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AMA1Lu8 ulCl1AL llLMMAklnC 8CC8AM

Speclallzlng ln ulglLal lllm roducLlon

180 hours

1hls course ls deslgned Lo glve sLudenLs undersLandlng of preproducLlon and posL producLlon process of
fllmmaklng Pelplng sLudenLs develop knowledge and skllls requlred Lo produce commerclals muslc
vldeos and feaLure fllm 1hls course wlll lnLroduce Lhe commerclal reallLles of Lhe fllm lndusLry

- Plgh lnLeresL ln lllm
- CompuLer and lnLerneL proflclency

- uv/Pu Camera
- CompuLer aL home

lllm 1heory 8hrs
lllm ConcepLuallzaLlon 4hrs
8aslc ulrecLlng 12hrs
lnLroducLlon Lo roducLlon ueslgn 4hrs
AssL ulrecLlng / rod ManagemenL 8hrs
8aslc ClnemaLography 4hrs
non Llnear LdlLlng 36hrs
ro[ecL 8evlew ConsulLaLlon 4hrs

unsupervlsed AcLlvlLy uays
lllm ConcepL / ScrlpLwrlLlng 8hrs
8aslc ClnemaLography 4hrs
ro[ecL CreaLlon 40hrs

Schedule SaLurday / Sunday 900am 300pm
uuraLlon 6 monLhs

lncluded wlLh Lhe course 8eference Manuals School lu and CerLlflcaLe

8equlremenLs 8aslc knowledge ln Lhe lnLerneL and CompuLer CperaLlons Plgh lnLeresL ln ulglLal ArLs
LnrollmenL lorm and 2 pleces of 1x1 lu plcLure

MaLerlals needed ulglLal vldeo Camera

lor more deLalls and lnformaLlon conLacL
SLephanle Agulllon / Career ManagemenL Advlser

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