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Which of the following are functions of the blood? transportation regulation protection all of the above 2.

The blood volume of an averaged sized male is 3 to 4 liters. 4 to 5 liters. 5 to 6 liters. 6 to 7 liters. 3. Which of the following belongs to agranular leukocytes? neutrophil basophil platelet monocyte 4. Which of the following cells do NOT have a nucleus? erythrocytes granulocytes leukocytes agranulocytes 5. The pigment in red blood cells that carries oxygen is erythropoietin. melatonin. hemoglobin. urobilinogen. 6. An increase in the number of white blood cells is called anemia. leukopenia. leukocytosis. polycythemia.

7. Stoppage of bleeding is called hemostasis. vascular spasm. thrombosis. coagulation. 8. Heredity deficiencies of coagulation is referred to as anemia. hemophilia. hemolysis. leukemia. 9. A blood clot transported by the blood stream is a(n) platelet plug. thrombus. embolus. thrombin clot. 10. A person with blood type A has B antigens on the red blood cells. A antibodies in the plasma. A antigens on the red blood cells. Rh antigen on the red blood cells. Which of the following is NOT an accessory structure of the digestive system? liver gallbladder pancreas spleen 2. Salivary amylase secreted into the oral cavity starts the digestion of proteins. starch. lipids. amino acids.

3. The pancreatic duct transports secretions from the pancreas to the stomach. duodenum. liver. colon. 4. All of the following are substances found in pancreatic juice except pepsin. trypsin. amylase. lipase. 5. Bile is produced in the liver. small intestine. pancreas. stomach. 6. The final portion of the small intestine is the ileum. duodenum. jejunum. colon. 7. The first portion of the large intestine is the colon. cecum. anal canal. rectum. 8. The term metabolism refers to anabolic reactions. catabolic reactions. oxidation. All the chemical reactions of the body.

9. Glucose is stored in the liver as starch. fat. glycogen. ATP. 10. During digestion, proteins are broken down into molecules of glucose. fatty acids. amino acids. nucleic acids. The plasma membrane consists of mostly proteins. entirely of phospholipids. phospholipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. carbohydrates and lipids. 2. The cytoplasm is the term for all cell organelles combined. microtubules and microfilaments. the fluid portion of the cell (cytosol). the cytosol plus the cell organelles and inclusions. 3. Endocytosis is an example of excretion. passive transport. active transport. simple diffusion. 4. The movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called osmosis. facilitated diffusion. active transport. filtration.

5. Which of the following is necessary for diffusion to occur? a concentration gradient. a selectively permeable membrane. a hypertonic solution. cellular energy. 6. A red blood cell placed in a hypotonic solution loses water. gains water. neither gains nor loses water. shrinks 7. Chromatin is found in the nucleus. ribosomes. mitochondria. lysosomes. 8. The packaging and sorting of proteins is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi apparatus. mitochondria. nucleus. 9. Protein synthesis occurs at the mitochondria. Golgi apparatus. ribosomes. lysosomes. 10. Which of the following are considered the "powerhouses" of the cell? lysosomes. ribosomes. nucleolus. mitochondria.

. Neurons that conduct nerve impulses from the receptors to the central nervous system are motor neurons. efferent neurons. interneurons. sensory neurons. 2. Processes that carry nerve impulses away from the cell body are called dendrites. axons. synapses. myelin sheaths. 3. The neuroglia that produce myelin sheaths around axons in the peripheral nervous system are Schwann cells. oligodendrocytes. microglia. astroctyes. 4. The portion of the nervous system that is considered involuntary is the somatic nervous system. sensory nervous system. autonomic nervous system. motor nervous system. 5. All of the following are functions of the nervous system EXCEPT senses changes. analyzes changes. stores calcium. responses to changes. 6. The different charge between the outside and the inside of a neuron at rest is called action potential. synaptic potential. resting membrane potential. equilibrium potential.

7. The stage in an action potential that immediately follows depolarization is polarization. repolarization. threshold. the resting period. 8. The junction between two nerve cells is called neuromuscular junction. neuroglandular junction. gap junction. synapse. 9. Neurotransmitters are released at the dendrite. axon terminal. cell body. myelin sheath. 10. In the reflex arc, a muscle or gland is considered to be the receptor. integrating center. motor neuron. effector. The layer of simple squamous epithelium that lines the inside of the heart is called myocardium. pericardium. endocardium. epicardium. 2. Blood transported by the pulmonary veins returns to the left atrium. right atrium. right ventricle. left ventricle.

