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Robert - gets a spot on the raft by DEFAULT, because Kenny already has mental problems and it is unfair to make him suffer the lost of his father on top of that.

2. Akeem. Has been through military training which would have involved survival proficiency and basic combat first aid, even if long ago, so we need him to help doctor the Captain and keep people alive.

Akeem: An African-American Vietnam veteran and amputee who created a highly successful national training program for people with disabilities. He is under investigation for possible embezzlement of program funds to support a known gambling addiction.

propel 6. Akeem - he runs a program for disabled people. He is probably a good motivator. I would pray that his amputate limb was a leg, so that he could help row.

Nancy: is a sixty-five year-old female US Senator in excellent physical condition. She is credited with creating and protecting the nations first National Health Plan Cure

USA/European health-insured, and the world populations that need a cure for AIDS the most now, i.e., India, already is a freaking white supremacist selective market. We also need an able-bodied person to help the others, and subdue Robert if the medication wears off and he starts freaking out.

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