. 37-38.

" : ") .(
" :


)) (Vincent Peillon (

"" ) (Le Point

" ".

" .

" "
. !").(

(1) Jean Arthuis (2008) La finance islamique en France: quelles perspectives?,

Rapport d'information n329, 14 mai.

) ( .
(3) Le Point (2001) Trois questions poses Vincent Peillon: "Pointer du doigt les
banques islamiques est abusif", 28 septembre.

)) (Henri Emmanuelli (


" ) (Socialiste, radical, citoyen



. :

) ( ) .(


" .

. :

. .

: .

) ( ) :(Christian Estrosi .
) ( ) (Chantal Brunel ) (
) ( ) :(Herv Novelli ) (



. !

)) (Nicole Bricq (

" ") .(

)) (Edith Cresson (

)-) (Franois Mitterrand(
) ( ""
) (Reuters : " :
.. ".

(2) Assemble nationale (2009) XIIIe lgislature. Deuxime session extraordinaire de

2008-2009, Compte rendu intgral. Premire sance du jeudi 17 septembre.
(3) Snat (2007) Le nouvel "ge d'or" des fonds souverains au Moyen Orient, n33,
Session ordinaire de 2007-2008, Paris, 17 octobre, p. 25.



" " ) (Front National

) (Marine Le Pen
" : "

. " " .

" :" " "


" :

]" "[ ) (UMP

"" .
" . " :

(1) Bertrand Terreux (2009) Les freins au dveloppement des PME par Edith
Cresson, 26 janvier,
(2) Camille Neveux (2009) Les obligations islamiques fchent le PS, Le Journal du
dimanche, 19 septembre.

" . " :

" .

- ").(
" "

) (Patrick Louis "

" ) (Mouvement pour la France

).(Philippe de Villiers

) (Marc Lomazzi

"" ) .(Le Parisien .

" :

: .

" :

" .

(1) Marine Le Pen (2009) Finance islamiste: le socialiste dcouvrent le pril
;communautariste, communique de presse, 18 septembre,
AFP (2009), Finance islamique: le FN dnonce un "pril communautariste",, 18 septembre.

: .

) (TF1
) (

: .




: )(


(1) Jean Arthuis, Philippe Marini, Aymeri de Montesquiou, Philippe Adnot, Michel
Moreigne et Philippe Dallier (2008) Le nouvel ge d'or des fonds souverains au
Moyen-Orient, Rapport d'information n33.
(2) Christian Gaudin (2007) La bataille des centres de dcision: promouvoir la
souverainet conomique de la France l'heure de la mondialisation, Rapport
dinformation n 347.

) (Jean Artuis )(Philippe Marini

" - :

" - :

/ ".

)( :


(1) Jean Arthuis (2008) La finance islamique en France: quelles perspectives?, Rapport
d'information n329, 14 mai.


: .

. :

: " "

) (Philippe Marini "

") .( :



: :
)( :


) .(
(1) Groupe UMP du Snat (2007) 29 propositions pour gagner la bataille des centres
de dcision, sous la prsidence de Philippe Marini, Rapport rendu public le 22 juin.
(3) Jean-Michel Fourgous et Olivier Dassault (2009) Sortie de crise et capitalisme:
comment attirer les capitaux et les fonds souverains en France? , rapport d'tude
parlementaire, Paris, avril.
(4) Jean-Michel Fourgous et Olivier Dassault (2009) Sortie de crise et capitalisme:
comment attirer les capitaux et les fonds souverains en France? , rapport d'tude
parlementaire, Paris, avril.

" .



" " ) (UMP

) (nouveau centre .

) (PC ) .(Les Verts

) (SRC
. .


(1) Valeurs Actuelles (2009) Vives les fonds souverains, 9 avril.

" "

. ) (Ilys Jouini

) (Olivier Pastr "

" ) (Paris Europlace" :


( .

(1) Ilys Jouini et Olivier Pastr (2008) Enjeux et opportunits du dveloppement de

la finance islamique pour la place de Paris. Dix propositions pour collecter 100
milliards d'euros, Paris: Paris Europlace, 8 dcembre.




) .( " :

) (TF1

) ( ".

) ( )( - :
- -.

- -

) ( ) (


" : ".

" : :
") .(
" "


(1) Jean-Michel Fourgous et Olivier Dassault (2009) Sortie de crise et capitalisme:

comment attirer les capitaux et les fonds souverains en France? , rapport d'tude
parlementaire, Paris, avril.

" "
" : " "

" .



" " : .

.- :

)( - :

- " :

: .-

)( .

) . (.
/ : .

" ( )

:( -) -
.- : -

( )
. :

AFP (2007) Nicolas Sarkozy veut un plan d'action l'automne pour le secteur
financier, 12 juin,
AFP (2009) Finance islamique: le FN dnonce un "pril communautariste", La,
18 septembre.
Amara Fadela (2009) Ni voile, ni burqa , Magazine Elle, 4 septembre.
Arthuis Jean (2008) La finance islamique en France: quelles perspectives?; Rapport
d'information du Snat, N329, 14 mai.
Chartier Claire (2009) Les banquiers dAllah, , 9 avril.
Contamine Thibaud (2007) Malaisie: Un pays moteur, mais qui ne relche pas ses
efforts, Banque & Stratgie, n253, 1er novembre.
Couffin Charles (2007) Qatar: une politique incitative favorable aux industries et aux
infrastructures, Banque & Stratgie, n253, 1er novembre.
DGTPE (2009) Initiative en faveur du dveloppement de la finance islamique en
Fabre Pierre (2007) Bahren: Une place financire islamique de rfrence?, Banque &
Stratgie, n253, 1er novembre.
Fouet Philippe (2007) Le dveloppement de la finance islamique vu du Moyen-Orient,
Banque & Stratgie, n253, 1er novembre.
Fourgous Jean-Michel et Dassault 1 Jean-Michel (2009) Sortie de crise et
capitalisme: comment attirer les capitaux et les fonds souverains en France? ,
rapport d'tude parlementaire, Paris, avril.
Fourgous Jean-Michel (2009) "Vite, un fonds souverain de 100 milliards!", propos
recueillis par Eric Giacometti, Le Parisien, 2 avril.
Fourgous Jean-Michel (2009) Il faut encourager la finance islamique en France, Le
Cri du Contribuable, n71, 16 mai.
Groupe UMP du Snat (2007) 29 propositions pour gagner la bataille des centres de
dcision, sous la prsidence de Philippe Marini, Rapport rendu public le 22 juin.
Jouini Ilys et Pastr Olivier (2008) Enjeux et opportunits du dveloppement de la
finance islamique pour la place de Paris. Dix propositions pour collecter 100
milliards d'euros, Paris: Paris Europlace, 8 dcembre.
Labvire Richard (2004) Les secrets de la guerre sainte financire, propos recueillis
par Serge Raffy, Le Nouvel Observateur, 29 janvier.
Landrot Antoine (2009) La France abolit le dernier obstacle la finance islamique,, 24 mars.
Larame Jean-Paul (2008) Finance islamique la franaise. un moteur pour
l'conomie, une alternative thique, Paris: Secure Finance.
Larame Jean-Paul (2009) "Le march du dtail s'lverait en France 3 milliards
d'euros", propos recueillis par Imen Gazgui,, 18 mai.