3. The valve between the left ventricle and the blood vessel leaving the left ventricle is the bicuspid valve. tricuspid valve. pulmonary semilunar valve. aortic semilunar valve. 4. The bulk of the heart consists of cardiac muscle. smooth muscle. striated muscle. connective tissue. 5. The valve located between the right atrium and the right ventricle is the tricuspid valve. bicuspid valve. mitral valve. semilunar valve. 6. Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called arteries. veins. capillaries. All of the above. 7. The smallest type of blood vessels are arteries. arterioles. venules. capillaries. 8. Blood pressure is highest in the arteries. arterioles. veins. capillaries.

9. Which of the following increase(s) blood pressure? increased cardiac rate increased peripheral resistance increased blood volume All of the above. 10. The pulse is a direct reflection of the cardiac output. blood pressure. venous return. heart beat. Shankara.P 1CORRECT _____________ investigates the body's structure, whereas __________ investigates the processes or functions of living things. A)Physiology, cytology B Physiology, anatomy ) C)Anatomy, histology D)Histology, cytology E Anatomy, physiology ) Feedback: Correct Answer

2CORRECT The study of tissues is called A)cytology. B anatomy. ) C)histology. D)anatomic imaging. E physiology. ) Feedback: Correct Answer 3CORRECT Ultrasound, X-rays, CT, and MRI are all examples of A)anatomic imaging. B surface anatomy. ) C)regional anatomy. D)gross anatomy.

E cytology. ) Feedback: Correct Answer 4CORRECT A group of cells with similar structure and function, together with the extracellular substances located between them, form a(n) A)organism. B organelle. ) C)tissue. D)organ. E organ system. ) Feedback: Correct Answer

5CORRECT The basic living unit of all plants and animals is the A)cell. B chemical. ) C)organ. D)organelle. E tissue. ) Feedback: Correct Answer: The cell is the basic unit of all living things. 6CORRECT Which organ system removes substances from the blood, combats disease, maintains tissue fluid balance, and absorbs fat from the digestive tract? A)endocrine B integumentary ) C)lymphatic D)respiratory E urinary ) Feedback: Correct Answer

7CORRECT Which organ system consists of skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands? A)endocrine B integumentary ) C)lymphatic D)respiratory

E urinary ) Feedback: Correct Answer 8CORRECT Which organ system consists of hormone-secreting glands, such as the pituitary and thyroid glands? A)endocrine B integumentary ) C)lymphatic D)respiratory E urinary ) Feedback: Correct Answer Which of these characteristics of life helps maintain homeostasis when environmental conditions change? A)growth and development B metabolism ) C)organization D)reproduction E responsiveness ) Feedback: Correct Answer: Responsiveness is the ability of an organism to maintain homeostasis by sensing changes in its internal or external environment and respond to them by making adjustments.


1 Development is a process that begins with fertilization and ends with CORRECT 0 A)birth. B adolescence. ) C)adulthood. D)old age. E death. ) Feedback: Correct Answer Given these terms related to negative-feedback: 1. control center 2. effector 3. 1 CORRECT receptor 4. response 5. stimulus Arrange them in the correct order as they operate 1 to maintain homeostasis. A)1,2,3,4,

5 B 2,3,5,1, ) 4 C)3,2,1,5, 4 D)4,5,3,2, 1 E 5,3,1,2, ) 4 Feedback: Correct Answer 1 A body temperature of 98.6 degrees F (37 degrees C) is the __________ for body CORRECT 2 temperature. A)constant B lower limit ) C)normal range D)set point E upper limit ) Feedback: Correct Answer: 98.6 degrees F is the set point (ideal normal value) for body temperature. 1 Which of these processes illustrates positive-feedback? CORRECT 3 A)increase in respiratory rate during exercise B increase in heart rate when blood pressure decreases ) C)shivering when body temperature decreases D)increase in uterine contractions when uterine stretching increases during childbirth E all of these ) Feedback: Correct answer: The increase in uterine contractions resulting from increased uterine stretching is an example of a positive-feedback mechanism. 1 Failure of negative-feedback mechanisms to maintain homeostasis CORRECT 4 A)may produce disease. B occurs when blood pressure increases during exercise. ) C)can be corrected by stimulating positive-feedback mechanisms. D)cannot be corrected by medical therapy.

