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Fever in ChiIdren Fever in ChiIdren Fever in ChiIdren Fever in ChiIdren

Treofmenf 0uideIines Treofmenf 0uideIines

Couses of Fever in
Infecfion (viroI & bocferioI)
CoIIogen voscuIor diseose
Drug reocfions
Pheumofoid diseose
Aufoimmune disorders
Lesions of fhe hypofhoIomus
Endocrine disorders
0enefic disorders
Definifion of Fever
High fever - I04 degrees
Dongerous fever - I07.I ond up
MormoI femperofure - 97.Z-99.9 degrees
Core body femp (recfoI) is opprox 0.b
degrees higher fhon surfoce.
Temperofure is normoIIy higher in fhe
evening ond Iower in fhe morning.
Temperofure EIevofions
coused by:
PhysicoI ocfivify
Sfrong emofion
Heovy cIofhing
High ombienf femperofure
High humidify
Meosuring Temperofure
TrodifionoI mercury - ouf of fovor
due fo environmenfoI concerns
0oId sfondord is fo meosure recfoI
Treofmenf of Fever
In infonfs 3I doys of oge or Iess o sepfic workup
is usuoIIy required.
Treof when discomforf occurs - usuoIIy when
fever exceeds I0Z degrees.
AIfernofing onfipyrefics is unsofe, oIfhough
common procfice.
Do nof give ASA due fo possibiIify of Peye
Advise porenfs fo moke sure ofher OTC
medicofions fhof fhey ore giving fhe chiId do nof
incIude TyIenoI or Mofrin os overdosoge con occur
CompIicofion of Fever
Three - 47 of coses of fever moy be
ossociofed wifh o sei;ure
Mofivio, D. 0.(Z00b). Undersfonding fever in chiIdren. The Americon JournoI of Murse
Procfifioners, 9(II/IZ), 47-bZ.

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