Larame Jean-Paul (2009) Finance islamique: Une manifestation formidable de

lintgration, entretien ralis par Emilie Cailleau, , 9 avril.
Le Figaro (2009), La finance islamique en difficult, 2 mai.
Le Grand Thibault (2009) La finance islamique, encourage par l'Etat, reste
embryonnaire en France, Le d'aprs l'AFP, 2 septembre.
Le Pen Marine (2009) Finance islamiste: le socialiste dcouvrent le pril
communautariste, communiqu de presse, 18 septembre,
Le Point (2001) Trois questions poses Vincent Peillon: "Pointer du doigt les
banques islamiques est abusif", 28 septembre.
Louis Patrick (2008) "La porte ouverte au communautarisme", propos recueillis par
Marc Lomazzi, Le Parisien, 27 aot.
Millire Guy (2009) La trahison de Nicolas Sarkozy, Les 4Vrits Hebdo, 22 septembre.
Minute (2009) Lagarde ne meurt pas elle se rend, 11 mars.
Neveux Camille (2009) Les obligations islamiques fchent le PS, Le Journal du
dimanche, 19 septembre
Niquet Carole (2008) Les banques islamiques, dossier finalis le 20 mai, Paris:
Ministre des affaires trangres et europennes, DCI sous direction de
l'information et de la documentation.
Nouri Chaker (2009) Rachida Dati parle business et bbs Bondy, 20, 15 mai.
Paris Europlace (2009) L'environnement juridique de la Place financire de Paris: les
principales rformes 2008-2009, Paris.
Parlement national (2009) Commission des Finances, de lconomie gnrale et du
contrle budgtaire, Mercredi 9 septembre 2009, Sance de 16 heures 30,
Compte rendu n121, Prsidence de M. Didier Migaud Prsident, puis de M.
Louis Giscard dEstaing, Vice-prsident. Examen de la proposition de loi,
modifie par le Snat, tendant favoriser laccs au crdit des petites et
moyennes entreprises (n1728) (Mme Chantal Brunel, Rapporteure).
Parlement national (2009) XIIIe lgislature. Deuxime session extraordinaire de 20082009, Compte rendu intgral. Premire sance du jeudi 17 septembre.
Perez Victor (2009) L'UMP soutient-elle la finance islamique? ,,
22 septembre.
Rouge Jean-Charles (2007) Indonsie: une situation paradoxale pour le plus grands
pays musulman du monde, Banque & Stratgie, n253, 1er novembre.
Sarkozy Nicolas (2009) Allocution de M. Le Prsident de la Rpublique l'occasion du
dner d'Etat offert en l'honneur de son altesse Cheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al
Thani Emir du Qatar, Palais de l'Elyse, lundi 22 juin, p. 3,
Snat (2007) Le nouvel "ge d'or" des fonds souverains au Moyen Orient, n33,
Session ordinaire de 2007-2008, Paris, 17 octobre,
Snat (2009) Amendement prsent par M. Marini. Proposition de Loi, Simplification
du droit, N 145 rect., (1re lecture) (n210, 209, 225, 227), 18 mars.
Sfeir Antoine (2002) Les fondations du rgime sont mines, Rdig par Martine
Gozlan, 14 janvier.
Terreux Bertrand (2009) Les freins au dveloppement des PME par Edith Cresson, 26
Valeurs Actuelles (2009) Vive les fonds souverains, 9 avril.
Zerrouky Hassane (2001) Quand terrorisme et finance font bon mnage, L'Humanit,
22 septembre.


Rgime de fiducie
Place de Paris
Frottements lgislatifs et fiscaux
Fiches doctrinales
Obligations islamiques


)(UMP=Union pour un mouvement populaire

" " ) (RPR=Rassemblement pour la Rpublique

" " ) (UMP=Union pour la majorit prsidentielle

) (Jacques Chirac . "

" ) (Parti populaire europen" " )


(dmocratique internationale .

)(parti socialiste

)(PCF=Parti communiste franais

)(Les Verts

)(Front national

" " .

)(Mouvement pour la France


" " =

" "

) (UMP " " )

RPR= Rassemblement

(pour la Rpublique " " )


(Librale et Indpendants " "

).(UDF=Union pour la Dmocratie Franaise

" " =
) (PS=Parti Socialiste" "
) (PRG=Parti Radical de Gauche" " )


.(Rpublicain et Citoyen
" " =


" ) (PCF=Parti Communiste Franais"" ).(Verts

" " =

" " )(NC=Nouveau Centre

)" " ) (UDF (.


" "

" " ) (UMP

" " . "

" " " )"(Parti Radical "valoisien

" " )


.(Dmocratique et Social Europen

" " ) (PS=Parti Socialiste

"" ).(Verts

" "

) (Union Centriste

) Nouveau Centre (divers droite )

.(Modem=Mouvement Dmocrate

" "

" " )

PRG=Parti Radical de

(Gauche " " )" (Parti Radical "valoisien

" ".


" ".


) (Didier Migaud
) (PS ) (Gilles Carez "
" ).(UMP



(Arthuis " " ) (Union Centriste

) (Philippe Marini " " ).(UMP






" "


) (


: .


) (Governance ) (Governance

) (Kubernan

) (Piloter un navire ou un char

) (Gubernare

) (Gouvernance

) (Art ou manire de gouverner

) (Gouvernement

) (Governance

(1) Encyclopdie de wikipedia sur le site:

Gouvernance Gouvernement .

)( .

- Corporate Governance:

) Cadbury( "




) ( ) (Governance Corporate

(2) Cadbury Committee (1992) Report of the Committee on the Financial

Aspects of Corporate Governance, London, Gee and Co Ltd.

) (


) (



) Gomez(

) Charlety(

(1) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Principles

of Corporate Governance, 2000.
(2) Hirogoyen, G., Caby, J., La cration de valeur de lentreprise, Economica, paris,
2001, p. 51
(3) Bessire, D., Meunier, J., Conception du gouvernement des entreprises et modles
; dentreprise : une lecture pistmologique ; Finance dentreprise, CREFIB
Economica, Paris, 2001, p. 186.
(4) Plusieurs auteurs; Lart de la finance, Glossaire Financial Times Limited,
Village Mondial, Paris, 1998, p. 348.