E all of these ) Feedback: Correct Answer 1 According to the concept of negative feedback, a slight increase in blood pressure CORRECT 5 causes A)an increase in heart rate. B a decrease in heart rate. ) C)no change in heart rate. Feedback: Correct Answer 1 To maintain homeostasis, the normal range of values for a variable CORRECT 6 A)is always below the set point. B may change in different situations. ) C)may not deviate from the set point. D)occurs because of positive-feedback. Feedback: Correct Answer 1 A term that means "away from the midline" is: CORRECT 7 A)distal B lateral ) C)medial D)proximal E superior ) Feedback: Correct Answer 1 Which of these descriptions does NOT apply correctly to a person in the anatomic CORRECT 8 position? A)standing erect B head facing forward ) C)feet facing forward D)arms hanging to the side E palms facing toward the thighs ) Feedback: correct Answer: In the anatomic position, a person is standing erect,

facing forward, arms hanging to the side with the palms of the hands facing forward. 1 The scapula (shoulder blade) is __________ to the lung. CORRECT 9 A)dorsal B posterior ) C)superficial D)all of these Feedback: Correct Answer 2 The elbow is __________ to the wrist. CORRECT 0 A)distal B inferior ) C)lateral D)medial E proximal ) Feedback: Correct Answer: The elbow is proximal to the wrist as it is closer to the attachment point of the limb to the trunk. 2 The nose is __________ and __________ to the ears. CORRECT 1 A)anterior, proximal B superior, ) lateral C)inferior, posterior D)anterior, medial E superficial, medial ) Feedback: Correct Answer 2 Which of the paired terms below are opposites? CORRECT 2 A)anterior and cephalic B posterior and cephalic ) C)posterior and caudal D)superior and cephalic

E anterior and dorsal ) Feedback: Correct Answer 2 Pancreatitis describes CORRECT 3 A)inflammation of the pancreas. B removal of the pancreas. ) C)cancer of the pancreas. D)secretions from the pancreas. E death of the pancreas. ) Feedback: Correct Answer 2 A person lying flat on his back is said to be in the __________ position. CORRECT 4 A)anatomic B prone ) C)supine Feedback: Correct Answer: A person is in the supine position when lying flat on his back. Given these directional terms: 1. caudal 2. cephalic 3. distal 4. inferior 5. proximal 2 CORRECT Which of these directional terms correctly describes the relationship of the ankle 5 to the knee? A)1, 3 B 1,3, ) 4 C)2,3, 4 D)3, 4 E 4, ) 5 Feedback: Correct Answer 2 Which of these anatomical terms refers to the ankle? CORRECT 6 A)crural B femoral

) C)carpal D)pedal E tarsal ) Feedback: Correct Answer: Tarsal refers to the ankle. 2 Which of these anatomical terms refers to the shoulder? CORRECT 7 A)acromial B brachial ) C)cervical D)clavicular E digital ) Feedback: Correct Answer 2 The only plane that can divide the body into equal halves is the CORRECT 8 A)frontal (coronal) plane. B oblique plane. ) C)midsagittal plane. D)transverse plane. E Serengeti plane. ) Feedback: Correct Answer: A midsagittal plane runs vertically through the body and divides it equally into right and left portions. 2 A(n) __________ plane divides the body into superior and inferior portions. CORRECT 9 A)frontal (coronal) B oblique ) C)sagittal D)transverse Feedback: Correct Answer: A transverse (also called a horizontal) plane divides the body into superior and inferior portions. 3 A cut across the long axis of an organ made at other than a right angle is called CORRECT 0 a(n)

A)cross section. B transverse section. ) C)oblique section. D)longitudinal section. Feedback: Correct Answer 3 In which quadrant of the abdomen would stomach pain most likely be felt? CORRECT 1 A)lower left B lower right ) C)upper left D)upper right Feedback: Correct Answer: Because of the stomach's general position in the abdominal cavity, stomach pain is most likely to be felt at the left upper quadrant. 3 Which of these structures is NOT found in the mediastinum? CORRECT 2 A)diaphragm B esophagus ) C)heart D)thymus gland E trachea ) Feedback: Correct Answer 3 Which of these statements concerning body regions is correct? CORRECT 3 A)The pelvis is located between the thorax and abdomen. B The leg extends from the knee to the ankle. ) C)The arm extends from the shoulder to the wrist. D)The trunk can be divided into the thorax and pelvis. E The thorax is often subdivided superficially into four quadrants. ) Feedback: Correct Answer 3 The cavity surrounded by the rib cage and bounded inferiorly by the diaphragm is CORRECT 4 the A)mediastinum.

