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Converted to Adohe hy Sacred-Maick.Com

An A|chemica| Mass
Introitus. Our Lord, lount ol oodness, inspirer ol the sacred art, lrom whom all ood thins come
to your laithlul, have mercy.
Christe. Christ, Holy one, hlessed stone ol the art ol the science who lor the salvation ol the
world hast inspired the liht ol the science, lor the extirpation ol the unhelievers, have mercy.
Kyrie. Our Lord, divine lire, help our hearts, that we may he ahle, to your praise, to expand the
sacraments ol the art, have mercy.
Graduale. He descends like rain upon the lleece, and as showers lallin ently upon the earth.
Allelujah. O hlessed creator ol the earth, whiter than snow, sweeter than sweetness, lrarant at
the hottom ol the vessel like halsam. O salutary medicine lor men, that cureth every weakness ol
the hody. O suhlime lount whence ushes lorth truly the true water ol lile into the arden ol thy
Ave Maria. Hail heautilul lamp ol heaven, shinin liht ol the world' Here art thou united with
the moon, here is made the hand ol Mars and the conjunction ol Mercury. Irom these three is
horn throuh throuh the maistery ol the art, in the river hed, the stron iant whom a thousand
times a thousand seek, when these three shall have dissolved, not into rain water... hut into
mercurial water, into this our hlessed um which dissolves ol itsell and is named the Sperm ol
the Philosophers.
Now he makes haste to hind and hetroth himsell to the virin hride, and to et her with child in
the hath over a moderate lire. But the Virin will not hecome prenant at once unless she he
kissed in repeated emhraces. Then she conceives in her hody, and thus is heotten the child ol
ood omen, in accordance with the order ol nature. Then will appear in the hottom ol the vessel
the mihty Ethiopian, hurned, calcined, discoloured, altoether dead and lileless. He asks to he
huried, to he sprinkled with his own moisture and slowly calcined till he shall arise in lowin
lorm lrom the lierce lire... Behold a wondrous restoration and renewal ol the Ethiopian'
Because ol the hath ol rehirth he takes a new name, which the philosophers call the natural
sulphur and their son, this hein the stone ol the philosophers. And hehold it is one thin, one
root, one essence with nothin extraneous added and lrom which much that was superlluous is
taken away hy the maistery ol the art... It is the treasure ol treasures, the supreme philosophical
potion, the divine secret ol the ancients. Blessed is he that linds such thin. One that has seen this
thin writes and speaks openly, and I know that his testimony is true. Praise he to God lor

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