( ).(



) (



(la loi de

(scurit financire

(1) Bessire, D. and Meunier, J, Op.cit; p. 187.

(2) Thierry Widen. G. et al., dvelopment durable et gouvernement dentreprise: un
dialogue prometteur, dition dorganisation, Paris, 2003, p. 102.


) (IAS/IFRS(1) comittee



) (Enron
) (Worldcom .
(1) - IAS: International Accounting Standard
- IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standard

) (

).(fair value

(3) Zied et Pluchart, J.J., la gouvernance de la banque islamique, proposition de

communication, fvrier 2006, p. 3.



) ( ) (OECD



) (


(2) Grard Charreaux, la recherche de nouvelles fondations pour la finance et la

gouvernance dentreprise, Finance Contrle Stratgie, Vol. 5, N 3, septembre 2002,
p. 26.
(3) Bancel.F, la gouvernance des entreprises, Economica, Paris, 1997, p:35.



) (






) (Leland et Pyle, 1977

Bagnani) al(



(1) Nguena, O.J, Arregle, J.L, Yves de Konge, Ulaga.W, Introduction au management
de la valeur, Dunod, Paris, 2001, pp: 54-55.
)Ibid, p. 131. (

) (
) .: .( :

) (march interbancaire

) (


) (
) (


(2) Ghazi Louizi, impact du conseil dadministration sur la performance des

banques tunisiennes, XVme Confrence Internationale de Management
Stratgique, Annecy / Genve 13-16 Juin 2006; pp: 3-4.

) ( .:

) (



- :

(1) Mehram. H, Corporate Governance in the Banking and Financial Services

Industries, Journal of Financial Intermediation, vol. 13, 2004, p. 05.

) (

(3) Sebastian .M, international and Mena wide trends and developments in bank and
corporate governance, the institute of banking IFC: corporate governance for
banks in Saudi Arabia forum, Riyadh, 22-23 may 2007, p: 06.
(4) Fawzi.S, Assessment of corporate governance in Egypt. working paper n 82, the
Egyptian Center of Economic Studies, Egypt, April 2003; p: 04.


" :



(1) Jean-Pierre, P, la stabilit financire nouvelle urgence pour les banques centrales,
bulletin de la banque de France, N 84, dcembre 2000; p. 07.

) (

- :


) (

) ( :

) (


) (r

) ( . :
) ( . :
) (

. :
) ( .- :
) ( . :

) (



) ( .:

) ( . :
) (

) (: :
) (:
) :(r )

= ) (Yves simon
)( ) (encyclopdie de gestion
: (la confiance
).dans les transactions commerciales

- .


) (double gouvernance


) ( //



/ .
(2) Mohammed. U.C. and Ahmad, H. (2002) Corporate Governance in Islamic
Financial Institutions, occasional paper N:06, IRTI, Islamic Development
Bank, p. 19.


) :(


) (
// /.
) (

) (
. - :

" "" "


(1) MALO J-L. et MATHE J-C., Lessentiel du contrle de gestion, Edition

dOrganisation, 2me dition, Paris, 2000, p.106.


) ( .


/ .





// .

) ( :

8- Bancel, F., la gouvernance des entreprises, Economica, Paris, 1997.

9- Bessire.D; Meunier, J, Conception du gouvernement des entreprises et modles
dentreprise: une lecture pistmologique ; Finance dentreprise ; CREFIB ;
Economica ; Paris ; 2001.
10- Encyclopdie de wikipedia sur
site :
11- Grard Charreaux, la recherche de nouvelles fondations pour la finance et la
gouvernance dentreprise, Finance Contrle Stratgie Volume 5, N 3, septembre 2002.
12- Ghazi Louizi, impact du conseil dadministration sur la performance des banques
tunisiennes, XVme Confrence Internationale de Management Stratgique,
Annecy / Genve 13-16 Juin 2006.
13- Hirogoyen.G; Caby.J; La cration de valeur de lentreprise, Economica, paris,
14- Jean-Pierre.P, la stabilit financire nouvelle urgence pour les banques centrales,
bulletin de la banque de France, N 84, dcembre 2000.
15- MALO J-L. et MATHE J-C., Lessentiel du contrle de gestion, Edition
dOrganisation, 2me dition, Paris, 2000, p:106.
16- Nguena.O.J, Arregle.J.L, Yves de Konge, Ulaga.W, Introduction au management
de la valeur, Dunod, Paris, 2001.
17- Plusieurs auteurs; Lart de la finance, Glossaire Financial Times Limited,
Village Mondial ; Paris, 1998.
18- Thierry Widen. G et autres, dvelopment durable et gouvernement dentreprise :
un dialogue prometteur, dition dorganisation, Paris, 2003.
19- Zied et Pluchart.J.J, la gouvernance de la banque islamique, proposition de
communication,fvrier 2006.

20- Cadbury Committee, Report of the Committee on the Financial Aspects of

Corporate Governance, London, Gee and Co Ltd, 1992.
21- Fawzi.S, Assessment of corporate governance in Egypt. Working paper n 82, the
Egyptian Center of Economic Studies, Egypt, April 2003.
22- Mehram. H, Corporate governance in the banking and financial services industries,
Journal of Financial Intermediation, vol 13, 2004.
23- Mohammed. U.C and Ahmad.h, corporate governance in Islamic Financial
Institutions, occasional paper N: 06, I.R.T.I, Islamic Development Bank, 2002.
24- Organization Economic Cooperative Development, Principles of Corporate
Governance, 2000.
25- Sebastian .M, international and Mena wide trends and developments in bank and
corporate governance, the institute of banking IFC: corporate governance for
banks in Saudi Arabia forum, Riyadh, 22-23 may 2007.


- -



) (Hyman Minsky

) (Efficient Market Hypothesis
) (Rational Expectations Hypothesis

) (Financial Instability Hypothesis




) (Hyman Philip Minsky


(1) Mehrling, P. (1999) "The Vision of Hyman P. Minsky", Journal of Economic

Behavior & Organization, Vol. 9. (1999), pp. 129-158.

) (

) (Oscar Lange

) ( ) (Paul Douglas

).(Henry Simons


) (



(2) Minsky, P.H. (2009) "Beginnings", PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 62, nn. 248251 (2009), [pp. 191-203], pp. 195-196. Reproduced from BNL Quarterly
Review, vol. 38, n. 154, September 1985, pp. 211-221.
(3) Ibid, p. 194 & 195.


) .(


) (Joseph Schumpeter

) .(Wassily Leontief "

" ).(Induced Investment and Business Cycles

) (Brown University

) Saint

(Louis .