B pericardial cavity. ) C)thorax. D)abdomen. E pelvic cavity. ) Feedback: Correct Answer 3 The lungs are separated by the CORRECT 5 A)mediastinum. B mesenteries. ) C)diaphragm. D)peritoneal membranes. E pelvic cavity. ) Feedback: Correct Answer 3 Serous membranes CORRECT 6 A)line body cavities that open to the outside. B produce a lubricating film of fluid. ) C)are found only on the walls of the thoracic cavity. D)separate the abdominal cavity from the pelvic cavity. E completely cover retroperitoneal organs. ) Feedback: Correct Answer 3 The serous membrane on the surface of the lungs is called CORRECT 7 A)parietal pericardium. B visceral pericardium. ) C)parietal pleura. D)visceral pleura. E parietal peritoneum. ) Feedback: Correct Answer 3CORRECT Which of these organs is NOT retroperitoneal?

8 A)adrenal glands B kidneys ) C)urinary bladder D)spleen E pancreas ) Feedback: Correct Answer Given these serous membranes: 1. parietal pericardium 2. visceral pericardium 3. parietal peritoneum 4. visceral peritoneum 5. parietal pleura 6. visceral pleura 3 CORRECT A man had a knife wound that penetrated the abdomen, passed through the 9 stomach, and hit the diaphragm, but did not pass all the way through. Arrange the serous membranes in the correct order as the knife passed through them. A)1,2,4,3, 5 B 2,3,4,4,3, ) 2 C)3,4,4, 3 D)4,3,3,4, 5 E 5,6,6, ) 4 Feedback: Correct Answer: The knife passed through the parietal peritoneum into the abdominal cavity, then through the visceral peritoneum of the stomach going in and again coming out, and finally through the parietal peritoneum as it penetrated into the diaphragm. 4 You are doing a handstand. Your head is __________ to your neck. CORRECT 0 A)superior B inferior ) C)superficial D)medial E proximal ) Feedback: Correct Answer: The head is always superior to the neck because relational descriptions are based on the anatomic position. The kidneys help regulate blood volume.

help control blood pressure. help control pH. All of the above are correct. 2. The location of the kidneys in relationship to the peritoneal lining of the abdominal cavity is referre to as retroperitoneal. retroabdominal. posterior. dorsal. 3. All of the following belong to the urinary system EXCEPT the urethra. ureter. bladder. prostate. 4. The functional unit of the kidney is called a glomerulus. nephron. corpuscle. calyx. 5. Most glucose molecules are reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubules. distal convoluted tubules. collecting ducts. loop of Henle. 6. Which of the following substances can be eliminated from the blood by tubular secretions? potassium ions hydrogen ions ammonium ions All of the above. 7. The structure that connects a kidney to the urinary bladder is the ureter.

urethra. renal pelvis. collecting duct. 8. Urine is expelled from the urinary bladder by excretion. defecation. micturition. filtration. 9. All the following are principle solutes of urine EXCEPT urea. creatinine. glycogen. uric acid. 10. Which of the following hormones increase reabsorption of water in the collecting ducts? renin. ADH. aldosterone. insulin. Taste receptors are called taste buds. gustatory receptors. olfactory receptors. taste pores. 2. The muscle responsible for the change of the shape of the lens is the arrector pili muscle. orbicularis oculi. ciliary muscle. superior rectus muscle. 3. The layer that contains photoreceptors is the iris. retina.

sclera. cornea. 4. The area containing the highest concentration of cones is the fovea centralis. optic disc. macula lutea. iris. 5. The clear jellylike substance behind the lens of the eye is the aqueous humor. cellular body. ciliary body. vitreous humor. 6. The bending of light that happens at the cornea and lens is accommodation. reflection. contraction. refraction. 7. Which of the following belongs to the middle ear? cochlea ossicles ampullae vestibule 8. The receptors for hearing are located in the semicircular canals. cochlea. sacculae. vestibule. 9. The senses for dynamic equilibrium are located in the utricle. Organ of Corti.

cochlea. semicircular canals. 10. The most common cause of blindness in the United States is vertigo. cataracts. glaucoma. macular degeneration.

