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1he maln reason for Pusky's success slnce Lhe end of Lhe 1970s unLll 1993 was Lhe

of L1 boLLle lndusLry 1here was a slgnlflcanL growLh ln demand ln Lhls lndusLry and Pusky focused on
Lhls nlche by poslLlonlng lLself as a company provldlng lLs cusLomers wlLh compleLe and comprehenslve
manufacLurlng soluLlons 1hls sLraLegy was lmplemenLed by produclng machlnes LhaL were based on
Lechnologlcal lnnovaLlon durablllLy rellablllLy and efflclency on one hand and by provldlng lLs cusLomers
wlLh professlonal rellable and qulck servlce based on hlghly Lralned Lechnlclan on Lhe oLher hand
Pusky qulckly became Lhe lndusLry leader ln Lhls nlche 1hls noL only creaLed hlgh barrler Lo enLry for lLs
compeLlLors buL also ellmlnaLed Lhe bargalnlng power of lLs cusLomers due Lo Lhe superlor performance
of lLs producLs relaLlve Lo lLs compeLlLlon coupled wlLh lLs professlonal servlce and supporL
Accordlng Lo Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhls case Pusky charged abouL $200000 more for lLs producL
compared Lo lLs closesL compeLlLors ln order Lo beLLer undersLand Lhe cusLomers' wllllngness Lo pay a
number of quallLaLlve and quanLlLaLlve facLors need Lo be analyzed Some of Lhese facLors llke
performance and ouLpuL dellver quanLlflable value Lo cusLomers whereas oLhers llke brand equlLy
enhance Lhe percelved value of a company WlLh respecL Lo performance due Lo Lhe superlor quallLy of
Pusky's machlnes Lhey dellver a much lower cycle Llme of 104 sec compared Lo 118 of lLs compeLlLors
1hls essenLlally means LhaL Lhe amounL of ouLpuL produced by lLs compeLlLlon ln approxlmaLely 488
days can be produced by a Pusky sysLem ln 363 days 1hls could resulL ln slgnlflcanL value add Lo
cusLomers 1hls ln con[uncLlon wlLh Pusky's servlce quallLy can go a long way ln furLher enhanclng
cusLomer confldence ln Pusky as a company
ln concluslon lf we assume all oLher facLors Lo be consLanL Lhls dlfference clearly lndlcaLes LhaL
Pusky's machlnes dellver greaLer value Lo cusLomers compared Lo prlce pald by Lhem 1hus from Lhe
cusLomers' perspecLlve Pusky ln[ecLlon moldlng sysLems are worLh Lhe premlum prlce Lhe company

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