) National Commission

(on Money and Credit .

(1) Ibid, p. 194.

(2) Ibid, p.
(3) Mehrling, P. (1999) "The Vision of Hyman P. Minsky", p. 138.
(4) Ibid, p. 132.

) (Distinguished Scholar
) (Levy Economics Institute of Bard College


) (New Keynesian ) Post
) (Laurence Meyer

) (Paul McCulley
) (Minsky Moment
) (Steve Keen
) ( )(Robert Barbera
) ( .
. : :

)Ibid, p. 138. (
) (

) ( .
"The Cost of Capitalism: Understanding Market Mayhem and Stabilizing our
Economic Future".

) (Papadimitriou and Wray, 1997

) (
) (

Central Banking and Money
Market Changes
?Can "It" Happen Again


Longer Waves in Financial :

Relations: Financial factors in
more severe depressions .
Modeling of Financial
The :.
Instability: An introduction

Financial Instability
The : .
Hypothesis: A restatement

Can "It" Happen Again? Essays ][

on instability and finance .

The Financial-Instability :
Hypothesis: Capitalist processes
and the behavior of the economy
an Unstable
Global Consequences of
Financial Deregulation
Finance and
Schumpeter: :

Crises: Systemic or
Financial :
The Capital Development of the
Economy and the Structure of
Financial Institutions
Financial Instability
The :
Hypothesis: A clarification



Financial Instability Hypothesis

and Stability: The

Finance :
Limits of Capitalism
Cycles in Capitalist

Uncertainty and the Institutional

Structure of the Capitalist



) Charles



) Minsky



) (Paul McCulley
(1) Minsky, H.P. (1992) "The Capital Development of the Economy and the Structure
of Financial Institutions ", p. 14.

) ( " "
.- :

) (Robert Barbera


" )"()(John Mynard Keynes

) Stabilizing an Unstable


"()(Economy ":
") (


)(Ludwig Von Mises

) (

) .(

) (
) ( .
)Minsky, P. H. (2008) "Stabilizing an Unstable Economy", p. vii. (

) ( ) (LSE ":
) .(The Night they Re-read Minsky
) (Public Lectures .
)White, W. (2009) "Modern Macroeconomics Is on the Wrong Track", Finance & (
Development Magazine, Vol. 46, No. 4, December 2009, The IMF.


) .(Displacement



: ) .(Boom

) (Speculators

) ()(Induced investment

) ( ) (
) (

) (Minsky :
Baily, M. N.; Litan, R. E., and Johnson, M. S., 2008, the Origins of the Financial
Crisis, p. 16.

) ( ""
) ( :

) ( . :

: ) .(Euphoria


"" ) (subprime

) (
) (

) (CDOs ) (CDSs
) (Junk Bonds .

" ) ()(Information cascades ).(Herd behavior

: ) .(Profit Taking

"" ""

: ) .(Panic

) (De-leveraging

) (Assets

) (Liabilities )(Minsky Moment

") .(

) (

) (Behavioral economics

Arthur De Vany and Cassey Lee (2000) "Information Cascades in Multi-agent

Models",, p.2.

) ( )( " "

) (

) (Inter-bank markets

. .

) (Deregulation

) (

) (

) (
) , ( :
Cecchetti, S. (2007) "Federal Reserve policy actions in August 2007:
frequently asked questions",, 15 August 2007.
(2) McCulley, P. (2009) "The Shadow Banking System and Hyman Minsky's Economic
Journey", p.4.



( " )



(1) Minsky, P.H. (1992) "The Financial Stability Hypothesis", WP#74, May 1992, The
Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, p.1.
(2) Ibid, pp.1-2.
(3) Minsky, P.H. (1991) "Financial Crises: Systemic or Idiosyncratic", WP#51, April
1991, prepared for presentation at The Crisis in Finance, a Conference of The
Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, pp.4-5.
(4) "There are two fundamentally different views about the results that a market
economy achieves. One, stated by Adam Smith: and the second, as stated by John
Maynard Keynes. When practical designing and advocating policies economists and
men alike have to choose between the Smithian theory that markets always lead to
the promotion of the public welfare, and the Keynesian theory that market processes
may lead to the capital development of the economy being ill-done, i.e. to other than
the promotion of the public welfare If the theory that takes the invisible hand
conjecture as a guide to the way the economy works is valid, then intervention or
regulation can only do mischief. If the theory that takes the capital development of
the country may be ill done as a guide to the way the economy works is valid, then
regulation and intervention can be beneficial".


Corporate ) (Money Manager Capitalism)
.( Capitalism


" :()

": ."


(1) "The sophisticated Keynesian view accepts that while there is a need to intervene to
keep a market economy performing in a satisfactory manner or to prevent disasters,
actual systems of intervention, especially when they are not enlightened by a theory
which helps us understand why there is a positive value to intervention, can do
substantial harm." Minsky, P.H., 1991, "Financial Crises: Systemic or
Idiosyncratic", WP#51, April 1991, prepared for presentation at The Crisis in
Finance, a Conference of The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, p.7.
(2) Ibid, p.2.
(3) " Historical episodes are evidence supporting the view that the economy does not
always conform to the classic percepts of Smith and Walras: they implied that the
economy can best be understood by assuming that it is constantly an equilibrium
seeking and sustaining system.", Minsky, P.H. (1992) "The Financial Stability
Hypothesis", WP#74, May 1992, The Jerome Levy Economics Institute of Bard
College, p.1.
(4) Minsky, P.H.(1991) "The Capitalist Development of the Economy and the Structure
of Financial Institutions", p. 7.
(5) "History shows that every deep and long depression in the United States has been
associated with a financial crisis, although in recent history we have had financial
crises that have not led to a deep and long depression", Minsky, P.H., 1991,
"Financial Crises: Systemic or Idiosyncratic", WP#51, April 1991, prepared for
presentation at The Crisis in Finance, a Conference of The Jerome Levy
Economics Institute of Bard College, p.10.

" ][ )?."(Can "It" Happen Again




... ) (

] [ .