1. All of the following belong to the lymphatic system EXCEPT lymph. lymphatic vessels. red bone marrow. yellow bone marrow. 2. Which of the following cells produce antibodies? T-lymphocytes B-lymphocytes monocytes phagocytes 3. Lymph nodes are bean-shaped organs. are located along lymphatic vessels. are scattered throughout the body. All of the above. 4. Worn-out and damaged red blood cells are destroyed in the thymus gland. tonsils. spleen. lymph nodes. 5. The first line of defense against disease-causing organisms is cell-based immunity.

production of antibodies. inflammation. the intact skin. 6. Complement proteins are found in blood plasma. are present in infected cells. are produced by T-cells. are produced by B-cells. 7. All of the following are symptoms of inflammation EXCEPT pain redness fever swelling 8. Which of the following an act as an antigen? bacteria viruses food All of the above. 9. Vaccination is an example of naturally aquired active immunity. naturally acquired passive immunity. artifically acquired active immunity. artifically acquired passive immunity. 10. Cell-mediated immunity is provided by macrophages. basophils. T-cells. B-cells. 1. Sperm production begins in the seminiferous tubules. epididymis.

vas deferens. ejaculatory duct. 2. The cell produced by fertilization is called gamete. embryo. fetus. zygote. 3. The production of testosterone in the interstitial cells is stimulated by inhibin. luteinizing hormone (LH). follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). progesterone. 4. Sperm maturation occurs in the seminiferous tubules. epididymis. vas deferens. urethra. 5. The layer of the uterine wall that is shed during menstruation is the endometrium. myometrium. epimetrium. None of the above. 6. The external genitalia of the female are collectively called labia. vulva. clitoris. mons pubis. 7.The hormone that works with estrogen to prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg is LH. FSH.

ADH. progesterone. 8. The average menstrual cycle is 14 days. 18 days. 24 days. 28 days. 9. The structure between the uterus and the vagina is the uterine tube. cervix. vulva. hymen. 10. The hormone that stimulates uterine contractions is oxytocin. estrogen. granular cell carcinoma. progesterone.

1 Anatomy is a term, which means the study of _____.

A) physiology B) morphology C) cell functions D) human functions

2 The study dealing with the explanations of how an organ works would be an example of _____.
A) anatomy B) cytology C) teleology D) physiology

3 The process of turning molecules that are ingested into forms that are compatible with the
organism is _____. A) digestion B) absorption

C) assimilation D) circulation

4 The exchanging of gases for the purpose of producing energy is called _____.
A) breathing B) respiration C) circulation D) responsiveness

5 The removal of a compound that the body no longer requires is called _____.
A) secretion B) excretion C) movement D) digestion

6 When a nurse takes someone's temperature, they are directly assessing a _____.
A) metabolic activity B) sign of illness C) vital sign D) core temperature

7 The following are essential needs of the body except which one?
A) water B) chemicals C) set point D) pressure

8 The force that water exerts on a system is referred to as the ________.

A) hydrophilic factor B) hydrostatic pressure C) atmospheric pressure D) osmotic pressure

9 The transportation of heat in the body is mainly a property of the _____ it contains.
A) food B) oxygen C) water

D) pressure

10 The process in which cells and organisms are able to maintain a stable balance of internal and
external substances and forces is called _____. A) equilibrium B) adaptation C) adjustment D) homeostasis

11 The following is an example of a homeostatic event.

A) sweating during a test B) shivering when it is cold C) developing a headache D) muscle strain

12 The following are examples of homeostatic parameters or body values except which one?
A) heart rate B) blood pressure C) blood glucose levels D) insulin production

13 A decrease in blood glucose that causes the inhibition of insulin is an example of _____.
A) positive feedback B) negative feedback C) abnormal function D) the action of glucagon

14 The following is an example of positive feedback:

A) glucagon raises blood sugar B) insulin lowers blood glucose C) a temperature of 100.2F causes a further increase D) 100.1F is followed by 98.6F

15 A system is defined as a group of _____ that function together.

A) cells B) tissues C) molecules

D) organs

16 The structures called _____ are intracellular areas with specific living functions.
A) inclusions B) organs C) organelles D) macromolecules