)()(Over indebtness

(1) Minsky, P.H. (1970) "Financial Instability Revisited: the Economics of Disaster ", p.1.
(2) "Although the obvious flaw in capitalism centers around its inability to maintain a
= close approximation to full employment, its deeper flaw centers around the way the


.()(Stability is destabilizing)

" : ()


( )

= financial system affects the prices and demands of outputs and assets, so that from
time to time debts and debt servicing rise relative to incomes so that conditions
conducive to financial crises are endogenously generated.", pp.17-18. "A fundamental
property of all capitalist economies is the existence of a system of borrowing and
lending based upon various margins of safety A debt instrument or a lease provides
for payments to be made on account of both interest and principle. An equity liability
has only a contingent commitment to make payments, dividends need to be paid only
if earned and declared, and there is no contractual need to repay principle. For any
given cash flow, from operations or from the fulfillment of owned contracts, the
greater the share of equity financing in a balance sheet the greater the margin of safety
that protects the owners of the non-equity liabilities.", p.12., Minsky, P.H. (1993)
"Finance and Stability: The Limits of Capitalism", May 1993, WP #93.
(1) Minsky, P.H. (1992) "The Financial Stability Hypothesis", WP#74, May 1992, The
Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, pp. 7-8.
(2) Wray, L.R. (2007) "Lessons from the Subprime meltdown", WP#522, The Levy
Economics Institute of Bard College, p. 2.
(3) Ibid, p.6

" ) "()(Hedge Units


) "(Speculative

) ( " ) "()(Ponzi

"" ""


) ( .
(2) Minsky, P.H. (1991) "The Capital Development of the Economy and the Structure
of Financial Institutions", p. 4.

) (

)( )( .
) (Charles Ponzi

)] .(Ponzi Scheme

""" "
"" .

) (Equity Financing "

" ) .(

"" "" .

) easy monetary



) (Innovation

) (

"" ) (Robust
) (Fragile

. "" ) Minsky

(Moment ) (McCulley

) .(Stabilizing is destabilizing
(1) Minsky, P.H. (1992) "The Financial Stability Hypothesis", WP#74, May 1992, The
Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, p. 7.

) ( ) (Merchant of Debt
. .

(3) Minsky, P.H. (1992) "The Financial Stability Hypothesis", WP#74, May 1992, The
Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, p. 6.
(4) Minsky, P.H. (1991) "The Capital Development of the Economy and the Structure
of Financial Institutions", p. 20.

( Internal Dynamics)


.( Deregulation)

(1) Ibid, p. 8.
(2) Minsky, P.H. (1991) "The Capital Development of the Economy and the Structure
of Financial Institutions", pp. 23-24.
(3)"Innovation, the key to capitalist development is not just a technique and product
phenomena: Financial institutions and usages are also subject to innovation. New
financial institutions and practices are introduced and have an impact upon the asset
and liability structures. They also have an impact upon the overall stability of the
economy. Each period of rapid financial change and of financial fragility has unique
= and often interesting characteristics [Joseph Schumpeter]. It is tempting to allow
the colorful personalities who crop up in financial affairs to dominate the story of
the evolution of the financial system and emergence of financial stress and crises.
One would need more courage than I possess to try to do for our present situation
what J.K. Galbraith did for the 1920's and 30's in his classic The Great Crash.
Today's financial journalists are doing a good job introducing us to today's cast of
characters, many of whom seem fit to be added to the rogue's gallery of finance as
their illustrious predecessors in our colorful financial history.", "Financial Crises:
Systemic or Idiosyncratic", WP#51, April 1991, pp. 18-19. "This financial flaw
cannot be eradicated from the corporate form of market capitalism, in which
liabilities exist that are prior commitments of the gross nominal profit flows of
corporations. Reforms which constrain the possibility of using excessive debts for =


( Originate-to-distribute)


( )(Big government)

(employment of last resort)
( Big Central Bank)

= specified purposes were part of the new model capitalism of the 1930's. Many
aspects of these constraints were relaxed by the 1980's, especially critical constraints
upon the assets eligible for the portfolios of the Savings and Loan Associations were
relaxed. The result was a series of crises of financial institutions and corporate
indebtedness. A big depression did not happen in the early 1990's because the
government validated the debts of the financial institutions that became insolvent
and the huge government deficits sustained profits.", Minsky, H.P., "Finance and
Stability: The Limits of Capitalism", May 1993, WP #9, p. 18.
(1) Minsky, P.H. (1991) "The Capitalist Development of the Economy and the Structure
of Financial Institutions", pp.22-23, and "Securitization", The Levy, Policy Note
2008/2, pp.3&5.
(2) "... effective capitalism requires a large government sector The new model
capitalism that emerged out of the great depression and the second world war had
much larger government sectors than the failed model of the 1920's.", Minsky, H.P.
(1993) "Finance and Stability: The Limits of Capitalism", May 1993, WP #93, p 8 & 19.

) (Heinz pickles " "

: .


)-( .

" " -

") .(

(1) "At one time the slogan of the Heinz pickle and ketchup company was "57
Varieties". When I make the point about the varieties of capitalism In America, I
"often say that "There are as many varieties of Capitalism as Heinz has of pickles.
Minsky, H.P. (1993) "Finance and Stability: the Limits of Capitalism", May 1993,
WP #93, p.4.
(2) "The problems Roosevelt faced sixty years ago and the problems confronting
President Clinton resonate. Roosevelt inherited a failed capitalism and a new model
capitalism was put in place during his first term (1933-1937). Roosevelt's new model
served the United States, and the world, well for almost half a century. Over the past
dozen or so years the 1933-1937 model has shown its age. Although it has not broken
= down as completely as the older laissez-faire model had over the 1929-33 period,


= quite clearly our current model of capitalism needs to be at least thoroughly

overhauled if not replaced. Whether he realizes it or not, the historic task of President
Clinton is to discover and put in place a new model capitalism.", Minsky, P. H., 1993,
"Finance and Stability: The Limits of Capitalism", May 1993, WP # 93, p.2.
(1) Minsky, H.P. (1991) "The Capital Development of the Economy and the Structure
of Financial Institutions", p. 11.


" " "

"" .

"" .

- -


) (


- ""

) ( )( " "
: "


... .


""" "

"" .

" " ""

Creative Destruction

) (Destruction




)( " "

: :

- - .
)( " "

)( .

Baily, Martin Neil; Litan, Robert E., and Johnson, Matthew S. (2008) The Origins
of the Financial Crisis, The Initiative On Business and Public Policy at
Brookings, Fixing Finance Series Paper 3, November 2008.
Cecchetti, S. (2007) "Federal Reserve policy actions in August 2007: frequently asked
questions",, 15 August 2007.

De Vany, A. and Lee, C. (2000) "Information Cascades in Multi-agent Models",
McCulley, P.(2009) The Shadow Banking System and Hyman Minsky's Economic Journey.
Mehrling, P. (1999) "The Vision of Hyman P. Minsky", Journal of Economic Behavior
& Organization, Vol. 9. (1999), pp. 129-158 .
Minsky, P.H. (1970) "Financial Instability Revisited: the Economics of Disaster", the
Levy Economics Institute of Bard College.
Minsky, H.P. (1991) "The Capitalist Development of the Economy and the Structure of
Financial Institutions", the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College.
Minsky, P.H. (1991) "Financial Crises: Systemic or Idiosyncratic", WP#51, April 1991,
prepared for presentation at The Crisis in Finance, a Conference of The Jerome
Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
____, (1993) "Finance and Stability: The Limits of Capitalism", May 1993, Working
Paper # 93, The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College.
____, (1992) "the Financial Stability Hypothesis", WP#74, May 1992, The Levy
Economics Institute of Bard College.
Minsky, P.H. (2008) "Stabilizing an Unstable Economy", The Levy Economics
Institute of Bard College.
Minsky, P.H. (2009) "Beginnings", PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 62, nn. 248-251
(2009), [pp. 191-203], pp. 195-196. Reproduced from BNL Quarterly Review,
vol. 38, n. 154, September 1985, pp. 211-221
Wray, L.R. (2007) "Lessons from the Subprime meltdown", WP#522, The Levy
Economics Institute of Bard College.
White, W. (2009) "Modern Macroeconomics Is on the Wrong Track", Finance &
Development Magazine, Vol. 46, No. 4, December 2009, The IMF.


Hyman Minsky:
What Can Muslim Economists Benefit from His Ideas?
Ahmed Mahdi Belouafi
Islamic Economics Research Center
King Abdulaziz University,, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Abstract.This paper sheds light on the ideas of the American
economist Hyman Minsky with regard the financial instability
that the capitalist system suffers from. While mainstream axiom
bases its analysis on Efficient Market and Rational Expectations
hypotheses, Minsky, on the other hand bases his analysis upon
the Financial Instability Hypothesis (FIH). So, what does this
hypothesis imply? What are the dimensions that this hypothesis
adds to the prevailing analysis? What can Muslim Economists
benefit from his analysis?
To accomplish the above task the paper has been organized as
follows: short biography about Hyman Minsky, the weight of
his analysis in financial crises, what are his main ideas, with
particular attention given to FIH, what can Muslim Economists
benefit from his analysis?, and Finally concluding remarks are
drawn from the analysis.
Keywords: Hyman Minsky, Financial Instability Hypothesis,
Financial fragility, Islamic Economics, Islamic Finance.

) (
) (

) .(

- ) (Mutual insurance

) (

) .(
) .(



) ( ).(
) ( .
) ( ) ( .-/

. .

) (Mutual insurance

) .(
) ( )( ./

- ) .(


) (



) (


) (Risk Sharing :
- )(Reciprocal Exchange insurance

) (Incorporated


) (Blue cross ) (Blue Shield
- )(Mutual insurance


) .(
)Niehaus, Harrinton (2004) Risk Management &Insurance, 2ed, Mc Graw Hill, P. 77. (



) Mutual


. .



- -





. :
. :

. ()


.()(OPC contractuel) -


- - -

- - -

(1) Georges Affaki (2008) L'accueil de la finance islamique en droit franais:

Essai sur le transfert en systme normatif, p. 172; Ibrahim Cekici, Finance
islamique en France: problme de forme ou de fond(s)?, Les Cahiers de la
finance islamique, n2, dcembre 2009, pp. 2-3; Abderrazak Belabes (2010), La
rencontre entre finance islamique et droit libanais, un itinraire indit, Banque
et Stratgie, n278, fvrier, pp. 8-11.
." titrisation" " securitization"
(3) Gilles Saint Marc (2009) Paris, le nouveau centre de la finance islamique en
Europe, Universit de Lyon 3, 20 novembre, p. 9; Cecelia Valente, France
risks sharia credentials over sukuk delay, Reuters, London, February 17, 2010.

( )

( )

HM Treasury and FSA (2009) Legislative framework for the regulation of

alternative finance investment bonds (sukuk), October, p. 5.
(4) Laurent Ayns et Pierre Crocq (2009) La fiducie prserve des audaces du
lgislateur , Recueil Dalloz, n38, p. 2559.
(5) Arnaud de Bresson et Gilles Saint Marc (2009) Commission Paris Europlace
"Finance Islamique" Programme d'actions 2009, Paris, 3 fvrier, p. 2; Paris
Europlace, L'environnement juridique de la Place financire de Paris: les
principales rformes 2008-2009, Paris, 8 juillet 2009, p. 35.

) ( ):(

) .( .

) -

) .(
) .(
) (



) -(.
) .(-
) .(-
) (FCC

Gilles Saint Marc, Finance islamique et droit franais, 2008, p. 7.

) (rgime de fiducie

: ) (fiduciant ) (fiduciaire

) .(bnficiaire

) -

) -

) - ( ) - ( ) - - (.

) .( .

Gilles Saint Marc, Paris, le nouveau centre de la finance islamique en Europe, 2009, p. 6 :

" "

- " :

) ( ").(

) () (

" " .

) .(
Rapport Jouini-Pastr, Enjeux et opportunits du dveloppement de la finance
islamique pour la place de Paris, p. 35.

(1) Paris Europlace, L'environnement juridique de la Place financire de Paris: les

principales rformes 2008-2009, Paris, 8 juillet 2009, p. 35.

. )(common law
) (equity .



) .( .

Rapport Jouini-Pastr, Enjeux et opportunits du dveloppement de la finance

islamique pour la place de Paris, p. 36.

) .(


(1) Philippe Marini (2009) Droit franais. Le renouveau de la fiducie, Revue Banque,
n713, 1er mai, p. 58.
(2) Georges Affaki (2008) L'accueil de la finance islamique en droit franais: Essai sur
le transfert en systme normatif, p. 172.

" " )(tel qu'il est

" " ) (tel qu'il n'est pas



) (cavalier lgislatif


" :


" "

) (Reuters " :

(1) Marie Visot, Paris veut attirer les capitaux du Moyen-Orient, Le Figaro, 3
novembre 2009.



) (Philippe Henry

) (Gilles Saint Marc
" "

) .(Paris Europlace ) Gide Loyrette

) (

" " ) .(HSBC


) (instructions fiscales

" :
(1) Cecelia Valente, France risks sharia credentials over sukuk delay, Reuters, London,
February 17, 2010.

Gilles Saint Marc, Emission de soukouk en droit franais: l'apport de la fiducie,
Banque & Stratgie, fvrier 2010, n278, p. 7.
(2) HM Treasury and FSA, Legislative framework for the regulation of alternative
finance investment bonds (sukuk), October 2009, p. 5.
(3) Soraya Haquani et Thierry Zakhia, Un nouveau prsident pour la commission
finance islamique de Paris Europlace, AGEFI, 25 mars 2010.

) (Thierry Dissaux


- -

: .
)(Akio Morita

)-( :

" .
- : ! ."...


(1) Thierry Dissaux, Faire converger une problmatique bancaire et une problmatique
fiscale, propos recueillis par Soraya Haquani, AGEFI, 1er avril 2010.