17 Proteins and carbohydrates are classified as _____.

A) macromolecules B) microbes C) organelles D) atoms

18 The following belong together except which one?

A) head B) arm C) neck D) trunk

19 Simple squamous epithelium is a _____ term.

A) tissue B) cell C) organ D) pathology

20 The _____ separates the thoracic from abdominal cavities.

A) pelvis B) rib cage C) diaphragm D) peritoneum

21 The following belong together except which one?

A) brain B) vertebral canal C) spinal cord D) stomach

22 The heart lies specifically in the _____ space.

A) thoracic cavity B) mediastinum C) abdominal cavity D) pleural cavity

23 The orbital cavity would contain the _____.

A) eyes B) nasal septum C) brain D) teeth

24 The following are correct cavity terms except which one?

A) oral B) nasal C) frontal D) middle ear

25 Another name for the cavity in the front or belly side is _____ .
A) dorsal B) ventral C) abdominopelvic D) vertebral

26 The _____ membranes surround the lungs.

A) pericardial B) mediastinal C) pleural D) peritoneal

27 Which of the following would not be lined by peritoneum?

A) heart B) stomach C) intestines D) liver

28 The following are sinus areas except which one?

A) frontal B) maxillary C) ethmoid D) cranial

29 The _____ system plays a role in moving fluids, wastes, and bones?
A) skeletal B) integumentary C) muscular D) nervous

30 The skin belongs to the _____ system.

A) nervous B) integumentary C) circulatory D) muscular

31 Integration and coordination are properties of the _____ system of organs.

A) nervous B) circulatory C) excretory D) muscular

32 Hormones are chemicals of the _____ system that affect target areas.
A) cardiovascular B) endocrine C) exocrine D) nervous

33 The following belong together except which one?

A) pituitary B) thyroid C) brain D) adrenal

34 The following belong together except which one?

A) trachea B) bronchi C) esophagus D) larynx

35 Parts of the pharynx belong to the _____ and digestive systems.

A) respiratory B) circulatory C) nervous D) skeletal

36 The larynx is a term in the _____ system.

A) integumentary B) respiratory C) digestive D) nervous

37 The _____ system returns tissue fluids to the heart.

A) circulatory B) lymphatic C) integumentary D) histologic

38 The function of the _____ is to remove soluble wastes from the body.
A) lungs B) gastrointestinal tract C) kidneys D) skin

39 The following are components of the excretory system except which one?
A) lungs B) large intestine C) integument D) salivary glands

40 The bulbourethral glands would be found in the _____ system.

A) reproductive

B) excretory C) circulatory D) endocrine

41 A tumor on top of the head would be on the _____ surface.

A) inferior B) superior C) medial D) lateral

42 The navel is located on the _____ surface.

A) cranial B) ventral C) dorsal D) inferior

43 The wrist is _____ to the fingers with respect to the elbow.

A) distal B) inferior C) superior D) proximal

44 The wrist is the _____ part of the hand region.

A) proximal B) distal C) superior D) inferior

45 A medial tumor on the head could be on the _____.

A) ear B) cheeks C) nose D) eye

46 The arms lie on the _____ surface of the trunk.

A) medial B) lateral

C) distal D) posterior

47 A _____ section divides the body into right and left.

A) coronal B) transverse C) sagittal D) frontal

48 A _____ section divides an organ into top and bottom.

A) sagittal B) oblique C) coronal D) transverse

49 Which of the following is the same as inguinal?

A) epigastric B) hypochondriac C) lumbar D) iliac

50 The lower ribs are below the _____ region.

A) lumbar B) epigastric C) hypogastric D) hypochondriac

51 The central abdominal area is the _____ region.

A) iliac B) hypogastric C) peritoneal D) umbilical

52 A _____ fracture occurred in the elbow area.

A) dorsum B) buccal C) carpal

D) cubital

53 The forearm is a/an _____ area.

A) antecubital B) antebrachial C) cephalic D) crural

54 A _____ fracture occurred in the hip area.

A) gluteal B) lumbar C) costal D) coxal

55 A mental tumor could be one in the _____.

A) brain B) thigh C) jaw D) leg

56 A cervical lesion could be on the uterus or _____.

A) neck B) cheek C) armpit D) abdomen

57 A headache is an example of a _____ pain.

A) celiac B) femoral C) cephalic D) gluteal

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