) (

: .
(3) Philippe Thureau Dangin, La concurrence et la mort, Paris: Syros, 1995, p. 172.


) (

)( .


) (


) (

(1) Paris Europlace, L'environnement juridique de la Place financire de Paris: les

principales rformes 2008-2009, Paris, 8 juillet 2009, p. 35.
(2) Arnaud de Bresson et Gilles Saint Marc, Commission Paris Europlace "Finance
Islamique" Programme d'actions 2009, Paris, 3 fvrier 2009, p. 2.
(3) Gilles Saint Marc, Paris, le nouveau centre de la finance islamique en Europe,
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(5) Anouar Hassoune, Enjeux et dfis pour la finance islamique, 15 avril 2009, p. 90.




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itinraire indit, Banque et Stratgie, n278, fvrier 2010, pp. 8-11.

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Dr Abderrazak Said Belabes


The Problem of Introduction of

Islamic Finance in French Law
Abstract: This paper examines the problem of introduction of Islamic
finance in French law. Since French law does not intend to create a
specific law for Islamic finance, there remains two options: to stick to
the existing legislative framework by structuring some instruments of
Islamic finance in order to appear Shariah compliant, or find a
legislative vehicle that can contain the principles of Islamic finance.
After the decision of the French government to introduce Islamic
finance in French law through a trust system, it seems to favor the use
of existing legal structures rather than seeking to amend laws.
This retreat suggests that the purpose approach that focuses on the
economic impacts tend to take more weight than the legislative
approach that offers more room for compatibility with the Shariah. If
this trend actually materialized, it means that the structuring of
instruments of Islamic finance in France will be guided by a propensity
to use stratagems.
What will be the position of Shariah boards: correct such practices or,
conversely, justify them for the sake of spreading Islamic finance and
promoting the integration of Muslims in France?
Keywords: Islamic finance - French law soft law competitiveness trust - structuring financial products - Shariah objectives stratagems.

La problmatique d'introduction de la finance

islamique en droit franais
Rsum: Le prsent papier a pour objet la problmatique d'intgration
de la finance islamique en droit franais. Vu que le lgislateur franais
n'a pas l'intention de crer une loi spcifique la finance islamique, il
lui reste deux options: se limiter au cadre lgislatif existant en
structurant quelques instruments de la finance islamique de manire
apparatre compatibles avec la chari'a, ou trouver un vhicule
lgislatif capable de contenir les principes de la finance islamique .
Aprs que le gouvernement franais ait opt pour l'accueil de la
finance islamique en droit franais travers le rgime de fiducie, il
semble s'orienter vers lutilisation des structures lgales existantes
plutt que de chercher amender les lois.
Ce recul suggre que l'approche finaliste qui met l'accent sur les
impacts conomiques tend prendre davantage de poids que
l'approche lgislative qui offre plus de marge pour la comptabilit
avec la chari'a . Si cette tendance se concrtise effectivement, cela
signifie que la structuration des instruments de la finance islamique en
France sera guide par une propension l'usage de subterfuges.
Quelle sera alors la position des conseils de supervision lgale:
corriger de telles pratiques ou, au contraire, les justifier sous prtexte
de propager la finance islamique et favoriser l'intgration des
musulmans de France?
Mots-cls: finance islamique droit franais droit mou
comptitivit - rgime de fiducie structuration des produits financiers
finalits de la chari'a subterfuges.








" "

) (AFP .

) (article .

. ) .(

. .

(1) France2 (2009) Finance islamique: texte de loi censur, 14 octobre; La Croix (2009), Le
Conseil constitutionnel censure la finance islamique, 14 octobre; Le Monde (2009), Les
sages censurent deux articles en faveur de la finance islamique, 14 octobre; Le Point
(2009), Censure constitutionnelle d'un article en faveur de la finance islamique, 14
octobre; La Dpche (2009), Censure constitutionnelle d'un article en faveur de la
finance islamique, 14 octobre; La Nouvelle Rpublique (2009) Censure constitutionnelle
;d'un article en faveur de la finance islamique, 14 octobre


: - -



(1) Communiqu de presse,
(2) Dcision n 2009-590 DC du 14 octobre 2009; Loi tendant favoriser l'accs au crdit des
petites et moyennes entreprises et amliorer le fonctionnement des marchs financiers,
(3) Communiqu de presse,
(4) Entreprises: accs au crdit des PME, Loi n2009-1255 du 19 octobre 2009 tendant favoriser
l'accs au crdit des petites et moyennes entreprises et amliorer le fonctionnement des
marchs financiers publie au Journal Officiel 20 octobre 2009,
(5) Loi tendant favoriser l'accs au crdit des petites et moyennes entreprises: Loi n2009-1255
du 19 octobre 2009 parue au JO n243 du 20 octobre 2009,


(1) Texte adopt n33 Petite loi, Assemble nationale, deuxime session
extraordinaire de 2009-2009, 17 septembre 2009, Proposition de loi tendant
favoriser l'accs au crdit des petites et moyennes entreprises et amliorer le
fonctionnement des marchs financiers (texte dfinitif),
(2) Saisine par 60 dputs,
(3) Observations du gouvernement, les-decisions /2009/decisions-par-date/2009/2009-589dc/observations-du-gouvernement.45931.html
(4) Dcision n2009 589 DC: Loi tendant favoriser l'accs au crdit des petites et
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(6) Les Cahiers du Conseil constitutionnel, Cahier n28, Commentaire de la dcision
n2009589 DC du 14 octobre 2009, Loi tendant favoriser l'accs au crdit des
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(7) Florence Chaltiel (2009) La censure des cavaliers lgislatifs par le Conseil
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financiers), Les petites affiches, 29 octobre (216), pp. 3-8.
Bertrand Mathieu (2009), Le Conseil constitutionnel poursuit la chasse aux
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Laurent Aynes et Pierre Crocq (2009) La fiducie prserve des audaces du
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Arnaud Raynouard (2010) Lorsque le Conseil constitutionnel sauve le Code civil
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la rampe, Semaine juridique. dition notariale et immobilire, (3), pp. 32-35.


( .

. -

" "


" .
- )" (Philippe Marini

)(" .
. ) (Chantal Brunel

) ( .

(1) Paris Europlace (2009) Commission Paris Europlace "Finance islamique",

Programme d'action 2009; 3 fvrier, p. 2,
(2) Snat, Proposition de Loi, Simplification du droit n145 rect., 18 mars 2009,
Amendement prsent par M. Marini, p. 2,
(3) Commission des finance, de l'conomie gnrale et du contrle budgtaire, mercredi
9 septembre 2009, sance de 16 heures 30, compte rendu n121, fiducie+ s
ukuk+ article+ 16&cd= 18&hl= fr&ct= clnk&gl= sa

) .(

) .(


- " :


- -




: ".

) .(

" ".



" "

. " "

) ( )(

(2) Le Monde (2009) Les sages censurent deux articles en faveur de la finance
islamique, 14 octobre.



(1) Ilys Jouini et Olivier Pastr (2008) Enjeux et opportunits du dveloppement de la

finance islamique pour la place de Paris. Dix propositions pour collecter 100
milliards d'euros, Paris: Paris Europlace, 8 dcembre, pp. 16-23.

) ( )(
: .


" "

) ( -

"" .

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" "
" : :


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. ! ").(

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" ":

(1) Assemble nationale, XIIIe lgislature. Deuxime session extraordinaire de 20082009, Compte rendu intgral. Premire sance du jeudi 17 septembre 2009.

Jean-Marc Ayrault, Patricia Adam, Jean-Paul Bacquet, Dominique Baert, Jacques

Bascou, Delphine Batho, Gisle Bimouret, Serge Blisko, Patrick Bloche, Jean-Michel
Boucheron, Monique Boulestin, Pierre Bourguignon, Franois Brottes, Jrme Cahuzac,
Christophe Caresche, Jean-Paul Chanteguet, Jean-Michel Clment, Gilles Cocquempot,
Pierre Cohen, Catherine Coutelle, Pascale Crozon, Frdric Cuvillier, Pascal
Deguilhem, Franois Deluga, Bernard Derosier, Ren Dosire, Jean-Pierre Dufau,
William Dumas, Laurence Dumont, Olivier Dussopt, Christian Eckert, Henri
Emmanuelli, Genevive Fioraso, Jean-Louis Gagnaire, Catherine Gnisson, JeanPatrick Gille, Annick Girardin, Jean Glavany, Daniel Goldberg, Marc Goua, Danile
Hoffman-Rispal, Franois Hollande, Franoise Imbert, Michel Issindou, Rgis Juanico,
Armand Jung, Jrme Lambert, Colette Langlade, Jean-Yves Le Bouillonnec, Gilbert
Le Bris, Jean-Marie Le Guen, Annick Le Loch, Bruno Le Roux, Marylise Lebranchu,
Patrick Lemasle, Annick Lepetit, Bernard Lesterlin, Serge Letchimy, Franois Loncle,
Jean Mallot, Louis-Joseph Manscour, Philippe Martin, Martine Martinel, Frdrique
Massat, Klber Mesquida, Didier Migaud, Pierre Moscovici, Pierre-Alain Muet, Alain
Nri, Christian Paul, George Pau-Langevin, Jean-Luc Prat, Catherine Qur, Chantal
Robin Rodrigo, Christophe Sirugue, Marisol Touraine, Jean-Jacques Urvoas, Jacques
Valax, Andr Vezinhet, Alain Vidalies, Jean-Michel Villaum, Jean-Claude Viollet et
Philippe Vuilque.



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Capital Adequacy
Asset Quality
Management Quality
Earning Management
Liquidity Position
Sensitivity to Market Risk




) (EWS

(1) Kramo N'guessan, rapport de mission sur lanalyse financire des risques des banques et
des pays dans les marches mergents, New York , 4-10 dcembre 2004; p. 5.

) (






(2) Gunter Capelle-Blancard, Thiery Chauveau, lapport de modles quantitatifs la
supervision bancaire en Europe, Revue Franaise dEconomie, Vol 19, N1, 2004, p. 78.

) .(01



Source: Kramo N'guessan ; op. cit ; p. 7.


- .

- .

) (



(1) Anne-Claude CREUSOT ; Prsentation de loutil dvaluation des performances

CAMEL, BIM, N138, Novembre 2001, pp: 2-4


) (


. ) (

(1) Alan Greenspan, The Role of Capital in Optimal Banking supervision and
regulations, Economic Review, N10, 1998, p. 25.

) (


(3) Jean-Marc Figuet, quelques implications stratgiques des accords de Ball 2, article
publi sous un livre titre: management de la banque, risques, relation, organisation,
coordination par ric Lamarque, Pearson ducation, France, 2005, p. 42.

) (
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- :


) (


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+ +



) ( :
Standardized Approach
Foundation Internal Ratings Based Approach
Advenced Internal Ratings Approach
Basic Indicator Approach
Standardized Approach
Advenced Measurment Approches

(2) Jean-Marc Figuet, op.cit; p. 42.


) (


v .
(1) Anne-Claude CREUSOT; pp: 105-106.

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(1) Hennie Van Greuninig, Zemir Iqbal, risk analysis for Islamic banks, the world bank,
Washington, D.C. 2008, p. 224.


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Alan Greenspan, The Role of Capital in Optimal Banking Supervision and regulations,
Economic Review, N: 10, 1998.
Hennie Van Greuninig, Zemir Iqbal, Risk Analysis for Islamic Banks, the World Bank,
Washington, D.C.2008.

Anne-Claude CREUSOT ; Prsentation de loutil dvaluation des performances
CAMEL ; BIM n 138, novembre 2001.
Gunter Capelle-blancard ;Thierry Chauveau, lapport de modles quantitatifs la
supervision bancaire en Europe, Revue Franaise dEconomie ,Vol 19,N :1,
Jean-Marc Figuet, quelques implications stratgiques des accords de Ball 2, article
publi sous un livre de titre : management de la banque, risques, relation,
organisation, coordination par ric Lamarque, Pearson ducation, France, 2005.
Kramo N'guessan, rapport de mission sur lanalyse financire des risques des banques et
des pays dans les marchs mergents, New York, 4-10 dcembre 2004.


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The European Council for Fatwa & Research and the

Financial Transactions of Muslims in Europe
Dr. Ahmed Belouafi

Islamic Economics Research Centre

King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah KSA.
Abstract. This paper explores the financial transactions of
Muslims in Europe through the studies, Fatwas and decrees
issued by the European Council for Fatwa and Research
(ECFFR). The paper concludes that ECFFR have conducted a
lot of work which can be divided into two categories; general
relating to issues of broad nature such as the objectives of
financial jurisprudence in Islam, and specific relating to matters
arising from the daily lives of Muslims living in Europe. These
findings require from an organization like the Islamic
Economics Research Centre (IERC) to follow such
developments to examine what can be benefited from these
efforts in the scientific evolution taking place in the Islamic
jurisprudence of financial transactions. In addition, it is of
prime importance that the IERC establishes links with such
organizations for co-operation purposes; the least of which is
the exchange of publications and ideas.

Keywords: the European Council for Fatwa and Research,

Muslims in Europe, financial transactions, Islamic finance.

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